Từ đồng nghĩa của miserable

Alternative for miserable

Từ đồng nghĩa: mean, pitiful, poor, shabby, sorry, unhappy, woeful, wretched,

Từ trái nghĩa: happy,

Tính từ

(of a person) Wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable
sad depressed down dejected dismal forlorn despondent downcast melancholy sorrowful glum heartbroken mournful unhappy crestfallen disconsolate doleful downhearted low woebegone blue despairing melancholic woeful afflicted distressed inconsolable depressive hurt tormented anguished bad brokenhearted cheerless dolorous droopy gloomy hangdog heartsick heartsore heavyhearted joyless luckless saddened solemn somber sombre sorry suffering sullen tortured troubled discontented dull hurting strained wounded agonised agonized ailing destroyed pained racked ruthful broken-hearted fed up in pain low-spirited down in the mouth on a downer cast down grief-stricken bowed down down in the dumps out of sorts wretched dispirited desolate discouraged morose disheartened heavy-hearted upset lugubrious tearful disappointed grieving moody pessimistic weeping rueful in low spirits devastated demoralized cheesed off chap-fallen brassed off demoralised regretful teary lamentable wailing in the dumps aching weepy hopeless bummed out oppressed crushed dragged lachrymose chapfallen grim choked in the doldrums long-faced plaintive distressing funereal grieved defeatist depressing sorrowing distraught mirthless tragic bitter down and out pitiful painful in the pits sick as a parrot piteous dreary spiritless abject emotional cut up dolesome wistful bewailing bemoaning plangent in tears morbid dismayed weighed down bleak down-hearted shot down funeral bereaved grumpy deploring bleeding gutted grievous saturnine sulky heart-rending pitiable desperate tristful crying in despair harrowing sobbing cast-down displeased all torn up dour disgruntled mourning perturbed as sick as a parrot weary sniveling black lamenting dolent heartrending broken crummy snivelling blubbering listless aggrieved comfortless sick at heart singing the blues in a blue funk surly pensive subdued taken down howling bothered anxious annoyed heavy suicidal disillusioned traumatized deplorable mopey daunted dispiriting dissatisfied calamitous irked low in spirits angst-ridden ripped elegiac sunk in gloom dysphoric disturbed heartbreaking traumatised ticked off teed off browned off blubbing peed off whimpering heavy with grief in grief in doldrums traumatic upsetting troubling dark torn up lonely pathetic sorry for yourself let down humourless distressful bawling larmoyant sour agonizing close to tears on the verge of tears concerned shaken harrowed shamefaced agonising vexed overwhelmed saddening enervated humorless discombobulated uptight churlish sepulchral flat tear-jerking bugged shook regrettable disconcerted shattered disquieted crabbed downbeat sapped antsy defeated mopish broody bereft disenchanted adust down-in-the-mouth peeved piqued irritated abashed Eeyorish discontent sick exasperated shook up cynical with a long face unconsolable resigned sheepish overcome with sorrow bummed-out frustrated sunk chagrined in sorrow in mourning damp unsatisfied racked with suffering racked with pain overcome full of sorrow negative hacked off low-down in the toilet down in dumps crabby sick and tired greeting maudlin triste lacklustre dim deep languorous drab shadowy colorless tenebrous unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring gray colourless boring monotonous dingy lackluster macabre grey languid lifeless humdrum awful disturbing disquieting worried unamused sorry for oneself feel-bad apathetic very sad prostrated glowering scowling heart-sick lovesick sore burned contused undermined without energy mortified remorseful depressant dirgeful grouchy brooding atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging dire dolorific afflictive in distress afflicting torn-up angry cross pining lowered bowed threnodic dirge-like emo godforsaken griefstricken off sluggish moping ugly in anguish taken aback deflated prostrate with grief have the blahs cringing browbeaten guilty cowed frantic fraught affected down in mouth hapless affecting bored tired unable to be comforted unable to be consoled let-down not happy guilty-looking furtive discomfited tragical unlucky unfortunate elegiacal uneasy miffed no-win strabilious long-suffering self-indulgent self-absorbed wallowing beside oneself with grief in a state ashamed intimidated embarrassed uncomfortable sneaking feeling down full of gloom in a funk aghast beaten ill-humoured huffy helpless lost worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked catastrophic cruel unpleasant disastrous feeble disappointing paltry mean can't win ill-humored cowering humiliated conscience-stricken forgotten homeless lonesome forsaken abandoned languished not a prayer in the soup at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end blue funk friendless destitute uncared-for in a bad way looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny sensitive teary-eyed mawkish with tears in one's eyes blubbery moist watery wet put out jaded narked wearied dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone at end of one's rope at the end of your tether unnerved agitated discomposed ruffled nostalgic surfeited sated satiated blasé harassed wrecked discountenanced flustered aflutter plagued haunted spooked not best pleased jumpy persecuted unglued in floods of tears easily moved with tears in your eyes strung out up to here self-pitying in a stew in a tizzy complaining disaffected fretful malcontent envious impatient querulous restless resentful malcontented picky griping kvetching grumbling ungratified out of joint sick to death fed up to the teeth with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth

