Từ đồng nghĩa của prudent

Alternative for prudent

Từ đồng nghĩa: careful, cautious, discreet, guarded, judicious, sensible,

Tính từ

Acting with or showing care and thought for the future
wise judicious politic sage advisable sagacious sensible shrewd discerning desirable expedient insightful perceptive sapient tactical commonsensical considerate farsighted leery practical pragmatic reasonable sane sound vigilant well advised well judged playing safe thinking twice hedging one's bets astute sharp intelligent thoughtful clever smart knowing perspicacious canny careful acute keen savvy knowledgeable rational erudite percipient penetrating learned enlightened discriminating profound subtle intuitive brainy discreet clear-sighted calculating scholarly sensitive argute informed deep logical cagey alert sharp-witted intellectual ingenious brilliant diplomatic cunning bright contemplative observant heady philosophical foxy reflective quick-witted educated advised tactful artful critical calculated wily smooth considered quick streetwise foresighted incisive measured reasoned genius understanding deliberate cautious far-sighted experienced studied aware astucious on the ball gnostic piercing crafty sly strategic guileful full of insight cerebral polite delicate hardheaded pawky well-advised suss skillful skilful clear-eyed dexterous courteous heads-up dextrous long-headed razor-sharp whip-smart cogitative good thought-out showing great knowledge with great knowledge scheming fast supersmart nimble sophisticated slick cultivated refined ultrasmart slippery tasteful circumspect cute selective hard-boiled exceptional sharpened visionary cultured well thought out rapier-like provident deft suave adroit respectful worldly-wise gentle hyperintelligent gracious weighed sympathetic gifted precocious wary conscious treating with kid gloves sentient self-aware enterprising apt witty cool hip sophic resourceful cluey precautionary thorough in one's best interests insighted heedful pragmatical exquisite philosophic studious fine agile quick off the mark quick on the uptake whiz scrupulous softly-softly kid-glove einstein sussed deliberated competent genial well-read egghead bookish academic pondered imaginative penetrative seemly cordial decorous polished awake appreciative prescient responsive watchful nimble-witted hep able frugal razor-like meditative introspective earnest reflecting musing pondering analytical pensive thinking museful ruminative solemn grave urbane civil poised mannerly skilled kind adept well-thought-out well thought-out razor sharp tuned in ear to the ground knows what's what conciliatory conniving arch intriguing capable bland contriving opportunistic with it street smart street-smart sharp as a tack as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork solid justified treating something with kid gloves well-informed well-reasoned well-founded well reasoned deep-thinking particular fastidious discriminative discriminatory discriminational differential artistic aesthetic nice planned premeditated picky individualising finical eclectic opinionated persnickety choosy with good taste select individualizing fussy choicy finicky esthetic organised organized purposive scheduled aforethought prearranged projected intended intentional prospective estimated determined computed prepared outlined purposeful designed preconceived done on purpose pre-planned deliberately planned well-planned on purpose thought out in advance devious tricky designing beguiling underhand dodgy cagy fly accurate disingenuous probing inside shark media-savvy far-seeing wised up in the know on the inside on top of up on

