Đồng nghĩa của delirium

Alternative for delirium

deliria, deliriums

Đồng nghĩa: craze, frenzy, fury, hysteria,

Danh từ

A state of frenzied or excited emotion or activity
frenzy furor furore flap deliriousness hysteria rage agitation distraction fever feverishness fury rampage uproar fervour fervor restlessness excitement mania storm tumult turmoil disturbance wildness stir madness derangement fuss ferment to-do commotion violence passion ruckus panic hubbub hysterics confusion blowup wingding vehemence stew mental distress irrationality neurosis distress kerfuffle brouhaha ado ballyhoo tempest hoopla anger intensity insanity unrest flurry palaver ecstasy pandemonium ferocity tear rumpus ruction row hullabaloo craze state loss of control bother perturbation whirl paroxysm outburst heat conniption boiling point upset loss of reason screaming abdabs screaming habdabs convulsion bluster fire hoo-ha squall song and dance asperity acrimony acerbity carry-on upheaval overexcitement provocation incitement tension chaos discomposure dither trepidation melodrama drama fierceness severity turbulence force incitation savagery power tempestuousness flush forcefulness outcry enthusiasm zeal eagerness fanaticism impatience potency strength ferity transport bewilderment perplexity befuddlement energy flare-up might rise impetuosity rabidity rampancy sore destruction stink controversy seizure dementedness orgy fling splurge spree binge burning up febrile disease the shakes blather pother unreason alarm elation deliration craziness euphoria aberration running a temperature scandal tizzy tizz shindy moil sensation discombobulation mystification bemusement puzzlement muddle maze confusedness bamboozlement bafflement bewilderedness more heat than light panic attack nervousness emotion mirth clatter clutter free-for-all lunacy dithers distemper burst lather wild excitement blow rumble rush slow burn scene snafu splore do welter bustle bobbery crazedness harassment discord disorder abstraction hurricane williwaw foofaraw coil hurly corroboree pantomime zoo performance hurry fun fit of madness outburst of agitation fit of agitation hell broke loose helter-skelter hoo-hah hurry-skurry hurly-burly hurry-scurry hubble-bubble tizz-woz alarums and excursions wrath temper indignation ire tantrum spleen outrage choler resentment bitterness pet exasperation strop lividity vexation raving pique antagonism annoyance blowout angriness mood rancour lividness birse obsession mad wrathfulness displeasure irateness grump paddy foulie fit of rage hot temper fit of fury bate wax fit of anger skid bad temper paddywhack hostility towering rage bad mood frenzy of anger apoplexy fit of temper spasm huff dander irritation explosion rancor frenzy of rage fireworks eruption hemorrhage animosity umbrage gall haemorrhage fit of bad temper paroxysm of anger fit of pique air rage high dudgeon fit of ill temper paroxysm of rage hissy fit extreme anger racket clamour clamor trouble riot fracas hue and cry disruption mayhem hassle bedlam din noise melee quarrel brawl babel affray havoc activity bangarang big scene disarray anarchy uprising hustle and bustle protest splash donnybrook maelstrom argy-bargy lawlessness altercation disorganization disquiet cataclysm shambles shindig hustle fray broil ructions earthquake whirlwind bouleversement aggro bobsy-die big stink disarrangement strife flutter upturn fight scuffle mix-up jangle disorganisation fuss and feathers objection complaint folderol fluster fret protestation fighting dissent vociferation opposition outbreak action disorderliness mess revolution disorderedness dishevelment anarchism bagarre tremor misorder messiness jumble muss hell tumble disquietude insurrection misrule imbroglio fisticuffs storm in a teacup tempest in a teapot Sturm und Drang mare's nest a madhouse much ado about nothing breach of the peace all hell broken loose a three-ring circus twitter production rigmarole conflict excitation howl roar criticism backwash tamasha chance-medley heck hubba-hubba hype entropy demurral fermentation haste fuss and bother babble rebellion clangour yelling shouting disapproval stramash mutiny wilding disaster cry unruliness confrontation biffo ailment topsy-turviness shock contretemps snake pit street fight shivaree howl of protest clangor fit flak howls of protest formal complaint federal case tempest in a teacup mountain out of a molehill tempest in a tea-kettle chorus of disapproval temper tantrum big deal business struggle abandon hurrah scrap stooshie dust-up rapture draft draught worry rhubarb an outcry intoxication unrestraint interruption spin thrill feeling buzz hell to pay devil to pay party carousal frolic dance bash revel fancy merrymaking to do discomfiture disconcertment madhouse upheavals fad rough house shemozzle hectic activity animation movement busyness hurly burly spot of bother glow uncertainty convulsions untidiness rioting skirmish rowdydow loud noise mêlée cacophony embarrassment mortification abashment liveliness life unquietness restiveness uneasiness farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness surprise firestorm argument bickering roughhouse tohubohu clash combustion sweat unsettlement seething chaotic situation kick-up consternation quake exception scuffling monkey business vandalism bombshell scrimmage remonstrance anxiety hectic anxiousness instability hindrance high winds all hell breaking loose discontent whirlpool tiz-woz swivet swelter ruffle wilderness complication demur expostulation dissatisfaction bomb stunner spectacle challenge rout dislocation haze intricacy afters mishap encounter clamouring mard entanglement static strike terrorism toing and froing grief overthrow demurrer twit nervous state incident exclamation outburst of rage outburst of anger question comings and goings street fighting snarl insurgence brannigan mob violence violent disorder demonstration shower run-in revolt slip-up stirring flip-flop alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe violent change about-face temblor reign of terror mob rule hullaballoo threat difficulty shaking trembling quaking seism tottering rocking state of unrest kick state of agitation state of anxiety war of words clamoring menace boilover hazard new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game hissy calamity fussing exhibition exhibition of oneself display of emotion carrying-on a maelstrom ataxia mobocracy a mess a muddle a shambles topsy-turvydom rat's nest topsy-turvyness holy mess an omnishambles utter confusion a car crash

