Đồng nghĩa của sensitive

Alternative for sensitive

Trái nghĩa: insensitive,

Tính từ

Having or displaying an appreciation of the feelings of others
perceptive sympathetic thoughtful feeling understanding receptive tactful comforting commiserating commiserative compassionate condoling considerate consoling empathetic empathic supportive sympathising sympathizing tender tenderhearted tender-hearted warm attentive aware careful intuitive caring cognizant concerned conscious diplomatic discerning kind patient impressionable reactive responsive sensitised sensitized emotionable impressible insightful kindly knowing perceiving unselfish finely tuned supersensitive touchy feely tuned in turned on to benevolent humane gentle softhearted soft affectionate warmhearted kindhearted charitable pitying beneficent warm-hearted benignant loving kind-hearted good-hearted merciful soft-hearted generous helpful indulgent solicitous good-natured altruistic big-hearted all heart mild gracious tolerant lenient doting sweet encouraging sentimental maternal benign forgiving philanthropic goodhearted large-hearted soothing reassuring bleeding-heart giving selfless motherly fatherly fatherlike humanitarian friendly great-hearted open-hearted forbearing genial clement moved emotional obliging magnanimous human approachable bighearted consolatory uplifting inspiring nurturing inspiriting sorry philanthropical piteous protective fond vicarious appreciative boosting gratifying stimulating touchy-feely cheering cheerful fulfilling mushy nice amiable amicable having heart in right place bleeding heart comprehending open-minded well-disposed accommodating full of pity condolatory accepting interested fiery irritable sensorial vulnerable high-strung nervous sensible demonstrative fragile passionate sensory appreciating affirmative good paternal enthusiastic civilized approving positive gladdening heartening calming heartwarming decent accessible righteous liberal neighborly neighbourly pleasing broad-minded civilised ruthful sparing touched adopted imagined assumed welcome old softie well disposed do-good well meaning loving and giving well-intentioned stirred hospitable agreeable pleasant lovable personable impressed congenial affable lovely cordial likeable mellow melted stimulated affected influenced conciliatory easygoing prepossessing winsome delightful unpresumptuous charming unassuming engaging simpatico reasonable sweet-natured companionable barley-sugar as nice as pie likable sociable winning appealing taking mild-mannered enchanting good-tempered captivating good-humoured sweet-tempered good-humored even-tempered harmless deeply moved munificent greathearted angelic benefic well intentioned heart in right place well-mannered umbrageous hung up sentient easily affected sensile unstable wired ticklish delicate oversensitive susceptible seeing precise touchy precarious fine keen tense acute hypersensitive psychic sensatory tricky hearty easy-going permissive open pardoning pitiful condoning susceptive courteous wholesome eleemosynary unstinting soft touch cooperative polite chivalrous brotherly calm propitious unoffensive open-handed dutiful lavish princely big bounteous public-spirited regardful bountiful respectful gallant openhanded openhearted noble freehanded deferential

Tính từ

Easily damaged, injured, or distressed by slight changes
delicate tender fragile frail brittle susceptible vulnerable allergic easily damaged easily harmed weak feeble infirm debilitated enfeebled slight unsound breakable sickly ailing weakened languid shaky unsteady weakly sapped enervated unwell poorly effete wimpish wimpy faint unsubstantial asthenic prostrated prostrate rickety ill wasted trembly low down-and-out tottery crook helpless flimsy unhealthy frangible indisposed insubstantial incapacitated lacklustre poor doddering lackluster failing valetudinarian crippled wispy jerry-built unstable ramshackle teetery tenuous vitiated lame nesh easily broken wonky dodgy sapless pathetic strengthless doddery meagre meager decrepit in poor health dainty soft softened yielding invalid wobbly sick puny tottering exhausted diseased down peaked run down run-down declining bedridden rocky drained fatigued weedy below par light weakling suffering spineless insecure defective worn out sick as a dog under the weather anemic anaemic sickened bad weak-kneed peaky laid low flagging washed out tired out of shape shatterable fracturable faltering faded emasculated mean powerless shattery etiolated makeshift undermined spent deteriorated irresolute disordered infected unnerved rotten spindly anile wavering feverish impaired incurable devitalized not so hot under medication imperfect confined in a bad way hospitalized broken down vacillating gimcrack sensile halting nerveless invertebrate dragging shoddy unfit off-color punk characterless wet dying laid-up hospitalised wishy-washy limp-wristed out of gas badly built laid up out of action thrown together out of sorts off colour milk-and-water out of condition namby-pamby in poor condition hindered encumbered drooping hampered weary slender crumbly scrawny destructible thin fishy friable forceless debile impotent indecisive washed-out shilpit pallid in declining health rundown depleted trembling stricken withered atrophied deteriorating wilted haggard degenerative ravaged played out diminished limp gentle insufficient woozy half-hearted dopey flat aged flabby sinking reduced pale superficial off grim dizzy rendered feeble hipped splenetic hippish funny green lousy queasy qualmish nauseated on the sick list wretched not oneself not healthy under par in ill health in poor shape ill-looking in a decline paralyzed done in rusty paralysed cheap without energy gone to seed on the ropes languishing unsafe not well cranky chronically ill always ill seedy sickish pining often ill laid-low disintegrating unreliable wasting broken decaying damaged crumbling in bad health rumpty dangerous feeling awful down with not solid not safe not robust broken-down

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Painful or sore due to an injury
painful sore achy hurtful irritated raw stinging tender throbbing hurting aching smarting inflamed afflictive burning excruciating uncomfortable nagging bruised sharp red chafed severe agonizing injured wounded troublesome nasty hurt agonising in pain piercing biting reddened afflicted pained gnawing delicate vexatious tingly prickly caustic harrowing grievous abscessed ulcerated pounding suffering beaten battered incapacitated twingeing stiff grazed scratched searing tingling impaired disabled weakened tired lacerated mangled gashed marred broken gammy damaged stricken cut bleeding agonized mutilated discoloured mauled harmed agonised disfigured ruptured discolored hit scarred scraped nicked struck crushed busted up black-and-blue acute hypersensitive oversensitive buffeted tortured warped shot killing playing up giving someone gyp feeling uncomfortable feeling tender giving someone trouble irritating distressing unpleasant difficult distressed smartful laborious achy breaky keen game swollen maimed deformed arthritic intense shooting stabbing violent fierce crippled debilitated crook bad handicapped lame infirm knackered penetrating exquisite gut-wrenching physically challenged angry injurious limping hobbling racking extreme exhausted weary halt insufferable unendurable unbearable torturous fractured ailing smashed shattered defective limp frail spoilt spoiled gimp sidelined gimpy feeble on the sick list weak enfeebled shrewd cutting bitter footsore knifelike drilling paralyzing paralysing

