Từ đồng nghĩa của decent

Alternative for decent

Từ đồng nghĩa: adequate, correct, fit, proper, respectable, right, suitable,

Từ trái nghĩa: coarse, indecent, vulgar,

Tính từ

Fitting or proper for the occasion or purpose
proper nice appropriate decorous suitable becoming befitting fitting respectable seemly correct fit apposite apt standard accepted conventional dignified genteel good refined tasteful approved comely conforming orthodox presentable pukka traditional civilised civilized prudent comme il faut de rigueur polite right meet acceptable done formal worthy mannerly courtly elegant honest reputable well-mannered due well bred fitted prim honourable honorable applicable gentlemanly modest ladylike polished moral couth smart upright trustworthy suited well-thought-of highly regarded au fait expedient relevant convenient cultured just sedate demure virtuous courteous of good repute sophisticated civil creditable ceremonious usual customary in good taste posh well mannered qualified urbane OK punctilious well-behaved able compatible timely well-bred congruous done thing neat tidy capable felicitous prudish priggish prissy functional prepared feasible adapted deserving pertinent ready pretty stylish happy useful apropos adequate rightful employable useable available serviceable usable correspondent conformable equal equitable necessary required of good standing reliable sound dependable educated protocol in order wholesome de rigeur straight puritanical welcome fair diplomatic stiff stiff-necked stilted starchy kosher palatable pleasant in line strait-laced congenial consistent consonant pleasing okay careful in keeping by the book by the numbers tip-top top-notch apple-pie the done thing right stuff opportune cultivated well-respected well-placed superior high-class upper-class desirable admirable savoury savory tactful right on on the nose that's the ticket just what was ordered on the button respected staid clean-living gracious reserved venerable estimable spruce above board well behaved accomplished affected moderate august redoubtable sublime mediocre ordinary redoubted restrained ceremonial seasonable distingué fashionable chivalrous patronising pompous ostentatious pretentious confined la-di-da artificial intolerant hollow patronizing snooty snobbish straitlaced precious discreet graceful condescending stuffy attractive exploitable equipped operable practicable preferable good enough -worthy chic inviting appealing alluring stunning beautiful trim cute swank good-looking gorgeous immaculate orderly spotless hospitable welcoming adorable clean

