Đồng nghĩa của intensity

Alternative for intensity

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Great forcefulness or intensity of feeling or expression
fire passion emotion fervour vehemence fervency ardour energy heat vigor vigour earnestness enthusiasm force power strength concentration depth excess fanaticism intenseness keenness potency severity zeal animation ardency ardor eagerness excitement extremity fervidness fervor fever passionateness spirit warmth welly fierceness fury violence assertiveness ferment grievousness seriousness strain tension wildness white heat forcefulness zest feeling aggressiveness ferocity vigorousness gusto emphasis avidity devotion turbulence verve fieriness impetuosity wholeheartedness tempestuousness acuteness dedication commitment might savagery love desire zealousness vividness spiritedness exuberance storminess oomph readiness ferociousness zing powerfulness appetite frenzy drive sharpness vibrancy dynamism vehemency viciousness vitality vivaciousness richness hunger punch sincerity agitation avidness affection ferity assiduity vivacity sentiment heartiness brutality impatience barbarity mercilessness lust pep vim zip conviction intentness roughness interest ecstasy urgency weight aggression storm liveliness dash care thirst determination fondness tenderness degree pizzazz fire in the belly ebullience exhilaration resolve rage empressement feverishness doggedness delirium pzazz resonance motivation desirousness extent willingness push activity get-up-and-go go cruelty action purposefulness magnitude pitch frenziedness cruelness profundity poignancy purpose rapture harshness profoundness ruthlessness insistence inspiration imagination ambition sympathy kindness abandon devoutness anger life savageness emotionalism firmness flare-up asperity acrimony rampancy sore acerbity stew rise rabidity conniption kindliness committedness tenacity understanding soul elan persistence enterprise warm-heartedness distraction rampage uproar furore flap furor hysteria deliriousness compassion brio stress effectiveness hot-bloodedness élan initiative charity heart impact clarity greatness anxiety fortitude weakness jazz anticipation perseverance diligence devotedness relish weightiness efficacy yen zap persuasiveness glow flame red heat influence sentimentality validity vengeance affectivity alacrity eloquence concern solicitude impressiveness authoritativeness slow burn boiling point pep talk zestfulness cogency strong emotion piquancy level changeability drama extreme psyche forcibleness vociferousness sensation forthrightness outspokenness irateness incandescence stamina aspiration application vibrance resoluteness perturbation excitability completeness cavernousness fathomlessness reach immensity virility importance significance artistry tone nuance intonation style bloodthirstiness militancy piousness hurrah religiousness solemnity piety intensity of feeling turmoil yearning longing inhumanity spunk consideration value torrid heat sweltering heat extreme heat tropical heat intense heat oppressive heat high temperature taste sap restlessness forwardness self-assuredness pushiness decidedness positiveness dogmatism deepness darkness brilliance brightness turn on brutishness murderousness raging tumult unrest flush what-it-takes dispatch stick-to-itiveness mania hustle inclination dazzle bustle strength of character single-mindedness strength of mind activeness boisterousness heartlessness sadism pitilessness gaiety mirth chord warmness voracity domineeringness joyfulness flare joy pugnaciousness pugnacity friendliness wishing appetency voraciousness greed rapacity reverence adoration adulation infatuation willpower elation keen interest cordiality affability decisiveness confidence expression peppiness sprightliness furiousness guts burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes resolution quickness promptness greediness anxiousness amiability juggernaut extensiveness enormity intestinal fortitude mental power boldness sparkle thrill instigation flurry good-naturedness geniality hospitality engrossment deliberation what it takes motive efficacity light goodwill benevolence charitableness benignity welcomingness liberality scintillation spark ado impulse full head of steam splendour amity cheerfulness efficiency radiance lustre kicks movement intoxication flutter enjoyment excitation stimulus hurry creativity flair virtuosity inventiveness happiness hospitableness effusiveness feelings emotions amorousness destructiveness luster urge grandeur virtue performance ginger splendor calenture snap wish loudness fruitiness authority conclusiveness burning passion bluster relentlessness sternness plausibility foundation soundness conscientiousness logic credibility unanswerability clearness pity coherence articulateness orderliness logicality relevance rationality lucidity convincingness methodicalness suasiveness persuasion reasonableness point commiseration kindheartedness empathy sensitivity consistency humanity kind-heartedness mercifulness fullness tenderheartedness softness humaneness pertinence validness bearing good organization connection tender-heartedness warmheartedness appreciation softheartedness bigheartedness mercy sorrow solicitousness largeheartedness ruth sensibility good-heartedness discrimination delicacy regard reaction discernment fellow feeling capacity attachment palpability response