Tính từ

Exhibiting or exercising good judgment
judicious intelligent discreet judgmatic judgmatical circumspect cautious careful wary vigilant guarded chary heedful alert watchful considerate attentive thoughtful observant cagey calculating conservative gingerly safe politic sagacious mindful leery reasonable sensible wise canny considered on guard discerning shrewd on the lookout diplomatic aware sage discriminating scrupulous sound astute restrained on the qui vive suspicious practical expedient strategic pragmatic logical rational levelheaded tactful on the alert reserved on your toes on the watch well-advised deliberate with eyes peeled worldly-wise provident softly-softly acute awake apprehensive sharp keen hesitant regardful smart informed advisable paying attention level-headed commonsensical enlightened savvy tactical insightful on your guard thorough sapient mature sane common-sense punctilious sober well judged well advised tentative perceptive reluctant reticent moderate controlled well thought out noncommittal well-judged fastidious precautious belt-and-braces measured frugal wide-awake prepared ready thrifty sparing agog tentie anxious concentrating tenty with reservations on tiptoe watching out thinking twice eagle-eyed hawk-eyed sharp-eyed Argus-eyed keen-eyed walking on eggs watching one's step handling with kid gloves keeping on one's toes with weather eye open gimlet-eyed looking to on the ball playing safe on alert on the job on one's toes open-eyed keeping your eyes peeled beady-eyed looking for keeping a weather eye on things all ears on toes waiting on with eyes like a hawk not missing a trick realistic healthy gentle calm gradual responsible patient protective unhurried meticulous playing one's cards close to one's chest with one's eyes open keeping one's eyes skinned conscientious finicky methodical non-committal taking notice vague unrevealing balanced deep reasoned overcareful overcautious suspecting forethoughtful well thought-out well-grounded uneasy keeping a weather eye on hedging one's bets walking on egg shells with one's eyes peeled taking it slow loath distrustful sceptical dubious shy mistrustful doubtful close-lipped afraid nervous averse disinclined mean close-mouthed parsimonious stingy iffy doubting unwasteful saving sly wide awake kid-glove delicate inhibited miserly constrained skeptical economical particular civil temperate having foresight on lookout not rash active like a clam wired perky quick fully awake heads up wide-eyed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed fast on the draw percipient clever perspicacious pawky desirable skilful argute efficacious accurate skillful sophisticated seemly profound just judicial seasonable far-sighted clear-sighted quick-witted heads-up long-headed questioning unsure disbelieving cynical unbelieving incredulous sensitive wakeful lacking confidence lacking trust uncertain lacking faith hip switched on psyched up conscious timid secretive squeamish dainty mistrusting concerned evasive elusive tight-lipped worried untrusting skittish equivocal keeping one's eyes peeled keeping a weather eye open keeping one's eyes open hooked glued unsleeping ambivalent with one's eyes skinned hinky trustless unconvinced undecided negativistic show-me unsettled distrusting uptight jealous fearful solicitous been hit before obliging have misgivings have reservations unselfish bright spirited jazzed accommodating cooperative polite with it good hands understanding complaisant respectful forbearing like a sport defensive expectant upon one's guard

Tính từ

Beneficial or being of advantage in a given circumstance
expedient advantageous judicious practical appropriate advisable sensible wise useful apt fitting suitable beneficial politic helpful fit desirable pragmatic profitable worthwhile effective proper gainful tactical strategic opportune convenient timely propitious utilitarian necessary meet seasonable of benefit of service of use self-serving in one's own interests to one's own advantage seemly sound recommended suggested best well commonsensical recommendable preferable logical sagacious valuable rational commendable favorable favourable reasonable shrewd astute provident canny counselable fruitful beneficent far-sighted circumspect behooveful auspicious a good idea correct preferred right acceptable reasoned desired productive for the best to one's advantage in one's interest applicable effectual required needed essential presentable definitive efficacious valid best suited clear called-for indicated called for compelling good felicitous befitting rewarding constructive fitted relevant becoming happy worthy apposite pertinent fortunate benignant serviceable benefic suited of assistance lucky just lucrative handy meritorious significant of value apropos providential invaluable well timed positive benign kindly salutary usable feasible comme il faut functional friendly conducive worth it commodious well-timed due fortuitous decent rightful instrumental remunerative ripe heaven-sent promising germane equitable pretty of help ideal qualified deserved useable requisite win-win decorous adequate in keeping satisfactory to the point important benevolent golden meaningful congruous realistic agreeable timeous paying prosperous estimable facilitative able efficient furthersome perfect substantial capable practicable prepared economic adapted deserving ready nice employable to the purpose informative available correspondent conformable in one's interests equal sufficient good enough to your advantage pat justifiable contributive fair accommodating done purposeful plus illuminating enriching comfortable excellent comely belonging related allowable permitted permissible tailor-made exemplary money-making priceless worth the effort in order instructive conformed reconciled accommodated well spent well disposed just right actionable working viable workable vital pivotal crucial spot on made to order right on on the nose that's the ticket just what was ordered on the button prompt paramount indispensable imperative critical sane punctual wholesome appreciated fundamental key respected admired in demand exigent supportive real-world solid applicative doable achievable operative okay merited immediate speedy condign cut out for user friendly fit for purpose righteous right up someone's street up to standard in keeping with swell copacetic in character up to snuff legit kosher gratifying encouraging toward set disposed hot central loved held dear esteemed of the essence worth its weight in gold likely towardly uplifting inspiring worthful scarce hot property crying out moneymaking in one's best interests exploitable equipped in good time at the right time in the nick of time up-to-date up-to-the-minute operable -worthy paid fat juicy money-spinning going well-paying sweet rich fructuous lush generous satisfying financially rewarding well paid connected down-to-earth matter-of-fact going concern paid off in the black very productive material businesslike hard-headed no-nonsense hardheaded earthy hard-nosed unsentimental unidealistic well judged sober hard hard-boiled ad rem well-suited appurtenant with both feet on the ground most correct