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(of a person) Having suitable conformity to basic moral standards
good honest kind obliging ethical helpful neighborly neighbourly respectable upright accommodating courteous honorable honourable trustworthy virtuous amiable considerate dependable friendly generous gracious hospitable incorrupt moral thoughtful worthy agreeable altruistic amicable benevolent benign civil comradely indulgent kindly nice sympathetic unselfish just noble pleasant polite principled righteous sociable upstanding companionable genial mannerly peaceable regardful right straight true stand-up well-disposed well mannered clean-living right-minded squeaky clean all right well-brought-up well-mannered on the up and up conscientious fair proper scrupulous reputable high-minded incorruptible magnanimous chivalrous reliable charitable law-abiding high-principled affable cordial humane faithful compassionate blameless equitable pure irreproachable respectful caring gallant laudable dutiful admirable beneficent meritorious unimpeachable warm-hearted gentle good-natured trusty anti-corruption correct truthful warm civilized exemplary sincere creditable square congenial respected understanding warmhearted tender praiseworthy liberal big-hearted philanthropic commendable selfless conscionable kosher lawful impartial estimable humanitarian kind-hearted civilised tolerant devoted venerable loving kindhearted mellow complaisant good-humoured giving elevated moralistic responsible good-humored solid fair-minded unstinting cheerful disinterested amenable distinguished decorous peaceful easygoing straightforward lenient bounteous fitting public-spirited rightful refined well-bred deserving urbane guiltless clean sinless ungrudging on the level sensible likeable morally correct bighearted excellent cultivated compliant angelic good-hearted likable self-sacrificing true-blue gentlemanly convivial great-hearted saintly courtly above board large-hearted mild reasonable goodhearted ladylike genteel aboveboard well behaved open-handed softhearted tenderhearted approachable duteous innocent benignant constant munificent big sweet tender-hearted uncorrupted right-thinking fine lovable all heart loyal soft well disposed unbiased unprejudiced affectionate good-tempered of good repute esteemed social supportive objective merciful dedicated above reproach unreserved openhanded polished dispassionate orderly bountiful obedient open-minded well meaning due well-behaved evenhanded equal candid greathearted noble-minded self-denying open jovial lofty immaculate easy-going deferential justified engaging philanthropical veracious justifiable pleasing patient knightly easy up front steady outgoing fatherly motherly even-handed salt of the earth prestigious legitimate fair and square soft-hearted unbribable clubbable steadfast personable non-partisan non-discriminatory extroverted pious notable nonpartisan indifferent punctilious great unwavering charming gregarious cooperative full of integrity delightful self-effacing impeccable squeaky-clean bonhomous nondiscriminatory legit humble reverent welcoming tactful diplomatic free true blue reputed mild-mannered sterling conversable attentive well-meaning suave self-righteous well-thought-of well bred forbearing maternal inculpable lovely disciplined dignified faultless unfailing genuine cheery self-forgetting anti-discrimination company-loving forgiving submissive docile neutral chirpy holy spiritual deserved denying unstained concerned staunch forthright eminent seemly merited willing accessible cultured resolute saintlike godly devout biddable clubby condign uncolored perky of principle above suspicion egalitarian solicitous calm temperate upfront trusted reverential human accommodative unswerving natural firm matey pally chummy chaste name eleemosynary do-good on the up-and-up valuable couthy illustrious honoured recognized competent warranted applaudable easy to get along with trustable impersonal outstanding buddy-buddy free-handed pitying suitable balanced couth lordly calculable proud first-class freehanded true-hearted comforting wholesome formal eager to please high stately whiter than white lavish pure as the driven snow bleeding heart praisable responsive happy honored feeling fatherlike clement valiant unassuming moderate bland eager to help highly regarded recognised with no axe to grind above-board soft-spoken unoffensive bleeding-heart of good report loving and giving well intentioned sweet-tempered palmary well brought up brotherly princely modest unerring even-tempered harmless peacekeeping having clean hands complying unsparing self-forgetful idealistic glorious God-fearing circumspect harmonious freehearted fulsome manageable tractable conformable smart matchless godlike peerless frank Christian rational even morally right morally acceptable good-mannered wonderful informal wellmannered politic communicative relaxed uninhibited dinkum clubable extraverted boon hail-fellow-well-met legal heroic goodish credible on up and up needy thankworthy eligible honest-to-goodness guileless redoubtable discreet worthwhile unbigoted level-headed authentic easy to get on with fast quiet placid well-favoured well favoured forthcoming unctuous acquiescent breezy highbrow composed brave straight-arrow clean-cut elegant debonair unpretentious unfeigned uncontrived model self-respecting soft touch propitious openhearted benefic heart in right place well brought-up softie marshmallow extraordinary remarkable invaluable enduring patriotic on-the-level uncoloured proportionate expansive fun expressive extrovert unpresumptuous swell ingratiating sweet-natured prepossessing winsome willing to please favourably disposed sure tried stanch secure safe inoffensive perpetual persistent inextinguishable immortal undestroyable unchanging untouchable meek laid back well spoken well-spoken fair-and-square level stable even-steven cricket fair-to-middling good scout Robin Hood classy heedful punctual exact precise fastidious critical independent self-sufficient regal receptive shy non-confrontational pacific lamblike demure sisterly dovelike retiring cool dove-like paternal without fear or favour valued tried-and-true truehearted veridical allegiant down-the-line wholehearted ardent undistorted liege confirmed right and proper on the square dapper alright goody-goody lily-white unmarred unobjectionable precious empathetic extremely careful thinking twice pliant filial deferent fair shake square deal predictable committed infallible no lie adaptable pliable A-1 obligatory binding appropriate quality decisive determined empathic sensitive commiserative consoling established encouraging sympathizing condoling apt well disciplined apropos ritually pure undefiled positive careful unequivocal major league in limelight big time big name high-powered august meritable prized admired meretorious appreciable commiserating doting piteous ruthful handy accepting long-suffering of repute well thought of well respected sympathising sparing having heart in right place well trained incumbent on meet desirable befitting earned tried and true large tried and tested well known favored famous well-known renowned prominent popular famed high-ranking redoubted sound celebrated acclaimed copper-bottomed old softie well-deserved open-hearted well-intentioned user friendly on tap on deck willing to help favoured with a good reputation tried and trusted fit requisite felicitous in high favor of good standing exceptional noteworthy wicked first-rate well deserved well earned ace smashing brill tip-top grand champion top-notch splendiferous super fab bully top-hole beaut batting a thousand up to the mark worthy of admiration worthy of commendation nasty not too shabby believeable satisfactory organic irreprehensible untarnished without reproach in the clear of excellent character fond favorable protective favourable prodigal sentimental nurturing hearty permissive approving handsome soft-touch loose reassuring palsy-walsy appreciative complimentary profuse palsy generous to a fault intimate soothing conciliatory patriarchal pardoning enthusiastic fraternal gratifying cheering collegial mindful parental abundant maternalistic laudatory mollycoddling condoning pampering hail-fellow flattering broad-minded commendatory acceptable ready adoring uplifting perceptive inspiriting plenteous mushy unstinted comprehending willingly given fulfilling almsgiving going easy on regular cosy cozy avuncular lax light overindulgent ample spoiling mother sheltering close allowing interested stoical excusing permitting yielding serene plentiful touchy-feely watchful resigned communal inspiring extravagant full stoic uncomplaining like-minded commending dear assuaging soft-shell observant glowing tranquil unflappable winning earnest admiring rave heartening unrestrained restrained longanimous useful stimulating boosting discerning aware calming being big amorous lovesome self-controlled self-restrained affirmative applauding approbatory heartwarming gladdening smooth insightful poised predisposed acclamatory approbative praiseful parent vulnerable bubbly becoming confident soft-centred personal thoughty guestfriendly matriarchal amusing confiding hilarious jocose entertaining kindred funny amical comical attached vibrant happy-go-lucky compatible jocular on good terms understandable nonmalignant emotional vigilant rich beneficial nonthreatening paternalistic angelical spotless social-minded pharisaical contributing donating socially concerned prosocial pitiful advantageous very kind worried anxious cosseting emollient letting assuasive favoring humoring appealing heartfelt brother's sibling familial genealogical profitable taking captivating enchanting pietistical pristine unflawed graceful pietistic favouring humouring soft-shelled nonjudgmental overpermissive guiding vicarious appreciating protecting supporting caretaking placable public- spirited as nice as pie simpatico inviting eager beneficient non-malignant live with backslapping unmean deep condescending obsequious copacetic familiar tight sublime lively non-hostile virginal untouched unblamable redeemable redeeming prayerful unkind unrelenting cruel excessive procrustean inexorable overgenerous favorably inclined favourably inclined praising unconstrained going along with salutary willing to forgive overabundant immoderate intemperate profligate wasteful thriftless improvident conflict-free attention-seeking jolly bluff buddy buddy easy-oasy equable chilled wild able to live with barley-sugar concordant agreeing square shooting accordant right nice in favor of okay recommendatory inclined assenting Santa Claus welcome merry casual free-and-easy unstinging exuberant reserved unobtrusive simple down-to-earth downright neighborly jejune vapid dull subservient spiritless obeisant forbearant tame flat subdued kin imperturbable unexcitable upbeat joyous jocund glad chipper enlivening upper up sunny blithe amatory passionate overfond undemanding fervent demonstrative philosophical persevering intuitive over the top living with romantic enamoured lovey-dovey addicted enamored has heart in right place equanimous untiring mild-tempered unruffled self-possessed inexcitable passive cognizant conscious sunny side up going easy with subtle judicious delicate impassive philosophic fortitudinous weak sensitized impressionable reactive spineless boneless consolatory bound up close-knit silly over impressible sensitised emotionable perceiving knowing unimposing expressing adoration prudent with the patience of Job supersensitive finely tuned dexterous wise skilled adroit skillful cautious tactical deft skilful savvy turned on to touchy feely tuned in relieving dextrous satisfying rewarding easing treating with kid gloves treating something with kid gloves heart-warming congratulatory warming softening invigorating succouring revivifying sustaining allaying envigorating remedying restoring mitigating revitalizing curing succoring solacing abating analeptic bolstering revitalising lightening health-giving upholding alleviating freeing refreshing panegyrical honeyed adulatory eulogizing sugary encomiastic saccharine eulogistic laudative encomiastical with highest recommendation fair-spoken eulogising sycophantic plauditory celebrating honouring highly favourable fawning highly favorable honoring well-wishing with high praise

