Đồng nghĩa của rapture

Alternative for rapture


Đồng nghĩa: bliss, delight, ecstasy, elation, enchantment, glee, happiness, joy,

Danh từ

A feeling of intense pleasure or joy
ecstasy euphoria transport joy rhapsody bliss delight elation exaltation exhilaration happiness cloud nine delectation enchantment enthusiasm joyfulness pleasure ravishment spell elatedness felicity heaven high intoxication joyousness paradise seventh heaven swoon beatitude at-oneness buoyancy cheer communion contentment cool delirium Elysium enjoyment gaiety gladness glory gratification inspiration jubilation nirvana passion satisfaction well-being good spirits top of the world glee exultation excitement exuberance cheerfulness animation merriment mirth ebullience high spirits rejoicing transports content contentedness vivacity triumph relish hilarity cheeriness thrill festivity blissfulness fervour revelry fervor blessedness zest joviality transports of delight amusement fulfilment ardor liveliness jollity fulfillment gusto ardour frenzy warm fuzzies playfulness lightheartedness jubilance gleefulness good humor comfort zeal merriness jolliness vehemence prosperity verve rhapsodies celebration vigor vigour optimism energy joie de vivre laughter uplift good cheer peace of mind feeling kick spirit jouissance sprightliness blitheness solace emotion jocundity diversion great happiness intensity vivaciousness ardency geniality sanctity hopefulness strong emotion eagerness stimulation elevation warmth merrymaking radiance buzz jollies ease revelling feasting gayety reveling appetite carefreeness luxury entertainment great pleasure mirthfulness Utopia Arcadia fruition perfect contentment titillation Eden humour treat humor jocularity appreciation fun sentiment vim oomph light-heartedness passionateness intenseness vengeance purposefulness vitality zestfulness affectivity affection purpose inebriation trance drunkenness jubilee empyrean jollification whoopee conviviality wellbeing fit jamboree state stupor celestial throne heaven of heavens throne of God fortunateness timeliness luck upper charge up kicks paroxysm twilight zone crowing boasting gloating wildness infatuation gayness extreme happiness heaven on earth relaxation madness health dreamland glorying joyance invigoration Arcady cloud number nine over the moon idyll walking on air dream zest for life enjoyment of living boozing alcoholism intemperance wild emotion bragging utopia peace stars in one's eyes revitalization halcyon days great joy restfulness serenity placidity tranquillity tranquility equanimity galvanization enlivenment quickening vitalization envigoration electrification firing excitation vivification heavy drinking intense feeling self-content complacency placidness repletion supreme happiness supreme joy Shangri-La a rush head rush peppiness power spiritedness liking fondness play foolery blast buffoonery tomfoolery festiveness vibrancy ball living it up gambolling wantonness silliness roguishness vividness friskiness waggery riot foolishness sunniness jocoseness grins good time perkiness knavery brightness humorousness clowning funniness facetiousness jocosity distraction gamboling gambol levity mischief romping joking comedy jesting blithesomeness mischievousness nonsense rascality sportiveness wonder frolic prize indulgence regalement charm treasure pride gem alleviation exulting pearl jewel refreshment sport keenness pride and joy avidity zealousness interest earnestness avidness fervency fanaticism sap dynamism fire conviction motivation wholeheartedness brio willingness devotion thirst devotedness life desirousness pep fervidness lust commitment hunger go zing fever dash heat impatience flare get-up-and-go zap activity readiness fieriness élan flame impetuosity zip fury glow white heat keen interest red heat drive sparkle bounce pizzazz punch pzazz esprit moxie force effervescence snap push hardihood juice ginger elan starch gas initiative beans desire enterprise forcefulness vinegar love violence welly strength determination dedication panache longing fizz ambition spunk vigorousness yearning inclination gumption feistiness resolve craving hankering urge stamina action weakness potency taste aggressiveness spark tenacity yen fierceness birr partiality fancy high-spiritedness vibrance confidence single-mindedness propensity resolution doggedness itch steam alacrity heart gameness disposition will ferment lustiness appetency agitation favour favor greed preference hustle jazz boldness intentness robustness proclivity penchant mettle perseverance wish assiduity tuck jauntiness backbone guts heartiness anticipation endurance stomach briskness sincerity pining fortitude pluck greediness jazziness might bang like irrepressibility shine virility breeziness courage bullishness chirpiness flurry mania ache predilection assertiveness grit ambitiousness appetence need application soft spot effectiveness urgency goodwill bias sanguineness depth flair persistence voracity diligence will power craze love affair scintillation imagination impetus inventiveness flamboyance bent resourcefulness resoluteness creativity psyche fire in the belly daring dauntlessness use