Tính từ

Causing unhappiness or discomfort
wretched pathetic sorry dreary bleak depressing dismal poor desolate godforsaken pitiable squalid cheerless contemptible dark despicable drab foul gloomy grim sombre sordid uninviting discouraging disgraceful disheartening drear hopeless joyless morose piteous pitiful shameful solemn somber sullen tragic uncomfortable unpromising vile abject bad deplorable dire disagreeable distressing execrable filthy funereal grievous heartbreaking heartrending inferior lamentable lousy morbid rotten rueful sad shoddy terrible trashy unhappy unpleasant comfortless depressive derisory destitute detestable displeasing dreich forlorn glum impoverished indigent low lugubrious saturnine scungy scurvy sepulchral black elegiac elegiacal lonesome plutonian sunless tenebrific tenebrous Cimmerian poverty-stricken cold disconsolate gray grey darkening lonely murky chill cloudy woeful mournful melancholy doleful dreadful awful sorrowful depressed unfortunate dolorous appalling blue dejected disastrous grave melancholic despondent calamitous harrowing atrocious dour dispiriting woebegone distressed dull downcast frightful oppressive crestfallen moving dingy tearful catastrophic horrible distressful down in the dumps saddening base austere paltry horrendous cataclysmic inadequate regrettable down gut-wrenching stark mean crummy upsetting affecting touching heart-rending ruinous poignant devastating pessimistic unsatisfactory direful shocking down in the mouth dispirited unwelcoming abominable severe dim abysmal anguished humourless humorless shabby afflicted plaintive downhearted ghastly mirthless foreboding adverse destructive sober despairing meagre serious mourning stirring teary inhospitable fatal disturbing gruesome meager substandard bitter hideous mediocre cataclysmal dishonorable pants unpropitious dishonourable horrifying worthless ominous chronic godawful bare in the dumps rubbish very bad unfavourable broken-hearted unlucky inconsolable grief-stricken God-awful clinical in low spirits useless impersonal intolerable hurting dejecting painful institutional nasty cheap unfavorable moody horrific low-spirited agonizing diabolical ignominious forbidding cast down egregious inauspicious rubbishy horrid second-rate down-and-out disappointing hard poxy agonising sedate offensive fateful odious drearisome grieving devastated spiritless tragical to be pitied suffering heartbroken bland lame dirty unacceptable dirgelike unsmiling ill-fated crushing draggy mopey beggarly long-faced desperate crippling mortifying a load of pants wintry jarring wintery damning discreditable repulsive disreputable abhorrent tear-jerking scandalous reprehensible afflictive cruddy heinous deadly duff unspeakable defeatist loathsome moping harsh laughable opprobrious monstrous harmful catastrophal sickening negative shattering junky inept revolting sucky common troubled schlock nightmarish schlocky coarse bum god-awful earnest feeble ruined stern sorrowing disquieting low-grade weighty compassionate commiserative arousing third-rate commiserable bargain-basement petty lamenting traumatic pained chap-fallen staid untoward disadvantageous sourpuss muted subdued inexcusable heavy-hearted detrimental unsightly gross grubby scummy ratty scabby nostalgic downbeat stony-faced no-nonsense poker-faced brooding grisly tender dirge-like inglorious derisible upset taciturn ruthful degrading mortal Eeyorish faulty hostile portentous sinister frightening unbearable outrageous tough sleazy lethal vexatious sulky injurious oppressed demoralized punk ignoble difficult unwelcome in the doldrums hapless terrifying repugnant weary grotty lurid fearsome ridiculous deathly troublesome in a blue funk shady ugly scary undesirable objectionable cheapjack trumpery pressing terrific beastly gimcrack worrying demoralised shadowy chilling parlous exigent ill-starred cut-rate low-rent el cheapo uncaring merciful unimpassioned stony unmoved spartan outcast insignificant abandoned deserted in the pits beseeching entreating supplicating imploring waste melting disconcerting threnodic threnodial brutal solitary maudlin demoralizing demoralising unnerving discomforting degenerate exequial deathlike funebrial sunk in gloom untimely devastative grumpy bad-tempered uncommunicative sick at heart excruciating dolesome puny Stygian obscure hollow cynical overcast phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive inopportune despisable disdainable frowning glowering needy discomposing galling pits dragged crabbed surly chapfallen mopish broody annihilatory deleterious unadvantageous bungling small bodger lachrymose plangent pensive heart-wrenching slipshod crude ropy gloom-ridden alarming heart-breaking penniless beggared fatalistic savage annihilative given to looking on the black side absurd ludicrous humiliating inimical having the blahs having blue devils unforgivable emotional impactful intense impressive tawdry bereft blue funk penurious impecunious unearthly singing the blues not much cop senseless preposterous infelicitous sneaking helpless foolish-looking silly undignified unpardonable unconscionable foolish indefensible sinful skint needful pauperized dirt-poor broke necessitous threadbare famished eerie bearish disheartened crushed lorn damaging crying critical crucial fearful iniquitous insupportable disgusting wicked immoral grotesque ghostly gory sentimental perturbing passionate agitating expressive resigned doomed brokenhearted companionless wet hard up poor-quality cheap-jack cruel urgent extreme suspicious alarmist distrustful doubting perilous unjustifiable unmitigable sunk acheronian unenthusiastic chilly blameworthy downer stinking overwhelming bummer drastic embarrassing pitiless grewsome nightmare cut up insufferable criminal straitened unfriendly hard-pressed discommodious tortured dangerous full of hardship doubtful threatening strained exacting ill-omened treacherous ill-boding precarious messy jeopardous apocalyptic rocky spine-chilling intimidating dread redoubtable formidable hair-raising irretrievable spookish weird spooky macabre shy unrespectable infamous louche notorious measly negligible insufficient bodeful in pain in despair up the creek long-suffering without hope sick unhealthy dilapidated oppressing fierce scowling wanky insubstantial humiliatory indecorous subpar wanting bush crumby suboptimal deficient dissatisfactory wrong beyond contempt death-obsessed yucky debasing discomfiting flimsy shlocky wack off cheesy seedy shlock weak run down bush-league low-quality down at heel

