Từ đồng nghĩa của confined

Alternative for confined

confines, confined, confining

Từ đồng nghĩa: contain, enclose, imprison, keep in, restrain, surround,

Tính từ

(of a space) Restricted in area or volume
restricted small cramped limited constricted confining narrow poky compact inadequate incommodious meager meagre pinched squeezed strait tight uncomfortable enclosed exiguous incapacious bedfast bedridden bound chilled circumscribed compassed cramp curbed detained grounded hampered held hog-tied iced immured indisposed invalided kept narrowed pent restrained sick bottled up cooped up flattened out in chains in jail laid up locked up on ice sealed up shut in tiny delimited sparse defined finite constrained bounded packed determinate definite jammed checked measured minimal crowded congested controlled little fixed particular straitened contained spare scanty scant matchbox slim slender choked close specific paltry compressed thin shrunken short hemmed in precise jam-packed trapped kept in check suffocating stifling restricting airless unrelated non-native stymied thwarted wedged oppressive localized not enough room to swing a cat boxy very small cell-like bijou claustrophobic overcrowded shabby awkward overfull localised local two-by-four irregular minute hamstrung non-local qualified demarcated with no room to swing a cat terminable definable tucked up closed in predefined conditioned jammed in belted ringed flanked rimmed fringed encircled girdled contiguous enveloped boundaried encompassed surrounded walled fenced bordered limitary hedged edged dense reserved predictable set subject to limitations predetermined exact not infinite insufficient skimpy sectional topical solid stingy modest deficient thick concentrated poor negligible miserable miserly puny beggarly skimp pitiful light measly scarce sparing hand-to-mouth crammed close-packed serried condensed cropped impenetrable crushed diminutive pathetic bare tenuous slight piddling petty substantial consolidated secure impermeable closely packed close-grained tightly packed tapered skinny tapering hairline needlelike ultrathin fine contracted near narrowing taper threadlike thin on the ground narrow-gauged paper-thin slim-jim low flimsy nominal mingy slimline polished flexible long elongated stipulated shallow remote minuscular marginal frail outside faint off reedy trivial fragile trifling insignificant express determined explicit clear-cut established direct confirmed concrete clear black-and-white derisory sketchy cut-and-dried hard plain outright wretched sorry piffling thinning unimportant pitiable base picayune poxy minor inconsiderable worthless mean assigned convinced well defined prescribed too few too small too little not enough toytown niggling piddly footling pimping ungenerous inappreciable no-account inconsequential chicken peanut mere rare shy wanting failing scrimpy clearly defined dinky twopenny-halfpenny nickel-and-dime in short supply trashy beyond doubt common shoddy sleazy de minimis ineffectual unconsequential Mickey Mouse few and far between barely sufficient

Tính từ

In childbirth

Tính từ

Dwelling or raised in, or as if in, cloisters
cloistered secluded sheltered cloistral hermitic insulated isolated protected reclusive restricted sequestered shielded withdrawn shut-off covert hermit-like hidden monastic quiet remote retired retiring secret solitary unworldly anchoritic eremitic recluse secluse seclusive shut off segregated quarantined cocooned private stranded abandoned screened lonely out-of-the-way unfrequented removed hermetic off the beaten track unsociable tucked away reserved ascetic concealed deserted lonesome cut off out of the way alone singular austere blockaded aloof personal uninhabited distant simple insular undisturbed conventual monkish antisocial cenobitic introverted monachal cut-off lone misanthropic hard to find separated isolate close closet beleaguered shy standoffish confidential unapproachable incommunicado retreated separate hidden away off the grid self-denying hermetical veiled curtained eremitical detached apart claustral monastical canonical shut away inconspicuous departed shrouded set apart ivory-towered celibate taken out far from the madding crowd contemplative companionless faraway friendless unaccompanied outlying inaccessible godforsaken meditative coenobitic far unreachable obscure unsocial unique one only one-off sole special far-off far off far-flung unget-at-able far removed Spartan frugal oblate hermitical by itself by oneself unattended all alone independent stag eremetic forsaken offish particular sui generis lorn self-sufficient uncompanionable self-contained on its own

