Đồng nghĩa của routine

Alternative for routine


Đồng nghĩa: arrangement, habit, method, order, system,

Tính từ

Performed as part of a regular procedure rather than for a special reason
standard usual normal ordinary regular everyday customary common commonplace conventional typical general accustomed familiar habitual periodic wonted workaday average quotidian scheduled established frequent household natural plain prosaic ubiquitous unexceptional unremarkable chronic methodical seasonal day-to-day garden-variety run-of-the-mill standard-issue cut-and-dried cut-and-dry common or garden stock traditional set expected fixed accepted settled popular orthodox prevailing daily prevalent mainstream constant recognized time-honoured confirmed classic recognised universal acknowledged bog-standard recurring classical prescribed characteristic ritual lasting enduring recurrent time-honored perennial persistent rooted garden variety vanilla widespread continual regulation continuing stereotyped long-lived predictable stereotypical public received long-established inveterate long-standing archetypical prescriptive repeated deep-rooted periodical ingrained official systematic archetypal ritualistic going current steady typic proven staple representative proverbial unabating standardized sanctioned ceaseless ineradicable deep-seated abiding domestic standardised incurable inborn obstinate continuous unmitigated lifelong ever-present inbred tenacious stubborn unyielding mundane rife garden tried and true tried and tested bureaucratic pervasive par for the course overall protracted majority basic historic approved ruling undistinguished admitted fashionable old cyclic organized formulaic well established mechanical ceremonial matter-of-course true a dime a dozen doctrinal procedural persisting widely used well worn formal generic agreed institutional rampant regulated systematized family structured perpetual orderly folk simple ancestral humdrum traditionary collective age-old old-world old-time favourite favorite shared well-known cyclical numerous prolonged societal acceptable authorized reiterative iterated consistent organised systematised long-lasting intermittent conformist understood well-established native predominant proper unoriginal stable permanent canonical stipulated immemorial rigid traditionalistic old-fashioned lingering automatic vulgar preferred old hat sound authorised widely held by the numbers middle-of-the-road sustained in vogue diurnal technical practical discreet mediocre indifferent inconspicuous comfortable obvious regimented long-drawn-out monotonous adopted respected endemic uneventful boilerplate gut default ancient venerable OB familial known mimetic dragging slow immortal ageless one-size-fits-all mimic prototypical acquired honored endorsed occurring often domiciliary acquainted dull school timeless obligatory imitative quintessential casual banal terrestrial unimaginative informal hackneyed derived serious incessant remaining decided unsophisticated congruous staid apish signature touted whitebread home homely homey recognizable honoured arranged specified severe model ideal presentational prototypal superabundant unopposed passed legit okayed de rigueur unadventurous homespun humble recognisable predetermined memorable unforgettable undying deathless spun-out drawn-out haunting slavish sop wont determined appointed well known dangerous unending acute given used habituated epigonic epigonous run of the mill continued prearranged nitty-gritty agreed upon inherent symptomatic ten a penny two a penny canned same old dime-a-dozen arrived at anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen reliable emblematic repetitious practised practiced long-term ongoing addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory seasoned chosen dire alarming extreme grave cheap and commonplace mass wide reoccurring repetitive common variety matter-of-fact defined establishment emulative standard operating procedure playing it safe in a rut in the groove according to Hoyle plastic white-bread so-so grind distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing taken for granted broad planned individualistic clichéd cliched of choice in the habit of methodic overused never-ending national blanket communal overarching global joint outright rolling repeating successive businesslike ready dyed-in-the-wool assigned recommended in keeping in character comprehensive true to form to be expected oft repeated only to be expected on the cards … all over true to type total sweeping epidemic nationwide wholesale coherent correct conservative entrenched broad-spectrum across-the-board in circulation across the board in force broad-brush all-round all-around authoritative traditionalist influential ultraconservative unprogressive reactionary unheretical button-down buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked old-line old-school standpat die-hard brassbound paleoconservative archconservative kosher derivative right straight pious legitimate religious punctilious rightful square old-style officially recognized straight arrow bien pensant in line according to the book secure unshakable vested occasional infrequent sporadic spasmodic on-and-off odd every once in a while episodic isochronal weekly alternate rhythmic interrupted monthly hourly at various times intervallic on-again-off-again orbital annual epochal at fixed intervals broken fluctuating every so often on certain occasions yearly isochronous centennial serial most common