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Easily offended or upset
touchy defensive paranoid uptight conservative emotional nervous oversensitive temperamental thin-skinned twitchy chippy hypersensitive irritable neurotic tense unstable volatile easily upset hyper-sensitive umbrageous easily offended easily hurt hung up high-strung easily affected irascible petulant fiery testy quick-tempered hot-tempered impatient tetchy snappy huffy passionate grumpy cross crabbed peevish prickly excitable cantankerous hot-headed short-tempered crotchety moody choleric crusty waspish pettish hotheaded bad-tempered ill-tempered highly strung sulky ratty splenetic quarrelsome edgy ticklish fractious crabby cranky ornery mean hot-blooded querulous mercurial angry surly grouchy sullen on a short fuse impulsive snappish curmudgeonly morose inflammable peppery narky peckish eggy soreheaded miffy snaky ill-humored ill-humoured jumpy like a bear with a sore head melodramatic skittish curt miserable huffish brusque snarling bilious dyspeptic agitable shirty liverish shrewish perverse explosive snarky mardy snippy snippety stuffy raspy easily frightened out of humor out of sorts ill-natured susceptible tempestuous violent delicate hazardous captious hasty skittery critical glum overemotional sour offended jittery hyperexcitable fluttery spasmodic spooky hyperkinetic flighty fidgety fierce hyperactive hyper volcanic saturnine moping dicey unsafe dour disgruntled ugly disagreeable annoyed froward headstrong uneasy whingy resentful mumpish stroppy nasty churlish short restless alarmable acrimonious piqued willful wilful tooshie fiddle-footed bearish waxy exasperated combustible easily agitated out of temper cross-grained in bad mood as cross as two sticks prima donna-ish in a mood short-fused in a bad mood combative responsive tender soft vulnerable supersensitive unpleasant ultrasensitive frowning mopish bloody-minded mopey dejected broody quick to take offence reactive blue kittle mopy wounded choked irritated stormy incensed intense miffed dramatic narked shaken frantic raving inflamed infuriated fuming enraged furious hottempered steamed-up riled angered hurt peeved put out stewed vexed provoked irked insulted nettled over-emotional dangerous all shook up charged overwrought perilous restive serious worrying strained anxious iffy stressful lively antsy touch-and-go knife-edge zippy giddy excited spookish squirrelly lightheaded peppy panicky scatterbrained wary spirited irresponsible light-headed harebrained skitterish whimsical dizzy animated frivolous very nervous flappable volative unreliable undependable nerve-racking highly charged toey unpredictable perturbable wired up wound up bundle of nerves fretful unsociable argumentative gruff feisty bristly ireful misanthropic cynical bitter contentious truculent pouty harsh obstinate difficult pertinacious discontented hypercritical whining uncooperative displeased contrary grumbling whiny crybaby ungracious gloomy iracund pouting tough fussy brooding iracundulous disputatious scratchy waspy grousing on edge dissatisfied acrid trying carping griping acid awkward growling complaining malicious venomous fretting vinegary whingeing childish cavilling tart sharp malignant vindictive caviling sorehead sore filthy spiteful obstreperous blunt cussed chuffy out of humour having got out of bed the wrong side fault-finding having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered hot under the collar foul-tempered out-of-sorts brittle unsettled adrenalized stressy wired galvanic impetuous enthusiastic overzealous vehement uncontrolled rash intolerant demonstrative quick reckless hysterical short fused blowing hot and cold upset indignant unfriendly agitated uncivil embittered irate unmannerly aggravated faultfinding worked up mad sarcastic wrathful wild crook distraught in a temper steamed up teed off abrupt ticked off hacked off not best pleased foaming at the mouth bent out of shape unhappy stressed impassioned distressed glowering censorious aggrieved sourpussed unresponsive uncommunicative arsey overstrung heated galled scrappy salty joyless sulking unruly het up fed up vex distracted ropeable ferocious vicious feverish negative snuffy wrath in high dudgeon in a huff frenzied brassed off cheesed off browned off peed off hostile disapproving in a lather hot under collar sharp-tongued easily provoked quick to take offense worried uncomfortable disobliging catty vinegarish bad-humored tempersome recalcitrant wrought up ill at ease vitriolic spunky acerbic acute grudging snarly atrabilious zowerswopped terse refractory bad wicked jaundiced uncongenial ungenerous wreck rattled unquiet perversely irritable like a bear indomitable uncompliant indocile apt to fly off the handle unindulgent got up on wrong side of bed brief scornful bothered affronted flustered sharp-tempered maddened disturbed frustrated troubled harried ruffled psyched up angerful ranting cold pugnacious convulsed cheerless harassed hassled having short fuse livid apoplectic snitty steamed scunnered hoha wroth aerated boorish loutish hopping mad rude impolite up in arms on the warpath in a paddy in a bate fit to be tied uncouth vulgar oafish discourteous ardent ungallant ungentlemanly ill-mannered ill-bred fervent uncharitable unkind classless mean-spirited unchivalrous clownish cloddish inconsiderate plaintive murmuring overexcited fervid raging rabid ignorant desperate turbulent rough tumultuous uncivilised clodhopping uncultured crude crass polite bad-mannered miserly unpolished rustic uncivilized base lowbred unneighborly coarse beside oneself grumbly moaning bemoaning whimpering wailing crying deploring lamenting paroxysmal cyclonic savage convulsive passional disparaging deprecating overcritical nagging overactive keyed up hectic wrought-up nervy in a state strung out swivel-eyed knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts hot hammer and tongs aroused bang-bang freaked-out overwhelmed flipped out wound-up throwing a wobbly under a strain crazy strung up high keyed-up affected fired-up hot-and-bothered in a tizzy beside yourself stirred weary strung-out in a twitter at the end of your tether worn worked-up unstrung tired out of your mind spent pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting judgmental nitpicking criticizing judgemental rejective hard to please pass-remarkable pernickety severe nitpicky thorny unfair exceptive hairsplitting very critical petty demanding criticising exacting trivial unjust cavillous finicky tricky huffy irascible