Tính từ

Pertaining to a small town
small-town provincial insular parochial limited narrow sectarian district regional town civic parish bounded divisional geographical sectional territorial legendary neighbourhood neighborhood vernacular narrow-minded restricted local particular contained localised localized topical thematic petty blinkered illiberal inward-looking small-minded prejudiced conventional myopic short-sighted petty-minded close-minded localist dogmatic entrenched parish-pump diehard rigid set bigoted inflexible hidebound dyed-in-the-wool small Lilliputian partisan picayune xenophobic biased discriminatory little blimpish closed intolerant circumscribed claustral jerkwater contracted sequestered secluded separated conservative chauvinistic reactionary racist racialist stuffy mean unsophisticated selfish unimaginative nationalistic unadventurous strait-laced fanatical prudish priggish moralistic prim starchy puritanical one-sided closed-minded prissy chauvinist partial shockable opinionated ungenerous grudging uncharitable obdurate disdainful contemptuous hateful introverted hick shallow constricted lopsided one-eyed puritan borné inexorable short-term improvident nationalist ultra-conservative suburban ethnocentrist ethnocentric isolationist uninformed factional corn-fed upcountry jingoistic jingo sexist clannish cliquish ignoble homespun rude bucolic simple homegrown unpolished outmoded unfashionable pastoral doctrinaire schismatic unenlarged pigheaded self-centred set in one's ways nasty vulgar base exclusive extremist fanatic denominational shabby spiteful extreme self-centered lacking foresight cheap nonconformist religious sceptical nonconforming skeptical parti pris splinter dissident mean-minded stingy unsympathetic resentful vindictive contemptible malicious mean-spirited uncompromising unforgiving dictatorial unfair unjust individualistic snappy irritable irate averse upset unwilling worked-up waspish outraged short-fuse antipathetic unforbearing indignant fractious jaundiced tilted unindulgent

Tính từ

Restricted to one's home, as by physical infirmity

Tính từ

Made incapable of use or action
disabled handicapped learning-disabled paralysed wheelchair-using challenged crippled exceptional impaired lame paraplegic quadriplegic tetraplegic broken-down decrepit differently abled disarmed hamstrung helpless hemiplegic hurt incapable incapacitated infirm invalid laid-up maimed monoplegic out-of-action out-of-commission paralyzed paraparetic paretic powerless run-down sidelined stalled weakened worn-out wounded wrecked having a disability having learning difficulties having special needs physically challenged physically handicapped physically impaired having a mental disability with a disability immobilized laid up bedridden immobilised out of action out of commission unfit indisposed housebound debilitated confined to bed bedbound ailing ill bedfast prostrate impotent weak injured wornout harmed undermined hors de combat flat on your back flat on one's back damaged sore bruised enfeebled game mutilated gammy battered deformed hog-tied broken mangled tender unable palsied immobile impuissant useless feeble in hospital in the hospital numb handcuffed inert afflicted aching frail marred stricken stiff disadvantaged pained smarting painful throbbing hurting stinging cut inflamed paralytic high and dry crushed discoloured scarred discolored sick black-and-blue benumbed halt restrained restricted dead insensible ineffective inactive defective strengthless gimp spoiled nerveless spoilt torpid bad beaten grazed scratched raw burning on the sick list sensitive lacerated gashed crook gutless chafed reddened agonised knackered ruptured mauled bleeding agonized disfigured scraped nicked in pain struck busted up hit limping hobbling compromised lifeless disadvantageous unmoving fractured poorly unwell deadened smashed shattered limp impoverished diminished unfeeling frozen sickly at a loss gimpy hindered insensitive insensate desensitized ill in bed toothless effete incompetent diplegic below par off colour smitten palsified enervated deterred encumbered foiled stymied blocked hampered impeded checked obstructed curbed balked limited burdened unproductive forceless inept infecund puny dud desensitised excruciating agonizing delicate tingly distressed paper tiger past it under the weather achy afflictive prickly twingeing irritated baulked severe gnawing suffering biting uncomfortable smartful laborious nagging sharp troublesome searing piercing pounding tingling agonising hurtful caustic abscessed vulnerable harrowing red tired nasty achy breaky grievous ulcerated defenceless ineffectual inadequate dependent subject tied mentally disabled physically disabled disenfranchised unarmed ruined destroyed wishy-washy supine etiolated without power blank disfranchised defenseless resistless chicken wimp passive not able over a barrel with no say out of gas shot buffeted tortured warped