Tính từ

Ordinary with nothing to distinguish it from all the others
boring tedious humdrum predictable tiresome repetitive run-of-the-mill monotonous unchanging unimaginative dreary dull hackneyed menial pedestrian prosaic unoriginal unvarying wearisome clichéd derivative mundane stock unexciting uninspiring uninteresting workaday banal hacky trite uneventful uninspired mind-numbing commonplace stale ordinary common flat vapid conventional stereotyped jejune platitudinous bromidic tired dry ho-hum insipid tame unvaried lifeless everyday overused corny drab stodgy repetitious overworked threadbare colourless colorless bland well-worn old hat old unremarkable tiring slow arid ponderous vanilla stuffy moth-eaten stupid set timeworn lacklustre heavy lackluster drudging shopworn cornball musty numbing jading monochromatic dusty worn-out usual quotidian stereotypical weary leaden wearying hokey ready-made blah cliché hack bathetic familiar tune worn spiritless worn out plain vanilla exhausted drained mildewed chain mechanical ho hum truistic used-up samey warmed-over cliched characterless plodding lacking variety unexceptional played out dead stereotypic platitudinal time-worn sterile normal standard matter-of-fact dull as dishwater nothing nowhere featureless banausic formulaic unadventurous overdone uncreative customary zero regular hoary average typical familiar dime-store cliche obligatory hackney cobwebby pabulum deadly soul-destroying dullsville dreich dry as dust recurrent barren day-to-day irksome automatic unstimulating square plain prosy run of the mill monochrome well worn weariful monotone soporific big yawn inane a dime a dozen ornery repeated iterative undistinguished lacking variation draggy derived uninventive traditional reiterative recurring nothing to write home about plebeian formal passionless nitty-gritty terrestrial yawn garden-variety repeating undiversified duplicative deadly dull lowly soulless interminable clockwork recapitulatory iterant simple mediocre bloodless mindless cliché-ridden unrelieved echoic deadpan safe tripe dim treadmill fatiguing stiff garden variety white-bread unentertaining unenjoyable nondescript dragging common or garden prolix yawnsome bog-standard wishy-washy lacking excitement lacking interest no great shakes as dry as dust not up to much orthodox second-rate indifferent rehearsed bummer drag cloying drear bomb anaemic unspontaneous artificial usual thing long-winded workday unimpressed unmoved heavy-handed unmemorable straightforward annoying irritating anemic cautious lame formalistic desolate circumspect turgid quiet cut-and-dry businesslike cut-and-dried standard-issue silly uniform vacuous phoned in unspirited half-pie OK so-so wooden boresome vexatious prudent imitative ineffective robotic brainless unfateful indecisive noneventful unnoteworthy inconclusive chary dull as ditchwater unsentimental unvarnished unembellished unpoetic literal unemotional factual clear unadorned deadening unexceptionable old-hat outmoded outdated out-of-date obsolete played-out old-chestnut old-saw antiquated anodyne attentive vieux jeu laborious raw dispiriting wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy downcast not so hot toneless diddly practical lusterless actual practicable prose clean timid overlong without variety general gingerly considerate careful heedful wary calculating empty crude meagre simplistic meager innocuous reiterated samely monotonic all the same sing-song unchanged unartistic staple generic enervating mortal exhausting poky snooze undemanding conservative endless dismal depressing matter-of- fact unenterprising puts one to sleep flat as pancake unromantic blank expressionless leery long-drawn-out indistinctive neutral faceless noncommittal accustomed prevailing going basic current popular prevalent neither one thing nor the other established facile noplace dumb cornfed trivial readily available widely available feeble weak limp inoffensive unobjectionable harmless mainstream halfhearted diluted boiled down without punch apathetic torpid flavourless flavorless listless sluggish vacant serious tasteless inactive zestless unpalatable unanimated watery no-nonsense sober milk-and-water emotionless laboured labored pallid gray grey muted antiseptic unimpassioned staid static uncomic heavy-going cold subdued impassive down-to-earth passive humourless pointless languid humorless lustreless inexpressive unamusing uninterested distasteful somber unappetizing unappealing sedate sombre unsavoury unfeeling inert stolid middle-of-the-road mild namby-pamby solemn straight unresponsive phlegmatic unsavory stilted hollow unpretentious stagnant desiccated grave weighty uninviting dulled lethargic disagreeable unpleasant inedible sleepy undemonstrative unattractive fuddy-duddy beige level-headed hard-headed uneatable unenthusiastic numb driveling drivelling realistic pragmatic insensitive verbose soft pathetic sapless half-hearted hardheaded pragmatical one-horse calm difficult stern earthy flat tire gross grim unfunny severe slack enervated unidealistic droning cold-blooded slow-moving uncomedic unwitty matte pedantic unproductive mat unsmiling off-putting earnest non-stimulating forced disgusting serious-minded constant restrained undistinctive ineffectual stoical nauseating glassy savourless rational sensible yucky unobtrusive loathsome revolting faithful stoic institutional tepid peaceful frigid slothful nasty foul commonsensical backwoods benumbed placid lackadaisical unexcitable unseasoned ceaseless insistent continual languorous understated heavy going dispassionate spineless impassible wimpy savorless lacking in vitality sick-making old-fashioned unostentatious affectless watered-down dead-and-alive depressed irresolute unembroidered undistorted unaffected exact lukewarm intense sullen straight-thinking repressed lazy droopy archaic antediluvian humble out of date unflashy low-keyed languishing mournful elementary dour sour passé unconcerned hard-boiled cowardly down behind the times homely dowdy austere out of the ark low-key with both feet on the ground toned-down folksy miserable long steady slow but sure literal-minded unidentified unspecified prosing pompous dry-as-dust clumsy unnatural awkward indistinct unmodulated unlively unpassioned earthbound shiftless sickening clinical wordy unfulfilling disheartening unsatisfying demoralizing glassy-eyed cardboard not fun least Milquetoast repugnant over-serious trying frustrating unspecial logical unprogressive lacking vitality useless backward vile poor inadequate futile two-dimensional comatose in the doldrums bleak profitless vain unambitious noisome fatuous tenuous nebbish slight unexpressive unexcited spent fishy reserved demoralising unrewarding uninflected puerile whitebread blind devoid of feeling devoid of emotion waterish nerdy fruitless worthless hard to digest lacking personality lacking charisma thin valueless unprofitable purposeless aimless unmotivated catatonic effete glazed subtle incomprehensible inarticulate incoherent run-of-the mill lead balloon unavailing bootless otiose unsuccessful inefficacious abortive light discreet backwater wet limp-wristed weak-kneed sobersided bovine unflavoured drawly regimented dense unreadable unfruitful unfilled unprolific unsympathetic inconspicuous puritanical douce strict supine wimpish weakened nerveless frail invertebrate weakling unnoticeable unkind indolent coldhearted not amounting to much anaesthetic insensible anesthetic unflappable defunct unpleasurable badly written governmental utilitarian rudimentary corporate functional ugly extinct innocent twangy twanging callous numbed stony asleep inhuman po-faced unhumorous repulsive superannuated desensitized groggy disinterested tranquil uninvolved uncompassionate lymphatic uncharismatic senseless anesthetized yucko along for the ride desensitised detached without spice big zero peaceable unoffending vacillating wavering antwacky cut and dried retiring drawling brackish detestable yukky abhorrent anaesthetized paralysed paralyzed still frequentative standard issue unrefined robust unsophisticated rough natural grody unenticing stinky icky forgettable innoxious nonprovocative meek direct uninhibited slavish inelaborate pure and simple normophilic uncluttered unornamented rustic your basic modest unelaborate uncomplicated undecorated submissive melancholic dispirited despondent mopy low dejected melancholy white non-aggressive non-violent benign non-combative hurtless stark nameless blue disconsolate gutless dopey broken sad drippy inanimate downhearted withdrawn tempered pensive fogeyish backward-looking crusty gentle friendly pleasant frank chastened creaky mouldy old-fogeyish controlled home folk homey funky lowbred easygoing lusty down home outdoorsy dated antique fusty moldy past it old-time inobtrusive down in the mouth down in the dumps cast down lacking originality naked accurate impersonal feasible truthful