Danh từ

The state of being extremely happy or satisfied
happiness pleasure satisfaction delight joy enjoyment cheerfulness ecstasy felicity gaiety merriment bliss cheeriness contentedness contentment exuberance elation gladness beatitude glee gratification joviality joyfulness jubilation merriness blitheness carefreeness cheer delectation exhilaration jolliness jollity joyousness prosperity blessedness blissfulness euphoria wellbeing content relish jouissance mirth geniality hilarity laughter lightheartedness rejoicing good spirits high spirits good cheer light-heartedness warm fuzzies cloud nine transports of delight good humor peace of mind rapture seventh heaven exultation transport paradise enchantment rhapsody triumph vivacity festivity optimism exaltation jubilance excitement heaven swoon high elatedness intoxication ebullience playfulness well-being revelry glory ravishment enthusiasm thrill jocundity joie de vivre celebration sanctity hopefulness merrymaking revelling feasting reveling transports gayety radiance amusement fervour comfort liveliness mirthfulness animation great pleasure fervor passion jocularity fruition cool top of the world inspiration buoyancy warmth jollification whoopee conviviality trance frenzy inebriation drunkenness rhapsodies gleefulness verve spell fulfilment gayness state stupor twilight zone fun joyance sprightliness fulfillment great joy Elysium communion at-oneness nirvana heartiness peppiness high-spiritedness jocoseness feeling chirpiness perkiness life anticipation expectancy crowing gloating boasting glorying bragging wonder frolic pride prize indulgence regalement charm solace treasure luxury humor gem humour treat alleviation diversion exulting pearl jewel refreshment sport great happiness pride and joy infatuation boozing alcoholism intemperance heavy drinking zest brightness serenity jauntiness ease tranquillity tranquility sparkle pep calmness effervescence spiritedness easiness entertainment zing vitality breeziness energy confidence gusto spirit peace sunniness vigour relaxation vigor good humour restfulness levity zip calm bounce repose brio casualness blithesomeness exultance security zeal relief dynamism encouragement assurance certainty vim sureness amiability vibrancy leisure pizzazz equanimity ataraxia composure pzazz nonchalance self-content oomph fire sanguineness airiness shindig kick grins get-up-and-go revel bounciness wingding cordiality insouciance friendliness rest affability ardour idleness affluence poise fizz repletion quietude sportiveness complacency brilliance peacefulness exultancy ardor placidity zestfulness recreation go kindliness hope placidness irrepressibility pleasantness trust expectation idealism positivism warm-heartedness vivaciousness bullishness festiveness vividness sanguinity positiveness kicks uplift bed of roses frolics jocosity passivity inertia inertness informality inactivity quietness relaxedness reassurance freedom living it up rose-colored glasses Eden supreme happiness laughs looking on bright side liking congeniality joking appetite titillation requiescence supinity unrestraint sweetness and light fun and games appreciation dash love flippancy inner peace kindness glitter unceremoniousness gladsomeness fondness showiness color colour smugness colorfulness sociability stimulation elevation eagerness frivolity good nature glow self-indulgence vehemence good-naturedness hospitality jubilee frivolousness jollies buzz conviction larking about silliness empyrean frolicking carousing effusiveness coolness facetiousness jamboree moxie buffoonery positivity junketing tomfoolery self-assurance hospitableness revelment funniness Utopia Arcadia foolishness picnic comedy hoopla play nonsense exuberancy utopia self-confidence foolery distraction romping gamboling volatility gambolling gambol briskness spryness pertness sunshine and lollipops psychological wellbeing sunshine boisterousness keenness carefreedom offhandedness soothingness clear conscience quiet mind mental freedom tranquilness sereneness safeness secureness fortunateness timeliness luck gloominess show avidity schadenfreude colourfulness gaudiness scintillation moroseness molliness sunshine and rainbows positive attitude bubbliness love of life lightsomeness brawl interest invigoration fit ferment agitation charge upper up health madness dreamland enjoyment of living zest for life partying frolicsomeness convulsions hysterics hysteria lustiness spark fieriness welly respite beguilement rec quiet heaven on earth joys of spring peartness revitalization enjoying hedonism sensuality loving savor savour light-mindedness drive mental wellness paroxysm elan extreme happiness punch guts sufficiency excitedness Arcady idyll dream debauchery celebrating balm galvanization enlivenment quickening envigoration electrification firing vivification vitalization excitation being full of the joys of spring saintliness wealth release consolation halcyon days beer and skittles esprit roistering lightness of heart juice stars in one's eyes comfortableness snap prosperousness plenty cosiness easefulness jeu d'esprit strong emotion intense feeling grace benediction reward triviality hardihood festival sap head rush a rush enjoying oneself ginger amenability Shangri-La perfect contentment supreme joy opulence coziness decompression starch party wit giddiness deliverance level-headedness aplomb self-possession steadiness imperturbability soundness levelheadedness gas blast beans beatification sainthood taste achievement push affection naturalness spontaneity vinegar appeasement assuagement ball drollery flightiness wittiness conciliation satiety vindication consummation presence of mind ataraxis ataraxy equability even-mindedness sangfroid merry-making carousal lift bonhomie feistiness mischief jesting satiation freedom from hardship freedom from troubles free time resolution agreement approval lightness fickleness irreverence light-headedness skittishness frothiness load off one's mind rave-up slaking quenching tenderness games wantonness friskiness knavery clowning roguishness waggery riot good time humorousness mischievousness rascality comity heartsease compatibility self-satisfaction bound bob bash beano childishness indifference unconcern holy joy heavenly joy divine rapture sense of achievement sense of well-being larks rave revels shindy celebrations thrash skylarking folly jokiness repartee pleasantry trifling absurdity good fortune understanding sympathy intensity heedlessness bunfight beanfeast jolly knees-up festive occasion hooley festive event horseplay capering safety goodwill benevolence charitableness charity benignity welcomingness care liberality jest rollicking dalliance game disinterestedness incuriousness torpor incuriosity disregard apathy complacence do blowout clambake event festive proceedings agreeableness romp gaming pastime promised land passionateness amity ardency violence heat wholeheartedness fervency emotion fervidness intenseness approachability teasing me-time a good time disport sports frisk gambling lark caper prank match carelessness celestial throne Cockaigne obliviousness Zion enlightenment Shangri-la lotusland fantasyland forgetfulness Sion Camelot oblivion heaven of heavens throne of God feelings emotions amorousness amenity niceness neighbourliness good-temperedness bluffness graciousness agreeability personableness companionableness sweetness amiableness reliance easy-going attitude lack of concern palliness pleasance sympathetic nature warmheartedness chumminess easy-going nature congenialness mateyness gregariousness gratefulness enjoyableness compassion white heat empressement earnestness New Jerusalem awakening eden spiritual enlightenment state of grace never-never land neighborliness feeling of safety absence of anxiety ease of mind absence of worry freedom from doubt feeling of ease

