Từ đồng nghĩa của nonfunctional

Tính từ

Not functional
inoperative inoperable malfunctioning down kaput nonfunctioning nonoperating kaputt out of commission on the blink on the fritz broken-down broken not working out of order not functioning faulty defective not in working order busted shot unserviceable in disrepair conked out out of whack out of action bust knackered wonky acting up out of kilter not functional not in operation unavailable for use out useless disabled inactive unworkable jiggered jammed non-functional not in service not in use non-functioning gone phut gone kaput gone haywire out of service broken down dead S U gone on its last legs incapacitated in repair decommissioned wrecked bonkers kerflooey haywire spent gone to pieces in need of repair fallen apart in the shop playing up on the shelf run-down invalid ineffective ineffectual nonactive inefficacious null and void hors de combat out of use unavailable damaged unsound unfunctional unproductive unavailing bootless dysfunctional scrap abortive unusable doesn't work duff done for dud imperfect flawed finished impaired bad blemished deficient shoddy warped incomplete amiss ruined conked-out weak cracked scratched deformed torn up the spout worn-out had it buggy buckled worn out substandard unreliable inferior unfinished unsatisfactory inadequate unfit shabby below par gone wrong off sick injured sketchy fallible marred on the bum in a state of disrepair given up the ghost stopped working packed up gone bust failed old dilapidated worthless distorted done in inoperational rumpty done valueless chipped doomed sunk unoperational clapped out inconsistent crashed no good non-operational botched incorrect slipshod frail wracked exhausted feeble crippled tainted screwed up coming unstuck coming unglued gone to pot poor abnormal seconds unhealthy subnormal unsellable second-rate unsaleable partial limited crummy tenth-rate below standard immature lousy patchy undeveloped rubbish inexact ropy rudimentary disfigured minus junk vicious garbage lemon faultful low schlocky two-bit bottom-of-barrel not up to scratch not up to snuff few bugs not much cop

Tính từ

Not fulfilling or not expected to achieve the intended purpose or desired outcome
inutile futile unproductive fruitless vain unavailing ineffective profitless ineffectual pointless unprofitable bootless worthless abortive valueless meaningless purposeless inept feckless hopeless counterproductive idle inoperative unpurposed weak unfunctional unusable impractical dysfunctional expendable scrap incompetent waste unavailable unworkable disadvantageous stupid impracticable good-for-nothing no good of no use inefficacious unsuitable impotent unserviceable nugatory inefficient unsuccessful otiose stillborn nonpractical barren pants empty useless pathetic junky broken unuseful inoperable in vain not useful to no purpose to no avail Sisyphean inadequate insignificant failed hollow trivial trifling aimless senseless paltry inconsequential to no effect unimportant unrewarding feeble unfruitful sterile powerless non-successful thwarted petty no-good insubstantial unnecessary lame wasted miserable poor irrelevant null negligible no-account frivolous inferior unfructuous wretched needless foiled spineless lousy nothing insufficient unsatisfactory slight doomed purportless of no avail unhelpful piddling footling hamstrung inexpedient without success without rhyme or reason measly vapid frustrated void forlorn indecisive despicable contemptible no dice shiftless inconsiderable unable abandoned sorry picayune minute ignoble lazy trashy spiritless baulked casual unremunerative bungled balked Mickey Mouse unprolific unessential no use wet unfit vacuous defeated for nought impossible thankless inane invertebrate abject base motiveless chaffy poxy wishy-washy wanky piffling nickel-and-dime no-win chicken limited on a treadmill niggling not worth the candle minor irresponsible unsubstantial small slothful apathetic indolent little unambitious bogus mediocre dry misfired cheap ne'er-do-well unenterprising pitiful meagre mean flat effete unreasonable vacant disastrous soft exhausted nonsensical scant mindless botched goalless bad nerveless weakling delusive unreliable incapable tame gainless pitiable weak-kneed characterless milk-and-water namby-pamby peripheral puny nominal piddly pimping peanut rubbishy unreal forceless withered neutralized defeasible neutralised innocuous anticlimactic banal deficient blocked lost defective wanton a dead loss redundant superfluous limp-wristed beyond hope meager flimsy null and void dinky drifting inappreciable small-fry immaterial de minimis unachievable light fiddling superficial foolish small-time incidental low-ranking of no value of no consequence nonessential second-rate of no account uncalled-for uncalled for not having a prayer with no chance of success drossy of no great concern uneconomic failing invalid impuissant miscarried bungling unconvincing unimpressive frustaneous unlucrative throwaway unsalable thin nonvalid nonbinding pyrrhic insincere save one's breath rotten absurd groundless dull implausible objectless not fruitful dead specious boring nonproductive uncreative slow unyieldly wasteful for naught insipid time-wasting ruined spoiled of no earthly use shallow stale uninspiring not needed insane fatuous baseless misleading unnotable shuck delusory not helpful woeful stymied wandering parlous uninteresting unasked spinning one's wheels wild goose chase spoilt rambling unfounded lamentable deplorable hindered stonewalled obstructed nongermane helpless going nowhere adrift arid tedious commonplace unpromising threatening sinister menacing unneeded resultless cramped messed up not a prayer in vicious circle vague uncommunicative vile unconstructive adverse negative lacking foundation lacklustre dreary drab unstimulating prosaic monotonous lifeless humdrum unreturned Pyrrhic emasculate slack-spined witless indiscriminate designless thoughtless illogical irrational crummy sad unfilled clear ill-fated bleak minuscule bush-league minor-league uncelebrated lightweight lesser secondary obscure infinitesimal smalltime no good to gundy not worth it not pertinent without grounds without foundation fustian reckless incautious uncareful carefree careless wild debased depraved degraded low desultory brainless random desperate despairing lackluster despondent unattainable beyond remedy despaired of fouled up not serious no go no way not effective shameful disgraceful dishonourable dishonorable ill-suited inappropriate unsuited ridiculous floundering undirected haphazard subsidiary villainous ignominious corrupt degenerate wimpish frail wimpy weakened not proper not good enough improper scanty irresolute silly unmeaning unsound of no benefit junk unadvantageous inconsistent incompatible inapt beggarly mingy ungenerous mere derisory hit-or-miss rubbish non-essential two a penny not much cop unassertive skimpy of little account pettifogging exiguous extraneous uninformative meek cowardly gutless timid weak-willed fickle passive a dime a dozen dithering faltering craven frothy of little consequence of little importance tinpot of no moment not worth mentioning zero zilch of no importance zip twopenny-halfpenny shoestring indifferent not worth a hill of beans timorous wavering indeterminate vacillating pusillanimous undetermined fallible neither here nor there no great shakes not worth speaking of beside the point chicken-hearted corruptible supine yellow lily-livered hemming and hawing waffling yellow-bellied undependable faint-hearted yielding unsure easily led