Tính từ

Plain or lacking in interesting features or characteristics
undistinguished mundane humdrum ordinary characterless dull commonplace prosaic boring everyday vanilla uninspired unmemorable plain nondescript quotidian workaday normal hackneyed common trite simple ornery uneventful usual jejune suburban typical unnoteworthy generic inconsequential inconspicuous unnoticeable okay run-of-the-mill garden-variety plain vanilla common or garden nothing special a dime a dozen bog standard no big deal average unremarkable unexceptional pedestrian standard bog-standard mediocre middle-of-the-road conventional standard-issue nothing to write home about uninteresting bland no great shakes cut-and-dry cut-and-dried indifferent mainstream so-so colourless colorless middling unpretentious uninspiring OK unexciting modest second-rate familiar customary garden not up to much garden variety fair homespun regular insignificant not much cop forgettable lacklustre lackluster banal unimpressive half-pie homely dime-a-dozen inferior humble nothing to get excited about ten a penny stale passable tolerable corny predictable hacky run-of-the-mine run-of-mine medium second-class stock household drab plastic ubiquitous frequent bush-league stereotyped not so hot natural lowly white-bread mean habitual middle of the road not bad acceptable adequate decent dreary monotonous fair-to-middling anonymous unoriginal tired trivial straightforward amateur amateurish overworked overused time-worn overdone unspectacular boilerplate derivative widespread general nitty-gritty day-to-day terrestrial practical casual informal par for the course worn out nowhere jake dime-store cornball clichéd unimportant traditional obvious played out old hat matter-of-course starch worn-out plebeian prevalent off-the-shelf plain-Jane unextraordinary unvaried stereotypical insipid useless nothing irrelevant inconsiderable paltry run of the mill not very good two a penny formulaic familiar tune boiler plate pointless piddling immaterial worthless meaningless whatever anaemic gray empty grey tame anemic not worth mentioning of little consequence of little importance of no importance of no consequence of no great concern of no account blending into the background intermediate no-frills basic fair to middling

