Đồng nghĩa của nature

Alternative for nature

nature /'neitʃə/
  • danh từ
    • tự nhiên, thiên nhiên, tạo hoá
      • the struggle with nature: cuộc đấu tranh với thiên nhiên
      • according to the laws of nature: theo quy luật tự nhiên
      • in the course of nature: theo lẽ thường
      • to draw from nature: (nghệ thuật) vẽ theo tự nhiên
    • trạng thái tự nhiên; trạng thái nguyên thuỷ
    • tính, bản chất, bản tính
      • good nature: bản chất tốt, tính thiện
    • loại, thứ
      • things of this nature do not interest me: những cái thuộc loại này không làm cho tôi thích thú
      • in (of) the nature of: giống như, cùng loại với
    • sức sống; chức năng tự nhiên; nhu cầu tự nhiên
      • to ease (relieve) nature: đi ỉa, đi đái; thoả mãn một nhu cầu tự nhiên
    • nhựa (cây)
      • full of nature: căng nhựa
    • against (contrary to) nature
      • phi thường, siêu phàm, kỳ diệu
    • debt of nature
      • (xem) debt
    • to pay one's debt to nature
      • (xem) debt

Danh từ

The basic or inherent features, character, or qualities of something
character essence complexion constitution disposition personality temperament temper attributes being essentiality make-up quality quiddity quintessence self soul stuff substance tone basic characteristics features humor humour identity mood outlook traits characteristics inherent attributes inherent characteristics inherent qualities makeup basic attributes basic features basic qualities essential attributes essential characteristics essential features essential qualities inherent features bottom line sum and substance name of game name of tune nature of beast spirit heart marrow pith texture core kernel fabric fiber form structure feel fibre nitty-gritty nap material significance crux psyche meaning persona mind individuality composition meat nub virtuality bottom inner self surface entity weave ethos life grain nucleus conscience principle gist lifeblood finish reality subconscious anima animus name of the game basis centre essentia consistency importance ego consciousness burden esse pneuma center woof warp timber staple matter feeling inner being intellect content touch fineness make inner man inner woman nuts and bolts hand pile cloth whatness distillation making ultimate extract embodiment essentialness presence bosom breast organism creature person oneself I colors clay genius moment meaningfulness thrust validity import sense power consequence soundness reason humanity will gravamen foundation clout concreteness proprium myself personal colours egocentrism selfhood own identical individual substantive individualization narcissism force prominence magnitude guts thought ardor intelligence fervor fervour ardour inner person innermost feelings true being vital force heart of hearts brass tacks ABCs sum total spiritual being elan vital innermost self life force essential nature recesses of heart inner ego ka secret self wairua atman animating principle breath of life formation organization build stiffness roughness intermixture balance flexibility coarseness smoothness construction framework body arrangement configuration design anatomy set-up components organisation parts contents architecture condition constituents root base fundamentals point sum element backbone centerpiece actuality vein aspect keynote pivot attribute caliber property calibre net germ centrepiece fundamental nature basic quality central part essential part fundamental quality basic characteristic intrinsic nature bull's-eye chief constituent main idea be-all and end-all meat and potatoes

