Đồng nghĩa của impressed

Alternative for impressed

impresses, impressed, impressing

Đồng nghĩa: affect, engrave, establish, fix, imprint, mark, plant, root, stamp, strike,

Tính từ

Having an attraction or fascination to
enthralled captivated fascinated mesmerised mesmerized spellbound awestricken awestruck dazzled overwhelmed rapt snowed stunned affected aroused riveted entranced gripped enticed hooked inquisitive eager moved keen intrigued agog absorbed excited attentive intent interested curious attracted engrossed sold stimulated roused inspired inspirited charmed into enquiring bewitched taken with inquiring drawn transfixed caught predisposed focused obsessed starstruck touched lured taken focussed beady-eyed awed enchanted questioning quizzical probing interrogative convinced investigative querying scrutinizing beguiled examining inspecting enthusiastic enraptured earnest hypnotized awakened struck fired eat sleep and breathe sympathetic all ears open on the case gone snoopy nosy burning with curiosity occupied responsive satisfied persuaded delighted enthused caught up transported ambitious desirous amazed breathless avid ardent inquisitorial thrilled agape held hypnotised bedazzled scrutinising open-mouthed won over under someone's spell besotted enamoured enamored fond crazed smitten mad keen on enthralled by devoted to passionate about struck on mad about fixated by addicted to hooked on riveted by interested in enamored of attached to enthusiastic about mesmerized by twitterpated by attracted to nuts about turned on gone on crazy about bewitched by besotted with infatuated with hungry for fascinated by intent on smitten with eager for sweet on love-struck by enchanted by charmed by hung up fond of captivated by wild about partial to gripped by in love with obsessed with intrigued by enamoured of beguiled by infatuated stuck on devoted passionate immersed in love involved lovesick hung up on seduced potty about intoxicated fanatical sold on head over heels amorous swept off your feet preoccupied head over heels in love moonstruck crazy fixated monomaniacal single-minded intense wrapped up in really into love-struck mad on preoccupied with single-minded about hell-bent preoccupied by obsessive about possessed by engrossed in caught up in dedicated to immersed in under a spell wild on dotty about titillated tempted inflamed possessed consumed happy silly engaged lost distracted gaga buried concerned deep busy queer bowled over taken over tied up taken up very attracted to sunk in carrying a torch for consumed with desire for bowled over by wrapped up absorbed in up to one's ears up to here hypnotized by heavily into up to here in focused on head over heels in love with locked in involved in greatly enamoured of dialed in wound up deep in thought having a one-track mind loving dotty twitterpated has a thing about silly about concupiscent giddy sensual impassioned warm carnal salacious entertained ensorcelled ravished attached frisky turned-on fervid fervent zealous fallen for squirrelly carried away nutty nuts potty wild taken up with have a thing about enraptured by very keen very enthusiastic hopelessly in love swept off one's feet by turned on by far gone on under the spell of gaga about prepossessed wackadoodle wackadoo fanatical about paranoid neurotic doting lovestruck charged electrified astounded in the grip of doting on very keen on ensorcelled by hopelessly in love with very taken with using wasted abusing jonesing for addicted dependent on shooting up under the influence dependent strung out jonesing on prone habituated with a … habit tantalized overpowered tantalised very interested extremely curious very inquisitive highly interested extremely interested very curious

Tính từ

Filled with or revealing awe
awestruck amazed astonished awed shocked stunned afraid dumbfounded terrified astounded cowed dumfounded fearful flabbergasted frightened awe-inspired bowled over daunted dumbstruck horrified intimidated marveling marvelling openmouthed stupefied thunderstruck wondering wonderstruck open-mouthed reverential wonder-stricken wonder-struck filled with amazement filled with astonishment filled with awe filled with wonder lost for words struck dumb awestricken overcome overwhelmed in awe of staggered speechless gobsmacked confounded surprised dazed aghast startled floored agape nonplussed bewildered flummoxed disconcerted taken aback wide-eyed perplexed blown away knocked for six at a loss for words bemused confused shaken unnerved discomposed shell-shocked shaken up alarmed incredulous stumped dismayed goggle-eyed jolted in awe petrified agog appalled puzzled stuck knocked out benumbed bamboozled rendered speechless addled at sea at a loss unable to believe your eyes caught on the hop caught on the wrong foot thunder-struck unable to believe one's ears electrified abashed completely surprised fascinated admiring dazzled paralyzed paralysed thrown overawed in amazement taken by surprise knocked for a loop breathless dumb left speechless rooted to the spot in shock licked knocked beat buffaloed nonplused baffled knocked sideways mystified uncomprehending clueless muddled fazed befuddled lost beaten discombobulated fuddled doubtful ajar open staring yawning blank mixed up all at sea at sixes and sevens scared panic-stricken terror-struck terrorized scary hysteric hysterical affrighted spooked horror-stricken awe-struck scared witless horror-struck frightened to death terrorised scared stiff scared to death scared out of your wits