Tính từ

Humble or lower in rank or status
menial humble lowly unskilled boring degrading low-status base dull mean humdrum abject low sorry demeaning fawning servile slavish vile grovelling ignominious inferior low-grade subservient sycophantic blue-collar ignoble obsequious unworthy baseborn basic common groveling obeisant tedious ingratiating submissive bootlicking self-abasing cringing obedient toadying unctuous craven toadyish slimy brown-nosing soapy sucky compliant deferential arse-licking despicable ass-kissing passive Uriah Heepish docile unresisting meek self-effacing smarmy oleaginous greasy sycophantish oily acquiescent yielding accommodating forelock-tugging excessively deferential apple-polishing beggarly unassertive biddable dutiful duteous truckling spineless subject ductile pliant timid mild subordinate sniveling kowtowing subdued snivelling spiritless resigned lamblike resistless longanimous under one's thumb suckholing flattering malleable amenable tractable manageable non-resisting brownnosing complacent parasitical crouching parasitic reverential mealy-mouthed respectful prostrate enslaved stipendiary sneaking compliable patient forbearing degraded contemptible worthless supine cowering under someone's thumb debased nonresisting nonresistant law-abiding soft disciplinable agreeable domesticated comformable pliable conformable obeying governable controllable trainable surrendering obliging teachable amiable giving-in placable bowing down uncomplaining complying tame handleable downtrodden sordid dancing at one's mercy in one's power in one's clutches a slave to at one's beck and call in one's pocket reprehensible shabby detestable dishonourable scungy deplorable humiliated horrible gloomy dejected outcast dishonorable deferent dismal hangdog cringey eating crow eating humble pie regardful polite unprotesting gentle attentive willing complaisant civil courteous considerate thoughtful reverent tolerant mannerly unresistant calm tolerating easy accepting peaceable venerating ready quiet genial following humiliating crawling creeping solicitous gracious awed sequacious chivalrous courtly gallant admiring stoical long-suffering consenting ingratiatory shy cowed unobtrusive demure appreciative fatalistic reconciled philosophical non-resistant sheepish supplicatory assenting acceding cooperative flexible agreeing conforming approving persuadable timorous unambitious hesitant tentative apprehensive fearful enduring adapted well-disposed phlegmatic renouncing cordial satisfied quiescent stoic relinquishing adjusted accommodated well mannered well-mannered persuasible mim self-conscious convincible acquiescing suasible assentive susceptive game easily persuaded well-trained good observant under control tender disciplined pacific serene placid well trained well disciplined mellow devoted loyal honoring faithful sheeplike well-behaved honouring docious hearsome unquestioning moderate warm easy-going soft-hearted unassuming kind forgiving conciliatory warm-hearted compassionate tender-hearted indulgent good-natured modest sensitive sympathetic pleasant tranquil wrapped around finger on a string merciful affable peaceful equable chilled easy-oasy easygoing mild-mannered good-tempered flat good-humoured jejune good-humored vapid smooth forbearant

Tính từ

Having or indicating an efficient, practical, and systematic approach to one's work or a task
businesslike efficient professional correct methodical orderly organised organized regular systematic matter-of-fact practical thorough well-ordered workaday competent disciplined planned practised slick pragmatic structured accomplished careful concentrated diligent direct earnest effective enterprising expeditious hardworking industrious intent ordered painstaking practiced purposeful sedulous serious skilful skillful well ordered well-organized systematized standardized standard coherent neat precise consistent logical methodic formal methodized analytical arranged thoroughgoing meticulous controlled fastidious coordinated standardised systematised exact complete well organized out-and-out joined-up well thought out tidy regimented strict well planned well regulated regulated fixed rigorous punctilious scrupulous well-regulated together scientific rigid self-controlled on a tight rein smooth-running closely controlled restricted streamlined in order shipshape rational mathematical uniform all together in good shape deliberate clear systematical objective sound strictly controlled well-arranged steady restrained well thought-out nonrandom law-abiding well-behaved peaceable well-oiled accurate by the numbers by the book even unchanging unvarying unvaried unbroken monotonous strictly regulated dull settled sorted out no-nonsense in sync exacting productive economic economical resourceful experimental deductive laborsaving timesaving conscientious reasoning firm solid insightful cerebral thinking valid hard-headed consequent analytic good wise straight-thinking hard judicious intelligent saving fussy heedful severe conscionable finicky demanding punctual trim well-kept well-planned labour-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient cost-effective energy-saving well run framed spick-and-span rangé set-up clean alike conventional in shape neat as button neat as pin in apple-pie order to rights

Tính từ

Uncomplicated and easy to do or understand
straightforward easy simple uncomplicated elementary undemanding effortless painless unexacting basic rudimental unchallenging breezy facile parsimonious unproblematic a cinch a snip clear-cut a breeze a cakewalk a doddle a doss a snap duck soup no sweat a bludge a piece of cake as easy as ABC as easy as pie a snack money for jam money for old rope a five-finger exercise easy-peasy plain sailing a piece of old tackle as easy as falling off a log clear straight short easy going straight sailing easy progress smooth sailing easy ride unambiguous uninvolved precise ordinary specific non-complex child's play trouble-free smooth light snap not difficult downhill a pushover untroublesome easy as pie ready fluid cheap piece of cake no problem royal quick hands-down not burdensome soft no trouble manageable idiot-proof pushover no bother easily done nothing to it obvious cinch simple as ABC apparent easy-breezy inconsiderable plain picnic fluent cushy direct accessible trivial evident kids' stuff nothing open-and-shut rudimentary not hard comfortable easygoing stress-free without a hitch easy as ABC self-explanatory unsophisticated easily learnable easy-care easy to care for simplistic efficient untroubled down-to-earth unfussy too easy well-ordered leisurely easy to learn fast uneventful flowing natural graceful a picnic a gift spontaneous instinctive intuitive a walk in the park well ordered cursive unforced running offhand low-maintenance untaxing moderate attainable mindless perspicuous palpable unmistakable weightless workable bearable tolerable endurable low impact user friendly transparent user-friendly slight unequivocal distinct minimal superficial idiotproof bed of roses no muss no fuss patent wieldy little yielding manifest paltry mere benign mellow soothing bland tender nonabrasive balmy middle-of-the-road fundamental essential elemental introductory primary underlying basal beginning foundational abecedarian initial primitive preliminary original ABCs primo prefatory substratal uncomplex simplest simplified simplex meat-and-potatoes meat and potatoes

