Từ đồng nghĩa của faultless

Alternative for faultless

Từ đồng nghĩa: immaculate, impeccable,

Tính từ

Free from defect or error
flawless perfect impeccable unblemished accurate correct ideal model exemplary error-free exact precise absolute classic copybook faithful immaculate indefectible irreproachable letter-perfect meticulous picture-book picture-perfect scrupulous seamless unerring foolproof without blemish without fault bang on clean crimeless errorless exquisite intact just so spotless spot on stainless supreme textbook unguilty unspotted whole on target on the button on the mark on the nail right on pure blameless virtuous innocent untarnished righteous consummate guiltless untainted unimpeachable sinless undefiled good unsullied beyond reproach excellent upright unmarred pristine squeaky-clean saintly moral sublime above reproach squeaky clean honourable honorable pious uncorrupt spiritual just sound devout chaste inculpable undamaged unimpaired lily-white uncorrupted unflawed infallible meritorious defectless right holy commendable reverent devoted classical angelic religious honest incorrupt ethical mint decent godlike unexceptionable clear godly unspoilt above suspicion upstanding whiter than white sainted trustworthy divine tip-top worthy nice superb devotional laudable saintlike unbroken praiseworthy ten aces unassailable true sanctified believing dedicated matchless peerless unspoiled consecrated as good as new pietistic prayerful hallowed finished blessed unworldly pietistical humble revered glorified venerable seraphic venerated sacrosanct god-fearing admirable cleanhanded outstanding uncontaminated unmarked beyond criticism exceptional unpolluted principled noble superlative archetypal definitive prime quintessential irreprehensible proper imitable reputable law-abiding respectable straight prototypical optimal peak punctilious high-minded conscientious stand-up right-minded dutiful as sound as a bell noble-minded as pure as the driven snow all right without errors untouchable on point unquestionable beyond compare splendid skillful paradisiacal unequaled culminating accomplished paradisiac utopian A-OK out-of-this-world expert crowning excelling skilled adept experienced skilful highly respectable unchallengeable prepared unfailing masterly fleek reliable dependable untouched word-perfect ultimate irreprovable entire complete idyllic fitting optimum reproachless unblamable unrealistic fanciful acceptable satisfactory unobjectionable inoffensive unstained best beyond question beyond suspicion snow white A1 spick-and-span uninjured modest unhurt inviolate representative pure as the driven snow unequalled moralistic conscionable incorruptible seemly truthful coherent uninterrupted ordered logical harmonious uniform consistent smooth chivalrous aboveboard distinguished fine best possible gallant magnanimous decorous square courteous kosher have-it-all estimable indefective clean-living salt of the earth true-blue paradigmatic sterling archetypical applaudable bueno very good neato idealised idealized spot-on clear-cut categorical distinct white supplicant not bad strict dead-on close dead right bull's-eye on the money inerrant detailed to a T perfected to a turn polished inch-perfect supplicating pleading batting a thousand not too shabby beseeching A-okay note-perfect fleckless apple-pie soliciting fair entreating anti-corruption imploring suppliant supplicatory God-fearing equitable impartial deserving charitable philanthropical philanthropic creditable

Tính từ

In an undamaged state
like new whole unbroken sound undamaged pristine solid unimpaired flawless good preserved uninjured unmutilated unsevered untouched undisturbed unruffled unscarred sturdy unspoiled mint stable unhurt unspoilt safe undented uninterrupted unscratched firm unmarred unsullied regular unmarked unscathed untroubled intact unharmed steady together unblemished unremitting as new ship-shape as good as new in good order without a scratch inviolate ongoing secured ceaseless continuous undivided unshaken thorough constant unceasing endless perfect entire complete scatheless unviolated undefiled virgin unflawed compleat full total integral plenary grand comprehensive uncut indiscrete imperforate all in one piece in one piece untarnished immaculate unstained fresh unpolluted pure spotless uncontaminated virginal unchanged unmoved unaltered unaffected clean uninfluenced unstirred in perfect condition brand-new untainted sanitary unadulterated natural unagitated excellent unused clear incorrupt brand new spanking spanking-new unsoiled unimpressed untried spick-and-span secure shipshape in good condition original undiminished firsthand stainless sacred unprofaned not liable to impervious not influenced not subject to immune first-class mint condition spic-and-span unseasoned untrodden new brand-spanking new in tiptop condition spanking new in mint condition brand spanking new wholesome span-new sterile sterilized disinfected crisp sparkling refreshing uninfected healthful salubrious taintless pasteurised aseptic good for you intemerate sterilised pasteurized germ-free health-giving healthy undebased unspotted indifferent unconcerned dry-eyed out of danger safe and sound