Tính từ

Low in quality
bad bargain-basement bum cheap cheapjack cheesy coarse common cut-rate el cheapo execrable gimcrack inferior junky lousy low-grade low-rent mediocre poor rotten rubbishy schlock schlocky second-rate shoddy sleazy terrible trashy trumpery wretched substandard worthless unsatisfactory dreadful awful crummy inadequate rubbish atrocious abysmal appalling deplorable duff dire third-rate lamentable diabolical deficient grotty dismal imperfect pathetic shabby unacceptable ropy pitiful two-bit tawdry useless pants paltry a load of pants poxy crude below standard sorry sad defective dissatisfactory second-class not up to snuff suboptimal subpar low-quality frightful faulty tatty below par direful wanting tacky dime-a-dozen base middling tenth-rate lame cruddy hopeless under par disagreeable junk ordinary contemptible dodgy unsound sub-par below average abject not up to scratch tinny laughable hack average insufficient poor-quality indifferent jerry-built lemon poorer pitiable flawed subnormal déclassé horrible disappointing good-for-nothing not up to much downmarket bodger unexceptional pedestrian egregious bush-league the pits leaving much to be desired not up to par amateurish disgraceful sucky incompetent abominable chronic woeful valueless punk gaudy God-awful low manky grody not much cop careless low-end crumby drecky tinhorn off piss-poor meager nasty wack wrong bush brummagem meagre mean poor quality of a sort negligent grim pits garbagy unpleasant insubstantial tasteless vulgar sour feeble naff ineffectual makeshift lacking weak strictly for the birds slipshod stinking twopenny-halfpenny dingy scruffy half-pie less-than-stellar cheapo not up to standard reject weak sauce cheap and nasty no great shakes run-down cheap-jack broken-down from hunger corny cheeseball regrettable meretricious showy unfortunate commonplace flimsy rickety Brummagem trifling garish end-of-the-pier ramshackle throwaway uncomfortable impaired amiss ropey hateful twopenny inept broken inexpert badly built kitschy second-best inefficient reduced limited ill poorly impotent little thrown together second class cheapie slovenly low quality restricted inappreciable inconsiderable sparing ineffective off-color piddling desperate unspeakable very bad tinpot dilapidated plastic seedy pretentious inglorious low-down worse poopy under-strength stupid outrageous for the birds unwelcome harmful no good unseemly a dime a dozen not good enough impermissible exceptionable objectionable distasteful offensive intolerable insupportable displeasing obnoxious improper inadmissible unsuitable inappropriate undesirable insufferable unimpressive reprehensible dubious unreasonable questionable repugnant disastrous horrendous damnable odious garbage loathsome condemnable scurrilous horrid out vile gross irremediable indefensible stinky inacceptable unappealing uninviting won't do over the fence not on not quite the done thing half-baked second rate not cricket of poor quality beyond the pale of low quality out of order craptacular unworthy damaged incomplete sketchy unsatisfying unfinished short patchy scarce shy needing scant distressing scanty failing injured marred negligible trivial minimal underwhelming minor league small potatoes not satisfying minor-league insignificant anticlimactic unfulfilling scrappy bathetic falling short not all it's cracked up to be uninteresting disillusioning dissatisfying undistinguished uninspired skimpy exiguous second string second fiddle outta gas unassembled infrequent unequal rare underprovided not make it found wanting undersupplied not cut out for third string not enough bad news raunchy downer icky diddly rough fallacious grungy bummer godawful beastly detestable not good erroneous not the best blah not oneself under the weather off-form thin disturbing disconcerting disquieting leaving a lot to be desired absent missing unrefined unpolished not acceptable omitted burned out empty not up to expectations cooked gone away needed unfulfilled destitute too little too late bankrupt out of gas deprived in default less cut off bereft devoid unfit unsellable warped unsaleable blemished scratched inoperative cracked deformed partial torn malfunctioning immature undeveloped inexact rudimentary disfigured in a state of disrepair not functioning minus vicious not working faultful sick fallible few bugs bottom-of-barrel dud

