Từ đồng nghĩa của unnerved

Alternative for unnerved

unnerves, unnerved, unnerving

Từ đồng nghĩa: alarm, frighten, scare, startle, upset,

Từ trái nghĩa: nerve,

Tính từ

(colloquial) Timid, or showing a lack of courage
soft spineless timid scared cowardly panicky intimidated shaky jittery timorous tremulous pathetic gutless impotent spiritless squeamish characterless nerveless wet frightened fearful nervous jumpy startled apprehensive irresolute terrified feart weak-kneed lily-livered yellow-bellied afraid horrified petrified alarmed terror-stricken aghast frozen scared stiff scared to death anxious terror-struck horror-struck horror-stricken shocked frightened to death spooked agitated frantic hysterical panic-stricken dismayed scared witless stunned funky in a cold sweat worried frenzied windy appalled faint-hearted trembling beside oneself stupefied perturbed worked up daunted cowed dazed dumbfounded in a funk in a blue funk frit terrorized in a tizzy in a flap have cold feet terrorised speechless paralyzed numb paralysed antsy benumbed transfixed panic-struck immobilised pushing the panic button in a panic immobilized overwrought disquieted distressed aroused abashed rattled blanched upset perplexed discouraged disheartened fearsome suspicious disturbed edgy in a state in a frenzy in a tizz frightened out of your wits scared out of your wits in a flat spin in a fluster in awe run scared quaking pusillanimous shrinking easily frightened mousy lacking courage meek wimpish mousey yellow unheroic sissy cringey wimpy skittish chicken cowering pigeonhearted craven pigeon-hearted fainthearted hesitant capricious gentle browbeaten submissive bullied unassured weak poor-spirited Milquetoast tentative wavering recreant vacillating feeble having cold feet frightened out of one's wits scared out of one's wits with one's heart in one's mouth shaking in one's shoes shaking like a leaf bricking oneself afeared affrighted chicken-hearted chicken-livered chickenhearted dastardly sissified milk-livered candy-assed poltroon wishy-washy weakling boneless diffident unmanly effete limp-wristed invertebrate frail shy namby-pamby milk-and-water nervy ineffectual ineffective weakened abject unassertive weak-willed base scary tame indecisive running scared milksoppish inept caitiff wussy retiring lame half-hearted tense uneasy hysteric sheepish inadequate inefficient incompetent silly foolish coward weedy white-livered sookie insufficient drippy daft nerdy ignoble easily scared cowhearted backward worthless mean-spirited insignificant niddering dishonourable dishonorable cringing paper tiger no guts poltroonish fickle passive coy deceitful offensive treacherous sneaking low unprincipled unethical tricky having the willies wired faltering dithering useless afraid of one's own shadow excited powerless undetermined indeterminate fallible rabbity worried sick quivery goose-bumpy in a dither solicitous phobic aflutter discomposed uncertain unconfident corruptible supine hemming and hawing waffling yielding unreliable unsure undependable agog quivering twitchy easily led bashful stressy concerned bothered overstrung unquiet keyed up spooky shaken fretful troubled like a cat on a hot tin roof a bundle of nerves having kittens like a cat on hot bricks frightened of one's own shadow on edge alarmed at apprehensive about intimidated by unconvincing unenthusiastic unsubstantial meager fragile moderate mild flimsy faint tenuous low-key meagre forceless pithless without a will of your own afraid of one's shadow

