Đồng nghĩa của quietness

Alternative for quietness

Danh từ

Absence of noise or bustle
calm peace still serenity calmness hush peacefulness quiet stillness tranquillity quietude silence repose restfulness placidity rest noiselessness sereneness tranquility quiescence soundlessness inaction inactivity lull placidness untroubledness peace and quiet heartsease patience composure equanimity imperturbability order law and order dead air peace of mind respite coolness sedateness reposefulness mildness ease motionlessness peaceableness doldrums restraint stoicism imperturbation impassivity dispassion refreshment decompression silent pause smoothness let-up quietus muteness speechlessness hush-hush poise collectedness togetherness self-possession equableness sangfroid aplomb ataraxy ataraxia unflappability harmony lawfulness law control relaxation leisure discipline downtime idleness stability unwinding relief restoration recreation relaxing integrity decorum seemliness decorousness dormancy renewal somnolence comfort snooze siesta doze dreaminess cessation kip letup uprightness propriety properness probity breathing space mental repose time out winding down time off calming oneself period of relaxation period of repose coffee break me-time loosening up lawful behaviour contentment content satisfaction well-being happiness pleasure bliss even-temperedness contentedness security level-headedness cool equability equilibrium countenance composedness tranquilness joy felicity freedom unexcitability delight lack of interruption lack of disturbance freedom from interference inner peace enjoyment sobriety high spirits luxury self-composedness fulfilment prosperity sufficiency cool-headedness wealth self-restraint fulfillment prosperousness cosiness easefulness plenty affluence opulence coziness soothingness bed of roses freedom from hardship good-naturedness docility gentleness drowsiness torpor solace consolation cheer exuberance wellbeing succor ecstasy easygoingness relaxedness elation sedation euphoria comfortableness liss welfare warmth succour cooperation clear conscience quiet mind mental freedom assurance conviction self-assurance confidence sureness positiveness self-confidence nirvana certainty steadiness soundness levelheadedness easiness relish gratification reassurance even-mindedness presence of mind ataraxis gladness comity compatibility self-content free time freedom from troubles

Danh từ

The quality of being uncommunicative
uncommunicativeness secretiveness reticence taciturnity restraint formality silence aloofness coldness shyness constraint inhibition unresponsiveness diffidence modesty reluctance repression suppression backwardness calmness caution coyness demureness control reservation self-restraint self-control reserve distance introversion discretion timidity undemonstrativeness disinclination secrecy hesitance hesitancy unwillingness unforthcomingness closeness caginess bashfulness hesitation detachment unapproachability remoteness coolness guardedness frigidity inhibitedness refrainment continence froideur discipline stand-offishness self-effacement self-containment lack of warmth self-command unwillingness to open up humility timidness embarrassment self-consciousness wariness hang-up sobriety self-deprecation self-criticism hiding your light under a bushel self-depreciation tardiness dilatoriness sluggishness self-possession awkwardness uneasiness reservedness stiltedness woodenness unnaturalness forcedness nervousness unease discomfort apprehension nerves insecurity timorousness unassertiveness lack of emotion lack of confidence psychological block mental block mental blockage chariness strength of character self-constraint balance poise stoicism stability self-will strength of mind aplomb dignity stiffness indifference haughtiness emotionlessness unfriendliness hauteur cautiousness stoniness hardheartedness standoffishness iciness frostiness distantness uninvolvement dispassionateness dispassion frigidness withdrawnness unfeelingness impersonality shrewdness evasiveness cold-heartedness