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The property of being sprightly
sprightliness liveliness vitality animation energy spirit exuberance vibrancy life zest pep vivacity verve zip zing dash vim vibrance briskness punch drive zeal lustiness pzazz pizzazz robustness go vigorousness jazziness fire activity peppiness force ardour ardor strength forcefulness juice moxie hardihood quickness potency stamina virility power spryness vehemence agility enterprise élan nimbleness dexterity initiative might birr effectiveness tuck exertion steam efficiency endurance pluck efficacy litheness muscle puissance toughness application fortitude operativeness spontaneity get-up-and-go vigour vigor bounce brio oomph dynamism esprit gusto enthusiasm spiritedness sparkle fervour ginger sap snap passion welly gas push starch beans vivaciousness fervor effervescence vinegar elan buoyancy spark kick fieriness spunk eagerness perkiness bang fizz determination motivation feistiness ebullience powerfulness tenacity high spirits potence high-spiritedness relish panache gumption audacity firepower horsepower buoyance nerve radiance brute force punchiness excitement action elation exhilaration gaiety bounciness chirpiness airiness zap resilience ambition spring momentum resources dedication single-mindedness doggedness commitment vim and vigour zestfulness will power flair verdure edge venturesomeness joie de vivre being stuff bloom guts clout pulse fanaticism feeling hustle stiffness keenness pepper activeness effort brawn fierceness thew mightiness driving force acceleration physical energy weight athleticism brawniness sinew fury muscularity potential grunt physical ability courage confidence bravery fearlessness belief fight poise conviction grit heart faith daring mettle backbone boldness valor brashness certainty heroism stoutheartedness pluckiness coolness self-confidence valour pugnacity intrepidity morale aplomb temerity self-assurance valiantness impudence undauntedness valiance cheerfulness happiness jauntiness joy light-heartedness jollity irrepressibility brightness merriment style breeziness joyfulness cheeriness pleasure delight flourish stylishness enjoyment pertness vividness bite ingenuity flamboyance joviality brilliance imagination resourcefulness avidity jolliness inventiveness aggressiveness sunniness appetite imaginativeness capability ability talent cleverness love peartness creativity resource impetus good cheer exuberancy éclat native wit quick-wittedness scintillation impact jazz humor gameness humour joyousness perseverance life force vital spark boisterousness swagger impetuosity resolution fun good humour warmth gladsomeness cogency point adventure flamboyant confidence merriness lightheartedness blithesomeness blitheness molliness earnestness sassiness joys of spring influence excitedness volatility friskiness abandon gayness love of life get up and go impulse thrust charisma elegance validity validness pace speed velocity elan vital snappiness color colour stir movement bustle spunkiness soul hustle and bustle being full of the joys of spring ingeniousness genius beef driving power cunning intuition intelligence shrewdness perceptiveness wit knack creativeness wisdom sharpness brains smartness sharp-wittedness gladness originality euphoria jubilation bubbliness effusiveness leadership readiness ambitiousness agitation ferment alertness adventurousness self-reliance spirit of adventure innovativeness willingness impressiveness