Tính từ

Feeling or appearing troubled or nervous
agitated upset troubled disturbed anxious distressed flustered nervous unsettled worried alarmed disconcerted perturbed ruffled disquieted excited rattled bothered concerned fazed overwrought shaken tense worked up distracted frantic harassed jittery jumpy uneasy discombobulated edgy inflamed on edge antsy feverish frenzied heated hectic hyperactive overactive angsty discomposed flapping keyed up stirred up stressy aroused beside oneself having kittens in a dither in a panic moved restless stressed twitchy unquiet ill at ease in a lather in a state in a tizz in a tizzy all of a dither hot and bothered in a flap in a spin all of a flutter in a flat spin hot under the collar apprehensive uptight aflutter dismayed distraught insecure fidgety nervy wired dithery shook up atwitter het up hung up restive fretful hysterical confused unglued queasy queazy thrown hinky goosey discountenanced uncomfortable shocked frightened annoyed hurt high-strung sad hyper unhappy grieved shaky wound up saddened vexed irked gutted choked fearful unbalanced flurried cut up skittish adrenalized emotional irrational strained hassled angry muddled irritated disappointed highly strung inconvenienced angered overanxious blue wounded nervous wreck strung out bundle of nerves broken up bummed out stressed out all torn up raving insane crazed crazy unsteady overemotional histrionic overcome jolted uncontrolled turbulent falling apart disorderly unrelaxed under pressure undone unpeaceful wavering unrestful panicky under a strain desperate flushed startled scared terrified intense unstable excitable neurotic squirrelly white-knuckled on tenterhooks spooky windy daunted aquiver sensitive toey overstrung wrought up pressured brittle unreluctant flighty nerve-racking feeling anxious stressful nail-biting in suspense wreck moving fluttery shot on pins and needles in a state of agitation strung up in a state of nerves clutched wrought-up overexcited febrile fraught hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited a bundle of nerves offended fretted frazzled tensed white knuckled under stress nerves on edge low shot to pieces up the wall provoked verklempt unzipped zipped up hot juiced up put out in disorder amazed come apart psyched out at sixes and sevens miserable tormented afflicted wretched despondent disconsolate depressed dejected heavyhearted devastated broken melancholy sorrowful doleful bitter traumatized heartbroken tortured dolorous desolate morose inconsolable cheerless anguished mournful grieving despairing weeping heartsick down rueful overwhelmed hurting bereaved wrecked plagued mourning haunted woeful shook crushed harrowed spooked agonized pained bugged dolesome sorrowing suffering aching bewailing persecuted traumatised bemoaning wailing agonised broken-hearted grief-stricken brokenhearted woebegone in pain angst-ridden overcome with sorrow heavy with grief racked with pain in a stew racked with suffering afraid like a cat on a hot tin roof taut timid awkward shy self-conscious in a twitter in a sweat embarrassed impatient touchy all of a lather irritable hesitant timorous like a cat on hot bricks in a twit worried sick uncertain all of a doodah discomfited temperamental trembling unsure in a cold sweat volatile bricking oneself creepy shaking stiff skittery bashful irascible unnerving spasmodic unsettling disquieting shrinking like a fish out of water inhibited retiring disturbing distressful distressing oversensitive agitating exasperated hairy worrisome trepidatious easily upset quaking tired stilted fatigued critical diffident out of place nerve-wracking careworn irresolute constrained chippy solicitous peevish aghast doubtful manic drawn suspicious charged hysteric phobic paranoid perplexed waiting with bated breath running scared careful drained with one's heart in one's mouth unnatural fevered gauche shivery overtaxed overburdened blushing weak fretting wound-up quivering mousy pinched stirred worked-up exhausted petrified inflammable snappy intimidated testy easily frightened easily agitated moody affected unconfident withdrawn fractious hyperexcitable angstful sheepish galled volcanic aggravated affrighted horrified terrorized fidgeting fitful introverted unruly pusillanimous a wreck waiting for the axe to fall afeared frit disoriented harried hot-tempered beset riled quick-tempered terrorised horror-struck fixated scared stiff faint-hearted panic-stricken beside yourself scared to death in turmoil lily-livered stressed-out in a funk frozen obsessed worried stiff in a blue funk have cold feet in pieces with one's stomach in knots with butterflies in one's stomach fiddle-footed shaking in one's shoes having cold feet infuriated difficult precarious forced twittering fussy indecisive tentative sapped dithering vacillating faltering frisky curt highly-strung stimulated stoked jazzed disorientated swithering peeved narked scunnered exciting graceless prim caught up distrustful overstretched tetchy bewildered reserved taxed animated roused strict conventional cautious pumped-up strange lost crotchety prickly rigid shamefaced modest short-tempered crabbed captious bad-tempered querulous panic-struck chafed palpitant wrung ill-tempered scary discomforted wriggly compulsive obsessive emotive mannered artificial ill-at-ease aw-shucks squirmy teed off asea foreboding mistrustful concerning wiggly strung-up hag-ridden all nerves weak-kneed goose-bumpy nerveless spineless rabbity chickenhearted quivery unmanly old-fashioned anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting on the defensive exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined mortified pestered miffed active hurried transient wandering intermittent changeable itchy inconstant footloose roving sleepless nomadic bustling emotionally charged recalcitrant lacking social skills tongue-tied on the qui vive frayed pressurized pressurised refractory having stage fright biting nails having butterflies having a funny feeling out of countenance at fever pitch self-doubting unassertive self-effacing unhealthy abnormal defensive perverse ornery obstinate stubborn unyielding mercurial meek lacking confidence unforthcoming all wound up tearing one's hair out maladjusted unsure of yourself not self-assured lacking self-confidence passive passionate hasty thin-skinned conservative erratic aberrant deviant disordered overloaded watchful champing at the bit dreading tossing and turning fiery tempestuous vague Delphic unassured questioning unpoised shell-shocked hyperkinetic dangerous hypersensitive stress-ridden on the rack a basket case sweating bullets basket case violent tooshie swivel-eyed hazardous umbrageous hyper-sensitive touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice impulsive impetuous vehement rash intolerant fierce demonstrative reckless agitable galvanic enthusiastic overzealous susceptible quick alarmable freaked-out high keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered weary strung-out worn unstrung spent easily affected easily hurt easily offended throwing a wobbly having butterflies in the stomach cowardly perilous haggard rundown steamed up flipped out out of your mind short fused serious worrying ugly burned out worn out overworked cowering hot under collar all shook up cowed blowing hot and cold chicken delicate yellow feart stunned raddled at the end of your tether hot-headed apprehensive about intimidated by alarmed at terror-stricken in a fluster dicey unsafe combustible nasty iffy scared witless horror-stricken terror-struck in awe explosive withered gaunt unwell shaking like a leaf scared out of one's wits frightened out of one's wits touch-and-go knife-edge highly charged hollow-eyed hollow-cheeked worn-out