Tính từ

With everything included, and nothing missing or absent
complete entire full exhaustive whole comprehensive overall replete unbroken undiminished perfect ample broad compleat extensive grand lock stock and barrel unreduced thorough thoroughgoing unabridged unimpaired unshortened integral maximal uncondensed uncut undivided all integrated all-out far-reaching full-blooded full-blown full-dress full-length full-on full-out full-scale hook line and sinker intact the works unabbreviated whole enchilada whole-hog whole-length whole nine yards wide-ranging outright uncensored unexpurgated gross plenary unitary undocked imperforate organic unedited total absolute unambiguous resounding emphatic overwhelming categorical conclusive pure out-and-out utter unqualified downright veritable unmitigated systematic clean all-inclusive inclusive detailed aggregate combined unified choate all-encompassing in one piece unblemished encyclopedic solid all-embracing universal general compendious in-depth composite finished global embracive cyclopedic broad-gauge cover-all broad-gauged all-in panoramic omnibus encyclopaedic full-fledged in depth final open consolidated inviolate continuous categoric sheer single all-in-one seamless sound one-piece fully constituted quorate sweeping indivisible wide joined catholic overarching umbrella blanket completed consummate wholesale eclectic widespread untouched maximum coast-to-coast interdisciplinary nationwide countrywide cross-disciplinary broad-ranging wall-to-wall radical unflawed expansive multidisciplinary across the board encircling containing comprising of great scope infinite discursive across-the-board the whole shebang synoptic the big picture unmarred undamaged uninterrupted unmarked copious abundant plentiful adequate plenteous itemized long unlimited most largest itemised

Tính từ

Exact in correspondence or adherence to something
strict accurate exact precise literal meticulous scrupulous careful conscientious fastidious unerring painstaking particular punctilious unwavering rigorous stringent thorough defined judicious unmistakable veridical errorless methodical rigid systematic detailed perfect specific unambiguous certain definitive flawless reliable correct explicit infallible formal pinpoint delicate uncompromising clear-cut error-free true spot on right veracious faithful bang on on the money impeccable on the mark authentic close spot-on unimpeachable definite just proper on the beam on the button on the nail unfailing convincing valid good without error irrefutable unquestionable dead-on on-target on target dead on realistic lifelike factual truthful verisimilar regular sure undistorted credible nice word-perfect genuine skillful sharp distinct skilful assured conclusive undisputed unrefuted undeniable authoritative uncanny unmistaken on the nose actual inch-perfect deadly right on minute absolute trustworthy fair similar direct effective veristic omniscient deft solid true to life discriminating concrete scientific discriminative punctual matter-of-fact telling it like it is fact-based ultraprecise canonical as it really happened believable safe identical word for word straight official final fail-safe kosher failsafe all right unequivocal downright express clear verbatim unswerving inevitable nailed down bull's-eye blow-by-blow on the numbers dead positive invariable inerrant inerrable sure-fire elaborate refined fine subtle dainty finical nuanced exquisite finicky ultra-fine finicking hairsplitting orderly hairline fine-drawn incorrupted finespun persnickety winning nifty superior appropriate so standard OK O.K. acceptable okay legitimate righteous equitable stone amen for sure on track right stuff on the right track along the right lines right as rain on the ball free of error on the right lines cooking with gas according to Hoyle mathematical unvarnished veritable real objective straightforward historical nonfictional hard documentary honest dinkum unelaborated bona fide undoubted as true as I'm sitting here as true as I'm standing here severe simple plain unexaggerated fit just so precision bare unembellished vérité measured calculated unadulterated gospel stark narrow lethal well aimed true-blue undeceptive legit apparent unembroidered written usual verbal natural ordinary critical high-principled on the line on the up and up on the level like it is sedulous zealous absolutely right by the book dead-center to the point very accurate exactly correct not figurative pedantic undeviating fussy complete utter nitpicking out-and-out thoroughgoing total loyal religious steadfast echt consummate certified satisfactory pucka pukka pure unqualified sure-enough sheer unmitigated certifiable verifiable admissible sound unalloyed outright arrant case watertight immaculate indubitable solemn in every respect unfaked what really happened in accordance with reality what actually happened