Tính từ

Displaying severe degradation and neglect
beat-up bombed-out dilapidated dog-eared down-at-heel down-at-the-heels dumpy grungy mangy mean moth-eaten neglected ratty run-down scrubby scruffy seedy shabby sleazy tacky tatterdemalion tatty threadbare timeworn tumbledown rundown tattered squalid bedraggled dingy decrepit ragged worn broken-down ramshackle gone to seed shoddy scuzzy run down grotty unkempt crummy worn-out down at heel grubby raggedy slummy sorry poor worse for wear decaying old battered rickety faded sordid frayed wretched filthy decayed yucky insalubrious uncared-for worn out derelict ruinous ruined crumbling shacky beat up shambly deteriorated deteriorating rough slovenly messy tired untidy scungy falling to pieces gone to rack and ruin dirty cheap dismal nasty unmaintained pitiful desolate disreputable unpleasant slipshod low well worn degenerated base paltry ragtag slimy rumpty skanky dodgy disheveled damaged torn dowdy dishevelled in disrepair poverty-stricken frowzy down-at-the-heel in ruins weather-beaten in a bad way seen better days badly maintained poorly maintained tawdry second-rate mucky holey seamy unprepossessing depressed disfigured bare meager trashy sloppy meagre disintegrating sticky scraggy manky skeezy gungy raggedy-ass warby low-class impaired injured limp untended shaky all the worse for wear in tatters in shreds used-up out at elbows the worse for wear having seen better days down and dirty tumble-down falling apart at the seams underprivileged deprived withering outworn slumlike ancient old-fashioned smirched dishonest crooked tottering scabby well-thumbed well-read used rank indigent impoverished sick gunky broken frazzled shaggy rugged ripped slum-like peaked shattered uncared wrecked bad in bad repair out of condition below par in bad condition under par mediocre destroyed crumbly unsound marred substandard lousy ordinary middling low-grade menial two-bit sad scroungy low-rent tasteless crude gaudy vulgar raunchy unimproved beat fallen-in ill-maintained uncared for falling apart beaten up on its last legs fallen in rinky-dink kitsch showy garish poorly made badly dressed torn to pieces in rags badly worn full of holes flash Brummagem common loud stained grimy muddy soiled flashy naff foul dusty unclean droopy overgrown wilted drooping sickly wilting ailing sagging flagging outmoded ostentatious out-of-date unbecoming waxy unsuitable poky stodgy frumpy cruddy used up besmirched smeary smeared scummy sooty cheap and nasty smudged icky draggled befouled smutty festy sullied begrimed bemired uncleanly in bad taste bogging cure pot black blackened flea-bitten fragile precarious rotten worn to shreds antiquated in a state of disrepair creaky creaking flimsy collapsing patched decomposing superannuated rotting rent in holes broken down on your last legs spoiled abandoned clapped out unsafe insecure unsteady breaking up caving in falling in unstable frail wobbly weak infirm rocky spoilt in ribbons faulty defective unhealthy haggard disordered time-worn wild in poor condition breaking eroding busted subsiding moldering putrefying peeling mouldering falling down shredded coming apart at the seams forgotten unattended unloved historic overcrowded godforsaken beaten-up done clapped-out dateless hazardous perilous dangerous treacherous unweeded uncultivated wonky teetery uncouth unkept worm-eaten useless unusable weedgrown contaminated infected septic unwholesome blighted quavering shaking effete anile crippled insubstantial imperfect jerry-built feeble woebegone knocked around coming undone overused overworked unsavoury unsavory about to collapse about to break lined dinged totaled wizened rachitic wavering tottery unbalanced rattletrap geriatric condemned fordone undone irreparable undid shot irremediable split decrepit. in ruins unoccupiable unlivable blasted munted worn-down wrung out pegged out well-worn desultory unpressed unfinished contemptible hurt robbed plundered pillaged defaced botched mutilated uninhabited harried harmed about to fall apart down at the heel uninhabitable corroded disintegrated crumbled gaunt drained unwell pinched exhausted fatigued drawn coarsened debauched raddled hollow-eyed malfunctioning inoperative washed out on one's last legs with sunken cheeks kaput down bust not working non-functioning dud not functioning finished duff knackered disorganized disorderly playing up gone haywire acting up gone phut done for conked out conked-out out of order jumbled disarrayed cluttered out of commission on the blink chaotic muddled on the fritz not in working order mussed tumbled rumpled mussy tousled confused disarranged messed littered in a state pell-mell disorganised messed up upside-down unruly topsy-turvy hugger-mugger in a mess higgledy-piggledy