Tính từ

Having lost confidence or hope
demoralised demoralized discouraged disheartened dejected depressed undermined crushed dispirited subdued crestfallen daunted despairing disappointed disconsolate dismayed downcast low broken cowed downhearted drained humbled sapped shaken thrown deflated devitalized sad weakened brassed off cheesed off fed up cast down low-spirited deterred unmanned despondent down saddened choked blue weighed down down in the dumps down in the mouth sick as a parrot gloomy forlorn miserable glum melancholy unhappy woebegone sorrowful inconsolable doleful mournful heartbroken joyless heartsick heartsore melancholic wretched brokenhearted sorry heavyhearted desolate hangdog droopy woeful morose heavy-hearted bad dismal distressed pessimistic dolorous upset hopeless broken-hearted in low spirits cheerless moody chap-fallen in the doldrums grief-stricken oppressed anguished tearful chapfallen spiritless in the dumps troubled sullen sombre somber grieving defeatist in the pits weary dragged down-hearted in despair desperate bummed out perturbed hurt long-faced in pain lugubrious shot down grieved bereaved downbeat as sick as a parrot wistful aggrieved emotional abject tristful negative bleak dour out of sorts all torn up saturnine sulky cast-down destroyed distraught shattered pained down and out rueful teary pensive weepy devastated cut up in doldrums in grief intimidated flat let down in tears hurting bummed-out resigned with a long face listless sunk singing the blues taken down crummy displeased unconfident defeated bothered disturbed disillusioned dashed discontented disgruntled solemn mopey miffed suicidal gutted enervated sepulchral mopish broody teed off browned off ticked off peed off dull Eeyorish mirthless unsatisfied crabbed surly adust black damp funereal morbid in a funk bleeding sick at heart ripped down in dumps dysphoric in a blue funk long-suffering triste languid low in spirits gray languorous grey comfortless worried unhopeful tormented concerned suffering abashed empty afflicted shook antsy discombobulated burned uptight bugged sore contused sheepish apathetic taken aback shook up unoptimistic sunk in gloom lowered bowed reflective depressive sluggish off without energy agonised put off torn-up unconsolable discontent mourning griefstricken godforsaken shamefaced sour moping ugly unenthused unenthusiastic sorry for yourself clouded dampened atrabilious drooping sagging fraught helpless grumpy churlish weeping emo grim bitter down in mouth hapless bearish tragic disquieted overcome elegiac agonized elegiacal uneasy huffy ill-humoured shot-down caved-in down-in-mouth beat beat-down come-apart sorrowing frantic anxious discouraging doomed ill-humored in the toilet torn up on a downer low-down unmitigable unfortunate blue funk looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny feeling down full of gloom bowed down regretful annoyed irritated having lost heart lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm horrified crabby languished no-win strabilious cynical up the creek without hope lost momentum with cold feet at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end browned-off can't win at the end of your tether in the soup not a prayer at end of one's rope dissatisfied gone to pieces in blue funk disenchanted disconcerted frustrated discomfited chagrined down-in-the-mouth brooding beaten aghast irked worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked dreary grievous heavy