Tính từ

Completely clean and pure
pristine immaculate spotless clean unsullied perfect unblemished unstained stainless fresh unsoiled untouched intact untarnished pure virgin flawless unspoilt chaste unmarked antiseptic undefiled fair untainted sanitary unpolluted wholesome taintless snowy unspotted sterile sterilised sterilized uncorrupted squeaky-clean spic-and-span spick-and-span as new in perfect condition in mint condition unaffected impeccable unimpaired undamaged unbroken unharmed shining unflawed unmutilated glowing unblackened unimpeachable bright polished burnished shiny clear neat speckless washed tidy laundered hygienic sparkling cleansed trim squeaky unsmudged dirtless delicate cleanly simple graceful white vanilla orderly elegant well-kept spic and span neat as a button neat as a pin uncontaminated gleaming unspoiled unadulterated undebased shipshape mint spick and span virginal refined straight fine purified unprocessed plain brand-spanking new in tiptop condition unmixed unmodified undiluted unalloyed ultra-clean natural snowy-white new cleaned crisp spruce whiter than white dirt-free unmarred squeaky clean neat and tidy salubrious like new clean as a new pin as clean as a whistle cleaned up exemplary rustproof scrubbed snow-white perfectly clean innocent whole modest freshly laundered decent sanitized sponged laved showered sanitised disinfected unwemmed chase sinless holy apple-pie order earthy organic refreshing unused absolute luscious envigorating sweet invigorating primal restorative clean and tidy very clean uninfected healthful brand-new brand new firsthand unfermented not rotten not sour pasteurised aseptic intemerate pasteurized healthy lily-white untried excellent mint condition spanking unseasoned untrodden spanking-new original spanking new brand spanking new good for you germ-free health-giving errorless unexceptionable exquisite neat as a new pin

Tính từ

Accomplished and skilful
polished accomplished expert masterly skilful adept flawless impeccable masterful skilled fine outstanding adroit clever deft dextrous dexterous excellent perfect professional proficient superlative consummate exquisite first-rate remarkable superb talented ace class gifted stellar practised practiced skillful well executed unequalled supreme peerless unequaled unparalleled incomparable unsurpassed unrivalled unrivaled great beyond compare matchless superior unmatched without equal exceptional unique extraordinary best greatest tops first-class classic nonpareil beautiful marvellous unsurpassable unexampled fantastic inimitable magnificent sublime competent crackerjack sensational fabulous marvelous brilliant splendid prime super only crack surpassing unbeatable top-notch singular champion transcendent immaculate world-class tip-top pre-eminent second to none gilt-edge virtuoso out of sight pure exemplary good wonderful well-executed grand glorious admirable awesome quintessential premium terrific prodigious top standout fantabulous phenomenal experienced cracking topping divine cool heavenly sterling premier radical neat quality dandy topflight lovely unexcelled peachy fab swell choice wicked nifty supernal groovy righteous optimum immense preeminent rare dynamite hot prizewinning corking noble mean keen gilt-edged dope elite phat gangbusters wizard formidable hype slick boss famous untouchable capital dazzling bumper gangbuster banner frontline highest prize brag bully down extreme bonny primo winning effusive brave bonnie excessive boffo applaudable top-shelf of the first water on fleek out-of-sight jim-dandy first-string above and beyond gone exaggerated blue-chip four-star supercalifragilisticexpialidocious worthiest high-class of highest order A-OK very good blue-ribbon five-star inflated peachy keen par excellence of the highest order number one top-of-the-line A-1 bang-up numero uno of the first order beyond comparison elegant perfectly-executed perfected cultivated refined graceful smooth urbane tasty unblemished aces unparagoned all-time solid-gold most alone versed master unimpeachable irreproachable cultured versatile finished model world class ultimate able complete veteran ideal better than expected out-of-this-world amazing notable commendable meritorious noteworthy blameless laudable praiseworthy without match in a class of one's own one and only incredible compleat trained virtuosic professed educated unchallenged all-around delightful smashing tremendous A1 high-grade high-quality high topnotch rad tiptop nice bodacious spanking illustrious eminent leading beaut ripping worthy select spiffing schmick sound dreamy amazeballs star uppermost marvy gorgeous cream magic def beezer mega belting fabby sovereign brill bonzer sik goodly lead bosting crucial awesomesauce pearler of the highest quality exo too good to be true top-level top-grade mind-blowing too much prize-winning in a class all by itself highest quality kif barrie very best top-tier of high quality chillin' far out bosker top-drawer award-winning top-hole lank renowned top-class flagship of the highest standard out of this world well versed well trained