Tính từ

That serves to decorate
decorative ornamental adorning embellishing fancy attractive beautifying enhancing pretty showy cosmetic for show garnishing non-functional ornate prettifying arty-crafty embellished flashy florid pleasing to the eye artistic ornamented gingerbread elaborate delicate festooned furbishing beautiful heightening luxurious patterned decorating exquisite decking dressy accessory setting off decorated rococo fussy ostentatious busy baroque elegant rich superficial highlighting extravagant adorned flamboyant towering extreme devilish gaudy sumptuous resplendent flash glitzy over-elaborate flowery overdecorated lavish overelaborate bedecked wedding-cake improving bizarre unconscionable grotesque undue excessive overextravagant steep overdue insane overweening stiff overmuch immoderate intolerable inordinate plethoric exorbitant convoluted unmerciful curlicued sculptural very elaborate exaggerated gilt surface skin-deep detailed complex complicated bedizened overwrought gingerbreaded gingerbready nonessential touching-up external exterior outward high-wrought aureate jewelled metaphorical opulent fancily decorated highly wrought tawdry gilded luscious glossy bright jeweled flaunting magnificent glamorous sparkling splashy wordy verbose embroidered fine dazzling meretricious colored brilliant coloured variegated aesthetic remedial painted makeup esthetic corrective gooky restorative intricate classy swish deluxe posh select spiffy quality sophisticated snazzy ritzy superior prime fanciful jazzy special froufrou frilly fancible chichi unusual cushy highfalutin custom high-class high-quality fancy-pants over the top OTT