Tính từ

Conforming to an acceptable standard or quality
satisfactory acceptable adequate fair reasonable sufficient tolerable ample average passable competent all right suitable agreeable fairish fitting okay palatable respectable serviceable alright appeasing assuaging assuasive presentable sufficing comfortable solid sound OK good enough sufficiently good up to par up to scratch up to standard up to the mark up to snuff good substantial considerable fine sizeable not bad moderate tidy goodly significant so-so sizable handsome fair-to-middling generous middling large biggish appreciable unexceptional abundant largish unobjectionable healthy fit major jake extensive in order substantive standard fairly good hunky-dory serious copacetic plentiful big hefty pleasing goodish appropriate great not to be sneezed at quite good decent-sized massive proper marked copasetic O.K. pretty good voluminous common sensible plenteous bountiful spacious capacious pleasant huge swell noticeable convenient cool valid bonny commensurate satisfying A-OK kosher lavish profuse plenty fair to middling copious vast run-of-the-mill bounteous superabundant whopping jumbo strapping comprehensive ponderous gross burly tickety-boo mediocre ducky enough worthwhile ordinary moderately good grand medium fairly large hulking oversize unexceptionable unremarkable bulky outsize oversized outsized correct vanilla minimal aplenty boundless bog-standard commodious right on on the ball middle-of-the-road plain vanilla delightful viewable bearable notable material becoming attractive prepared competitive groovy delighting cogent gratifying peachy fulfilling monumental just right modest honest good-sized not too bad steady extraordinary undistinguished admissible excellent indifferent commonplace commensurable fat able cromulent flourishing fine and dandy as it should be requisite proportionate on the beam up to code no great shakes congruous half-pie nothing to shout about nothing to write home about suited apposite apropos fortunate useful lucky well happy bright snug much usual necessary fitted prodigious tremendous intermediate mean immense enormous well-suited providential prosperous astronomical pretty totally fine enow as much as is necessary as much as you need okey-dokey completely understandable worth taking into account large-scale husky boxcar liberal rich not inconsiderable innumerable abounding broad overflowing teeming opulent prolific infinite roomy unrestricted expansive flush inexhaustible rife galore cornucopian countless bumper myriad munificent thick on the ground no end enough and to spare heavy a gogo lank more than enough

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Not damaged or broken
undamaged intact whole unimpaired unbroken perfect flawless impeccable faultless spotless pure unsullied untarnished lily-white immaculate ideal stainless undefiled clean untouched unpolluted unspoilt uncontaminated blameless innocent incorrupt exemplary letter-perfect seamless sinless picture-book without fault picture-perfect indefectible unimpeachable irreproachable guiltless without blemish absolute unstained model whiter than white unflawed unspotted sound modest above reproach uninjured squeaky clean unmarred pure as the driven snow beyond reproach unhurt chaste unmarked clear unblemished virtuous copybook crimeless good inculpable righteous correct squeaky-clean consummate classic above suspicion beyond criticism excellent in the clear not to blame accurate error-free unerring scrupulous upright cleanhanded just so uninvolved superlative untainted supreme unspoiled uncorrupted textbook guilt-free irreprehensible archetypal honourable quintessential not guilty holy prototypical honorable classical as pure as the driven snow mint pristine superb masterly white tip-top infallible entire without sin uncensurable as sound as a bell as good as new free from guilt free from blame free innocent as a lamb exact precise optimal ultimate meticulous faithful lawful acquitted legal unfailing complete idyllic fitting honest foolproof best licit law-abiding errorless bang on spot on unguilty exquisite representative inviolate saintly have-it-all best possible moral unoffending right on on the mark on target on the nail on the button clean-handed sackless not responsible fine admirable laudable commendable meritorious estimable praiseworthy exceptional outstanding imitable paradigmatic archetypical sterling definitive punctilious applaudable bueno very good batting a thousand not too shabby neato worthy not bad