Tính từ

Pitiably small or inadequate
meagre paltry inadequate insubstantial insufficient lean limited measly miserly modest scant scanty small deficient inappreciable inconsiderable little low negligible nominal pitiful restricted short skimpy slight beggarly derisory insignificant lamentable lousy mean petty piddly piffling poor puny scrimpy slender sparse stingy trifling exiguous mingy minute niggling pathetic picayune piddling pitiable trivial meager inconsequential poxy unimportant tiny minor minimal contemptible footling peanut ungenerous pimping chicken no-account nickel-and-dime scarce worthless sparing de minimis dinky Mickey Mouse nugatory shabby spare wretched minimum token light sorry base infinitesimal slim reduced skimp tenuous mere despicable fractional marginal subnormal lowly incidental hand-to-mouth minuscule weak bare of no account of no consequence ridiculous valueless not worth mentioning empty barren laughable unproductive insulting not worth bothering about ludicrous preposterous absurd outrageous risible ordinary inferior sad imperceptible silly superficial hollow diminutive pettifogging frivolous narrow wanting bitty fiddling useless flimsy of little account of no importance foolish thin unfinished subtle unfruitful infertile scrimp small-fry trashy ineffectual too little too late insipid disappointing perfunctory subsidiary peripheral dismal penurious mild frugal unsubstantial symbolic confined cockamamy derisive cockamamie comical farcical little bitty smallish toytown ignorable neglectable twopenny-halfpenny few set common shoddy sleazy unconsequential thin on the ground unconsiderable woeful shoestring not enough idle shallow stinted lacking stunted vain loitering jejune inane idling vapid banal meaningless bogus inutile pointless unavailing mediocre abandoned nothing sterile futile profitless cheap unessential abject waste drossy counterproductive unusable unprofitable ignoble ineffective of little consequence no big deal no big thing of little importance small-bore rare shy faint in short supply immaterial irrelevant sketchy feeble few and far between infrequent failing frail nonessential fragile too few too little scattered at a premium sporadic outside trite remote lightweight incomplete off hard to come by diminished casual tight uncommon lame secondary occasional incommensurate second-rate lesser bereft implausible too small improbable hard to find depleted unconvincing vague dwindling gentle thinning middling destitute dispersed faulty unlikely straggling imperfect defective nondescript unfrequent unsatisfactory dry drained thinly distributed distant purportless everyday non-essential far-fetched dubious doubtful questionable of minor importance low in numbers inconceivable seldom seen minuscular fragmentary humble on the small side wispy economical unsufficient scrubby basal close diffuse isolated barely sufficient finite parsimonious junk extraneous senseless unqualified hardly any cut next to none next to no of no moment not worth speaking of of little import needed dicey iffy inessential smaller commonplace little or no not making it not much not hacking it coming up short minus unfitted incapable unample incompetent devoid penny-ante run-down minor-league small-time of no great concern two-bit low-ranking bush-league wanky at a low level just momentary atomic beside the point microscopic skin-deep evanescent vanishing lilliputian short of out of less bare-boned unusual merely only threadbare unbelievable far faraway outlying untenable seldom found widely spaced in the minority out of the ordinary missing flawed weak-kneed incredible flat unpersuasive impaired nothing more than no more than no better than no more important than substandard needing scrappy unsound timorous unenthusiastic duff unsuitable unworthy short-handed low on short on second string second fiddle not up to scratch outta gas unassembled unequal underprovided not make it found wanting undersupplied not cut out for injured amiss damaged third string leaving much to be desired marred timid spiritless like gold dust not to be had moderate tame not to be had for love nor money scarcer than hen's teeth wishy-washy lily-livered half-hearted faint-hearted low-key

