Đồng nghĩa của fiend for

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Preoccupied with something to the exclusion of everything else
engrossed absorbed immersed deep rapt intent involved engaged enthralled gripped lost occupied caught up fascinated intrigued attentive captivated focused focussed interested observant preoccupied riveted assiduous bugged busy consumed diligent gone held hooked industrious into monopolised monopolized sedulous submerged all ears beguiled by captivated by engaged in engaged with focused on gripped by intent on preoccupied by riveted by fixated by heavily into hung up hypnotized by intrigued by mesmerized by really into tied up turned on wrapped up all wound up caught up in head over heels taken up with up to here in spellbound mesmerized mesmerised entranced obsessed hypnotized fixated hypnotised beguiled infatuated charmed enchanted fanatical smitten single-minded happy concentrated concentrating fixed committed employed up to one's ears taken up devoted bewitched buried intense hooked on enraptured working transfixed passionate bustling enrapt distracted up to here enthusiastic delighted enamored active keen wrapped up in enamoured steadfast at work hell-bent eat sleep and breathe tied-up locked in dialed in resolute stuck on transported dedicated queer motivated besotted enticed abstracted concerned thrilled intoxicated monomaniacal hopping preoccupied with single-minded about obsessive about possessed by hung up on in a brown study engrossed in dedicated to enthusiastic about devoted to immersed in under a spell hard-pressed determined potty about nuts about gone on wild on on the job on the go earnest steady on the hop diverted crazy about dotty about taken overloaded hard at it snowed firm deep in thought hard at work resolved busy as a bee studious obsessive rushed off your feet watchful prepossessed have one's hands full tickled pleased alert inflexible set ardent fervent knee-deep amused bound-up exhilarated dazzled tantalized attracted seduced titillated entertained unavailable wrapped absent-minded sent tantalised laborious in harness energetic tied down taken over on the move sunk in have a prior engagement absorbed in passionate about interested in on assignment involved in have a previous engagement wound up busy as a beaver at it with a customer having a one-track mind possessed steeped attached bent centered obsessed with busy with connected eager centred wackadoodle wackadoo infatuated with fanatical about paranoid neurotic insistent enfolded bound up on task laughing smiling besotted with glued ignorant impatient up to one's ears in fervid feverish crazy rapturous in the grip of ecstatic impassioned nuts full absentminded entranced by fascinated by distracted by taken up by distrait dreamy enthralled by spellbound by exclusive whole entire undivided all pleasantly occupied hanging on every word participating dotty somewhere else wool-gathering not there with your head in the clouds in a world of your own miles away not with us entangled on duty rhapsodic giddy elevated euphoric elated rhapsodical heady dutiful in a meeting blissful ravished influential faithful devout activist contributing on active service otherwise engaged cheered relaxed absent joyful inattentive dreaming overwhelmed content daydreaming tireless unconscious oblivious strong-minded persistent pleasurably entertained dogged driven intensive in conference already taken forward time-poor lively snowed under flooded swamped inundated excited overpowered very interested aroused up to your eyes carried away having enough on one's plate having a full plate hustling harried up to your elbows blissed out having fish to fry efficient slaving in demand on the run having many irons in the fire hard-working hardworking having fun enjoying oneself go-getting two-fisted go-ahead fond of sold on in love with settled extremely curious very inquisitive highly interested extremely interested very curious utilized utilised clocked up on the trot set on deep in too much on plate

Trái nghĩa của fiend for

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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