Từ đồng nghĩa của not pertinent

Tính từ

Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with
beside the point immaterial irrelevant unimportant inapposite incidental inconsequential not germane pointless extraneous extrinsic neither here nor there not to the point off the subject out of place peripheral tangential unconnected wide of the mark nothing to do with it inappropriate inapplicable unrelated impertinent inapt irrelative foreign unnecessary inessential off the point unassociated unsuitable insignificant trivial misplaced trifling inadmissible inconsistent incongruous wrong outside unapt superficial remote inappurtenant inapropos unconcerned off the topic of no moment of no matter of no consequence minor of no importance off base of no account of little account alien negligible not pertaining to detached independent not connected not applicable disparate dissociated inconsequent separate disconnected not connected with not related nothing to do with out of order unsuited garbage incompatible inconsonant uncharacteristic heterogeneous unassimilable different from remote from disconnected from distant from inconsiderable petty nonessential additional extra superfluous needless supplementary redundant another thing different infelicitous no big deal meaningless inconsiderate all the same matter of indifference no never mind a matter of indifference makes no difference adventitious unessential unneeded unfit intrusive not to the purpose misguided unbecoming inept ill-judged unhappy ill-considered untoward amiss incorrect indecorous improper ill-advised unseemly perverse malapropos graceless unfitting nugatory slight frivolous non-essential small-fry minute fiddling small little Mickey Mouse dispensable expendable secondary more added paltry foolish worthless excess supplemental surplus further insubstantial light fresh piddling picayune nickel-and-dime dinky casual supernumerary not worth mentioning of little consequence of little importance not at issue not worth speaking of contributory subsidiary subordinate ancillary by-the-way by-the-by background auxiliary not worth worrying about not the issue nothing to do with the case not important not significant less important beside the question nihil ad rem gratuitous of less importance occasional wide of the point related contributing unwarranted scanty meagre flimsy nominal footling measly unsubstantial inappreciable excessive nondescript niggling piddly infinitesimal pimping piffling separated disengaged divorced purportless minuscule minimal senseless lightweight lesser meager of minor importance de minimis no-account of little import apart deadwood luxury uncalled-for isolated excess baggage spare severed withdrawn free increased removed cut off leftover farther another collateral complementary one more other bonus new new-found reserve alternative on the side supererogatory inferior small-time low-ranking optional special frothy zero useless zilch tinpot zip nothing twopenny-halfpenny second-rate shoestring null indifferent add-on no great shakes over and above of no great concern