Tính từ

(of a person) Habitually in a bad mood
sullen grumpy moody sulky surly gloomy glum grouchy humorless humourless somber sombre sour taciturn cantankerous dour irritable lugubrious churlish glowering morose peevish saturnine scowling testy unsmiling unsociable cross dismal pessimistic sober crabbed crabby crotchety crusty snappish uncommunicative unresponsive mardy mumpish waspish bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humored ill-humoured in a bad mood petulant touchy tetchy cranky huffy irascible ratty querulous splenetic fractious edgy narky complaining snappy pettish prickly choleric curmudgeonly chippy whingy eggy fretful soreheaded peckish ill-natured miffy snaky short-tempered impatient perverse liverish disagreeable bitter fiery peppery captious bilious dyspeptic scratchy like a bear with a sore head whingeing on edge out of sorts sorehead quick-tempered snarky acrimonious snippy snippety stuffy raspy angry out of temper critical grumbling uptight whining carping harsh difficult fussy shirty discontented ornery curt cynical huffish mean caviling sensitive brusque tough cavilling trying tart acrid waspy grousing thin-skinned fault-finding tense temperamental offended contrary moping stroppy disgruntled annoyed dissatisfied gruff resentful piqued tooshie shrewish misanthropic obstinate pertinacious waxy short whiny exasperated bearish acid awkward out of humor growling fretting childish spiteful blunt cussed chuffy ugly nasty-tempered hot-tempered out-of-sorts arsey Eeyorish murmuring plaintive censorious fed up with a long face emotional frowning mopish uneasy grumbly salty moaning negative crying deploring scrappy lamenting bemoaning whimpering wailing argumentative volatile feisty bristly agitable excitable mopey dejected broody ireful contentious hotheaded truculent pouty oversensitive quarrelsome worried overwrought uncomfortable distraught blue kittle fierce mopy skittish wounded neurotic hypercritical uncooperative displeased snarling crybaby ungracious choked irritated iracund pouting brooding iracundulous disputatious anxious stressed restive fidgety griping malicious venomous vinegary sharp hasty malignant vindictive nasty sore passionate filthy obstreperous huffy irascible hard to please miffed out of humour unhappy ticklish narked cross-grained having got out of bed on the wrong side hot under the collar on a short fuse foul-tempered as cross as two sticks hot-blooded in a mood having got out of bed the wrong side short-fused easily offended worked up ill at ease upset wrought up distressed unsettled agitated high-strung riled angered hurt peeved stewed vexed provoked irked insulted nettled easily frightened easily upset easily agitated hot-headed wreck rattled faultfinding overstrung unquiet twitchy restless nervous put out het up bloody-minded unfriendly hostile jumpy unpleasant combative confrontational aggressive belligerent bellicose pugnacious highly strung furious wrathful aggravated nervy froward antagonistic rude militant irate hacked off teed off aggrieved indignant ticked off jittery in a huff incensed infuriated not best pleased hypersensitive embittered wired vex abrupt unhelpful snuffy rancorous refractory cheesed off peed off apprehensive defiant browned off uncivil galled ruffled bothered warlike threatening mad vicious disturbed impolite agonistic disobliging discordant insecure assaultive enraged troubled antsy crook vitriolic harassed malevolent in a temper recalcitrant brassed off wound up violent keyed up foaming at the mouth bent out of shape catty discourteous litigious unkind thrawn hysterical obstructive boorish flustered perturbed bolshie unmannerly joyless disapproving mean-spirited gladiatorial dithery queazy balky impulsive queasy wild disputative sourpussed unstable hoha unpredictable melodramatic brawly sarcastic sulking explosive wrath mercurial in high dudgeon acerbic stressy inhospitable headstrong hung up abusive sharp-tongued toey malcontent pigheaded bad uncongenial bellyaching snarly contumacious fearful factious contrarious affronted inconsiderate uncharitable unruly warring ropeable nagging tempestuous quibbling wrangling malign adrenalized battling fighting overemotional stubborn impassioned unreasonable bickering inflammable maddened ill-mannered excited grim atrabilious afraid impetuous scunnered steamed up criticizing brittle shaky oafish strung out indomitable hinky goosey atwitter aflutter brawling strung up hard-nosed intractable unaccommodating troublesome overcritical wilful willful in a lather tiresome stiff criticising on the warpath fuming demanding ready for a fight cheerless shaken raving obdurate unmanageable a bundle of nerves like a cat on a hot tin roof in bad mood hard to handle prima donna-ish finicky destructive loudmouthed inimical adversarial whingey offensive stung mighty antipathetic responsive objecting brief scornful foul bad-humored disrespectful protesting quick uncontrollable vinegarish tempersome envenomed unsympathetic grudging vehement wicked jaundiced forceful indocile uncompliant ignoble contemptible goaded like a bear zowerswopped terse rotten spunky acute apt to fly off the handle ungenerous repining weeping dissenting mourning accusing bewailing regretting charging perturbable dicey hazardous unsafe cruel disaffected hurtful hateful perversely irritable unlikable grizzly naysaying chafed viperous eristic unindulgent wired up timorous snide scolding spooked timid aloof dark bundle of nerves got up on wrong side of bed backbiting cattish disappointed discontent defensive frustrated harried panicky weak withdrawn depressed livid apoplectic sharp-tempered intense stormy reactive prim stilted febrile hassled paranoid crabbing uncontent kicking ungratified malcontented kvetching vixenish steamed loutish having short fuse hot under collar concerned taut scared dramatic snitty evil-minded conservative wroth hesitant angerful ranting psyched up frenzied cold convulsed ferocious aerated rebellious rough in a funk in the sulks in a strop down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks frantic steamed-up hottempered inflamed strained frightened discomposed out of joint bad tempered vulgar uncouth on tenterhooks pushy biffo aggers alarmed over-emotional hopping mad have a bone to pick having a chip on one's shoulder self-assertive ready to fight itching to fight all shook up self-conscious fraught unrestful embarrassed discomfited umbrageous hyper-sensitive up in arms on pins and needles in a paddy ungallant ungentlemanly ill-bred easily hurt easily affected dismayed tormented anguished perplexed wrung disquieted suspicious in turmoil palpitant all nerves like a fish out of water on the qui vive in a bate fit to be tied annoying exasperating wriggly squirmy uncompromising like a cat on hot bricks classless unchivalrous cloddish clownish controversial polemical polemic dissentious wiggly overbearing unrelenting unamenable ructious arguesome ignorant hardheaded strong-minded hard-line bull-headed steadfast choosy resolute immovable picky opinionated delicate dogmatic intransigent oppressive unflinching wrong-headed particular fastidious over-particular dictatorial importunate pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways rigid inflexible finical invidious fiendish uppity tyrannical stiff-necked hard to satisfy irritating inexorable unyielding opinionative unbending perfectionist turbulent war pesky vexing clodhopping crude polite bad-mannered miserly unpolished rustic lowbred uncivilised uncultured crass uncivilized base unneighborly coarse vexatious renitent pervicacious all wound up cramped complex bulky discommodious incommodious disparaging deprecating difficult to handle pedantic niggling pettifogging nit-picking have chip on shoulder hair-splitting nitpicking judgemental judgmental rejective pernickety pass-remarkable severe nitpicky thorny exceptive exacting unjust unfair hairsplitting very critical petty trivial cavillous tricky

Tính từ

Contemptible (used as a term of abuse or for emphasis)
blithering contemptible despicable vile wretched abject cursed execrable flaming sordid abominable accursed confounded deplorable detestable disgraceful disgusting heinous infernal loathsome lousy nasty odious pathetic reprehensible revolting cruddy degenerate dirty footling lame measly shabby useless worthless abhorrent stupid villainous low-down base low mean ignominious sorry ignoble shameful hateful offensive paltry distasteful scurvy currish dishonorable snide dishonourable low-minded depraved debased bad corrupt repulsive appalling repugnant shocking horrid wicked repellent degraded horrible dreadful pitiful abandoned nauseating obnoxious pitiable unsavoury cheap unworthy discreditable disreputable awful no-good ratty grubby scabby scummy sneaking sad rotten degrading beastly unsavory filthy beyond the pale beyond contempt good-for-nothing misbegotten shiftless feckless no-account incompetent unspeakable disdainable despisable cowardly petty hateworthy poor crass swinish outcast beggarly inferior unprincipled unscrupulous slimy scungy infamous caitiff horrifying dirty rotten low-life below contempt beneath contempt foul ugly evil unpleasant vicious vulgar sickening perverted disagreeable sinful atrocious off-putting iniquitous monstrous dark dissolute humiliating reprobate diabolic yucky diabolical debauched obscene gut-churning hellish God-awful icky damnable coarse gross devilish nefarious sick-making fiendish sick immoral black wrong vomitous unethical noxious bogging unlawful noisome unrighteous loathly impure flagitious egregious yucko disgustful stinking terrible sleazy vomit-inducing