Tính từ

Mentally calm, having no emotion too strong or too weak
balanced sane rational sensible reasonable sound sober realistic practical judicious stable pragmatic commonsensical grounded collected mature composed wise circumspect together cool steady calm businesslike dependable reliable poised serene equable imperturbable unflappable unworried relaxed confident unemotional unmoved secure level-headed well balanced self-possessed even-tempered full of common sense well adjusted well-adjusted cool-headed laid-back at ease cool, calm and collected with both feet on the ground moderate levelheaded unruffled coolheaded unperturbed no-nonsense advisable responsible hard-headed dispassionate discreet deliberative farsighted politic all there objective intelligent normal calmed unagitated controlled unbothered unfazed unflustered clearheaded intellectual logical undisturbed recollected untroubled straight placid level possessed tranquil limpid peaceful smooth equal assured unshaken sedate reasoned assertive sagacious self-composed self-assured lucid cogent self-confident self-controlled discerning cognitive perspicacious well-balanced healthy with one's feet on the ground unexcitable equanimous nonplussed chilled easygoing at peace as cool as a cucumber quiet phlegmatic nonchalant easy still stolid impassive stoical cool as a cucumber undismayed pacific even easy-going staid temperate patient unexcited cool as cucumber unconcerned mild stoic complacent unswerving serious gentle reserved unflinching down-to-earth halcyon hushed stilly lown steadfast unshakable disimpassioned philosophical centered sure keeping your cool unaffected centred sure of oneself casual detached mellow restful settled measured peaceable deliberate civil urbane elegant suave dignified bovine coherent quieted soothed repressed suppressed neutral stress-free passionless in control mild-mannered unimpassioned flat good calculable good-natured docile irenic keeping a stiff upper lip have one's act together not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on nerveless unvexed unflurried unstirred sure of yourself unperturbable waveless unbroken motionless sanguine right having both feet on the ground serious-minded good-tempered self-restrained pellucid reconciled content resting fair satisfied quiescent comfortable clear-headed sound of mind mentally sound like a millpond of sound mind thick-skinned smug self-satisfied untouched immovable on an even keel matter-of-fact roll with punches hard as nails stiff upper lip able to reason clearly able to think clearly right in the head compos mentis in possession of all your faculties having all marbles with both one's feet on the ground firm solid strong fast bold unhesitating unfaltering unerring safe staunch unwavering