Tính từ

Potentially controversial or offensive
controversial delicate awkward complicated dicey difficult emotive knotty prickly problematic thorny uncomfortable unpredictable volatile precarious sticky tricky ticklish touchy kid-glove hairy dodgy problematical tough troublesome catchy tricksy spiny nasty vexatious trying perplexing embarrassing contentious hard involved intricate complex uncertain taxing convoluted upsetting risky irksome worrying bothersome dangerous critical concerning unpleasant humiliating vexed compromising chancy distressing cringeworthy cringey heated hot-button cringe-making disturbing baffling nettlesome emotional dubious inflammatory disconcerting discomfiting tendentious flustering shameful uneasy demeaning degrading provocative divisive discountenancing painful discomposing hazardous inconvenient pointed briery rough disagreeable worrisome barro toe-curling excruciating incommodious exasperating tight puzzling suspect questionable loaded perilous touch-and-go gnarly formidable doubtful subjective paradoxical tender scandalous echinated annoying stimulating harassing severe bleak dire hair-trigger onerous challenging forbidding arduous grim grievous fiddly charged meaningful pregnant like herding cats discomforting mortifying shaming awful iffy punishing dark heavy laborious operose rugged strenuous unfriendly bitter spartan hostile confusing barbed bristly agitating ignominious unsure unclear disgraceful discreditable dishonouring blush-making briary thistly brambly unsafe treacherous cliffhanging suspenseful discommoding dishonoring unpropitious equivocal inopportune bewildering troubling impossible rattling discommodious distracting unseemly spicular spiky aculeate spinous sharp spiculate spiked pronged bristled spiniferous scratchy embarrassed setaceous jaggy muricate pointy barbellate spinose moving touching untimely hanging by a thread in danger in jeopardy parlous unknown in the balance on thin ice shaky sentimental stirring exciting thrilling affecting poignant heart-warming tear-jerking heart-rending impassioned affective affectional heartwarming nice debatable unsteady unstable disputed disputable disputatious inconstant capricious fickle temperamental mercurial rocky variable changeable controvertible contended arguable polemical dubitable moot polemic debateable contested contestable doubtable debated hot notorious under discussion open to question at issue in dispute open to discussion unsettled open to doubt open to debate undecided argumentative unresolved borderline issuable negotiable undetermined up in the air quarrelsome in doubt scrappy unconfirmed unestablished fishy open indefinite indeterminate yet to be decided ambiguous indecisive unconcluded suspicious unproven unreliable vague litigious salty opinionated factious contrary fire-eating eristic unsound spurious flimsy in question having a chip on one's shoulder ambivalent marginal inconclusive conjectural unsupported unreasonable unverified mootable speculative belligerent combative pugnacious pending shady queer subject to debate tenuous weak untrustworthy undependable unsubstantiated persuasive on ice suppositive suppositious on the back burner up for discussion clouded hotheaded unlikely unclassifiable outstanding unascertained bold outspoken uncompromising passionate tentative peripheral frontier bordering ongoing in contention inexact groundless unfounded unsolved unanswered baseless unwarranted fractious untested ill-founded sub judice open for discussion yet to be settled not yet settled much debated unjustifiable unjustified unattested uncorroborated far from certain presumed assumed not validated foundationless without basis invalid nonvalid without foundation nebulous unprovable apocryphal undefined open to suspicion not backed up by evidence occult obscure hypothetical cryptic enigmatic contingent rational logical hard to believe rationalistic under advisement not obvious under examination not definite dialectical analytic analytical dialectic riddling not yet established a live issue a moot point a controversial subject a matter of opinion betwixt and between touch and go bone of contention the jury's out between sixes and sevens between rock and hard place

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Connected with matters that are confidential or classified
classified confidential secret private restricted hush-hush top secret privy hushed inside unofficial backdoor arcane under wraps off the record not for publication not for circulation not to be disclosed not to be made public in strict confidence eyes-only on the QT not public to be kept under wraps not to be mentioned not for public consumption in confidence not to be quoted within these four walls intimate personal privileged non-public quiet esoteric undisclosed unpublished nonpublic behind-the-scenes unrevealed protected soft secretive mum low closed mom sub rosa censored dern close closet hidden clandestine covert concealed top-secret shrouded undercover veiled unknown untold strictly confidential surreptitious furtive inner discreet sneaking sneaky incognito backstairs underground exclusive sneak cloak-and-dagger reserved innermost deepest inward inmost dissembled disguised stealthy buried obscured stealth underhand underhanded masked deep hole-and-corner hugger-mugger unspoken darkest unvoiced unseen internal undeclared guarded under one's hat uncommunicated deep-seated dissimulated sly hidden away unexpressed with a lid on sub-rosa backstair individual behind the scenes back-alley buttoned up bottled up tight-lipped restricted access ulterior in ambush camouflaged cryptic strict tight unacknowledged need to know bosom kept concealed kept secret under-the-table home carefully guarded closely guarded huggermugger intelligence shifty conspiratorial unbowed spy in private black on the sly creep underneath unidentified sealed nameless unannounced unnamed anonymous non-shareable regulated underlying special unapparent between ourselves between you and me allowed granted controlled exceptional limited honest real true clouded covered between you and me and the gatepost between you and me and the doorpost between you and me and the wall between you and me and the bedpost backstage off limits out of bounds closed off offstage inconspicuous interior dark single-serving single-serve undistributable in camera for eyes only close to one's chest not in the public domain not open behind someone's back tête-à-tête one-on-one unshareable restrained psychological religious within intellectual inner-directed spiritual withheld held back