Tính từ

Puzzled, confused, or bewildered
bemused confused bewildered puzzled baffled stupefied dazed muddled mystified perplexed stumped stunned befuddled nonplussed fuddled thrown clueless dumbfounded at sea bushed discombobulated discomfited discomposed disconcerted disoriented distracted flummoxed preoccupied shaken troubled addle addled addlepated astonished astounded bamboozled bedevilled bedeviled befogged confounded dizzy dopey dopy engrossed fazed floored fogged mixed-up muddleheaded muzzy pixilated pixillated punch-drunk punchy raddled shell-shocked silly slaphappy spaced spaced-out spacey spacy zonked zonked-out absent-minded at a loss beaten mazed shaken up taken aback wildered at sixes and sevens flustered fuzzy thrown off balance surprised amazed staggered flabbergasted dumbstruck startled speechless shocked bowled over blown away thunderstruck overwhelmed awestruck agape gobsmacked awed awestricken aghast open-mouthed wide-eyed openmouthed lost for words knocked for six wonderstruck dumfounded marveling wondering marvelling filled with astonishment filled with amazement filled with wonder filled with awe at a loss for words foxed vexed dismayed beat buffaloed incredulous overcome goggle-eyed unable to believe one's ears embarrassed hard-pressed discountenanced frustrated hard put rattled lost in a dither benumbed alarmed frightened jolted uncertain had their heads messed with uncomprehending besotted unable to believe your eyes caught on the hop caught on the wrong foot in amazement taken by surprise confusticated gravelled got graveled thrown off caused to be at a stand unable to believe one's eyes made to scratch their head breathless dumb stuck knocked out licked knocked knocked sideways nonplused all at sea disorientated mixed up upset blank worried doubtful distressed ruffled struck dumb vague abashed not with it shook up abstracted stymied agitated horrified perturbed disturbed tongue-tied inattentive unsettled agog absorbed staring dreamy faraway foggy giddy distant numbed disorganized unglued spaced out put to it in shock in a muddle disorganised in a tizzy in a state of confusion at a complete loss without ideas defeated paralyzed paralysed petrified overawed dazzled bugged gaga hazy groggy enthralled rendered speechless left speechless mortified spellbound woozy awe-stricken staring in amazement chagrined put out of countenance woolly adhered rooted to the spot bollixed wooly numb awe-struck owly-eyed moon-eyed saucer-eyed off-balance off balance woolly-headed not knowing if you are coming or going shook at your wits' end uncertain which way to turn brought to a standstill at one's wits' end up against a brick wall without an answer crushed appalled mind-blown without a clue in a fog annoyed flurried shattered unzipped astray off-course adrift off-track absent diverted distrait in botheration psyched-out caught off balance out of countenance shook-up messed-up absentminded pestered harassed tormented hassled going round in circles all over the place not knowing whether one is coming or going unsystematic scatterbrained musing unaware vacant forgetful unreliable undependable sidetracked unfocused miles away feather-headed empty-headed erratic birdbrained daydreaming scatty feather-brained oblivious in a flap driven to distraction dippy unthinking unheeding dappy heedless with one's head in the clouds pensive with a mind like a sieve

Tính từ

Weak or lacking in strength
enervated weakened weak debilitated feeble sapped enfeebled languid prostrate prostrated soft spent asthenic delicate down-and-out drained effete exhausted faint fatigued frail infirm low rundown slight softened tender tired undermined unsubstantial wasted wimpish wimpy limp devitalized incapacitated deteriorated done in paralysed paralyzed run-down rusty vitiated worn out gone to seed on the ropes out of condition out of gas out of shape washed out depleted diminished rendered feeble sickly ailing unwell decrepit shaky ill fragile spineless unhealthy nerveless poorly weakly weary indisposed weak-kneed sick helpless strengthless drooping weakling doddering wet invertebrate anemic anaemic limp-wristed characterless flabby unsteady milk-and-water namby-pamby lame wishy-washy powerless in poor health sluggish impotent ineffective failing languorous spindly puny weedy emasculated yielding tottering doddery crippled pathetic trembly unsound faltering below par sapless out of sorts under the weather flagging declining faded ineffectual loose slack lax listless sagging worn-out rickety peaky cowardly bedridden dizzy wobbly sensitive broken-down woozy burned out droopy dainty irresolute pendulous floppy unfirm half-hearted meager meagre indecisive tenuous saggy flaccid run down dopey laid low toneless wavering vacillating flimsy irresilient out of tone hindered encumbered hampered small scrawny light breakable washed-out slender played out debile afraid nervous timid stricken lacklustre poor lackluster valetudinarian vapid unstable hanging withered atrophied deteriorating wilted haggard degenerative ravaged dying sinking reduced nesh susceptible easily damaged baggy sloppy disorganized boneless wasteful shattery thin fishy wispy shatterable brittle fracturable yellow-bellied petrified fearful insecure spiritless bad rotten lousy bland sensile halting anile down beat pooped etiolated without energy flexuous in declining health wussy jejune insipid shilpit tottery off-color low-energy laid-up trembling flavourless mediocre watered-down flavorless dull gentle insufficient flat aged sick as a dog tuckered out a wreck out of commission out-of-action tired out meek giddy disorganised lackadaisical crook passionless vertiginous peaked tepid off unenthusiastic unexcited ropy unfit crummy uninterested seedy unwilling wabbit woolly reeling queer unable peakish lightheaded muzzy blasé handcuffed hamstrung hog-tied impuissant incapable incompetent apathetic lethargic wooly knackered off-balance woolly-headed light-headed all of a quiver weak at the knees untrained in bad shape not up to snuff not oneself not feeling up to snuff off colour unproductive forceless inept infecund gutless dud paper tiger high and dry past it lank wilting quaggy inelastic

