Từ đồng nghĩa của sunk in

Động từ

Past participle for to be especially memorable, meaningful, or significant

Động từ

Past participle for to make a hole in or through something, especially by using a drill

Tính từ

Concerned with something else
preoccupied concerned obsessed absorbed in engrossed in intent on interested in involved in passionate about focused on immersed in taken up wrapped up in absorbed fixated consumed immersed captivated engrossed infatuated occupied really into engaged passionate riveted fanatical lost keen focused hooked focussed gripped besotted enthralled distracted buried fascinated smitten spellbound involved intrigued intent devoted deep rapt busy mesmerized interested hypnotized intense hypnotised mesmerised monomaniacal queer caught up hung up into taken over tied up single-minded wrapped up wound up turned on hell-bent head over heels dialed in locked in up to here in preoccupied with nuts about preoccupied by up to your ears caught up in stuck on up to here eat sleep and breathe wild on hooked on dedicated to enthusiastic about single-minded about gone on dotty about deep in thought heavily into hung up on devoted to potty about obsessive about possessed by crazy about having a one-track mind happy crazy bewitched enamored enamoured taken mad possessed enthusiastic charmed lovesick fervent ardent beguiled head over heels in love enchanted attracted enraptured entranced frenzied keen on fervid mad about crazed wild nuts feverish eager violent frenetic raving seduced intoxicated fond zealous obsessed with infatuated with in love love-struck prepossessed taken with twitterpated by bewitched by smitten with enchanted by charmed by beguiled by wild about captivated by dotty impassioned wackadoodle wackadoo extreme berserk curious gripped by inflamed over-enthusiastic moved dedicated besotted with potty attentive bigoted drawn agog gung-ho excited enticed inquisitive silly caught predisposed affected insane perfervid biased stimulated rabid sold impressed roused gaga enamored of inspired touched addicted lured inspirited gone enthralled by struck on addicted to nutty fascinated by sweet on love-struck by in love with carrying a torch for consumed with desire for swept off your feet bowled over by very attracted to hypnotized by enamoured of head over heels in love with greatly enamoured of amorous sold on mad on loving attached taken up with fanatical about paranoid neurotic giddy in the grip of knee-deep full very keen very enthusiastic maddened demented earnest enquiring snoopy beady-eyed nosy responsive carried away open awakened struck fired sympathetic all ears on the case inquiring burning with curiosity hopelessly in love swept off one's feet by under a spell turned on by far gone on under the spell of enraptured by out of one's mind fixated by riveted by attached to mesmerized by attracted to using hungry for obsessive eager for partial to fond of intrigued by wasted abusing jonesing for dependent on shooting up under the influence dependent strung out jonesing on prone habituated with a … habit immoderate extremist frantic intolerant uncompromising maniacal furious compulsive burning overzealous diehard visionary prejudiced raging fierce one-sided irrational unreasonable partisan ferocious illiberal delirious passional overenthusiastic infuriated swivel-eyed narrow-minded intemperate berko fiery incorrigible credulous impulsive willful erratic opinionated unruly partial stubborn fanatic obstinate bugged headstrong contumacious domineering mad-dog ultraist diseased deranged freaked out corybantic sizzling bitten overboard sick unwell militant virulent infected flipped naked ill poisoned smoking nuts for high on doting lovestruck bowled over doting on under someone's spell very keen on ensorcelled by hopelessly in love with very taken with

Từ trái nghĩa của sunk in

Music ♫

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