Đồng nghĩa của dispirited

Alternative for dispirited

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Tính từ

Having lost enthusiasm and hope
discouraged disheartened dejected depressed down downcast spiritless despondent dismayed gloomy glum sad subdued blue crestfallen crushed demoralised demoralized disconsolate downbeat downhearted dragged low morose sapped shaken shattered thrown woebegone cowed melancholy low-spirited in the doldrums bummed-out cast down shot-down fed up brassed off cheesed off sick as a parrot unhappy miserable forlorn sorrowful mournful melancholic down in the mouth doleful down in the dumps joyless saddened wretched heartsick inconsolable heartsore desolate heartbroken woeful sorry heavyhearted brokenhearted heavy-hearted droopy dismal hangdog bad disappointed cheerless dolorous lugubrious pessimistic sombre somber despairing moody distressed in low spirits broken-hearted sullen upset chap-fallen tearful in the dumps oppressed dreary grief-stricken funereal bleak hopeless depressing chapfallen comfortless bummed out saturnine troubled black long-faced in the pits grieving hurting choked daunted grim dark anguished depressive solemn down and out mirthless destroyed morbid dull wistful in pain weighed down sepulchral lonesome lonely drear elegiac gray elegiacal grey defeatist hurt tristful dire abject godforsaken cold down-hearted cast-down out of sorts grieved sulky in a blue funk pensive dour listless rueful bleeding crummy teary dysphoric broken lachrymose let down chill murky darkening plutonian tenebrous dreich sunless cloudy Cimmerian deflated tenebrific cut up overwhelmed shot down as sick as a parrot taken down humbled devastated pitiful bereaved pathetic weary ripped gutted flat emotional aggrieved tragic weepy sunk in gloom deterred piteous all torn up torn up unnerved distraught bothered in despair disillusioned pitiable low in spirits weeping regretful grumpy enervated crabbed mopey surly helpless with a long face in grief in doldrums negative mopish broody languid in tears afflicted on a downer low-down moping intimidated languorous in the toilet singing the blues undermined defeated drained beaten displeased devitalized shook up unenthusiastic overpowered disheartening overcome disconcerted put off dashed vanquished saddening perturbed poor browbeaten dispiriting Eeyorish distressing disturbed damp adust bitter bereft heartbreaking ticked off teed off browned off peed off brooding apathetic mourning heartrending oppressive sick at heart grievous unsatisfied humourless humorless desperate heart-rending painful heavy sour down-in-the-mouth cynical ugly down in dumps defenceless in a funk hapless defenseless powerless unwelcoming triste sorry for yourself given to looking on the black side blue funk put down humiliated pained unmanned worried suffering abashed empty tormented concerned churlish sheepish ill-humoured huffy sunk unconsolable torn-up discontent weakened worthless lowered bowed taken aback discombobulated uptight bugged sore shook antsy burned contused ill-humored reflective shamefaced agonised sorrowing off sluggish emo without energy atrabilious clouded dampened drooping sagging depressant frightened alarmed griefstricken down in mouth unsmiling bad-tempered uncommunicative taciturn grave dolent dirgeful agonized uneasy feel-bad phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive unenthused unconfident bowed down bummed calamitous down-and-out downtrodden have the blahs crippled languished crabby discontented let-down not happy very sad beat-down come-apart caved-in down-in-mouth beat plaintive lorn disgruntled dissatisfied nostalgic lost lamenting companionless disenchanted lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm having lost heart forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned forbidding acheronian austere frustrated discomfited friendless destitute uncared-for tamed traumatized chagrined miffed fatalistic gloom-ridden with cold feet lost momentum overawed afraid nervous scared terrified apprehensive unsettled dragging solitary fruitless alone aghast irked rattled discomposed discountenanced flustered dishonoured ruined suspicious bearish worsted baulked objecting balked in blue funk gone to pieces alarmist distrustful doubting unfavorable unfavourable lamentable poignant unfortunate regrettable licked dishonored unhopeful feeling down full of gloom overwrought horrified discouraging drab demoralizing difficult distressful demoralising dreadful upsetting disappointing mentally defeated without hope traumatised looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny excruciating shocking traumatic troublesome terrible dejecting crushing dolesome moving harrowing agonizing unpleasant discomposing agonising vexatious uncomfortable horrific appalling derisible frightful dingy plangent horrifying mortifying heart-wrenching tear-jerking shell-shocked emotionally defeated lacklustre passive impotent paralysed insipid weak lifeless limp disarmed speechless dazed stunned at meek characterless colourless irresolute feeble submissive torpid unmoved spineless unimpassioned wooden languishing dry vapid uninspired uninspiring passionless lackadaisical bloodless mopy desiccated anaemic reduced draggy slothful cowardly tame gutless dopey inanimate blah indecisive unconcerned boring lackluster indifferent drippy drowned hit for six knocked for six brought to your knees prostrate immobilized knocked over paralyzed at a low ebb laid low open incapacitated fallen immobilised colorless anemic wishy-washy flat tire lacking in vitality sob story wailing bewailing bemoaning aching sober remorseful deploring funeral sobbing apologetic serious anxious conscience-stricken uninviting contrite repentant penitent close to tears earnest whimpering compunctious snivelling blubbering wounded maudlin ashamed pining resigned sniveling guilt-ridden touching crying dirge-like dirgelike stony-faced tortured agitated deplorable disquieted sedate ruffled vexed foreboding ruthful self-reproachful drearisome aflutter annoyed guilty angst-ridden larmoyant inhospitable stark dim bare yearning attritional bland heavy with grief clinical impersonal daunting teary-eyed wintry wintery institutional jarring on the verge of tears in a tizzy affecting isolated threnodic longing disenchanting withdrawn stern harrowed confused angry in sorrow in mourning ominous severe weighty muddled shocked irritated troubling full of sorrow tense chastened overemotional greeting staid inconvenienced blubbing inauspicious unamused sobersided angered atwitter jumpy unglued sourpuss muted mawkish blubbery moist wet bawling watery overcome with sorrow suicidal frantic poker-faced no-nonsense howling penitential hung up ill at ease racked with suffering racked with pain broken up po-faced with tears in your eyes at the end of your tether long-suffering regretting heartsickening threnodial atoning penitentiary funebrial exequial deathlike misty-eyed unpromising deathly Stygian hollow obscure overcast mortified sinister prostrated cross cranky bellyaching cantankerous beefing grousing in distress excited tear-filled horrible cringing heart-sick lovesick dolorific afflictive unpropitious deserted prostrate with grief luckless hankering missing longing for home strained guilty-looking furtive hysterical irrational histrionic afflicting off-putting sickening sick in anguish atrocious adverse disadvantageous ailing racked unable to be consoled unable to be comforted embarrassed sneaking frowning glowering portentous beside oneself with grief doomed cowering sensitive fraught unmitigable remote derelict sequestered affected homesick full of regret falling apart repining having blue devils having the blahs hard dreamy strabilious no-win can't win not a prayer at end of one's rope in the soup disowned in a state up the creek at wits' end in sackcloth and ashes contemplative musing dreaming meditative easily moved in a bad way thoughtful harassed wrecked plagued in floods of tears daydreaming spooked haunted persecuted desirous wishful strung out mushy gooey slushy in a stew misanthropic schmaltzy doubtful offended insecure nervy edgy dithery queasy queazy fretted in a reverie unquiet jittery hassled syrupy verklempt unzipped hinky goosey in disorder put out amazed psyched out come apart outcast at sixes and sevens het up oversentimental estranged unloved rejected unpopular unwanted all alone unsocial unbefriended uncherished without friends feeling friendless with no one to turn to without companions by yourself without a friend in the world

