Từ đồng nghĩa của set on

Alternative for set on

Từ đồng nghĩa: assail, assault, attack,

Động từ

To attack
assault attack beat hit pound pummelled pummel thrash assail hammer set upon strike wallop beset bushwhack charge fall on lace into light into paste pitch into raid rush set about sic sick storm tear into trash turn on beat up on do over fly at give someone a beating go at jump on knock about lay into let fly at rough up round on sail into set at terrorise terrorize work over beat up duff up get stuck into go in on knock around descend on descend upon let someone have it pounce on pounce upon have a go at beat the living daylights out of invade besiege fall upon lash out at launch an attack on blitz strike out wade into aggress go for ambush bust launch oneself at swoop on make an assault on strike at weigh into hit out at lambaste belabor hit out lash out flail around jump belabour make a raid on attempt to capture take by storm savage bash batter slam slog lambast thump punch blast bat clip bop mug biff drub clock club pelt capture whop smite boff have at come at run at advance on launch an attack make an onslaught on march into thrash about overrun shoot down blindside smash open fire on accost maltreat impugn encounter lay about let fly lie in wait for hold up surprise waylay battle get at fire at overcome charge at launch at spring at rush upon go after rush at spring on hurt harm abuse potshot excoriate tackle castigate scathe vituperate overwhelm kick bean infiltrate boot bother penetrate larrup brain dive into set in on make a foray on make a sortie on go in take conduct an offensive on take down surge into take on surge over lose one's temper with harass harry bombard lay into someone afflict set upon someone fall upon someone pounce descend make an assault make an attack fall on someone assault someone deal a blow to deal a blow devastate bite someone's head off jump down someone's throat blister cook bomb march on foray into swoop down upon torpedo sally forth fire on sally make inroads on stab knock block off knock for a loop knock cold turn to violence lay siege to duff someone up assault physically chop down wade in belt knock smack whale bludgeon whip buffet bang lash whack slap clobber flog clout sock tan thwack lick maul swat birch crack slug rap hide swipe switch box slate lace thresh lather paddle baste pommel whap whup tromp fib clap nail zap rain blows on do slosh malleate forge give someone a hiding punch out welt bonk mess up curry whomp quilt draw lam tag dong bob knock into the middle of next week swinge bung up give someone a good hiding stick one on cuff cudgel deck lay one on spank cane thud chin flail bump tonk tap crash pop punish floor flagellate blow dot ram plug crown strap jab give someone a drubbing bruise give someone a good beating give someone a good drubbing wham hook break impact king-hit chop ding scourge leather skelp horsewhip let have it cowhide rawhide slash drum collide impinge sucker-punch dash against drive thrust dash injure manhandle slam into welly flay mash trounce lacerate cosh KO mutilate fill in aim blows at collide with smash into bang into run into bump into crash into crack into be in collision with knock into crack against wound pat mistreat chastise impel impair crush disable total brutalize brutalise hit hard maim mangle clump contuse zonk lob catch butt deface pulverize wax bang up pulverise meet head-on knock against plough into be hurled defeat handle knob finial saddlebow spike thump on knock on kick in bear down poke hit repeatedly bam jerk shake whisk revile hack take out plant one hang one on chip bash up scud wear out blip conk level fell roughhouse flatten beat someone up give someone a hot bottom contact put someone over one's knee make someone feel the back of one's hand stroke fillip haymaker rain blows upon beat to a pulp swing duke let one have it uppercut wreck disfigure cripple lame pellet stone flax percuss dab whang lay a finger on paddlewhack hit for six fustigate lunge flop flutter flap ferule damage blackjack wipe sock it to someone land a punch knock out ride roughshod pick stinger stripe plump connect with box someone's ears tan one's hide dust someone's britches warm someone's seat sideswipe strike with a stick beat with a stick give a hiding take care of put in the hospital break face lean on carom give a black eye physically attack come down on haul off on slap around jump down one's throat jostle bunt jar clatter swing at crunch crash against incapacitate gash graze scratch cut scrape cannon into drive into come into collision with smack into put out cause pain to cause injury to pinch mark blacken discolour do a number on zing make black and blue black discolor strike head-on

Động từ

To stir up or provoke to action
whip up agitate arouse drum up excite foment incite inflame instigate kindle provoke stir work up abet compel disturb drive goad hound prick prod push raise set spur start stir up urge whomp up stimulate prompt rouse encourage brew initiate pick ferment actuate induce bring about motivate set off promote cause foster inspire impel influence enkindle egg on spark off set in motion sting make put in motion spur on drive on trigger persuade procure activate root on put up to originate begin commence quicken move generate fan nurse effectuate nurture cultivate increase entice press constrain impassion spark pique kick-start sway trigger off fan the flames touch off prevail upon sow the seeds evoke add fuel turn on plan steam up scheme suggest rev up make waves fire up get going insinuate rabble-rouse tempt hint plot needle elicit create fan the flames of sow the seeds of produce occasion awaken engender summon set on foot invoke set afoot educe call up bring into being conjure up lead to call forth give rise to start up resurrect result in beget cause to appear precipitate summon up draw forth set going animate get to force talk into agitate for forward juice coax exhort fan the fire key up solicit inspirit craze psych breed further taunt galvanize waken galvanise whet rally bring on electrify advance bestir ignite contribute to effect fire catalyze fuel catalyse enliven help energize wake bring out energise culminate in be the cause of establish invite rile contribute develop awake thrill vivify wind up yield bring to pass instill be instrumental in instil intensify entail revive end in conduce conduce to translate into bring forth fire the enthusiasm of fire the imagination of light a fire under stoke up launch facilitate organize spawn assist support endorse make for be conducive to back espouse champion strengthen prime push forward boost add to nourish favour incubate favor organise pump up enthuse aid put in place necessitate play a part in achieve have a hand in touch involve make happen pep up realise realize have a part in play a role in nudge work affect actualize contrive bear be at the bottom of amount to lead whip finish in titillate cause to occur add up to cause to happen bring off spook feed the fire challenge call into being give incentive incline pursue stir something up mobilize mobilise court exercise agitate against exacerbate teach suscitate deposit plant implant lodge incentivize accomplish be a factor in vitalize introduce engineer open the door for attain mean get someone going build up instruct invigorate be responsible for kickoff draw out make possible oil the wheels of carry off carry through have the effect of pull off be partly responsible for spell reignite rekindle hook extend leave expand recall anger startle roil buoy grab institute inaugurate exhilarate sow terminate in warm add fuel to the flames elate incentivise bring back switch on stir embers add fuel to fire call to mind tease please found redound to juice up fluster upset envigorate liven up activize jazz up ruffle tickle tantalize irk incense innervate ask for it redouble mount bug magnify enhance deepen heighten intensate innerve alert call tantalise send get in operation set up get under way spirit someone up fire with enthusiasm buoy up make wild charge grill vex risk heat up get functioning get off the ground get working commove jolt charge up work into lather cost lay the foundations of bring wake up shake shake up madden dragoon badger pressure coerce do lay the first stone of kick off pressurize conceive hatch bully harass hassle get the ball rolling propagate muster goose sic rowel pressurise sound set the ball rolling start the ball rolling draw on give birth to uphold enrich feed sharpen serve proselytize sponsor proselytise speak for give backing to get smoking burn up