Danh từ

The innate or essential qualities or character of a person or animal
character disposition humor humour make-up personality temper temperament constitution fiber fibre persona psyche grain cast of mind turn of mind complexion tone stamp spirit quality mood individuality vein makeup essence aspect air note cast self peculiarity individualism clay tenor way genius frame of mind kind attitude style particularity tendency mould inclination colors singularity property identity mold colours flavour flavor manner characteristic touch atmosphere distinctiveness sort feel feeling bent attribute type mettle mark idiosyncrasy uniqueness hallmark ambience mentality fingerprint outlook make affection heart feature mind streak habit soul kidney selfhood traits aura distinction trait description vibrations ambiance climate condition badge attribution marker emotions diagnostic differentia leaning mode element strain oddity state of mind originality calibre attributes caliber qualities tinge selfness selfdom variety point smell trademark ethos aroma drift feather quirk halo substance self-identity odor odour sense karma patina proclivity nimbus stripe vibe frame turn trend speciality criterion specialty essential quality eccentricity difference predilection gist thing mind-set separateness ilk features discreteness singleness appearance oneness dissimilarity ipseity singularness independence unlikeness seity rarity unity virtue facet psychology shape predisposition hue mindset state cheer endowment inner nature approach suggestion meaning key specific orientation timbre intention fashion purport purpose like intent moral fiber moral fibre preference partiality core position custom penchant strand way of thinking bag light seeming guise semblance color colour figure build effect being behavior nuance breed druthers differentness creation emotional state characteristics behaviour component mannerism bias current dimension earmark symptom faculty spirits mental condition perspective standing feelings persuasion mental state person's character wave tang mental attitude mind set essential foible tendencies thinking sentiment thumbprint lineament bearing design stance ego intellect capacity susceptibility structure temporary psychological state typical feature quintessence isolation thought idea seclusion segregation privacy morale sequestration image solitude theme solitariness scene posture standard principle belief lifeblood ethic aloneness insulation secludedness point of view way of looking at it separation burden side habit of mind conception concept grace charm symbol indication token sign emblem import course thread fundamental nature prevailing tendency dominating characteristic parameter path message significance aim thrust direction motivating force animating principle predication face affirmation factor savor outward appearance course of thought pith run evolution stuff body meat way of it name of tune nature of beast savour public image disconnectedness taste pick pleasure propensity hobby cup of tea passion pastime liking interest proneness occupation aptness turn-on desire choice avocation what floats one's boat properties complex mystique estimation marked traits set crasis sum and substance unconventionality exclusivity unorthodoxy heterodoxy existence strangeness twist matchlessness exceptionality inimitability integrity status circumstances nonconformism nonconformity uncommonness bohemianism abnormality rareness trick curiosity iconoclasm free-spiritedness disparateness coherence identification name distinctness nonconformance kink specialness anomaly crotchet affectation quip tic quiddity erraticism detail individual trait ingredient constituent slant angle personal trait differential monosemy exceptionalism subjectiveness internal value perspicacity egoism selfishness detachment dissociation look merit subjectivity disparity ability demarcation contrast nicety discrepancy inimitableness dissimilitude discrimination gag notability gimmick integrant self-view self-conception power highlight diversity differentiation disagreement diverseness distance otherness oddness weirdness unnaturalness queerness incongruity bizarreness freakishness extraordinariness outlandishness freak curiousness phenomenon irregularity incongruousness unusualness wackiness anomalousness kookiness quirkiness conversation piece unconformity fetish

Danh từ

Persons or things with something in common that are grouped together
sort kind type variety description species ilk style category class genre order stripe cast kidney breed classification feather like manner strain grain mold mould stamp anatomy brand colour color conformation figure framework shape structure way genus group form family set character bracket make quality vintage calibre caliber model lot pattern grade division race rank generation design tier rubric league likes ranks denomination line number condition status school temperament fashion cut grouping designation persuasion branch section stock disposition mode standard range subdivision hue likes of collection kin department phylum gender vein derivation tribe specification tenor temper mettle categorization subclass listing heading list head repute mark image compartment field pedigree sample turn hierarchy rating standing spirit taxon cast of mind turn of mind clutch battery suite parcel batch array state domain suit course source frame origin rate specialty taxonomic group speciality province selection sect name value personality type tendency fiber makeup fibre tone tincture tinge shade tint inclination bent habit caste bunch specimen lineage extraction semblance air embodiment demeanor demeanour complexion progeny level position grading ranking station degree echelon place pigeonhole rung stage notch gradation worth point sphere step band series cohort stature subspecies area placing scope realm stream size measure assortment phase estate kingdom sector string ordering arrangement stratum subgroup variant peg benchmark arena subject topic dignity unit practice method system circle lineup part evaluation virtue capacity jurisdiction barony chapter limits version parameters span inch level of ability ability group body score estimate assessment appraisal production diversity run remove age group label pick mixture choice study group measurement sorting valuation judgement judgment calibration distinction gamut issue marque make-up estimation pecking order purpose sequence graduation analysis sizing consignment coordination alloting pigeonholing cataloguing allocation typecasting cataloging ordination tabulating collocation distribution disposal distributing allotment assignment apportionment regulation crop wave significance prestige footing importance niche groove crowd pack compeers peers contemporaries degree of proficiency degree of merit degree of quality peer group

