Từ đồng nghĩa của profuse

Alternative for profuse

Từ đồng nghĩa: abundant, bighearted, bountiful, extravagant, free, generous, lavish, liberal, magnanimous, prodigal, unsparing,

Từ trái nghĩa: scanty,

Tính từ

Plentiful or abundant
copious lavish extravagant prolific abundant ample liberal excessive fulsome gushing immoderate unstinting effusive exuberant galore generous overflowing plentiful prodigal riotous bountiful gushy inordinate luxuriant open-handed teeming unrestrained abounding aplenty bounteous extreme openhanded opulent plenty profusive sumptuous superfluous swarming alive with crawling with no end over the top thick with a dime a dozen plenteous rich superabundant cornucopian inexhaustible rife flush infinite full bumper lank considerable large great replete comfortable countless lush numerous heavy voluminous innumerable thick on the ground many thick a gogo huge myriad extensive substantial manifold productive multitudinous several handsome munificent well-provided in abundance fertile filled fruitful multiple flowing sizeable various commodious well-supplied awash rank legion multifarious fraught packed thronging crowded incalculable lousy numberless boundless brimming unlimited fat frequent rampant uncountable populous overabundant quite a few bushy no end of fecund multifold umpteen untold repeated dripping whopping innumerous overrun proliferous brimful fructuous stuffed recurring crammed vast complete uncounted beaucoup thronged sundry generative congested endless prevalent unnumbered big overfull persistent jammed overloaded recurrent overcrowded saturated immeasurable limitless constant abundant in broad wealthy affluent habitual chock-full cram-full regular abounding in reproducing breeding proliferant spawning sufficient spilling over jam-packed incessant continual running over all kinds of crammed full plenitudinous perpetual stinking with in plenty full to bursting full to overflowing packed like sardines common lousy with reiterated extra surplus in excess lots of bulging at the seams no end in sight millions of loads of a great many very many bursting at the seams heaps of masses of full to the gunwales dozens of hundreds of thousands of wild well-stocked unsparing immense moneyed luxurious tidy princely flushed swamped mucho flourishing rolling fructiferous deluged spacious respective roomy expansive capacious unrestricted thumping stink with stinking crawling multitudinal whacking dense decent proliferative knee-deep diverse varied assorted impenetrable condensed concentrated compact enough and to spare large number of measureless multiplied fruiting progenitive competent swimming appreciable enough improvident multiplicity of impassable serried jungly reproductive generating yielding high-volume multiplex high-yielding propagating fruit-bearing childing universal typical miscellaneous large-scale incomputable motley mixed disparate unremitting unbounded unnumberable heaps divers demonstrative stacked prevailing wordy prolix verbose laden loaded enthusiastic unreserved bursting inundated close-packed predictable usual natural ebullient gorged lined chockful stocked cramped a thousand and one weighted overwhelmed permeated occupied suffused padded plethoric chockablock overfilled covered burdened day-to-day mundane quotidian everyday monotonous wonted daily filled to the brim filled up touchy-feely uninhibited a mess of full up full to the gills full to capacity filled to capacity up to the hilt jammed full wall-to-wall full to the brim up to the rafters chock-a-block full to the top topped up a lot of plenty of piles of emotional unconstrained outpouring overflowing with loaded with rich in rife with bursting with replete with stacks of a shedload of scores of infinite numbers of a great deal of billions of oodles of a swag of a bunch of zillions of an abundance of gazillions of a profusion of a multitude of a multiplicity of bazillions of a slew of bags of quantities of a quantity of tons of a great number of scads of coming out of ears periodic overloaded with brimful with awash with well stocked with teeming with crowded with jam-packed with charged with solid with chock-full of fraught with well provided with crammed with chocker with brimming with chock-a-block with swarming with jammed with stuffed with packed with well supplied with vociferous perennial continuing chronic familiar periodical eternal successive steady free-flowing OTT reiterative iterated intermittent all over someone a good many quite a lot of occurring often non-stop overpeopled overpopulated choked torrential scaturient inundant inundatory like Piccadilly Circus like the Black Hole of Calcutta more than enough