Động từ

Assist, help in wrongdoing
abet aid encourage help assist back support promote sanction boost further second endorse succor succour backstop champion condone expedite favor favour forward incite prompt sustain uphold urge collaborate with collude with connive with cooperate with foster lend a hand push side with spur work with advocate connive countenance goad go along with prod prop up be in collusion with connive at participate in back up be hand in glove with egg on give a push to put up to advance serve facilitate nurture develop cultivate stand up for stick up for nourish nurse defend stand by contribute to benefit ally oneself with strengthen lend a hand to aid and abet be on the side of go to bat for incubate help out espouse pave the way for be of service to give a leg up oblige stimulate accommodate relieve sponsor be supportive of ally with associate oneself with be loyal to prefer go with bail out patronize do someone a favour patronise take care of take the side of come to the defence of stand behind take up the cudgels for benefact reinforce fuel bolster subsidize enrich foment take the part of cooperate accelerate give assistance to plug help along speed up sympathize with tend do for subsidise open doors for approve work for give a boost to bail someone out be advantageous to muck in with give a leg up to oil the wheels of care for get stuck in with give a lift give a boost come to the aid of smile on approve of get someone out of a tight spot be to the advantage of meet the needs of plump for plunk for vote for lend support to give backing to stick by give one's support to take to one's heart do a kindness to give one's backing to throw one's weight behind pursue court establish fund finance teach grow invest in bankroll steady instruct keep advantage feed avail hasten proselytize mitigate minister alleviate side provide for look after progress propel be in favor of throw in with get behind rally round throw in one's lot with proselytise give a donation to give money to speed be conducive to fast-track bear a hand to stand one in good stead give support to adopt embrace extend ballyhoo broaden generate engender spur on step up propagate expand contribute spread speak for open doors straighten out accept indorse welcome ally grubstake angel maintain take someone's part abide by give one's blessing to receive wholeheartedly receive enthusiastically vouch for be in favour of fall in with get into take up take to go in for take on improve fortify prop increase rescue ease endow instigate be of assistance be of use drum up save someone's skin be of help be of service come to someone's rescue do one's bit for pitch in do a favour do a service save someone's bacon bale someone out give assistance take under one's wing do a good turn chip in do a favor lend a helping hand be there for give help minister to do one's part be useful precipitate attend wait on attend to stump hype make easy be of use to thump puff jack up hike up do someone a service pitch in with open the door for ride shotgun clear a path for root for be a factor in smooth the way for run interference for smooth the path of assist the progress of grease the wheels give a hand make a pitch for put on the map be a tower of strength to lend a helping hand to go down the line for motivate inspire drive hurry intensify protect clear the way for heighten enhance impel smooth rush enable make smooth make smoother make easier quicken make possible raise rear augment breed invigorate consolidate magnify hand-carry amplify loosen up deepen envigorate walk through mount add to simplify escalate cement steel comfort redouble accentuate buttress corroborate empower befriend substantiate enlarge bring up multiply set up keep an eye on amp up beef up buoy up wax build make stronger add fuel to domiciliate gestate supplement hurry along give a lift to arouse fast track swell compound aggrandize make provisions for push through oil the wheels for grease wheels lay the foundations of cherish bring aid to give help to perk up advise bring relief to bring comfort to harbour hold have harbor entertain render assistance to give aid and encouragement to give a shot in the arm to guide harden supply emphasize toughen make friends with furnish provide suckle underline galvanize stress recommend embolden cling to mother buoy incentify incentivize underpin reward cotton to make a friend of case out buddy up mushroom snowball aggravate hearten stiffen renew vitalize restore galvanise energize incentivise energise highlight emphasise propagandize exacerbate inflame confirm inure give food to get in with hit it off get chummy with come on to take up with push for rejuvenate indurate harshen justify season bolster up worsen safeguard propagandise aid in help in campaign for sinew regenerate tone brace up build up gee up be of assistance to pay off for better do good to be beneficial to be good for bless be of help to befit ameliorate please be useful to suit power be helpful to gratify be of advantage to profit satisfy give strength to tone up rouse accumulate rise intensate shore up sit cradle father add fuel to fire make firm give new energy to make healthy nursemaid hot up become worse make worse administer to watch over see to take charge of baby-sit watch out for keep alive keep tabs on

