Từ đồng nghĩa của incandescent

Alternative for incandescent

Từ đồng nghĩa: candent,

Tính từ

Emitting light as a result of being heated
glowing brilliant radiant shining luminous red-hot bright white-hot burning dazzling lucent ablaze aflame aglow blazing candescent fiery beaming bedazzling clear effulgent fervid fulgent gleaming glowy lambent lucid lustrous refulgent sheeny shiny splendid ardent Day-Glo fervent intensely hot on fire phosphorescent rutilant flaring fluorescent luminescent sparkling resplendent shimmering glittering scintillating illuminated irradiant flashing vivid intense light coruscating glistening lighted glaring glossy twinkling lit sunny glistering polished burnished flickering illumined alight flaming glimmering flashy warm iridescent beamy relucent fulgurating lit up agleam glittery white rich vibrant golden argent sunlit moonlit auroral fulgid irradiated silvery mirrorlike satiny splendent brightened lightsome radiating glorious fulgurant glinting fulgurous colourful colorful lurid sleek striking deep strong clinquant gaudy flamboyant bold garish splashy psychedelic kaleidoscopic jazzy gay showy loud deep-coloured bright-coloured highly-coloured eye-catching highly colored molten illuminative brightening smouldering healthy suffused luminiferous smoldering cheery varnished hot soft shinning gleamy irradiating nitid translucent crystal beamful full glazed opalescent splendorous noticeable conspicuous stunning blinding glassy satin rubbed buffed beautiful visual dramatic glacé slick sparkly reflective convey smooth fierce overpowering waxy shimmery luculent rosy ruddy brightly illuminated extremely bright sharp rapier-like neon limpid stimulating scintillant reflecting animated lively graphic exciting exhilarating unclouded silky invigorating silken sunshiny cloudless glitzy multicoloured envigorating multicolored brightly coloured many-coloured vivacious ebullient fair effervescent starry witty clever red scintillescent fresh fine clement bombastic multicolour smart florid entertaining chatoyant motley titillating varicoloured prismatic variegated polychromatic harlequin rainbow multicolor summery rainbow-like many-hued balmy spangled looking like an explosion in a paint factory like an explosion in a paint factory transcendent unadulterated winking gold aglitter dark richly coloured brave razzle-dazzle well-lit saturated glamorous transparent pure harsh exaggerated well-lighted well lit well-illuminated silver scarlet reddish-orange crimson ginger pleasant ignited snazzy ostentatious imaginative effective interesting afire well illuminated pellucid see-through crystalline coruscant pizazzy fancy pizzazzy raging baroque flowery brash astral star stellar temperate reflecting light dancing bling wild full of light well lighted multihued rococo decorated blue azure chromatic uncloudy crystal clear impassioned dynamic vigorous spirited mantling gaseous festooned floodlit undimmed multichromatic varicolored colored mild propitious nice dry kindled inflamed conflagrant enflamed combusting polychrome extravagant corinthian luxuriant unobscured elaborate hued varied versicolor liquid full of life breathtaking in flames sparking lacquered waxed japanned shellacked phantasmagoric particoloured picturesque particolored coloured patinated notable stirring pronounced definite rousing heady electrifying high thrilling many-splendoured parti-colored many-colored multi-coloured biting energizing spine-tingling powerful energising bespangled radiated celestial sidereal stellary stelliform amusing fascinating sprightly arousing gripping hair-raising refreshing Day-glo marked clarion undarkened rainless without a cloud in the sky