Tính từ

(in amount) Exceedingly large
huge significant generous gross handsome excessive abundant ample considerable hefty immeasurable lavish plenteous plentiful princely substantial substantive prodigious respectable bountiful voluminous appreciable liberal major meaningful notable copious exorbitant extravagant important serious healthy fat large sizeable massive immense big great enormous astronomical monumental extensive colossal vast sizable whopping gigantic mammoth astronomic tidy titanic monstrous oversized superabundant tremendous goodly elephantine jumbo herculean full king-size king-sized bumper giant grand humongous large-scale king size good noticeable marked whacking hulking outsize profitable sufficient gargantuan inordinate solid mega extraordinary unusual super Himalayan mountainous Brobdingnagian reasonable bulky biggish largish oversize outsized not to be sneezed at prosperous boundless mighty advantageous bounteous entire long lucrative whole complete humungous oceanic pharaonic gigantesque cyclopean monster planetary heroical walloping galactic supersized heroic supersize cosmical cosmic leviathan vasty much worthwhile super-duper abnormal heavy prolific comprehensive comfortable immoderate commodious numerous epic high fair decent pronounced expansive adequate rewarding amazing wonderful stiff remarkable striking phenomenal staggering marvellous impressive fantastic paying startling fabulous exceptional miraculous stupendous astounding whopping great stunning astonishing terrific steep sensational breathtaking dramatic incredible spectacular unbelievable flabbergasting remunerative gainful mind-boggling mind-blowing fantabulous disproportionate whacking great consequential awesome stellar ginormous wondrous marvelous towering mortal ominous extreme meaty thick hulky grandiose measurable tolerable pretty roomy capacious worth taking into account increased heightened severe intemperate jacked up unreasonable escalated limitless spacious billowing baggy rich above average intensified husky boxcar fine spacey loose-fitting cavernous spanking many multifarious swelling legion sundry several convoluted simple multitudinous covering various lank extra-large powerful populous overflowing teeming opulent sweeping global unlimited deep wholesale galore measureless booming exhaustive unwieldy cumbersome wide-reaching wide-ranging far-reaching generously proportioned decent-sized ponderous bonny fairly large strapping sensible burly thumping thumping great magnificent good-sized kingly very big very large goodish competitive material worth having passable fairly good excellent steady moderately good OK not bad unsparing not inconsiderable infinite wide broad almighty outstanding weighty tall imposing behemothic behemoth heavyweight blimp statuesque mondo overgrown mahoosive megalithic cumbrous titan classic lasting majestic giant-sized good-size giant-size a whale of a extremely large extremely big super colossal larger-than-life Herculean full-size jumbo-sized barn door Cyclopean super-colossal awe-inspiring enduring historic memorable unforgettable immortal ambitious epoch-making exalted distinguished transcendent abiding permanent overwhelming lofty

Tính từ

Generous and tireless with one's contributions of time, money, etc.
unstinting bountiful generous liberal abundant ample bounteous free lavish munificent unselfish unsparing big-hearted free-handed ready beneficent benevolent bighearted charitable freehanded freehearted full fulsome kind kind-hearted magnanimous open openhanded open-handed plentiful prodigal ungrudging altruistic big considerate easy equitable excellent fair good greathearted handsome helpful high-minded honest honorable honourable hospitable just kindhearted kindly lofty loose moderate noble philanthropic plenteous reasonable soft-touch thoughtful tolerant unstinted willing willingly given giving warm-hearted understanding sympathetic soft-hearted cruel excessive unkind extravagant unrelenting procrustean inexorable acceptable great-hearted large-hearted eleemosynary princely selfless self-sacrificing humane humanitarian philanthropical chivalrous merciful lenient gallant openhearted soft indulgent clement all heart almsgiving unprejudiced overgenerous overabundant immoderate open-hearted thriftless intemperate profligate wasteful unrestrained improvident wild casual unstinging exuberant free-and-easy elevated sublime natural great high forgiving lordly generous to a fault over the top upright worthy knightly Santa Claus has heart in right place compassionate caring comforting wholesome tenderhearted angelic lovable gentle easygoing agreeable mild soft touch cooperative tender-hearted benefic maternal polite good-natured benign neighborly pitying brotherly good-hearted calm sweet genial congenial tactful propitious cheerful affable likeable warm softhearted unoffensive likable mellow sociable dutiful goodhearted bleeding-heart delightful public-spirited attentive well meaning cordial motherly benignant fatherly good-tempered loving regardful well intentioned affectionate gracious good-humoured tender fatherlike nice respectful sweet-tempered heart in right place friendly accommodating amicable neighbourly good-humored obliging amiable pleasant warmhearted feeling pleasing courteous supportive decent engaging patient well-mannered deferential forbearing

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Complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree
fulsome extravagant adulatory excessive fawning inordinate overdone unctuous gushing gushy ingratiating cloying immoderate lavish saccharine ample enthusiastic extensive generous glowing liberal effusive flattering laudatory nauseating over-appreciative sickening acclamatory buttery complimentary eulogistic hagiographic hagiographical insincere oily oleaginous rapturous soapy sugary sycophantic encomiastic gross honeyed OTT smarmy bombastic canting coarse glib grandiloquent hypocritical magniloquent mealy-mouthed overgenerous sanctimonious slick slimy smooth suave wheedling over the top exuberant obsequious unrestrained bountiful overflowing servile commendatory prodigal encomiastical praising appreciative admiring unreserved rhapsodic copious galore rave bounteous plentiful teeming luxuriant abounding superfluous aplenty plenty grovelling sucky smug groveling no end bootlicking toadying demonstrative panegyrical abundant cajoling expansive ebullient unstinting prolific congratulatory riotous emotional superabundant greasy laudative highly favourable opulent lush swarming crawling with alive with thick with approving creepy plausible subservient crawling approbatory saponaceous smooth-talking lyrical applauding mushy sentimental lionizing honey-tongued over-effusive silver-tongued plenteous smooth-tongued favourable eulogizing bumper extreme sumptuous profusive openhanded open-handed over-enthusiastic lionising full rich praiseful approbative a dime a dozen hyped up favorable eulogising unlimited lank full of praise replete a gogo laid on with a trowel surplus in excess overabundant extra sleek deferential commending supple bland insinuating coaxing compliant exaggerated worshipping flannelling blarneying blandishing worshipful reverential sweet-talking soft-soaping gratifying creeping actorly theatrical dramatic wholehearted slavish extolling free ecstatic toadyish glorifying panegyric celebratory touchy-feely uninhibited worshiping munificent maudlin unconstrained outpouring raving overemotional mawkish nostalgic unsparing ungrudging handsome vociferous overacted bathetic icky corny affectionate moonstruck jejune inane languishing overenthusiastic impressionable affected dreamy idealistic insipid highly complimentary loving infinite inexhaustible free-flowing cringing very happy all over someone large good positive friendly substantial considerable humble huge flush great complete urbane fertile comfortable cornucopian productive blubbery hammy voluble dewy-eyed plauditory polite civil honoring fair-spoken celebrating well-wishing courtly gracious respectful honouring kind numerous many innumerable multifarious multiple manifold multitudinous countless fruitful thick on the ground competent swimming well-provided lousy with rife appreciable sufficient flowing chock-full enough improvident in abundance wordy myriad heavy prolix verbose lovey-dovey with high praise with highest recommendation highly favorable slippery phoney creamy pinguid phony brown-nosing self-abasing arse-licking smooth-spoken apple-polishing forelock-tugging a mess of Uriah Heepish ass-kissing coming out of ears

