Đồng nghĩa của radical

Alternative for radical


Đồng nghĩa: extreme, greatest, utmost,

Trái nghĩa: conservative, superficial,

Tính từ

Forming an inherent or fundamental part of the nature of someone or something
fundamental basic essential innate organic inherent natural constitutional intrinsic native profound quintessential structural constitutive primary root underlying vital basal cardinal foundational primal primitive deep-seated hard-wired deep-rooted meat-and-potatoes central elemental key prime principal elementary integral crucial critical first rudimentary pivotal chief necessary indispensable core important original introductory paramount main beginning capital primordial rudimental abecedarian ingrained major significant dominant predominant pre-eminent bottom-line initial leading foremost requisite premier focal inborn inbred ultimate master overriding immanent congenital hardwired indigenous engrained supreme big preeminent grand top great ruling built-in earliest primeval highest greatest imperative inseparable needed required early permanent consequential true substratal ingrain urgent all-important decisive salient connatural staple connate overbearing arch prior sovereign sovran overmastering life-and-death mandatory acute indwelling material topmost must-have pressing heavy pristine prerequisite compelling burning meaningful overruling high-priority bog-standard aboriginal primaeval earth-shattering of great consequence life-or-death of the utmost importance of the essence number one numero uno nitty-gritty much needed outstanding deep-down characteristic constituent causal prominent determining immediate incorporated implicit influential uppermost utmost momentous deciding firsthand direct weighty climactic determinative arch- axial number-one very important far-reaching vitally important unmediated inbuilt rooted included absolute in-built actual definitive infused instilled en suite part and parcel ancient transcendental sublime categorical prehistoric preparatory empyrean empyreal initiatory antediluvian antique ABCs primo prefatory preliminary uncomplex simplest plain simplified simplex clear autochthonic primigenial autochthonous real serious duck soup meat and potatoes child's play genuine indelible ineradicable ineffaceable intimate inmost particular hereditary necessitous needful underlined in one's blood deep supporting sustaining substrative axiomatic grass-roots theoretical bottom underived axiological groundlaying world-shaking name-of-the-game coal-and-ice head lead commanding superior high notable presiding prevailing best supereminent controlling eminent prevalent top-tier noteworthy illustrious powerful famous senior top-notch considerable preponderant stellar elite biggest substantive unsurpassed superlative big-time distinguished pertinent consummate champion premium regnant transcendent peerless matchless unequaled ascendant top-ranking predominate governing incomparable unequalled first-rate relevant star renowned apex celebrated top-drawer compulsory called for finest obligatory respected effective noble noted authoritative well-known dominating unrivaled esteemed unrivalled telling select instrumental high-level unparalleled directing largest of greatest importance high-ranking exigent monumental highly regarded first-class all important pronounced conspicuous striking seminal top-priority popular germane prestigious maximum especial substantial appropriate No. 1 honoured strategic potent top-level surpassing reputable grave mighty reigning unsurpassable operative major league excellent peak imposing exceptional large-scale guiding optimal inimitable heavyweight dire upmarket historic heavy-duty of prime importance major-league honored big-league second to none valuable high-powered applicable dynamic top of the line top of the range bread-and-butter appreciable keynote apposite apropos marked special exalted instinctive acclaimed elevated dignified regal revered majority venerable sizable simple pointed public large famed worthwhile fine unprecedented useful better almighty exemplary ponderous expedient high-profile crack towering larger greater inner exclusive fabulous choice huge instinctual successful prodigious internal total extensive moving headmost intense honorable honourable distinctive unconditional ranking of note impressive of supreme importance first and foremost industry leading classy extravagant upscale deluxe fab quality precious admired impactful efficacious lofty of consequence perfect invaluable unbeatable nonpareil magnificent costly sterling superb dear marvellous pricey cracking frontline priceless luxurious expensive big league well known responsible topflight top-class a cut above the rest best possible top drawer puissant spendy fantabulous ultraexpensive slick sensational selected marvelous pricy supernal in demand high profile earnest blue-chip well thought of of the first rank high-up big-ticket highest quality high-end energetic top-quality four-star out-of-sight high-grade everyday five-star high-quality top-end emphatic high-ticket defining mainstream accomplished expert finished alpha unmatchable oustanding comprehensive noticeable signal remarkable arresting executive foundation mainline chad initiative nucleus favoured favored chosen winning trusted standard strongest all-embracing all-encompassing final most unlimited general superseding of greatest significance intervening opening crowning recognized royal tough obvious widespread demanded front unmatched lion's share bulkiest infinite unrestricted unrestrained unbounded boundless embedded entrenched richest untouchable fitting second-to-none high priority vulgar overall received current common business-critical mission-critical gut A-number-1 A-1 inaugural incumbent iconic top-rank imperial full kingly utter decision-making august component connected of high standing big time skookum maximal intrusive projecting protruding obtrusive arrestive jutting intuitive hotshot hotdog highest ranking mother of all apt record involuntary nonelective peremptory forced resonant refined respectable patrician aristocratic relative loftiest monarchical monarchal base optimum complete unassailable crown compulsatory historical formidable recognised zenithal apical tiptop domineering unexcelled utopian unexampled heavy stuff hot stuff at the heart of indicative appurtenant applicative monarchial majestic sweeping wanted desired recommended preferred proper binding specified genteel at the cutting edge at the leading edge undefeated unbeaten overarching natural-born bred in the bone dyed-in-the-wool inherited highest-ranking rife rampant immense tremendous posh de rigueur inexpungible furthermost severe pointful associated subjective genetic fixed latent integrated unalienable inward resident individual omnipotent official imperious supervisory all-powerful overpowering arbitrary highbred gentle wellborn highborn of influence of mark in the public eye incumbent on enormous sizeable eventful top-of-the-range without equal par excellence beyond compare record-breaking first class prize-winning number 1 sans pareil name of game testing climacteric super grievous overshadowing life-changing dangerous of concern life and death searching settling trying exceeding ultra titanic astronomic ample earthshaking vast astronomical ad rem to the point to the purpose well born silk-stocking upper-class widely praised blue-blooded upper-crust of distinction high-born holding the reins ace world class psychological in your blood goodly biggish epoch-making higher bigger elder desperate clamorous high-class showdown climatic touchy insistent helpful touch and go on thin ice hanging by thread now or never persuasive inspiring inspirational convincing motivating effectual constructive favorable advantageous beneficial practical favourable storied stirring touching strong rousing competent provocative contributory motivational robust stimulating animating fateful swayful formative masterful efficient forcible affecting vigorous swaying capable enticing forceful encouraging able inducing impelling purposeful hard-hitting cogent alluring seductive good profitable notorious feted handy propitious conducive gainful productive timely rewarding serviceable worthy behooveful commodious auspicious beneficent appreciated fruitful meritorious opportune of help of use of service loved worth its weight in gold of benefit held dear hot worthful hot property of value of assistance estimable worth it scarce stately glorious most important most prominent most influential most illustrious most powerful most significant most skilled most obvious most noticeable most outstanding most excellent

