Đồng nghĩa của overindulgent

Tính từ

Tending to indulge excessively
luxurious hedonistic sybaritic decadent indulgent intemperate immoderate dissipated debauched excessive greedy self-indulgent epicurean pleasure-seeking voluptuous extravagant sensual lotus-eating unrestrained fast-living pleasure-loving dissolute lavish voluptuary licentious pampered effete parsimonious champagne bacchanalian hedonic libertine profligate self-gratifying comfort-seeking Lucullan luxury-loving gratifying pleasurable easy miserly corrupt degenerate depraved immoral rakish abandoned degraded unprincipled debased louche sinful shameless wanton perverted sick demoralized jackleg perverse loose warped unclean reprobate rakehell unwholesome rakehelly moribund lost decaying evil declining wicked demoralised gone bad gone to the dogs lewd impure lascivious lecherous unchaste bad sordid vile base promiscuous fast vicious lustful indecent libidinous disreputable wild obscene carnal pervy corrupted defiled fallen nefarious iniquitous rotten ungodly low unhealthy tainted vice-ridden profane deviant villainous vitiated miscreant immodest twisted dishonourable prurient unrighteous sicko kinky unnatural abnormal dishonorable profaned amoral desecrated uncleanly impious coarse blasphemous salacious careless irreligious wrong sullied unsavoury mean wrongful concupiscent wayward criminal morally wrong improper unsavory swinging despicable raffish unconstrained unholy fast and loose high living gross atheistic lubricious sacrilegious irreverent ignoble vulgar godless retrograde unrefined devil-may-care scungy infamous retrogressive sensualist freethinking contaminated erring monstrous saturnalian peccable sleazy brutal irresponsible riotous imprudent not pure whorish out of control violated deteriorated drunken open light of easy virtue night owl in the fast lane lacking restraint in the gutter bestial disgusting crude inferior deviative ribald vulgarized vulgarised unworthy hardened goatish randy horny aberrant distorted incorrigible dubious prodigal lax gastronomic hellbent raunchy lickerish gourmandizing gluttonous roundheeled roguish heedless luscious lush Dionysiac gone to seed abased unregenerate scoundrelly deviate inconstant dirty dishonoured binge-eating flagitous rascally knavish unaccommodating shrewish bad-tempered incorrect crabbed churlish ill-tempered ill-natured surly spiteful dishonored boorish baneful flagitious deleterious unethical filthy grotesque vitiate sadistic contorted impaired gourmand connoisseur foodie sensuous rude foul attractive enticing hedonist delightful appealing desirable erotic pleasing dirty-minded degenerated no better than one should be dishonest misguided unscrupulous unconscionable unbelieving sceptical agnostic flatitious demeaned sinking failing fraudulent unfair devious underhand unvirtuous pornographic reckless non-believing heathen heretical non-theistic faithless gourmet dodgy black crooked shady unlawful cutthroat bawdy dark Machiavellian low-down barbarian pagan infidel barbarous unjust graceless not cricket X-rated bohemian dashing jaunty casual sporty unconventional idolatrous heathenish audacious carefree brash fast-paced religionless iconoclastic nonreligious dapper nullifidian undevout frivolous foolhardy flashy skeptical free-thinking unspiritual daredevil slack harsh flash exciting gadabout temerarious tawdry colourful unusual gay free-spirited individual colorful

Tính từ

Kind or lenient, often to excess
soft lenient tolerant forgiving indulgent compassionate clement liberal permissive lax charitable benign benignant condoning easy easygoing gentle kind merciful light mild mollycoddling obliging pampering softhearted pardoning spoiling sympathetic tender generous forbearing gracious undemanding allowing complaisant compliant excusing permitting yielding easy-going tender-hearted weak boneless soft-hearted spineless humane kindly broad-minded magnanimous understanding moderate benevolent accommodating kind-hearted open-minded latitudinarian favorable favourable humanitarian progressive big free and easy free patient acquiescent unprejudiced sparing catholic unbigoted beneficent unbiased easy-oasy libertarian laissez-faire pitying agreeable considerate nonjudgmental susceptible advanced radical humoring temperate kindhearted accepting receptive humouring all heart going easy on non-restrictive thoughtful generous to a fault unprescriptive live-and-let-live unrestricted loving favoring good-natured assuasive letting amiable soft-shell emollient assuaging favouring hands-off loose approving tenderhearted feeling ruthful pitiful fond live with being big enlightened bleeding heart cooperative heart in right place doting cosseting friendly accommodative gratifying caring flexible pliant docile giving soft-shelled overpermissive deceivable unconventional unorthodox right-on impartial high-minded non-partisan nontraditional nonconventional nonorthodox dupable gullible biddable submissive deludable amenable trusting fleeceable naive tractable unoppressive unburdensome unsuspicious going along with able to live with left receiving rational avant-garde reasonable noninterventionist intelligent interested politically correct long-suffering fair stoic stoical uncomplaining broad sophisticated wide easy with easy on