Động từ

Desiring or being on the lookout for (something)
spoiling for after craving desiring fancying eager for itching for looking for raring for bent on crying out for desperate for dying for feeling in need of feeling like hankering after hankering for having a fancy for having a need for having an inclination for hoping for hungering for keen to have longing for pining after pining for thirsting after thirsting for wishing for yearning for on the lookout for wanting coveting lusting after aching for yenning for needing desiderating lusting for sighing for aspiring to hungering after requiring setting one's heart on jonesing for having a yen for liking choosing hankering having one's heart set on dreaming of panting after salivating for having eyes for repining for burning for seeking preferring caring for wishing relishing envying dreaming panting for setting your heart on taking to taking a shine to going for taking a liking to having an urge for inclining toward having need of having as one's aim having as one's goal wishing to have praying for asking for looking forward to begging begrudging suspiring eating your heart out over eating one's heart out giving eyeteeth for jonesing suspiring for desiring intensely feening favouring favoring yearning aching having hots for having eye on having your eye on longing loving hungering electing endorsing rathering leaning toward feeling inclined toward welcoming suggesting approving of opting for having a preference for selecting leaning towards thirsting itching sighing missing pining regretting the absence of carrying a torch falling for having a crush on cottoning to falling in love with having the hots for leching after leching over taking a fancy to feeling inclined to feeling the need for feeling a need for feeling up to having the inclination for eating one's heart out over having a passion for lusting wishing to expecting lacking panting aiming for desiring to awaiting anticipating zealously anticipating hungrily anticipating vigorously anticipating intently awaiting energetically awaiting vigorously awaiting waiting for actively awaiting aspiring spiritedly awaiting expectantly awaiting seeking to longingly anticipating awaiting with anticipation thirstily awaiting thirstily anticipating having an eye on enthusiastically awaiting anticipating with pleasure longingly awaiting actively anticipating breathlessly anticipating enthusiastically anticipating earnestly awaiting fervently awaiting anticipating with enthusiasm impatiently anticipating earnestly anticipating intently anticipating counting the days until fervently anticipating expectantly anticipating zealously awaiting spiritedly anticipating licking your lips over eagerly awaiting hungrily awaiting ardently awaiting awaiting with pleasure energetically anticipating ardently anticipating breathlessly awaiting regretting the loss of awaiting with enthusiasm really wanting eagerly anticipating impatiently awaiting awaiting with gusto anticipating with gusto craving for anticipating with anticipation counting the hours until yenning having a yen having a longing languishing lamenting crying for dreaming about shedding tears for enjoying adoring savoring digging savouring fantasizing delighting in having a craving for having a yearning for rejoicing in reveling in getting off on sanctioning daydreaming contemplating imagining finding sexy visualizing visualising envisioning aiming romanticizing musing contriving finding sexually attractive having a thing for having the horn for having a thing about drooling over longingly remembering feeling nostalgic for longing to see feeling the loss of grieving for woolgathering idealizing conjuring up pictures setting your sights on building castles in air picturing conceiving of living in a dream world ideating idealising fantasising romanticising necessitating having use for having to have feeling a dearth of having occasion for having occasion to feeling the necessity for standing in need of having need for pursuing aiming to longing to hoping to hankering to yearning to wanting to licking one's chops wanting more expecting to trying hungering to striving struggling hoping having the objective of expecting more raising expectations raising standards raising the bar pushing the envelope