Tính từ

Comprehensive and far-reaching in nature
complete entire sweeping thorough comprehensive exhaustive extreme severe thoroughgoing absolute drastic extensive major total utter rigorous serious desperate draconian pervasive profound stringent violent excessive forceful uncompromising advanced iconoclastic ultra far-reaching wide-ranging root-and-branch top-to-bottom harsh strong dire strict heavy immoderate rigid punishing tough stern momentous substantial sharp swingeing extravagant exorbitant oppressive punitive austere stiff inflexible unyielding fanatical hardline firm egregious downright outrageous flagrant gross preposterous out-and-out sheer cruel brutal intense great life-changing hard Draconian complicated complex grim punitory intricate elaborate sophisticated single-minded definite diehard hardhanded dramatic difficult involved forcible intransigent hard-nosed undeviating revolutionary hard-hitting virulent vicious savage truculent tricky unqualified rank supreme thundering right maximum tremendous utmost ultimate unadulterated acute deep hellacious almighty unalloyed proper pure grievous uber veritable arrant overwhelming unbending inordinate undue exceptional consequential remorseless unrelenting zealous unreasonable unusual exaggerated unmitigated steep unconscionable unconventional unmerciful overkill baroque devilish remarkable unseemly ferocious uncommon intemperate fancy nonsensical overextravagant imprudent overdue insane overweening irrational overmuch intolerable fabulous plethoric improper towering lavish too much over the top O.T.T. out of proportion disproportionate unwarranted extortionate unrestrained uncalled for needless uncalled-for unmeasurable superfluous OTT a bit much high unnecessary prodigal dizzying profuse sky-high unfair profligate enormous unjustifiable unwarrantable unjust wanton surplus extra superabundant overabundant unjustified way out self-indulgent overindulgent uncurbed over-the-top stratospheric redundant overboard monstrous uncontrolled abounding unbridled rough too great pricey unrestricted overpriced in excess fulsome extraordinary immense whopping unbounded dissipated monumental gratuitous huge exacting boundless super limitless dear criminal illogical elevated too-too absonant arbitrary over the odds overflowing wild up to here copious unacceptable too many unneeded costing an arm and a leg diametrical out of all proportion direct ample unlimited exact vast epic ridiculous massive astronomical riotous indulgent ruthless recrementitious supernatural more wasteful giant relentless prodigious intractable fantastic pitiless senseless overblown considerable far-out posh unrightful unlawful wrongful peremptory supererogatory iron-fisted hard-line out of bounds large imposing reckless de trop significant unmerited inexcusable expensive undeserved grandiose dissipative debauched unprovoked excess unbalanced outstanding very great unhampered unchecked exceeding big shocking spare prohibitive abundant rampant gigantic prolific authoritarian uninhibited magnificent appalling liberal over impressive colossal wicked unstinting nasty supernumerary mountainous cast-iron brassbound ludicrous not required plentiful exuberant generous galore diabolical mammoth remaining gushing horrifying humongous dispensable inhuman teeming luxuriant bountiful expendable out of control useless crawling with no end opulent a dime a dozen sumptuous alive with aplenty thick with profusive plenty tyrannical swarming bounteous openhanded callous stupendous effusive above average hardheaded demanding inexorable uncivilised uncivilized ungodly unwanted overgenerous polar gushy imperious unsympathetic heavy-handed nonessential hard-core steadfast leftover merciless unrequired residuary illegitimate dyed-in-the-wool pleonastic superfluent unasked by the book harmful over the limit overripe marked distinct unreasoned wildly excessive costly indiscriminate going too far untempered very too passionate uncontrollable absurd theatrical overdone unpardonable indefensible unforgivable raw dissolute unhindered tempestuous abandoned runaway unsuitable inappropriate voluminous ungovernable incontinent open-handed non-essential unreserved tall greedy sizable sizeable blown up out of all proportion fancy-pants very high unbecoming very expensive lofty a lot far-fetched onerous wrong despotic summary soaring inept untimely ill-advised underhanded unapt unfitting forbidden indecorous sinister inapt ill-timed illegal unseasonable imbalanced unfeeling abrasive grossly excessive substantive ruinous crippling bitter rugged off unused unproductive disposable inflated excessively high extremely high suppressive repressive without justification unkind heartless insensitive inconsiderate decadent murderous trying excruciating burdensome searing left over waste to spare ostentatious ambitious outré heightened escalated handsome increased healthy jacked up diametric surplus to requirements extraneous on your hands unessential headstrong a bit thick out of order striking multistorey sky-scraping rowdy curt immodest audacious bold daylight robbery highway robbery costing a bomb a rip-off robust costing the earth out of sight over one's head paramount titanic Brobdingnagian surpassing superior altitudinous abnormal intensified unthinkable inconceivable sneaky conscienceless knavish reprehensible barbarous unholy lordly commanding showy improvident inessential very severe staunch adamant hard-boiled unwavering indurate ungiving militant infinite immeasurable astronomic transcendent hulking sublime stellar ginormous tight mega mighty unfettered thumping silly monster gargantuan fierce airy imperial preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable towery skyscraping beyond the pale dour grave ballsy fanciful grand adventurous heroic super-duper binding stand pat uncharitable solid disciplinarian resolved dogged obdurate hardened hard-hearted unforgiving obstinate no-nonsense resolute ascetical immovable domineering hardhearted browbeating mulish ossified formidable stiff-necked ascetic unsparing determined unflinching pressing astringent autocratic disciplinary bullheaded set compelling poignant valid powerful acrimonious drawing picky unpermissive ironclad convincing brick-wall confining not giving an inch supererogative lush scandalous atrocious by the numbers hard and fast dead set on terrible horrible disgraceful heinous infamous abominable villainous offensive unspeakable nefarious abhorrent horrendous beastly iniquitous evil odious dreadful horrid hideous loathsome shameful nauseating ghastly foul unbearable vile sickening insupportable unendurable insufferable barbaric infernal fiendish maddening exasperating impossible distressing execrable godawful depraving flagitious debasing contumelious scurrilous malevolent shaming disgracing ignoble despicable contemptible debauching corrupt notorious degenerate sinful opprobrious very bad