Tính từ

Not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful
lax slack careless neglectful negligent remiss casual lenient slapdash slipshod soft easy-going sloppy unmindful heedless inattentive offhand permissive broad complaisant derelict disregardful general inaccurate indefinite indulgent lazy liberal loose neglecting non-restrictive vague easy-peasy flabby flaccid imprecise inexact irresponsible nonspecific over-tolerant shapeless yielding accepting behindhand delinquent devil-may-care floppy forgetful indifferent laid-back limp nonjudgmental oblivious regardless tolerant any way asleep on job paying no mind overfamiliar relaxed free open-minded latitudinarian forbearing free-and-easy easy-oasy acquiescent broad-minded unrestricted unprescriptive laissez-faire libertarian live-and-let-live accommodating approving hands-off agreeable allowing susceptible progressive permitting free and easy lackadaisical thoughtless apathetic unconcerned slap-happy nonchalant perfunctory disorganized indolent disinterested unheeding slothful disorganised uncaring tardy insouciant cursory lethargic reckless haphazard unsystematic listless uninterested improvident slovenly sluggish idle inert inactive carefree torpid incautious blithe sagging fainéant slow hit-or-miss enervated languid passive messy drooping pococurante droopy shoddy dull cool unthinking hasty oscitant hurried hanging good-for-nothing disorderly unorganized unmethodical all over the place shambolic untidy all over the shop leisurely undependable untrustworthy unreliable incurious otiose faineant unobservant unorganised inconsiderate unthorough thrown together insensible unfirm saggy pendulous dilatory languorous do-nothing shiftless lifeless weak inadvertent feckless workshy quiescent sleepy flimsy pliant shabby dormant detached impassive quiet easygoing easy uncircumspect unaccountable blasé disregarding unmeticulous complacent loosened slackened blithely unconcerned without care baggy toneless last-minute insecure lank laggard erratic random inefficient irresilient unenergetic spiritless chaotic clumsy daydreaming loafing muddled stagnant undisciplined lukewarm woolgathering insensitive wilting unsecured somnolent dreamy flexuous aimless tired quaggy unthoughtful jumbled out of tone slow-moving flexible unprofessional rash imperfect faulty botched threadbare junky languishing sedentary dozy cavalier moony breezy uncurious asleep at switch flippant work-shy unresponsive lymphatic informal not taut laid back bone idle inattentive to oblivious to not tight asleep on the job nonsecured irregular barratrous confused disordered failing blameworthy culpable defaultant inconsistent reprehensible unfastidious lumpish plodding flapping ignoring slighting overlooking omitting procrastinating poor slow-going drony resting spineless in disarray couldn't-care-less airy vegetating careless of one's duty abstracted half-hearted dispassionate unfeeling nonobservant unstudied artless pell-mell submissive servile effete docile at fault effortless superficial light disimpassioned unheedful draggy down blah simple failing to show proper care and attention passionless bloodless nerveless happy-go-lucky pliable all over the lot all over the map any which way any old way unenthusiastic feeble failing to take proper care deaf mindless blind coarse supine peaceful unoccupied motionless sapped emasculated inelastic enfeebled weakened debilitated sentimental romantic Laodicean halfhearted energyless unconsidered scrappy lousy improficient flat easy going amateurish wild thrown-together crude rude fly-by-night static plastic ductile wilted limber supple bending bendy incorrect sketchy wrong erroneous cowboy unprepared desultory stray scattered catch-as-catch-can helter-skelter arbitrary spring fever scatterbrained fatigued depressed weary lacking firmness dead heavy yawny drowsy badly organized logy absent-minded oversized error-ridden unwary couldn't care less incompetent procrastinative imprudent precipitate foolhardy neurasthenic asthenic slouchy unwatchful absent mooning preoccupied wandering scatty negligent about nirvanic bemused unfocused amnemonic airheaded unwitting distracted roomy bagging voluminous heedless of indifferent to remiss about remiss in lax about asleep at the wheel formless unrestricting ample paying no heed to neglectful of blind to unheeding of regardless of taking no notice of disregardful of unconscious of careless of deaf to not paying attention out of it pipe dreaming looking out window inclined to forget apt to forget having a memory like a sieve out to lunch not on the job like an absent-minded professor loose-fitting not fitting boyfriend generously cut easy-fitting