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Free from vulgarity or indecency
clean chaste wholesome modest pure respectable immaculate innocent nice polite vestal virginal prudish uncorrupted demure proper unblemished undefiled untarnished virgin in good taste G-rated virtuous unsullied moral sinless good decorous upright maidenly celibate spotless righteous honest exemplary squeaky clean guiltless pure as the driven snow stainless ethical honourable impeccable honorable seemly upstanding noble blameless irreproachable angelic abstinent incorrupt unaffected squeaky-clean intact reputable maiden worthy unwed untainted unmarried self-restrained self-denying uncontaminated simple continent white clean-living unstained whiter than white saintly pious just unspoilt pristine refined quiet elegant high-minded right-minded restrained austere inexperienced neat impotent intemerate controlled subdued monogamous above reproach inculpable free of sin perfect sanitary hygienic reserved gentle girlish beyond reproach principled dignified unimpeachable estimable sober discreet platonic retiring moralistic redoubtable incorruptible irreprehensible severe coy unobjectionable delicate morally correct high-principled true guileless unblighted inviolate unprofaned unspotted nunlike impeccant wide-eyed lily white faultless uncorrupt holy anti-corruption edifying uplifting cleanhanded wet behind ears flawless babe in woods pure as driven snow faithful unoffending sackless non-erotic non-violent improving lily-white correct unsoiled not guilty apple-pie open-faced clean-cut sensible together fresh-faced envigorating right open invigorating helpful ruddy sane safe commonsensical normal practical blooming free of as pure as the driven snow gleaming ultra-clean shining snowy free from sin fair snowy-white spic-and-span spick-and-span snow-white antiseptic shiny all there perfectly clean unmarked speckless hale and hearty in the pink in fine feather spick and span freshly laundered clean as a new pin

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(informal) Sufficiently clothed or dressed to be seen

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Based on, or displaying, common sense
solid sensible informed logical rational commonsense reasonable reasoned justified reliable sound firm objective realistic balanced commonsensical judicious practical astute perspicacious pragmatic analytical dinkum perceptive satisfying commonsensible enlightened levelheaded lucid satisfactory cogent estimable prudent circumspect good intellectual sane discerning grounded sagacious valid genuine just shrewd common-sense down-to-earth level-headed well advised well-advised well balanced well-founded well grounded well-grounded clear-eyed clear-sighted well reasoned intelligent fair wise equitable credible acceptable tenable sober coherent advisable sapient believable justifiable legitimate understandable viable thoughtful impartial percipient feasible unprejudiced moderate temperate restrained conservative plausible controlled reflective standing to reason politic legit cognitive knowing cerebral unexcessive unextreme thinking admissible ratiocinative together cool making sense consistent right unbiased analytic fair-minded thought-out well-thought-out open to reason evenhanded in one's right mind based on good sense clear-cut full of common sense well thought out hard true factual matter-of-fact accurate precise correct exact proper systematic convincing consequent sage authentic faithful well founded sharp defensible workable methodical well-reasoned careful learned insightful strict veracious regular warranted clever supportable truthful rigorous discriminating congruent effective scientific proven authoritative veridical plain well-informed close knowledgeable educated literal clear punctilious scrupulous explicit meticulous functional sustainable compelling unmistakable unerring defined skillful rigid on the nose ultraprecise definite punctual deft particular concrete distinct discriminative skilful on the button telling canny savvy warrantable practicable defendable working weighty appropriate useable constructive usable actionable persuasive profound dependable scholarly doable vindicable accepted efficient responsible bona fide organized trustworthy deductive attested applicative verifiable useful confirmed far-sighted no-nonsense faultless real-world organised orderly thorough well organized unidealistic all there holding water hard-headed sincere substantiated well informed normal dispassionate rightful discreet showing great knowledge with great knowledge straight philosophic deliberate unemotional straightforward prosaic serious-minded mature pukka real acknowledged undistorted rock-solid joined-up with both one's feet on the ground cold unimpassioned attentive conversant reasoning conscientious lifelike based on hard data based on hard facts steady-going au courant having all one's marbles in right mind painstaking regulated veristic verisimilar nice well-expressed considered well-presented ordered mathematical word-perfect on the beam true to life spot-on telling it like it is on the nail fact-based on the mark bang on spot on as it really happened well considered well presented well expressed well-structured articulate well-organized straight-thinking certified definitive utilitarian recognized flawless impeccable watertight recognised established orthodox unassailable severe on the money detailed specific veritable thought through possible serviceable pragmatical right-thinking right-minded authenticated righteous respected supported straight from horse's mouth from the horse's mouth circumstantiated documented validated verified accomplishable applicable utile helpful applied convenient deliberated holding up standing up holding up in wash got it together handy user friendly user-friendly both feet on the ground ultrapractical within the bounds of possibility unromantic within the realms of possibility nuts and bolts step-by-step intuitive erudite strategic tactful smart experienced expedient achievable suitable operative cogitative contemplative desirable argute foresighted tactical substantial powerful strong well judged maintainable probable perspicuous irrefutable arguable full of insight conclusive germane determinative forceful pertinent relevant efficacious stable uncorrupted tested potent kosher clear-headed able to hold water