Tính từ

Exceeding what is normal or necessary
supererogatory superfluous surplus extra redundant excess excessive supernumerary spare needless dispensable unneeded inessential expendable useless nonessential unwanted leftover inordinate gratuitous remaining extravagant unrequired exorbitant lavish residuary superfluent pleonastic superabundant abounding extreme overflowing overmuch unasked supererogative uncalled-for in excess de trop additional extraneous unnecessary unessential wanton undesirable surplus to requirements optional irrelevant avoidable extrinsic futile accidental worthless uncritical noncompulsory causeless fortuitous casual haphazard chance prodigal random beside the point too much unproductive undue unused disposable left over waste not required to spare too many on your hands wasteful disproportionate over the top unimportant pointless uncalled for peripheral non-essential residual supplementary unwarranted left unconsumed incidental purposeless insignificant over inconsequential replaceable reserve trivial more added further discarded fresh supplemental going begging odd available immaterial uneaten inapposite meaningless senseless impertinent cosmetic surviving untouched inapplicable unprofitable minor fruitless unrelated irrelative still available aimless valueless outstanding hollow vestigial to no purpose not needed other collateral add-on not pertinent increased farther wide of the mark complementary off the subject bonus new without rhyme or reason not to the purpose left behind undesired groundless skippable scrap unusable removable free unmerited in hand in reserve net not essential consumable usable sacrificable inconsiderable nett remanent special top-up ancillary supporting auxiliary accompanying deadwood petty luxury vestigal balance continuing to play with beside the question wide of the point of no consequence not important nihil ad rem not at issue not significant left-over excess baggage able to be sacrificed unavailing inane nonsensical absurd hopeless ineffectual unfinished lingering over and above disliked unloved rejected goalless wasted in vain idle friendless forsaken shunned insane fatuous empty footling rest of in addition inappropriate uncherished objectless unconnected another contributory one more new-found alternative on the side purportless impotent nongermane ineffective unpopular outcast uncared-for drifting frivolous wandering inadmissible adventitious tangential inapt not germane adrift intrusive annoying neither here nor there not to the point nothing to do with it out of place uncared for more than enough

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Tending to talk a lot
talkative chatty gabby garrulous loquacious mouthy big-mouthed chattery conversational effusive gossiping gossipy long-winded prolix talky verbose voluble wordy babbling blathering communicative gibbering rambling blabby chattering gassy gushing motormouthed multiloquent yakking articulate drivellous eloquent fluent glib loose-lipped loudmouthed multiloquous outgoing outspoken rattling slick smooth verbal vocal windy excessively communicative full of hot air having kissed the blarney stone with the gift of the gab able to talk the hind legs off a donkey jabbering over-talkative prattling yacking noisy motormouth expansive forthcoming bombastic pleonastic tautological periphrastic diffuse circumlocutory palaverous circuitous repetitious lengthy discursive open tedious redundant logorrheic unreserved tortuous protracted expressive gobby bigmouthed turgid uninhibited informative inflated ambagious demonstrative long-drawn-out meandering wittering flatulent rhetorical conversable prating prolonged unrestrained overlong informal free gaseous newsy relaxed digressive convoluted intimate pompous vociferous indirect wandering logorrhoeic sesquipedalian having kissed the Blarney Stone superfluous roundabout ranting silver-tongued oratorical empty casual conversational ordinary familiar everyday spoken iterative frank taletelling blabbermouthed long tiresome boastful orotund enlightening communicable boring wearisome running on circumlocutionary plainspoken reiterating padded interminable candid confabulatory cooperative helpful obliging spontaneous personal multieloquent friendly blessed with the gift of the gab genial affable sociable free-spoken magniloquent fustian flowery grandiloquent tautologous repeating involved pretentious repetitive tonguey yakkity prosy wind-bag loose-tongued yakky blabbermouth amiable extroverted full of air having kissed the Blarney stone flap jaw easy warm extrovert running on at the mouth effervescent unconstrained gregarious liberal magnanimous generous lavish gushy maundering waffly full of verbiage