Tính từ

(of an activity) Excessive in nature
heavy immoderate intemperate uninhibited indiscriminate unrestrained inordinate profligate uncontrolled excessive extreme out of control over-the-top unbridled wanton rampant severe unreasonable extravagant undue unwarranted unrestricted lavish uncurbed outrageous over the top uncalled for exorbitant unconscionable self-indulgent steep prodigal overmuch imprudent plethoric unlimited overdue insane overweening intolerable overextravagant towering devilish dizzying unmeasurable too much a bit much unjustified enormous egregious wild exaggerated reckless disproportionate violent fancy stiff unmerciful baroque uncalled-for preposterous dissipative debauched needless superfluous unbalanced over the odds unnecessary gratuitous extortionate unbounded overabundant surplus unhampered unchecked dissipated wasteful O.T.T. OTT out of all proportion unjustifiable unwarrantable supererogatory untempered irrational decadent riotous too-too profuse boundless substantial grandiose vast tremendous immense gross limitless improvident super monstrous infinite prodigious indulgent massive stupendous humongous astronomical huge monumental immeasurable astronomic redundant fantastic super-duper thumping whopping giant superabundant epic mighty mega gargantuan sky-high more silly monster extensive ridiculous colossal recrementitious supernatural too many stratospheric overkill unfettered mammoth mountainous overgenerous gigantic extra way out ludicrous overboard uncontrollable passionate tempestuous abandoned raw dissolute runaway unhindered ungovernable incontinent greedy high unfair inflated punitive unjust improper overpriced prohibitive harsh expensive pricey drastic austere draconian unprovoked criminal dear swingeing too great illogical senseless absonant inexcusable up to here indefensible fulsome costing an arm and a leg unacceptable strict out of bounds unseemly inappropriate unyielding punishing unrelenting overdone elaborate overblown overripe far-out posh unrightful unlawful wrongful peremptory arbitrary de trop unbending elevated unequal stringent unsuitable iniquitous non-essential unmerited unbecoming unpardonable unforgivable cruel rigorous burdensome theatrical hardhanded ill-advised penal groundless tough ruinous undeserved extraordinary crippling over-elaborate incommensurate over sharp excessively high oppressive bizarre effusive gushing unmitigated overstated flamboyant overelaborate great far-fetched beyond the pale nonsensical uncivilised barbarous uncivilized ungrounded not in proportion to out of proportion to out of proportion highly coloured bottomless illegitimate relatively too small for relatively too large for over the limit in excess abounding unreasoned going too far wildly excessive costly inflexible savage demanding wrong very too dramatic crushing absurd unneeded ruthless tyrannical merciless gushy unreserved very great authoritarian hard tall raised fancy-pants blown up out of all proportion increased very high very expensive exceeding inept untimely underhanded unapt unfitting forbidden indecorous sinister inapt ill-timed illegal unseasonable imposing lofty boosted a lot overinflated soaring diabolical grossly excessive imbalanced ornate outré not required excess extremely high unthinkable inconceivable shocking appalling sneaky conscienceless knavish reprehensible wicked ungodly horrifying unholy additional rococo radical exacting onerous grievous rough surplus to requirements inadequate insufficient bitter brutal rugged grim without justification iron-fisted iron-handed heavy-handed striking multistorey impressive supreme sky-scraping daylight robbery highway robbery costing a bomb a rip-off inessential elegant decorated free murderous trying strong excruciating searing costing the earth out of sight over one's head outstanding paramount titanic magnificent Brobdingnagian surpassing superior altitudinous unfounded causeless dire desperate uncompromising stern grotesque curlicued convoluted flowery fussy hardheaded pitiless intractable relentless headstrong inhuman inexorable unconstrained unconfined transcendent hulking sublime stellar ginormous serious forceful momentous far-reaching unconvincing unlikely dubious doubtful implausible questionable unbelievable avoidable baseless unshackled untrammelled rigid zealous remorseless unusual exceptional consequential robust intense inequitable incommensurable florid ostentatious overdecorated busy bedecked wedding-cake showy gingerbread unreasoning dispensable without reason brutish nonessential unessential careless airy imperial preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable ultimate towery skyscraping undisciplined unimpeded natural unsuppressed fanatical overdramatic high-flown incredible sensationalized without cause overworked downright unconventional flagrant uncommon thorough absolute remarkable ferocious irrepressible unbound loose unquenchable unstoppable footloose uncontainable embellished ornamental ornamented rich gilt decorative very elaborate disproportionate to unsupportable assumed reasonless over-effusive laboured overemphasized over-enthusiastic fabulous utter sheer unrepressed highly unlikely actorly melodramatic stagy affected sensationalistic forced hyped out-and-out spontaneous licentious frank candid audacious impertinent blunt out of hand ungoverned saturnalian immoral impotent plenary open untrammeled lawless camp uneven not appropriate for not proportional lacking parity at odds with not necessary last straw crazy sensationalised labored overemphasised hyped up out of line out of keeping with beyond all bounds irregular laid on with a trowel inconsistent unsymmetrical overbalanced asymmetric disparate lopsided top-heavy nonsymmetrical not appropriate to not commensurate with more than one can afford