Danh từ

One's behavior
way custom habit practice wont characteristic idiosyncrasy manner fashion personality trait conduct style attribute convention mannerism policy procedure routine rule use behaviour habitude mode oddity pattern peculiarity practise ritual temperament trick aptness character disposition method praxis proneness propensity tendency behavior consuetude groove second nature tradition usage modus operandi modus vivendi tikanga bent feature proclivity quirk quality property penchant stamp foible mark hallmark inclination distinction affection predilection thing eccentricity matter of course singularity marker trademark leaning note attribution liability criterion fingerprint diagnostic differentia cast earmark touch particularity addiction readiness essential quality system aspect form lineament point specific grind virtue complexion hang-up likelihood aptitude beaten path daily grind predisposition process drill individualism susceptibility individuality curiosity component token facet weakness symptom essence flavour flavor set speciality affinity bias precedent shot observance proprieties caliber calibre impulse into streak badge specialty turn typical feature preference repetition swim norm assuetude institution crotchet usance rut effect characteristic gesture convenance proceeding usefulness utility quip tic quiddity erraticism kink twist sign likeliness temper makeup air familiarity usual procedure symbol indication affectation unconventionality look partiality tilt propension inclining fixed attitude acquired behavior habit pattern standing evidence proof emblem label tag individual trait personal trait clue manifestation hint notability eminence indicator repute value mindset signature force of habit element dimension mind odor reputation odour prestige differential marking faculty signature characteristic essential originality thumbprint endowment stripe frame mood tone tinge bearing bag abnormality savor denominator birthmark savour nature of the beast

Danh từ

The social, non-verbal behaviors that are characteristic of a person
demeanor comportment deportment behavior behaviour conduct disposition etiquette manner bearing carriage cast character mien personality temperament air aspect attitude manners persona port presence tenor way actions address appearance expression image mannerisms set style temper gest geste performance poise way of acting way of behaving way of standing way of bearing oneself way of carrying oneself way of holding oneself way of conducting oneself demeanour look countenance posture stance pose form habits mannerism guise activities figure decorum deeds dignity front tone face regard outside garb propriety acts condition facial expression dealings breeding politeness good manners protocol courtesy visage physiognomy dress mug quality act affectation looks feature semblance taste movements property amenities polish formalities civilities elegance culture mores ceremony action convention contortion refinement social graces politesse ways position good breeding good form gait seemliness mode exterior exploits practices tenue p's and q's stamp show turn pretence aura tact practises façade characteristic facade charade mood features feel masquerade impression ambience feeling airs atmosphere station pretense screen effect display peculiarity flavour color tinge flavor playacting attribute trait mask inclination bent outward form outward aspect false display positure put-on piece engagements colour part acceptable conduct polites correct behaviour polite behaviour handiwork doings decisions handling of matters stand idiosyncrasy done thing capers ease social behaviour gesture gestures motion pace way of moving step cut of one's jib person's presence fit hang polite social habit kinesics seeming performances gests presentation delivery dignified demeanour dignified air dignified bearing way of sitting brace urbanity sophistication body language morals vibe ring halo odor karma nimbus smell vibrations ambiance patina odour climate note aroma looks alone face value first impressions the exterior nonverbal communication physical response body movement outline fashion shape ethics speech talk practice course code savoir-faire way of being pretext disguise outer shell vista cover smokescreen illusion veil veneer what's done excuse way of life false show role cloak blind put-up job light false colours false front decency outward show window dressing type puss profile pan phizog kind sort phiz dial coupon clock mush bake kisser properness respectability lineaments correctness appropriateness decorousness variety class element factor demureness gentility appropriacy modesty poker face boat race gills potato map biscuit detail facet point shade tint hue pattern tincture kidney grain strain ilk mould courtliness punctilio particularity essence slant component thing frill stripe trademark virtue caliber mark tendency calibre distinction streak twist quirk strong point civility convenance restraint correctitude good grace appropriate behavior gravity orderliness order good behavior good taste formality sedateness brand genre embodiment mold complexion