Tính từ

Affected by a disease or illness
laid-up sick ailing bedridden broken down debilitated declining defective delicate diseased disordered down feeble feverish frail funny green hospitalised hospitalized ill impaired imperfect in a bad way incurable indisposed infected infirm in poor health invalid lousy mean nauseated not so hot peaked poorly qualmish queasy rickety rocky rotten run down sick as a dog suffering tottering under medication under the weather unhealthy unwell weak wobbly unsound crook sickened bad peaky run-down below par off not oneself on the sick list off colour laid up out of sorts under par pale wretched off-color not healthy grim punk not well confined to bed not very well down with on sick list not in good shape not up to par in bed hors de combat out of commission got a bug out of action feeling rotten sickly nauseous liverish rough crummy seedy grotty wabbit peculiar ropy green about the gills queer awful terrible washed out dreadful peely-wally peakish dizzy faint giddy off-colour not up to snuff lightheaded afflicted light-headed valetudinarian groggy woozy sickish squeamish unfit like death warmed up laid low invalided iffy bummed queerish pallid at death's door anaemic sickly-looking drawn emaciated thin ill-looking injured bilious queazy anemic low haggard pukish dragging in poor shape feeling awful out of shape slightly unwell fatigued tired rundown not up to the mark failing unstable not yourself qualmy reeling ropey uneasy off form ugly not feeling well off one's feed unsightly shaky in pain the worse for wear dying languishing miserable disabled incapacitated housebound immobilized not a hundred percent pasty pasty-faced drained achy hypochondriacal decrepit wasting enfeebled sick as a parrot ashen whey-faced gray colourless bloodless ashy grey ashen-faced in bad shape in ill health in poor condition ill in bed in bad health corpse-like cadaverous sallow weakly out of condition wan pinched in a decline puny immobilised seasick deathly pale carsick trainsick airsick travel-sick lacklustre cranky chronically ill always ill lackluster pining often ill laid-low uncomfortable upset etiolated peelie-wally as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless uncertain restless dubious unsettling troubling odd suffering from motion sickness concerned unsettled doubtful fidgety running temperature a wreck got the bug feeling terrible off one's feet green around gills suffering from altitude sickness strange