resource soul capability mind pepper pertness empressement complexion tendency palate vital spark life force faith trust calmness idealism easiness sureness expectation encouragement assurance certainty positivism activeness rage brilliance immoderation aggression impulse sanguinity hope momentum colour fascination obsessiveness get up and go amenability jones thirstiness letch bigotry bloom exertion positive attitude color zealotry vehemency committedness effort monomania muscle obligingness bounciness emphasis militancy vim and vigour obsession anxiety style voraciousness rose-colored glasses addiction leaning right stuff ingenuity nerve flourish looking on bright side stimulus firmness effusiveness extremism devoutness overenthusiasm excitability conscientiousness airiness incentive hurry ferociousness alertness imaginativeness flutter partisanship talent ability thrust impact appetition cleverness dazzle stylishness exuberancy perturbation temper essence morale outlook air temperament willpower mood substance tenor breath character quality stoutheartedness emotionalism bite aspiration peartness balls intrepidity feverishness motive turmoil bustle tooth self-assurance leadership ferocity striving frame of mind flap point furor commotion seriousness affinity hot-bloodedness positiveness adventure adventurousness thing attraction movement efficiency efficacy toughness predisposition quick-wittedness self-motivation proneness native wit a buzz a charge go-getting fire in belly furore a kick pep talk what it takes adoration aim hungering cupidity covetousness loyalty faithfulness level degree sensation wishing forcibleness stick-to-itiveness what-it-takes dispatch preparedness magnitude unction hungriness estimation vociferousness light bubbliness swagger warmness intent insistence forthrightness outspokenness anxiousness quickness promptness solicitude demand splendour pizazz intense desire address richness lustre steadfastness powerfulness virtuosity facility gladsomeness cogency strong interest resilience hurrah solemnity piety piousness religiousness wits strength of character strength of mind youthfulness luster sassiness clout flamboyant confidence instigation sense of purpose pertinence constancy tenaciousness pertinacity pertinaciousness decidedness decisiveness spring molliness severity concentration excess bound bob savor savour joys of spring calenture splendor glitz show glimmer agreement consent agreeableness expectancy influence operativeness spontaneity resources impellent stuff kindness friendliness sedulousness strong desire great enthusiasm extremity burning passion anger volatility excitedness love of life firmness of purpose eye suspense great expectations bright outlook Pollyannaism rosy outlook silver lining affability cordiality fundamentalism radicalism dogmatism activism thirsting aridity positivity labour labor industry ado emulation hustle and bustle validness punchiness validity incandescence have-a-go attitude cooperation volition compliance charisma elegance attachment kindliness tenderness turn on sweltering heat extreme heat oppressive heat torrid heat tropical heat intense heat high temperature grievousness tension strain engrossment deliberation pace velocity speed stress bravery good humour moroseness haste originality chauvinism sectarianism ingeniousness genius favoritism favouritism hastiness rashness amiability bottle impulsiveness elan vital snappiness spunkiness stir puissance beef sinew aptness big eyes intuition intelligence wit shrewdness cunning perceptiveness understanding warm-heartedness hospitality good-naturedness sympathy a sense of purpose ants in pants cup of tea favourite favorite abandon intensity of feeling being full of the joys of spring éclat driving power creativeness wisdom brains knack sharpness audacity impressiveness spine benevolence charity welcomingness care charitableness benignity liberality risk riskiness peril perilousness danger hazardousness hazard dangerousness hard work entrepreneurial spirit yearn burning want goal ripeness valor smartness restlessness amity staying power courageousness gutsiness gallantry greatheartedness doughtiness daringness fearlessness heroism intrepidness druthers unrest rampage hysteria uproar flush deliriousness venturesomeness prowess virtue stoutness uncertainty precariousness discomposure exciting experience feelings amorousness hospitableness emotions innovativeness sharp-wittedness pecker valour fluster compassion burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes openness stout-heartedness provocation incitement positive thinking spirit of adventure self-reliance tumult intestinal fortitude weakness for thing for fitness panic over-enthusiasm healthiness wholeness soundness wellness confusion fixation verdure wholesomeness healthfulness salubrity state of anxiety fandom salubriousness hardiness haleness willfulness injustice illiberality incorrigibility intolerance stubbornness hatred contumacy arbitrariness abandonment faction unreasonableness prejudice unruliness dogma unfairness obstinacy superstition fettle pink prime form constitution eupepsia good condition clean bill fine feather