Động từ

To have caused someone to do something, usually against their inclinations
made forced pressured coerced compelled required drove induced obliged pressed pressurized browbeat caused commanded constrained impelled demanded intimidated obligated ordered pressurised railroaded strong-armed willed badgered blackmailed bludgeoned bullied dragooned effected had harassed hectored hounded imposed on prevailed on put up to sandbagged bulldozed menaced muscled prevailed upon steamrollered put the screws on blackjacked put pressure on put the squeeze on put under an obligation pushed driven necessitated urged influenced hustled leaned on bound squeezed beset twisted one's arm put the heat on brought pressure to bear on put the arm on browbeaten goaded brainwashed nagged threatened enforced used pressure on fast-talked press-ganged worked on shotgunned concussed twisted someone's arm used strong-arm tactics on harried pestered prodded persuaded moved restricted terrorized restrained bounced put screws to turned on the heat tightened the screws on put the chill on come at put squeeze on terrorised put the bite on insisted had someone do something committed assailed cajoled wheedled importuned hassled tyrannized overcome astricted indebted bothered argued steamrolled provoked worried coerced into pressurized into charged oppressed besieged talked hindered swayed cowed repressed suppressed plagued actuated dragooned into bludgeoned into ramrodded bullied into browbeat into occasioned imposed foisted acted on contracted made an offer they can't refuse made necessary used duress on intimidated into made indebted pinned down insisted on left someone no option but to turned the screws on pushed around conscripted obtruded brought pressure to bear upon terrorized into tyrannised breathed down someone's neck tormented dogged left someone no option urged by force turned the screw on politicked came at vexed worked over exerted force on choked enjoined applied tightened the screw on cracked down troubled sold burdened kicked used force on high pressured overcame browbeaten into applied pressure bore down borne down beared hard on thrown your weight around threw your weight around prest bullyragged bogarted mau-maued drave druv domineered picked on frightened blustered persecuted subjugated overawed spurred bossed around bossed about scared daunted unnerved awed subdued buffaloed despotized put through the wringer pushed about put the frighteners on put heat on appalled lorded it over overborne overbore smothered suffocated terrified hogged dominated dismayed ruled disconcerted exacted bossed propelled rattled prevailed fazed compressed commandeered extorted ruffled predominated petrified preponderated castigated heckled baited teased reigned bounden discomfited constricted incited squashed dictated condensed spooked affrighted disheartened mistreated annoyed taunted chivied antagonized swaggered embarrassed bended bent henpecked led by the nose scared off expected exerted whipped dictated to invoked forced upon ruled with a rod of iron pushed the buttons ordered about leaned scared the bejesus out of kept under thumb ruled with an iron hand walked heavy run the show held a gun to one's head called the shots run things psyched out rode roughshod over mangled walked all over ruled the roost kicked around ordered around brought pressure to bear ridden roughshod over made compulsory antagonised crowded leant bent to your will wrested trampled on rid rode ridden ridden roughshod rode roughshod was in the saddle given orders to were in the saddle ran things gave orders to been in the saddle ran the show

Động từ

Past tense for to make a strong, lasting, or favorable impression on
affected influenced moved excited inspired stirred amazed astonished grabbed struck stricken touched awed dazzled galvanised galvanized overawed overcame overcome overwhelmed roused swayed impacted overpowered reached aroused astounded buffaloed bulldozed carried electrified enforced enthused fazed got gotten grandstanded killed piqued provoked registered scored slew slayed slain stimulated told on thrilled felt admiration felt respect had an impact on left a mark on took aback taken aback blew away blown away knocked out made an impression on made splash pushed around showed off shown off cut a figure made a hit made an impression bowled over floored dazed stunned staggered dumbfounded spellbound stupefied hit bedazzled fascinated hypnotized flabbergasted swept someone off their feet got to hypnotised surprised left speechless upset knocked for six startled hit for six had an effect on shocked disturbed bewildered alarmed took your breath away taken your breath away knocked sideways shaken shook cowed frightened terrified prostrated intimidated blinded devastated daunted gotten to whelmed overmastered crushed impassioned swamped confused scared oppressed nonplussed confounded appalled enthralled rocked delighted dumfounded dismayed dawned shattered surprized disconcerted struck dumb stricken dumb carried away penetrated snowed under left open-mouthed left aghast impacted on registered with hit hard dawned on put one away hitten gotten through got through captivated enchanted gotten through to got through to swept away horrified melted softened bullied exhilarated blurred disquieted agitated browbeat subdued biassed biased made emotional unnerved hotdogged showboated terrorized involved wowed thunderstruck thunderstricken benumbed perplexed jolted subordinated steamrollered destroyed puzzled grinded downgraded demoralized ground wrecked demoralised abashed marked clicked seemed to appeared to quickened crossed deterred impressed on discouraged looked to knocked over become clear swept off feet rendered speechless carried weight with struck at shaken up shook up sunk in sunken in sank in terrorised tugged at your heartstrings touched a chord knocked dead ground down blew your mind come across had an effect come home to come to the mind of emotionally moved presented itself made an impact on prevailed over stopped someone in their tracks caught off balance exerted influence on swept over crossed your mind run circles around taken by surprise boggled the mind emerged to knocked for a loop come into one's consciousness took by surprise come home made a splash psyched out come to mind struck home left an impression on had an impact got across come to blinded someone with something blown your mind occurred to made an impact molten browbeaten threw thrown did in done in ran circles around struck a chord stricken a chord sprung to mind came into one's consciousness came to the mind of came to sprang to mind came to mind became clear came home to gotten across came across fallen into place fell into place came home gave the impression to given the impression to gave the impression of being given the impression of being