Động từ

To deliberately make (someone) annoyed or angry
provoke annoy anger infuriate irritate enrage incense madden exasperate gall pique insult irk offend vex affront aggravate hassle bother exacerbate rile upset agitate nettle ruffle harass bug get harry molest nark needle peeve perturb plague taunt tease torment chafe miff grate incite niggle rankle ride roil bait fret gravel grill nag abrade start get to get on one's nerves put someone out get on someone's nerves get someone's back up get under one's skin hack off send into a rage try someone's patience make angry rub up the wrong way try one's patience work into lather give someone the hump make blood boil make someone's blood boil put someone's back up stir up wind up get a rise out of get in someone's hair rub the wrong way set one off take a rise out of get across someone make waves put out hit where one lives raise someone's hackles displease disturb tick off persecute antagonize pester worry burn up rasp goad inflame trouble antagonise eat get across outrage spite drive up the wall distress gripe frost make someone see red itch badger hump drive crazy drive mad rattle rark get at bedevil tee off hack you off get on your nerves discompose bum out frustrate disgruntle disquiet disconcert give a hard time excite hound ire mad afflict unsettle concern steam up fluster enflame dismay hurt drive to distraction heckle perplex drive round the bend flurry disgust rankle with get your back up give someone the pip pain gnaw unhinge fuss distemper frazzle make cross torture alarm put your back up drive round the twist make your blood boil discomfort sting unnerve ruffle someone's feathers discomfit arouse be on your back hector grate on dog burn distract get up someone's nose beleaguer embitter get your goat chivvy get in your hair confuse get under someone's skin egg on give someone grief make someone's hackles rise devil rouse T-off try work up ail rattle someone's cage exercise aggrieve pick on mortify empurple rag haze freak out weird out be at mither beset bully hagride derail mock fire up tantalize wound tantalise prod nudge get one's goat get someone's goat rattle one's cage put down get someone's dander up get under your skin get on your wick rib chaff dissatisfy chagrin eat away at embarrass get someone get on someone's wick put someone's nose out of joint umbrage oppress alarum faze undo criticize prick discombobulate get under skin depress criticise cheese off make fun of drive bananas ridicule get on somebody's nerves make anxious deride be on the back of guy work on cross scandalize gibe acerbate hack grieve pursue quiz chivy bewilder craze heavy harrow kid jar on incommode wear on henpeck scandalise browbeat be offensive confound turn off discountenance shock upbraid make you see red besiege dump on raise your hackles keep after agonize keep on at whip up laugh at get in one's hair ask for it importune get your dander up rub you up the wrong way breathe down someone's neck get on nerves have on pull somebody's leg cause offense bend someone's ear take the piss out of dishearten agonise make uneasy titillate slight abuse victimize sour humiliate injure inconvenience razz stress out discommode bite disoblige zing curdle worsen disrespect diss jar twit dis rally sound scold thwart revile brown off raise hell bore be a thorn in someone's flesh get someone's hackles up derange slap bum scorn wrong berate impose on examine rack curse reproach quicken stimulate sledge stick in one's craw scoff at scare jeer at heighten make your hackles rise preoccupy set one's teeth on edge try the patience of victimise break slam lead on anguish excruciate crab intrude upon be a pain in the neck pother tire be a thorn in someone's side poke fun at take the mickey out of carp at try your patience complicate eat at get your hackles up peck at strain cut to the quick go on at give a bad time intimidate heat up flirt with rag on get up your nose gnaw at make sport of give offence to spook swipe at put off be an affront to find fault with drive you up the wall shake up puzzle add fuel to the fire pick at put somebody's nose out of joint mess with add insult to injury get up somebody's nose get on the wrong side of drive nuts take the mickey spur haunt rattle someone's chain irritate greatly make you angry discontent disaffect steam get someone's wick fester chide misplease wing disappoint repel revolt cool cap question tweak make one see red cavil bristle wig dun drive insane rile up snit pet tiff huff stew panic excoriate stress get on the nerves of boil put somebody's back up blight assail play dirty push one's buttons rub one the wrong way tangle motivate absorb grab attract awake goose ignite interest get in the hair of lash cause resentment to cause annoyance to shake push button run up the wrong way harm stroke someone's hair the wrong way nag at blow up insist remind put your nose out of joint cause anxiety despair obsess foil be like a red rag to a bull mess burden make sore lose one's temper ruffle one's feathers jeer arouse hostility in cause disquiet to give the business cause to panic put impose upon put on the spot frighten startle macerate attack noodge despoil foray bullyrag sneer resent push someon's buttons occupy begrudge grudge drive you crazy confront dispraise slander eat up get on someone gibe at sneer at ferment possess throw off psych out shatter daze appal entice disdain scout flout jab twitter dig lout wind somebody up jerk around appall drive you to distraction make livid ventilate move psych hang up get even cramp style louse up tatter erode fray amaze intrude interfere astound get in the way stir drive you round the twist drive you round the bend sicken nauseate weary cause anxiety to throw affect do someone's head in make someone scratch their head lie heavy on occupy someone's thoughts prey on someone's mind interrupt drive you off your head boil over make indignant cause offense to cause offence to give a zinger give the cold shoulder impede hinder make nervous punish wring smite bone make flip work someone up push buttons turn on bug up scour wear down upset the apple cart snub drive you out of your mind make somebody's blood boil drive out of mind disparage throw off balance tempt intrigue beguile fascinate lure allure horrify slur be a nuisance to drive somebody up the wall make fed up scratch around yap at stump put into a flap put someone off their stroke furbelow cow bluster floor frill flummox fuddle cause someone to lose their composure disrupt throw into a tizz wear throw into tizzy domineer search high heaven be a pest to be on one's back be on one's case have had enough become bored make discontented exhaust someone's patience grate at lose patience exploit manipulate maltreat violate scrape away bite into gnaw away at rage wear away wear to shreds wear out baffle charm make one's hackles rise get on someone's case lead someone a merry dance play cat and mouse put through wringer rub salt in wound grip override tyrannize push turn one off mistreat belittle ill-treat be disagreeable give offence tread on someone's toes dominate tyrannise enslave hurt somebody's feelings hurt someone's feelings slap in the face twist the knife rub salt in the wound abase misuse keep hanging dishonor tyrannize over be autocratic make mouth water keep hanging on keep someone hanging on make someone's mouth water take advantage of dishonour do an injustice to ill-use martyrize martyr hurry yowl yammer wail moan grump kick squawk inveigh whimper carp bleat growl murmur yaup croak keen yawp whinge maunder beef grouse holler mutter grumble kvetch complain squeal caterwaul whine scream grouch repine bellyache grizzle bustle flutter mix up hustle step on the toes of egg urge harp on at find fault moan at moan on at take it out on get on someone's back grumble at keep complaining to go for jugular give no quarter lay a bad trip on intensify josh increase compound joke jive magnify make worse amplify augment satirize roast banter envenom fun impair add to chiack make matters worse fan the flames compound the problem slang shuck smoke hit on rot feed the fire add fuel to the flames push one's button fan the flames of spoof snap to make matters worse go from bad to worse rub salt in the wounds rub salt in a wound satirise jibe at send up make jokes about goof on be sarcastic about poke mullock at sling off at lead somebody on pull someone's leg put on poke borak at flout at make a monkey of mess around sadden weigh down tax cause suffering to discourage nonplus demoralize deject dispirit demoralise daunt crush crucify cast down traumatize abash press traumatise weigh heavily on terrorize cause trouble to dampen hang over addle make miserable bamboozle beat terrorise prey on dumbfound make uncomfortable chill devastate overwhelm desolate repulse mystify make wretched cause anguish to muddle dash debilitate put a damper on befuddle cause discomfort to make unhappy weigh on be a great weight on be a burden to weigh face beat down take aback put in a spot weigh heavily on someone's mind put to trouble cramp fear test pressurize sweat tear buffet flip damage indispose sap visit bring down flip out pressurise meddle stretch bemuse scar impose press down on hunt break one's heart stupefy lower cause concern to unman bleed drain enervate infest terrify get someone down be a burden on buffalo fox disorient maze lean on surprise weigh heavily on one's mind make things hot for someone make it hot for someone get down give trouble befog reluct dull mess with someone's head make it tough pose muddy disorientate stun make despondent make self-conscious niggle at hurt one's feelings make punchy go to one's head knock for six inflict anguish on intoxicate be repugnant to do in blow one's mind cause agony to inebriate ball up ache pinch squeeze compress fool around bedog belabour chevy heat kid around tear away at insist on give someone hell nit-pick strap buttonhole breath down someone's neck cut belabor bombard put on edge be in someone's way dragoon expel exile sear grind exhaust roust cut up be prey to overcharge arouse anxiety in entangle hamper barrack boo lie heavily on beleague aggress single out put to some trouble accost encroach obtrude do a number on make it tough for tear to pieces hurt the feelings of be on someone's back turn incapacitate take over interfere with shout down send into a spin be hurtful to mourn cause anguish cause suffering lambaste cause sorrow recur cause inconvenience to be the victim of grind at get the knife into stick the knife into shame prey on your mind put the squeeze on consternate key up lay up jump on one's case give one the business hiss astonish dizzy barge in on intrude on lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind come back to stay with be a weight on one's mind be ever present put pressure on be bothered fall upon fall on jar upon grate upon be disagreeable to push the buttons of rock the boat make a scene bring pressure to bear on make demands on make severe demands on put a strain on tire out start in on create difficulties for take control of deter wear upon be in someone's hair unstring put off his or her stride worst make someone laugh on the other side of their face make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth set someone back on their heels take the wind out of someone's sails give the needle inflict trauma deeply upset set your teeth on edge rasp one's nerves prey on one's mind be a weight on someone's mind horn in on overawe break in thumb nose at dampen spirits bring one down throw a curve knock props out disadvantage catch somebody off balance catch somebody unawares sweat out make downhearted demean shout at knock the wind out of make blue drag down break the heart of put into a funk dish out dish it out give it to stick it to butt in on poison alienate harsh one's mellow dampen someone's hopes awe droop cause to lose heart repress prostrate deprecate inflict cause pain to lampoon hurt deeply butt in shout catcalls at make game of chasten discredit suppress subjugate subdue stifle make awkward make ashamed show up own make someone's stomach rise make someone's gorge rise wreck wreak befall cause someone difficulty discommodate put out of countenance let down throw into a tizzy put in a hole catch one short devitalize smother diminish weaken squelch be a problem to put someone to trouble catch disillusion be a burden be a nuisance give someone bother humble deaden defeat extinguish overpower curb overcome quell strike take jaundice empoison make resentful make bitter bear down on damp down overstretch overtax pressure tense avenge make someone go out of his way cast a pall over drag darken damp descend upon descend on force upon bring down on wilder fog flabbergast knock the stuffing out of harsh someone's mellow give someone the blues make someone fed up make desolate make your heart bleed pour cold water on cast a gloom upon bring tears to someone's eyes run down make gloomy bear down make someone's heart bleed make sad reduce to tears knock sideways bring tears to your eyes keep under dampen someone's spirits dash someone's hopes break someone's spirit throw cold water on break someone's heart live off blackmail plunder depredate consume kill raid load extort feed on fleece seize live on devour snow obfuscate acidulate estrange make rancorous bitter venom crunch overextend cause to be at a stand stagger set thinking mess with one's head make someone's head spin bring up short be all Greek to set someone thinking stymie fool overdo threaten gross out squick make ill hoodwink trick dupe hoax deceive delude cause to feel emotional strain cause to feel mental strain make tense tense up put in traction push to the limit put on trial abominate cause to feel nauseous make someone want to throw up turn one's stomach be distasteful to pall disenchant make shudder cause aversion make one sick surfeit cloy on offend morals of be repulsive to be repulsive fill with loathing turn your stomach disagree jest jape con quip wisecrack yuck yuk jolly gag gull cozen adventure risk venture peril jeopard jeopardize imperil compromise endanger hazard make unwell go against the grain be injurious to be sickening be disturbing be distasteful have an adverse effect on be injurious strike down be unsuitable cause illness to cause problems take in flimflam mislead yank somebody's chain scare hell out of utter threats to bad-eye portend jeopardise gamble with whip around impend push around menace put heat on loom issue threats to