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Very great in amount, size, intensity or degree
overwhelming enormous huge massive immense prodigious shattering staggering towering devastating fantastic formidable inordinate stupendous tremendous vast astronomic humongous mind-blowing sweeping amazing astounding breathtaking crushing great mind-boggling very large awe-inspiring awesome overcoming paralysing paralyzing stunning exciting eye-opening extraordinary remarkable incredible astonishing extreme grand impressive wondrous dramatic monumental wonderful intense indescribable striking marvellous powerful spectacular magnificent fabulous sublime marvelous majestic unutterable profound acute impossible miraculous imposing strong amazeballs eye-popping deep phenomenal large awful splendid glorious heroic heroical monstrous big unbelievable super epic mega sensational cosmic portentous jaw-dropping surprising out of this world severe colossal gigantic brilliant mighty humbling gargantuan substantial mammoth terrible astronomical titanic considerable giant whopping humungous mountainous elephantine herculean monster jumbo exceptional whacking leviathan dazzling oceanic walloping bumper gigantesque cosmical pharaonic cyclopean planetary vasty galactic supersized supersize grandiose very great oversized super-duper king-size king-sized lofty Himalayan Brobdingnagian king size incommunicable significant important shocking traumatic savage extensive inconceivable dreadful stately unthinkable uncommunicable implausible ineffable august superb ginormous unreal unspeakable untold terrific awe-striking improbable unlikely fantastical unheard of unthought of unimaginable resplendent distinguished thumping hulking weighty imperial magnific royal gallant proud baronial noble regal Homeric rare moving far-reaching something else undreamed of thumping great Herculean stirring beyond the realm of reason whacking great whopping great outstanding inexpressible classic lasting superhuman extended beautiful stupefying startling fascinating enduring historic memorable unforgettable supreme immortal confounding gee-whizz magical large-scale ambitious splendorous fine unco enthralling electrifying epoch-making exalted transcendent catastrophic earth-shattering cataclysmic far-out abiding permanent wide mortal expansive incalculable unlimited eternal infinite immeasurable endless comprehensive broad boundless voluminous ample limitless sizeable capacious sizable gross lavish elaborate unimagined measureless hefty illimitable heavy widespread almighty undescribable palatial opulent plush classy luxurious unconvincing unconceivable uncompelling unheard-of incredulous bulky interminable exorbitant expanded unwieldy excessive generous arresting dignified flash swanky flashy spacious abundant prolific plenteous overgrown mundo detailed Gargantuan commodious handsome unbounded inapprehensible unique singular incogitable undreamed-of unordinary unknowable incomprehensible uncommon doubtful eye-catching all-inclusive far-flung spread-out stretched-out very big never-ending whale of a legendary outrageous extravagant unfathomable complex bombastic impenetrable splashy purple theatrical fustian egotistic high-falutin' high-flying lordly consequential major commanding portly staid solemn effective rad forcible serious critical beyond belief full of it not understandable beyond wildest dreams beyond your wildest dreams something to write home about one for the book pretentious overblown ominous beyond one's wildest dreams out-of-this-world top drawer meaningful crucial telling impactful material distressing dynamite utmost smashing fab fat radical titantic all-important surpassing belief too much harrowing distressful agonizing upsetting grievous afflicting disturbing painful scarring tormenting tragical agonising demoralising deplorable demoralizing nerve-racking extremely upsetting gut-wrenching appalling mondo whopper fearful frightful great big stellar roomy goodly oversize brobdingnagian outsized outsize tidy cavernous Bunyanesque biggish largish behemoth blimp copious husky high ponderous pythonic solid plentiful open appreciable princely mastodonic healthy dirty great long bottomless wide-ranging massy comfortable extra-large fathomless boxcar complete thorough whaling heavyweight giant-sized universal full exhaustive tall behemothic substantive good bountiful superabundant thundering cumbersome liberal all-encompassing gaping rambling yawning inexhaustible wide open pronounced notable airy chasmal unending marked all-embracing respectable catholic inclusive global interdisciplinary multidisciplinary roaring rangy cross-disciplinary resounding abysmal numerous bounteous rich uncrowded rip-roaring unusual titan super-colossal cumbrous surpassing superior thick burly unfathomed sturdy monolithic strapping steep immoderate everlasting giant-size indefinite immensurable horizonless elevated unfailing extremely large sky-high inestimable man-size of considerable size man-sized barn door larger-than-life decisive conclusive emphatic decent outspread numberless noteworthy unmistakable unqualified rolling no end of no end to panoramic out-and-out a whale of a super colossal general encyclopedic compendious lumbering awkward brawny spacey kingly cavelike beefy wholesale ungainly extremely big thunderous clumsy cracking sunken disproportionate unsounded pervasive abnormal stiff jumbo-sized excellent hunky paramount encyclopaedic meaty hulky Cyclopean spread out eminent mahoosive deep-set protracted countless far-ranging unconfined undue lengthy unplumbed powerfully built solidly built illustrious unrestricted unconscionable overmuch swelling across the board intemperate plethoric abounding plumbless prodigal momentous multitudinous various fair unreasonable insane overdue overweening intolerable prevalent overextravagant devilish plummetless sundry legion several many multifarious megalithic scopious scopic full-size exceeding lank teeming reasonable unmeasurable good-size good-sized no strings mastodontic much socking great without limit bull across-the-board without end not to be sneezed at steady earthshaking Moby grandiloquent Miltonian daunting booming deafening ear-splitting ear-piercing thrashing Brobdignagian high-ceilinged laborious dilatable distensible expandable crashing cosmogonic interstellar intergalactic interplanetary cosmopolitan empyrean cosmogonal space ecumenical renowned irresistible dynamic wide-open pleasing wicked top maximum flabbergasting soaring very loud OS through the ceiling fantabulous billowing high-flown high-sounding elephantic uttermost desperate loud prolonged baggy chasmic muscly fleshy heavyset muscular chunky stout thickset fierce harsh horrific vital statuesque profitable spanking heightened increased escalated jacked up well-built decided sky-scraping multistorey max outstretched Falstaffian paunchy flabby fubsy maxi featureless immovable intractable faceless characterless oafish lumpish decent-sized bonny arduous unhandy measurable loose-fitting larger buxom greater zaftig baroque fancy unmerciful altitudinous prime latitudinous beamy marathon noticeable above average intensified wide-reaching mass unmanageable unplumbable unmeasured in-depth loutish heavily built clodhopping well built mesomorphic clunky fair-sized family-sized economy-size life-size swelled family-size fair-size economy-sized superlative pre-eminent abyssal blanket simple convoluted covering unmanoeuvrable consistent very long urgent fundamental incommodious ceaseless undying girthy big and strong not inconsiderable roly-poly muscle-bound broad in the beam broad-shouldered corn-fed well upholstered well fed extra large nationwide thewy stark indiscriminate comprising soundless gorgeous preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable ultimate towery skyscraping central pressing essential unfading unbottomed unceasing tolerable undetermined ethereal leading packed chock-full stuffed intercontinental worldwide brimming crowded heavy-duty international awash unexclusive far reaching pretty haughty splendiferous hollow thoroughgoing wide physically worth taking into account sepulchral very deep inflatable expanding stretching elastic dilating broad-gauge cover-all broad-gauged broad-ranging broad-based cyclopedic embracive all-in omnibus wall to wall no catch ultra dark real worthwhile key extending far down thorough-going wall-to-wall discursive encyclopedical encyclopaedical stretchy extendable enlargeable distending streets ahead no holds barred no strings attached luxuriant eventful firm sound gloomy echoing concave resonant reverberant dismal dilatant unsuppressed sprawling expansile unrepressed useful durable valuable principal aplenty plenty galore cornucopian exuberant alveolate socketed chambered big-deal tectonic major-league proliferous myriad innumerable rife multifold manifold full-out full-blown all-out totalitarian full-scale curved inward overflowing thick on the ground uncountable multiple motley disparate replete unremitting assorted diverse miscellaneous well-provided varied incomputable populous unnumbered mixed uncounted multiplied rampant well-supplied frequent crawling with stink with a dime a dozen on tap ad nauseam unwarranted unbridled exaggerated superfluous unrestrained gratuitous needless extortionate surplus uncontrolled profligate wanton improvident indulgent overabundant imprudent dizzying redundant wasteful dissipated uncurbed unhampered ridiculous unchecked supernatural overkill overgenerous extra unnecessary silly more preposterous recrementitious stratospheric overindulgent ludicrous overboard unfettered uninhibited self-indulgent too many O.T.T. OTT over the top out of all proportion over the odds way out uncalled for a bit much