Tính từ

Erratic or out of control
haywire crazy chaotic confused disordered bonkers disorganised disorganized erratic mad wild topsy-turvy balmy barmy bats batty bedlam berserk brainsick bughouse certifiable crackbrained cracked crackers crackpot cranky crazed cuckoo daffy daft demented deranged faulty fruity gaga insane kookie kooky loco looney loony loopy lunatic maniac maniacal mental meshuga meshugge moonstruck nuts nutty potty psycho psychotic scatty screwy shambolic slang tangled unbalanced unhinged unsound wacko wacky whacko whacky wud berko broken disarranged fuddled irrational porangi wonky amiss amok defective flipped looney tunes loony tunes messy mixed up orderless out of control schizo screwball touched unglued non compos mentis not functioning properly out of order in pieces off the air on the fritz out of commission up the spout in a mess mad as a hatter on the blink out of whack out to lunch dotty around the bend disturbed psychopathic unstable off one's head off one's gourd not all there sectionable frenzied raving bananas delirious mentally ill of unsound mind eccentric raving mad distracted nutsy dippy barking nutty as a fruitcake stark raving mad distraught buggy sick in the head barking mad not the full shilling round the bend manic squirrelly off the wall round the twist hysterical out of one's mind away with the fairies mad as a March hare bushed nutso as daft as a brush foaming at the mouth frantic not right in the head not right upstairs not quite right in the head stark staring mad up the pole not together off one's rocker idiotic stark mad schizoid gonzo yarra silly stupid schizophrenic flaky flakey out there crazy as a loon have kangaroos in the top paddock off one's nut off one's trolley paranoid foolish odd unsettled flipped out have a screw loose have bats in the belfry doolally peculiar sick bizarre queer off rabid oddball inoperable derailed off-the-wall raging not working one card shy of a full deck zany out of kilter a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic malfunctioning sociopathic inoperative senseless fatuous wrong preposterous busted kerflooey in disrepair with a screw loose have bats in one's belfry have kangaroos in one's top paddock goofy unconventional strange outlandish troubled neurotic kaput freaky uncontrolled fantastic bedlamite kinky freaked out not in one's right mind down disabled psychopathological broken-down bust out screwed up ape moonstricken unscrewed shot fried demoniac dazed dreamy not functioning spent fallen apart playing up having bats in the belfry deprived of one's wits manic-depressive in need of repair over the edge non compos gone to pieces severely mentally ill in the shop not of sound mind in another world mentally deranged out of one's gourd having a screw loose in a daze off the deep end on the shelf in the ozone run-down having kangaroos in the top paddock unusable flipped-out psychoneurotic half-cracked birdy irresponsible impractical paranoiac paranoic daggy violent mindless unwise schitzy unrealistic a bit lacking unreasonable maddened schizzo baked unzipped dingy unsafe invalid aberrant severely mentally disordered off one's chump bemused psyched out off the chain panic-stricken yampy daft as a brush nobody home not in your right mind out of your mind simple as mad as a March hare one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree as mad as a hatter weird witless imbecilic simple-minded moronic offbeat off your trolley dull-witted slow-witted dim-witted half-witted feeble-minded dull cretinous slow dunce-like off your chump off the rails empty-headed vacuous dopey thick vapid way-out madcap quirky ridiculous absurd surreal idiosyncratic dim bovine dozy dumb pig-ignorant birdbrained pea-brained far-out nonsensical funny unusual boneheaded chuckleheaded dunderheaded wooden-headed lamebrained fat-headed brain-dead muttonheaded amusing unpredictable clownish freakish comic unorthodox Bohemian far out inactive out of use incapacitated outré off-centre rum remarkable funky spaced-out queerish quaint off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way curious bizarro slow on the uptake thick as two short planks giddy not quite right soft in the head hare-brained damaged non-functioning acting crazy way out imperfect ruined finished knackered wracked unsatisfactory had it gone gone haywire exhausted acting up duff coming unglued not in working order gone phut done for conked out coming unstuck worn-out weak conked-out on its last legs gone to pot feeble on the bum touched in the head out of one's head nonoperating wrecked nonfunctioning kaputt ludicrous abnormal droll extraordinary singular uncommon laughable comical anomalous irregular whimsical atypical hilarious brainless humorous out of the ordinary unfamiliar unnatural harebrained cockeyed different asinine farcical deviant sappy witty unique left-field featherheaded risible half-baked uncustomary entertaining simpleminded chucklesome jerky lunkheaded bubbleheaded freak weak-minded inept fanciful fool illogical sidesplitting jocular unexpected rare tomfool cockamamie facetious diverting rib-tickling out of the way grotesque untypical uncanny light-hearted incongruous exceptional dubious mirthful side-splitting