Danh từ

A somewhat unconscious state of mind
dream daze trance reverie stupor daydream fog haze spell dwam muddle half-conscious state hypnotic state lala-land state of confusion state of shock state of unconsciousness state of befuddlement state of bewilderment state of stupefaction state of unreality state of bafflement state of disorientation state of mystification state of perplexity state of puzzlement study muse woolgathering abstraction ecstasy revery unconsciousness daydreaming transfixion insensibility sleep catalepsy transfixture glaze coma catatonia petrifaction suspended animation brown study musing preoccupation inattention absent-mindedness dreaminess inattentiveness contemplation fancy fantasy vision hallucination pensiveness obliviousness wool-gathering pipe dream absorption engrossment head trip thought chimera figment delusion illusion phantasm imagination self-absorption distraction dreaming phantasy meditation reflection trip castle in the air chimaera brooding pondering mind trip fool's paradise lack of application lack of concentration absence of mind rumination concentration bemusement incubus vagary impression spectre bubble wraith fiction speculation image nightmare rainbow idea specter building castles in the air pie in the sky mental picture imagining absence vagueness phantasma conceit nonentity fantasm unreality thoughtfulness heedlessness remoteness wish fancying conceiving stargazing bemusedness raptness distractedness negligence staring into space blonde moment absentmindedness entrancement consideration thinking reflecting ruminating aloofness figment of the imagination fond hope in a zone figment of imagination castle-building detachment castles in the air