Động từ

Past tense for to impress in the mind of
imprinted engraved marked printed embossed etched stamped branded carved carven debossed engrained infixed ingrained inscribed punched chiseled chiselled cut indented dented emphasised emphasized highlighted instilled underlined dinned in drummed in chased graved incised cut in scored insculped scratched set cast graven grove identified labeled labelled sculpted fixed tooled franked hammered lettered moulded molded scotched scraped notched furrowed added engrossed penned indited booked scribed enchased grooved bit burnt initialled mezzotinted hatched ornamented diapered initialed intaglioed burned lithographed stippled crosshatched fixt permanently written wrote drove driven bitten enwritten inwrote inwritten enwrote book slit sculptured gashed gouged chipped nicked fashioned formed shaped hew hewed snicked cleaved whittled serrated monogrammed distinguished slashed scalloped modelled modeled tattooed hacked sliced milled scooped personalized jagged personalised shope hewn hollowed out cut into cut out made an indentation in cut in slices pinked marred dug burrowed excavated grazed seamed tunneled tunnelled signed slotted defaced shoveled shovelled autographed sculped countersigned lined clawed dinted subscribed superscribed witnessed crenelated crimped delved made a notches in made a notch in dissected pared sundered patterned dissevered trimmed divided depressed hollowed pitted made notches in made nicks in bashed rutted rabbeted dredged made a grooves in marked off scratched out caved in burrowed out hacked out stove in chiselled out blocked out dug out setted your hand to scooped out staved in scraped out made a groove in clawed out rough-hewn rough-hewed underwrote underwritten pockmarked

Động từ

Past tense for to seize or confiscate (property) by force

Động từ

Past tense for to behave dramatically or showily to impress an audience or observers
grandstanded attracted attention hamming up hammed up showed off shown off paraded pranced showboated strutted swaggered flaunted it hot dogged played to the crowd played to the gallery put on airs turned heads made a splash made your presence felt skylarked postured flourished flaunted swanked hotdogged made an impression made an impact swaggered around played to the cheap seats advertized oneself drew attention to oneself cut a dash drawn attention to oneself made a spectacle of got noticed gotten noticed swank caused a sensation caused a stir acted up drawn attention to itself made one's presence felt drew attention to itself boasted crowed bragged blustered gloated vaunted gasconaded bulled vapored skited puffed exulted talked big congratulated oneself crew patted oneself on the back posed aggrandized gloried rodomontaded bullied shucked preened oneself prated jived blown your own trumpet blown your own horn blew your own horn put on flattered oneself put on an act blew your own trumpet laid it on thick shot one's mouth off blew blown given oneself airs gave oneself airs sung your own praises sang your own praises proclaimed declared disclosed exaggerated trumpeted overstated brayed revealed attitudinized divulged triumphed preened advertized shoveled psyched advertised faked slung shovelled shot conned brandished swelled hectored flounced swayed lorded swashbuckled swept pontificated sauntered blew hard blown hard hyperbolized roistered congratulated oneself on lorded it flown your own kite shot the bull looked big prided yourself on hugged oneself sounded off talked boastingly crowed about paraded one's wares bragged about exulted in copped an attitude behaved affectedly mouthed flew your own kite hot-dogged swollen slang spoke for Buncombe spoken for Buncombe drawn attention to drew attention to blew smoke gave a good account of yourself blown smoke given a good account of yourself stricken an attitude struck an attitude struck a pose stricken a pose