Danh từ

An experience involving the apparent perception of something not present
hallucination delusion dream fantasy illusion vision mirage apparition chimaera chimera daydream phantasm phantasmagoria conceit fancy fantasm figment nonentity phantasy trip unreality aberration nightmare phantom pipe dream wraith pink elephants head trip smoke and mirrors figment of the imagination image castle in the air reverie spectre specter optical illusion mental picture pie in the sky imagination fool's paradise picture visualization mental image impression bubble trance idea ghost visualisation trick flight of fancy thought imagining vagary wish fabrication wishful thinking spook fiction dreaming castle in Spain spirit shade musing shadow visitant revenant effect rainbow eidolon hant sprite bogey haunt poltergeist bodach materialization bogie duppy wool-gathering manes will-o'-the-wisp desire whim images presence wight whimsy materialisation familiar spirit ignis fatuus conception castles in the air mind trip castle in the sky daydreaming semblance inattention speculation visual effect trompe l'oeil special effect absent-mindedness preoccupation abstraction notion inattentiveness woolgathering absorption self-absorption obliviousness engrossment aspiration manifestation muse false hope dwam contemplation trick of the light brown study fata morgana visual fallacy caprice conceiving hope airy hope kehua atua golden dream unreal hope fanciful notion self-delusion doppelganger unrealistic hope envisioning air castle lack of application lack of concentration flight of imagination figment of imagination fond hope virtual reality incubus phantasmagory phantasma conjuring trick invention production creation study snare deception soul fable monstrosity monster bogy dreaminess detachment pensiveness meditation castle-building falsehood ghoul bogeyman empty wish eggs in moonshine concoction ambition plan aim unrealizable dream misconception improvisation trick of light trick of the eyesight trick of eyesight self-deception unreasonable expectation foolish expectation irrational expectation unrealistic expectation perception fantastic notion lie bump in the night idolism paramnesia cognition wairua lemures utopia imaginary vision day dream zombie Doppelgänger appearance kelpie banshee haint visitor vampire apprehension power of invention cloud cuckoo land product of someone's imagination mental vision mental visualization incorporeal being ethereal being fantasizing daydreams deja vu figment of your imagination out-of-body experience sequence of images romance illusions relaxation avoidance entertainment escape distraction diversion concept sweven conceptualization plans hopes escapism pipe dreams fantasising prospect brooding ideal imago ideality conceptualisation flights of fancy fancying stargazing castles in Spain inclination preference partiality fondness attraction absence of mind staring into space blonde moment taste urge want impulse liking relish predilection like yearning hankering thirst longing pining love penchant craving bent ideation need hunger ache shine appetite in a zone envisagement predisposition eccentricity itch contrivance kink quirk humour thing yen imaginativeness whimsey humor peculiarity inventiveness revelation romancing druthers sweet tooth love affair eyes for oracle prophecy ecstasy warlock phenomenon apocalypse

Danh từ

The state or quality of being nervous
nervousness agitation anxiety apprehensiveness disquiet perturbation worry fear strain trepidation unease apprehension edginess jumpiness restlessness stress tension uneasiness alarm fearfulness jitteriness nervous tension twitchiness abdabs agita anxiousness butterflies care collywobbles concern concernment disquietude excitability fluster heebie-jeebies jim-jams jitters jumps nerviness nervosity shakes solicitude sweat tenseness timidity touchiness tremulousness willies yips all-overs anger animation antsiness creeps discomfiture dithers feverishness fidgets flap fuss habdabs impatience moodiness nerves neurasthenia