Tính từ

Affected by or deriving from wildly uncontrolled emotion
hysterical frenzied frantic mad uncontrollable agitated overwrought berserk crazed delirious emotional uncontrolled unrestrained distracted distraught feverish neurotic raving unrestrainable wild manic beside oneself deranged distrait maniac maniacal out of control unhinged berko convulsive swivel-eyed blazing crazy driven to distraction fiery frenetic fuming furious hyper hysteric impassioned impetuous in a frenzy in a panic incensed intense irrepressible maddened nervous overexcited panic-stricken passionate possessed rabid raging rampant seething spasmodic tempestuous turbulent vehement violent carried away in a state very upset worked up beside yourself in a fit out of one's wits insane demented nuts disturbed unbalanced excited mental lunatic nutty psychotic batty bonkers sectionable crackers barmy certifiable bats cuckoo loony screwy psychopathic loco daft gaga wacko porangi bananas unstable meshuga loopy cracked non compos mentis buggy barking nutso wacky bushed nutsy squirrelly whacky of unsound mind crackpot kooky daffy kookie looney balmy raving mad mad as a hatter mentally ill away with the fairies round the bend nutty as a fruitcake barking mad dippy not all there off the wall mad as a March hare not together stark mad round the twist touched not the full shilling schizoid as daft as a brush psycho whacko foaming at the mouth unsound crackbrained stark raving mad cranky haywire fruity brainsick meshugge bughouse moonstruck stark staring mad scatty up the pole not right in the head wud not right upstairs not quite right in the head sick in the head dotty bedlam looney tunes loony tunes slang fierce corybantic yarra irrational upset distressed wigged out ferocious have kangaroos in the top paddock hectic anxious fraught flipped out have a screw loose unglued out of one's mind ecstatic thrilled have bats in the belfry overjoyed euphoric elated jubilant transported rapturous angry desperate shook up exultant in raptures off one's head over the moon high blissed out off one's nut off one's trolley confused tumultuous unbridled eccentric unchecked exhilarated in a tizzy delighted freaked out on a high animated unruly around the bend out to lunch on cloud nine rough in seventh heaven on cloud seven walking on air jumping for joy unzipped unscrewed stoked silly undisciplined hot wild with excitement in transports of delight weird fanatical keyed up unsettled in a frenzy of delight joyous off one's rocker enthusiastic overcome gleeful off one's gourd ungovernable restless enraptured happy intoxicated stupid foolish fevered boisterous enthused stormy heated unconstrained bothered worried explosive riotous schizophrenic rattled abandoned unbounded uninhibited unmanageable forceful disconcerted psychopathological aroused zonkers wired ungoverned chaotic sociopathic volcanic weirded out spazzed out in a stew hot and bothered at wits' end hot under the collar potty like one possessed headstrong hammer and tongs knock-down-and-drag-out babbling blood-and-guts have bats in one's belfry out of one's head severely mentally ill have kangaroos in one's top paddock with a screw loose hyperactive joyful intemperate rapt panic-struck panicky sent incoherent unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable disorderly proud cock-a-hoop senseless ardent demonic rowdy troubled energetic fatuous preposterous aggressive busy uptight perturbed discomposed flustered muddled flushed devastated fervid full-on brutal impatient worked-up spirited vicious noisy cyclonic bizarre thrown flipped perfervid passional savage odd lively volatile aberrant unreasonable peculiar paroxysmal flying queer off the deep end dreamy derailed disordered obstreperous bloodthirsty paranoid uproarious sick antsy beside oneself with happiness wound up madcap harsh lawless high-strung flaming demoniac delirious with happiness hopped up fired up hotheaded at the end of your tether a few cards shy of a full deck full-blooded having bats in the belfry hot-tempered knock-down deprived of one's wits one card shy of a full deck not knowing what to do with oneself manic-depressive over the edge non compos worried sick a few sandwiches short of a picnic not of sound mind hot-headed mentally deranged drag-out potent having a screw loose bang-bang having kangaroos in the top paddock flipped-out independent unsuppressed madding twitchy panicked inspired over the top wrapped mindless confusing demoniacal consumed flakey baked flaky fried unsafe invalid fantastic psyched out rejoicing triumphant yampy fast and furious doolally idiotic schitzy freaky up overwhelmed struck overawed affected stunned incredulous exulting on top of the world bemused moonstricken oddball gonzo ape amok severely mentally disordered off one's chump dazed off wrong at one's wits' end out of one's wit irresistible spare bedlamite overpowered barro postal crook last-minute het up off-the-wall absurd crowing revelling as mad as a March hare crazy as a loon out there one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree in another world out of one's gourd in a daze as mad as a hatter in the ozone hallucinating light-headed rambling wandering disarranged lightheaded deviant bewildered hallucinatory deviate turned out nonsensical witless in a flap having kittens in a tizz brainless asinine touched in the head up the wall through the roof on the rampage unwise strong swaggering boastful crank glorying prideful gloating in a cold sweat off the air zany harebrained off your rocker simpleminded at your wits' end in a flat spin bubbleheaded victorious content triumphalist flipping gay reveling merry wowed lunkheaded cockeyed eager screwball featherheaded destroyed out of one's skull rumbustious jerky tomfool sappy excessive inept fool ridiculous vociferous rugged blown away turned on uncurbed wanton runaway zealous elevated clamorous avid agog keen intractable difficult illogical goofy strange pumped raring desirous vivacious unconventional impractical unrestricted irregular in turmoil rowdydowdy rambunctious raucous termagant idiosyncratic overactive cheered roused disruptive refractory twisted half-witted cataclysmal cataclysmic half-baked weak-minded thirsty athirst obsessive wayward recalcitrant fractious exciting blissful unhampered raw unhindered shattered impossible geeked hungry juiced voracious solicitous mentally unbalanced bullying verklempt harassed pained tormented concerned wrought-up nonplussed addled dismayed murderous willful troublesome incorrigible incontrollable untoward wilful stroppy froward ill-disciplined fervent untrammeled untrammelled puffed up floating cruel ruthless licentious unconcealed self-indulgent immoderate excitable contumacious out of hand shaken hurt unhappy saddened grieved sad very excited hepped up jumping up and down hopped-up gung ho on fire callous threatening terrorizing pugnacious rhapsodic rhapsodical enrapt giddy entranced heady temperamental disobedient outrageous insurmountable pitiless barbarous thuggish sadistic merciless destructive barbaric in high spirits exalted enchanted turned-on out of your mind rash incandescent vexed shocked disquieted heartless homicidal inhuman torrid charged demonstrative overzealous assertive set up flying high looking good in heaven overemotional irked tense disappointed ruffled apprehensive aflutter irritated uneasy terrorising radge cut-throat forcible impulsive burning superheated agitable religious warm dithyrambic Corybantic mercurial drunk annoyed blue inconvenienced falling apart discountenanced hung up angered broken up ill at ease cut up frightened atwitter gutted histrionic alarmed choked like a chicken with its head cut off short-fuse red-hot warm-blooded highly strung hot-blooded absent-minded abstracted preoccupied absent inattentive distant faraway forgetful absorbed engrossed oblivious vague unaware wool-gathering heedless ditzy unmindful scatterbrained woolgathering miles away lost in thought in a brown study a million miles away gibbering ranting phrenetic not in one's right mind