Tính từ

Of a prisoner, mentally unbalanced due to prolonged incarceration

Tính từ

Characterized by exaggerated or affected politeness, refinement, or respectability
genteel polite refined respectable cultured courteous cultivated decorous elegant mannerly polished proper correct seemly civil courtly gentlemanly sophisticated civilised civilized gracious ladylike stylish urbane well-bred accomplished affected befitting couth decent dignified formal nice distingué posh punctilious well bred well mannered well-mannered artificial chivalrous condescending de rigueur discreet fashionable graceful hollow intolerant la-di-da ostentatious patronising patronizing pompous precious pretentious priggish prim prissy prudish snobbish snooty straitlaced stuffy well-behaved respectful gallant considerate becoming conventional suave obliging comme il faut suitable affable conforming diplomatic gentle fitting fit cordial appropriate right tactful ceremonious kind well behaved honourable modest honorable accommodating charming thoughtful debonair genial accepted pleasant comely done orthodox complaisant sedate noble meet tasteful friendly presentable moral good apt classy politic traditional well brought up stately demure reputable virtuous hospitable distinguished smart aristocratic benevolent attentive deferential charitable apposite amiable standard staid straight august unctuous good-mannered pleasing puritanical approved sociable acceptable in good taste stiff pukka congenial well brought-up smooth ceremonial starchy strait-laced amicable bland stiff-necked stilted well-spoken well spoken womanly gentlemanlike educated finished wellmannered cavalier impeccable reserved mannered majestic fine handsome developed restrained seasonable prudent kindly usual customary highbred flattering preux adulatory complimentary lofty high-bred imposing studied conciliatory mild amenable good-natured neighborly obsequious poised solicitous sympathetic concerned neighbourly au fait kosher OK okay careful warm-hearted beneficent indulgent benign kind-hearted magnanimous tip-top top-notch suited right stuff well-respected well-placed superior high-class upper-class congruous timely compatible consistent consonant done thing understanding easy giving good-hearted approachable big-hearted loving tender forthcoming bonhomous soft-spoken persuasive glib slick honest upright the done thing smarmy ingratiating together cool admirable worthy facile svelte collected composed unruffled silky possessed respected trustworthy coolheaded clean-living equable oily royal neat venerable estimable spruce above board tidy self-possessed self-composed moderate redoubtable sublime well-thought-of mediocre ordinary redoubted creditable of good repute smooth-tongued silver-tongued conservative bourgeois media-savvy conformist in line highly regarded traditionalist narrow-minded suburban parochial square stodgy by the book by the numbers Pooterish doctrinal strict Biedermeier dogmatic old-fashioned button-down straight-laced stick-in-the-mud small-town bien pensant fuddy-duddy of the old school applicable fitted relevant convenient pertinent felicitous apropos opportune expedient happy due qualified adequate germane rightful usable just to the point to the purpose related propitious useful desirable favourable auspicious pretty serviceable conformable correspondent favorable employable in keeping helpful advantageous able harmonious wholesome deserved material capable functional prepared feasible significant adapted deserving ready perfect well-suited belonging ideal useable available equal equitable preferable right on satisfactory on the nose on the button condign justified fairy-tale pat protocol in order pointed relative well-chosen welcome legit fair judicious tailor-made just right spot on made to order connected fortunate lucky golden promising palatable that's the ticket providential ripe reasonable congruent just what was ordered apple-pie requisite well timed sufficient best accordant heaven-sent coherent nonconflicting effective well judged concordant competent savoury savory corresponding constructive beneficial profitable productive agreeing ad rem equal to up to trained in the running likely capable of in line for eligible appurtenant healthy fruitful utilizable satisfying conformable to correspondent to correspondent with fit to be eaten consumable comestible safe to eat approving common versatile brave edible fit for human consumption healthful salutary benefic favoring commending needed commendatory unobjectionable protean benignant toward salubrious tolerable hygienic ample all right favouring utilisable exploitable equipped operable practicable good enough -worthy

Động từ

Past tense for to imprison or incarcerate someone
imprisoned incarcerated interned immured detained impounded gaoled jailed caged trapped jugged restrained committed bound bounden cooped barred enslaved quarantined sequestered cribbed locked up held captive put away shut up cooped up walled in locked in sent up put on ice hog-tied walled up clipped someone's wings put behind bars put inside put under lock and key shut away put in prison put in chains put in jail held sent down put into detention locked away shut in secluded held prisoner banged up constrained remanded penned pent sent to prison put in irons fenced in clapped in irons holden cloistered closeted kept under lock and key held in custody taken into custody took into custody institutionalized consigned kept arrested isolated stockaded railroaded booked institutionalised mewed up put in custody closed in put into irons put the cuffs on took prisoner taken prisoner caught delivered assigned sent restricted certified circumscribed walled interred entombed trammeled trammelled settled sloughed insulated book pounded sentenced prisoned iced cornered retreated sheltered took away taken away mewed captured sent up the river thrown in jail threw in jail kept under constraint railed in boxed in hedged in kept in custody pinned down kept under custody hemmed in bottled up held under custody kept captive held hostage penned in canned threw book at thrown book at threw in dungeon thrown in dungeon thrown the book at threw away the keys thrown away the keys threw the book at took captive taken captive withdrawn withdrew thrown into irons threw into irons took in taken in drove into a corner driven into a corner withdrawn from the world withdrew from the world

