Từ đồng nghĩa của charitable

Alternative for charitable

Từ đồng nghĩa: generous, giving, kindly,

Tính từ

Relating to the assistance of those in need
benevolent beneficent philanthropic altruistic eleemosynary humanitarian humane do-good generous good lavish liberal nonprofit philanthropical public-spirited welfare almsgiving bountiful non-profit non-profit-making not-for-profit accommodating big helpful obliging socially concerned doing good works all heart kind compassionate considerate sympathetic kindly caring tender magnanimous thoughtful kindhearted benignant benign merciful gracious understanding warmhearted kind-hearted unselfish friendly indulgent gentle good-hearted selfless warm tenderhearted big-hearted good-natured loving softhearted warm-hearted affectionate lenient neighbourly neighborly giving cordial empathetic tolerant solicitous mild amiable genial chivalrous decent sensitive tender-hearted amicable concerned bounteous soft-hearted affable responsive goodhearted soft munificent patient unstinting polite pleasant hospitable empathic clement supportive fatherly motherly maternal feeling comforting courteous open-handed well-disposed great-hearted bighearted large-hearted approachable bleeding-heart pitying ungrudging attentive human nice openhanded forgiving congenial forbearing nonprofitmaking well-mannered civil civilized well meaning sentimental gallant tactful free civilised fatherlike fond sweet complaisant bonhomous sociable noble free-handed respectful greathearted encouraging state public hearty commiserative doting well-bred self-sacrificing comradely mindful cooperative chummy commiserating propitious companionable mellow open-hearted bleeding heart pleasing easy cheerful benefic gentlemanly good-humoured good-humored openhearted freehanded decorous beneficial useful advantageous ladylike piteous mannerly consoling princely courtly genteel diplomatic agreeable favourable sparing reassuring regardful accessible favorable palsy matey buddy-buddy moderate likeable brotherly palsy-walsy happy salutary sympathizing condoling urbane bland unctuous stately comprehending suave forthcoming touchy-feely likable angelic well intentioned open-minded sympathising paternal easygoing good-tempered well disposed NPO loving and giving community-minded self-denying full of pity beneficient valuable gratuitous immaculate idealistic woke socially aware receptive moved social-minded moralistic respected approving holy unsparing pharisaical inoffensive goody-goody spotless angelical esteemed unerring creditable open courageous heroic donating prosocial patriotic contributing vulnerable well-behaved culturally sensitive hail-fellow-well-met collegial hail-fellow heedful observant valiant good scout Robin Hood natural unmarred pietistical chaste pristine graceful pietistic unflawed righteous consolatory sorry not for profit helpful to others thoughty social Christian brave generous to a fault public- spirited aware eager to please eager to help understandable profitable mushy emotional cultured cultivated refined polished good-mannered appreciative accepting perceptive devoted loyal fraternal redeeming virginal untouched prayerful unblamable redeemable uplifting fearless honourable bold intrepid dauntless honorable stout-hearted acquiescent breezy compliant welcoming broad-minded marshmallow softie well mannered enthusiastic pally protective inspiring nurturing inspiriting noble-minded valorous heartfelt socially conscious couth wholesome auspicious cheery sincere earnest wholehearted genuine easy-going willing to please even-tempered favourably disposed personal intimate inviting eager boosting gratifying stimulating deferential fortunate lucky knightly convivial amorous deep lovable soft touch dutiful providential opportune soothing cheering fulfilling ruthful having heart in right place heart in right place calm unoffensive delightful sweet-tempered engaging right conducive old softie smiling dexter bright well-intentioned well-meaning

Tính từ

Apt to judge others leniently or favourably
indulgent tolerant broad-minded forgiving kind magnanimous sympathetic understanding considerate lenient easy-going generous kindly liberal moderate clement compassionate easy favourable gracious kind-hearted soft benign mild tender-hearted accepting big favorable forbearing merciful thoughtful generous to a fault all heart gentle humane permissive benevolent benignant compliant soft-hearted easygoing lax patient tender accommodating condoning complaisant obliging light mollycoddling pampering excusing pardoning humanitarian long-suffering uncomplaining stoical spoiling softhearted beneficent pitying stoic going easy on nonjudgmental allowing permitting yielding sparing acquiescent resigned loving docile submissive humoring temperate soft-shell kindhearted longanimous humouring being big unjudgemental uncritical fond restrained calm self-restrained self-controlled favoring good-natured assuasive letting amiable emollient assuaging tenderhearted heart in right place bleeding heart feeling ruthful pitiful cool unflappable doting cosseting friendly accommodative gratifying caring meek deferential favouring overindulgent open-minded giving soft-shelled overpermissive live with cooperative catholic going easy with living with enduring selfless flexible unprejudiced pliant able to live with going along with non-judgemental agreeable with the patience of Job fair unbigoted deceivable unbiased undemanding dupable gullible biddable susceptible deludable amenable trusting fleeceable naive tractable unoppressive unburdensome unsuspicious easy-oasy latitudinarian advanced broad sophisticated receptive radical wide progressive weak boneless spineless free and easy easy with easy on conciliatory pacific placid peaceful serene peaceable tranquil affable genial free assenting willing laissez-faire libertarian good-tempered good-humoured good-humored conformable polite solicitous placable obedient willing to forgive enlightened non-restrictive persuadable pliable convincible compromising nonresistant adaptable unprescriptive unrestricted live-and-let-live peace-loving obsequious assentive responsive open manageable malleable unwarlike amicable unorthodox impartial high-minded nonconventional nonorthodox unconventional right-on non-partisan nontraditional hands-off loose approving pacifist mellow willing to compromise easily persuaded non-aggressive non-combative non-belligerent inoffensive conflict-free dovish non-violent warm unassuming politically correct left rational reasonable noninterventionist receiving avant-garde intelligent interested even-tempered pacifistic warm-hearted modest sensitive pleasant civil quiet anti-war still irenic dovelike restful undisturbed nonbelligerent balmy equable chilled diplomatic ordered neighborly complacent pacificatory neighbourly tame mild-mannered flat jejune subservient subdued spiritless vapid obeisant smooth forbearant dull willing to please