Tính từ

Not thrifty
unthrifty wasteful prodigal profligate spendthrift extravagant thriftless squandering reckless imprudent lavish uneconomical shiftless thoughtless negligent heedless inconsiderate shortsighted high-rolling careless excessive improvident immoderate short-sighted free-spending feckless myopic irresponsible rash incautious impetuous hasty needless ruinous squandered useless pound-foolish inefficient cavalier overdone overgenerous dissipative destructive wanton wild incontinent liberal supererogative supererogatory not needed unthinking ill-considered injudicious ill-advised foolhardy foolish impulsive unconsidered indiscreet unwise unwary impolitic overhasty stupid irrational hotheaded misguided ill-judged precipitate mindless unguarded headlong madcap brash silly unintelligent senseless immature impractical inadvisable temerarious imperceptive witless slapdash short-term harum-scarum premature harebrained unsound devil-may-care naive hare-brained idiotic brainless inept imbecilic blind unsagacious astigmatic moronic bold inappropriate headstrong unimaginative adventurous venturous venturesome ill-conceived inane reactive inattentive unobservant precipitant neglectful jumping to conclusions illogical unreasonable unmindful unthought-out idiotical knee-jerk dim-witted near-sighted scatterbrained crackbrained nonsensical clueless lacking foresight daring indelicate graceless tactless undiplomatic damfool fiery frenzied audacious determined furious insuppressible passionate inadvertent blithe uncaring remiss unsafe sloppy forgetful asinine unheeding unwatchful careless of regardless childish hot-headed undesirable unfortunate playing with fire lamebrained nearsighted unreasoning unreasoned simpleminded meaningless pointless futile nonrational lamebrain fruitless birdbrained half-witted spur-of-the-moment not thought through ad hoc badly thought out uneconomic throwaway misjudged short-range restricted limited intemperate indulgent wrong-headed self-indulgent risky insensitive bad with money unsympathetic offhand dissolute dissipated uncontrolled overextravagant uncircumspect abstracted napping unreflective oblivious uncreative ill-thought-out unadventurous narrow-minded narrow small-minded absent-minded ignorant ridiculous fatuous absurd ludicrous laughable risible farcical preposterous dumb provincial insular parochial crazy obtuse daft derisive wacky dopey derisory comical doltish off-guard indifferent unalert uncautious wary unvigilant hurried pathetic cockamamy cockamamie lax sudden disregardful irreflective caught napping asleep at the wheel fast-and-loose sticking one's neck out not careful leading with one's chin any old way off guard asleep on the job foot-in-mouth pay no mind heedless of without regard regardless of taking no notice of paying no heed to disregardful of unconscious of inattentive to neglectful of blind to deaf to not paying attention oblivious to unheeding of giddy tearaway featherbrained flighty fast and loose asleep at the switch out to lunch feather-brained unadvisable inexpedient leaving self wide open off the deep end