Tính từ

Not romantic
pragmatical practical pragmatic sensible rational unsentimental sound reasonable unidealistic sober hardheaded businesslike earthy sane unromantic utilitarian astute hard commonsense prosaic unfantastic shrewd real levelheaded objective down-to-earth matter-of-fact hard-boiled tough-minded logical commonsensical judicious realistic reasoned informed good wise well-founded valid commonsensible just solid justified analytical firm grounded intelligent sagacious coherent thoughtful discerning analytic well-advised well-grounded circumspect sage balanced cogent level-headed together intellectual knowing well-thought-out well-reasoned well grounded well reasoned enlightened reliable discriminating perceptive credible plausible well advised true perspicacious justifiable lucid canny responsible deductive no-nonsense far-sighted consequent accurate hard-headed all there common-sense clear-sighted cool well thought out genuine truthful discreet stable convincing satisfying decent satisfactory telling sustainable believable proven confirmed mature acceptable reflective congruent defensible viable philosophic ratiocinative faultless cerebral thinking tenable weighty authoritative right supportable maintainable defendable sapient having all one's marbles legit sharp legitimate impeccable clever advisable cognitive exact precise politic hard-nosed consistent well-informed with both feet on the ground holding water clear-eyed with one's feet on the ground clear-cut full of common sense joined-up well founded real-life factual educated natural lifelike naturalistic unemotional robust knowledgeable learned insightful graceful savvy dependable true-life steady straight deliberate with both one's feet on the ground proportional well-proportioned symmetrical well-adjusted well informed showing great knowledge with great knowledge dinkum estimable fair mentally stable harmonious aware cognizant infallible trustable veridical reasoning collected unquestionable certain synthetic veracious equitable errorless sure sincere secure inerrant corroborated colorable meticulous rigorous validated substantiated verified empirical certified open definite calculable explicit stringent careful empiric understandable impartial recognized flawless watertight right-thinking correct profound holding up recognised standing up holding up in wash got it together established orthodox accepted unassailable right-minded well-balanced well balanced percipient moderate restrained conservative controlled temperate unprejudiced feasible dead-on spot-on on-target letter-perfect thought-out unexcessive fair-minded open to reason evenhanded in one's right mind admissible based on good sense making sense unbiased standing to reason unextreme substantial powerful strong compelling bona fide probable persuasive perspicuous irrefutable arguable effective workable conclusive germane determinative forceful vindicable pertinent relevant efficacious uncorrupted able to hold water clear-headed attested tested potent trustworthy kosher serious-minded steady-going attentive au courant conversant in right mind