Tính từ

Exhibiting passion and enthusiasm
good determined devout enthusiastic fervent passionate resolute ardent bent bent on buckled down constant decided dogged driven earnest firm fixed gritty hardboiled indomitable obstinate persevering persistent purposeful resolved set settled single-minded solid stanch steadfast strong-minded strong-willed stubborn tenacious unfaltering unflinching unhesitating untiring unwavering avid dyed-in-the-wool fervid gung ho impassioned intent inveterate pious responsible serious sworn tried tried-and-true true-blue hopeful unrelenting committed relentless insistent stalwart bound undaunted obsessed unshakeable unshaken unflagging decisive steady hell-bent on hell bent on intent on on one's mettle bound and determined out insistent on hell-bent do-or-die determined to hell-bent upon committed to the idea of bent upon intending to inflexible about fixated on dead set single-minded about fanatical about obsessive about firm about dedicated uncompromising intransigent unswerving obdurate staunch strong indefatigable mettlesome steely perseverant spirited pertinacious plucky intrepid inflexible faithful unbending implacable valiant true vigorous immovable brave purposive unyielding unshakable adamant bold indurate gutsy courageous persisting loyal spunky unchanging stiff manful definite immutable strenuous stout unbendable deliberate four-square tall in the saddle meaning business dead set on bulldog intent upon rock-ribbed stout-hearted positive focused undeviating focussed tireless emphatic unmalleable sure unqualified pigheaded never-failing going for broke forceful assured strict flat-out clear-sighted all out straight out devoted monomaniacal hellbent whole-hearted assertive obsessive fanatical hard in earnest hard-line determinate dominant certain unalterable stable go-getting rigid pig-headed full of determination prevailing hardened inexpugnable seasoned domineering stand pat going hang tough through-and-through explicit consistent hard-and-fast enterprising ambitious motivated telelogical playing hard ball mean business nose to the grindstone calculated intense be out for blood unfluctuating unfailing unremitting unvacillating enduring mulish stiff-necked abiding inexorable sustained unquestioning wholehearted unflappable going all the way