Tính từ

Having little or no sense, use, or purpose
pointless meaningless senseless fruitless futile useless aimless inane unavailing unproductive worthless absurd hopeless ineffectual irrelevant needless nonsensical unprofitable purposeless idle in vain valueless wasted empty fatuous footling insane hollow impotent inconsequential ineffective insignificant nongermane purportless redundant superfluous unnecessary to no purpose without rhyme or reason vain nugatory profitless trivial unimportant bootless trifling unsuccessful abortive otiose barren paltry inefficacious petty immaterial negligible frivolous minor to no avail incidental inconsiderable slight nonessential piddling failed insubstantial sterile minute to no effect small unrewarding inessential peripheral niggling extraneous of no consequence unessential casual fiddling Mickey Mouse inutile of no use little measly unneeded non-essential piffling superficial beside the point of no account lightweight picayune unfruitful inadequate nothing small-fry null nickel-and-dime not worth mentioning of no importance uncalled-for foolish unsubstantial uncalled for non-successful light inappreciable inferior goalless inapposite motiveless nominal of little consequence unfructuous of little importance good-for-nothing gratuitous unhelpful no-account meager of no avail thwarted impractical forlorn meagre vapid neither here nor there off the subject of little account second-rate expendable impracticable junky silly inefficient time-wasting of no great concern Sisyphean wandering trite inapplicable marginal without success unconnected no-good piddly pimping no dice unusable impertinent miserable not germane irrelative unrelated unwarranted scanty counterproductive secondary de minimis mediocre minuscule cheap lesser mindless dispensable small-time impossible unsatisfactory vacuous no use chaffy feckless unprolific foiled void drifting baulked unwanted doomed unremunerative unpurposed frustrated unrequired lost haphazard wanton shallow lame chicken peanut balked extrinsic commonplace tangential baseless directionless no-win wanky inoperative for nought twopenny-halfpenny puny unfounded small-bore ignorable random not to the point inappropriate on a treadmill out of place surplus lazy wasteful poor trashy nondescript wretched low-ranking bogus waste ignoble abandoned wide of the mark not worth the candle of no moment not needed no great shakes not worth speaking of groundless base unreasonable dull unworkable thankless undesired boring objectless misfired powerless excessive dry unreal uninspiring indiscriminate vacant banal uninteresting undirected exhausted desultory delusive pathetic avoidable causeless pants inept humdrum bad drab insufficient prosaic unachievable gainless feeble penny-ante unavailable flighty flimsy minimal inapt beyond hope indecisive unable dinky additional everyday unimpressive optional unmerited not much cop of no value a dead loss tiny cosmetic shoestring not worth bothering about a dime a dozen nothing to do with it infinitesimal mean of minor importance minor-league not required not to the purpose not having a prayer with no chance of success not pertaining to off the topic off the point abject drossy not at issue not connected with despicable contemptible unjustified stupid automatic oblivious ne'er-do-well childless slothful inactive laggard indolent uneconomic objectiveless unasked throwaway unsalable pyrrhic scant unmeaning unsound insincere botched helpless adrift bungling bungled specious frustaneous unlucrative disastrous defeated without direction smaller pettifogging unsuitable save one's breath witless designless thoughtless illogical irrational of no earthly use ill-fated bleak misleading unnotable shuck delusory exorbitant two-bit unserviceable nonfunctional rambling dead puerile flippant frothy tinpot zero zilch zip indifferent brainless surplus to requirements stillborn nonpractical unfunctional bush-league uncelebrated obscure smalltime momentary microscopic skin-deep diminutive atomic evanescent vanishing insipid going nowhere for naught lilliputian stale erratic nonproductive uncreative slow unyieldly blocked issueless scrap unuseful inoperable dysfunctional broken ridiculous floundering not a prayer in vicious circle not worth worrying about not the issue nothing to do with the case lacking foundation Pyrrhic beyond remedy parlous spinning one's wheels wild goose chase empty-headed without depth arid tedious flat not useful vagrant capricious heedless blind resultless unpromising threatening sinister menacing weak despaired of without grounds without foundation invalid lacklustre dreary unstimulating monotonous lifeless hit-or-miss desperate despairing despondent unattainable not serious wishy-washy of little import beside the question wide of the point not important nihil ad rem not significant unfilled clear forceless emasculate withered slack-spined spineless neutralized defeasible neutralised innocuous limited anticlimactic no good to gundy driftless careless disposable cancelled nullified rescinded revoked lackluster fortuitous no go no way not effective uncritical defective deficient prodigal noncompulsory null and void nonvalid non-viable nonbinding terminated discontinued poxy rubbishy inconsequent undesirable chance accidental unexceptional of no benefit no need ordinary detached disconnected average rubbish remote independent unassociated unapt disparate dissociated foreign outside hair-splitting inapropos separate inappurtenant common typical plain two a penny of no matter not applicable off base not connected not related nothing to do with out of order mundane bland unremarkable undistinguished usual unmemorable pedestrian fussy unexciting routine unnoteworthy vanilla normal canceled not binding extra middling uneventful uninspired hairsplitting niggly too much supererogatory workaday supplementary inadmissible characterless whatever not in force adventitious dime-a-dozen run-of-the-mill common or garden bog-standard garden-variety so-so nothing to write home about middle-of-the-road nothing special plain vanilla garden variety bog standard not worth a hill of beans de trop intrusive

Từ trái nghĩa của not pertinent

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