Tính từ

Averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values
conservative traditional conventional hidebound orthodox old-fashioned cautious stable die-hard dyed-in-the-wool middle-of-the-road moderate reactionary timid traditionalist unchanging archconservative brassbound button-down buttoned-down careful guarded mossbacked old-line old-school paleoconservative quiet safe sober standpat traditionalistic ultraconservative unadventurous unenterprising unprogressive temperate bourgeois constant controlled fearful firm fogyish fuddy-duddy illiberal inflexible obstinate redneck right steady unchangeable uncreative undaring unimaginative hard hat holding to not extreme old guard old line white bread in a rut right of center stick in the mud set in one's ways strait-laced stuffy conformist diehard square straight rigid narrow-minded Tory stick-in-the-mud uptight rightist right-wing proper strict staid blimpish ultra-conservative formal prim prudish priggish puritanical uncompromising Victorian stiff starchy intransigent backward-looking obscurantist of the old school narrow established parochial prissy boring correct fogeyish long-established Pooterish alt-right genteel immovable Birchite hard-line classic intolerant niminy-piminy classical suburban philistine ordinary accepted common retrogressive regressive counterrevolutionary small-town mainstream old past customary pompous popular fundamentalist time-honored regular dogmatic family straitlaced punctilious decorous outdated stilted ceremonious doctrinal reserved sedate stodgy prim and proper smug respectable conforming bien pensant out-of-date doctrinaire extremist convinced unreconstructed unhip unrelaxed hard-core deep-dyed old-maidish moralistic ethnocentric purist true-blue universal counter-revolutionary mimsy governessy schoolmistressy schoolmarmish shockable staunch steadfast long-standing indomitable unyielding medieval prehistoric unreceptive mediaeval bigoted unreasonable wary middle-class overscrupulous goody-goody entrenched adamant circumspect tentative cagey mannered austere starched nice solemn chary hesitant severe Grundyish Pecksniffian socially acceptable dated provincial property-owning timorous unexciting stiff-necked commonplace right-leaning uncool restrained stay-at-home limited materialistic shopkeeping propertied rooted right wing shy out of date habitual parish-pump out of the ark behind the times historical acceptable accustomed predictable former ancestral to the right old school prejudiced biased received impersonal ancient folk prior historic approved deadly musty set fanatical puritan familial bygone jaundiced humourless fusty earlier generation intractable individualistic recognized normal old-fogeyish lineal official authoritative usual bluenosed small-minded foetid self-important hot bloated warm fetid arrogant smoky supercilious humorless smelly magisterial important puffy straightlaced prevailing standard authorized prevalent canonical oral unwritten unoriginal familiar acknowledged unheretical petty-minded handed-down close-minded routine derivative well established well-established kosher as dry as dust demure religious sanctioned admitted recognised pious legitimate rightful sound authorised set in your ways from the past old-world old-style of yore set in one's opinions fixed in one's views outmoded straight arrow in line by the numbers nice-nelly according to the book Biedermeier ceremonial comme il faut straight-laced general stock typical expected average everyday characteristic widespread representative current natural archetypal archetypical wonted unexceptional fitting suitable quintessential model standardized ideal fixed typic prototypical emblematic indicative standardised befitting prescriptive fit exemplary matter-of-course ubiquitous prototypal time-honoured true predominant settled confirmed illustrative run-of-the-mill symbolic appropriate paradigmatic bog-standard apt essential going in keeping in character old hat suggestive archetypic regulation patterned prototypic seemly de rigueur overall majority shared decent fashionable legal public becoming rife household vanilla done well-known standard-issue proverbial chronic widely held lawful ruling polite stereotypical proven refined just understood prosaic valid daily unremarkable plain legit garden-variety warranted frequent allowed moral cut-and-dried cut-and-dry garden variety in circulation in vogue statutory due wide collective generic endorsed fair pervasive broad reliable ritual widely used good staple basic mannerly sensible quotidian applicable licensed judicious prescribed workaday accredited stereotyped vulgar precise simple documented meet well-mannered de règle civilized OK virtuous stipulated common or garden comely permitted day-to-day honest agreed upon civilised well worn okay licenced tried and true tried and tested on the level par for the course across the board by the book in force on the up and up lamestream favoured extensive central definitive undoubted uncontested undisputed unquestioned canonic core textbook agreed imitable dominant primary discerning net protocol in order plastic white-bread so-so grind favored great signature touted boilerplate presentational couth courtly unopposed passed okayed preferred discreet abiding favourite comfortable favorite done thing one-size-fits-all standard operating procedure playing it safe sop same old wont in the groove according to Hoyle acquired honored enduring immortal ageless mutual diplomatic tralatitious apposite hackneyed derived lasting timeless traditionary known inveterate inherent symptomatic consistent tasteful dignified right stuff honoured congruous adopted intermutual embraced united commutual like renowned believed immemorial anticipated foreseeable foreseen arrived at mass pukka presentable dependable in established usage formulaic distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing declared recognizable identified perceived serious highbrow authentic memorable unforgettable ritualistic undying deathless native clichéd cliched realized remembered certified national blanket communal overarching global joint outright heavy symphonic concert heavyweight authenticated realised recognisable professed deserved comprehensive rampant true to form to be expected validated obedient trustworthy unquestioning astute merited only to be expected on the cards … all over true to type total sweeping epidemic nationwide societal wholesale verified widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted deep-rooted ingrained compulsory signed sealed ratified wise sagacious intelligent officially recognized bona fide secure unshakable vested permanent signed and sealed ordered straight from the horse's mouth cleared decisive cathedral positive real decided conclusive ex cathedra definite and delivered ex officio obligatory mandatory necessary required condign competent justified earned broad-spectrum across-the-board broad-brush all-round all-around percipient perceptive shrewd licit permissible allowable legalized admissible reasonable constitutional upright socially obligatory a must called for au fait holding water requisite fly faithful tried-and-true ethical principled noble reputable twenty-four carat significant well deserved card-carrying in principle equitable well earned right-minded legalised within the law conforming to accepted standards above board going by the rules accurate exact gentlemanly qualified felicitous pretty desired suited ladylike modest honourable honorable courteous most common