Động từ

To have frightened or caused fear
scared frightened panicked terrified petrified startled alarmed shocked horrified intimidated daunted scarified affrighted dismayed frighted spooked terrorized filled with fear gave someone the heebie-jeebies made nervous put the wind up scared stiff scared the pants off scared to death struck terror into appalled terrorised put the wind up someone cowed browbeat awed disconcerted agitated scared the bejesus out of bulldozed alarumed rattled upset put the fear of God into bullied subdued flustered ruffled overawed disheartened disturbed chilled deterred buffaloed discouraged fazed discomforted scared the living daylights out of scared off scared away browbeaten made afraid tyrannized threw into a panic thrown into a panic hectored abashed dragooned badgered railroaded bullyragged perturbed blackjacked bogarted bludgeoned strong-armed mau-maued disquieted blustered enforced scared witless unhinged worried repelled demoralized astounded stiffed psyched out made someone jump out of their skin made someone's hair stand on end scared someone out of their wits made jump stricken terror into made your blood run cold leaned on pushed around made one's blood run cold surprised got the wind up tyrannised chilled to the bone made your hair stand on end made blood run cold made teeth chatter picked on demoralised given someone the heebie-jeebies curdled the blood curdles the blood threatened pressured distressed harassed menaced domineered hounded pressurized unmanned oppressed persecuted harried coerced forced obliged freaked compelled tormented embarrassed showboated discomfited scared the hell out of frightened the life out of sent into a cold sweat made fearful frightened to death frightened the living daylights out of scared the life out of made someone shake in their shoes frightened someone out of their wits steamrollered constrained impressed gave someone a turn given someone goose pimples thrown into a blue funk threw into a blue funk given someone a turn gave someone goose pimples worked up pushed about filled with panic twisted someone's arm turned on the heat pressurised made one's flesh creep made someone jump out of his skin made one's teeth chatter thrown into a fright frozen your blood freaked out chilled someone to the marrow amazed made one's hair stand on end astonished threw into a fright scared someone half to death scared the daylights out of stampeded scared the living daylights out of someone froze your blood used strong-arm tactics on scared silly scared the pants off of walked heavy blinded someone with something plagued shaken shook rode ridden threw into panic thrown into panic gave a turn given a turn taken someone's breath away took someone's breath away gave one the creeps given one the creeps given someone a fright gave someone a fright threw into a tizzy thrown into disarray threw into disarray thrown into a tizzy thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz stunned stupefied paralysed confounded paralyzed put chill on issued threats to consternated put the frighteners on frightened out of your wits filled with terror put heat on transfixed warned periled adventured hazarded endangered ventured risked imperilled compromised imperiled jeopardized jeoparded victimized unsettled dumbfounded immobilized flabbergasted made it hot for someone snarled portended lowered impended sprung something on made things hot for someone benumbed victimised scowled perplexed growled abused comminated flexed muscles cautioned inspired panic in uttered threats to whipped around staggered looked daggers made your flesh creep paralysed with fear made threats to bothered chilled off immobilised jeopardised threatened to kill depressed blackmailed made threats against scared hell out of dazed numbed sprung threatened to harm loomed gambled with fulminated admonished forewarned made threat rid frozen froze stricken terror in struck terror in shaken fist at shook fist at stricken fear into struck fear into gave someone a jolt taken someone aback shaken up took someone aback given a shock gave a shock sprang given someone a jolt taken aback sprang something on took aback shook up