Tính từ

Displaying logic and common sense
good logical practical rational sensible analytic analytical cerebral certain circumspect collected commonsense credible deductive discerning enlightened infallible intellectual intelligent justifiable objective perspicacious philosophic plausible ratiocinative realistic reasonable reasoned reasoning reflective sagacious sound synthetic thinking thoughtful trustable unquestionable veracious veridical cogent coherent colorable commonsensible commonsensical confirmed corroborated errorless hard impeccable inerrant informed knowing levelheaded meticulous proven rigorous secure shrewd sincere substantiated sure truthful validated verified accurate calculable careful certified cognitive defendable defensible definite empiric empirical exact explicit judicious maintainable open precise prudent sharp stringent supportable sustainable tenable well-advised well-reasoned well-grounded clear-cut letter-perfect spot-on well-thought-out dead-on on-target valid solid convincing reliable authoritative weighty consequent satisfactory sober telling satisfying correct recognized flawless orthodox accepted profound true advisable recognised responsible just together established unassailable watertight well-founded well grounded well founded cool right-thinking right-minded all there holding up holding water standing up holding up in wash got it together wise justified legitimate effective proper lucid acceptable firm sane legit strong pragmatic compelling clear astute suitable trustworthy right expedient level-headed fit powerful well reasoned legal appropriate genuine fair fitting understandable politic kosher grounded viable official persuasive dependable admissible workable perceptive authentic efficacious balanced consistent sage apt relevant lawful forceful worthwhile warranted effectual potent vindicable warrantable down-to-earth pertinent desirable useful influential advantageous matter-of-fact beneficial sanctioned rightful conclusive bona fide seemly discriminating systematic permissible normal well advised stable licit allowable able to hold water regular well thought out methodical honest congruent helpful decent tactical arguable acknowledged believable recommended authorized well organized excusable suggested faithful orderly approved impressive gainful articulate definitive valuable meaningful organized insightful decisive upright canny forcible profitable organised straight authorised factual attested well far-sighted feasible real veritable allowed probable traditional possible recommendable condonable well-established best joined-up binding practicable usual common-sense productive applicable significant customary sapient perspicuous respectable germane familiar standard righteous contractual serviceable popular efficient fruitful well-thought-of discreet determinative successful trenchant above board necessary reputable highly regarded capable well-organized of good standing within the law of use operative hard-headed graceful bonafide estimable passable creditable learned preferable trusted dinkum attainable achievable tolerable actual permitted manageable mature indubitable pardonable doable commendable strict received likely respected usable having all one's marbles authenticated documented of good repute clever verifiable supported legalized worthy constitutional striking irresistible impregnable common controlled eloquent statutory licensed favorable ordinary copper-bottomed unanswerable urgent undisputed well-informed stock dispassionate pukka conservative ordered no-nonsense unemotional clear-sighted clear-eyed conventional prevailing straightforward mathematical strategic considered favourable important opportune puissant considerate mainstream regulated canonical full of common sense thorough plain licenced legalised legally acceptable constructive routine virtuous rock-solid convenient traditionalistic old-fashioned scientific from the horse's mouth legally binding signed and sealed of help in effect in force of assistance adequate extensional juridicious deducible subtle obvious inferential holding together provident educated knowledgeable steady savvy calculating undistorted indisputable unadulterated uncounterfeited unfaked sterling up front original proportional symmetrical well-proportioned well-adjusted conceivable imaginable operational realizable a good idea preferred unidealistic well informed operable trusty cautious deliberate harmonious mentally stable aware cognizant comprehensible intelligible accomplishable well-judged healthy compulsive based on hard data based on hard facts prosaic driveable safe experimental equitable loyal conforming within reach within reason accredited formal cast-iron unmistakable coercive salient propitious beneficent timely well-balanced unimpassioned cold confidential ratified well-expressed well-presented incisive apposite momentous inducing suasive consequential convictive considerable revealing marked serious-minded behooveful with both one's feet on the ground okay tolerated impartial certifiable effecting qualified accomplishing achieving fulfilling categorical assured showing great knowledge with great knowledge well presented well-structured thought through well expressed percipient moderate restrained temperate unprejudiced auspicious identified attentive conversant bearable endurable OK unequivocal unexcessive making sense unbiased standing to reason unextreme realisable crucial straight-thinking explainable forgivable street-legal thought-out substantial of service to one's advantage in one's interest for the best of benefit endorsed unexpired best suited presentable au courant affordable sufferable brookable concedable well-defined well considered evenhanded fair-minded devastating conspicuous in right mind well judged thinking twice farsighted playing safe hedging one's bets leery vigilant within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility within possibility remissible venial open to reason irrefutable based on good sense in one's right mind undoubted uncontested unquestioned natural canonic active functional not unlikely not impossible true-blue steady-going uncorrupted tested competent requisite enough by the book conformist moving impactful able roadworthy scholarly clear-headed sufficient doctrinal traditionalist prevalent prestigious on the ball aggressive exciting vehement punchy grand material charming mighty energetic histrionical imposing high-powered enthusiastic hard-hitting vivid dramatic direct theatric expressive acute emphatic performant powerhouse ultraconservative unprogressive reactionary unheretical button-down unoriginal buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked old-line old-school standpat die-hard brassbound paleoconservative archconservative circumstantiated honourable well established derivative counselable straight arrow pious by the numbers bien pensant in line religious according to the book admitted punctilious square excellent esteemed well balanced settled dyed-in-the-wool honoured principled inveterate time-honored of repute reputed well thought of irreproachable conscientious name well respected anti-corruption enforceable statutable set entrenched habitual fixed general straight from horse's mouth notable well known favored famous constant well-known renowned distinguished honorable prominent famed eminent high-ranking redoubted high-principled celebrated acclaimed honored illustrious accustomed ex cathedra wonted condign innocent protected precedented chartered de jure enjoined passed enforcible aboveboard due granted decreed card-carrying ordained judged prescribed enforced favoured with a good reputation tried and trusted expected universal classical typical long-established sure enough of good report in high favor salt of the earth historic classic on the level on the up and up deep-rooted widely used widespread ingrained old time-honoured old-style officially recognized rooted unshakable vested permanent most likely most correct