Danh từ

Lustful desire or appetite
prurience desire admiration amativeness ambition appetite ardour ardor aspiration attraction avidity concupiscence covetousness craving craze cupidity devotion eagerness eroticism erotism fancy fascination fervour fervor fondness frenzy greed hankering hunger inclination infatuation itch lasciviousness lechery libido liking love lust lustfulness mania motive need passion predilection proclivity propensity pruriency rapaciousness ravenousness relish salacity solicitude thirst urge voracity will wish yearning doting libidinousness horniness salaciousness hots letch lustihood lech eros ecstasy zeal appetence emotion craziness licentiousness lewdness debauchery lecherousness depravity immorality profligacy wantonness dissipation libertinism rakishness dissoluteness decadence degeneracy carnality corruption libertinage promiscuity vice perversion decadency intemperance sensuality impurity sinfulness debasement hedonism turpitude sin sexuality pervertedness looseness animalism indecency wickedness excess abandonment corruptness sexiness indulgence degenerateness dissipatedness abjection degeneration dissolution randiness degradation lubricity overindulgence self-indulgence incontinence iniquity unchastity immodesty raunchiness abandon impropriety sybaritism iniquitousness demoralization gluttony seductiveness sultriness lustiness lack of morals lack of principles fleshliness sensualism suggestiveness demoralisation animality bawdiness voluptuousness immoderation evil promiscuousness shamelessness sinning wildness nympholepsy orgy fetish perversity intimacy fornication sensuousness kinkiness kink steaminess seduction fast living sleeping around lack of sexual discrimination sexual deviation pleasures of the flesh loucheness amorousness sexual desire arousal titillation sexual appetite sex drive sexual passion sexual longing ungodliness biological urge revel drunkenness immoderateness longing carousal decay yen prodigality bender binge revelry tear lack of restraint weakness la dolce vita life in fast lane pleasure-seeking stimulation carnal passion excitement drive jones thirstiness pining appetency decrease decline baseness worsening free-living lavishness self-gratification extravagance high-living life in the fast lane to hell in handbasket deterioration moral decay envy aphrodisia appetition the hots depravation abasement inferiority meanness poorness physicality deviancy deviance horn wrong venality wrongdoing badness sexual attractiveness hotness forwardness relaxation unruliness presumptuousness boldness effrontery anarchy temerity audacity arrogance complacency refractoriness sauciness disorder irresponsibility unrestraint lawlessness slackness laxity relaxedness evil-doing villainy profanity unholiness unrighteousness godlessness misconduct sordidity transgression trespass offence crime peccancy peccability evildoing act of wickedness maleficence malignance offense evil act immoral act squalor fall from grace ill rot leching womanizing womanising

Danh từ

Denoting a strong feeling of emotional attachment
love affection adoration devotion like attachment friendship intimacy respect amity amour appreciation emotion feeling fondness idolatry inclination involvement passion regard relish taste tenderness adulation allegiance ardour ardor case cherishing crush delight devotedness enchantment enjoyment fervour fervor fidelity flame partiality piety sentiment warmth weakness worship zeal ardency soft spot romance wuv luv infatuation amorousness desire obsession captivation fixation keenness reverence enamoredness lovingness mash admiration care liking veneration esteem honour honor estimation recognition high regard homage praise idolization glorification favour closeness favor laudation deification exaltation deference approval acclaim approbation extolment awe aroha familiarity commendation warmness endearment worshipping glory attraction affinity lionization worshiping shine apotheosis amore lionisation acknowledgment genuflection prostration obeisance tribute sentimentality account consideration acknowledgement kindness friendliness caring lust thanks high opinion gratitude good opinion attentiveness appreciativeness understanding adoring beatification benediction supplication hankering yen sympathy thanksgiving warm feelings hero-worship dulia popularity thankfulness repute puppy love great respect acclamation astonishment amazement honoring honouring hero worship compliments plaudits accolades valuing prizing kudos pat on the back loving-kindness emotionalism heat chord intensity belovedness devotement grace idolizing blessing elevation fetishization prayer treasuring positive reception lionizing credit applause surprise wonder pleasure high esteem bond yearning besottedness hero-worshipping loving admiring tributes inseparability wonderment obsequiousness fealty fear loyalty devoutness bow religiousness emotions lionising idolism idolising fanaticism pats on the back marveling marvelling chumminess note feelings celebration attention gratefulness reputation props court pumping up testimonial puffing up ovation belonging dearness opinion relationship predilection pash value deep affection familiarness intimateness regard for love for affection for liking for affinity for knowledge valuation responsiveness grasp assessment awareness cognizance realization comprehension sensitiveness sensitivity sensibility perception appraisal fondness for feeling for intense love tightness nearness strong interest sentiment for respect for revering goodwill admiration for friendship with reverence for tenderness for venerating praising relationship with intimacy with realisation concern solicitude glorifying extolling exalting prayers latria magnification good will strong fondness -olatry aesthetic sense praying to