Tính từ

Miserly or excessively frugal
cheap mean miserly close-fisted parsimonious ungenerous penurious illiberal close grasping greedy avaricious acquisitive tight-fisted stingy tight mingy frugal money-grubbing skinflinty grabby hungry penny-pinching cheapskate selfish petty near uncharitable cheese-paring Scrooge-like beggarly chintzy churlish closefisted covetous pennywise pinching pinchpenny skimpy skinflint spare sparing stinting thrifty tightfisted tight-wad snoep cheeseparing prudent saving scrimpy tightwad mean-spirited rapacious mercenary coveting pleonectic avid money-grabbing materialistic moneygrubbing gluttonous hoarding Mammonish predatory Mammonistic money hungry money motivated scrimping insatiable desirous skimping money-oriented grudging economical voracious possessive chary edacious curmudgeonly ravenous usurious ungiving hoggish extortionate esurient wolfish venal grabbing devouring craving costive worldly sordid swinish prehensile provident ravening guzzling eager carnivorous gormandizing gobbling gulping meager unwasteful piggish economizing meagre ironfisted economising quaestuary scrounging corrupt on the make savage forehanded canny itchy careful cost-effective efficient money-saving time-saving work-saving watchful on the rims practical circumspect prudential penny-wise methodical ignoble pennypinching abstemious insatiate cautious narrow hard-fisted extremely thrifty demanding scurvy bribable cupidinous on a tight budget puritanical ascetic masochistic scanty dirty gross filthy unprincipled unethical unscrupulous gold-digging extorting extremely frugal sensible exacting severe derisory abject rude crude piggy squalid brutish unclean harsh careful with money stewardly wary boorish vulturous exploitative vulturine insatiat marauding plundering preying money-conscious cost-conscious bloodsucking hard oppressive rigorous gannet-like menacing self-indulgent intemperate omnivorous murderous furious ferocious blood-sucking Scotch lascivious lecherous fierce consumerist lupine wolfy lustful leering wolflike capitalistic bourgeois temporal object-oriented mundane profane sensual earthy terrestrial carnal earthly-minded material unspiritual yuppie money-orientated secular banausic

Tính từ

Causing discomfort, unhappiness, or revulsion
unpleasant nasty disagreeable displeasing distasteful troublesome annoying irksome irritating bad obnoxious unpalatable distressing horrible objectionable repulsive appalling execrable horrid uncomfortable vexatious abominable awful detestable dreadful hateful invidious odious terrible unlovely abhorrent disgusting gross harsh nauseating offensive repellent repugnant revolting rotten uncongenial unpleasing unsavory unwelcome wicked yukky bitter icky unsavoury yucky gnarly grody lousy ugly undesirable eye-watering wretched vile atrocious foul horrendous loathsome difficult sickening severe agonizing grim shocking abysmal painful galling agonising disquieting horrifying woeful traumatic torturous poor disturbing cruel obscene trying hairy dismal distressful grievous monstrous noisome tormenting brutal dire hellacious excruciating godawful hurtful sour troubling disconcerting despicable gut-wrenching horrific worrisome discomforting noxious contemptible unsettling forbidding daunting stressful perturbing heinous reprehensible scandalous hideous nauseous doleful ghastly agitating gruesome frightful stinking fulsome fierce rancid troublous frightening fraught macabre nightmarish grisly grave diabolical hard harrowing God-awful ruthless savage tragical mean repellant chronic upsetting crummy merciless heartbreaking intense lamentable unsatisfactory mortifying unappealing hostile afflicting unhappy tragic sad beastly heartrending afflictive heart-rending off-putting unenviable evil hellish accursed damnable revulsive sleazy villainous base cursed oppressed pitiless vicious impoverished stark bleak mighty unspeakable inexcusable thankless poverty-stricken harmful acute crashing injurious destructive bothersome fearful exceptionable outrageous pesky poignant dislikeable sorry dislikable murderous onerous unrelenting stiff rough chilling hardhanded burdensome oppressive tough heavy inhuman rugged relentless searing ferocious brackish catty remorseless great sore inclement calamitous intemperate provoking rigorous inadequate poxy pits rubbish punk ropy duff pants rubbishy sucky very bad direful hard-hearted a load of pants humourless sober sombre unnerving humorless unbearable solemn discomposing somber gloomy unendurable lurid unacceptable sedate deplorable worrying regrettable depressing unfortunate pathetic uncool awkward grotty saddening uninviting affecting anguished sorrowful concerning nerve-racking nail-biting nerve-wracking heart-breaking extremely bad dirty unappetizing yucko demanding taxing filthy cruddy skanky aggravating scurvy exasperating arduous uphill challenging grubby mucky laborious cheap scummy lame sneaking pitiful ratty scabby paltry pitiable funky putrid plaguy unattractive sordid disgustful loathly festy vexing sick-making maddening harassing exacting tiresome nagging toilsome strenuous exhausting formidable gruelling nettlesome wearisome disappointing tiring fatiguing malodorous pestiferous pestilential squalid punishing smelly grueling backbreaking pestilent rank acrid fetid polluted mephitic herculean testing rebarbative pongy stinky whiffy killer tall sweaty effortful Herculean pick-and-shovel moiling Augean smudged bedraggled stained besmirched befouled smutty unfair blackened miasmal sullied bemired dusty unclean uncleanly niffy unsportsmanlike black dingy draggled grimy grungy muddy begrimed illegal soiled olid foetid poison bum ungodly unholy on the nose rankling inconvenient infuriating vulgar abrasive riling tricky creepy messy niggling thorny wearing problematic chafing carking nettling peeving frustrating scuzzy yecchy tedious back-breaking evil-smelling foul-smelling teasing wearying killing pesty plaguey exigent knackering labored laboured operose unsympathetic low discordant inhospitable low-down raunchy weak flat no-good drag pain not pleasant poisonous weighty no piece of cake unrelaxing malevolent spiteful toilful really hard tough going no picnic energy-consuming very hard dishonourable importunate unpopular intractable undisciplined murder rowdy infestive dangerous ungovernable alarming damaging repressive disorderly slimy unlucky undesired rejected unwanted dishonorable blameworthy excluded uninvited shameful shameless unsought ill-favoured inadmissible insupportable egregious unpardonable intolerable unwished for unwished-for grating sick unforgivable not wanted ill-advised too bad ill-favored unlikable vomitous tasteless dismaying infernal irking squicky cloying surfeiting bogging sleazeball discouraging enraging antagonizing jarring harrying puzzling knotty incommodious confounded gut-churning stomach-churning cringe-making beyond the pale stomach-turning vomit-inducing festering antipathetic unsatisfying cussed impossible antagonising enervating boring persnickety enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall protracted worksome lengthy hardworking