Tính từ

Not able to be disputed or doubted
unquestionable certain definite incontestable incontrovertible indisputable indubitable irrefutable sure undeniable conclusive manifest patent positive self-evident unequivocal unambiguous unassailable absolute accomplished apparent beyond doubt beyond question clear dependable evident flawless inarguable irrefragable nailed-on obvious perfect unanswerable unarguable unchallengeable undoubted unimpeachable unmistakable accurate authentic categorical cold decided downright established flat genuine pat proven real reliable settled superior sure-enough true undisputable undoubtable veritable well-founded well-grounded bona fide down pat for certain without doubt beyond a shadow of doubt no ifs ands or buts airtight watertight foolproof impregnable without loopholes definitive factual valid palpable clear-cut well grounded well founded compelling sound hard concrete final decisive emphatic solid demonstrable firm observable tangible beyond dispute plain transparent undebatable uncontroversial attested not in doubt beyond a shadow of a doubt well-proven open and shut forceful strong demonstrative good credible unconditional sober faithful cogent trustworthy copper-bottomed convincing trusty authoritative plausible weighty persuasive from the horse's mouth stable resounding logical serious one hundred per cent actual substantial discernible legitimate perceptible distinct veridical confirmed certified appreciable legit verifiable verified material certifiable objective honest substantive striking proper intelligible measurable quantifiable perceivable sensible detectable well documented well defined honest-to-goodness explicit guaranteed univocal express black-and-white specific assured convinced confident cut-and-dried straightforward recognized crisp well-marked undubitable silhouetted stated ringing forthright clean-cut known distinguishable graphic well-defined incisive noteworthy sharp severe audible pronounced visible bold significant full vivid recognised minute black and white hard and fast cut and dried clearly defined crystal clear not vague as plain as daylight as plain as the nose on your face

Tính từ

Made certain and protected against discontinuance or change
assured secure sure certain guaranteed dependable sound confirmed ensured fixed sealed settled solid clinched established impeccable infallible reliable unerring unfailing indubitable irrefutable nailed-on sure-fire unquestionable cinched clear-cut decided definite insured pronounced racked set surefire undoubted nailed on absolutely certain beyond doubt in the bag made certain nailed down on ice sewed up fail-safe true safe accurate absolute foolproof good perfect undeniable exact incontrovertible flawless precise unambiguous clear inevitable conclusive correct demonstrable questionless firm resolute deadly positive unimpeachable inerrant trustworthy open-and-shut can't-miss certified spot on bound never-failing excellent provable undoubtable evident foregone safe to say unswerving error-free uncanny meticulous scrupulous a sure thing concluded a dead cert errorless dead spot-on unmistaken invariable just inerrable watertight iced unshakable affirmed direct effective inch-perfect cast-iron secured attested iron-clad sewn up copper-bottomed calculable confident steady steadfast on the mark bang on on target unanxious trusty carefree able undoubtful hopeful sanguine responsible trustable tried easy determined well-founded shoo-in tried and true tried and tested locked on tried-and-true categorical unequivocal indisputable decisive palpable irrevocable authoritative concrete unmistakable genuine recognized obvious confirmable real patent doubtless verifiable manifest incontestable determinate convincing transparent unqualified recognised failsafe as sure as eggs is eggs

Từ trái nghĩa của faultless

faultless Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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