Tính từ

Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious
sumptuous lavish luxurious opulent palatial plush costly deluxe expensive extravagant gorgeous grand magnificent rich ritzy splendid lush resplendent Babylonian imposing impressive Lucullan Lucullian luxe luxuriant luxury palace plushy posh princely silken splendiferous superb awe-inspiring beautiful dear de luxe elaborate elegant grandiose luscious pompous prodigal spectacular swank swanky swish ultra upholstered lavishly appointed out of this world wild wasteful ornate abundant exaggerated excessive regal unrestrained exuberant unreasonable fancy copious showy pretentious thriftless improvident intemperate immoderate openhanded unstinging first-class profligate over-the-top effusive profusive majestic stately classy ostentatious fine stylish upmarket noble monumental glorious august high-class striking proud exquisite palatian dignified fashionable upscale massive imperial magnific royal distinguished chic epic exclusive heroical baronial Homeric snazzy fit for a king glitzy heroic kingly flash smart dazzling stunning handsome breathtaking flashy brilliant towering gallant great splashy flamboyant fit for a queen sublime marvellous marvelous sophisticated modish tony exalted ornamented fancy-pants arresting gaudy splendacious magnolious well-appointed awesome select choice courtly superior graceful sensuous commanding overdone baroque dashing remarkable embellished trendy lordly lofty well appointed glittering tasteful refined sensational excellent comfortable splendorous sensual cultivated quality sybaritic peacocky glamorous indulgent epicurean snappy sharp voluptuous dramatic terrific chichi decorated elevated extraordinary special transcendent aristocratic lux fussy jazzy sovereign busy overwrought decorative florid adorned rococo tawdry schmick meretricious heavenly divine solemn valuable precious statuesque pleasurable queenly over-elaborate eye-catching affluent gratifying amazing tremendous sightly wondrous delicate aesthetic discerning hedonistic loud garish polished intricate with-it dainty rare intense recherche cultured urbane illustrious charming lovely self-indulgent swell classic pleasure-loving suave glaring screaming tinsel histrionic frilly super comely radiant spiffy detailed cool in the lap of luxury outstanding bright esthetic ornamental affected dicty powerful up-market upper-class prime smashing fab a la mode prominent OTT notable wedding-cake admirable over the top stirring palatine stupendous celestial considerable prodigious fabulous formidable ominous staggering colossal spacious large-scale swankish priceless champagne scintillating coruscating vivid snobby high-hat toffee-nosed potty elitist snotty persnickety snooty snobbish pricey loaded poised appealing attractive high-born no-expense-spared velvet riotous comfy brave splendrous ravishing finest stuffy inestimable invaluable colorful fit for a prince magnifico fit for a princess solid gold colourful well-off gracious beyond price high fashion upper-crust ample happening voguish fresh in supercool hip slap-up with good taste magisterial maestoso resounding sonorous Olympian portly venerable brash penetrating absorbing pampered eloquent high-flown portentous formal conspicuous splurgy dynamite large ambitious unreal haughty first-rate something else eminent very good easy vulgar garnished mind-blowing ceremonious sensory tasteless obtrusive skilful skillful au courant swishy theatrical kitsch with all the extras with all the options with bells and whistles artistic pleasure-seeking fleshly carnal kenspeckle bodacious noticeable noisy grabby pronounced bold superfly catchy marked emphatic tinselly bling-bling complex complicated gingerbread extreme devilish sensorial bacchanalian affective pleasing bedizened overdecorated gingerbready gingerbreaded flowery fanciful profound froufrou fancible custom beautifying unusual cushy highfalutin overelaborate high-wrought bedecked aureate decorous nice far-out astonishing fantastical out of sight dreamy unmitigated inspiring startling arrestive surpassing incredible phenomenal fascinating electrifying confounding perfect fleshy exciting sensualistic deep passionate physical aesthetically pleasing primrose jewelled metaphorical glossy wordy superficial fancily decorated sparkling verbose coloured gilded jeweled flaunting embroidered variegated highly wrought colored genteel debonair high-quality stylized well-designed well-dressed well-bred swagger sprauncy plummy larney high-toned la-di-da top-drawer chi-chi