Tính từ

Dull, routine, and uniform
institutional cold dreary drab formal cheerless dingy dismal forbidding gloomy impersonal clinical colorless colourless depressing gray grey grim joyless somber sombre uniform unwelcoming austere desolate dull off-putting regimented severe spartan stark uninviting bare monotonous sterile bleak miserable dark funereal solemn unhappy wretched forlorn comfortless morose glum sullen depressive disheartening dim dire godforsaken morbid drear dispiriting inhospitable disconsolate darkening plutonian lugubrious black chill murky tenebrous saturnine tenebrific sepulchral lonely lonesome elegiacal dreich sunless elegiac cloudy Cimmerian woeful drearisome dejected woebegone spiritless sorrowful doleful depressed dour mournful melancholic dolorous melancholy abject despondent sad oppressive distressed rueful bland crestfallen pathetic dejecting draggy blue mopey uncomfortable sorry down-and-out wintery mourning afflicted wintry saddening heartbreaking piteous jarring in the dumps teary heartrending tearful cast down downcast down downhearted hopeless down in the dumps dispirited inconsolable low down in the mouth heartbroken low-spirited saddened heartsick distressing heavyhearted bad grave brokenhearted despairing discouraging heartsore pessimistic broken-hearted troubled anguished droopy grief-stricken moody hangdog humourless heavy-hearted humorless tragic mirthless grieving pitiful discouraged upset lamentable disheartened long-faced grievous hurting disappointed bitter pitiable unfortunate demoralized harrowing foreboding unpleasant upsetting demoralised deplorable poor in low spirits sulky sorrowing dreadful serious unfavorable unfavourable harsh sober stern awful fed up hurt devastated in pain chap-fallen disappointing dragged surly disagreeable unpromising sour terrible ominous bereaved painful heart-rending distressful suffering pained bummed out grumpy brooding unsmiling sedate moving poignant cut up crushed downbeat inauspicious stony-faced plaintive choked gutted mean moping aggrieved agonized oppressed chapfallen earnest in the pits agonised tormented gut-wrenching no-nonsense destroyed out of sorts traumatic staid touching worthless glowering horrid defeatist scurvy horrible negative horrific regrettable grieved angry displeasing sobersided hostile appalling pensive regretful agonizing heavy frowning mopish emotional broken lachrymose subdued troublesome tristful tortured weepy tear-jerking calamitous disturbing down-hearted agonising poker-faced shadowy in the doldrums lamenting dirgelike displeased crabby distraught macabre abandoned solitary in a blue funk down and out shot down unamused disgruntled hard sickening cynical affecting scowling foul dirge-like perturbed bothered paltry unpropitious vile discontented ghastly Eeyorish shocking base rotten tragical difficult bereft lousy destitute wistful repugnant sinister worrying weeping threatening broody unlucky frightening ruthful in grief in doldrums all torn up in tears po-faced deserted cheesed off demoralizing weighed down listless adverse crushing deadpan undesirable stony despicable contemptible disillusioned gruesome repellent threnodic gloom-ridden cross squalid disconcerting concerned repulsive intense demoralising compassionate stirring arousing shabby beggarly commiserative fatalistic offensive daunting sordid overwhelmed revolting dolesome disenchanted clouded frightful horrendous weighty uptight discombobulated shameful disconcerted horrifying vexed objectionable distasteful unpalatable bugged shook excruciating unhumorous traumatized churlish grouchy helpless disturbed execrable inferior antsy atrocious unnerving taciturn plangent bad-tempered angst-ridden impoverished detestable indigent scungy sourpuss muted lurid forsaken irked overcast suspicious crabbed weary ugly dismayed wounded hapless alarmist distrustful doubting shook up sick ill-tempered lackluster lacklustre deep heavy with grief mortified overcome with sorrow nightmarish traumatised menacing straight-faced afflictive acheronian heart-wrenching derisible daunted racked disgraceful dolent God-awful sunk in gloom loathsome down-in-the-mouth irritable sick at heart boring lifeless fiery unwelcome bleeding chilling blue funk strained down in dumps parlous brassed off intimidating crummy unfriendly with a long face uninspiring let down taken down given to looking on the black side bowed down cast-down languorous triste as sick as a parrot unexciting blah uninteresting languid singing the blues sick as a parrot on a downer humdrum uncaring unimpassioned unmoved desperate ruined disadvantageous merciful portentous waste worried maudlin nostalgic disenchanting funebrial exequial deathlike threnodial empty barren desolating cheap inadequate insignificant discomforting disquieting remorseful deathly Stygian hollow obscure isolated intolerable lorn discomposing vexatious uncommunicative sorry for oneself burned sore contused companionless overcome pining uninhabitable suicidal unresponsive phlegmatic acherontic lame expressionless impassive mortifying afflicting annoyed gaunt dirgeful luckless depressant bearish in despair inimical shamefaced adust down in mouth uneasy sunk atrabilious dampened drooping dashed sagging remote derelict sequestered ailing have the blahs blank dissatisfied looking on the black side full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny feeling down heart-breaking unhopeful small meagre to be pitied meager let-down not happy languished dysphoric contemplative in sorrow in mourning frustrated discomfited emo ripped disowned full of sorrow torn up low in spirits in the toilet low-down fierce steely chagrined miffed having blue devils having the blahs tough lost unappealing unappetizing unattractive untempting troubling dismaying grisly hideous forgotten homeless aghast unsatisfied beaten friendless uncared-for trashy shoddy filthy aggressive indignant temperamental cantankerous aggravated vanquished baulked worsted objecting balked testing alarming unearthly resolved ruminative resolute thoughtful reflective introspective composed derisory catastrophic cruel disastrous feeble injurious perilous enraged ferocious implacable unappeasable critical flinty cast-iron boot-faced ungentle disapproving furious dragging defenseless alone defenceless fruitless mephitical unkind repellant galling perplexing aggravating unpleasing hellish bewildering vexing annoying abhorrent perturbing revulsive frustrating unamusing uncongenial irritating irksome chilly unenthusiastic eerie exacting exigent nauseating ghostly terrifying gory grotesque ill-fated hard-pressed harmful doubtful treacherous pressing precarious jeopardous apocalyptic rocky very bad straitened discommodious dangerous full of hardship ill-omened direful ill-boding messy poverty-stricken monstrous fearsome quiet unplayful bookish deep in thought bound and determined bummed powerless downtrodden nasty unenticing disgusting terrific pitiless grewsome nightmare weird shady spooky spookish scary unhealthy anxious louring hazy leaden overclouded shaken agitated ruffled disquieted unnerved discomposed darkened death-obsessed harassed wrecked flustered discountenanced aflutter plagued huffy spooked harrowed haunted beclouded lowering misty dirty hazed foggy clouded over resentful pouting piqued petulant persecuted wailing aching jumpy bewailing bemoaning unglued promising rain nebulous put out ill-humoured fractious strung out not fair not clear peeved perverse chippy aloof mumpish pouty racked with suffering in a tizzy racked with pain in a stew withdrawn uncooperative obstinate sourpussed querulous stroppy mardy out of humour fretful ornery sulking unsociable gruff ill-humored in a bad mood in a huff in a funk in a mood in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks

Tính từ

Hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
cursory hasty hurried brief casual passing rapid careless summary superficial desultory offhand perfunctory slapdash half-hearted inattentive mechanical slight token uninterested unthinking automatic drive-by fleeting flying gadarene headlong helter-skelter overhasty pell-mell precipitate precipitous quick rash rushed sketchy depthless fast half-baked haphazard random shallow short sloppy speedy swift uncritical hit or miss impetuous indifferent heedless apathetic reckless sudden impulsive imprudent lackadaisical abrupt unconcerned expeditious spur-of-the-moment nonchalant incautious cool foolhardy prompt injudicious temerarious lukewarm brisk insouciant unconsidered thoughtless pococurante blasé ill-advised laid-back breakneck premature surface-level slipshod cavalier quickie disinterested complacent languid harum-scarum breezy precipitant hare-brained devil-may-care trite trifling passive incidental listless unenthusiastic lacklustre neutral fleet tepid hurrying lightning madcap spiritless insensible uncurious whirlwind instantaneous instant rathe incurious indiscreet lackluster light Laodicean transitory easygoing unfussy rushing previous ill-considered impassive inconsiderate fiery uncaring relaxed flippant carefree lax detached ill-judged informal loose easy-going free and easy glancing vague hectic momentary irresponsible fugacious dangerous purposeless airy slack blithe subitaneous snatched unduly quick inadequate nodding daring rough tempestuous daredevil brash rush whistle-stop short-lived headstrong hit-or-miss uninvolved phlegmatic unmoved bored imperfect flash flimsy partial insincere inconsequential feigning paltry hurry-up unimpressed lethargic emotionless unresponsive unceremonious undiscerning unguarded unwary alacritous quick-fire unhesitating snap negligent hot-headed foolish unenthused indiscriminate over-adventurous slovenly dismissive wooden couldn't-care-less overbold wild damp unexcited undiscriminating unthought-out misguided take-it-or-leave-it harebrained unperceptive immature frenzied hotheaded determined irrational furious insuppressible passionate not enthusiastic immediate forthwith direct unselective mindless unreasoned unexacting jumping to conclusions phoning it in walking through it uninformed imperceptive artless unstudied on-the-spot arbitrary going through the motions effortless leisurely disimpassioned regardless indiscriminating indolent simple happy-go-lucky laid back peremptory easily pleased frantic faint dispassionate weak feeble without notice without formality without delay without hesitation unwilling irresolute reluctant tame unemotional without discussion without warning snappy impatient zippy hot breathless nippy splitting dizzy rattling blistering galloping urgent pronto agile harefooted eager slambang quickened chop-chop fleet-footed on the double rapid-fire unwise impolitic improvident tactless indelicate stupid audacious inadvisable undiplomatic short-sighted adventurous ill-conceived inexpedient silly graceless unheeding venturesome bold senseless inappropriate kamikaze hell-for-leather unmindful neglectful inadvertent venturous impractical ill-thought-out blind overconfident wrong-headed remiss violent flighty unsafe unobservant spontaneous maladroit lavish myopic asinine crazy extravagant giddy crackpot unpremeditated immoderate outrageous risky unrestrained daft crackbrained unexpected death-or-glory untimely absent-minded unsubtle crude unwatchful untactful unreasonable unpolitic frivolous wanton insensitive prodigal gauche intemperate shortsighted capricious gruff desperate profuse clumsy cock-eyed excessive wrong tearaway impromptu harsh undesirable over-venturesome ignorant napping bungling unpolished inept reactive blundering awkward uncircumspect vulgar unsagacious astigmatic unadvised unpredictable unalert unvigilant off-guard uncareful instinctive playing with fire oblivious absurd preposterous ridiculous idiotic inane knee-jerk wasteful unconscious untroubled impracticable scatterbrained ill-timed unworkable involuntary intuitive erratic unplanned spendthrift unworried unforeseen witless irreflective unanticipated abandoned thriftless boorish blunt dumb unreasoning unreserved feckless wacky unsuitable unintelligent death-defying mad sharp adventuresome unfettered deaf near-sighted fanciful coarse unsound careless of dozy crass bull-in-a-china-shop confused short-term misconceived fast and loose credulous unprepared meteoric accelerated unlooked-for badly thought out not thought through nearsighted jumping the gun ad hoc luxurious misjudged heady fearless intrepid courageous radge unrealistic unadvisable unthoughtful surprising brave dauntless undaunted infelicitous garrulous nosy chaotic lively trigger-happy empty-headed barmy suicidal naive unfortunate childish scatty fantastic unsympathetic hazardous disregarding riotous shiftless profligate too soon inopportune startling nonsensical leaving self wide open off the deep end wide open uneconomical unthrifty unfeeling derelict nonobservant half-cocked risk-taking ludicrous lunatic fantastical spur of the moment unaware off deep end out on limb unreflective unsophisticated lawless dotty dippy inconstant divvy unintended unpractical brainless fatuous illogical gratuitous supererogative fly-by-night ditsy delinquent short-range restricted limited extemporaneous unwarned unknowing unsuspecting swaggering romping light-minded disorderly disregardful nutty insane unreal bizarre self-destructive overnight fast-track squandering free-spending reflex unintentional unwitting uncouth tasteless off one's guard whimsical uninhibited monstrous scandalous heinous anxious fluctuating fickle fitful unsensible inconvenient pointless improper unrecommended uncreative unimaginative careless of one's duty callous emotional unprompted freakish unrepressed without regard shocking atrocious worried distracted straightforward in the dark supererogatory cyclonic hurricane tumultuous very fast tornado lacking foresight rude unmeditated vacant unmeant brutish not recommended asleep at the switch out to lunch fierce ardent like a bull in a china shop heavy-handed uncalled-for impassioned vehement unbridled uncivil unseemly unreflecting uncautious wary ad-lib fervid restive forgetful winging it fast-and-loose not in the loop badly planned overventuresome caught napping foot-in-mouth heedless of unsmart uncontrolled not careful abundant free volatile asleep at the wheel leading with one's chin off guard pay no mind sticking one's neck out any old way asleep on the job inattentive to disregardful of going off deep end spasmodic acute paying no heed to neglectful of blind to unheeding of regardless of taking no notice of unconscious of deaf to not paying attention oblivious to out of control explosive unusual speeded misplaced unwarranted erroneous high-speed fallacious unfounded out of the blue not bargained for off the top of one's head express mistaken deluded misled extremely fast dangerously fast at speed disinformed stray errant deceived bum-steer bearded faked-out erring stonewalled straying flat-out off course labouring under a delusion led up the garden path uncalled for at full tilt