Tính từ

Shy, extremely humble and modest
self-effacing shy modest retiring diffident bashful withdrawn unassuming reserved demure reticent coy introverted quiet meek timid backward silent unpretentious humble sheepish unpresuming recessive unassertive discreet unboastful temperate withdrawing proper seemly blushing chaste unobtrusive lowly nice unassured moderate resigned simple unpretending self-conscious shrinking restrained timorous unsociable unostentatious self-deprecating uncommunicative reclusive secretive self-deprecatory overly modest standoffish soft-spoken taciturn mild unaffected prim unforthcoming natural cool self-critical distant down-to-earth genuine artless ingenuous plain private undemonstrative media-shy solitary offish retired innocent coquettish kittenish prudish skittish inward-looking aloof self-contained mousy cold aw-shucks remote close-mouthed detached unresponsive honest unambitious cautious rabbity stand-offish thoughtful introvert close sedate collected inhibited sincere guileless pure uncompanionable unemotional naive open real true eremitic nongregarious homely unimposing without airs honest-to-goodness unpresumptuous free from vanity easy-going laid-back arch flirtatious simpering respectful socially inhibited overmodest on the up and up childlike uncontrived undesigning unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated recluse uncurious casual uninterested indifferent evasive insecure unconfident nervous keeping one's light under a bushel low-key seclusive secret decorous ordinary inconspicuous unaffable unexpansive hermitic not forward anchoritic eremitical hiding one's light under a bushel embarrassed courteous prissy sober respectable strait-laced ladylike staid decent virginal maidenly virtuous priggish old-maidish straight puritanical goody-goody starchy niminy-piminy uptight affected square earnest serious solemn formal prim and proper introspective unapproachable self-restrained indrawn unfriendly constrained guarded contemplative pensive self-absorbed self-interested closemouthed frigid chilly tight-lipped laconic dumb snobbish Olympian meditative reflective ruminative inner-directed self-centred straightforward gentle serene misanthropic icy peaceful ceremonious noncommittal composed placid conventional self-centered frank unspoiled folksy inelaborate down homey uncomplex unbeautified up front free-spirited prosaic down home unembellished

Tính từ

Fitting or proper for the occasion or purpose
decent proper nice appropriate decorous suitable becoming befitting fitting respectable seemly correct fit apposite apt standard accepted conventional dignified genteel good refined tasteful approved comely conforming orthodox presentable pukka traditional civilised civilized comme il faut de rigueur right established formal due acceptable accurate official regular applicable exact precise legitimate qualified desired de règle just sensible pretty felicitous suited meet polite done worthy mannerly courtly elegant honest reputable well-mannered well bred fitted prim honourable honorable gentlemanly modest ladylike polished moral couth smart upright trustworthy well-thought-of highly regarded au fait expedient relevant convenient cultured sedate demure virtuous courteous of good repute sophisticated civil creditable ceremonious usual customary in good taste posh well mannered urbane OK punctilious well-behaved able compatible timely well-bred congruous done thing neat tidy capable prudish priggish prissy functional prepared feasible adapted deserving pertinent ready stylish happy useful apropos adequate rightful employable useable available serviceable usable correspondent conformable equal equitable necessary required of good standing reliable sound dependable educated protocol in order wholesome de rigeur straight puritanical welcome fair diplomatic stiff stiff-necked stilted starchy kosher palatable pleasant in line strait-laced congenial consistent consonant pleasing okay careful in keeping by the book by the numbers tip-top top-notch apple-pie the done thing right stuff opportune cultivated well-respected well-placed superior high-class upper-class desirable admirable savoury savory tactful right on on the nose that's the ticket just what was ordered on the button respected staid clean-living gracious reserved venerable estimable spruce above board well behaved accomplished affected moderate august redoubtable sublime mediocre ordinary redoubted restrained ceremonial seasonable distingué fashionable chivalrous patronising pompous ostentatious pretentious confined la-di-da artificial intolerant hollow patronizing snooty snobbish straitlaced precious discreet graceful condescending stuffy attractive exploitable equipped operable practicable preferable good enough -worthy chic inviting appealing alluring stunning beautiful trim cute swank good-looking gorgeous immaculate orderly spotless hospitable welcoming adorable clean

Từ trái nghĩa của prudent

prudent Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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