Tính từ

Not restrained or held in check
rampant unrestrained unbridled unchecked uncontrolled widespread epidemic rife wild aggressive dominant excessive outrageous pandemic raging rank tumultuous violent abandoned exuberant flagrant intemperate pervasive prevalent rampaging raw runaway unbounded uncontrollable unhampered unhindered vehement luxuriant riotous ungovernable wanton blustering boisterous clamorous extensive extravagant fecund flourishing furious growing impetuous multiplying out of control predominant proliferating rambling spreading threatening turbulent unruly exceeding bounds out of hand spreading like wildfire on the rampage general common universal ubiquitous global abundant endemic plentiful everywhere omnipresent frequent penetrating inescapable current insidious immanent pervading permeating prevailing permeant suffusive present everywhere permeative numerous ruling popular thronged many multitudinous regnant unconstrained unrestricted uninhibited immoderate uncurbed ungoverned undisciplined unimpeded irrepressible profligate unsuppressed chaotic licentious incontinent full-on free untrammelled unmanageable unfettered inordinate untrammeled lawless disorderly reckless disobedient dissolute self-indulgent unstoppable uncontainable unquenchable noisy unlimited unconfined loose not controlled rowdy extreme wayward stubborn overindulgent running wild rough indiscriminate tempestuous anarchic untamed unreasonable dissipated refractory debauched immoral severe passionate uproarious obstreperous mutinous impotent unregulated driverless mass rabid enthusiastic unconcealed crazed madcap crazy hysterical berserk over-the-top unmanaged depraved corrupt unopposed unobstructed self-willed unconventional heavy incorrigible impulsive reprobate unprincipled sinful wicked unshackled attention-seeking extrovert shameless natural boundless corybantic incautious irrational unbound footloose undue unjustified prodigal unrepressed raving thrilled rash unwarranted spontaneous saturnalian frank plenary open flamboyant exaggerated candid audacious impertinent bizarre limitless blunt giddy flighty unsubmissive egregious lavish imprudent uncalled for dissipative O.T.T. over the top lacking self-control expanding augmented rapid change ascending rapid growth mounting greedy unbalanced rebellious stormy agitated intractable unstable exponential recalcitrant explosive seditious rugged unsettled roller-coaster willful untoward wilful defiant froward contrary rebel recusant insubordinate incompliant balky contumacious restive storming full of confusion fiery excited shaking roughhouse perturbed bitter full of ups and downs full of upheavals full of conflict demonstrative destructive rambunctious raucous vociferous stern termagant in turmoil unrestrainable without law and order fractious

Tính từ

Loudly cheerful, enthusiastic or approbatory
hearty ardent eager passionate enthusiastic intense spirited avid zealous animated ebullient lively impassioned exuberant energetic vivacious dynamic deep devout emphatic loud affable effusive generous jovial unreserved cheerful profound backslapping deepest uninhibited responsive amiable vigorous abiding cheery frank full gay glad gushing honest jolly unrestrained welcoming back-slapping deep-rooted warm-hearted deep-felt good natured keen fervent vehement earnest fanatical wholehearted fiery fervid committed dedicated excited warm perfervid enthused exhilarated devoted gung ho high-spirited forceful rabid sincere burning emotional great fierce obsessed zestful passional pumped intent antsy afire hungry ready willing voracious red-hot interested desirous wild athirst mad keen keen as mustard heartfelt extreme flaming titillated stoked raring motivated violent assiduous agog solicitous active diligent determined aflame impatient nuts anxious ambitious appetent thirsty heated crazy superheated torrid charged religious glowing feverish blazing demonstrative hot-blooded warm-blooded incandescent hot greedy ready and willing deep-seated as keen as mustard keyed up raring to go deeply felt bright-eyed and bushy-tailed champing at the bit hopped up full of beans chomping at the bit effervescent heartful feeling inspired stirred inspirited galvanized stimulated roused energized diehard card-carrying ecstatic encouraged moved aroused uplifted influenced activated raw gotta have dying to serious pious hot for tender true blue unfeigned warmhearted habitual militant energised self-driven stirred up galvanised hung up hankering amenable breathless restless inclined disposed happy longing unreluctant pining engaged craving game restive covetous single-minded pushy purposeful obsessive itchy ripe zealotic fired go-ahead frenetic fanatic fireball self-starting possessed gung-ho wild-eyed acute strong coming on strong powerful forcible explosive heavy intensive urgent vicious exquisite overwhelming overpowering abject excruciating hellacious heartrending hard ghastly dreadful furious terrible almighty frightful clamorous outspoken vocal noisy vociferous heavy-duty fearsome very great blistering ferocious fearful forthright insistent strident desperate angry impetuous frantic on the make inflamed full-throated pronounced opinionated potent concentrated hyper delirious thrilled fascinated rhapsodic animate geeked nutty wacky tantalized industrious concerned unqualified yearning juiced conscientious gaga itching driven tantalised pleased sprightly bugged zesty warmblooded turnt gone on hopped-up hot to trot hepped up excitable tempestuous stormy frenzied raging mad rash temperamental consuming tumultuous impulsive fired up on fire manic fevered psyched uncontrollable hectic amped heightened volatile crazed hyperactive messianic irascible acrimonious hysterical dithyrambic volcanic steamed up mercurial hot-tempered wishing amorous hopeful dying desiring intent on overzealous raving uproarious steadfast allegiant agitable neurotic aggressive proactive bullish banzai daft in a frenzy very excited untrammeled untrammelled jumping up and down potty extremely enthusiastic take-charge can-do short-fuse hot-headed high-strung highly strung eventful exciting severe immoderate uncontrolled marked inordinate vivid intemperate penetrating piercing bitter busy excessive melodramatic intensified turbulent rough emotive overemotional sentimental all-consuming ungovernable noteworthy interesting moving inspiring eloquent stirring poignant high-pressure hotblooded expressive precipitate thrilling affecting headlong quickened high-powered convulsive paroxysmal cyclonic touchy savage disorderly knock-down-and-drag-out bad-tempered blood-and-guts ill-tempered bang-bang hammer and tongs distracted overactive overwrought full-hearted agitated red-blooded unruly high sultry high as a kite action-packed strenuous ireful indignant wrathful irate wigged-out