Tính từ

Strongly wanting to do or have something
eager anxious hungry impatient thirsty keen raring yearning aching longing antsy greedy hoping hot wishing agog desirous enthusiastic excited hopeful intent restless zealous craving crazy desiring hankering itching juiced pining pumped ready solicitous voracious willing wishful ambitious appetent athirst dying gagging geeked heated restive ripe stoked vehement bent on desirous of gung ho hepped up hopped-up intent on on tenterhooks dying to hankering after self-starting on pins and needles raring to go ready and willing waiting with bated breath champing at the bit hot to trot rarin' to go on the edge of one's seat avid ardent wild enthused nuts passionate great determined energetic spirited fervent committed earnest fanatical dedicated active resolute driven motivated industrious vigorous forceful inclined steadfast aspiring intense devoted game amenable fervid covetous animated purposeful enterprising indefatigable diligent disposed persistent impassioned untiring go-getting inspired wholehearted assiduous unflagging thrilled tireless tenacious aggressive chomping at the bit assertive striving lively keen as mustard interested persevering prepared dogged breathless happy glad single-minded aroused insatiable rapacious ravenous keyed up pushy fierce fiery obsessed strenuous thirsting dynamic stimulated fired up mad keen hard-working conscientious expectant pertinacious gutsy psyched gluttonous mettlesome set progressive acquisitive moved bursting stirred minded exhilarated bold itchy burning edacious militant apt unwavering plucky grasping exuberant hoggish pleased esurient staunch delighted unrelenting go-ahead fain pioneering as keen as mustard mad swinish strong strong-willed sedulous feverish eager beaver bright-eyed and bushy-tailed piggish ebullient afire resolved firm rigorous perfervid obstinate vivacious hard-driving obsessive beside oneself psyched up zestful potty predisposed rabid self-driven bent worked up awakened engaged hearty self-assertive charged desperate avaricious bright aflame insatiate qualified uncompromising warmblooded ravening straining at the leash budding ruthless tough courageous high-spirited power-hungry insistent studious stubborn on the make gone on sprightly self-seeking faithful confident devouring high-reaching ball of fire goal-oriented in the mood of a mind grudging on fire peppy strong-minded titillated bent upon infatuated juiced up fixated hell-bent get up and go wanting uncontrolled adventurous dotty likely unrestrained prone daft possessed compulsive inexhaustible can-do unwearied violent pushing stalwart high devout laborious fond smart feisty full of beans agreeable busy unwearying infatuated with intelligent able alert incessant full-blooded unremitting unbending devoted to weariless fixed jumping grind hyper perky unyielding intemperate in suspense unshakeable constant piggy hardworking all agog potential unflinching skilled steady unfaltering brave languishing thrusting wannabe loyal edgy decisive on the go elated wistful compliant operose in-your-face endeavouring docile coming on strong close close-fisted carnivorous gormandizing gobbling grabby gulping guzzling electrified obliging power-loving cooperative acquiescent rhapsodic aspirant prospective optimistic self-asserting encouraged animate anticipating promising roused unquenchable frenzied tumultuous powerful forcible potent would-be curious open-mouthed endeavoring attentive extreme astounded unappeasable possible wired supportive frenetic gung-ho prodigious nutty hung up agape daring intensive audacious painstaking thunderstruck flabbergasted lusting fired hooked atingle fanatic blunt unbridled enthralled coveting keen on warm passional resounding muscular emphatic raving hysterical enamored given talented Herculean gross uncontrollable intrepid envious resourceful unfailing nutso unswerving dashing stout punchy gifted bugged steely hot for undaunted wolfish enamoured of smitten with selfish mean galvanized monomaniacal zippy hard-hitting unsatisfied obdurate undeviating snappy zesty in favour content nervy up-and-coming on edge spunky gannet-like omnivorous impulsive in favor very keen on fearless hooked on in love with enamoured enamored of true in want of hardy pumped up itching for open bustling deep galvanised partial in a hurry iron-willed indomitable dying for dutiful persisting prehensile unhesitating geared up turned on with bated breath stirred up self-confident gritty pulling no punches hungering have-a-go desiring success dead set cranked up full of determination true-blue nothing loath like a ball of fire needing upbeat positive uncomplaining unceasing long-suffering materialistic self-improving complying approving touched mercenary fidgety moneygrubbing unsettled for ok with sympathetic straining chafing impetuous refreshed revitalized restored agreeing ungrudging assenting diehard ablaze all out smitten excited about revitalised radical intending gotta have inspirited energized habitual influenced activated uplifted future up resilient all a-gog cheerful full of enthusiasm sincere in love overwrought dizzy sapless cottonmouthed juiceless bone-dry consumed compelled lacking fascinated aglow aspirational panting hoping for longing for energised red-blooded lusty vital bouncy immovable unshakable unbendable unshaken wacky concerned tantalized unqualified involved high-powered frantic delirious uproarious gingery focused consumed with desire unreluctant gaga tantalised riled up spoiling serious impelled adamant urgently requiring peppery wild-eyed zealotic fireball careful chafing at the bit turnt red-hot crude rude hard-nosed untrammeled untrammelled inquisitive quenchless induced obsessional favourably inclined ambitious for anxious for yearning for eager for adoring doting big focussed joyous joyful buoyant jovial teachable partial to wild for crazy for aquiver atremble pushed steered guided besetting fond of sweet on very enthusiastic sagacious sure in a frenzy astonished surprised amazed meticulous enlivened overjoyed excitable euphoric enraptured ecstatic willing for ready for avid for primed preoccupied immersed concentrated pysched up unstinting boorish chirpy exacting particular thorough punctilious jolly exultant irrepressible so-called dormant professed predatious crying out in great need of very excited dry as dust lustful amorous hopeful for aspiring towards keen for anticipatory hungered unfilled heedful game for elevated sparky on cloud nine intoxicated giddy piqued tickled tickled pink accessible all set equipped about to organized close to alacritous at hand with one's shoulder to the wheel with one's nose to the grindstone absorbed riveted concentrating occupied engrossed unslakable inextinguishable inappeasable up for on for firm in spirit independent perceptive heroic certain two-fisted stout-hearted tough-minded ironclad take charge jumping up and down rising coming urged on spoiling for full of life full of spirit unfulfilled self-appointed undeveloped latent self-styled up for it waiting expecting ravening for greedy for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for self-indulgent stingy miserly tight-fisted parsimonious penurious pennypinching tight immoderate clamorous crying pressing exigent importunate urgent demanding unsatisfiable limitless dirty filthy proactive bullish banzai inflexible fit convenient expeditious employed alive blissful jubilant can't wait hard arduous taxing addicted to succeeding emerging soaring go-getter climbing awaiting anticipant aspiring to over-enthusiastic never satisfied original gobsmacked spellbound dumbfounded soi-disant unrealized quasi- in urgent need swotty plugging working slogging plodding take-charge unclean sordid squalid brutish all-out exhausting brisk extremely enthusiastic covetous of lusting after liable to likely to visionary competitive watchful apprehensive with potential cock-a-hoop imaginative ingenious relentless in need of mad on embryonic cutthroat sustained rigid ferocious unable to be satisfied trainable bigoted wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo anticipative vigilant awe-stricken shocked with an appetite wrapped up liable subject susceptible insatiat with a yen bloodthirsty unabated stringent assured organised in the making likely to succeed inventive dauntless defiant bullheaded warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy biased erratic headstrong domineering opinionated credulous willful unruly contumacious incorrigible addicted sworn empty gorging sating starving starved dog-hungry creative consenting on the up and up sharp venturesome quick-witted capable clever fast through and through cut-throat self-willed self-assured vulnerable upwardly mobile intensely competitive fiercely competitive stop at nothing having killer instinct dog-eat-dog hang-tough high-pressure go for broke bound and determined self-possessed venturous free-swinging entrepreneurial emboldened adventuresome nerved accommodating ballsy good pledged pious stanch waiting on looking for jealous very hungry nuts for high on bound out dyed-in-the-wool card-carrying starved to death decided favorable down-the-line deep-dyed stirring take-over gumptious driving go-go advancing hustling innovative spanking single-hearted old faithful true to the end out-and-out given over to true blue minding tractable biddable helpful receptive favourable one persuadable responsive likely to get likely to have at risk of given to with a tendency to get in danger of getting apt to get well-disposed resentful spark plug hard ball out to fixed upon anxious to obsessive about committed to intending to inflexible about hell-bent on insistent on fixed on fixated on obsessed with dead set on resolved on fanatical about impatient to resolved to single-minded about do-or-die determined to hell-bent upon decisive about firm about determined on as game as Ned Kelly so-minded so minded in accord with like-minded possessive begrudging green invidious jaundiced green-eyed green with envy more than willing