Tính từ

Favoring fundamental, usually extreme, change in political or social conditions
progressive reforming revolutionary extreme militant reformist anarchistic extremist fanatical progressivist revisionist diehard fanatic insurrectionary rabid revolutionist immoderate insubordinate insurgent mutinous rebellious seditious intransigent lawless nihilistic recalcitrant recusant refractory restive riotous ultraist looney loony swivel-eyed far-out way out rebel ultra subversive dissident anarchic unruly partisan dogmatic insurrectionist defiant contumacious disloyal anarchical disobedient factious treasonable ungovernable bigoted zealous unmanageable traitorous wayward renegade wilful uncontrollable bolshie intemperate disorderly resistant politically aware political activist iconoclastic intractable wild rioting turbulent contrary disaffected party-political treasonous froward treacherous obstreperous willful untoward obstinate incompliant balky difficult stubborn warring up in arms fractious bellicose exaggerated negativistic destructive pessimistic existentialist overzealous outrageous civil disobedience unreasonable guerrilla combative sectarian maniacal resistance over the top conspiratorial blinkered single-minded prejudiced narrow-minded chauvinistic illiberal intolerant active party factional OTT mercenary uncooperative headstrong uncompromising inflexible self-willed unwilling excessive drastic outre outlandish gone outré unbiddable underground black resistive incontrollable stroppy bloody-minded obdurate awkward obstinately disobedient perverse mutinying mad fervent party political over-the-top frenzied pervicacious renitent inflammatory agitational too much all out passionate noncompliant indomitable insubmissive argumentative undisciplined undisciplinable withstanding resisting opposing out of control revolting nonconformist dissentient malcontent enthusiastic out of bounds perfidious obsessive incorrigible overenthusiastic anarchist terrorist threatening pugnacious individualistic armed restless sabotaging quarrelsome alienated attacking rabble-rousing reactionary heterodox apostate unfaithful outlaw runaway untraditional schismatic backsliding recreant troublesome unyielding disruptive rowdy pigheaded delinquent truculent cussed thrawn cantankerous naughty unaccommodating ornery indocile badly behaved out of hand obstructive mulish non-compliant bull-headed unhelpful contrarious errant mischievous uncompliant boisterous disobliging unbending stiff-necked violent tiresome irrepressible unrestrained ill-disciplined belligerent roguish rascally annoying exasperating crabby peevish impossible unpredictable insolent attention-seeking negative immovable uncontrolled hostile opinionated impish problematic unrestrainable scrappy dissenting trying cross-grained ill-natured demanding badly-behaved troublemaking mean nonconforming vexatious adverse confrontational irritable capricious rough challenging rude antagonistic determined reckless chaotic impudent impetuous strong-willed petulant inexorable tough unbridled bad misbehaving grumpy ill-tempered grouchy contentious tetchy unfavorable unfavourable dissentious fiendish sullen unresponsive unmalleable bad-tempered cross ratty persistent unadaptable choleric narky shirty unamenable aggressive unbearable intolerable insuppressible shrewish rock-ribbed bold heedless loud impulsive impervious rash imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy noisy disputatious inconsiderate uncontainable feisty malicious inimical erratic testy out of line rumbustious disturbed maladjusted irritating insoluble unpliable touchy irascible crotchety hard-line resolute playful impolite chippy snappy hot-tempered prickly pertinacious querulous tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish gallus wanton wrong captious huffy full of mischief ill-behaved devilish irreconcilable estranged haughty unsubduable morose sulky limit nonobservant heretical maverick unsupportive unorthodox unpersuadable resolved malign malevolent maleficent spiteful dogged untrained stubborn as a mule uncomplying fickle sticky adamant unsteady unschooled impotent rampant bullheaded untameable inconsistent ungoverned tricky incurable complex burdensome loath averse reluctant indisposed hesitant irregular undependable not giving an inch lively rollicking romping lawbreaking dysfunctional not cooperative excited strong overwhelming intense freaked abandoned overpowering as stubborn as a mule immoral aberrant arbitrary crazy hysterical nuts madcap insurmountable berserk without law and order paradoxical contrariant discordant arsey disagreeing lacking self-control daring provocative audacious with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way problem wrongheaded antipathetic converse declinatory refusing divergent impatient objecting declining vociferous tempestuous uproarious raucous whiny beside oneself pat thorny locked tenacious knotty untimely unfortunate impossible to cope with clamorous rampaging socially impaired fierce pesky nasty loudmouthed troublous irksome wearisome rambunctious misbehaved self-indulgent inconvenient inopportune roisterous rackety tumultuous raunchy artful kiddish infantile sly frolicsome foxy bothersome ruffianly thoughtless immature childish disrespectful locked in tough nut hang tough rip-roaring like a loose cannon unanticipated ill-timed unexpected rampageous roistering wicked pig-headed anti piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous disregardful cheeky dareful sassy gutsy sinful unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed teasing worthless ready for a fight raising the roof raising Cain evil against opposed overbearing unrelenting hard to please fussy grim spoiling for a fight unlucky unwelcome infelicitous inauspicious inapt unsuitable inappropriate hardheaded boorish rigid hard-nosed tyrannical picky fastidious finicky bad-mannered malapropos badly timed unseasonable pitiless strict oafish discontented dissatisfied bearish stiff hostile to inimical to opposed to averse to grumbly set in one's ways choosy temperamental uptight unflinching critical unendurable objectionable offensive unpropitious misfortunate disturbing unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless importunate strong-minded finical vexed hard to handle invidious steadfast sensitive uppity disputative sour hypercritical delicate oppressive hard to satisfy overcritical wrong-headed opinionative perfectionist particular over-particular dictatorial ungracious dead set against disinclined to accept reluctant to accept unenthusiastic about unwilling to accept insupportable terrible painful insufferable excruciating maddening infuriating dreadful improper pettish ill-humoured unacceptable egregious crabbed waspish curmudgeonly disagreeable snappish short-tempered splenetic in a mood peppery crusty quick-tempered scratchy liverish bilious dyspeptic short-fused cranky peckish fretful eggy soreheaded in a bad mood as cross as two sticks miffy waxy snaky thin-skinned complaining ill-humored beyond bearing not to be borne on a short fuse having got out of bed the wrong side like a bear with a sore head