Danh từ

The natural constitution, or physical structure, of a person
physique build constitution figure form frame shape body make-up anatomy flesh habit muscles musculature proportions skeleton structure bod built carcass character chassis configuration corpus habitus makeup size soma type body structure physical development physical make-up physical structure body type physical type vital statistics disposition bent temperament frame of mind formation outline pattern contours symmetry profile contour cut cast lines delineation mould design model mold format silhouette geometry fashion circumscription simulacrum shadow construction architecture arrangement conformation layout framework composition plan organization organisation style template line stencil order scheme figuration appearance system constellation ordonnance getup lineament stature lineation fabric set-up die setup matrix look kind diagram make description dimensions tracing grouping array setout cutout alignment prototype ordering likeness plate sort geography features torso presentation mode method drawing curves map shell edifice stamp mass assembly rough positioning draft representation marshalling cadre bones sketch framing morphology blueprint portrait depiction vignette illustration lineaments marshaling chart draught forming fabrication interrelation of parts guide original master guise curve relief brand archetype paradigm being person demarcation fit tailoring sequence penumbra casting formula mechanisms etching shade manner umbra infrastructure armature pile variety repetition orderliness building complex erection corse texture interrelation network summary synopsis report side view sorting ranging display container phenotype content contents spread measurements exterior cavity tessellation essentials characteristics outward appearance outward form articulation spot Gestalt mug shot schema basis flesh and bones cartoon bag of bones mortal part groundwork charter context agenda background plaster cast underdrawing portrayal definition rendering picture portraiture preliminary drawing aperçu maquette précis croquis esquisse formulation methodization chemistry harmony classification codification systematization categorization methodology blurred outline blob bare bones frame of reference making standardization arranging systematisation standardisation unity ébauche copy monograph doodle painting adumbration account rank starting moulding founding shaping production evolution development establishment neatness situation standard organism whole genesis generation crystallization accumulation manufacture compilation circumference materialisation deposit embodiment molding realization induction realisation synthesis materialization setting up crystallisation dispersal growth image perimeter visual preliminary form thumbnail sketch outline sketch

Danh từ

An aura of heightened interest, meaning or mystery surrounding a person or thing
mystique awe charisma charm fascination magic spell glamour allure mystery romance appeal attitude aura character complex enchantment glamor inscrutability mysteriousness secretiveness temperament air of mystery air of secrecy magnetism attraction animal magnetism attractiveness excitement captivation seductiveness oomph witchery duende pizzazz pizazz pull lure exoticism pzazz force field draw enticement personality beguilement presence irresistible influence individuality dazzle IT something flash mojo witchcraft drawing power force of personality curiosity star quality strength of character interest inexplicableness enigma colour curiousness intrigue inscrutableness colourfulness adventure sentiment secret perplexity secrecy exoticness fantasy nostalgia abstruseness fancy idealization color idealisation idyll air of mysteriousness fairy tale bewitchment brilliance glitter thrill glitz prestige glam high life bright lights allurement temptation seduction come-on entrancement persuasion desirability pleasingness inducement beauty mesmerism enthrallment power engagingness infatuation ravishment bait bewitchery call inveiglement magnet influence agreeableness decoy captivatingness charmingness snare cajolery absorption hypnotism enslavement enthralment delight joy sparkle tantalization ensnarement mesmerization hypnotization enticingness style interestingness bliss rapture irresistibility transport likableness splendour tantalising tantalizing sexual magnetism loadstone lodestone agreeability prepossessingness hold glory showiness magnificence flashiness pleasantness attractivity happiness razzle-dazzle razzmatazz crowd puller obsession odyl OD éclat preoccupation the jazz bedroom eyes come-hither look loveliness prettiness personal appeal odylic force hypnotic attraction wiles bonniness blandishments splendor enthusiasm passion gorgeousness comeliness delightfulness fixation hang-up compulsion fetish mania pulling power thing sorcery grabber bug piquancy trance invitation incentive ruling passion idée fixe turn-on coaxing sex appeal special something bribe bribery thing for siren song sweetener mousetrap sweetening promise blandishment trap bee in your bonnet come hither

Danh từ

The particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time
state condition shape situation circumstances position status outlook circumstance form kilter order capacity fettle health juncture nick standing station case character footing mode phase posture plight predicament state of affairs place rank estate trim repair keeping grade level fitness echelon scene degree rung sphere quality class reputation scenario stature ranking state of health reaches stratum classification category status quo working order lot picture stage distinction point constitution surroundings repute caliber setting whack worth calibre set of circumstances aspect story how things stack up prospect esteem prestige deal rating appearance ballgame caste way importance crisis tone consequence prominence eminence lifestyle times commission influence physical fitness fame note weight virtue value account celebrity ball game development renown physical shape like it is merit cachet dignity relationship shoes wellness terms relations basis spot standard arrangement euphoria foundation station in life environment role division measure benchmark physical health physical state nobility privilege emotional state state of repair sound condition mental state post occupation appointment size import illustriousness pre-eminence social status build position in society social class step state of mind acclaim pass chapter kind walk standpoint bearing slot physique high station figure competence ability qualification growth sitch instance affairs straits strait deportment part period bargain carriage habit mien manner episode fate way things are how things are way things shape up how it goes where it's at lay of the land stead dilemma context event bracket notch peg patch inch segment authority the size of it name prestigiousness regard clout cut honour image significance honor estimation set up size of it supremacy mana superiority report kudos type laurels social standing social position good name izzat

Trái nghĩa của nature

nature Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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