Tính từ

Extremely angry
boiling fuming furious raging enraged incensed infuriated mad livid wrathful seething angry indignant inflamed irate outraged aerated apoplectic choked maddened riled very angry wild beside oneself crook ropeable snaky soreheaded hopping mad in a temper ireful tooshie vex wroth hot under the collar in high dudgeon steamed up beside yourself in a lather in a paddy on the warpath up in arms up the wall as cross as two sticks bent out of shape in a bate off the air foaming at the mouth fit to be tied angered rabid rankled ballistic ticked choleric sore roiled shirty foaming riley teed off cheesed off hot infuriate steaming enflamed hopping cross raving frenzied horn-mad ranting exasperated in a huff in a frenzy going crook in a pet blue in the face in a fume irritated provoked piqued annoyed seeing red ticked off boiling mad with all guns blazing frantic aggravated steamed upset vexed heated waxy hostile worked up wound up at boiling point raging mad aggrieved irked irascible antagonized hacked displeased raving mad roused splenetic nettled bent frustrated stroppy antagonistic browned off storming spare ill-humored resentful dark passionate antagonised bummed out hot-tempered hacked off bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humoured pushed too far in a rage all steamed up overcome with anger blown a gasket in a filthy temper beside yourself with rage violent peeved huffy miffed rousted black offended flaming bugged berserk dogged perturbed uptight buffaloed scandalized scandalised shocked as black as thunder fed up put out rubbed the wrong way burned up at end of one's rope hot and bothered peed off fizzing blazing blustering uncontrolled flaming mad rough rampant blazing mad powerful intense doing your nut throwing a fit mad as a hornet boiling over going ape blowing one's top blowing a gasket ranting and raving desperate insane full-on corybantic all-out demented crazed uncompromising breakneck maniac irrational energetic unreasonable concerted smoking manic extremely angry narked disgruntled testy galled bothered agitated eggy not best pleased bitter ratty troubled discontented snuffy brassed off dissatisfied affronted miffy ruffled acrimonious in a bad mood irritable flustered disturbed hurt scunnered crabby wrath hoha sullen surly impatient harassed sulky fierce grumpy excited distressed insulted tetchy snappy harried fiery grouchy sour peevish rancorous touchy hateful waspish vitriolic unhappy embittered chafed afflicted crabbed cranky short-tempered acrid gnashing one's teeth impassioned out of humour petulant slighted churlish malcontent disappointed het up worried burning vindictive vehement disgusted vicious tormented aggressive pained narky malevolent malicious spiteful fretted cantankerous stung dirty filthy ungratified poisonous unglued prickly venomous belligerent malignant ferocious malign in a towering rage at daggers drawn hate-filled quick-tempered out of sorts sombre somber good and mad mad as hell burning with excitement anxious overexcited scalding steamy piping crazy airborne air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air ready to be tied defiant hassled dishonored humiliated chippy confused disheartened snitty crackers radge perplexed disaffected discouraged umbrageous dishonoured grudging wounded grieved very upset out of control unfulfilled defeated overheated in a wax discontent out of countenance unsatisfied unsated weighty grieving hard annoying distressing injured disrespected red swollen unforgiving cray-cray grousing malcontented crabbing bellyaching uncontent out of temper griping kvetching kicking critical frenetic rage revengeful virulent menacing huffish chagrined raw infected p.o.'d scornful bad tempered out of joint hung up disagreeable butthurt fractious carrying a chip on your shoulder snappish crotchety threatening chafing septic reddened querulous scathing bilious savage pugnacious harsh mean unfriendly ill-disposed captious festered itching smarting tender stinging itchy angry-looking painful evil wicked dyspeptic envenomed hurtful catty nasty pernicious censorious maleficent baleful spirited animated puffed up fevered sensitive festering pettish glowering louring moody malefic snippy snarky snippety perverse liverish crusty short raspy stuffy fretful lively jumpy mardy caviling faultfinding cavilling blistered burnt scalded bloodshot unkind ill-natured contentious evil-intentioned fervid stormy tempestuous overactive overwrought hectic full-hearted feverish hyperactive out of humor perfervid passional avid fervent ardent