Tính từ

Of a high quality
awesome fantastic fine hot terrific choice cool excellent fabulous great mean neat nifty sensational slick splendid stellar sterling superb superior classic divine dope dynamite grand groovy marvellous marvelous prime righteous swell wonderful dandy fab fantabulous heavenly phat quality top-notch first-class first-rate tip-top high-class top-shelf out-of-sight top-of-the-line cracking top peachy lovely topping corking superlative beautiful unsurpassed topflight immense capital keen crackerjack supernal noble jim-dandy prizewinning wizard banner primo boss gilt-edged bumper bully gangbusters boffo frontline famous gangbuster bang-up prize A-OK bonny gilt-edge first-string blue-chip brag down par excellence blue-ribbon hype bonnie five-star peachy keen brave number one numero uno gone four-star out of this world super magnificent brilliant outstanding wicked smashing exceptional tremendous glorious ace brill sublime supreme champion supercalifragilisticexpialidocious rad too much top-hole exquisite magic perfect beaut amazing mega spiffing ripping bosting delightful very good mind-blowing bodacious schmick admirable bonzer amazeballs on fleek select remarkable phenomenal impressive def extraordinary dreamy gorgeous crucial sound best world-class sik matchless peerless spanking good far out fabby marvy exo incredible beezer goodly belting lank kif chillin' striking spectacular stunning topnotch tiptop sovereign premier unreal A-1 stupendous crack pearler barrie breathtaking worthy too good to be true bad rare incomparable class elite top-drawer pre-eminent applaudable of the first water accomplished dazzling highest of high quality eminent flawless preeminent deluxe prodigious elegant transcendent unrivaled consummate winning formidable greatest fly unrivalled of the highest quality of the highest standard awesomesauce top-class top-level bosker high-quality A1 splendiferous high-grade premium chic of the first order desirable unparalleled enjoyable exclusive attractive notable outrageous vintage unique leading nice exemplary lofty singular optimum top-grade finest way-out optimal top-tier hunky-dory top-quality very best highest quality super-duper of the highest order grade A dominant illustrious ideal fancy entrancing valuable invaluable enchanting plush special skilful skillful standout unequalled praiseworthy certified laudable pleasurable noted high distinguished meritorious priceless estimable radiant commendable legit colossal unexcelled masterly astonishing astounding cream star surpassing memorable to die for mint fantastical lead unmatched pleasing flagship delectable wondrous faultless unbeatable renowned quintessential scrumptious uppermost tops untouchable top-of-the-range miraculous effusive extreme excessive solid inspired fat inflated unequaled exaggerated worthiest far-out surprising exalted jaw-dropping model the dog's bollocks award-winning without equal solid gold beyond compare the best in a class all by itself top of the line top of the range out of sight top-flight above and beyond of highest order reliable majestic enviable key sharp quick advanced crowning bestselling bewitching captivating charming agile deft clever smart sophisticated polished unforgettable arresting agreeable pleasant satisfying rewarding celebrated hypnotic virtuoso masterful posh ritzy fashionable unorthodox deep wild really good blissful refined top quality high quality foxy juicy rocking handy well-designed natty convenient adroit apt ingenious stylish spruce mighty idyllic rapturous gratifying ravishing alluring creditable eye-popping peak upmarket classy upscale really nice paragon prize-winning distinctive choicest first selected luxurious hand-picked elect noteworthy awe-inspiring gnarly out-of-this-world ka pai sup rior all very well well and good staggering elevated august splendorous second to none not too shabby of a high standard best ever like wow cat's meow moving eloquent agitating most unbelievable proud dainty grade-A with it pretty cool the very best state-of-the-art a standout ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal lush adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly virtuous top drawer baller crash hot nang No. 1 superfine favored 10 popular preferred preferential mind-boggling zero cool handpicked plum favorite precious overwhelming favoured 24-karat favourite uncommon cherry-picked carefully chosen unusual first-line awful portentous eye-opening surpassing belief utmost large considerable titantic pick prominent imposing important foremost dignified stately expert honorable honourable chief paramount signal adept major inimitable unprecedented gifted regal able principal predominant powerful commanding skilled royal towering better especial talented exceeding monumental lordly ultimate imperial aristocratic extraordinaire educated influential intellectual proficient genteel higher master particular delicate experienced central massive competent reputable high-ranking prestigious magnific heroic big honoured privileged honored dexterous practised marked grandiose courtly main versed epic magical anomalous primary practiced discerning baronial handsome unexampled seminal rich respected gallant complete essential unsurpassable extravagant veteran esteemed well-known heroical professed venerable authoritative compleat greater dextrous upper-class Homeric swanky highly regarded high profile high-level high-powered out of the ordinary luxury cultivated bigger cultured advantageous tasteful abnormal peculiar decorous intelligent odd graceful proper huge enormous polite respectable resplendent prevailing vast cardinal high-minded head recherche atypical aberrated freak unwonted aberrant uncustomary kingly finished integral significant tasty famed recognized classical favorable favourable preternatural monstrous learned larger nonpareil arch- serious trusted expensive iconic uplifting well-bred high-up senior top-ranking puissant resonant well known high-end grander unimaginable recognised top-end more formal topmost brainy largest genius sumptuous urbane bright opulent gracious gigantic lavish astute palatial civil happy welcome conspicuous unaccountable inexplicable consequential shipshape gentlemanly transcendental trained strange entire up to snuff whole intact giant mountainous princely capable creative acute modish irreproachable couth pivotal mammoth preponderant red-carpet titanic VIP artful workmanlike bravura knowledgeable scholarly imperious heavy core fundamental eventful patrician dashing hulking gentle precocious arch revered Brobdingnagian whopping penetrating inventive profound erudite cerebral perspicacious titled airy well-connected notorious prized courteous valued ladylike improved win-win aesthetic fabled archetypal refreshing snazzy highborn costly dear pricey acclaimed suave banging excelling rational fast alert knowing of influence historical alpha all-important potent magisterial unmatchable world class industry leading unconventional highbred wellborn pompous Einstein sharp-witted spendy big-ticket well born eggheaded silk-stocking supersmart very intelligent a la mode ultraexpensive well versed something else whip nimble esthetic hyperintelligent quick-witted major league whiz kid supermundane blue-blooded whip-smart big-time ultrasmart upper-crust pricy high-born big league far-reaching high-ticket impeccable piked professional best in class unblemished definitive outshining loftier unimpeachable artistic tough world efficient seasoned controlling blameless critical amiable high-test eclectic oratorical upper cogent successful of note deciding virtuosic acceptable unimpaired uninjured unharmed unhurt super-eminent congenial unbroken super-excellent positive undamaged satisfactory paradisiacal paradisiac pro tophole apex coruscating A-list utopian marquee supereminent hotshot golden demon delicious deadly vital beyond words beyond description five star of the highest type top grade best-quality highest-quality pretentious number-one biggest better than usual first class enhanced of the best quality streets ahead better than average well trained strong a million dollars like a million dollars providential a dab hand at habile glittering magnolious tip top without parallel without match beyond comparison without peer only one in a million unusually good extremely good eximious in a league of their own A-number-1 mostest hundred-proof worthwhile ornamented affected ornate ostentatious comely debonair well-favored very agreeable very pleasant very nice a cut above the rest best possible elder supernatural exciting fascinating thrilling tall meritable dream splendacious intrinsic requisite pretty novel typical prototypical bulkier longer weightier deserving one-in-a-million well-dressed overdone stylized enthralling material focal well-born extra special freakish the utmost wonderworking numinous supranatural stupefying unheard of copacetic hunky dory worthy of admiration worthy of commendation cat's pajamas up to standard up to scratch up to par cordon bleu unearthly in a class of its own hors concours one-off irreplaceable indispensable high-priority major-league of high standing heavy-duty earnest big time big-league necessary needed skookum exhilarating theatrical soaring gentlemanlike blue upper crust Brahmin silver-spoon born with a silver spoon in one's mouth knightly queenly ennobled aristocratical festive unmarred of mark of great consequence well thought of in the public eye public steep awe-striking heart-stopping exacting momentous historic unparagoned sui generis one of a kind mysterious no-expense-spared A-grade whimsical solemn staid paranormal fortunate lucky blessed pure astral self-important overblown immodest highest-ranking spesh unheard-of purpose-built new without precedent unrepeatable fresh one and only once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind unrepeated separate unordinary in a class by itself newfangled reserved ceremonious partisan covetable unthinkable dominating celebratory sky-high sky-scraping multistorey traditional magnanimous correct decent conventional sedate upright civilized weird metaphysical irregular mystical otherworldly uncanny supernormal unworldly other-worldly preferable immoderate exorbitant unconscionable overextravagant undue insane plethoric baroque unmerciful altitudinous inordinate overmuch overdue overweening stiff intolerable devilish partial ripe mature overbearing primal first rate admired of the first rank prior legendary triumphal idealistic redoubtable highly rated presentable highbrow portly composed unnatural grandiloquent higher up high up plushy swank cooler ginormous sombre somber distingué highfalutin' starchy grave right accepted untypical ghostly occult deviant unrepresentative deviative bizarre desired sought-after red-letter swish tony in uptown trendy dicty mod self-respecting just so very fine spiring aerial unmeasurable towery skyscraping of moment tempting in vogue high-toned precise biased discriminatory pukka comme il faut well-respected well-placed exciting envy much to be desired worth having ascendant close progressive rigorous accurate late evolved developed sensitive forward pinpoint spot-on mathematical discriminating fastidious punctilious well-mannered noble-born luminous of noble birth of gentle birth restrained civilised spiffy high-brow well mannered well bred infinite unlimited beyond grasp intuitive inspiring absolute inspirational eternal original primordial unequalable obscure hypothetical transcending unconfined boundless innate abstract theoretical leviathan substantial oceanic gigantesque largish walloping humungous ambitious astronomic humongous voluminous vasty sizable outsized supersize jumbo sizeable monster whacking biggish elephantine supersized gargantuan astronomical boxcar pharaonic cosmical tidy cyclopean haughty oversized cosmic bulky planetary husky oversize outsize hefty herculean galactic king size Himalayan king-sized king-size more desirable most successful most important most desirable