Tính từ

(of one's senses) Sensitive or perceptive to changes
keen acute perceptive sharp clear penetrating delicate piercing powerful strong fine incisive responsive discerning good quick accurate steely exquisite canny heightened precise profound finely honed finely tuned savvy brilliant observant well-developed well-honed discriminating astute intelligent perspicacious shrewd clever insightful sharp-witted percipient alert smart subtle quick-witted wise critical judicious intuitive aware refined deep sagacious bright thoughtful knowing ready fastidious selective on the ball whip-smart brainy clear-sighted careful understanding penetrative ingenious sapient sage nice awake argute trenchant cultivated particular clear-eyed fussy vigilant adroit probing cultured choosy genius picky far-sighted finicky conscious heads-up long-headed finical persnickety prudent open-eyed razor-edged knife-like meticulous knowledgeable searching keen-witted tasteful apt nimble watchful sharp-sighted attentive far-seeing nimble-witted discriminative fast ultrasmart exceptional supersmart hyperintelligent minute dexterous exact heady pawky cagey enquiring questioning inquiring mindful skilful deft heedful cute exacting quick off the mark rapier-like suss downy choicy skillful dextrous opinionated analytical gnostic insighted quick on the uptake appreciative not missing a trick on guard tuned in quick on the trigger knows what's what razor-sharp ear to the ground interested sensible thinking visionary imaginative prescient able cerebral receptive quick-thinking precocious politic intellectual cagy sensitized gifted impeccable polished complex analytic intriguing ratiocinative detailed experienced enlightened sophisticated competent effectual capable slick adept effective fly erudite curt active vigorous wired mercurial whiz consummate examining pointed thorough exploratory inquisitive researching investigative intense curious wide awake wary educated razor-like all there smart as a whip sharp as a tack quick on the draw discriminatory discriminational differential apprehensive pinpoint precision artistic aesthetic sharp-eyed agile individualising eclectic select individualizing esthetic cautious circumspect sensitised fingertip eagle-eyed philosophical hardheaded acuminous wide-awake keen-eyed with good taste hard-boiled hawk-eyed concentrating resourceful witty foxy leery concerned serious studious beady-eyed tentie regardful focused tenty Argus-eyed close hairline hairsplitting rigorous having smarts nobody's fool not born yesterday meaty weighty pithy on your guard surveying advertent discovering deducing on one's toes correct eager detecting contemplating on the qui vive on your toes considering alive focussed comprehending intentive observative with eyes like a hawk on the lookout smart as a tack knowing how many beans make five dainty demanding with all one's wits about one spot-on mathematical nuanced finespun inflexible pernickety prim pure puritanical prudish scrupulous choosey stuffy rational discreet sophic pedantic squeamish faddy fussbudgety proper faddish punctilious finicking prissy perfectionist hypercritical nitpicking overdelicate overparticular overnice wise to hard to please over-particular nit-picking Victorian old-maidish strait-laced difficult to please schoolmarmish impossible to please nit-picky inventive cunning talented accomplished wily calculating crafty streetwise expert masterly artful proficient creative scholarly sly crack with it learned elite virtuoso first-rate lively skilled sharpened prompt original highbrow brisk tasty forward extraordinary mature excellent street smart street-smart slippery superior well-informed eggheaded choice whip ace master first-class very intelligent hotshot Einstein worldly-wise whiz kid old beyond one's years ahead of one's peers superintelligent media-savvy einstein handy spirited razor sharp swift PDQ sprightly teachable bookish academic bluestocking concise beady hawklike quick to learn crisp succinct punchy mentally keen swotty innovative no dummy star devious Machiavellian well read bright-eyed and bushy-tailed inspired enterprising underhanded shifty dodgy shady scheming sneaky sussed to the point logical innovational fertile elaborate trailblazing innovatory originative Promethean worldly beguiling designing guileful tricky book smart hep as sharp as a tack frugal having fancy footwork smooth instructed responsible together pioneering urbane unprovincial qualified seasoned deviceful very smart sentient conversant cognizant plotting clued-up well informed with-it tuned-in having been around thinking outside the box know how many beans make five having a good head on one's shoulders having no flies on phenomenal hot wizard remarkable top-drawer top-notch class act out of the ordinary have smarts have the goods got it shining at top-hole advanced for one's age advanced developed ahead early premature prematurely developed rathe-ripe ahead of time exceptionally smart

Tính từ

(situational) Anxious or apprehensive
nervous anxious apprehensive edgy worried fearful tense uneasy agitated stressed uptight annoyed bothered fidgety insecure toey disturbed excitable jumpy ruffled timorous nervy overwrought spooked timid upset hysterical overstrung perturbed restless dithery panicky queazy twitchy weak wired febrile flustered irritable jittery queasy afraid concerned scared taut fussy hesitant shaky adrenalized antsy distressed frightened strained unquiet highly strung on edge strung out strung up worked up unstable troubled neurotic skittish ill at ease hinky aflutter goosey atwitter keyed up brittle on tenterhooks hung up het up excited on pins and needles restive temperamental unsettled hyper stressy high-strung in a tizzy like a cat on hot bricks like a cat on a hot tin roof curt stiff stilted prim unnerved fretful unrelaxed nervous wreck nerve-racking feeling anxious overanxious stressful nail-biting wound up in suspense beside oneself shaking trembling quivering easily upset wrought up bundle of nerves squirrelly spooky white-knuckled windy nerves on edge in a state of agitation in a state of nerves highly-strung unrestful in a state a bundle of nerves frisky in a stew stressed out creepy all of a dither in a tizz all of a doodah all of a lather touchy tetchy irascible prickly crotchety peevish testy captious snappy bad-tempered querulous short-tempered chippy crabbed hot-tempered quick-tempered ill-tempered oversensitive moody impatient critical irrational borderline disquieted discomposed shaken distraught disconcerted alarmed rattled tormented shook up uncomfortable harassed dismayed vexed discombobulated saddened unglued sad unhappy flurried confused plagued hurt irked distracted angsty anguished frantic cut up discountenanced grieved beset in a flap bugged thrown disappointed fazed gutted shy discomfited afflicted hassled disconsolate hot and bothered pained tortured muddled harried self-conscious bummed out all torn up embarrassed worried sick despondent miserable depressed pressured fraught under stress having kittens frenzied dejected displeased aghast perplexed dispirited inconsolable shocked heartbroken devastated miffed choked like a fish out of water hounded overcome overwhelmed traumatized irritated cheerless beleaguered shook mad emotional inconvenienced down blue broken-hearted with one's heart in one's mouth traumatised fretting suspicious bashful unsure skittery careful fluttery withdrawn awkward wavering angstful solicitous disheartened put upon terrified in a dither discouraged downcast in a sweat in a twitter exercised in a spin shivery a wreck grieving forlorn heavyhearted sorrowful in a twit in a flat spin riled in turmoil glum wretched downhearted mournful doleful horrified in a panic desperate raving hysteric in a cold sweat consumed bereaved wrecked rueful hard-pressed crestfallen desolate melancholy low hag-ridden unbalanced despairing heartsick worried stiff panic-stricken brokenhearted haunted crazed crushed chagrined distrait angered dolorous woeful harrowed delirious wounded verklempt unzipped with one's stomach in knots woebegone cast down shot down shattered worked-up with butterflies in one's stomach put out insane shaking in one's shoes out of one's mind under pressure up against it down in the dumps broken up low-spirited under the cosh grief-stricken pessimistic burdened indecisive uncertain tentative caught up palpitant wrung graceless dithering vacillating irresolute all nerves watchful dreading unsteady turbulent swithering inflamed on the qui vive reserved retiring introverted disorderly trepidatious a basket case sweating bullets overactive hectic heated feverish hyperactive shot to pieces flighty unpeaceful stirred up flapping moved aroused overemotional spasmodic having butterflies in the stomach peeved dragged ripped disorientated out of place discomforted unconfident in a lather worrying angry falling apart histrionic mousy all of a flutter unconsolable up the wall basket case asea disoriented bewildered hot under the collar exacerbated puzzled aggravated mortified pestered provoked tied up in knots butterflies in stomach biting one's nails disillusioned discontented easily frightened easily agitated strange lost disgruntled dissatisfied lacking social skills tongue-tied berserk disenchanted sullen unhinged demented frustrated browbeaten pressurized melancholic heavy-hearted aggrieved carried away frenetic at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself in a frenzy out of one's wit unsatisfied hopeless beaten hurried frayed rushed strict conventional cautious wild worsted vanquished as sick as a parrot chapfallen let down taken down baulked objecting balked at the end of one's tether with one's back up against the wall pressurised hunted at the end of one's rope joyless tearful demoralised tristful down-hearted demoralized intimidated petrified offended fretted creeped out shell-shocked emotionally defeated cowardly gloomy droopy sombre teary sorry weepy sore hangdog heartsore burned wistful somber contused daunted deranged crazy wrought-up swivel-eyed nonplussed nuts addled unscrewed quaking startled cowering like a chicken with its head cut off very upset beside yourself at the end of your tether out of your mind terrorized affrighted pusillanimous cowed old-fashioned in disorder amazed chicken afeared on the defensive at wit's end yellow feart frozen stunned frit terrorised morose broken bitter in tears down in the mouth in grief in doldrums in the dumps come apart psyched out at sixes and sevens apprehensive about intimidated by alarmed at terror-stricken scared to death in a fluster scared stiff weeping hurting clutched in a funk faint-hearted scared witless horror-struck in a blue funk horror-stricken terror-struck mourning agonized dolesome in awe shaking like a leaf having cold feet bricking oneself sorrowing in pain heavy with grief bewailing persecuted bemoaning wailing agonised racked with suffering suffering aching overcome with sorrow racked with pain angst-ridden running scared possessed gripped scared out of one's wits frightened out of one's wits preoccupied controlled dominated cursed seized dogged bedevilled affected overpowered surrounded bedeviled held devoured paranoid bewitched violent fiendish in the grip of taken over under a spell obsessed