Động từ

Past tense for to confine or keep within certain limits or boundaries
restricted constrained fettered hindered limited stymied capped checked circumscribed constricted curbed hampered impeded inhibited obstructed restrained bridled delimited encumbered hamstrung hamstringed handicapped hobbled slowed tied trammelled trammeled thwarted held down kept within the limits of bound shackled held controlled cramped straitened regulated held back handcuffed chained clogged manacled interfered with hog-tied tethered tied up holden repressed bounded contained hemmed in blocked bounden retarded set barred enclosed fixed fixt held up secured imprisoned governed put in irons arrested put a brake on surrounded contracted encircled locked up kept within bounds demarcated bottled up terminated pinioned suppressed stifled enchained embarrassed immobilized choked concentrated tamed jailed defined demarked narrowed reined in shut in moderated corked leashed focused focussed short-circuited immobilised gaoled chained up pulled in kept down fastened put away put half nelson on gyved put a ceiling on pegged enfettered frustrated measured shrunk kept ruled delimitated specified detained closed in narrowed down clenched pinned down encompassed tied down setted limits on imposed limits on girdled held in cumbered marked off kept under control kept a tight rein on trussed lashed roped reined enthralled incarcerated compressed interned immured diminished subdued cuffed delineated clapt clapped captured tightened reduced strangled condensed tempered decreased withheld prescribed compacted strangulated outlined fenced in entrammeled entrammelled pinched collapsed constringed trapped prelimited enslaved zeroed in centered on fixed on prevented smothered hung up clipped someone's wings delayed closed stopped held in check put straitjacket on kept in check tensed tautened stemmed cooled inclosed slowed down tucked astringed cut down on kept lid on deterred braked kept within limits become narrower put on ice kept back become smaller set out kept the lid on marked out put back made narrower set back put in chains put off shut off shut down put a leash on put together set bounds to put a lead on made smaller shrank shrunken centred on baulked moored squeezed strapped hitched established isolated locked in disallowed shotgunned concussed necessitated deprived cooped up balked banned denied tapered connected determined caught occluded quelled localised pinpointed centred centered localized forestalled netted ensnared enmeshed decided indentured beslaved bethralled pressed down pinned held fast muzzled rationed snagged congested jammed clotted idled mitigated frozen froze designated classified stipulated settled identified dampened cooled off entrapped withholden environed qualified modified shortened held captive dragged feet barricaded calmed blocked up bit harnessed curtailed bitted disrupted mothballed gathered trussed up distinguished stalled postponed debarred choked back eased modulated dammed gummed up plugged up stopped up blockaded foiled derailed detailed compassed marked clapped in irons capsulized capsuled telescoped gagged directed killed impounded stayed guided hogtied reined back placed a limit on linked joined united fused hitched up met grappled cooled down sent up protracted deferred paused interrupted crippled halted kept in setted a limit on brake relieved enveloped bordered clogged up bunged up tied someone's hands prorogued shelved remitted crimped boxed up cracked down pulled back sat on became narrower come down on stopped from spreading drew together kept in line staved off condemned to slavery intermitted staked out nailed down brought to screeching halt reduced to slavery flanked brought to a screeching halt rimmed thrown a monkey wrench in the works of sold into slavery threw a monkey wrench in the works of come into contact drawn together bogged down thrown a spanner in the works of made do with only laid down threw a spanner in the works of setted the boundaries of closed off formed a circle gained control over drew in coupled tied one's hands slowed up subjected to forced labour belted brought under control backed off choked off became smaller simmered down girt gained mastery over got narrower come together had on a tight leash made late encountered setted the limits of condemned to servitude drawn in prolonged stove off held over stood in the way of held off on verged toned down girded walled in edged coalesced stuffed retardated thrown monkey wrench in threw monkey wrench in came down on lay down drawn the line on drew the line on taken down got in the way of gotten in the way of took down came into contact came together got smaller got thinner gotten thinner gotten smaller baffled borked cramped one's style stonewalled cut off interfered entangled ruined prohibited scotched beat scuppered put a stop to put the kibosh on nipped in the bud defeated put at a disadvantage shut out snookered circumvented quashed spoiled spoilt gotten in the way got in the way crabbed sabotaged stumped neutralized burdened disadvantaged opposed neutralised weighed down nullified dashed stilled countered sandbagged inconvenienced obscured averted negated upset forbid fazed offset interdicted discomfited put paid to canceled cancelled annulled counteracted muffled put an end to fouled up put on brakes put an stop to dragged one's feet screwed up stemmed the flow of put the lid on put on hold put a crimp in put the brakes on put on back burner let up shut up cut back put out of commission put the brakes on put in an unfavourable position saddled with upset the applecart put a limit on placed at a disadvantage boxed in given a hard time gave a hard time laced silenced discouraged snared censored puzzled disappointed throttled screened complicated decelerated mystified confounded taped nonplussed dissuaded suspended fixed together impaired crushed flummoxed beaten fenced stood bottlenecked confronted overloaded debilitated warded enjoined outlawed tabooed dead-ended cornered pigeonholed checkmated forbidden forbade monkeyed with bucked offsetted bilked ensnarled resisted contravened incommoded rattled banjaxed wronged overturned intercepted disciplined brought up pulled up licked conquered outwitted precluded disconcerted overcome obviated charged slackened sidelined oppressed discommoded bothered hushed squelched shushed quietened squashed quieted iced hung fire held off fetched up treated harshly prevented from making progress come to a standstill petered out not moved stood off downed loused up loitered kept a lid on lessened loafed fought back headed off given the run around poked flagged told against faltered dummied up dashed one's hope gave the run around treated unfavourably threw a spanner in the works dried up inflicted a handicap on made difficult hesitated buttoned up bogged rendered null and void clamped down on mired cracked down on picked off kept tight rein on treated unfairly thrown a spanner in the works dawdled drawn up drew up overcame tongue-tied done for did for bitten back bit back taken out of play took out of play threw a spoke in the wheel of thrown a spoke in the wheel of thrown a monkey wrench into threw a monkey wrench into came to a standstill took out gave disadvantage given disadvantage taken out done a disservice to did a disservice to gave a disadvantage to given a disadvantage to