Tính từ

Contrary to what is usual, traditional, or accepted
nonconformist unorthodox unconventional dissenting dissident heretical heterodox eccentric original iconoclastic maverick offbeat dissentient weird nonorthodox oddball heretic alternative individualistic rebellious bohemian schismatic freak sectarian hippie beatnik rebel out-there way-out unusual bizarre outlandish avant-garde left-field idiosyncratic extreme off-centre out of the ordinary way out irregular off-the-wall off the wall unwonted uncommon abnormal uncustomary revolutionary quirky anomalous innovative aberrant zany wacky far-out crazy kinky cranky individual freakish different odd novel new exotic fresh groundbreaking informal esoteric strange divergent quaint unceremonious perverse wacko curious extraordinary unfamiliar heteroclite queer out there Bohemian funny far out outré marginal kooky bizarro wild screwy weirdo fringe experimental unconforming non-standard alternate subversive questioning irreverent sceptical critical improper unsuitable inappropriate illegal mod rad groovy modern modernistic cool ultramodern contemporary deep renegade mutinous malcontent flakey anarchic untraditional flaky impious denunciatory nonconforming skeptical off the beaten path unaccountable perplexing ridiculous absurd erratic inexplicable mystifying baffling fantastic peculiar ludicrous out of this world remarkable whacky funky free thinking spaced-out queerish off-kilter out-of-the-way kookie innovatory peripheral unofficial nonmainstream extremist off Broadway atypical singular rare distinctive unprecedented freaky unheard of madcap hippy rum boho exceptional unique off the beaten track out in left field unaccustomed special unheard-of unknown untypical unparalleled unexpected alien distinct obscure uncanny whimsical little known characteristic exclusive particular fanciful foreign unrivaled unequaled pioneering incomparable deviant uncharacteristic unthinkable mysterious unequalled unrivalled unexampled preternatural outrageous prodigious untried ground-breaking unexplored outre sui generis one of a kind out of the way newfangled artistic inconceivable droll specialized dissimilar unnatural incongruous one-off unmatched inimitable outstanding isolated unrepresentative nonstandard matchless unexcelled striking old-fashioned record amazing peerless off-key phenomenal momentous marvellous beyond compare remote unimaginable uninvestigated first-time marvelous something else signal intriguing quizzical in a league of its own miraculous without equal one and only specialised recondite without parallel arty arty-farty puzzling insane mad other specific left bank carefree laid-back relaxed cuckoo dippy nutty nuts cracked crackpot scarce errant discordant noteworthy perverted unharmonious interesting daggy infrequent without precedent in a class by itself one-of-a-kind daft dilly beyond your ken unordinary breaking new ground loner wonderful thin on the ground nondescript startling egregious surprising few and far between few arcane mischievous playful laughable waggish uncharted unrecognised unrecognized brand new previously unencountered outside one's experience distinguished custom customized signature personalized distinguishing capricious offensive shocking unacceptable undiscovered unbelievable lone one sole solitary only alone chimerical dotty fantastical crotchety unremarked disgraceful unsung unregarded preposterous diagnostic classic discriminating identifying symptomatic diagnostical monstrous unlike unreal disparate contrary incomprehensible newsworthy supernatural jarring dicey uncertain amusing imaginative humorous random creative witty comical chancy arbitrary flighty little-known unlikely undreamed of undreamed-of unrenowned nameless never before encountered limited independent personalised customised liberated unconstrained egoistic untrammelled typical free-spirited freethinking unfettered all-time self-loving self-indulgent selfish vainglorious pompous narcissistic egomaniacal self-serving egotistical megalomaniac conceited individualist egotistic self-absorbed self-interested egocentric self-reliant stuck-up egoistical self-concerned self-centered untrammeled self-centred wrapped up in oneself

