Đồng nghĩa của neither here nor there

Tính từ

Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with
inapplicable inapposite irrelative beside the point extraneous immaterial impertinent inappropriate inconsequential irrelevant nonessential not at issue not connected with not germane not pertaining to not the issue off the point off the subject off the topic pointless trivial unconnected unessential unimportant unrelated not worth worrying about nothing to do with the case not pertinent inapt peripheral not to the point wide of the mark out of place tangential nothing to do with it foreign extrinsic unnecessary unassociated inessential incidental insignificant trifling inadmissible superficial minor unconcerned remote inappurtenant of no importance of no moment of no matter inapropos of no account of no consequence of little account alien incongruous separate disconnected not related nothing to do with negligible detached outside off base independent unapt not connected not applicable disparate dissociated inconsequent out of order additional extra unsuitable unsuited needless supplementary redundant superfluous adventitious intrusive unneeded not to the purpose garbage inconsistent wrong misplaced inconsiderable petty matter of indifference no big deal meaningless no never mind inconsiderate a matter of indifference all the same makes no difference marginal secondary subsidiary lesser subordinate non-essential ancillary external accessory borderline accidental subservient lower-level confused illogical parenthetical supervenient slight lightweight minimal not important not significant by the by by the way beside the question nihil ad rem wide of the point auxiliary inferior lower indirect dispensable side optional not the main less important on the side incompatible inconsonant uncharacteristic expendable unwanted infelicitous ornamental gratuitous cosmetic unwarranted heterogeneous unfit of lesser importance than less important than lower than noncompulsory uncritical unrequired unassimilable different from remote from disconnected from distant from misguided casual outermost unbecoming inept ill-judged unhappy ill-considered untoward amiss incorrect indecorous improper ill-advised unseemly perverse malapropos graceless uncalled-for not necessary not essential not required not needed perimetric outer exterior unfitting surface sideline bordering

Tính từ

Of little value or importance
inessential non-essential of little account of little consequence of little importance of no account of no consequence of no importance of no moment fiddling foolish frivolous immaterial inappreciable incidental inconsequential inconsiderable insignificant irrelevant little Mickey Mouse minor minute negligible nugatory petty slight small small-fry trifling trivial unimportant insubstantial lightweight not worth mentioning paltry piddling silly not worth bothering about not worth speaking of picayune piffling small-bore beside the point worthless nickel-and-dime light dinky casual small-time shoestring a minor point extraneous peripheral frothy superficial meaningless nonessential no great shakes zip nothing pointless of no great concern twopenny-halfpenny second-rate zero useless zilch null indifferent low-ranking inferior unnecessary tinpot measly pimping de minimis nominal niggling no-account piddly chicken peanut footling no biggie scanty inadequate of no significance all the same runt exiguous inappropriate small potatoes wimpy puny big zero insufficient two bit shrimp skimpy unconsidered entry level secondary lesser minuscule subordinate minimal subsidiary valueless tiny pettifogging penny-ante shallow marginal meagre smaller meager two-bit minor-league derisory pitiful pathetic mingy poxy infinitesimal lower ignorable unsubstantial junior minus accessory tacky dependent low second-string purportless bush-league below the mark token idle miserable flimsy base cheap mean nondescript younger of minor importance under smalltime subaltern unessential senseless time-wasting imperceptible impractical futile of no value of little import hardly worth mentioning slender neglectable lilliputian ancillary by-the-way by-the-by background auxiliary empty no big deal no big thing vain hollow loitering jejune inane idling vapid insipid banal extrinsic tangential less important obscure ineffectual uncelebrated beggarly expendable of less importance occasional dispensable everyday shabby scratch unconsiderable contemptible inconsequent related contributory supplementary contributing commonplace trite wanky momentary diminutive atomic microscopic skin-deep evanescent vanishing

Phó từ

Beside the point

Trái nghĩa của neither here nor there

Music ♫

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