Tính từ

(archaic) Overfamiliar or forward
free impudent impertinent assertive bold disrespectful familiar forward overfamiliar presumptuous cheeky cocky improper inappropriate confident inconsiderate indulgent over-free pompous pretentious pushy relaxed rude arrogant audacious conceited impolite insolent overconfident shameless smug free-and-easy fresh presuming tolerant uppity contumelious supercilious immodest brazen sassy pert nervy self-assured brass-necked brash overweening saucy cocksure barefaced assuming unblushing unashamed unabashed self-assertive wise brazen-faced smart-alecky coming on strong bold as brass indelicate indecorous indiscreet intrusive coarse aggressive daring forthright irreverent uninhibited direct overassertive overfree overfriendly thrusting bantam unduly familiar obtrusive bare-faced over-assertive chatting up making passes at making advances towards brassy feisty bold-faced blatant defiant unembarrassed arch in-your-face brassbound unreserved unshrinking bumptious egotistical overbold forceful spirited uppish assumptive rash smart gritty huffish impetuous lofty self-asserting chesty imperious masterful high-and-mighty high-handed uncivil haughty hasty huffy high-hat peremptory foolhardy important stiff-necked precipitate cavalier highfalutin lordly previous hifalutin premature superior toplofty toploftical overhasty sniffy presumptive bigheaded not backwards in coming forwards egotistic self-confident self-satisfied too big for your boots flip malapert overbearing domineering lippy disdainful officious prying self-important nosy meddlesome patronizing opinionated interfering discourteous meddling vain proud snoopy patronising offensive insubordinate pushing flippant protrusive busy nosey vainglorious boastful loud procacious mouthy arrant insulting swaggering intruding magisterial hubristic boldfaced condescending full of oneself snooty unmannerly inquisitive self-opinionated ill-mannered outrageous bossy out of line contemptuous cool smart-arsed full of yourself abusive bad-mannered mannerless obnoxious swollen-headed high and mighty flagrant smart-assed pontifical dictatorial fearless blustering curious prideful indecent personal busybody crude derisive stuck-up off-base sententious grandiose abandoned wanton affected shocking snooping scornful strident immoral brave bald-faced showy importunate brazenfaced impulsive pushful as bold as brass pontificating undaunted snippy plucky loudmouthed out-of-line egoistic egoistical swellheaded complacent self-conceited assured unseemly gutsy spunky snobbish ballsy crusty snobby ambitious nebby stiff unwanted smarty-pants cute smart-aleck facetious strutting naughty nosy-parker hotheaded impolitic disparaging iconoclastic vulgar thoughtless bright hotshot uncalled-for depraved dissolute unchaste hardened incorrigible lewd reprobate profligate unprincipled puffed up sacrilegious profane impious blasphemous ungracious flashy breezy dashing probing spying keen adventurous ill-bred intrepid insistent eavesdropping aweless irreverential unhallowed ungodly unholy enterprising know-it-all valiant heroic jaunty courageous unflinching heedless dauntless venturesome valorous snippety peering have-a-go unafraid game venturous daredevil gallant gutty as game as Ned Kelly boldface obvious heavy braggart self-affected selfish self-complacent self-promoting self-flattering self-engrossed authoritarian self-congratulatory bragging self-applauding dominating extraverted self-centered bombastic self-loving braggy narcissistic self-contented self-pleased self-adulatory self-glorifying holier-than-thou self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery egocentric extroverted blusterous puffed bustling overzealous vituperatory scurrile scurrilous scurril invective vitriolic vituperative truculent opprobrious mischievous crass vaunting unconcerned combative volatile weisenheiming overbusy undisguised undismayed driven pragmatic throwing one's weight around self-centred chirpy dapper lacking civility bad mannered highhanded bullish humiliating effervescent trashy headlong untactful incautious vivacious maladroit high-pressure fierce go-getting militant meretricious tawdry bureaucratic fussy intermeddling projecting prognathous bald bulging jutting sheer imperative unrepentant unawed gossipy temeritous biggety biggity consequential invasive offensively self-assertive amoral sharp-elbowed remote swanky ostentatious tony elitist snotty persnickety aloof peeping butting in puffed-up put down unhandsome unmannered unsubtle undiplomatic tactless busybodied poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed unrestrained go-ahead pleased with yourself noisy blaring harsh unfitting unbecoming hoity-toity grating jarring incongruous unsuitable disgracious disturbing unwelcome trespassing interrupting high-flown toffee-nosed throwing one's weight about putting on airs stuck up piercing raucous off base smart alecky cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill undignified suggestive unladylike ungentlemanly unpleasant protruding insensitive upsetting full of hot air gaudy ear-splitting discordant lionhearted risqué smutty scandalous unwholesome untoward distasteful mettlesome doughty determined indomitable jazzy tinny loud-mouthed garish resolute off-colour hard high-pitched metallic flirtatious staunch stouthearted stalwart death-or-glory undauntable stout-hearted manful greathearted heroical rock-ribbed stout out of keeping imprudent herolike firm chivalrous chin-up fortitudinous reckless questioning scrutinizing adventuresome inquiring hardy free-swinging nerved peppy madcap emboldened over-curious agog over-interested intrigued enquiring interested nosy-parkering salty fire eating temerarious go for broke hot shot dareful out on a limb smarty sure positive big-eyed analytical searching speculative challenging investigative inquisitorial poking prurient sifting certain scrutinising burning with curiosity wise guy smart aleck smart guy smarty pants