inane humoristic comedic fantastical unco avant-garde hysteric uproarious unwonted waggish mystifying puzzling perplexing baffling implausible out in left field jocose unreal mysterious jolly riotous merry eerie surprising capricious unaccountable fishy killing off-center priceless aberrated unaccustomed foolhardy in left field outre joshing camp spooky preternatural extravagant questionable suspicious alternative perverse dilly incredible outrageous unbelievable astonishing slapstick nonconformist antic phenomenal creepy screaming especial campy exceeding original unthinkable extraordinaire good-humored inexplicable untenable good-humoured imprudent lively individual novel bohemian pointless doubtful frivolous quizzical unreasoning pathetic groundless derisory nonrational inconceivable ill-conceived jokey uncharacteristic monstrous unheard of gelastic cock-eyed sparkling radical cheerful meaningless suspect improbable puerile flawed fallacious unlikely injudicious specious impracticable far-fetched exotic alien esoteric amazing unjustifiable derisive unscientific unprecedented illegitimate unfounded inconsequent inconsequential contradictory nonconforming unreasoned sportive foreign derisible cockamamy anomalistic tongue-in-cheek slaphappy boffo special nonstandard pleasant full of holes off beam for grins jovial reckless perverted warped individualistic distinctive rash unconvincing flighty ill-advised unhealthy twisted inconclusive spurious dizzy unworkable thoughtless scatterbrained unknown beat characteristic bent playful inconsistent unrepresentative unthinking innovative joking divergent corrupt impossible incautious incorrect shaky isolated rollicking wayward hollow false irreconcilable arbitrary hippy engaging wry obscure extreme eye-popping boho incoherent malformed heterodox problematic sophistic aberrational devious hysterically funny non-typical unparalleled deviate a scream bugged out unheard-of grandiose smart clever self-contradictory unimaginable fresh heteroclite shocking off the beaten track out of line off-base off-color out of the common too funny for words gagged up without foundation out of this world without basis not making sense make-believe clock oddish intriguing excited wigged out infantile depraved incomprehensible progressive advanced chance animated high-spirited not tightly wrapped maverick informal childish mentally incompetent unordinary kookish experimental old-fashioned custard-pie goofy loony exclusive unsavoury pervy sadistic degenerated degenerate masochistic baseless untraditional eccentrical tenuous unconforming unceremonious vivacious excentrical vagarious changeable teratoid fitful out-there reasonless disconnected disjointed shady off your head vague unpersuasive immoral licentious deviative sicko contemptible something else new unrecognized very unconventional disputable equivocal dodgy dubitable disquieting debatable doubtable laffer riot crack-up scarce ill-thought-out not well thought out ill-considered out of keeping problematical avant garde foolheaded feather-brained extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible inscrutable poor flimsy lame nebulous farfetched inadequate unsubstantiated unrecognised unpractical unintelligent crinkly twisty unsavory noisy rowdy boisterous like nothing on earth wigged-out imaginary jesting incomparable inimitable incredulous illusory indefensible unsustainable unsupportable sketchy teasing funny peculiar deviating ribald sensational astounding romantic ambitious visionary unconceivable misleading uncompelling artificial roguish notable momentous prodigious miraculous stunning striking off-key untried impulsive delightful interesting enjoyable suppositious hallucinatory illusive unforgettable eye-catching arresting airy unimpressive reachy vain thin slight groundbreaking distorted off-beat wonderful a laugh light killingly funny goofus ironic fool-headed a hoot gump tongue in cheek diagnostic discriminating classic symptomatic identifying one and only diagnostical barbarous noteworthy spectacular stupendous conspicuous awkward out of sight cock-and-bull ludic jocund unnormal heteromorphic a card a caution serious wondrous tremendous rad hippie ultramodern contemporary groovy modern modernistic deep mod cool daredevil heedless amazeballs frolicsome gleeful cheery festive blithesome laughing gay sunny blithe won't hold water won't wash crazy shtick Mickey Mouse fool around cheering charming beguiling pleasurable pleasing fun gratifying gladdening flash heavy gnarly forby not normal hot-headed off beaten path never to be forgotten agreeable gut-busting enchanting flip joyous mischievous joculous flippant happy lighthearted daring adventurous ditzy featherbrained temerarious audacious brash indiscreet overbold overconfident hasty ditsy cut up erroneous unjustified frothy yeasty radge futile lightheaded inconsiderate hotheaded sophistical scintillating unproved casuistic irrelevant unconnected unsubstantial beyond belief not following beyond the bounds of possibility light-headed light-minded rich laugh-a-minute quick-witted

Từ trái nghĩa của nonfunctional

nonfunctional Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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