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Shy and fond of being on one's own
demure modest bashful coy retiring shy diffident reserved unassuming reticent decorous meek prim mild prissy proper prudish quiet timid ladylike respectable sedate seemly shrinking sober staid strait-laced timorous chaste innocent maidenly priggish pure virginal virtuous backward coquettish down-to-earth goody-goody humble introverted kittenish lowly old-maidish puritanical recessive self-effacing sheepish starchy straight unpretentious withdrawn affected niminy-piminy retired square uptight blushing close earnest nice serious silent skittish solemn unassertive unassured prim and proper restrained unobtrusive gentle cool vestal undefiled peaceful reclusive immaculate subdued self-restrained unsullied virgin uncommunicative secretive moral placid serene conventional inhibited undemonstrative solitary standoffish mousy uncorrupted unostentatious soft-spoken clean simple unsociable fearful unpresuming taciturn formal distant aloof cold self-contained cautious collected sinless close-mouthed self-conscious insecure offish wholesome media-shy nervous unconfident apprehensive unblemished plain hesitant discreet constrained unforthcoming composed soft polite G-rated unapproachable private eremitic aw-shucks docile embarrassed introvert celibate unaffected deferential refined uncompanionable abstinent lamblike incorrupt controlled intact unambitious withdrawing pure as the driven snow shamefaced detached maiden unboastful frigid unresponsive rabbity unwed peaceable misanthropic icy ceremonious noncommittal spotless stand-offish self-denying unmarried temperate reverent uncontaminated mim good elegant angelic faint-hearted inconspicuous submissive unpretending ordinary reluctant overmodest resigned becoming befitting low-key calm genteel inward-looking yielding fit dignified compliant fitting remote tentative wary suitable abashed unfriendly acquiescent forbearing closemouthed gentlemanly guarded laconic cowed self-controlled mannerly chary hermitic untainted tender pleasant upright right snobbish affable thoughtful tame manageable compassionate nongregarious guiltless pacific respectful moderate caring tight-lipped obliging stainless conforming done comely courteous lenient benevolent benign continent meet de rigueur well-mannered sympathetic austere in good taste softhearted untarnished mellow neat intemerate monogamous inexperienced impotent warmhearted gracious harmless free of sin squeaky clean unoffensive good-natured comme il faut tender-hearted mild-mannered non-confrontational arch flirtatious simpering genuine natural evasive artless ingenuous severe girlish delicate doubtful unsure introspective unaggressive apologetic low-profile unnoticeable independent honourable honorable orthodox unstained platonic antisocial isolated prudent self-doubting uncertain indrawn weak-kneed trembling quaking cowering unsocial ungregarious insular ashamed socially inhibited hermit-like hermitical contemplative self-absorbed self-interested pensive obsequious servile dubious suspicious flinching distrustful blenching unpoised subtle understated toned-down repressed low-keyed muted unflashy unrevealing eremetic easily frightened lacking courage casual unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated recluse uncurious uninterested indifferent egoless obedient unprotesting spineless unresisting spiritless ruminative meditative reflective inner-directed self-centred in line keeping a low profile reverential subservient by the numbers by the book free from vanity hiding one's light under a bushel self-deprecating ill at ease patient self-centered wimpish mousey yellow scary fearsome gutless yellow-bellied tremulous chicken sissy trepidatious fainthearted biddable resistless supplicatory seclusive secret non-communicative self-sufficient anchoritic eremitical all alone tractable sycophantic long-suffering nunlike unaffable unexpansive faint recreant cowardly poor-spirited afraid frightened scared shuddering conservative impeccable unimposing flawless not forward doubting inelaborate unextravagant righteous verecund recoiling blushful kind poor homely faithful pristine impeccant easily embarrassed faultless blameless small unadorned holy irreproachable white perfect uncorrupt unexcessive unembroidered economical unornamented token honest cleanhanded inculpable genial considerate amiable clean-living free from sin exemplary agreeable pleasing sackless unoffending chilly dumb unemotional tranquil pabulum Milquetoast tolerant nothing orderly wishy-washy zero longanimous passive lily-white understanding easygoing merciful congenial kindly likeable humane sociable bland goodhearted motherly fatherly loving sweet-tempered laid back good-humored sisterly dovelike tenderhearted lovable maternal brotherly cheerful likable large-hearted good-humoured kind-hearted friendly amicable dove-like forgiving kindhearted paternal Olympian free of not guilty whiter than white squeaky-clean as pure as the driven snow unruffled easy imperturbable unflappable sensitive steady complaisant serious-minded grave correct unshaken unperturbed together recollected untroubled self-composed level possessed coolheaded undisturbed stiff limpid equal unworried self-possessed stuffy smooth stick-in-the-mud boring soft-hearted appropriate sombre deliberate dispassionate stately somber cold sober tasteful tactful cool as cucumber courtly civilized polished couth well behaved well-behaved well mannered well bred seasonable ceremonial civilised au fait frosty impersonal cold-eyed unbending asocial mum mom dry unclubbable unsympathetic standoff cold-blooded haughty unwelcoming mute passionless unfeeling buttoned-up apathetic speechless clammed up emotionless glacial chill impassive wooden phlegmatic tongue-tied forbidding uncordial close-lipped stolid inhospitable gelid unexpressive hostile untalkative buttoned up disdainful clammy antiseptic brittle hard-eyed stony careful supercilious affectless uncongenial unenthusiastic tightlipped sententious incommunicable incommunicative wintry poker-faced wintery lukewarm coldish stoical frozen arctic stilted