Danh từ

Beauty or charm that is highly attractive
enchantment fascination captivation charm allure attraction beauty delight appeal attractiveness bewitchment entrancement joy magnetism bliss charisma duende enticement glamor glamour irresistibility magic mesmerism oomph pizazz pzazz pizzazz seduction seductiveness temptation transport witchery allurement beguilement draw lure pull ravishment animal magnetism force field happiness spell interest drawing power desirability enthrallment come-on excitement persuasion inducement IT pleasingness romance power influence obsession witchcraft aura magnet mystique presence passion star quality engagingness infatuation thing for prestige bait hold intrigue captivatingness tantalization complex bewitchery invitation decoy call inveiglement snare cajolery charmingness something agreeableness interestingness sex appeal absorption opulence color enthralment enslavement hypnotism razzle-dazzle mesmerization hypnotization ensnarement strong interest sophisticated style style sexual magnetism personality curiosity colour enticingness come-hither look the jazz bedroom eyes loadstone lodestone likableness odyl OD curse thrall individuality prepossessingness agreeability personal appeal odylic force hypnotic attraction flash mojo dazzle brilliance glitter pleasantness attractivity preoccupation exoticism thrill glitz force of personality prettiness loveliness glam crowd puller it confidence blandishments wiles bonniness enthusiasm SA star power incentive comeliness delightfulness gorgeousness strength of character bright lights high life fetish fixation hang-up mania compulsion turn-on coaxing awe thing sorcery bribe bribery pulling power special something siren song trap sweetener mousetrap sweetening promise blandishment grabber bug piquancy trance ruling passion idée fixe tantalizing mystery come hither tantalising character attitude temperament mysteriousness inscrutability secretiveness nature bee in your bonnet air of secrecy air of mystery addiction prepossession fancy craze penchant predilection partiality neurosis fetich crush fairness splendour pulchritude magnificence winsomeness carrot handsomeness liking weakness fad taste hobbyhorse splendor delusion propensity bias proclivity desire good looks hobby horse case prejudice leaning pet subject irresistible influence sparkle teaser glory showiness flashiness razzmatazz phobia éclat fondness monomania yen preference preoccupation with mania for rage obsession with curiousness must phantom monkey consuming passion concern soft spot inclination keenness affinity love affection susceptibility fixedness paranoia keen interest glamorousness bug in ear tiger by the tail ax to grind something on the brain one-track mind concrete idea air of mysteriousness focus crowd-pleaser worry uneasiness anxiety niggle care eroticism sexiness winningness takingness temptingness colourfulness adventure sentiment crowd-puller grace elegance exoticness fantasy nostalgia centre of attention focal point sexual attractiveness sexual attraction tout hook seducement gimmick fake ambush trick illusion camouflage idealization idealisation idyll center of attention stimulant sexual fixation engrossment luck exquisiteness bloom drawing card artistry voluptuousness symmetry heavenliness beauteousness con game sitting duck impressiveness beautifulness cuteness decorativeness grandeur picturesqueness sightliness aesthetics looks esthetics golden calf seemliness wonders delights glories fairy tale refinement shapeliness physical attractiveness polish class natural beauty delicacy adorableness

Danh từ

An unreasoning love for or sexual attraction to
infatuation crush passion mash obsession fancy fixation thing adoration of captivation craze desire desire for devotion to enchantment fascination feeling for folly fondness for foolishness love love for madness pash passion for penchant for preoccupation with regard for addiction to craze for crush on fixation with hang-up about mania for obsession with passing fancy puppy love thing about calf love fondness lust yearning ardor liking ardour craving hunger affection urge thirst inclination hankering eagerness itch mania fervor attraction fervour aspiration adoration appetite devotion need ambition greed predilection covetousness concupiscence wish avidity eroticism rapaciousness keenness cupidity libido weakness lustfulness admiration lechery enthusiasm amorousness lasciviousness libidinousness prurience amativeness salacity erotism propensity proclivity pruriency adulation voracity ravenousness will doting besottedness drive strong interest hots relish solicitude motive frenzy letch longing partiality preoccupation fetish ache soft spot zeal horniness salaciousness deep affection sentiment eros penchant lustihood care feelings pining lech reverence want jones thirstiness appetency hang-up addiction fanaticism excitement compulsion yen emotion first love adolescent love young love dawn of love burning warmth hungering interest aching preference bias urgency enamoredness amour devotedness lovingness tenderness impulse dream motivation impulsion taste prejudice leaning susceptibility avarice nostalgia cacoethes heat chord warmness regard acquisitiveness affinity emotions graspingness sentimentality intensity rapacity torch flame greediness beguin feeling mercenariness avidness endearment idolization avariciousness keen interest materialism veneration mad for possessiveness romantic feelings love affair itching