Động từ

Past tense for to confine or shut away
mewed immured penned pent impounded caged enclosed imprisoned hedged corralled interned encased encircled gaoled jailed bounded bound cooped encompassed circumscribed included circled mured blockaded environed fenced covered enfolded enshrouded shut in walled in shut up hemmed in locked up locked in closed in mewed in walled off boxed up fenced off blocked off fenced in surrounded cooped up enveloped cut off boxed in hedged in mewed up ringed inclosed housed girdled encaged closeted girt girded compassed wreathed beset trapped pounded hemmed embraced bordered skirted fringed railed in kept shut incarcerated contained kettled restrained edged rung rang walled penned in engirded put inside put under lock and key shut off sealed off held captive limited restricted invested rounded circumvented held caged in cordoned off beleaguered separated circumnavigated orbited circuited sheathed flanked looped besieged detained railed wrapped wrapt sieged begirt begirded closed in on boxed laid siege to rimmed held prisoner holden protected locked defended secured guarded hurdled cocooned forfended shielded safeguarded closed screened warded bulwarked fended partitioned fortified leaguered lined delimited thronged enwreathed gone around went around sealed up kept within bounds belted cribbed barricaded kept under lock and key margined banded formed a barrier round stored closed around assailed outlined cased possessed worked over separated off sealed in enclaved assaulted formed a ring around moved around worked on formed a ring round encapsulated captured inundated haloed congregated verged held in attacked come at from all sides cinctured girded in enringed locken bounden came at from all sides rang round rung round took away taken away

Động từ

Past tense for to shut off or keep apart, as from company, society, etc.
secluded isolated separated sequestered segregated insulated quarantined withdrew withdrawn cloistered closeted screened removed hid hidden retired blockaded concealed covered evicted ostracised ostracized boycotted embargoed enclosed immured cut off kept apart shut off kept away pulled out split off set apart detached cordoned off blocked off closed off sealed off shut away split up put a cordon sanitaire around restricted cordoned divorced cocooned excluded alienated distanced disconnected sequestrated estranged disunited severed kept out disengaged roped off divided abstracted fenced off sundered islanded parted screened off curtained off taped off partitioned off kept in solitude formed a ring around broke up broken up set aside split dissociated disjoined protected shielded partitioned dissevered uncoupled unlinked decoupled shut oneself away cut oneself off shut oneself off resolved unyoked disassociated disjointed ramified divided off marooned set off put away cut up put aside cushioned defended sheltered ghettoized sorted out selected saved stranded separated off safeguarded ghettoised discriminated against singled out kept safe taped coated filled wadded inlaid treated lined kept from harm sundered out separated out enisled secreted isolated oneself secluded oneself intersected bisected segregated oneself hid oneself away setted oneself apart removed oneself closeted oneself dissolved unmarried wrapped up in cotton wool sectioned broke down reserved stood between lied between appropriated divided up dedicated come between kept on one side chosen chose withdrawn oneself withdrew oneself drew back drawn back broke apart broken apart came between tore apart torn apart broken down taken apart took apart

Động từ

Past tense for to crush by being too tight, such as a foot by a shoe

Từ trái nghĩa của confined

confined Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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