sparing uncommunicable laid-back unneighbourly stoic impassible numb cagey uninvolved hushed wordless circumspect unmoved curt brooding uppity dark callous inarticulate unspeaking unneighborly tight-mouthed cool, calm and collected judicious unexcitable stern rigid heartless on the QT matter-of-fact reasonable zipped uneasy voiceless dour clamlike measured at a loss for words unamicable clinical pompous offhand contained sensible politic dried-up uncivil offended impertinent procacious annoyed impudent insolent level-headed antagonistic nonchalant alert heedful hush-hush unpassioned abstract rational gingerly safe hard-hearted deadpan watchful vigilant mumchance attentive calculating flat cold-hearted balanced dummied up disciplined abstracted in check unimpassioned preoccupied mannered not talkative cold as ice businesslike strained lost for words awkward cloistered unloving unsentimental diplomatic enigmatic snooty cynical proud unwilling deep under control still uncomfortable off disagreeable secluded unkind unpleasant ungracious ascetic rude thick-skinned hard-boiled stuck up insensible dried up fogeyish putting on airs leery arrogant jaundiced lone inimical stuck-up old-fashioned equable removed insouciant negative neutral inapproachable discourteous spacey dumbstruck of few words dumbfounded inaccessible expressionless toneless hollow dead blank vacant uncharitable hateful narrow-minded insensitive objective bottled up hardened grouchy strict starched spaced-out playing one's cards close to one's chest pococurante impartial keeping people at arm's length out of it discriminating observant precautious nowhere immovable nonemotional fuddy-duddy with reservations even warm nonvocal struck dumb on the lookout with eyes peeled of the old school levelheaded soundless saying nothing not saying boo unable to get a word out stony-eyed bereft of speech not given to excesses stiff-necked unextreme avoidant unaffectionate unamiable unnatural forced costive sullen frustrated tamed restricted limited brusque superior contrived laboured artificial ungenial mopey mopish camera-shy insociable scowling punctilious sequestered half-hearted tepid hung up steely flinty unhappy depressing mean-looking stodgy ungainly alienated put on airs unconversational unsmiling low-pitched low muffled hushful short outside repellent lifeless hard fierce discouraging off-putting hermitlike unenthused labored monastic exact precise cool-headed hard-headed not forthcoming complacent perfunctory cold-shoulder contemptuous withering unagitated inflexible uninquiring zipped one's lips have tight chops unimpressionable unfazed inscrutable secluse hermetic hardhearted official bureaucratic inhuman stony-hearted disinclined loath hesitating wavering indisposed unprejudiced uncommitted unbiased cryptic wise strategic obdurate inexpressive listless coldhearted marble uncompassionate blah unwilling to mix with other people sceptical wouldn't say boo to a goose pokerfaced featureless colorless soulless gray colourless grey uncolored depersonalised faceless candid depersonalized nondiscriminatory anonymous monolithic undercover backstairs covert sly furtive feline mysterious intelligent judgmatical judgmatic discerning stable regular silentious unheard unimpressible insusceptible buttoning up clamming up hidden mum's the word tight chops zipping one's lips buttoning one's lip malevolent shut away straight arrow shocked sagacious softly-softly kid-glove straight-faced indurated inexcitable averse astounded under wraps inobtrusive nonaggressive corked up in charge chilled on a leash in control of yourself closed up in private in chambers in privacy pessimistic inhumane aghast dazed thunderstruck amazed awake civil worldly-wise considered not excessive compromising lonely alone strictly business cold turkey dependable settled reliable in the background in the dark sober-minded even-tempered sobersided gobsmacked flabbergasted selfish sarcastic hating egoistic sardonic egotistical misanthropical companionless shell-shocked along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches on lookout having foresight not rash dumbstricken obmutescent playing your cards close to your chest mature anxious troubled friendless skeptical unaccompanied knocked for six astonished aphonic hit for six like a clam poised responsible sound carefree secure restless tense discomposed edgy unsettled blithe surly sour lonesome full of common sense well balanced calculable unswerving having both feet on the ground medium comfortable checked regulated constant curbed relaxed perturbed unrelaxed bothered nervy jittery antsy mindful provident aware special one-off sole unique singular one only deadly musty conformist aggressive ill-natured suspecting scrupulous shrewd forethoughtful unquiet discomforted disquieted discomfited devil-may-care happy-go-lucky humourless fusty by itself quarrelsome unanxious old-fogeyish nasty keeping a weather eye on all ears walking on egg shells thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves on your guard belt-and-braces watching one's step watching out walking on eggs on your toes taking it slow playing safe hedging one's bets on the qui vive on guard on the watch with one's eyes peeled narrow magisterial fetid straitlaced important self-important hot bloated humorless puffy foetid Victorian smug smoky smelly careless lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome oblivious debonair antipathetic menacing adversary obnoxious mortal impolite adversarial unmannerly unattended forsaken sui generis out-of-the-way particular deserted lacking social skills by oneself on edge stag separate lorn on its own lofty nonplussed cross ill-disposed against conflicting opposite estranged malicious disaffected malignant spiteful competitive unpromising contrary warlike vengeful acrimonious opposed censorious combative grudging gruff unbothered not bothered forgetful feckless inattentive lackadaisical blind supine deaf without a care in the world at ease not giving a toss heedless negligent undaunted non-committal on ice as dry as dust cold fish lone wolf vague not on speaking terms overcareful canny overcautious