Danh từ

The quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered
gentleness tenderness kindness consideration kindliness sympathy benignity compassion humaneness mildness softness clemency considerateness forbearance forgiveness humanity leniency mercy understanding benevolence kind-heartedness love shyness tender-heartedness demureness humility modesty peaceableness peacefulness placidness repose serenity stillness sweetness tranquility tranquillity docility good nature mansuetude meekness reverence calmness delicacy fragility placidity pliability pliancy charity kindheartedness generosity tolerance pity good-heartedness altruism goodwill warmheartedness soft-heartedness indulgence beneficence concern goodness softheartedness warmth compassionateness magnanimity benignancy graciousness tenderheartedness care thoughtfulness warm-heartedness mercifulness grace feeling fellow feeling unselfishness philanthropy friendliness heart amiability sensitivity commiseration ruth decency affection bigheartedness quarter charitableness liberality lenience empathy neighbourliness patience largeheartedness neighborliness good will humanitarianism cordiality brotherly love lenity friendship smoothness acceptance amity comity mellowness obedience compliance blandness submissiveness inner beauty munificence liberalness nobility bounteousness courtesy magnanimousness largesse moderation sufferance caring solicitousness benefaction condolence good-naturedness favour favor gift big-heartedness fellowship regard good-fellowship lifesaver mindfulness aroha tameness liking attachment charm principle motherliness fatherliness sentimentality devotion fondness amorousness moderateness lovingness soul relief public-spiritedness philanthropism appreciation justness toleration caritas equitableness endurance fairness permissiveness lavishness free-handedness brotherhood cordialness open-handedness oblation office charitability solicitude almsgiving bounty social conscience receptiveness rapport receptivity support affinity unity sorrow brotherliness sisterliness compunction lack of severity affability agreeableness pleasantness geniality niceness amiableness peace calm balminess agreeability personableness sereneness heartsease amenity deference manageability acquiescence biddability ductility compliancy good-temperedness noiselessness equability even-temperedness inaction lull sedateness untroubledness inactivity tractability biddableness amenability hospitality docileness affectionateness helpfulness selflessness courteousness nobleness tact generousness self-sacrifice fellow-feeling good intention bountifulness openhandedness openheartedness attentiveness high-mindedness great-heartedness alms-giving all heart largess respect large-heartedness freehandedness free giving readiness profusion pardon unsparingness attention solace emotion admiration politeness comfort sociability obligingness partiality cooperation passion carefulness esteem sincerity reprieve hospitableness estimation responsiveness broad-mindedness liberalism shine feelings conviviality permission license concession freedom consolation self-denial allowance virtue fancy heartiness preference approval blessing commendation congeniality absolution relish taste like amicability heedfulness ardor ardour appetite approbation imprimatur account thought endearment sentiment closeness encouragement intimacy familiarity devotedness rue use caringness cheer condolences complaisance kind regard condonation reassurance warmness long-suffering good opinion tender loving care heed accuracy thoroughness meticulousness precision discretion awareness civility harmony fraternity chivalry honesty genuineness faith attention to detail collaboration accommodativeness princeliness assistance amicableness character respects mutual support welcome open-mindedness constitution greatheartedness loftiness honor honour honourableness succor succour tender feelings concernment sanction good deed desire brownie points good neighbourliness rallying round laxness condoning supportiveness protectiveness concern for others heart of hearts adoration worship public spirit amore crush warm reception agape warm feelings optimism condolement assuagement easement inspiration lack of bias lack of prejudice strong fondness soft spot puppy love reception companionship openness sociableness guestfriendship comradeship guestfriendliness turn pampering service boon spoiling TLC watchfulness gladdening enthusiasm vehemence remission good cheer intensity profligateness fondling fulfilment toadying kowtowing hedonism placating profligacy pleasure favouring intemperateness favoring petting privilege pleasing fulfillment treating zeal eagerness welcomingness passionateness ardency cheerfulness violence heat fire wholeheartedness fervency fervidness intenseness fervor fervour amnesty remittal happiness effusiveness spiritedness emotions zest excitement white heat spirit glow empressement earnestness conciliation anchor indemnity freeing excuse vindication indemnification commute resignation fortitude restraint composure equanimity stoicism imperturbability persistence longanimity equilibrium unexcitability cool submission poise perseverance inexcitability constancy grit passivity gutsiness bearing backbone unflappability capacity passiveness guts nonresistance intestinal fortitude even temper self-control self-restraint

Danh từ

The state or quality of being without guile, cunning, or deceit
simplicity innocence guilelessness ingenuousness naivety naivete artlessness simpleness unworldliness naiveness naturalness viridity greenness simplemindedness unsophistication unpretentiousness directness candour ordinariness modesty purity unassumingness candor homeliness wholesomeness naiveté naïveté naïvety humility lack of affectation plainness frankness openness gullibility inexperience humbleness sincerity candidness naiveté straightforwardness discreetness credulity unaffectedness credulousness forthrightness unostentatiousness economicalness callowness genuineness lack of sophistication honesty bluntness trustfulness ignorance spontaneity fairness childlikeness unreservedness lack of experience blind faith immaturity amateurishness openheartedness over-trustfulness unsophisticatedness rawness outspokenness freshness plain-spokenness trustingness inexpertness truthfulness innoxiousness unknowingness lack impartiality unequivocalness lack of suspicion lack of pretension childishness trueness unsuspiciousness lack of guile straightness gullibleness inexpensiveness dilettantism amateurism imprudence trust unwariness acceptance newness transparency youth plumpness unreserve plainspokenness unguardedness ineptness amateur austerity severity unselfconsciousness spontaneousness bluffness lack of extravagance unawareness innocuousness unfamiliarity nescience inoffensiveness virtue baldness plain dealing uprightness veracity parrhesia complete honesty probity glasnost unconstraint uninhibitedness abandonment abandon lightheartedness unrestraint ease lack of restraint unstudiedness easiness casualness naturality informality unceremoniousness calling a spade a spade lack of inhibition telling it like it is