Tính từ

Involving, or given to, open or heavy displays of emotion
passionate ardent fervent intense fervid fiery impassioned burning vehement emotional torrid flaming feverish blazing charged passional demonstrative perfervid superheated warm religious glowing red-hot hot-blooded warm-blooded heated enthusiastic zealous fierce on fire eager excited scorching spirited earnest hot sizzling searing roasting violent boiling raging blistering broiling sultry fevered scalding keen inflamed febrile red smoking animated fanatical igneous sweltering baking ablaze white-hot steaming piping like an oven recalescent decalescent calescent white thermogenic ovenlike frenzied parching angry tropical heartfelt wholehearted tropic close very warm stuffy feverous humid summery sweltry vigorous excitable afire kindled furious ultrahot strong aflame piping hot boiling hot profound sincere lively wild committed impetuous hectic alight incensed forceful ignited powerful temperamental consuming deep-seated urgent rash volatile dedicated avid tempestuous thrilling frantic impulsive dithyrambic baking hot extremely hot pyretic fuming aroused enflamed conflagrant combusting feeling flushed lit stimulated assiduous energetic uncontrollable lighted vivid forcible full-hearted delirious ungovernable sentimental messianic empyreal agitable deeply felt raw mercurial stormy stirring expressive melodramatic hyper withering in flames hearty ecstatic moving deep tender responsive mad keen burning up fired up hot-tempered blazing hot steamed up hopped up enraged deep-rooted febrific arousing sexy titillating wrathful mighty tremendous seething heightened red-blooded vivacious aflutter desirous scintillating amorous bubbling over aboil unbearably hot explosive mettlesome spunky high-spirited effusive irascible overzealous gingery resolute peppery like a furnace like a blowtorch stifling burned emphatic susceptible hysterical neurotic very angry inspired nutty gung-ho devout volcanic sensitive steadfast allegiant rousing stirred exciting overcharged loving roused heartwarming off the air very excited on the warpath fit to be tied foaming at the mouth baked enkindled smoldering scorched kindling emotive mushy overemotional romantic touching clamorous outspoken vocal loud noisy vociferous card-carrying sentient verklempt touchy-feely short-fuse hot-headed high-strung highly strung forthright insistent strident worked up starry-eyed from the heart desperate rabid full-throated pronounced opinionated potent concentrated serious enthused pious unfeigned warmhearted set on fire tumultuous true blue gotta have gung ho dying to keen as mustard hot for on the make inspiring eloquent poignant high-pressure hotblooded precipitate affecting headlong quickened high-powered extreme acute smouldering fired all-consuming sweating shivering aguey with a temperature with a high temperature above normal running a temperature flickering turbulent flaring unrestrained devoted crazy pumped voracious nuts raring solicitous hungry active obsessed great dynamic juiced determined athirst zestful stoked antsy driven agog faithful thirsty unwavering impatient loyal aggressive anxious mad staunch firm true intent excessive hopped-up sprightly geeked frenetic hepped up psyched motivated diligent willing interested ready uncontrolled ebullient immoderate constant exhilarated thrilled restless exuberant ambitious intemperate obsessive strenuous true-blue keyed up dutiful bright-eyed and bushy-tailed intensive genuine as keen as mustard significant greedy effervescent yearning purposeful severe longing sworn unbridled peppy effective animate bold zippy full of beans chomping at the bit sparky gutsy assertive meaningful itching conscientious champing at the bit infatuated compelling punchy industrious inordinate persistent fanatic overwhelming stanch vital ferocious adoring hard-hitting untiring full of life single-minded crazed high sparkling fixated driving bouncy zappy pushy jaunty good unswerving steady vibrant gay brisk feisty racy raving resounding moved craving rampant tenacious manic dyed-in-the-wool dogged terrible unfaltering unruly full-blooded dramatic in-your-face stubborn ready and willing obstinate unflinching raring to go hard psyched up gritty hooked euphoric mournful bigoted caring graphic hellacious sympathetic elated heavy hopeful telling fascinated warmblooded beside oneself concerned fond agitated sharp juiced up militant titillated overpowering potty irrepressible alive bubbly warm-hearted effectual tireless chirpy addicted adherent enterprising stalwart possessed appetent perky indefatigable fast thoughtful game zingy happy airy tough stirred up go-ahead doting impressive pledged kinetic rhapsodic supportive snappy cordial zesty springy pert delighted storming jazzy pizzazzy pizazzy spanking rugged bouncing frisky muscular covetous go-go awakened striking disorderly deep-dyed lovesick besotted intuitive out of control high-octane all-out solid nervous bitter hard-working buoyant ghastly almighty absorbed persevering dotty wishing full of vim and vigour strong-willed insatiable extraordinary pulling no punches amped exquisite settled exceptional strong-minded desiring engaged rarin' to go aching enraptured lustful dreadful inveterate hyperactive indomitable unhesitating sad suggestive fearful set radical affectionate visionary dependable resolved fearsome distracted reverent revealing irresistible hung up pleased vicious over-enthusiastic intoxicated persuasive cheerful smitten enamoured boisterous frightful excruciating understanding pregnant overwrought rapturous riotous unreasonable trusted articulate silver-tongued honest overindulgent trustworthy revelatory meaning pathetic uncompromising revering chipper rigorous dying captivated extravagant peart venerating true-hearted itchy indicative heavy-duty reliable gentle plucky patriotic diehard uncurbed influential biased overenthusiastic breezy tried and true tried and tested compulsive enamored uplifting doleful bugged unqualified considerate unchecked trusty blunt unflagging colourful colorful dinkum strict extremist pushing stimulating painful turnt pointed outrageous grasping acquisitive maniacal energized flamboyant soulful gone on activated