Danh từ

A set sequence in a performance
performance act number piece bit line turn schtick shtick sketch item skit show production presentation song entertainment playlet dance gig play trick scene recitation party piece feat spoof burlesque travesty parody stunt exploit opus work deed tune composition track take-off pastiche takeoff satire curtain gag introduction consummation caper execution send-up sendup pasquinade squib comedy sketch showing tour de force staging prosecution concert spectacle enactment pursuance matinee drama commission fulfillment recital appearance house public presentation fulfilment dramatization opera cabaret accomplishment musical acting stage show dramatisation masque representation performing theatricals allegory extravaganza acting out perpetration portrayal rendition mounting floor show theatrical performance public performance achievement discharge implementation revue exhibition comedy theatrical musical performance screenplay curtain-raiser stage play theatrical work theatrical piece adaptation carrying out film movie afternoon showing spectacular committal committing sight engagement job employment vaudeville show repertory organizing arrangement solo entertaining variety show organising event theater program broadcast programme series theatre attraction show biz solo performance show business prom playing personation depiction review rehearsal offering ceremony farce tragedy personification selections rockfest promenade concert pop concert jam session rock concert musical entertainment play-acting teleplay soapie pantomime impersonation playacting potboiler soap opera dramatic piece mask television drama radio play one-act television play flop turkey smash hit smash hit

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Something performed over and over to develop skill
drill workout training exercise practice practise praxis custom habit convention ritual way wont procedure rule tradition usage pattern form fashion habitude policy mode manner observance method trick ceremony formality rite system second nature use modus operandi ceremonial style matter of course institution groove tikanga protocol solemnity norm tendency characteristic formula warm-up consuetude mores repetition sacrament preparation liturgy propensity disposition order process proneness prescription ordinance office behaviour regulation behavior grind addiction proprieties daily grind beaten path hang-up service proclivity penchant act bent rehearsal heritage etiquette discipline normality normalcy conduct mystery celebration worship performance course tack communion rubric law work-out tryout run-through conditioning thing convenance proceeding Sacrament homework assignment physical exercise dry run practice session precedent shot into daily dozen formal procedure order of things pomp occasion dictate prescript pageantry idiosyncrasy trait personality nature preference predilection swim usefulness utility tenet usance attribute mannerism usual procedure attitude oddity peculiarity temperament character aptness conventionalism design asylum fact phenomenon way of doing things modus vivendi notion idea home madhouse bedlam rules manners study decency how approach social practice propriety decorum tactics recipe technique regimen strategy methodology barometer benchmark prison concept hostel fixture condition yardstick working out bodybuilding body building precept canon channels setup ropes lockstep guideline right practice set formula keeping fit physical activity trial by the book kawa by the numbers done thing stereotype schedule standard par regime shootaround try-out residential care home moeurs recounting seasoning drilling dummy run tune-up prepping relating experience recitation background effect iteration red tape treatment currency acceptance management rote control lore folklore legend legendry belief principle myth doctrine culture birthright customs ethics wisdom fable mythology ethic mythos exercises established practice aerobics callisthenics isometrics gymnastics weightlifting constitutional exercise session test session work keep-fit session limbering up calisthenics teaching coaching training session physical training session grounding shakedown square-bashing dress rehearsal learning by doing assuetude set rut fixed attitude