Danh từ

A sudden occurrence of a particular activity (or emotion)
outburst eruption explosion burst fit outbreak paroxysm spasm storm attack blaze gale access gush outpouring surge ebullition flare flash rush spurt upsurge blast blowup bursting detonation effusion flicker flood flurry flush flutter gust hurricane outflow torrent boutade outflowing splurt blow discharge frenzy scene upheaval flare-up blow-up welling up spate agony bout stream deluge flow spell wave seizure volley rash cascade convulsion epidemic fury flux tide barrage hail throe jet issue onslaught efflux salvo bombardment case turn rise avalanche cannonade siege run outrush shower current blitz drainage fusillade blitzkrieg welling dose drain frothing breakout bang roar drumfire drumbeat swell stroke sally battery passion effluence patch huff spout inundation upwelling leakage round outpour exodus rain escape emanation outflux overflow upswing gushing sweep blowout occurrence howl peal emergence spring effervescence shriek hoot stint hysterics furor rage anger recrudescence emission conniption agitation fuming throes stretch period sudden appearance break groundswell plague thunder spree furore spot fireworks state charge uprising onrush effluent crack course fulmination debouchment escalation influx expression hemorrhage haemorrhage boom ooze bubble seepage effluvium ignition blowing up onset scream shout start inflammation tantrum ripple twinge manifestation vomiting paddy outcry hissy vibration expulsion term fire twitch bomb broadside fever ferment cycle strafe gunfire spray boiling bubbling fountain combustion interval ebb voidance shedding mass shelling bombing violence excitement ejection venting exudation splash touch hissy fit outfall crash breaking sundering commotion rending brawl irruption disorder disruption tumult sortie crossfire stab fermentation seething exudate diffusion pouring encounter effluxion loss streaming depletion blasting relapse streak show series burst of fire suffering battle building up build-up sudden display sudden exhibition craze increase growth blowing-up sudden show brief display brief exhibition ailment upturn scourge contagion mushrooming spread pest endemic pestilence what's going around motion trickle river oozing succession string pandemic sequence chain disease train Black Death progression set infection sickness chapter bubonic plague killer contagious disease experience infestation epizootic profusion phase visitation lues virus widespread disease episode incidence widespread illness procession cluster order line array row welter murrain lurgy suite list concatenation range arrangement influenza hydra pneumonic plague file group bank alternation consecution continuity suit peril gradation column scale tier menace threat to life deadly illness cause of death fatal illness