neuroticism quivers sensitivity stimulation tizzy to-do trembles turbulence cold sweat Joe Blakes screaming abdabs screaming habdabs stage fright fretfulness fidgeting shaking trembling DTs buck fever fit of nerves worriment jump fidget shiver tremble distress dread restiveness misgiving foreboding unrest inquietude panic disturbance trouble angst consternation fright discomfort discomposure doubt anguish ferment confusion terror upset horror turmoil fidgetiness dismay uncertainty instability shivers dither suspicion embarrassment cold feet misery vexation scare alarum ailment hesitation bustle malaise skittishness flightiness disconcertment chagrin torment insomnia movement activity awkwardness hurry shock transience fitfulness inconstancy excitement worriedness unsettledness ants mistrust irritation disconcertion jimjams whim-whams suffering mortification presentiment sorrow grief funk screaming meemies abashment perplexity bother blue funk qualms pressure disorder goose bumps flusteredness dubiety distraction dissatisfaction woe pain unquietness frustration scruple compunction suspense discontent annoyance shame fermentation torture qualm agony burden downer botheration butterflies in the stomach irritability pins and needles depression Sturm und Drang tetchiness butterflies in one's stomach displeasure irascibility disorientation doubtfulness cravenness humiliation disruption solicitousness upheaval dysphoria dyspathy discombobulation difficulty tumult commotion hardship watchfulness remorse affliction lather conflict flutter hassle drag forebodingness sadness nail-biting flurry disappointment state heartache swivet insecurity blues frenzy trepidity tizz hesitancy discouragement mental strain ants in pants indecision nervous excitement fear and trembling pang jitter prickliness suspiciousness disquietedness mistrustfulness storm needles disbelief constraint penitence queasiness tribulation hurry-scurry squirminess awe misgivings relevance regard relation premonition the shakes nerve Weltschmerz sleeplessness palpitation emotion responsibility sense of foreboding quaking the willies a cold sweat a blue funk clamour outcry hysteria mental stress emotional strain stew nag burdens loss of face ants in your pants arousal pother seizure disillusionment surprise volatility mid-life crisis incitement fret reluctance butterflies in your stomach disenchantment bad vibe trauma bad feeling mixing clamor rocking heart attack unsureness huff bummer dumps jam crush rush tizzy, tizz uproar irresolution indecisiveness defeat beating ruin failure disgruntlement reservation demur regret swelter chaos twit hot-headedness emotionality quick-temperedness fieriness impulsiveness despair hopelessness demoralization rout overthrow undoing nonplus the blahs disinclination hesitance rebellion anarchy insurrection pique snappiness uprising oppression rioting descent demoralisation comedown conquest vanquishment defeasance twinge second thought whirl discord shortness strife twitter overextension trial distention heat intensity passion urgency sedition querulousness testiness impetuosity exasperation protest tiz-woz tremors misdoubt conscience repentance remonstrance contrition objection quarrel fighting ructions expectancy albatross peevishness vehemence discontentment disaffection irritableness curtness brusqueness abruptness intolerance aggravation forlornness despondency change dissension high spirits altercation dissent spinelessness bickering controversy despondence disheartenment despond wretchedness cowardliness debate contention crisis cowardice disease ennui delicacy self-consciousness quick temper poltroonery unhappiness resignedness pessimism defeatism gutlessness ticklishness uphill painfulness inconvenience unpleasantness stickiness desperation desolation disconsolateness dejection gloom melancholy harassment dastardliness unmanliness perplexingness untimeliness thorniness inopportuneness wimpiness chickenheartedness faintheartedness clunkiness uncomfortableness mousiness pusillanimity faint-heartedness