Tính từ

Polite, elegant, and sophisticated in manner
smooth suave urbane charming debonair glib mannerly persuasive slick chivalrous civil considerate cultivated decorous genteel gentlemanly polite refined respectable respectful sophisticated cool courteous ingratiating smarmy together unctuous collected composed courtly facile gracious polished svelte civilised civilized genial possessed silky unruffled coolheaded equable oily royal sedate self-composed self-possessed silver-tongued smooth-tongued media-savvy affable cultured well-bred worldly worldly-wise gallant bland pleasant well mannered stylish smart dignified elegant poised diplomatic tactful gentle obliging cosmopolitan well bred friendly amiable dashing smooth-talking spiffy dapper well-mannered sharp good-natured swish politic cordial sociable self-assured swanky fly well dressed metropolitan experienced knowing mature well-groomed well turned out congenial unemotional agreeable soft impeccable fulsome soft-spoken pleasing formal distingué assured smooth-spoken balanced confident deferential trim spruce snappy attractive enlightened knowledgeable thoughtful ladylike trig well groomed jet-set classy chic citified intelligent blasé happy casual nonchalant detached buoyant sprightly cheerful jaunty unprovincial seasoned aware mondaine erudite well-behaved well behaved discreet kind complaisant world-weary on fleek broad-minded unprejudiced liberal worldly wise well brought up conciliatory attentive punctilious mild amenable sympathetic well brought-up neighborly obsequious well-spoken well spoken concerned neighbourly condescending solicitous good-mannered streetwise well-travelled well travelled been around hip catholic planetary gregarious public ecumenical trendy snazzy sassy fashionable happening posh kicking spiff swell schmick supercool swank sporty chichi well-dressed smartly dressed well turned-out in vogue fashionably dressed discerning educated tasteful graceful learned discriminating fine perceptive highbrow intellectual modish accomplished couth sensitive astute shrewd wise ritzy proper literate informed clever exquisite scholarly au courant handsome tony exclusive seemly advanced voguish sagacious in distinguished stately well-read a la mode natty literary kicky well read well informed well educated majestic artistic beautiful lettered plush judicious nice with it bright up-to-date acute brainy sage savvy dressy well-educated fresh high-class well-informed aristocratic aesthetic modern fastidious versed developed illuminated percipient insightful sapient esthetic luxurious studious now fancy grand upscale genius groovy mod ostentatious correct uptown widely read lovely trendsetting brilliant glamorous opulent with-it up to date academic rational noble contemporary sensible perspicacious bookish in the know canny cognizant highbrowed expert deep conversant esoteric scholastic delicate well versed having been around creative critical quick-witted sumptuous keen well-rounded tolerant up to the minute progressive upmarket appealing prudent arty ingenious subtle dressed to kill inventive profound superior schooled cerebral quick swinging oversophisticated befitting alert ultra-modern instructed nifty selective well-born funky big donnish switched-on de rigueur practical becoming new ceremonious clear-sighted sharp-witted plugged in posted in fashion rich all the rage original penetrating down clued-up piercing imaginative well-off sublime expensive dainty aesthete elitist comely flattering engaging charismatic reasonable august conscious ornate affected gnostic traveled inspired likeable likable esthete prim travelled precise acquainted elaborate familiar select intuitive apprised studied understanding witty fetching flash restrained hot accurate able with good taste designer captivating observant argute appreciative abreast sound competent hep turned-on skilful pedantic recondite def pretentious razor-sharp cunning flashy tuned in skilled rakish dap in the picture absorbing sentient calculating jazzy current neat in style au fait intellective swagger sussed omniscient latest thing sleek latest skillful bang up to date high-toned clued up genned up in thing in the loop tuned-in dressed to the teeth larger than life on the ball as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox classical privileged comfortable discriminative modest high-quality eloquent industrialized good mannered humane particular finished lively poetic expressive coffee-table popular honorable honourable cavalier well-brought-up strong fully developed imposing highbred preux lofty adulatory complimentary high-bred conventional womanly plushy obscure glitzy spirited active flippant high-society dicty high-fashion understated downtown airy close rigorous late evolved improved forward high pinpoint spot-on higher mathematical responsible reliable into dress fast supersmart well schooled international global highborn blue-blooded patrician avant-garde specialist gorgeous stunning bling glossy well produced dependable adult initiated insighted culty wise up vivacious faddy in-thing fancy-pants high-minded high-brow nimble ultrasmart faddish clean du jour steezy modernistic showy harmonious groomed presentable splashy pizzazzy pizazzy elite well-traveled open-minded taught trained upper-crust mindful flamboyant colorful gay loud proficient whiz highly-developed industrialised looking sharp dressed up prestigious intellectualistic intellectualist psychologic good einstein last word colourful jet-setting prescient à la mode in the mainstream with experience old matured fitting fit incisive exceptional sharpened in high feather eggheaded geeky clerkly well put together practised privy across pretty dressed to the nines patronizing hollow prudish straitlaced prissy stuffy pompous confined la-di-da intolerant patronising artificial snooty priggish snobbish precious blue nerdish nerdy solid polymath professorial philosophical abstruse philosophic solemn pansophic grounded well-grounded scientific grave been there old hand seductive considered rapier-like razor-like with a knowledge of up on at home practiced switched on with an understanding of no stranger to leet level-headed grown-up primed spick and span well-turned-out dolled up well-tailored well-developed clean-cut spiffed-up besuited well-presented soigné tutored razor sharp selfish materialistic grasping quiet unobtrusive in good taste splendiferous aesthetically pleasing pure chaste unaffected gratifying subdued prestige watchful very smart cautious careful sharp as a tack hyperintelligent worldly-minded avaricious greedy covetous high-end deluxe lavish upper-class free-thinking expedient provocative gripping stimulating thought-provoking intriguing callous hardened self-centered unprincipled opportunistic self-centred disenchanted power-loving mondain impressive circumspect commonsensical gnarly massive advisable enchanting art-house logical strategic sober hip to wised up endearing briefed sane pawky tactical judgmatical judgmatic desirable self-aware vigilant stylin' efficacious well-versed versant sweet prepossessing bewitching adorable cute winning excellent distinctive first-class artistically aware innovative knowing what's what well-advised well judged heads-up seasonable far-sighted wary judicial common-sense well advised long-headed just well-judged thorough well thought out analytical plugged-in apprized well briefed dreamy lovable entrancing enticing delectable alluring resourceful masterly blue-stocking intellectually aware savant distingue abreast of the facts filled in up to speed serious riveting powerful heavy interesting heavyweight fascinating irresistible beguiling winsome adorbs divine luring well versed in the ways of the world all the go enterprising gifted inviting couthy magnetizing bonny delightful magnetic magnetising electrifying le dernier cri talented capable qualified absorbed thinking engrossed ratiocinative innovational trailblazing fertile originative Promethean innovatory wily dexterous pioneering adroit crafty dextrous sly deviceful ready thinking outside the box clear-eyed classic choice ornamented rare overdone recherche stylized well-designed