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Tenacious, energetic, spunky
feisty combative argumentative aggressive belligerent quarrelsome bellicose pugnacious contentious confrontational truculent militant disputatious warlike scrappy agonistic chippy gladiatorial discordant assaultive brawly fiery ornery touchy tough difficult active courageous spirited spunky excitable enthusiastic gutsy alive bubbly energetic frisky game gritty gutty hearty lively mettlesome peppy zestful thin-skinned hot-blooded full-blooded go-getting high-strung on the warpath full of pep antagonistic hostile cantankerous irascible stroppy threatening captious ill-tempered bad-tempered hot-tempered defiant fractious irritable contrary petulant quick-tempered violent choleric fierce warring aggers cross fighting testy litigious snappy crabby huffy prickly mean spoiling for a fight querulous perverse battling disputative angry surly bolshie grouchy pettish offensive uncooperative cavilling controversial militaristic obstreperous rebellious oppugnant bickering caviling adversarial grumpy cussed destructive cranky sullen inimical narky ill-natured ready for a fight unfriendly provocative polemical snappish peppery factious arsey peevish challenging nasty polemic hawkish uptight sabre-rattling warmongering wrangling obstinate martial biffo short-tempered crotchety passionate bearish have chip on shoulder have a bone to pick splenetic exasperated inhospitable loudmouthed miffy fretful malevolent jingoistic soreheaded ratty snarly bristly crabbed bilious dyspeptic ireful recalcitrant dissentious bloodthirsty snarky crusty tetchy curmudgeonly insolent hotheaded pushy contending ructious military snippy snippety iracund iracundulous edgy waspish stuffy war harsh refractory salty unruly brawling awkward churlish disagreeable out of humor raspy hasty intransigent rude temperamental critical sharp hot flip ardent sour discontented pertinacious troublesome intractable froward balky ill-humored hypercritical ungracious ferocious opinionated fussy trying dissatisfied at loggerheads ill-humoured out of sorts up in arms hot under the collar have it in for having a chip on one's shoulder on the outs ready to fight battleful disruptive adverse naysaying rough looking for trouble dissentient soldierly gung-ho plucky determined spiky wrestling tilting skirmishing under arms sanguinary attacking assertive vigorous tempestuous arguesome self-assertive itching to fight impassioned turbulent radical unpleasant discourteous ultra-active two-fisted forceful extremist extreme combating itching fanatical zealous embattled scathing deadly vituperous terrifying intimidating cowing terrorising trenchant hateful mordacious frightening browbeating caustic terrorizing bullying mordant warrish revolutionary assertory in arms disobedient insubordinate contumacious non-compliant daring resisting audacious bold resistant mutinous dissenting willful restive subversive untoward ungovernable wilful wayward rebel recusant incompliant disregardful cheeky insubmissive reckless dareful sassy resistive abusive grumbly disobliging hardheaded overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways boorish unrelenting rigid hard-line inflexible finical bloody-minded hard-nosed obdurate tiresome vexed unpredictable pigheaded hard to handle unmanageable invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uncompromising hard to please uppity unreasonable headstrong unamenable resolute immovable oafish demanding tyrannical unaccommodating picky thrawn stiff stiff-necked negative delicate dogmatic oppressive hard to satisfy irritating indomitable stubborn unflinching contrarious overcritical wrong-headed inexorable grim impolite unyielding opinionative unbending obstructive perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial rancorous unkind mighty antipathetic tense sulky huffish disgruntled glum curt moody unsociable impatient gruff volatile shirty whingy shrewish brusque misanthropic cynical pouty oversensitive bitter displeased snarling peckish resentful eggy whiny acrimonious whining miserable grumbling crybaby gloomy annoyed liverish brooding morose pouting waxy snaky scratchy waspy grousing acrid dour mardy acid mumpish growling tart sorehead saturnine sore blunt on edge carping griping complaining malicious venomous fretting vinegary short whingeing childish malignant vindictive filthy spiteful chuffy out of humour ugly having got out of bed the wrong side having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered as cross as two sticks in a mood fault-finding out of temper cross-grained like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse foul-tempered out-of-sorts short-fused easily offended in a bad mood vitriolic unsympathetic virulent hot-button biting jaundiced fire-eating eristic opposing adversary accusatorial vicious wrathful disapproving uncongenial unreceptive disputable cutting dissident conflicting acerbic opposed at odds sarcastic unwelcoming oppositional alien uncontrollable self-willed unwilling unpropitious maleficent malefic adversative undisciplined viperous catty undisciplinable cold inharmonious unhelpful litiginous litigatious behavioural tooshie vinegarish persuasive outspoken brief scornful allergic opposite reluctant ill-disposed oppugning heated incontrollable obstinately disobedient renitent pervicacious behavioral noncompliant withstanding wild foul sardonic bristling inflammable intolerant antisocial embittered vengeful manic hysterical icy uncomfortable lawless uneasy severe hard corrosive grating cruel stern stinging pungent astringent keen dysfunctional divided split delinquent unfeeling annoying brutal devastating piercing acidulous incisive wounding callous hurtful galling insensitive naughty badly behaved ill-disciplined mischievous mortal acerb inconsiderate comfortless quarrelling tumultuous disagreeing socially impaired bad impudent erratic errant disturbed badly-behaved misbehaving pesky roguish rowdy ill-behaved problematic troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly abrasive rubbing the wrong way hard to take disharmonious insurrectionary clashing seditious sectarian schismatic disputed debatable contended uncertain equivocal ambivalent unresolved moot unsure divisive malcontent insurgent estranged alienated disaffected troublemaking partisan rival undecided borderline controvertible unsettled quarreling at variance open to question open to debate