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Intense brightness of light

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The quality of evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret
poignancy sadness pathos piteousness emotion feeling misery mournfulness pitifulness sentiment sorrow tenderness tragedy wretchedness bitterness distress emotionalism evocativeness pain painfulness plaintiveness expressiveness nostalgia sentimentality unhappiness desolation soulfulness grief agony sorrowfulness heartache upset anguish despair heartbreak desperation trauma unpleasantness awfulness nastiness disagreeableness pitiableness poignance passion grievousness sarcasm cynicism deep sadness dejection gloominess melancholy despondency depression dolefulness infelicity glumness dolour downheartedness gloom cheerlessness disconsolateness dejectedness chagrin tearfulness joylessness malaise woe heartsickness moroseness regret woefulness bleakness dispiritedness dissatisfaction discontent forlornness worry discouragement miserableness dismals discontentment doldrums mourning disconsolation dolor listlessness pensiveness grieving oppression pessimism displeasure downcastness melancholia moodiness dysphoria despondence hopelessness uneasiness blues mortification lowness dreariness dismalness funk mopes vexation abjection heaviness of heart defeatism dumps abasement anhedonia despond abjectness low spirits blahs heavyheartedness heavy-heartedness heavy heart the blues broken heart broken-heartedness the dumps blue funk a low blue devils suffering torment affliction torture angst disappointment disquiet hurt anxiety tribulation rue lamentation discomfort dismay sorriness hardship bereavement lamenting trouble travail somberness disquietude seriousness dullness excruciation disheartenment trial care straits ache misfortune stress remorse bemoaning pang shock lugubriousness unease weariness letdown ennui headache horror demoralization mental suffering irritation the hump grievance down demoralisation lament tedium boredom mopery megrim strain weeping bewailing dole catatonia heaviness concern misgiving agitation restlessness rack Weltschmerz worriment burden ordeal perturbation hurting downer bummer frustration the mopes devastation deprivation pressure adversity sullenness darkness apathy negativity desperateness emotional suffering pining disgruntlement fear foreboding saturninity lethargy deploring hell repining martyrdom perplexity morbidity unrest qualm dourness sluggishness lassitude wrench trepidation embarrassment disillusionment slough of despond discontentedness nervousness apprehension dread sulks yawn disenchantment throe mulligrubs mubblefubbles resentment disaffection fretfulness twinge cross discomposure annoyance low-spiritedness bad news blue Johnnies the dismals cold feet morosity discord sombreness cloud disaster turmoil strife mirthlessness scruple spectre specter shadow pall tumult loss bale inertia problem repentance sorrowing keening purgatory curse dolefuls wistfulness difficulty wailing alarm resignation drag cataclysm rain poverty heartbrokenness ruth Gehenna murder nightmare mope dysthymia envy resignedness tension hell on earth megrims low indifference stupor slump disinterest torpor stagnation inactivity down trip privation dispossession death vapours troubles hump vapors lugubriosity stitch squalor tenseness stew unconsolability consternation mental pressure shiva dashed hopes clinical depression extreme upset shame visitation bother panic grievances anvil chorus moaning languishing blackness aching crying endogenous depression terror fright surprise discomfiture being bummed impatience languor enervation black mood reactive depression loss of confidence lack of confidence lack of enthusiasm pique bad feelings postnatal depression weltschmerz spiritlessness fatigue surfeit satiety acedia world-weariness languidness disfavor indignation chip on one's shoulder the blahs hassle one's black dog disapproval disillusion disfavour distaste aggravation exasperation anger dislike disrelish disgust unfulfilment responsibility malcontent malcontentment disapprobation sweat nervosity anxiousness concernment agita apprehensiveness lack of interest ho hums burdens fatalism doubt distrust dyspepsia nihilism negative thinking suspicion ill-humor doom and gloom expecting the worst looking on the black side gloomy outlook dim view dark side expectation of worst lack of hope