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Attentively occupied with
intent absorbed focused attentive engrossed enthralled fixed rapt concentrated earnest fascinated occupied steady involved preoccupied consumed enrapt gone gripped lost riveted transfixed watchful captivated concentrating engaged intense intrigued mesmerised mesmerized observant bewitched deep enamoured enamored enchanted enraptured entranced focussed held hypnotised hypnotized immersed infatuated steadfast studious alert enthusiastic enticed settled spellbound wrapped up caught up dialed in locked in deep in hooked on really into head over heels hung up charmed busy hooked beguiled interested fixated taken up buried obsessed tied up up to here all ears into preoccupied by turned on caught up in eat sleep and breathe happy queer delighted submerged devoted fanatical smitten distracted single-minded intent on focused on heavily into up to here in stuck on in a brown study up to your ears deep in thought committed transported riveted by captivated by passionate thrilled sent intoxicated besotted keen bound-up concerned wrapped all wound up absent-minded abstracted monomaniacal preoccupied with sunk in single-minded about taken over hell-bent potty about crazy about engrossed in absorbed in wrapped up in obsessive about passionate about nuts about dedicated to enthusiastic about interested in gone on dotty about involved in possessed by wild on wound up hung up on devoted to immersed in having a one-track mind possessed trapped steeped connected captive set centered bound up centred enfolded ignorant mentally enchanted rapturous firm exclusive whole entire determined undivided all ecstatic resolved inflexible absentminded entranced by fascinated by distracted by taken up by distrait dreamy enthralled by spellbound by obsessive somewhere else in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds wool-gathering not there miles away not with us rhapsodic giddy elevated euphoric elated exhilarated rhapsodical heady strong-minded persistent dogged dedicated driven intensive motivated resolute blissful ravished dazzled excited overpowered very interested aroused tantalized attracted seduced titillated absent joyful inattentive taken dreaming overwhelmed content daydreaming employed unconscious oblivious tantalised carried away blissed out sedulous diligent assiduous monopolized industrious bugged fond of in love with extremely curious sold on under a spell very inquisitive highly interested extremely interested very curious gripped by engaged with beguiled by monopolised engaged in hypnotized by fixated by fiend for intrigued by mesmerized by taken up with