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The state or quality of being submissive
tractability controllability manipulability obedience accordance acquiescence agreement amenability amenableness compliance compliancy conformity deference docility dutifulness duty manageability meekness observance orderliness respect reverence servility submission submissiveness subservience tameness tractableness willingness conformability duteousness biddableness malleability yielding biddability passivity passiveness obsequiousness discipline respectfulness pliability subordination complaisance conformance assent humility forbearance resignation observance of the rules observance of the law weakness self-abasement bootlicking sycophancy fearfulness timidity surrender impressionability obeisance adherence acceptance devotion pliancy loyalty homage faithfulness gentleness capitulation receptiveness susceptibility allegiance abidance fealty openness giving in suggestibility tribute honour veneration honor peacefulness consent piety receptivity concurrence humbleness conforming bowing fidelity patience unassertiveness amiability agreeableness cooperativeness accountability concession subjection diffidence nonresistance vulnerability good-naturedness demureness self-effacement ingenuousness accommodativeness reluctant agreement accession ductility reporting docileness worship accessibility readiness responsiveness mindfulness devoutness fear conceding open-mindedness adoration keeping respects suit sufferance concord relenting lack of resistance long-suffering congruence observation congruency congruity accord persuadability perviousness suggestibleness praise coherence consistency consonance blandishments courtship addresses adulation cave in caving in cooperation flexibility impressionableness court attention defeatism appeasement pliabilty capitulating passivism recreancy submitting cringing prostration non-resistance responsibility commitment obligation modesty acceptance of one's fate backing down reserve integrity accountableness pledge answerability conscience liability shyness bashfulness unpretentiousness lowliness good faith timorousness sheepishness legal obligation moral obligation call of duty unobtrusiveness modestness abasement egolessness humilitude mortification fawning inferiority complex down-to-earthness lack of pride self-abnegation lack of vanity

Danh từ

Lack of activity

Danh từ

The property of being sedentary
sedentariness laziness lethargy indolence sluggishness sloth slothfulness torpor sleepiness torpidity inactivity inertia idleness slowness shiftlessness vegetation immobility stagnation desuetude disuse dullness unemployment heaviness stagnancy lassitude lifelessness dormancy quiescence passivity doziness inertness listlessness inaction hibernation dilatoriness droning trifling pottering vegetating loitering lazing slouch stupor inoperativeness laze otiosity leisure truancy dolce far niente loafing time-wasting dilly-dallying dawdling joblessness apathy languor languidness drowsiness hebetude weariness slackness indifference faineance enervation supineness laxness nonaction remissness fatigue torpidness disinterest lackadaisicalness inactiveness negligence unresponsiveness stillness leisureliness motionlessness tiredness dreaminess rest passiveness faineancy languorousness torpescence do-nothingness stasis stolidity neglectfulness somnolence impassiveness leadenness otioseness docility nonparticipation calm accidie tardiness weakness sluggardness narcosis submissiveness slacking shirking ennui disinclination procrastination feebleness unconcern numbness standstill unconsciousness fainéance repose immobilization laxity halt phlegm paralysis inanition immobilisation exhaustion slumber impassivity coma unproductivity impotence resignation emotionlessness status lack of progress lack of exertion demotivation quiet no effort senioritis neurasthenia asthenia anergia lack of energy deadness dopeyness skiving malaise indolency frailty oscitancy debility acedia shutdown stoppage staticity unmindfulness sleep disregard insouciance heedlessness lack of effort faintness lack of motivation disinclination to move prostration breakdown invisibility inexpression underdevelopment expectancy abeyancy potential frazzle burnout collapse time on your hands sluggardliness status quo jadedness stopping insensitivity lack of change no change anesthesia stupefaction narcoma trance carus analgesia callousness insusceptibility verdancy growth layoff insensibility anaesthesia stop still neglect abandonment discontinuation abeyance stationary immovability fixity career break a halt a stop absence of movement a standstill

Danh từ

Intimacy or friendliness

Trái nghĩa của quietness

quietness Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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