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Great importance
magnitude importance consequence moment significance weight import mark note eminence greatness account distinction momentousness notability proportion weightiness dimension fame grandeur power renown level pith scale signification seriousness gravity substance concern value relevance urgency impact interest noteworthiness influence merit prominence exigency worth matter graveness consideration severity meaning usefulness enormity significancy esteem acuteness perilousness standing cruciality rank authority hazardousness prestige bearing advantage preponderancy preponderance paramountcy repute implication priority applicability salience materiality benefit purpose application concernment valuation honour honor essence portent stake avail use profit recognition reputation extent status thrust position solemnity profundity force sway clout direness terribleness awfulness exigence criticalness leverage muscle danger hazard menace peril precariousness hairiness dreadfulness risk threat pull egregiousness dodginess chanciness iffiness weightfulness teeth emphasis credit heft beef mana persuasiveness efficacy potency in juice forcefulness powerfulness forcibleness effectiveness impressiveness memorableness unforgettableness remarkableness markedness conspicuousness uncommonness unusualness strikingness obviousness rarity extraordinariness specialness exceptionalness pronounced nature outstanding nature solemnness sobriety earnestness staidness sedateness dignity soberness intentness earnest serious-mindedness memorability majesty celebrity stateliness illustriousness lustre stress glory superiority preeminence loftiness luster meaningfulness crucialness vitalness portentousness formality magnificence gravitas courtliness ceremony splendour precedence effect upshot caliber calibre augustness generosity pre-eminence heroism supremacy chivalry excellence choiceness excellency superbness disinterestedness high-mindedness idealism primeness nobility first-rateness perfection sublimity nobleness heaviness splendor necessity high standing magnanimity morality worthiness publicity hurry stature notoriety imperativeness prominency eminency kudos prepotency famousness extremity need pressure media interest media attention haste imminence importunity desperation criticality incitement top priority instancy rush

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Hard work, or the effort expended on a particular task
work effort endeavour endeavor energy application conscientiousness diligence drudge drudgery exertion grind gruntwork labor pains push slog slogging strain stress striving struggle sweat toil travail trouble elbow grease force grit hard labor hard work labour manual labor moil muscle power salt mines strength vigor vigour assiduity assiduousness graft industry persistence tenacity blood, sweat and tears donkey work spadework sweat of one's brow yakka determination hardship attempts expenditure while donkeywork slavery activity fatigue toiling chore donkey-work bother hard yakka swink industriousness enterprise daily grind hard labour menial work attention fuss perseverance moonlight undertaking doggedness resolution battle exercise venture service occupation trial earnestness discipline action operation attempt blood, swear, and tears hard graft pain oomph elbow juice physical effort doing drive pursuit painstaking responsibility crusade resolve employment stretch slaving drag Herculean task charge control duty campaign tribulation ordeal suffering value purpose commitment resoluteness steadfastness movement nine-to-five pull tension strife welly privation distress tears dedication hard pull long pull physical exertion toils throes devotion attentiveness pangs trials and tribulations back-breaking task steps study intentness dirty work grunt work thought care inconvenience labour of Hercules backbreaking work old college try measures patience sedulousness endurance concentration steadiness hassle scut work thankless task deliberation zeal grief rigor ado chores flurry bustle rigour hitch snag single-mindedness proceedings procedures backbreaker skivvying tedium busyness workout reaction response plodding hard undertakings acts sweated labour course of action rat race menial labour menial labor sedulity tirelessness might pressure potency laboriousness impulse momentum impetus indefatigability puissance steam weight horsepower punch constancy brawn rigorousness studiousness dynamism pertinacity thew perseveration clout continuance stuff keenness velocity potence stamina sinew firepower speed potential fury physical energy driving force disruption struggling labouring beef hard slog load ambition main laboring punctiliousness heedfulness enthusiasm purposefulness wholeheartedness drain encumbrance adversity zealousness backbone ardor focus productiveness thoroughness carefulness meticulousness thrust burden problem ardour quickness heed worksomeness briskness alertness intent sense of purpose torture test difficulty agony millstone uphill battle actuation impulsion staying power work ethic propelling force surge uphill struggle anguish tough grind difficult task long haul tall order tough assignment nightmare motive force propulsion impelling force motive power forward motion full head of steam toughness forcefulness nerve hustle vitali goods motive impellent guts spunk brawniness brute force grunt physical ability fierceness vim mightiness acceleration vitality athleticism peppiness verve virility punchiness powerfulness vigorousness muscularity get-up-and-go impact fire in belly right stuff violence stimulus draft life brunt draught sock pow arm subjection

