Từ đồng nghĩa của given over to

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Devoted to a task or purpose
dedicated devoted committed staunch faithful loyal steadfast enthusiastic stalwart true wholehearted zealous keen resolute unwavering ardent driven dutiful eager earnest fervent sworn assiduous devout diligent fanatical firm passionate constant fast fervid purposeful steady studious through and through good pious pledged stanch card-carrying dyed-in-the-wool single-minded deep-dyed down-the-line hard-working true-blue old faithful out-and-out single-hearted true blue mad keen true to the end as keen as mustard dependable intense trusty unswerving reliable trustworthy vehement sincere conscientious avid wild intent thorough allegiant impassioned perfervid genuine unfaltering enduring excited tried and true tried and tested attentive spirited complete motivated enthused crazy diehard deep solid unfailing active sure fiery determined confirmed keen as mustard stable industrious vigorous focused honest obsessed raring hungry red-hot upright voracious persistent obsessive religious scrupulous uncompromising athirst interested focussed desirous warm extreme solicitous thoroughgoing energetic tried-and-true inveterate nuts passional antsy long-standing patriotic concentrated true-hearted attached responsible honorable honourable particular fierce absolute loving immovable pumped gung ho entrenched supportive anxious agog unqualified hot feverish impatient thirsty fixed hearty strong rabid frenzied trusted animated established persevering deep-rooted close whole willing burning heartfelt truthful adherent sedulous serious fixated lively punctilious correct laborious stubborn decent engrossed unshakeable die-hard careful ambitious hard-core unflagging deep-seated incorrigible absorbed full stoked entire rigorous strict unshakable undivided torrid geeked juiced fanatic forceful great rigid hopped-up emotional busy greedy never-failing hepped up ebullient longing painstaking yearning straight flaming meticulous profound incorruptible utter exuberant inexorable righteous bosom obstinate bred-in-the-bone tried violent bound total long-established hardened liege engaged tenacious bustling warmblooded unfeigned zestful dogged habitual unquestioning abiding exclusive unapologetic unashamed addicted charged superheated demonstrative incandescent trustable heedful exacting calculable frenetic gung-ho concerned incurable intensive circumspect warm-blooded hot-blooded appetent tough ready orthodox bright-eyed and bushy-tailed keyed up safe pure special reverent sound specialized specialised intransigent rooted emphatic settled intrenched influential obedient tireless obdurate ethical respectful stout indefatigable moral virtuous inseparable itching revering vivacious untiring hard-line exhilarated explicit venerating compliant authentic unflinching redoubtable unyielding pertinacious sprightly unchanging occupied reputable veracious thrilled mad compulsive unrelenting secure heated hooked employed in-depth pleased unreserved animate chronic over-enthusiastic craving persisting titillated impulsive full-bore unrepentant working blazing glowing regardful adoring unmitigated operose unhesitating accurate detailed bigoted unalloyed unadulterated affectionate raging nice fussy true to life arrant right-down high-principled exhaustive unequivocal positive behind one immersed fastidious infallible observant possessed filial inflexible exact high-spirited militant searching biased raving fond truehearted ingrained minute all accustomed habituated bugged specific deliberate chomping at the bit afire go-ahead certain boon ready and willing raring to go well-established inclined disposed covetous breathless nutty hanging tough eager beaver bona fide out and out dying to niche gotta have boutique impervious individual engagé insatiable hardworking hopeless dinkum unflappable doting big admiring consecrated sensible fundamentalist goody-goody worshipping worshiping heart-and-soul pietistic principled credible durable concentrating traditional conservative humble level-headed on task in good faith stiff ravenous grasping acquisitive on one's side feeling immobile adamant unmovable changeless unbending prayerful impartial uncontrived equitable unpretentious fair eternal beyond hope irrepressible undying effective unmistakable tested predictable goody two-shoes preoccupied enrapt rapacious avaricious seasoned dynamic as thick as thieves decisive unimpeachable impeccable respectable ecstatic pushy daring sturdy fascinated resolved watchful alert rhapsodic aflame wacky tantalized raw deeply felt personal incorrupt real unstinting unambiguous categorical wild-eyed itchy ripe self-starting zealotic fired fireball perennial set lifelong indomitable gaga tantalised zesty dyed-in-the wool participating tender warmhearted responsive indelible proved immutable turnt gone on unlimited unrestricted unconditional ultra-careful aggressive proactive bullish banzai full of beans hot to trot champing at the bit audacious steamroller nervy powerhouse unafraid resilient impenitent supreme irredeemable unreformable ineradicable longtime confiding believable definite inured staid hopped up hot for fired up take-charge can-do extremely enthusiastic in person strong-minded wrapped up quality undiluted outright sicker punctual radical contributing activist coming on strong wishing unbroken undistracted collective fullhearted involved unshared consistent on the level string along with familial hanging in playing safe dead set on bound and determined obscene pornographic X-rated united consummate restless happy game glad amenable restive hung up hankering unreluctant pining well established deep-set hard-shell all-consuming firmly established dying hopping forward heart and soul into walking on eggs minding p's and q's flawless valued unanimous continued concerted whole-hearted precise vigilant hundred percent whole-souled immoderate infatuated through-and-through comprehensive unwaivering balanced intimate convincing uncorrupted cherished dear compelling undamaged best close-knit normal perfect treasured judicious orderly provident methodical without reservations tied-up go-getting intent on instilled congenital infixed unchangeable deep-down full-fledged deferential