Tính từ

Generous in giving to those in need
generous liberal bounteous bountiful munificent bighearted big-hearted free freehanded free-handed freehearted fulsome giving magnanimous open openhanded open-handed unselfish unsparing unstinting benignant benevolent altruistic beneficent kind philanthropic ungrudging noble lavish helpful considerate selfless self-sacrificing kindly chivalrous prodigal indulgent big hospitable greathearted humanitarian great-hearted princely thoughtful kindhearted handsome loving high-minded disinterested devoted incorruptible self-effacing extroverted denying self-denying good self-forgetting fair honourable lofty honest honorable just decent kind-hearted loose soft-touch self-forgetful compassionate tolerant humane upright excellent easy large-hearted gallant willing caring eleemosynary public-spirited extravagant profuse acceptable equitable moderate reasonable gracious plenteous lordly elevated great high generous to a fault forgiving warm-hearted knightly open-hearted abundant profligate wasteful thriftless unstinted immoderate unrestrained ready sympathetic understanding philanthropical unstinging wild worthy natural willingly given merciful virtuous righteous respectable upstanding ethical principled moral soft-hearted obliging almsgiving rich substantial ample warm unprejudiced affable gentle plentiful full well-disposed unreasonable tender-hearted good-natured supportive eager excessive unkind unrelenting inexorable cruel procrustean very kind large tender nice moralistic sweet conscientious heroic valiant goodhearted goodish sublime lenient soft clement overgenerous overabundant improvident intemperate all heart Santa Claus casual exuberant free-and-easy openhearted has heart in right place kin over the top reputable uncorrupted cultivated redoubtable illustrious brave refined polite courtly outstanding meritorious benign remarkable extraordinary noble-minded stand-up anti-corruption

Tính từ

Full of virtue, having excellent moral character
good righteous dignified equitable honest honorable honourable just moral noble pure rectitudinous respectable upstanding virtuous admirable ethical exemplary godly incorruptible laudable lofty meritorious principled professional reputable saintlike saintly upright angelic balanced clean dutiful elevated favouring favoring high-minded incorrupt incorrupted innocent law-abiding lawful morally correct obedient praiseworthy pure as the driven snow right right-minded right-thinking scrupulous self-righteous sinless sound squeaky clean unbribable uncorrupted unimpeachable untainted whiter than white worthy anti-corruption blameless cultivated estimable guiltless inculpable irreprehensible irreproachable lily-white sanctimonious tractable well-behaved dinkum lenient prim religious saving sportsmanlike sportsmanly proud straightforward decent fair faultless true stand-up nice straight squeaky-clean noble-minded pious God-fearing philanthropic faithful punctilious conscientious devoted commendable godlike creditable deserving peerless philanthropical reverent holy devout impartial spiritual matchless trustworthy all right immaculate chaste undefiled unsullied impeccable virginal unblemished spotless stainless modest wholesome celibate vestal unstained virgin maidenly clear pristine G-rated in the clear cleanhanded proper impeccant uncorrupt decorous uncensurable angelical crimeless unoffending uninvolved licit legal legitimate abstinent guilt-free uncontaminated above suspicion not guilty free of demure moralistic maiden high-principled safe unwed unmarried self-denying self-restrained unaffected clean-living continent intact unpolluted undamaged kosher flawless white seemly untarnished unspoilt untouched unspotted quiet refined elegant simple restrained austere above reproach inexperienced neat impotent intemerate controlled monogamous prudish subdued fresh legit harmless unblamable redoubtable true-blue undisturbed snowy on the level guileless unobjectionable up front without reproach unblighted unprofaned inviolate on the up and up of excellent character fitting conscionable correct responsible platonic free from sin humane lily white wide-eyed square Christian wet behind ears morally right morally acceptable nunlike babe in woods pure as driven snow true blue perfect free of sin unspoiled ideal seamless picture-book without fault absolute picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible without blemish model unflawed unmarred unmarked uninjured whole beyond reproach unimpaired unhurt

Từ trái nghĩa của charitable

charitable Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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