Tính từ

Wide in range or effect
sweeping wide-ranging broad extensive wide comprehensive global far-reaching all-embracing all-inclusive exhaustive thorough catholic deep expansive extended far-flung in-depth pervasive rangy wall-to-wall widespread worldwide overarching thoroughgoing across-the-board all-around all-encompassing all-out bird's-eye exaggerated full generalised generalized overall overdrawn overstated thorough-going unselective whole-hog across the board complete blanket significant encyclopedic wholesale profound inclusive full-scale total detailed universal umbrella far-ranging compendious out-and-out broad-gauge cover-all broad-gauged embracive all-in panoramic cyclopedic omnibus clean encyclopaedic vast intensive immense meticulous definitive minute important painstaking careful momentous full-blown full-dress the word ambitious major life-changing no stone unturned from A to Z consequential influential weighty of moment of significance of great import of consequence eclectic coast-to-coast interdisciplinary nationwide countrywide absolute cross-disciplinary broad-ranging entire multidisciplinary general grand whole encircling containing comprising intact infinite integral discursive plenary perfect ample synoptic compleat in depth the works of great scope the whole shebang the big picture lock stock and barrel all-round large-scale international common broad-brush indiscriminate unlimited generic pandemic mass ubiquitous unrestricted omnipresent prevalent outright ecumenical company-wide popular collective pervading boundless rampant inescapable permeating unconditional public prevailing astronomical predominant worldly rife broad-based everywhere huge large great nonspecific big sizable regular massive humongous hefty unmitigated all-over intercontinental unqualified all over the place diffuse wide-reaching multinational straight-out one-size-fits-all ubiquitary encyclopaedical encyclopedical unbounded abundant non-specific gross undisputed very common all-present ever-present present everywhere all-pervading all-pervasive standard all-purpose basic nonexclusive master unconfined limitless epidemic ruling endless cosmopolitan catchall bulk quantitative broad-spectrum unanimous mundane accepted outspread preponderate overwhelming majority oversimplified over-general received aggregate integrated wholistic replete maximal in quantity in bulk non-selective national rounded on a large scale long expanded lengthy taken as a whole catch-all all-together holistic in the mass imprecise protracted state in toto all together with everything included ball-of-wax without exception scopic scopious full-on big picture unexclusive planetary from Land's End to John O'Groats all over the country wall to wall world nondiscriminatory cosmic open-door open accessible to everyone free-for-all free to all non-restrictive non-exclusive welcoming open to the public leading spacious whopping thundering substantial bulky jumbo hulking prodigious stuffed monster heavy-duty roomy good mondo strapping enormous heavyweight packed healthy husky copious walloping awash capacious fat bull oversize ponderous colossal voluminous tremendous whopper mammoth commodious gigantic chock-full brimming considerable burly crowded super colossal a whale of a

