Từ đồng nghĩa của impoverished

Alternative for impoverished

impoverishes, impoverished, impoverishing

Từ đồng nghĩa: bankrupt, break, deplete, exhaust, ruin,

Từ trái nghĩa: practical,

Tính từ

Lacking in material possessions or financial wealth
poor destitute needy poverty-stricken impecunious indigent penniless penurious ruined bankrupt pauperized broke insolvent beggared broken crippled hard up skint strapped bust in want necessitous beggarly boracic cleaned out dirt-poor distressed down-and-out famished flat broke in distressed circumstances in need in reduced circumstances in straitened circumstances needful straitened threadbare wiped out down and out on the breadline stony broke boracic lint clean deprived disadvantaged empty flat have-not hurting low-income reduced sterile strapped for cash underprivileged in reduced on skid row stone broke without a bean without a sou on your uppers without a red cent as poor as a church mouse without two farthings to rub together without two pennies to rub together badly off moneyless in Queer Street dirt poor unable to make ends meet out at elbows in penury out of pocket down on one's luck down at heel without a penny without two brass farthings to rub together short short of money in the red unprosperous without a brass farthing homeless stone-broke on the rocks in debt stony-broke pinched stony busted depressed wanting hard-pressed lacking bad off shabby in Chapter 11 unable to keep the wolf from the door fortuneless up against it dead broke truly needy on your beam-ends in a bad way tapped out without two pennies farthings to rub together vagrant bankrupted unlucky unfortunate out of money low meager meagre on the streets suffering derelict indebted seedy failed struggling cashless neglected in distress handicapped rundown empty-handed lost in need of in the gutter gone under in administration in receivership low-paid gone bust behind eight ball on one's uppers in Carey Street on the bread line gone to the wall on one's beam ends without a shot in one's locker poor as a church mouse in the hands of the receivers economically deprived financially disadvantaged unfavored unaffluent requiring help workless unemployed laid off jobless between jobs redundant living rough sleeping rough idle extremely poor base scanty of no fixed address of no fixed abode severe difficult down to last cent stripped totaled divested deficient unmoneyed impencunious stranded vile out of a job resting signing on unprivileged down-at-heel overdrawn discriminated against over a barrel on last leg without a dime deprived of devoid of played out wretched despicable mean on the dole beaten vagabond economically disadvantaged defeated outcast finished miserably poor very poor financially poor spent down to last penny in dire circumstances in great need squalid miserable pathetic shoddy foul sordid on one's beam-ends craptastic without a penny to one's name smashed hindered impaired without a penny to your name denuded bereft on the wallaby track in arrears owing money pitiful unpleasant abject forlorn ill-fated hapless ill-starred belly up exhausted depleted dispossessed on the skids out of funds in the poorhouse contemptible in financial difficulties not having two pennies to rub together not having two farthings to rub together financially distressed financially embarrassed without means of support short of cash without money cleared out liquidated out of business in dire straits slummy defaulting ghetto ghost shanty foreclosed collapsed undone run down skid row run-down unable to pay one's debts financially ruined belly-up in Chapter 13 taken to the cleaners

Tính từ

Unsuitable for, or inconducive to, growing crops or vegetation
barren drained depleted exhausted spent unproductive unfertile weakened boney bony dead desolate diminished empty enervated hardscrabble infertile poor reduced sapped stark waste arid denuded sterile uncultivatable sucked dry used up played out worn out unfruitful bare desert fallow dismal bleak wild inhospitable windswept fruitless lifeless dry lonely lean void effete unbearing uncultivated exposed unprolific solitary devastated uninhabited unpopulated dreary non-productive impotent non-fertile nonproductive infecund unfructuous unremunerative tough hard unprofitable uncultivable unvegetated bad moneyless deserted harsh austere parched finished consumed dissipated dry as dust squandered expended gone poverty-stricken destitute emptied vacant bankrupt all gone at an end unoccupied godforsaken unfrequented isolated unpeopled abandoned vacated forsaken remote untenanted secluded evacuated neglected depopulated forgotten unused disused unvisited free derelict idle unsettled open dormant unwelcoming stagnant sequestered gaunt unprotected unsheltered quiet lonesome flat rejected out of the way in the back of beyond off the beaten track in the middle of nowhere unyielding ineffectual nonreproductive virgin marooned grim ruined untended untilled rough trackless unmanaged unfarmed rugged windy colourless joyless characterless soulless lone uncivilized untouched destroyed not occupied colorless alone uncivilised blowy forbidding windblown hostile forlorn uninhabitable uninviting tenantless without living things without life unfriended bereft inimical cheerless left in the lurch left discarded uncouth left stranded lorn cast off inactive severe spartan unfavorable unfavourable slow depressed inert raw treeless lunar defoliated forestless clear static weather-beaten unshielded unwooded uncreative slow-moving slack stripped cleared blank without vegetation bombed burned deforested scorched bulldozed blighted obscure private retired secret removed unhampered unimpeded unlimited passable unrestricted vacuous unstopped unclosed unencumbered unhindered unobstructed unclogged unfilled unblocked cut off out-of-the-way