Tính từ

Having a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth
flourishing successful thriving prospering prosperous booming burgeoning mushrooming vigorous blooming buoyant expanding growing palmy strong boomy developing fruitful going golden halcyon healthy improving lucrative lush productive profitable progressing rampant roaring triumphant ballooning fast-growing snowballing blossoming exuberant going places luxuriant rank rich robust doing well going strong on a roll faring well going well in full swing in the ascendant on the up and up in the pink in top form busy thrifty active wealthy flush opulent affluent monied substantial fortunate moneyed comfortable well-to-do well-off well-heeled fat loaded remunerative gainful deep-pocketed moneymaking lucky prolific happy privileged snug well-endowed well-fixed fat-cat silk-stocking joyous money-spinning in clover uptown oofy glorious auspicious minted sitting pretty rewarding favoured favored on easy street well off in the money well heeled set for life worthwhile profit-making beneficial joyful idyllic bankable paying boom advantageous juicy economic propertied blessed on top of heap upper-class cash rich on velvet leisure-class quids in stinking rich filthy rich doing it easy rolling in money of means in the chips in easy street worth a bundle rolling in it of substance with deep pockets worth a packet made of money in luck rosy abounding carefree plentiful plenteous blissful contented upmarket prodigal sound working and up promising on the up advancing arrived rolling cooking up-and-coming easy solvent efficient home free gangbusters boffo pecunious providential propitious main-line have it made have the wherewithal high-income fertile advantaged upscale favourable plutocratic financial enviable elite independent socially advantaged in the gravy money-making well-paid ongoing delightful precious best large cost-effective high-paying multi-crore having it made of independent means on Easy Street cushy fecund fructuous cornucopian paradisiac peak favorable encouraging win-win sweet good fatness jammy well paid in the black cost effective

Tính từ

Lacking clarity or conciseness
diffuse rambling verbose wordy long-winded prolix meandering circumlocutory discursive loose vague waffling windy circuitous digressive long-drawn-out maundering overlong pleonastic protracted wandering garrulous gassy logorrheic periphrastic roundabout ambagious circumlocutionary diffusive logorrhoeic copious drawn-out dull exuberant lavish lengthy long palaverous random redundant turgid tedious tautological tortuous prolonged repetitious voluble loquacious bombastic talkative chatty gabby indirect interminable convoluted boring wearisome inflated tiresome talky excursive desultory digressionary digressional leaping flatulent rhetorical dragged out repetitive expansive oblique ponderous waffly extended pompous sesquipedalian flowery full of verbiage dragging unending roaming spun out circumlocutional circumlocuitous circumlocutious empty superfluous gossipy prosy iterative boastful very long laborious verbal endless king-size elongate oversized elongated king-sized lengthened episodic divergent anecdotal drifting padded longish king size anfractuous tangential orotund prattling blathering jabbering babbling prating gushing circular traveling travelling nomadic mouthy broad spreading deviating free musing erratic roving conversational informal yakking multiloquent big-mouthed gobby wittering multiloquous effusive magniloquent fustian grandiloquent tautologous yacking repeating involved pretentious marathon full of air having kissed the Blarney stone lasting far spun-out time-consuming great lingering long-lived dragged-out long-lasting long-term with the gift of the gab delayed slow overextended boundless tardy dilatory sustained late limitless seemingly endless forever and a day for ages without end communicative chattering forthcoming glib motormouthed blabby vocal loose-lipped gossiping chattery fluent expressive articulate open outgoing eloquent able to talk the hind legs off a donkey informative unreserved slick smooth gibbering full of hot air alliterative reiterating uninhibited having kissed the blarney stone conversable demonstrative gaseous loudmouthed silver-tongued rattling outspoken enduring devious motormouth having kissed the Blarney Stone intimate running oratorical over-talkative disquisitional errant frank noisy drivellous plainspoken communicable enlightening unrestrained uncalled-for reiterative inelegant unneeded unnecessary excessively communicative cooperative helpful obliging candid bigmouthed vociferous newsy tonguey loose-tongued blabbermouth yakkity wind-bag yakky free-spoken spontaneous personal multieloquent relaxed running on flap jaw rhapsodic lyrical familiar everyday ordinary spoken windbag running on at the mouth blessed with the gift of the gab perissological never-ending big mouthed all jaw drawn out stretched out remote stretching far-off stretched extensive towering tall deep stretch expanded lanky outstretched gangling enlarged strung out rangy distant lofty faraway stringy continued high far-reaching cogent complicated spread out coherent effortless persuasive illuminating vivid well-versed natural well-spoken facile smooth-spoken complex mellifluous cursive prompt confident mellifluent smooth-tongued quick disputatious self-assured declamatory assured ambiguous misleading unstraightforward confusing tricky deceptive mazy cunning byzantine involute perverse intricate difficult difficult to follow

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