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A set of instructions, usually mutually related, outlined as a requirement for something to be achieved
plan program programme procedure preparation specification arrangement course itinerary list curriculum instructions rubric schedule setup agenda agendum plan of action method technique style process approach practice system way form methodology manner means mechanism fashion strategy modus operandi mode recipe scheme operation tack line tactics course of action action custom design blueprint tactic formula modus game plan red tape policy route activity regimen performance move proceeding line of action implementation master plan MO mechanics execution maneuver manoeuvre machination exercise angle stratagem act drill plot step vein channels workings art method of working how line of attack artistry nuts and bolts carrying out motion measures movement steps path measure protocol option undertaking rules conduct road alternative work pattern theory transaction handiwork how-to enactment ground plan touch road map grand design plan of attack discipline the book delivery agency scenario avenue ploy contrivance idea concept choice ruse stages praxis behaviour possibility model direction behavior enterprise manoeuvring maneuvering racket medium attitude perspective slant viewpoint treatment project layout instrumentation formation schema mode of behaviour mode of conduct capacity technic operating procedure mode of operation working attack tenor wrinkle parameters guidelines spec framework regularity mind-set point of view practise game conditions details interface provisions requirements state condition craft artifice ways and means quality tone phraseology locution outline stipulations science stab whack set of procedures set of principles fixed order logical order frame of reference orderly process set of guidelines set of channels systematic process maneuvers manoeuvres logical process genre situation posture wise book rule type status kind sort moves knowledge feats machinations exploits operations wisdom body of knowledge skill deeds enactments gestures methods approaches API processes actions blows strokes doings undertakings exercising exploit feat deed gesture employment application realization putting into practice fulfilment habit convention play exertion enjoyment pursuit tradition accomplishment use ritual fulfillment doing stroke rendering realisation series of steps set of tactics standard operating procedure the numbers SOP

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A manner or expression that hides one's true character or feelings
pretense act charade facade guise masquerade semblance airs disguise façade front playacting pose put-on show acting appearance artifice cloak con cover deceit deception display dissimulation double-dealing evasion excuse fabrication fakery faking falsehood falsification feigning gag hoax imitation insincerity invention make-believe mask misrepresentation misstatement ostentation posing posturing pretext ruse schtick sham shuffling simulation stall stunt subterfuge trick trickery veil veneer wile dumb act false pretense pretence false front face affectation air smokescreen pretension posture illusion screen false display cover-up camouflage fake impression exterior look window dressing false show play-acting gloss smoke screen pretentiousness shroud feint pageant image outward appearance bluff false colors blind color role impersonation fig leaf colour counterfeit covering imposture smoke and mirrors shamming likeness curtain simulacrum false appearance window-dressing beard humbug layer public image coloring red herring mantle mien lie bearing name exaggeration colouring disguisement hood showing aspect masking profession wraps dissembling false colours put-up job mannerism affectedness expression fraud artificiality figure shield attitude phoniness approximation forgery resemblance claim countenance carriage seeming similarity affinity suggestion demeanour effect performance dress aura ploy blanket snobbery hokum pretensions inflation grandiosity superciliousness coverture penumbra pall cope scheme demeanor delusion stratagem pretending side phoney phony flimflam snootiness uppishness spoof alikeness outward show concealment airs and graces going Hollywood showing off assumed manners unnatural imitation putting on airs enactment parade hypocrisy manner farce pantomime parody character presentation shell outside robe snivel mockery travesty visage shade light personality identity part mummery assumption demand declaration ambition ambitiousness aspiration title allegation maintenance mimicry shawl wrap envelope portrayal disguising closeting personation revel costume outward display stance form self whitewash smoke-screen dissemblance personage person chaser hamming dissimilation jive attitudinizing a put-on positure stand bluster persona burlesque sell fiction smoke similitude mood feel feeling mere façade fantasy sweet talk soft soap a put-up job shuck and jive bluffing correlation association relationship correspondence public face assumed role spectre specter outward imagination daydreaming dream unreality fakeness frontage snow job bravado maneuver manoeuvre machination bombast bragging spectacle arrogance dreaming romancing fancy connection comparison parallel codology idle boast kidology device grounds apparition reflection vision idea mirage phenomenon counterfeiting cheating boast braggadocio jiving snow mere show self-deception alibi reproduction copy approach story role-playing fairy tale game mock-up dummy cop-out cover story song and dance alleged reason lookalike supposed grounds ostensible reason false excuse nearness analogy dupe pinchbeck knock-off pirate rip-off pseudo four-flusher scam sleight junque gold brick replica imposition swindle

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Something done or happening as a matter of course and without question