Tính từ

Causing unhappiness or discomfort
miserable wretched pathetic sorry dreary bleak depressing dismal poor desolate godforsaken pitiable squalid cheerless contemptible dark despicable drab foul gloomy grim sombre sordid uninviting discouraging disgraceful disheartening drear hopeless joyless morose piteous pitiful shameful solemn somber sullen tragic uncomfortable unpromising vile abject bad deplorable dire disagreeable distressing execrable filthy funereal grievous heartbreaking heartrending inferior lamentable lousy morbid rotten rueful sad shoddy terrible trashy unhappy unpleasant comfortless depressive derisory destitute detestable displeasing dreich forlorn glum indigent low lugubrious saturnine scungy scurvy sepulchral black elegiac elegiacal lonesome plutonian sunless tenebrific tenebrous Cimmerian poverty-stricken dreadful awful woeful appalling distressful tragical unfortunate harrowing upsetting intolerable gut-wrenching horrible horrendous troublesome troubling disconcerting horrid irksome objectionable disquieting horrific worrisome discomforting distasteful unpalatable torturous severe stressful unsettling forbidding revolting loathsome agonizing perturbing traumatic daunting horrifying harsh abominable nasty gruesome difficult doleful bitter disturbing ghastly agitating frightful atrocious troublous hairy nightmarish tormenting frightening fraught grisly macabre painful grave monstrous cruel hellacious mean oppressed pitiless agonising merciless ruthless galling hostile excruciating vicious hurtful stark hard savage brutal

Tính từ

Scruffy or shabby
mangy scruffy shabby moth-eaten grungy seedy dirty mean shoddy sleazy squalid tatty filthy scuzzy worn beat-up bombed-out dilapidated dog-eared down-at-heel down-at-the-heels dumpy miserable neglected ratty run-down scrubby sorry tacky tatterdemalion threadbare timeworn tumbledown unkempt grotty raggedy scabby skanky yucky decrepit gungy gunky indigent messy mucky poor ragtag rank sick sticky tattered unpleasant worse for wear rundown ragged bedraggled gone to seed broken-down dingy worn-out run down ramshackle grubby down at heel old crummy battered rickety faded frayed decaying worn out slummy decayed derelict ruinous ruined wretched rough deteriorated insalubrious deteriorating beat up tired crumbling untidy sordid falling to pieces uncared-for pitiful desolate slipshod well worn cheap degenerated disreputable damaged rumpty low torn base paltry dodgy scungy frowzy shacky down-at-the-heel in ruins poorly maintained gone to rack and ruin weather-beaten in a bad way seen better days badly maintained holey tawdry dismal disfigured bare meager meagre second-rate raggedy-ass warby disheveled dishevelled seamy unprepossessing depressed dowdy unmaintained trashy disintegrating poverty-stricken impaired injured shambly scraggy slovenly skeezy untended out at elbows shaky low-class slimy in tatters in shreds used-up all the worse for wear limp falling apart at the seams having seen better days the worse for wear down and dirty tumble-down in disrepair diseased scaly scroungy underprivileged deprived outworn withering ancient old-fashioned tottering smirched dishonest crooked used well-thumbed well-read peaked shattered uncared wrecked broken frazzled shaggy rugged ripped destroyed crumbly unsound marred bad in bad repair out of condition below par in bad condition under par mediocre substandard lousy ordinary middling low-grade menial two-bit sad raunchy unimproved beat low-rent tasteless crude gaudy vulgar manky kitsch showy nasty garish fallen-in ill-maintained uncared for falling apart beaten up on its last legs fallen in rinky-dink poorly made badly dressed torn to pieces in rags badly worn full of holes droopy overgrown wilted drooping sickly wilting ailing sagging flagging flash Brummagem common loud used up flashy naff cure pot outmoded ostentatious out-of-date unbecoming waxy unsuitable poky stodgy sloppy frumpy cheap and nasty in bad taste inferior rubbishy gimcrack meretricious cheapjack glaring brash junky cheesy worthless execrable glitzy chintzy flamboyant tinny rotten trumpery duff third-rate ropy rubbish schlocky poor-quality brummagem brassy terrible coarse bum tinsel el cheapo jerry-built pretentious flimsy lurid kitschy flaunting glittering flaring bush-league inadequate schlock swanky dreadful cut-rate bargain-basement jazzy tinselly low quality downmarket raffish below standard bodger obtrusive blatant brazen awful atrocious abysmal splashy appalling unsatisfactory swank razzle-dazzle ornate lowbrow deficient frightful pants cruddy dire twopenny-halfpenny over-bright useless dime-a-dozen low-quality crass gross poor quality bright bling-bling a load of pants harsh insubstantial screaming bilious noisy cheapo abject cheap-jack extravagant makeshift insufficient lamentable deplorable valueless unacceptable tinhorn diabolical lame subpar punk direful egregious low cost tenth-rate unfashionable in poor taste brilliant not up to much plastic uncultured snazzy corny violent bold nauseating distasteful unattractive average inelegant florid imperfect overdone defective pitiable ritzy unrefined faulty dud catchpenny junk lemon cheapie colorful daggy slobbish pinchbeck low-down over the top colourful slobby half-pie ungroomed sloven frowsy entry-level low-end blowsy no great shakes slatternly below average dime-store off-color artificial wild not much cop bottom-rung blowzy tousled a dime a dozen not up to snuff tangled contemptible schlumpy second-class two a penny draggle-tailed uncombed thin unsophisticated cheap-looking sporty offensive down scale badly built shopworn overwrought thrown together over-elaborate trifling down-market garbagy sucky indifferent inglorious conspicuous expensive OTT ropey poxy chronic throwaway slumlike twopenny fakey rent pizazzy fancy glittery pizzazzy fancy-pants nifty distressed bombastic outrageous bling elaborate bad quality of a sort sparkling downscale split patched uncomfortable disagreeable common as muck slum-like dumbed down hateful horrible creaky antiquated in holes wack wanting off bush sour suboptimal dissatisfactory wrong ill creaking superannuated noddy desultory unpressed unfinished down at the heel worn to shreds shredded poorly pathetic straggly mussy ruffled unstylish styleless ticky-tack ticky-tacky from hunger scraggly mussed tumbled snarled weak sauce sub-par quavering shaking in a state of disrepair haggard effete anile crippled fragile messed up mussed up matted rumpled windblown unneat commonplace end-of-the-pier bogus empty garbage no-good despicable good-for-nothing abandoned barren piss-poor grody pigpen Mickey Mouse second-best ill-groomed Daliesque clinquant affected twee camp mod posturing gimmicky strictly for the birds rude second class uncouth improper low in quality rough-hewn roughneck incult insensible indiscreet unpolished tactless lowbred uncultivated unseemly ill-bred illiberal indecorous indelicate graceless impolite stupid hideous foolish unsightly outlandish barbarous unclassy low-down-and-dirty trivial unlovely barbaric gay splendiferous pizzazz frou-frou chichi pzazz gussied up putting on the ritz

