Từ đồng nghĩa của rarin' to go

Tính từ

Strongly wanting to do or have something
thirsting eager bursting craving desiring hankering heated keen longing pining yearning acquisitive agog ambitious antsy appetent ardent athirst avid breathless champing at the bit covetous desirous dying to earnest fervent fervid greedy gung ho hot hot to trot hungry impatient intent ready and willing restive restless self-starting solicitous thirsty vehement voracious warmblooded wild wishful zealous raring aching willing ready excited enthusiastic pumped juiced itching crazy dying waiting with bated breath hepped up hopped-up raring to go prepared amenable disposed up wholehearted enthused interested anxious inclined passionate psyched set fain on for minded favourably inclined as keen as mustard up for in the mood bright-eyed and bushy-tailed keen as mustard of a mind game mad keen pysched up hoping wishing hopeful stoked on tenterhooks intent on geeked bent on on the edge of your seat ripe set on hankering after gagging on pins and needles desirous of exuberant lively spirited ebullient animated motivated energetic high-spirited keyed up chomping at the bit exhilarated vivacious fanatical nuts determined titillated dynamic zestful committed sprightly devoted dedicated thrilled pleased animate fiery hearty great passional rabid driven aflame afire full of beans red-hot impassioned emotional hyper hopped up inspired stirred inspirited galvanized stimulated roused energized warm vigorous aroused encouraged moved uplifted influenced activated obsessed energised self-driven stirred up galvanised fascinated forceful rhapsodic tantalized industrious concerned unqualified nutty intense wacky perfervid gaga turnt active diligent gone on tantalised assiduous bugged conscientious zesty

Từ trái nghĩa của rarin' to go

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