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Having or showing an ability to deal with people in a sensitive and tactful way
diplomatic tactful politic delicate discreet polite prudent subtle clever judicious discerning skilful skillful adept careful considerate thoughtful understanding arch artful astute bland brainy cagey calculating capable cautious conciliatory conniving contriving courteous crafty cunning deft dextrous dexterous gracious guileful intriguing opportunistic savvy scheming sharp shrewd sly smooth strategic suave wily treating with kid gloves respectful perceptive gentle sympathetic tactical heedful civil cordial decorous polished seemly wary foresighted wise poised kind insightful mannerly urbane skilled aware adroit observant kid-glove softly-softly treating something with kid gloves attentive solicitous mindful obliging unselfish accommodating cooperative circumspect complaisant forbearing like a sport sensible guarded chary sagacious vigilant expedient reserved intelligent discriminating judgmatic judgmatical reasonable restrained perspicacious canny gingerly moderate conservative controlled safe alert noncommittal worldly-wise watchful well judged tentative calm gradual in one's best interests belt-and-braces patient dignified restorative reticent close-lipped close-mouthed leery reluctant non-committal vague unrevealing suspicious awake precautious temperate hesitant overcareful overcautious having foresight on lookout not rash with reservations with eyes peeled on the lookout like a clam face-saving considered sound informed rational enlightened commonsensical percipient advisable acute sober logical sapient sage desirable smart sane pawky practical argute efficacious accurate judicial sophisticated thorough profound keen seasonable just common-sense well advised well-judged far-sighted clear-sighted well-advised quick-witted well thought out heads-up long-headed

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Showing approval, appreciation or praise
appreciative admiring enthusiastic supportive responsive sympathetic aware conscious pleased understanding applauding approbatory approving commendatory complimentary favourable favorable friendly good knowledgeable mindful positive respectful cognizant encouraging perceptive regardful affectionate alive considerate cooperative cordial enlightened generous keen receptive satisfied in the know laudatory praiseful flattering praising acclamatory recommendatory congratulatory approbative laudative adulatory affirmative agreeable kind adoring panegyrical well-disposed idolizing plauditory accepting idolising warm commending reassuring benevolent well-intentioned in favor of deferential worshipful encomiastic worshipping worshiping eulogistic condign glowing rave gracious celebrating commendable raving celebratory fawning advisory predisposed okay benign amicable inclined welcoming assenting nurturing uplifting inspiring inspiriting comforting compassionate helpful cheerful feeling kindly empathetic caring protective gladdening heartening concerned calming soothing cheering heartwarming pro boosting pleasing stimulating gratifying fulfilling welcome compatible like-minded congenial companionable open-minded amenable congruous cool consistent open consonant down supporting of encouraging of approving of in favour of vicarious supportive of favorably disposed well-disposed towards on the side of responsive to friendly to favourably disposed towards favourably disposed to on same wavelength having a heart in sympathy with tuned in receptive to well disposed to

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Quick to react
responsive alive awake aware forthcoming impressionable open perceptive reactive receptive susceptible sympathetic amenable flexible accessible approachable sharp acknowledging active alert answering compassionate conscious influenceable kindhearted passionate persuadable quick to react replying respondent sensible sensile sentient softhearted susceptive tender warm warmhearted open to suggestions well disposed quick to respond vulnerable liable exposed in danger prone ready endangered wide open assailable subject to disposed subject defenseless attackable defenceless inclined at risk unprotected given unguarded impressible thin-skinned sitting duck suggestible vincible tending pliant conquerable apt naked pregnable on the line out on a limb predisposed threatened gullible ingenuous at the mercy of laid open left open an easy target for at risk of malleable naive weak pliable unsafe exploitable mouldable trusting credulous on the spot sucker affected pushover swayable likely easily led imperiled willing verisimilar beatable penetrable unfortified unresistant easily affected by wide open to imperilled susceptive of without protection in the firing line in danger of prey to laid bare in jeopardy defeatable in harmony with yielding unarmed jeopardized wide-open ill-protected open to attack unshielded permitting undefended attuned to defenceless against allowing of open-minded jeopardised at hazard in peril interested bent friendly welcoming favourable attuned on the cards broad-minded acceptive acceptant fain devoted apt to get minded likely to get likely to have with a tendency to get in danger of getting bright hospitable favorable well-disposed quick open to new ideas recipient observant threatened with in peril of helpless developmental ready to consider new ideas willing to consider new ideas quick on the uptake plastic wax-like easily influenced feeling affectable developing susceptible to exposed to liable to prone to not above open to growing in deep water unsuspecting unwary foundational seminal creative moldable formative immature acquiescent gullable tractable innocent nonresistant soft emotional manageable adaptable easy movable dewy-eyed wide-eyed fall for over-trusting easily deceived easily moved highly strung over-trustful easily taken in easily taken advantage of readily taken advantage of unsuspicious dupable trustful foolish deceivable believing fleeceable accepting unsceptical unskeptical biting unsophisticated childlike unworldly simple green unquestioning inexperienced wet behind the ears exploitative exploitatory exploitive guileless uncritical agreeable unknowing born yesterday as green as grass confiding pervious ductile undoubting enthusiastic eager partial naif raw primitive simpleminded dewy jejune aw-shucks easily exploited easily controlled given to naïve silly green as grass overcredulous prepared overtrusting clueless artless fictile biased prejudiced ignorant mark not unwilling genuine easily fooled tumbling for taken in kidding oneself swallowing whole easy mark falling hook line and sinker taking the bait being a sucker in the mood of a mind uncorrupted soppy unrealistic teary-eyed sentimental sinless callow pure undefiled idealistic dovelike