Động từ

To have thrown into a state of distress marked by confusion
confused flustered perturbed disconcerted dismayed distressed disturbed agitated bothered confounded discomfited disquieted fazed frustrated rattled discommoded discomposed discountenanced exasperated upset afflicted aggravated chagrined demoralized discomforted nonplussed perplexed psyched troubled unhinged unsettled abashed demoralised flurried mortified put off put out stirred up threw off balance worked up worried embarrassed alarmed ruffled bewildered daunted distracted put someone off their stroke disheartened discombobulated vexed discouraged appalled concerned shocked frightened floored startled frazzled got to astounded fussed ailed distempered surprised intimidated derailed hagrid shaken shook thrown threw stunned annoyed alarumed astonished weirded out freaked out depressed dispirited scared unmanned exercised dumbfounded deterred amazed irked staggered dazed psyched out knocked for six put into a flap chilled bugged stupefied cowed shook up shaken up knocked sideways hassled irritated took aback taken aback harassed flummoxed cast down provoked made uneasy flabbergasted bowled over made anxious dejected puzzled jolted thrown off balance fretted undone undid gotten to stopped someone in their tracks setted someone back on their heels baffled hurt overwhelmed excited made nervous rocked hagridden hagrode muddled caught off balance pestered spooked knocked out knocked the stuffing out of put someone off their stride put out of countenance terrified horrified awed offended angered subdued sickened displeased sapped dampened plagued needled mystified outraged crushed weakened dashed buffaloed undermined disappointed saddened surprized dumfounded consternated panicked enervated miffed tormented addled disarranged fuddled tried left aghast left open-mouthed made waves put down hurt somebody's feelings knocked for a loop put someone off caused someone to lose their composure put a damper on disgusted scandalized nettled unbalanced disoriented grieved befuddled peeved insulted browbeat enfeebled stumped gravelled graveled narked disordered damped made downhearted bullied boggled galled indisposed disparaged taken by surprise took by surprise boggled the mind crazed caused to be at a stand hacked off poured cold water on wound up scandalised made someone scratch their head put off balance emasculated thunderstricken thunderstruck dissuaded struck dumb stricken dumb thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz paralyzed unstrung revolted bemused scared off overawed pained nauseated beat terrorized traumatized made uncomfortable repelled hurried affected petrified destabilized tortured bamboozled wound wounded disempowered bustled moved desolated got jarred roused humiliated hindered agonized threw off harrowed thrown off oppressed made dejected disinclined deranged persecuted piqued harried paralysed chafed jumbled turned disrupted disorganized weighed down aroused made fretful pothered mixed up nagged blown away blew away rendered speechless gnawed at rattled one's cage beset electrified put on edge set back upset apple cart pushed buttons burned up made a scene put off his or her stride put the wind up put one away agonised knocked over with feather ticked off egged on knocked over brought low burnt up hit a sour note turned on got at grossed out pulled the rug out from under aggrieved cut up debilitated cast a shadow traumatised flipped destabilised got across terrorised picked on hit like ton of bricks pulled the rug from under browbeaten threw cold water on given someone grief thrown cold water on gave someone grief thrown a curve threw a curve outfaced outstared stared down infuriated inhibited stood up to incited inflamed haunted maddened embittered dissatisfied soured heated foxed pressurized warned affrighted cautioned pressured posed riled stirred stimulated inconvenienced disarmed mazed racked stressed clouded despaired thwarted devitalized affronted shamed befogged fogged setted someone thinking wildered muddied gotten disorientated spited grated griped cursed anguished rasped itched frosted niggled hounded incommoded downed displaced demented rummaged disarrayed humbled galvanized made dispirited made crestfallen caused disquiet to fermented made despondent balked fluttered obfuscated injured overcome strained antagonized hustled quickened blustered made wretched knocked the stuffing out of someone made discontented gotten across gave a turn devastated unquieted strapped weighed heavily on took your breath away complicated dogged frilled blown one's mind gotten at keyed up made worried interfered worsted screwed up distressed greatly blinded furbelowed flipped out got down layed up given a turn made restless pushed unzipped made flip preoccupied weighed on tantalised numbed fired up bedevilled disharmonized rocked the boat bummed out galvanised ventilated caught somebody off balance drooped given a hard time knocked props out lied heavy on fouled up gave someone the blues jangled beleaguered made miserable caught somebody unawares repressed taken your breath away raised someone's eyebrows antagonised badgered sprung on blew one's mind martyred discorded snarled pressurised sent up sprung something on dizzied aroused anxiety in gave a hard time caused offense weighed crippled caused anguish to examined given someone the blues incapacitated made your hair stand on end completely surprised brought down intruded deprecated pricked bugged up abraded rubbed the wrong way unglued made it tough for tantalized disaccorded messed with one's head baulked cramped deflated caused suffering to prostrated tired worked someone up made someone fed up caused anxiety to made self-conscious caused to lose heart beat down sent into a spin caused anxiety bedeviled talked out of laid up beaten grope ate eaten gotten in the way got in the way threw into a tizzy thrown into a tizzy took the wind out of someone's sails taken the wind out of someone's sails broke one's heart broken one's heart beaten down overcame eaten away at ate away at eaten at ate at nit-picked broke broken brake done a number on did a number on threw into confusion threw into disorder threw into uproar thrown into confusion thrown into disorder thrown into uproar gotten on someone's wick got on someone's wick got someone gotten someone threw a curveball sprang something on thrown a curveball thrown a pall over threw a pall over given offence to gave someone a turn shaken out of your complacency took the wind out of your sails given someone a turn gave offence to taken the wind out of your sails shook out of your complacency threw into tizzy thrown into tizzy worn wore took steam out blew up taken steam out taken apart took apart blown out blown up blew out drove crazy driven mad given someone the hump driven crazy drove mad gave someone the hump sprang on uncalmed rode ridden

