Từ đồng nghĩa của in the mood

Tính từ

Willing or eager to do something
ready disposed willing inclined keen prepared eager glad happy amenable predisposed apt game pleased prone agreeable given likely minded enthusiastic fain ardent wired zealous game for of a mind raring to go have-a-go liable desirous set wont motivated favourably inclined able biased susceptible prejudiced leaning towards not unwilling consenting compliant accommodating content obliging favorable acquiescent cooperative biddable one open receptive helpful tractable favourable persuadable responsive well-disposed in favour so minded so-minded tending subject in favor in accord with like-minded with a tendency tending towards in the habit of bent on persuaded nothing loath yearning pining hungry pumped excited longing avid hot agog up voracious thirsty wholehearted enthused intent interested itching hankering fervid psyched fervent craving earnest juiced aching wishful passionate raring solicitous wild crazy dying gung ho ready and willing pysched up mad keen hot to trot as keen as mustard up for hepped up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed rarin' to go on for waiting with bated breath hopped-up champing at the bit keen as mustard accessible impatient athirst greedy nuts antsy anxious great of a mind to delighted complying agreeing assenting ungrudging cheerful desperate geeked stoked impetuous gagging restored refreshed revitalized primed hung up devoted active diligent committed breathless assiduous restless habitual vehement dedicated warm fanatical obsessed unreluctant engaged ambitious appetent diehard hearty restive covetous revitalised alacritous ripe close to all set qualified at hand about to organized equipped partial complaisant capable of decided planning resolved intending liking contemplating convinced determined purposing chafing at the bit psyched up in a hurry chomping at the bit full of enthusiasm fit expeditious anticipating attentive convenient at drop of hat feeling like tending toward in danger of indulgent liable to likely to pliable pliant adaptable onside easy persuasible suasible supportive organised aiming at aspiring to settled on leaning toward thinking of companionable useful eager to please eager to help forthcoming glad to be of assistance more than willing

Từ trái nghĩa của in the mood

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