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Having a gentle or calm temperament or disposition
mellow placid soft tender gentle peaceful pleasant meek pacific compassionate affable caring peaceable unassuming modest benevolent benign calm easy serene sympathetic docile softhearted demure lamblike reverent warmhearted angelic complaisant deferential gracious harmless mild retiring subdued tame unoffensive good-natured tender-hearted mild-mannered soft-hearted non-confrontational tranquil moderate smooth warm equable delicate amiable soothing kind forgiving easy-going conciliatory warm-hearted indulgent merciful light untroubled genial chilled easy-oasy forbearing subservient spiritless good-humored easygoing obliging good-tempered submissive vapid obeisant flat patient good-humoured jejune forbearant dull slow feeble bland quiet muted balmy clement softened restful halcyon zephyr-like nonabrasive lenient deliberate considerate kindly humane loving kind-hearted goodhearted kindhearted motherly fatherly maternal tenderhearted large-hearted agreeable pleasing lovable friendly charitable thoughtful affectionate understanding respectful amicable likeable likable sociable decent beneficent giving nice munificent sweet-tempered congenial cheerful neighborly tolerant neighbourly greathearted feeling generous benignant benefic philanthropical well meaning well intentioned brotherly good-hearted all heart great-hearted well-mannered bleeding-heart laid back big bounteous comforting public-spirited wholesome attentive eleemosynary unselfish cordial altruistic unstinting soft touch cooperative regardful polite chivalrous bountiful pitying fatherlike sweet liberal gallant heart in right place accommodating hospitable philanthropic good openhanded helpful tactful openhearted propitious magnanimous big-hearted open-handed noble courteous supportive engaging freehanded dutiful lavish princely selfless delightful humanitarian humble dove-like temperate shy moral cool dovelike soft-spoken sisterly paternal responsive solicitous fond

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Showing good aesthetic judgement or appropriate behaviour
tasteful refined elegant cultured discriminating graceful handsome stylish beautiful charming cultivated fastidious harmonious smart artistic exquisite pleasing restrained attractive becoming chic delicate fit fitting polished classy courtly fine majestic pretty stately aesthetic urbane chaste classical discerning esthetic gratifying in good taste nice plush posh precise pure quiet rich snazzy sophisticated spiffy splendiferous subdued swank unaffected unobtrusive uptown aesthetically pleasing civilized perceptive civilised genteel distinguished sublime educated accomplished creative polite advanced imaginative expressive couth enlightened well-bred intelligent courteous experienced poetic arty discriminative particular critical selective impeccable moving symbolic flowery elevated figurative insightful profound deep civil gracious gentlemanly original full of feeling scholarly intellectual eloquent highbrow knowledgeable erudite accurate evolved improved pinpoint airy dainty spot-on close forward mathematical developed high late rigorous higher ladylike progressive inspired inventive well-informed punctilious well-mannered well bred swanky well mannered high-brow ritzy high-minded suave superior artistically aware learned well-read well educated appreciative understanding lettered savant blue-stocking mannerly chivalrous intellectually aware literary informed well informed able distingue liberal gallant tolerant well-educated well read literate versed high-class up-to-date traveled travelled with good taste au courant decorous dignified proper respectable decent formal seemly correct exact debonair respectful affable smooth well-behaved befitting hairline gentle noble considerate cool obliging worldly aristocratic honourable worldly-wise de rigueur honorable diplomatic strict cosmopolitan tactful svelte conventional meticulous careful ceremonious self-possessed fashionable suitable prim cordial comely well behaved pleasant sedate genial grand right moral unctuous poised snobbish conforming modest media-savvy dashing glib accommodating comme il faut slick knowing mature appropriate proud lofty scrupulous swish elitist distingué politic unerring upright ostentatious kind composed orthodox done persnickety good attentive trim august opulent sumptuous luxurious scientific thoughtful lovely affected snooty imposing well-born artificial stuffy reputable pretentious prudish priggish prissy studied discreet silky bland demure balanced magnificent fancy unprovincial smooth-tongued royal staid ceremonial upmarket plushy humane metropolitan sharp ingratiating aesthete virtuous streetwise expensive conscientious standard trained reserved la-di-da precious methodical highbrowed fancy-pants apt venerable accepted silver-tongued oily complaisant esthete approved well travelled benevolent painstaking meet magnanimous worldly wise lordly traditional starchy charitable soft-spoken inch-perfect on fleek great well brought up overnice fussy finicky been around haughty womanly gentlemanlike appealing smooth-talking finished good mannered industrialized agreeable privileged cavalier aloof well-brought-up soft sociable fulsome adulatory complimentary high-bred highbred flattering preux wellmannered amicable apposite streamlined deferential well brought-up tasty seasonable highborn blue-blooded patrician good-mannered friendly hospitable pukka presentable au fait prudent aerodynamic flowing persuasive taught upper-crust gorgeous luxury palatial deluxe honeyed sweet mellifluous symmetrical simple rigid calculated measured smarmy together jet-set citified blasé highly-developed industrialised initiated well-spoken glittering costly splendid facile collected well spoken faithful mondaine customary usual understated austere plain sleek world-weary possessed unruffled wise solemn seasoned aware stilted kosher OK stiff stiff-necked literal thorough equable coolheaded snobby high-hat toffee-nosed lush potty glitzy snotty lavishly appointed lavish glamorous grandiose exalted decorative broad-minded acceptable unprejudiced okay sure true old with experience matured well-proportioned Augustan self-composed raised upscale exclusive kingly confident self-assured diligent verbatim ornamental straight puritanical well-travelled precision exhaustive detailed select in tony trendy dicty modish mod imperial serious portly imperious regal impressive eminent ornate ornamented elaborate overdone palatian choice Lucullan reared right stuff pedantic finical nitpicking studious pernickety perfectionist dapper spruce planetary similar catholic lifelike definite gregarious public ecumenical sombre magisterial respected highfalutin' somber grave nifty in line strait-laced having been around been there old hand in the know religious fly snappy emotional pompous confined intolerant patronizing patronising hollow straitlaced condescending lethal deadly effective on target well aimed by the numbers by the book trig well groomed well dressed a la mode in vogue high-toned resembling hair-splitting ultra-careful just so self-respecting subtle spot on on the mark bang on casual nonchalant detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out cheerful jaunty happy sprightly honest worthy righteous word for word ethical principled generous upstanding musical pictorial ideal rhythmical stimulating dramatic picturesque just beneficent produced contrived uncorrupted redoubtable natural illustrious outstanding brave greathearted bounteous unselfish effete over-refined alembicated twee mannered chichi extraordinary benign remarkable meritorious sympathetic bred brought up stand-up great-hearted noble-minded self-sacrificing anti-corruption stagy overrefined poncey showy artful choosy self-conscious chi-chi fragile