Tính từ

Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character
venerable revered respected venerated august esteemed hallowed reverenced honoured worshipped acclaimed celebrated distinguished famed glorious illustrious legendary lionised lionized renowned respectable elevated eminent great notable noted pre-eminent prominent reputable reverend sacred sage exemplary honourable wise worthy admirable admired dignified estimable experienced grand grave honorable honored imposing matriarchal noble patriarchal philosophical sedate serious stately worshiped worshipful famous exalted prestigious important well-known preeminent outstanding of repute well thought of of high standing recognized proud remarkable influential noteworthy well known leading recognised highly regarded highly rated name memorable splendid magnificent of note lauded brilliant star lofty acknowledged bright vaunted reputed foremost superior significant well received resplendent much touted sublime popular regal of distinction majestic signal excellent notorious considerable superb conspicuous heroic big-name impressive well-regarded major gallant major league immortal valued applauded visible redoubtable powerful shining big-time much vaunted marvelous highly esteemed upright highly thought of aristocratic imperial paramount extolled big heroical luminous monumental dominant good infamous fine unforgettable marvellous astral high-ranking triumphant beautiful time-honored gorgeous gratifying high-powered decorous well-thought-of praised exceptional big name kingly solemn chief proper refined gracious portly royal top magnific epic massive grandiose baronial Homeric storied peerless feted established large dazzling superstar celeb effulgent radiant redoubted wonderful heavenly pleasurable uplifting big-league extraordinary much-publicized number one big league talked about staid lordly high predominant key courtly central highfalutin' main splendorous highbrow composed principal genteel supreme couth awe-inspiring laureate capital valiant highest virtuous appreciated pompous high-minded first professional prized self-respecting pivotal essential high-profile arresting momentous consequential striking numero uno divine widely known meritorious major-league top-drawer up there VIP splendiferous meaningful material of good repute far-famed much publicized in limelight big time having made a name for oneself highly praised much-admired splendrous delightful enjoyable glittering remembered decorated beloved authoritative reliable holy golden heavy of good standing prizewinning commended hailed cheered flaunted familiar widely knowbn leonine lionlike celebrious page-oner big-gun principled seminal adored intellectual formal known in spotlight touted common senior instrumental valuable with a good reputation well respected mannerly marked everyday reserved ceremonious public paraded energetic puissant dynamic heavyweight singular self-important overblown immodest top-ranking exaggerated highest-ranking excessive classy magnanimous landmark fateful in the limelight in the public eye on the map great-hearted especial special promoted overhyped advertised publicized hyped deserving palmary praisable meritable sterling meretorious appreciable eventful historic nonpareil salient imperious publicised boasted about bragged about made much of shown off cheering groundbreaking satisfying epochal red-letter heart-warming rewarding pleasing far-reaching fulfilling sombre magisterial distingué starchy somber nifty well-bred well mannered well-mannered cultivated moral beneficent generous talked of exulted in crowed about prated about independent self-sufficient scrupulous made a display of just so ostentatious spectacular commanding dramatic staggering master chivalrous large-hearted dynamite weighty super-duper super something unreal mondo fab fat doozie prime lead solid gold to the max something else sensational stunning opulent swanky stirring awesome palatine sumptuous exquisite queenly statuesque extravagant elegant stupendous celestial palatial prodigious eye-catching fabulous towering amazing formidable lavish princely ominous terrific colossal tremendous sightly wondrous luxurious greathearted primary premier patrician premium greatest moving ennobled apex transcendent arch cardinal head elite focal honest glorified posh primal biggest sovereign core largest overbearing highborn upmarket overmastering highbred gentle huge sovran overriding wellborn number-one trustworthy clean-living seemly correct polite befitting nice presentable blue-blooded upper-class neat above board tidy smart spruce accepted widely praised well born silk-stocking upper-crust high-born world-class appropriate comely conforming suitable ordinary creditable well bred moderate becoming mediocre de rigueur modest done worthy of mention worthy of note stand-out comme il faut big-shot rich breathtaking vast ritzy splendacious magnolious plush handsome smashing mega first-class first-rate deluxe conventional mind-blowing haughty ambitious immense fantastic cosmic bumper classic stellar mighty costly Olympian stylish sophisticated inflated official pretentious graceful enormous urbane portentous tasteful titanic gigantic polished ideal giant mammoth cool stuffy traditional suave overwhelming fancy monstrous mountainous elephantine gargantuan debonair cultured humongous monster ornate oversized fit for a king whopping jumbo astronomical substantial ceremonial astronomic whacking hulking leviathan superlative oceanic gigantesque walloping humungous vasty supersize supersized pharaonic cosmical cyclopean bulky planetary herculean king-sized king-size out of this world Brobdingnagian galactic splashy studied brave choice perfect lovely king size Himalayan schmick unsurpassed matchless high-class stylized mythological classical godlike rarefied large-scale number stiff fit for a prince showy ample fit for a queen fit for a princess higher reverential tall in the saddle high-status expensive very good penetrating absorbing grandiloquent maestoso elaborate resounding sonorous jumbo-sized thumping ginormous eloquent high-flown swish plushy swank high up blissful rapturous palatian long thumping great whopping great intense irresistible whacking great expansive extensive flash flashy higher up extended effective magnifico flamboyant baroque fabled iconic arduous Herculean forcible purple egotistic high-falutin' unfathomable complex impenetrable theatrical fustian bombastic high-flying transcendental too good to be true inspiring too much outrageous inspirational the most spiritual abstract marathon prevailing learned resonant alpha trusted all-important triumphal idealistic fashionable artistic exciting larger-than-life very long very large very great discerning high profile high-level ritual modish unparalleled well-connected first rate of the first rank gifted incomparable prior unexcelled unequaled unequalled potent arch- delicate ritualistic aesthetic charming dashing dictatorial bossy one for the book civil chic select state liturgical something to write home about ornamented affected dainty rare well-dressed overdone a la mode recherche esthetic well-designed domineering arrogant autocratic set prescribed affable gentlemanly courteous ladylike obliging civilized sacramental celebratory confident high-handed peremptory overweening self-confident prim flattering preux adulatory complimentary high-bred mannered patronizing supercilious overconfident civilised largish voluminous goodly sizable outsized sizeable biggish boxcar husky oversize outsize hefty topping dogmatic judicial patronising highhanded unrivalled unrivaled bodacious chillin' quality rad inspired ace fantabulous radical groovy dandy hype slick keen gangbuster dope mean hot gangbusters wizard frontline righteous optimal gone peachy swell prize amazeballs optimum crackerjack bonny corking boss banner phat down brill sik primo bonnie boffo beaut cracking supernal solid belting bosting pearler exo brag bully barrie of the first water topflight the very best tip-top state-of-the-art top-notch par excellence the best on fleek supercalifragilisticexpialidocious gilt-edge out-of-sight jim-dandy blue-chip peachy keen bang-up of the first order a standout top-shelf first-string A-OK blue-ribbon five-star top-of-the-line gilt-edged