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Unique or original in nature
fresh new innovative novel original different revolutionary advanced creative groundbreaking ingenious inventive latest modern unique unusual avant garde avant-garde imaginative newfangled recent unconventional unorthodox unprecedented alternative contemporary cutting edge cutting-edge innovational innovatory leading-edge modernistic offbeat originative pioneering state-of-the-art uncommon untried unwonted atypical brand new neoteric new-fashioned out-of-the-box out of the ordinary up to date left-field out of the common ultra-modern unaccustomed unfamiliar unheard-of unknown ground-breaking new-fangled strange this season's up-to-date trailblazing progressive experimental forward-looking futuristic off-centre disruptive trendsetting brand-new Promethean up-to-the-minute high-tech current visionary mod hot designer inspired sophisticated ultramodern avant complex present-day space-age red-hot forward-thinking front-line new age artful singular exotic artistic expressive clever forward eccentric leading modish deviceful fertile way-out intricate breakthrough elaborate just out fashionable far-out formative vanguard newly discovered highly developed ahead of the times game-changing underground blue-sky up to the minute recently developed nifty ahead of its time seminal mould-breaking innovating spearheading transformational variational breaking new ground untested fundamental rare surprising unhackneyed drastic subversive surrealistic bohemian go-ahead high-style world-shattering up-and-coming germinal strategic well-thought-out multifaceted well-designed involved well-planned well-built liberal mistakenly trendy lead hip beat head new wave 21st-century hi-tech latter-day landmark updated au courant nouvelle future topical modern-day never-before-seen now fanciful fantastic stylish fabulous romantic higher today nontraditional unreal fantastical extravagant dreamy developed newest foremost mythical fancy quirky whimsical dreamlike poetic flighty evolved prime ahead supreme refined absurd freakish illusory brilliant genius imaginary freaky curious keen wild complicated pre-eminent chimerical ridiculous chimeric vivid phantasmal quixotic bizarre crackpot phantasmic astute twenty-first century excellent flash far along snazzy well ahead late extreme precocious paramount improved exceptional far ahead high-end principal well along far-fetched head in the clouds out of touch with reality extraordinary odd outlandish remarkable special peculiar abnormal unexampled distinctive out-of-the-way unparalleled anomalous incomparable uncustomary idiosyncratic aberrant refreshing individual obscure alien unexplored weird outrageous unmatched unequalled unrivalled unrivaled little known queer unequaled matchless unexcelled untypical off the wall amazing peerless quaint outré phenomenal outre signal beyond compare sui generis one of a kind without equal inspiring resourceful individualistic exclusive funky unexpected outstanding prodigious striking uncharacteristic record freak oddball wacky inimitable unimaginable momentous marvellous kooky marvelous miraculous preternatural off-key kinky first-time nonconforming erratic classic something else unheard of in a league of its own far out one and only noteworthy way out without parallel fringe welcome stimulating demiurgic productive remote uninvestigated recondite not just another neat beyond your ken cool foreign far cry irregular trendy happening in other particular specific funny Bohemian zany whacky queerish screwy kookie bizarro groovy with-it modernist pathbreaking deviant quizzical errant unconforming discordant out of the way isolated perverted unrepresentative specialised specialized unharmonious interesting cranky hippy rum crazy weirdo nonconformist nonstandard dissimilar inconceivable out there boho daggy spaced-out wacko off-the-wall off-kilter off-center uncanny distinct diagnostic discriminating identifying symptomatic diagnostical offensive shocking unacceptable undiscovered unbelievable uncharted intriguing unrecognised unrecognized unthinkable unremarked disgraceful unsung unregarded preposterous previously unencountered outside one's experience little-known unlikely undreamed of undreamed-of unrenowned nameless consummate notable extraordinaire archetypal superlative unsurpassable essential separate exemplary utmost ultimate one-off exquisite without precedent nonpareil unordinary primo prototypical incredible superior typical quintessential unparagoned model second to none unrepeatable in a class by itself purpose-built perfect standout once-in-a-lifetime ideal unsurpassed irreplaceable best one-of-a-kind transcendent unrepeated never before encountered all-time

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Favouring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause
militant aggressive belligerent assertive bellicose combative active pugnacious vigorous pushy fighting violent warring agonistic argumentative assaultive brawly chippy combating confrontational contending contentious discordant disputatious extreme extremist feisty fierce forceful gladiatorial quarrelsome scrappy truculent two-fisted ultra-active warlike embattled enthusiastic fanatical zealous assertory martial militaristic military offensive rebellious revolutionary warrish in arms up in arms antagonistic hostile cantankerous warmongering hawkish on the warpath ornery threatening unfriendly ill-tempered bad-tempered irascible stroppy inimical hot-tempered inhospitable battling angry contrary mean adversarial defiant malevolent fiery surly captious sabre-rattling quick-tempered aggers unkind irritable unsympathetic gung-ho litigious rancorous petulant touchy spiteful fractious wrathful combatant uncongenial vitriolic oppugnant unsociable jingoistic hateful bloodthirsty cross choleric nasty antipathetic bitter malicious spoiling for a fight soldierly disputative malignant controversial adverse difficult bickering venomous catty sour unpleasant viperous conflicting destructive factious vicious sullen polemical cavilling grouchy abusive testy snappy negative polemic disagreeable virulent disapproving arsey wrangling huffy biffo armed rude jaundiced querulous unreceptive army bolshie intimidating churlish caviling foul noncivil at loggerheads ready for a fight ill-natured have chip on shoulder clashing loudmouthed have a bone to pick quarrelling pettish narky attacking opposing expansionist grumpy splenetic miffy unwelcoming provocative prickly opposed at war snappish crabby snarly cranky alien adversary soreheaded courageous spirited spunky perverse ructious uncharitable dissentious maleficent unpropitious biting malefic excitable war inconsiderate vindictive hot-blooded short-tempered challenging uncooperative ardent dour hot flip cold quarreling peevish thin-skinned hurtful joyless furious salty brawling ill-disposed malign soldierlike filthy cussed ill-humored ferocious on the outs have it in for having a chip on one's shoulder mean-spirited evil-minded ready to fight ill-humoured sanguinary battleful pro-war determined plucky naysaying awkward troublesome disruptive sulky rough war-mongering war-loving colonialistic imperialistic dissentient at each other's throats bad tetchy spiky opinionated ratty shirty carnivorous service wrestling tilting skirmishing flag-waving militarist chauvinistic competing grumbling peckish liverish crotchety curmudgeonly waxy self-assertive itching to fight paramilitary battle-hardened trigger-happy dissenting under arms oppositional rotten obnoxious sparring rival rapacious intrusive invasive defence defense on a short fuse short-fused resistant hotheaded exasperated macho wretched cruel vile tempestuous arguesome fire-eating at daggers drawn dissident obstreperous wounding poisonous soldier-like warrior impassioned turbulent unruly passionate opposite unwilling reluctant adversative accusatorial oppugning fretful mighty peppery allergic discourteous itching insolent scathing frightening deadly vituperous browbeating caustic terrorizing terrifying cowing harsh terrorising trenchant sharp bullying mordacious mordant at odds tough sensitive gutsy peppy gritty frisky mettlesome lively alive energetic bubbly gutty zestful game hearty go-getting full-blooded high-strung full of pep looking for trouble contumacious recalcitrant obstinate waspish refractory critical crabbed shrewish crusty eggy snaky cross-grained insubordinate froward hot-button like a bear with a sore head dyspeptic balky bilious bloody-minded scratchy stuffy snippety bearish vinegary mutinous disobedient intractable wayward acid bold eristic snarky brusque curt snippy unmanageable gruff raspy stubborn willful trying as cross as two sticks disputable cutting pigheaded thrawn ungovernable wilful acerbic contrarious obstructive moody uncompromising resisting untoward intransigent short restive rebel recusant incompliant vexed tart sarcastic iracund iracundulous morose fussy uptight snarling temperamental demanding discontented headstrong waspy out of humor saturnine pertinacious obdurate uncontrollable whiny acrimonious hypercritical ungracious dissatisfied self-willed insubmissive irritating acrid pitiless ugly undisciplined out of sorts tiresome undisciplinable in a mood out of temper indomitable in a bad mood inharmonious unhelpful litiginous litigatious behavioural tooshie vinegarish persuasive outspoken brief scornful heated incontrollable obstinately disobedient non-compliant renitent pervicacious daring audacious behavioral noncompliant withstanding wild sardonic bristling inflammable intolerant antisocial embittered vengeful manic hysterical icy uncomfortable lawless uneasy severe hard subversive corrosive tense grating stern stinging pungent astringent keen huffish disgruntled bristly glum impatient volatile whingy disregardful cheeky reckless dareful sassy resistive dysfunctional misanthropic cynical pouty oversensitive ireful divided split delinquent unfeeling annoying brutal displeased resentful whining miserable crybaby devastating piercing acidulous incisive gloomy annoyed brooding edgy pouting callous galling insensitive naughty badly behaved ill-disciplined mischievous mortal grousing mardy mumpish growling sorehead sore blunt on edge carping griping complaining fretting whingeing childish hasty chuffy acerb comfortless tumultuous disagreeing socially impaired impudent erratic errant disturbed badly-behaved misbehaving pesky roguish rowdy ill-behaved problematic troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly out of humour abrasive rubbing the wrong way hard to take overbearing unrelenting hard to please unreasonable unamenable unaccommodating grim having got out of bed the wrong side having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered hot under the collar fault-finding foul-tempered out-of-sorts easily offended disharmonious insurrectionary seditious sectarian schismatic hardheaded boorish rigid inflexible hard-nosed tyrannical picky fastidious finicky disputed debatable strict hard-line resolute immovable oafish stiff inexorable unbending contended uncertain equivocal ambivalent unresolved moot unsure grumbly disobliging importunate strong-minded single-minded set in one's ways finical unpredictable hard to handle invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uppity stiff-necked delicate dogmatic oppressive hard to satisfy unflinching overcritical wrong-headed impolite unyielding opinionative perfectionist particular over-particular dictatorial divisive malcontent insurgent estranged alienated disaffected troublemaking partisan undecided borderline controvertible unsettled at variance open to question open to debate