Danh từ

An abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering, headache, and in severe instances, delirium
fever feverishness affection ail ailment bug complaint complication condition disease disorder distemper distemperature febricity febrility ill illness infirmity malady pyrexia shivering sickness temperature trouble ague calenture temp infection malaise high temperature affliction indisposition virus lurgy syndrome upset problem disability weakness ill health contagion flu wog debility unhealthiness defect attack unsoundness diseasedness unhealth ache seizure plague dysfunction fit breakdown disturbance collapse blight cancer epidemic poor health inflammation what's going around curse plight dose irregularity predicament paroxysm convulsion cachexia unwellness unhealthfulness mild sickness bad health canker abnormality evil decrepitude pestilence scourge bane endemic pathosis sickliness contamination visitation coath spell feebleness misery rot haemorrhage stroke convulsions Cancer hemorrhage medical condition silent killer ailing valetudinarianism malaria relapse failing health frailty fragility delicacy frailness decay debilitation pest menace flimsiness delicateness poison corruption vulnerability shortcoming deficiency failing imperfection fault pandemic confinement injury puniness fragileness unsubstantiality weakliness insubstantiality pollution enervation distress depression lassitude outbreak languor incapacity listlessness Black Death health condition infestation septicity mildew fungus woe pain thinness misfortune suffering bubonic plague tribulation trial anguish contagious disease weariness ordeal adversity hardship ills enfeeblement killer wretchedness calamity exhaustion faintness impairment infirmness asthenia languidness lowness wimpiness lightness failure mould smallness slightness littleness sepsis fineness diminutiveness health issue health complaint queasiness lues malignancy corrosion unwholesomeness morbidness mold rash toxicity smutch taint venom miasma impurity nuisance morbidity health problem symptoms lameness etiolation meagerness effeteness eyesore sight withering dump peril lack of strength shakiness complex prognostics diagnostics pattern sign unease blot on the landscape angst melancholy anxiety discomfort devitalization dejection unhappiness restlessness despondency doldrums disquiet deadly illness tiredness fatigue overtiredness prostration instability vagary derangement threat to life cause of death fatal illness ailments encumbrance weediness ineffectiveness disablement set of symptoms uneasiness lack of vitality lack of energy murrain handicap weltschmerz dissatisfaction despair discontent Weltschmerz ennui influenza wave hydra pneumonic plague aberration incompetence incompetency detriment drawback disadvantage unfitness lack disqualification inability restriction inexperience impotence invalidity learning difficulties special needs putrefaction decomposition gangrene torment learning disability sorrow grief hurt excruciation torture rack agony travail straits difficulty burden crux cross cross to bear

Trái nghĩa của delirium

delirium Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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