Đồng nghĩa của in reduced

Tính từ

Lacking in material possessions or financial wealth
impoverished poor destitute needy poverty-stricken impecunious indigent penniless penurious ruined bankrupt pauperized broke insolvent beggared broken crippled hard up skint strapped bust in want necessitous beggarly boracic cleaned out dirt-poor distressed down-and-out famished flat broke in distressed circumstances in need in reduced circumstances in straitened circumstances needful straitened threadbare wiped out down and out on the breadline stony broke boracic lint clean deprived disadvantaged empty flat have-not hurting low-income reduced sterile strapped for cash underprivileged on skid row stone broke without a bean without a sou on one's uppers without a red cent as poor as a church mouse without two farthings to rub together without two pennies to rub together badly off moneyless in Queer Street dirt poor unable to make ends meet out at elbows in penury out of pocket down on luck down at heel without a penny without two brass farthings to rub together short short of money in the red unprosperous without a brass farthing homeless on the rocks in debt stony-broke pinched busted depressed wanting hard-pressed lacking bad off stone-broke shabby in Chapter 11 stony unable to keep the wolf from the door fortuneless up against it dead broke truly needy on one's beam-ends tapped out without two pennies farthings to rub together vagrant bankrupted unlucky unfortunate out of money low meager meagre on the streets suffering derelict indebted seedy failed struggling cashless neglected in distress handicapped rundown empty-handed lost in need of in the gutter gone under in administration in receivership low-paid gone bust behind eight ball without a penny to one's name in Carey Street in a bad way on the bread line gone to the wall on one's beam ends without a shot in one's locker poor as a church mouse in the hands of the receivers economically deprived financially disadvantaged unfavored unaffluent requiring help workless unemployed laid off jobless between jobs redundant living rough sleeping rough idle extremely poor scanty base of no fixed address of no fixed abode severe difficult down to last cent stripped totaled divested deficient unmoneyed impencunious stranded vile out of a job resting signing on unprivileged down-at-heel overdrawn discriminated against over a barrel on last leg without a dime deprived of devoid of played out wretched despicable mean on the dole beaten vagabond economically disadvantaged defeated outcast finished miserably poor very poor financially poor craptastic spent down to last penny in dire circumstances in great need squalid miserable pathetic shoddy foul sordid smashed hindered impaired denuded bereft on the wallaby track in arrears owing money pitiful unpleasant abject forlorn ill-fated hapless ill-starred belly up exhausted depleted dispossessed on the skids out of funds in the poorhouse contemptible in financial difficulties not having two pennies to rub together not having two farthings to rub together financially distressed financially embarrassed without means of support short of cash without money cleared out liquidated out of business in dire straits slummy defaulting ghetto ghost shanty foreclosed collapsed undone run down skid row run-down unable to pay one's debts financially ruined belly-up in Chapter 13 taken to the cleaners

Trái nghĩa của in reduced

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