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Stubbornly sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action
opinionated obstinate wilful unbending adamant dogged headstrong immovable implacable inflexible intransigent mulish obdurate pertinacious perverse stubborn uncompromising unyielding rigid willful unrelenting adamantine bullheaded hard hardened hardheaded inconvincible ossified pat pigheaded stiff-necked hard-nosed self-willed self-opinionated single-minded hard-line locked in set in stone narrow-minded one-sided set-on intractable inexorable determined firm refractory relentless tenacious steadfast recalcitrant bull-headed unshakeable resolute fixed contumacious tough contrary indurate bloody-minded uncooperative unshakable balky persistent unmanageable cussed unpersuadable unwavering iron-willed unreasonable unmalleable cantankerous difficult incompliant persevering strong-willed froward steely unflinching stubborn as a mule deaf to reason unbendable strong-minded insubordinate remorseless uncompliant bolshie stiff ornery set in one's ways rebellious iron untoward strict grim obstreperous restive unaccommodating cross-grained wayward dead set on defiant brassbound ungovernable hardline diehard insistent indomitable die-hard stroppy rock-ribbed contrarious hard and fast unswayable fractious wrong-headed pig-headed uncontrollable resolved disobedient unswerving mutinous set harsh pitiless dogmatic hard-core awkward unmovable mean incorrigible quarrelsome hanging tough disobliging obstructive tiresome troublesome blinkered unadaptable wild mule solid unsparing assiduous disorderly tireless unbreakable stern merciless ruthless undisciplined rigorous rowdy indefatigable lawless unappeasable unalterable unruly noncompliant staunch unchangeable importunate immutable rebel recusant opinionative dead set turbulent brick-wall thrawn riotous heedless reckless not giving an inch disputatious violent impulsive impetuous impervious out of control drunken out of line dug in rash intemperate bawdy imprudent forward assertive standing one's ground standing pat haughty purposeful frozen petrified stalwart boneheaded unreceptive inveterate unbudgeable proud aloof non-compliant indurated rigidified fossilized bony contentious hidebound stringent resistant irrational unhelpful stiffened dyed-in-the-wool severe renitent as stubborn as a mule fossilised immalleable durable biased vexatious illogical annoying unmoved heady unfaltering locked-in hard-shell convinced stony unresponsive set in your ways unimpressible unfailing arbitrary unrepentant hardhearted bullhead uncompassionate unemotional impertinent boisterous crisp unflexible doctrinaire impassive constant cruel disruptive anarchic tough nut to crack cold fish proof against persuasion strong stony-hearted unimpressionable unshaken with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in chaotic attention-seeking troublemaking decided do or die hold the line hard as nails hold one's ground sticking to one's guns hold the fort rugged steady quiescent permanent unmodifiable irrepressible unrestrained prejudiced intolerant categorical sedulous unflagging unstoppable rumbustious incontrollable lawbreaking lively rollicking loud romping noisy anarchical unforgiving stand pat set in concrete tough nut stick to guns out of hand unabated mortal bound hard-headed iron-fisted pounding bound and determined demanding overbearing hard to please fussy unamenable picky boorish argumentative fastidious finicky tyrannical grumbly hypercritical prickly dissatisfied rude irritable trying querulous bearish crabby finical huffy vexed unpredictable testy hard to handle invidious negative choosy fiendish delicate oppressive captious snappy sensitive ill-natured hard to satisfy temperamental irritating crotchety overcritical uppity touchy impolite uptight irascible chippy feisty perfectionist particular over-particular dictatorial critical disputative sour oafish discontented ungracious indocile spirited dedicated committed vigorous undeviating untiring forceful earnest intent enduring unhesitating undaunted unchanging bold unremitting exacting valiant sturdy settled gritty stout stable lasting gutsy sure mettlesome perseverant fierce sustained courageous plucky cast-iron rooted driven continuous stout-hearted brave continual abiding decisive full of determination ingrained deep-rooted deep-seated continuing unabating emphatic fanatical unsympathetic serious spunky doughty lionhearted definite authoritarian heavy-handed ineradicable entrenched extreme zealous ceaseless true long-standing unvarying purposive unflappable chronic austere incurable dour perpetual perennial persisting hardy unvacillating aggressive invariable manful diligent hard-and-fast ardent everlasting fast incessant tight pushy devoted long-lasting established rough draconian confirmed recurrent ironclad lifelong unfeeling bulldog impliable deliberate endless inelastic unending robust flinty patient deep-dyed bent on focused callous bent upon compulsive high-spirited indelible strenuous ferocious secure ramrod bent energetic toughened unqualified certain concrete active habitual obsessive imperious winner-take-all zero-sum never-failing hard-hearted focussed heavy-duty faithful four-square dire hearty meaning business truculent unbroken unmitigated routine recurring inborn long-lived ever-present usual inbred heartless unceasing uninterrupted go-getting self-assertive do-or-die intrepid irremovable hell-bent on protracted hell-bent upon nonstop unrelieved unfluctuating ambitious interminable resilient burning imperishable non-stop heavy all-or-nothing win-or-lose keen enterprising enthusiastic motivated industrious compact consistent wholehearted brutal regular avid inescapable eager seasoned indestructible hard-wearing resisting eternal aspiring militant absolute non-flexible domineering rock-solid no-nonsense intense pressing sound grave never-ending unmoving loyal explicit formidable well-founded uncharitable unswervable determinate armoured hard-boiled inexpugnable armored two-fisted hard-bitten out forbidding hard-driving self-starting self-confident fearless goal-oriented opposing reinforced taut inconsiderate self-driven illiberal shatterproof lusty disciplinary urgent stuffy immobile adverse cold unpermissive excessive unfavorable unfavourable unassailable fiery game important non-breakable running continued powerful infrangible unmerciful tense locked granite immoderate heroic exigent devout imperative hungry unwearied brittle obsessional prolonged incorruptible deep necessary unfriendly besetting radical even uniform intrenched ungiving thirsty desirous uncaring round-the-clock obsessed inspired indissoluble striving inalterable solidified unsupple bombproof positive independent hard-hitting changeless resistive invariant monomaniacal drastic static irreversible vehement cohesive clamant crying acute unpliable problematic possessed lingering haunting invulnerable jelled unpleasant reliable assured high-powered bred-in-the-bone fixated well-established all-consuming hang tough final confident never-tiring inured hell bent on irresistible astringent hell-bent stiff as a board well-built well-set well-made made to last pass-fail high stakes self-disciplined high-stake exasperating mullish estranged seditious disaffected factious insurgent irreconcilable alienated firmly-based unshrinking direct nonflexible reactionary traditionalist conservative long-drawn-out unquestioning conscientious gallant starched day-and-night great unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable unpacifiable unblinking immoveable pervicacious perseverative unwilling ultra-conservative unprogressive cocksure valorous sharp coherent passionate hardworking hellbent straight trusty challenging unintimidated dauntless possessive unforgetful ballsy ineluctable unsupportive neverending dangerous dragging slow nasty flat laborious compulsory complicated puritanical exact insubmissive peevish cross petulant obscene pornographic X-rated iron-jawed abrasive unjust unfair alarming undefeated preconceived with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way inextinguishable immortal sagacious remaining true-blue going all the way formal solid as a rock undiscouraged undeterred mean business thick-skinned scrupulous systematic meticulous painstaking blimpish insoluble thorny knotty unkind insensitive clear-sighted all out flat-out straight out sticky tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on intent upon intent on determined to committed to the idea of numbed annealed disciplinarian ascetical by the book browbeating ascetic autocratic as game as Ned Kelly rocklike solemn manly greathearted gutty stouthearted unafraid undauntable heroical unwaivering no going back undismayed drawn-out spun-out unpitying firm in spirit perceptive keen as mustard animated tough-minded resourceful take charge reserved fit nonperishable unfading undying deathless inextensible inductile savage curt lion-hearted unobliging like death and taxes decided upon writ in stone cut-and-dried strait-laced unsentimental punishing unsmiling chilly frigid icy frosty not put off not discouraged cynical never give up fogyish stick-in-the-mud conformist competitive cool distant lacking compassion vindictive inhuman consumed compelled uncivil discourteous dynamic nonstretchable louring gruff red-blooded pushful peremptory cutthroat not cooperative whole-hearted disagreeable sacrosanct ageless progressive bloodthirsty pioneering remote lowering intimidating galvanized impelled desperate pugnacious triumphant tough as old boots rocky as tough as old boots with a heart of stone unvaried incommutable unchanged dominant in earnest nonmoving warlike gladiatorial scrappy resounding reiterative monotonous prevailing non-stretchable unamiable uncongenial safe induced mighty sombre somber ungentle cold-blooded cold-hearted chiseled chiselled unbudging going irrefragable nonbreaking unwreckable undestroyable inextirpable inexterminable undestructable unruinable irrefrangible impregnable invincible self-asserting nonmotile pushed steered guided galvanised mean-looking potent hard-shelled nonbreakable full-blooded intensely competitive in-your-face self-seeking fiercely competitive get up and go stop at nothing power-hungry having killer instinct cut-throat dog-eat-dog hang-tough high-pressure go for broke self-assured can-do eager beaver power-loving gung ho high-reaching self-possessed influential well-armed strengthened airtight storm-resistant fortified well protected flourishing unattackable dependable impenetrable stormproof tried-and-true knockabout well fortified inviolable well made well defended well-protected impassible untimely unfortunate immotile thorough unbowed gripping tormenting neurotic consuming unquenchable bitter furious significant fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians inconvenient inopportune through-and-through perdurable brass-bound fervent proved complete forcible dominating torrid thoroughgoing impenitent supreme unapologetic unashamed irredeemable unreformable longtime urged on unexpected unanticipated ill-timed stark accustomed habituated staid strapping addictive fanatic controlling sicker surprising unforeseen disastrous unusual unpredicted mistimed hale athletic sinewy capable muscular big able substantial staying dateless oft-repeated repetitive timeless consecutive repeated around-the-clock unalleviated ongoing connected unwaning aeonian frequent long-established pathological wackadoodle wackadoo puissant crucial compelling vital bona fide in fine feather able-bodied unwelcome infelicitous inapt unsuitable inappropriate unlucky inauspicious anchored well established red-hot through and through deep-set firmly established card-carrying nailed quiet hitched hooked situated attached stationary still located preoccupied infatuated without respite high-priority made fast malapropos badly timed inimical unseasonable constraining instant pivotal emergent necessitous key misfortunate disturbing hapless luckless unpropitious ill-starred star-crossed essential clamouring persuasive clamoring requiring distressing of the utmost importance of the essence hurry-up immediate obliging heat-on now or never claiming forcing