Tính từ

Lower in rank or status
inferior lesser lowly minor humble mediocre menial secondary second-class subordinate unpretentious base insignificant junior low-ranking second-string small subservient subsidiary unassuming undistinguished unimportant ancillary bottom common degrading demeaning inglorious little lousy low low-grade meagre meager measly middling ordinary paltry puny reduced second-fiddle second-rate smaller contemptible humdrum ignoble ignominious lower lower-ranking petty pitiful plebeian poorer sad scrubby servile shabby slighter sorry wretched bush-league dinky low-born lower in rank lower in status mean minor-league small-fry small-time subjacent third-string undersized back seat below someone beneath someone bottom-rung entry-level less important lower-class not so important not very important second-banana under someone's heel poor simple commonplace proletarian modest underprivileged baseborn unwashed rough unrefined unremarkable severe inconsequential trivial obscure prole vulgar lowborn sordid beggarly uncouth plebby lumpen unfit working-class low-life of low birth of low rank less slight inconsiderable trifling negligible marginal piddling light dependent under two-bit casual accessory peripheral picayune lower-level peasant declassed second nugatory nickel-and-dime fiddling minute frivolous incidental lower-grade low-class minus Mickey Mouse déclassé supplementary auxiliary penny-ante meek submissive obsequious inessential niggling piffling footling popular blue-collar subject irrelevant foolish subaltern tributary peanut shoestring younger tacky of little account limited plain below the mark average diminished low-bred gentle mild unworthy immaterial dutiful docile nether non-essential supplemental lowlife satellite mundane withdrawing everyday retiring reverential prosaic supporting sub- nominal blue-singlet deficient twopenny-halfpenny reserve insubstantial slavish piddly pimping no-account chicken worthless unsubstantial pettifogging tiny low-level collateral lower rung cast down sub scratch shallow de minimis cheap inconsequent not worth mentioning zero useless zilch nothing of no account unknown lightweight second-best dishonourable dishonorable tinier crude little-known petite cloth-cap lessened beneath bourgeois restricted little known baser philistine substandard subalternate minimal bush tangential democratic people's grassroots smalltime declassé minuscule token substract inappreciable derisory unskilled unsophisticated traditional banal conventional pedestrian second class second choice pathetic mingy poxy exiguous sparse slender a notch under associate boring low-status small-bore alternative routine dull fewer unconsiderable not worth bothering about lower than spare alternate backup substitute fallback attendant shortened extra relief of lesser importance than less important than abject negative depressed declined feeding shoot side youngest assistant vile fawning not so great deprived grovelling sycophantic extraneous fall-back vice- not so much pointless superficial not as great frothy meaningless of little consequence of little importance of no importance tinpot nonessential zip of no moment of no consequence null indifferent unnecessary tedious basic groveling obeisant second best captive subjugated no great shakes not worth speaking of potty controlled neither here nor there beside the point of no great concern governed obedient enslaved ruled diminutive liable vulnerable accountable disposed susceptible pint-sized stunted frail weak feeble dwarfish underfed pygmy weakly at one's feet in danger of bound by fun size sickly underdeveloped undernourished Lilliputian undeveloped undersize pocket-sized pocket delicate half-pint pocket-size shrimpy pint-size toylike fine fragile smallish bantam subnormal weedy peewee wee unsound scrawny runt infirm small time shrimp unconsequential

Từ trái nghĩa của miserable

miserable Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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