Động từ

Past tense for to cause to become physically weaker
enervated tired weakened debilitated exhausted fatigued sapped devitalized enfeebled incapacitated prostrated wearied drained indisposed wore out worn out etiolated frazzled immobilised immobilized paralysed pooped shattered softened wasted knackered made feeble made weak torpefied depleted disabled did in done in jaded knocked out laid low lay low paralyzed undermined vitiated washed out fagged out put out of action saped your strength sapped your strength took it out of one taken it out of one wore to a frazzle worn to a frazzle handicapped crippled blunted diminished emasculated unhinged attenuated hurt impaired tired out reduced overtired ruined taxed overtaxed destroyed whacked damaged marred hamstrung hamstringed injured busted eroded harmed overwrought overworked tuckered out spoiled spoilt bushed sabotaged tuckered killed wrecked petered out pooped out crushed impoverished impeded took it out of taken it out of diluted lessened worn down wore down bankrupted harassed overexerted defeated broke broken brake overextended overfatigued lamed conked out run ragged unstrengthened disarmed watered down subverted consumed used up compromised hindered lowered depressed disempowered subdued eviscerated withered hampered extenuated suppressed rendered infirm worn wore quashed offset outwore outworn decreased wound wounded calmed tempered vanquished overpowered overcome sucked dry numbed abated thinned restricted deadened assuaged shrunk strained made powerless mutilated maimed soothed inactivated pained failed halted sapped the strength of made tired pinioned totalled kiboshed mangled battered totaled muzzled hogtied unfitted unbraced hocked benumbed brought someone to their knees put to sleep rendered incapable shot down put on the sick list arrested appalled shut down put a damper on eaten away ate away ran ragged threatened did up done up felled floored dropped cowed levelled leveled contracted downed degraded dispirited cramped subjugated overwhelmed smashed demoted demoralized dulled wore away worn away hospitalized disembowelled exenterated dampened disemboweled repressed disrated humiliated downgraded sickened mowed encumbered overdone overdid drew drawn atrophied whittled scuppered scotched knocked down rooted extinguished tamed constricted dissipated devaluated adulterated offsetted rarefied lightened mitigated deflated knocked over flawed blemished bloodied made feebler wiped out nearly killed overcame folded ennuied ennuyed overstrained wilted demoralised collapsed overburdened fainted routed mowed down endamaged limited bowled over cooled burdened shrank shrunken sank sunken sunk made unfit rendered powerless spiked shrivelled emaciated shriveled bowled down stifled jammed allayed stopped moderated muffled plagued made weary brought down run into the ground invalided layed up hospitalised dominated laid up made helpless made impotent deprived of force reduced the power of mollified disenabled deactivated alleviated appeased sated cauterized slaked damped relieved eased drowsed brought low clamped toned down frozen froze caused instability brought to ruin faded glutted drooped flagged oppressed weighed pulled the teeth of reduced the powers of removed the sting from took out taken out actioned rendered inoperative caused ennui cauterised transfixed took the edge off astounded had a negative effect on brought to grinding halt palsied demolished obtunded gnawed conquered brought to a halt dazed desensitized thrown monkey wrench in rained on someone's parade stupefied prevented from moving invalidated confined to a wheelchair tied bemused disqualified anesthetized corroded made inoperative made nerveless prevented from working hebetated daunted mastered closed stunned nonplussed threw monkey wrench in stopped dead desensitised had a bad effect on anaesthetized lost interest confined to bed crossed up petrified kept down rendered inactive made inert taken the edge off beat down brought to a standstill fell shaken shook overthrown overthrew went stale gone stale grew weary gave out given out grown weary grown tired grew tired gnawn did harm to done harm to bore down borne down beaten down ran into the ground worn oneself to a shadow wore oneself to a shadow wore oneself to a frazzle worn oneself to a frazzle

Động từ

Past tense for to decrease in sensitivity

Từ trái nghĩa của unnerved

unnerved Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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