Động từ

Past tense for to be detrimental to
hurt harmed damaged destabilised destabilized undermined weakened wrecked compromised crippled jeopardised jeopardized marred ruined sabotaged subverted broke brake broken debilitated destroyed deteriorated diminished disrupted hindered ravaged spoiled spoilt tarnished afflicted annihilated blemished blighted corroded corrupted crushed depressed devitalized disabled dismantled enervated impaired impeded incapacitated tainted trashed wounded wound battered blasted bloodied crabbed crossed up debased defaced disfigured endamaged enfeebled flawed inconvenienced injured sapped scorched shattered shocked smashed torpedoed vitiated withered detracted from fouled up interfered with loused up messed up mucked up roughed up screwed up shook up shaken up smashed up took out taken out caused detriment to did harm to done harm to wreaked havoc on wrought havoc on wrought havoc put out of action put out of commission threw a monkey wrench into thrown a monkey wrench into cost costed resulted in harm to caused the loss of caused the sacrifice of leaded to the end of resulted in damage to devastated desecrated demolished defiled split vandalized gutted mangled sullied dented razed totalled totaled smirched vandalised put the kibosh on mutilated threatened reduced stained disfeatured blotted botched disintegrated rotted burnt maltreated teared discoloured gnawed knocked lacerated scathed burned infected discolored scratched dirtied abused rusted cracked wronged maimed disempowered whittled away bleached stabbed contaminated polluted faded frustrated foiled tunneled attenuated mined emasculated sandbagged softened demoralized thwarted blunted challenged demoralised tunnelled dug tampered with banged up caused injury dilapidated played havoc with hollowed out dug out dragged through the mud played merry hell with queered the pitch of clipped one's wings chipped away at prejudiced besmirched nicked poked full of holes knocked the bottom out of dumped on wrenched handled roughly undone undid gnawn torn tore shaken shook ate away eaten away wore away worn away worn wore done damage to did damage to did mischief to done mischief to drove a nail into the coffin of driven a nail into the coffin of thrown a spanner in the works of threw a spanner in the works of thrown a monkey wrench in the works of threw a monkey wrench in the works of

Từ trái nghĩa của impoverished

impoverished Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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