Động từ

Past tense for to suffuse with vigor, life, energy, or spirit
inspired encouraged caused motivated stimulated influenced moved roused animated persuaded spurred inspirited energised energized enthused galvanised galvanized heartened envigorated invigorated inclined instilled sparked stirred swayed emboldened enlivened excited exhilarated goaded imbued impelled incited inflamed infused provoked steeled touched filliped fired incentivized instigated quickened struck stricken urged affected beghasted commoved elated endued exalted got gotten infected occasioned reassured sparked off bore up borne up bucked up buoyed up carried geed up spurred on fired up fired with enthusiasm gave impetus given impetus set up started off worked up was responsible for were responsible for been responsible for cheered up chirked up fired the imagination of gave one an idea given one an idea aroused prompted induced made compelled prodded disposed propelled pushed driven drove egged on impassioned pressed coerced vitalized empowered actuated led leaded convinced forced pricked stirred up activated prevailed on put up to won over obliged piqued triggered coaxed elicited rallied pressured cajoled nudged whetted brought evoked exhorted reached captured inveigled tempted impacted uplifted converted advised biassed biased prejudiced pressurised necessitated helped pressurized incentified refreshed steered prepared sent primed spirited up leaned on suggested to pumped up acted upon hinted to whipped up indoctrinated predisposed made you of a mind to had an impact on brought in caused to be cultivated bended bent made of a mind to taught impacted on pepped up boosted up governed caused to become made expectant had an effect on talked into cheered on drawn drew gotten going got going ridden herd on rode herd on gat thrilled jolted electrified titillated charged intoxicated astonished dynamized turned on got someone going put a bomb under lit a fire under startled shocked awakened waked fuelled kick-started fueled captivated astounded amazed stunned innervated frightened zapped frenzied magnetised magnetized jarred given someone a kick gave someone a kick woke woken gave a shot in the arm given a shot in the arm given a buzz gave someone a charge given someone a charge gave a buzz taken your breath away took your breath away

Động từ

Past tense for to convince, or cause to believe, through reason or argument
persuaded convinced induced coaxed got gotten influenced enticed swayed urged caused coerced compelled inveigled prompted cajoled encouraged inclined instigated motivated advised disposed impelled incited lured moved sold tempted brought counselled counseled drove driven exhorted leaded led made procured reasoned converted drew drawn enlisted propagandised propagandized proselytised proselytized brainwashed proselyted argued into brought around talked into wheedled into won over caused to believe converted to got round led to do pleaded with pressed someone into pressured someone into pressurized into prevailed on reasoned someone into turned somebody on to worked over brought to senses led to believe prevailed upon prodded into talked round twisted someone's arm wore down worn down brought round gained confidence of won argument proved to sold one on put across coaxed into nagged into promoted cracked affected sucked in won round changed mind made someone see the light twisted one's arm brought to reason gotten around got around shown someone the error of their ways shown one the error of their ways showed someone the error of their ways showed one the error of their ways brought round to the idea of satisfied inspired hooked made a believer put someone up to something gained one's confidence gat prest pressed reassured actuated turned charmed provoked told guaranteed effected triggered stimulated wheedled promised vowed to brought home to relieved any doubt steamrolled relieved doubt overcome affirmed to guaranteed to declared to relieved any doubts caused to feel certain exerted influence on soft-soaped declared confidently to confirmed to cajoled into squeezed gained somebody's support pledged to bulldozed won around relieved doubts sweet-talked certified to assured activated drave druv drawn in drew in gotten somebody on your side got somebody on your side overcame sworn to given surety to attested to swore to gave surety to

Động từ

Given the impression of being
came across come across sounded appeared looked seemed came off come off came over come over gave an impression given an impression looked to be struck as stricken as gave the impression of being given the impression of being had the air of being had the appearance of being looked as though one is resembled felt like looked like struck someone as felt acted had the appearance come across as struck you as occurred to one as come off as looked as if come across as being made like one is looked like you are struck you as being created the impression came across as being come had the look of had the earmarks of came off as stricken one as presented as being conveyed the impression being manifested being made a show of being conveyed the impression displayed signs of being given the idea had the aspects of gave the idea looked like one is came across as seemed like looked as if one is had the appearance of gave the impression had the features of struck one as exhibited being sounded as if you are had the look of being seemed to be had the qualities of created the impression being sounded like given the impression looked as if you are made a show of comen came gave the idea of showed signs of struck as being gave the feeling of gave someone the feeling that one is gave the impression being struck one as being stricken one as being appeared to be given the feeling of being shown every sign of being given the feeling of stricken as being given the idea of given the idea of being gave the feeling of being gave every indication of being showed every sign of gave every appearance of being showed signs of being showed every sign of being given the impression being given every appearance of being gave the idea of being shown signs of being given someone the feeling that one is given every indication of being shown signs of shown every sign of

Trái nghĩa của impressed

impressed Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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