berserk uproarious coming on strong down-the-line bona fide robust stable perceptive lusty energised ballsy hardy amenable irrational agonizing wishful swivel-eyed berko convulsive studious disposed immovable breathless deranged bright and breezy turned on pining pumped up lyrical alive and kicking agonising hot to trot have-a-go attached inclined hankering geared up full of get-up-and-go in a frenzy cranked up carried away besetting aglow decided bent on fixed hardboiled buckled down set on bent painstaking incisive unrelenting sedulous marked responsible tried tried-and-true penetrating piercing big abject entrenched atingle daring laborious arduous taxing overactive intensified involved engrossed instinctive towering unmatchable unmeasurable ravenous revolutionary high as a kite all out unchanging hard-core rooted intrenched convincing cogent exhausting bursting poetic rapacious avaricious inspirited galvanized revolutionist preoccupied knee-deep occupied obsessional bound uninhibited valiant influenced encouraged uplifted wacky tantalized authoritative habitual prepared supreme thorough grave electric magnetic rocking barnstorming indignant irate acrimonious ireful gaga tantalised emotionable solemn untrammeled untrammelled daft gut go-getting full prepossessed jumping bright relentless wigged-out through and through impervious annihilatory gluttonous corrosive edacious engagé galvanised rowdy unfailing deepest thoroughgoing up proactive bullish banzai positive enduring stout on one's side fluent rampaging devastating jumping up and down major riled up self-driven succinct terse pithy ultra wanting hoping for longing for fain single-hearted old faithful true to the end out-and-out given over to heart-to-heart confirmed bred-in-the-bone unmanageable harsh unfettered biting flush take-charge can-do obdurate goody-goody worshipping worshiping heart-and-soul pietistic sunny primal visceral unconcealed undisguised minded extremely enthusiastic drastic glad restive unreluctant blustery ruinous keen on flourishing electrifying inexorable rumbustious distraught unrestrainable frolicsome paroxysmal coercive dashing bustling dazzling rebel graceful hardened charismatic activating productive self-motivated highpowered energising energizing hyped-up go-getter vitalizing in the mood of a mind pysched up up for on for favourably inclined waiting with bated breath ambitious for anxious for yearning for eager for happening virile humming buzzing cheery joyful merry jubilant full-on rough lawless fundamentalist orthodox indulgent hopping spry coruscating busy astir fresh thriving abuzz unhinged maniac distrait wackadoodle wackadoo goody two-shoes upbeat brash frolic gladsome exultant beguiled enchanted charmed willing for ready for avid for vibrating radiant sturdy obstreperous traditional conservative terrorist devouring intent on abubble sound gamesome blithesome blithe glib lucid smooth-tongued well-spoken pure prayerful kind erratic monomaniacal partial headstrong domineering credulous willful contumacious incorrigible hot and heavy critical play hard ball play for keeps bewitched subjective resilient maddened beside yourself overexcited in a fit hysteric in a state driven to distraction very upset unnerved out of one's wits panic-stricken in a panic spasmodic prehensile hopeful for envious aspiring towards aspiring keen for disturbed irregular termagant in turmoil rowdydowdy rambunctious raucous full of force true to life smiley crank benevolent gale force cut-throat empathetic well-expressed intolerant artistic full of the joys of spring full of spirit ball of fire full of pep friendly dear nurturing taken spellbound love-struck seduced feeling one's oats ravening for itching for greedy for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for self-indulgent foolish encouraging rapt iron-willed grandiloquent rhetorical smooth-spoken well spoken voluble magniloquent well expressed sententious facund amatory compassionate tender-hearted elevated of good cheer light-hearted nuts for high on reborn dying for aspiring to entranced evocative descriptive illiberal prejudiced one-sided partisan generous attentive amiable reverential hard-nosed heartening giddy struck silly fatuous lovesome simple lovey-dovey serving soft-hearted soft receptive tenderhearted infuriated narrow-minded overjoyed inspirational sagacious sure self-confident unyielding unbending in high spirits as merry as a grig indicating emotion indicating feeling allusive imaginative undue profligate unjustified prodigal enrapt cheering gladdening infected naked insane corybantic overboard sick poisoned mad-dog ultraist diseased bitten unwell virulent flipped ill heady inspiriting reinvigorated decisive brave courageous ripe irritable vulnerable impressionable cognizant sensorial perceiving conscious sensory reactive sensible fragile very keen very enthusiastic expressing adoration bound up close-knit unwarranted unrestricted warming zealotic fireball representing mobile pictorial indicating representative full of feeling communicative showy full of emotion brilliant open ingenious easy-to-read picturesque masterly signifying independent heroic self-assertive mean take charge distressing upsetting unhampered unhindered imprudent egregious lavish runaway unbounded dissolute reckless abandoned instigative freaked out self-starting using wild-eyed piteous pitiful eulogistic firm in spirit confident certain stout-hearted tough-minded ironclad resourceful O.T.T. dissipative wanton incontinent over the top dissipated uncalled for debauched revitalized quick pitiable disturbing saddening heartbreaking heart-rending sorrowful elevating on cloud nine over the moon two-fisted unbalanced over-the-top inspirative improving enriching impactful harrowing wretched tearful miserable heart-warming gut-wrenching tragic tear-jerking plaintive wasted dependent on under the influence jonesing for shooting up habituated abusing addicted to strung out with a … habit dependent jonesing on prone alert vitalized revitalised born-again heartrending agitating nostalgic perturbing

Từ trái nghĩa của incandescent

incandescent Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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