Động từ

To be, or cause to be, significantly overcome with emotion, wonder or delight
enrapture entrance enthral enthrall ravish transport rap carry away captivate fascinate delight charm enchant spellbind mesmerize bewitch beguile allure mesmerise grip wow please hypnotize thrill transfix enamor hypnotise magnetize rivet absorb draw dazzle magnetise attract knock dead engross arrest tickle pink enamour wile grab witch entice ensnare bedazzle excite send slay knock out bowl over overcome exhilarate hold intoxicate overjoy electrify elate elevate gratify divert gladden trance capture kill blow away send into raptures seduce delectate tickle appeal to catch up hold spellbound win over turn on win tantalize titillate strike engage move tantalise affect quicken stir provoke stimulate inflame agitate seize send into transports take someone's breath away knock one's socks off voodoo forspeak take bedevil vamp trick control amuse entertain put the whammy on put under magic spell put horns on cast a spell on sweep off one's feet tickle to death move to tears reduce to tears own make happy make a hit with sweep off feet get under someone's skin turn someone on give a buzz involve give someone a charge give great pleasure to please greatly give joy to give someone a kick do one's heart good overwhelm overpower stun fill with delight interest lure intrigue tempt occupy hook pull bemuse enwrap arouse busy invite catch immerse woo satisfy persuade preoccupy hex infatuate put under a spell inveigle pique influence enslave tickle someone's fancy content cheer give pleasure to distract coax pleasure inspire rejoice ensorcell suck in compel astound hold in awe float someone's boat decoy go over big hit the spot catch the eye of cajole stupefy lead on betray bait solicit humour humor touch appeal suit warm sweep off your feet rope in fulfil arride whet the appetite of glad induce amaze beckon fulfill stir up cheer up light someone's fire bring in pull in make someone feel good agree with mislead hold the attention of be of interest to ensorcel spell impress curse possess rouse delude entrap endear blind animate gain subdue befool fire attach subjugate solace indulge regale court hoodoo enthuse groove condemn steer come on draw one's attention oblige catch hold of give the evil eye buck up make content pick up root to the spot be a hit with be attractive to come on to be the ticket warm the cockles of the heart get one's kicks sweep sombeody off his/her feet capture your imagination bewilder be unable to take one's eyes off subject turn one on fix obsess spark dumbfound kindle interest greatly score jubilate glory exult tease waken whet stagger confuse awe grab the attention of monopolize monopolise make hit with fall in love with tickle the fancy of astonish besot tie up call prompt recreate disport overawe take someone's fancy whet someone's appetite lead secure get obtain bring forth call forth elicit argue into bring around incline freak out put in a trance put a spell on make somebody's day make someone content make someone glad make someone pleased be agreeable to snare get going get someone going give someone a thrill do it for someone train rope drag hit on draw in floor panic relax give the come-on to arouse one's curiosity be interesting to matter to engage one's attention capture one's imagination concern perk up sit up catch one's eye whet one's appetite hold one's attention tickle your fancy be a source of fascination to tickle one's fancy arouse the curiosity of engage someone's attention arouse curiosity arouse someone's curiosity daze fracture one put 'em away get one's jollies break one up knock 'em dead exert a pull on exert influence on make a fool of feast gas lift catch someone's eye indicate bid sign summon demand ask command sweep you off your feet work up initiate get started show introduce rally charge motivate brighten make someone's mouth water petrify paralyse fuel galvanize razzle-dazzle recompense give pleasure requite baby make a hit fill the bill favour do the trick coddle do one proud pamper favor mozz accurse flush haunt galvanise juice sweep someone off their feet put the mozz on point the bone at put the evil eye on take somebody's breath away jinx immobilize halt freeze gorgonize fire up key up stop dead paralyze root fire with enthusiasm stop one dead immobilise pump up palsy rivet the attention of stop someone in their tracks race one's motor stop in one's tracks fool deceive dominate scratch pat irritate make somebody laugh convulse prickle brush kittle itch vellicate tingle caress hearten uplift con dupe mollify appease enliven hoodwink madden take in placate convert bamboozle take control of take over have power over drive mad conciliate pacify propitiate sweeten gull double-cross brighten up string along cheat sweet-talk sucker soft-soap snooker cast a spell over have mastery over assuage gentle buoy up bring joy to misguide shaft have humbug spoof juggle snow misinform burn buffalo gammon hornswoggle bluff cozen gaff hoax diddle give someone pleasure give a lift butter up do someone's heart good make a hit with someone exploit flimflam rook manipulate gyp stick have on scam take advantage of jockey shave play fake out finesse chisel set at ease urge win the affection of put off guard convince unarm disarm undermine someone's resistance eat someone up impose on put one over on lead up the garden path pull a swifty on pull a fast one on play for a sucker take for a ride

Trái nghĩa của rapture

rapture Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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