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Denseness or compression

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The condition of being ceaseless
ceaselessness endurance continuance continuity durability continuation persistence duration continuousness abidance subsistence endlessness unremittingness steadiness everlastingness eternalness eternity incessantness perpetuity relentlessness remorselessness permanence constancy longevity stability prolongation protraction vitality extension survival succession lastingness stamina maintenance preservation durableness guts resilience immutability perseverance imperishability changelessness lasting power train linking sequence uniting dovetailing chain continuum perpetuation addition continuing lasting sequel supplement resumption postscript furtherance persisting follow-up assiduity protracting prolonging enduring sustenance perpetuating maintaining propagation installment preserving production line producing spin-off tenacity follow-on sustaining instalment augmenting increase increasing carrying on keeping up going on carry over drawing out invariability timelessness long life agelessness fixedness immortality indestructibility unchangeableness dissemination immortalization spread persistency old age being existence dependability permanency fixity perdurability finality eternality solidity perenniality immovability unchangeability inalterability continued existence uniformity regularity deathlessness consistency immutableness unchangingness invariableness evenness firmness everlasting life incorruptibility eternal life athanasia undeadliness endless life lack of deviation lack of change

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A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances
stress anxiety strain pressure tension worry trauma distress nervousness tenseness hassle burden difficulty trouble disquiet disquietude dread ferment grief hardship oppression pain restlessness suffering trepidation affliction agony alarm apprehensiveness distention fear fearfulness flutter heat misgiving mistrust nervous tension overextension passion trial urgency albatross expectancy impatience weight load bother tribulation encumbrance adversity millstone problem sorrow annoyance irritation torture drain ordeal anguish vexation struggle misfortune upset misery liability nuisance inconvenience responsibility pest cross to bear obligation grievance irritant headache task toil labor labour shock problems nightmare aggravation travail strife duty upheaval bane bugbear drag concern frustration onus torment cross disturbance cumber hindrance heartache grind heartbreak struggling demands drudgery pain in the neck pain in the bum battle pain in the backside pain in the rear traumatization test exertion imposition plague exigency awkwardness care unease uphill battle embarrassment agitation exasperation tax difficult task peeve botheration unpleasantness irk tall order ruffle thorn curse uphill struggle tough grind tough assignment aggro fuss rub puzzle woe charge harassment punishment uphill deadweight hair shirt trials and tribulations thorn in one's side living day to day effort endeavor slog demand devastation getting by surviving long haul hard work endeavour duress burdens exertions survival mode challenge mantle vicissitude disadvantage disruption gauntlet crucible cause for concern crunch obstacle millstone round one's neck scourge pressure of work conflict unwanted responsibility ball and chain accountability dead weight mental weight blame shackle chain trammel obstruction fire gantlet bad news calamity persecution drawback unfitness unwieldiness downside hurt excruciation rack straits pressure cooker thorn in one's flesh nuisance value untimeliness unsuitableness unhandiness cumbersomeness pains soreness discomfort laboriousness strenuousness arduousness troublesomeness uneasiness incommode stew tiresomeness bothersomeness inopportuneness thorn in someone's side provocation thorn in someone's flesh nag nagging jolt setback ado dolour painfulness hangup travails put out jam imbroglio bafflement disorder confusion derangement blow outburst collapse mental burden to-do issues dilemma turmoil row pitfall scrape hang-up

Trái nghĩa của intensity

intensity Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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