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Implanted or firmly established
deep-seated deep-rooted entrenched basic deep firm fundamental inveterate profound settled bred-in-the-bone built-in confirmed dyed-in-the-wool established hard-core inbuilt ineradicable ingrained intrenched irremovable persistent rooted secure unshakeable abiding chronic fixed habitual inborn inbred inherent innate lingering long-lasting longstanding longtime subconscious well established deep down deeply felt lodged in one's brain rigid endemic embedded implanted firmly established grounded based on extreme dedicated staunch diehard steadfast intransigent committed uncompromising long-standing hard-line obscene deep-dyed X-rated explicit pornographic obstinate die-hard unyielding unshakable faithful devoted resolute determined unwaivering stubborn enduring incurable lasting long-established accustomed lifelong habituated set continuing hardened constant persisting perennial seasoned continual ceaseless indelible tenacious ever-present continuous permanent long-lived usual proved hard-shell staid inured recurrent recurring unabating accepted routine unmitigated ineffaceable protracted irradicable deep-set worn valid indestructible incorrigible unfading true through and through unforgettable well-established prolonged congenital irredeemable imperishable fast obsessive inextirpable sustained compulsive complete thorough thoroughgoing out-and-out loyal unwavering true blue unapologetic unashamed haunting card-carrying through-and-through inexorable instilled undestroyable infixed immutable out and out unremovable unchangeable full-fledged deeply ingrained deep-down long-l instinctive intrinsic gut long-drawn-out driven in slow dragging resistant remaining val inannihilable dug in fortified set firm spun-out drawn-out serious incessant devout fiery torrid ardent sicker fervent all-consuming earnest vehement definite unreformable fanatical bona fide stalwart supreme red-hot zealous wholehearted impenitent severe inerasable memorable obsessional inexpungible unexpungeable unending acute dangerous driven irresistible alarming dire grave impulsive uncontrollable rememberable not to be forgotten unerasable stirring never to be forgotten never-ending indurated old sworn adamant radicated customary besetting prevalent absolute utter unswerving unrepentant full-bore unfaltering right-down arrant to the core keen as mustard mad keen genuine

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Thorough, to a great degree, with intensity
intensive concentrated exhaustive intense thorough complete serious all-out comprehensive concerted detailed full in-depth all-absorbing all-encompassing all-inclusive demanding painstaking strenuous thoroughgoing total vigorous all-embracing assiduous close conscientious methodical meticulous minute scrupulous acute almighty blistering careful deep determined dreadful elaborate excruciating explosive exquisite extensive fearful fearsome ferocious fierce frightful furious ghastly hard heavy heavy-duty hellacious high-pressure keen profound resolute rigorous searching sedulous sweeping terrible vehement vicious violent widespread accelerated fast insistent out-and-out persistent severe speeded-up extreme strong powerful forceful tough harsh excessive sharp great energetic searing potent forcible agonizing particular burning grievous penetrating agonising fervent encyclopedic passionate raging ardent piercing heightened wild consuming unbearable fiery insufferable absolute bitter encyclopaedic exact very great grave earnest extraordinary zealous intensified eager cutting overpowering stormy flaming overwhelming biting marked major uncontrollable uncontrolled unrestrained unbridled royal unendurable desperate efficient relentless whole-hog full-dress frenzied hard-hitting from A to Z blow-by-blow active real right aggressive mettlesome spirited heartfelt far-reaching intolerable enthusiastic laborious drastic protracted vivid specific rough hellish exceptional immoderate awful dire blunt harrowing proper dedicated considerable compendious consummate torturous torrid racking cyclopedic embracive resounding tormenting punchy panoramic universal inclusive omnibus hot emphatic unqualified urgent shrill all-consuming significant dynamic heated diligent turbulent distressing arduous taxing blustery deep-seated poignant cover-all all-in peracute tumultuous tempestuous broad-gauge broad-gauged critical in-your-face devastating menacing storming thoughtful pulling no punches exacting volcanic painful weighty difficult industrial-strength durable circumstantial soup to nuts clocklike particularized itemized all the way plenty slam-bang impossible heavyweight long-lasting sound plucky diabolical pronounced