Tính từ

Characterized by giving love and affection
doting adoring devoted fond indulgent lovesick amorous besotted infatuated affectionate caring foolish loving passionate solicitous tender warm warm-hearted fascinated fatuous lovesome lovey-dovey serving silly simple struck touchy-feely enamored enamoured attentive tenderhearted kind overfond sympathetic predisposed sentimental romantic addicted mushy responsive amatory silly over ardent impassioned fervid amative sisterly fervent anacreontic brotherly erotic gentle benevolent kindly maternal comforting compassionate motherly nurturing thoughtful benign friendly supportive considerate fatherly soft protective charitable warmhearted softhearted kindhearted dear amicable understanding demonstrative humane beneficent generous earnest gracious mild merciful benignant good-hearted good-natured kind-hearted soft-hearted maternalistic tender-hearted admiring sexual mother sheltering reverent reverential sexy steamy cordial paternal amiable watchful aphrodisiac attached sensitive erotogenic aphrodisiacal erogenous erotical hospitable concerned empathetic randy chummy loyal faithful emotional matey sweet parental giving enthusiastic neighborly buddy-buddy feeling neighbourly philanthropical eager deep goodhearted all heart great-hearted bleeding-heart large-hearted parent worshipping patriarchal matriarchal forbearing venerating guiding adulatory idolizing soothing commiserative sensual libidinous nice munificent worshiping idolising tolerant greathearted angelic benefic altruistic selfless torrid hot-blooded well meaning well intentioned well-mannered helpful humanitarian philanthropic yearning lascivious naughty wooing rapturous attracted languishing empathic fatherlike receptive patient open-hearted big-hearted genial affable cuddly pleasant hearty huggy pally partial supporting protecting caretaking careful welcoming lenient forgiving comradely all over heartfelt congenial cheerful cheery sincere sociable happy wholehearted genuine bleeding heart inviting liberal companionable approachable likable close palsy convivial likeable bonhomous crazy over soft on nutty about palsy-walsy lustful good-humoured good-humored close-knit bound up avid rabid staunch committed vehement dedicated true-blue fanatical dutiful steadfast big exuberant zealous devout intense resolute keen true expressing adoration hot goo-goo smoochy spoony in love kissy sportive horny sweet on turned on boy crazy girl crazy sweet for lovey dovey hot and heavy have a crush on

Trái nghĩa của overindulgent

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