lock stock and barrel thoughtful cautious finicky dependent sonly sororal family fraternal daughterly persuasive well judged unimpaired seasonable unspoiled eatable timely unhurt fresh trenchant felicitous favourable expedient potent well timed submissive docile prim elaborate dotty potty visionary technical extensive selfdisciplined strenuous picky chary pernickety discreet persnickety perfectionist deeply ingrained reverential two-fisted wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo undecayed promising fit to eat unblemished well-timed uncontaminated intact to the core bespoke by the book going to great lengths by the numbers hopeful befitting a son or daughter erratic monomaniacal partial headstrong domineering opinionated credulous willful unruly contumacious all-embracing encyclopedic expert functional far-reaching duteous favorable obsessional pliant biddable deferent frantic maniacal intolerant extremist furious dependent on predisposed in love imbued hyped obligatory well-behaved binding nuts for high on turned on desiring make good in good part make good on something encyclopaedic crazed overzealous messianic right just uncontrollable tumultuous consuming unreasonable illiberal delirious prejudiced one-sided irrational partisan ferocious well disciplined right-minded given to abusing jonesing for hooked on given to using jonesing on impetuous ungovernable infuriated intemperate swivel-eyed narrow-minded berko berserk veridical undistorted square worthy creditable all right estimable swotty plugging slogging plodding well trained incumbent on specially designed moving eloquent stirring poignant stimulated precipitate headlong inspiring affecting high-pressure high-powered hotblooded expressive thrilling quickened under the influence spaced out used to in the habit of using wedded to given to strung out prone to infected naked insane corybantic deranged freaked out overboard sick poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist diseased sizzling bitten unwell virulent flipped ill no lie up front steamed up on the up and up powerful acute angry inflamed urgent full-hearted excitable cordial vivid aroused heightened explosive tempestuous manic from the heart on fire ablaze unrestrained forcible temperamental mettlesome stormy stirred sentimental fevered psyched amped incensed amorous significant excessive severe hard rousing volatile heavy rash hellacious melodramatic uncontrolled emotive blistering vocal dithyrambic enamoured enamored touching aching white-hot vociferous unaffected effervescent clamorous sensitive meaningful extraordinary fuming exceptional insistent ghastly almighty forthright upfront exquisite dreadful guileless irascible abject terrible distracted vicious fearful stirred up fearsome unpretended blunt unbridled loud frightful hyper hyperactive brisk hectic excruciating full-throated roused volcanic wrathful amatory punchy over the top outspoken mercurial wishful heavy-duty overwhelming overpowering inspired infatuated with hard-hitting solemn acrimonious carried away overemotional addicted to devoted to rarin' to go energized deepest activated in-your-face energised hot-tempered unpretending pulling no punches heart-to-heart amped-up mournful bursting enraged effusive proselytizing evangelistic plucky delighted mighty tremendous seething spunky sad aflutter dramatic red-blooded marked sexy arousing titillating uninhibited peppery gingery penetrating piercing inordinate bubbling over sultry scintillating susceptible intensified uplifting doleful grave all out thirsting bitter decided gritty strong-willed bent on hardboiled buckled down set on bent aglow heartrending hysterical neurotic agitable exciting heartwarming overcharged edgy expectant inspirited galvanized verklempt sentient importunate primal soulful knee-deep visceral unconcealed undisguised noisy prepared moved influenced encouraged uplifted intuitive instinctive alight touchy-feely very great very angry strident demanding raucous natural straining chafing gagging prepossessed relentless open mushy romantic agitated overactive overwrought galvanised hot-headed high-strung desperate pronounced up proselytising evangelical in a hurry straining at the leash vociferant obstreperous self-driven turbulent rough short-fuse highly strung perfectionistic ignited major gut revolutionary fain off the air very excited on the warpath untainted artless minded meant worked up paroxysmal cyclonic touchy savage convulsive revolutionist drastic foaming at the mouth fit to be tied keen on daft disorderly lit lighted indignant irate ireful sharp full-blooded assertive resounding arduous muscular taxing actual undissembled pretensionless undesigning on the make starry-eyed in the mood of a mind pysched up up for on for favourably inclined waiting with bated breath nutso knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts bad-tempered ill-tempered hammer and tongs bang-bang frank candid high all-out exhausting crazy about mad about twenty-four carat honest to God high as a kite smitten critical in love with ultra shook on nutty about very enthusiastic about very keen on nutso over nuts about idealistic cut-throat beguiled enchanted besotted charmed unquestionable mad on in flames rebel lovesick captivated bewitched wigged-out subjective taken intoxicated spellbound love-struck enraptured seduced indulgent erotic anacreontic amative sisterly brotherly overindulgent terrorist legitimate vital articulate detail oriented silver-tongued vibrant buoyant fair dinkum fluent sparky perky very keen very enthusiastic caring kind airy peppy quick alive sparkling zippy benevolent gentle bubbly bouncy pregnant revealing graceful friendly nurturing full of life gay suggestive chirpy bouncing springy snappy go-go frisky jazzy pert racy zappy elated pizzazzy pizazzy chipper kinetic jaunty spanking considerate sympathetic peart generous amiable telling revelatory graphic glib lucid smooth-tongued meaning pointed well-spoken vitalized zingy warm-hearted tenderhearted bright and breezy indicative well-expressed alive and kicking expressing adoration bound up grandiloquent rhetorical smooth-spoken well spoken voluble impressive magniloquent well expressed sententious facund full of vim and vigour

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