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Full of emotion and vigor
soulful eloquent expressive meaningful mournful moving heartfelt profound deep emotional fervent inspiring passionate sad significant sincere stirring affecting ardent deeply felt doleful feeling fervid fiery impassioned poignant stirred tender touching uplifting demonstrative suggestive revealing intense telling indicative charged warm sentimental responsive touchy-feely unreserved unrestrained effusive uninhibited vivid gushing striking tactual tactile strong graphic artistic meaning lively sympathetic energetic powerful pregnant revelatory evocative descriptive indicating feeling allusive inspired visionary imaginative indicating emotion forcible emphatic understanding pointed pathetic animated pictorial full of emotion alive indicating picturesque thoughtful representing colourful open masterly showy representative silver-tongued articulate stimulating colorful ingenious easy-to-read full of feeling spirited brilliant dramatic mobile communicative signifying hot-blooded temperamental torrid susceptible enthusiastic excitable melodramatic vehement fanatical zealous thrilling feverish blazing tempestuous passional loving glowing exciting overcharged roused heated burning heartwarming superheated ecstatic sentient religious verklempt red-hot flaming warm-blooded incandescent perfervid fierce earnest eager excited keen violent furious wholehearted vigorous frenzied hot deep-seated raging consuming wild explosive committed inflamed angry stormy avid impetuous forceful emotive acute ferocious frantic dedicated tumultuous extreme urgent deep-rooted intuitive rabid hearty hopped up on fire messianic assiduous raw uncontrollable rousing heightened incensed ungovernable rash turbulent impulsive full-hearted amorous rough mad keen irascible volatile enthused heavy convulsive volcanic cyclonic steamed up dithyrambic aroused paroxysmal all-consuming true blue uncontrolled hellacious gung ho blistering potent white-hot overemotional ablaze fired up hammer and tongs knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts bang-bang fuming enraged red-blooded desirous instinctive gutsy vivacious sultry arousing sexy titillating wrathful mighty tremendous seething devout gut scintillating mettlesome spunky high-spirited nutty aflutter steadfast allegiant card-carrying disturbing gingery resolute peppery mercurial emotionable bubbling over acrimonious severe immoderate marked gung-ho serious pious unfeigned warmhearted inordinate intemperate penetrating unqualified piercing touchy savage hot-tempered excessive intensified very angry gotta have dying to keen as mustard hot for bad-tempered ill-tempered distracted clamorous outspoken vocal loud noisy vociferous mushy romantic subjective forthright insistent strident high-pressure hotblooded stimulated precipitate headlong quickened high-powered visceral perceptual noncognitive desperate full-throated pronounced opinionated concentrated hyper delirious hectic worked up starry-eyed from the heart on the make affective great boisterous frenetic intensive hysterical cataclysmal cataclysmic vicious exquisite overwhelming overpowering abject unbridled excruciating heartrending hard ghastly dreadful terrible almighty frightful heavy-duty fearsome deepest fearful very great

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An environment that encourages rapid growth or development, especially in a stifling or intense way

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Full of energy and life
vibrant energetic animated spirited dynamic lively sparkling vigorous electrifying exciting flourishing vital vivacious active alive bustling dashing dazzling effervescent enthusiastic flamboyant forceful peppy zesty airy animate bouncy brisk buzzing colorful colourful driving feisty fiery happening humming impassioned indefatigable intense kinetic passionate perky potent robust rousing sprightly stirring vehement virile vivid zealous zestful abuzz aggressive astir bold bubbly busy coruscating determined fresh hopping industrious intensive lusty powerful snappy sparky spry spunky stimulating thriving tireless zippy ballsy bouncing breezy effective emphatic enterprising frisky gutsy pert punchy racy radiant resounding responsive rugged springy stalwart storming strong sturdy unflagging untiring vibrating aboil abubble forcible hardy jaunty jazzy mettlesome muscular pizazzy pizzazzy pushy sound spanking strenuous gay high-spirited full of pep all-out full-blooded full of vim and vigour high-octane full of beans full of life go-go hard-hitting high-powered alive and kicking bright and breezy full of spirit full of get-up-and-go have-a-go red-blooded ball of fire bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of the joys of spring exuberant bright buoyant chirpy ebullient merry chipper upbeat peart alert cheerful brilliant jolly festive quick frolicsome happy zingy scintillating sunny gamesome frolic crank hectic boisterous jumping excited bubbling irrepressible cheery buzzy fun-loving barnstorming invigorating gingery hyper crowded fun energized carefree envigorating joyful eager happy-go-lucky energised healthy pulsating striking zappy nimble entertaining full of fun go-getting hearty playful flush raring to go rich deep on the go exhilarating witty swashbuckling full daring clever theatrical gallant valiant elated vitalized ardent tough swarming activated strapping blithe teeming solid substantial thronging moving agile light-hearted mirthful jocund fit able-bodied eventful keen hale and hearty well built brash rocking hale efficient in fine fettle wick like Piccadilly Circus in high spirits in the pink on the move full of commotion full of go gregarious unadulterated resplendent expressive party throbbing whirring purring whining droning glowing chaotic awake refreshing exhilarated wild well-trodden good rushing thronged outgoing frantic afoot jovial fervent lucrative money-making paying rewarding gritty hustling frenzied frenetic sportive hilarious gleeful joyous mobile sporty peppery clubby social lighthearted swinging pure hurried avid zoolike furious youthful skittish live remunerative gainful fruitful occupied hot sharp burning blithesome glittering heated festal partyish enjoyable welcoming enlivened full of activity going strong still going strong saucy genial sparkly sassy dexterous dextrous deedful convivial holiday perk amusing glinting glimmering smart fascinating congested refreshed full of the joy of living as merry as a grig as lively as a grig aware up and about in motion magnetic electric full of zip reinvigorated invigorated revitalized fine athletic involved blooming go-ahead in good health heaving effectual positive restored revivified rejuvenated renewed rested strong as an lion in good trim in good kilter strong as an ox strong as an horse in tip-top condition in good shape in good condition functional well-trafficked pushing assertive charged revived ostentatious revitalised confident reenergized relaxed persuasive take-over steamroller fighting fit take-charge hard-driving full of vim charismatic influential play for keeps compelling play hard ball coming on strong energizing hyped-up activating go-getter productive vitalizing self-motivated highpowered energising extravagant rakish showy operating functioning inspirited reanimated motivated strengthened fortified perked up pepped up freshened fit as a fiddle full of energy handy operational serviceable operative occupational working diligent camp fancy-pants like a new person untired unwearied unfatigued fresh as a daisy quickened utile practicable well-oiled utilitarian like new rehabilitated bright-eyed bushy-tailed like a new man masculine male chivalrous manly all-male fearless brave intrepid heroic lionhearted stout-hearted manlike courageous valorous stable macho muscly brawny over the top OTT over the top whole husky burly hefty intact man-size mannish studly powerfully built