Tính từ

Disturbing in nature due to references to death or dying
macabre gruesome ghastly grim morbid grisly hideous dreadful frightening frightful horrid horrific lurid unearthly gloomy horrible horrifying shocking wretched bleak dark eerie horrendous miserable somber sombre appalling cheerless depressing depressive desolate dismal distressing dreary ghostly glum gory grotesque melancholic melancholy morose nightmarish solemn terrifying cold disheartening fearsome funereal monstrous revolting sad sepulchral sullen tenebrous dingy dire drab drear grave gray grewsome grey loathsome lugubrious mirthless mournful murky nightmare pitiless repugnant repulsive shadowy terrible terrific atrocious awful black chilling offensive scary shady sickening spookish spooky weird sick unhealthy God-awful death-obsessed disgusting unspeakable fearful spine-chilling abominable harrowing alarming vile abhorrent hair-raising forbidding disturbing odious repellent nasty gross unnerving bad ghoulish direful unpleasant heinous beastly upsetting nauseating cruel hellacious foul daunting creepy sinister distasteful formidable intimidating godawful bloodcurdling disagreeable hateful detestable execrable disquieting grievous redoubtable savage petrifying obscene from hell disconcerting grody traumatic ominous outrageous worrying unpalatable evil perturbing disgustful loathly wicked ugly nauseous sick-making dread diabolical egregious unsettling severe objectionable hellish scandalous displeasing brutal rotten despicable contemptible dismaying obnoxious bloody deplorable hairy lousy spine-tingling troubling mean off-putting repellant twisted fiendish startling devilish troublesome irksome vicious scaring unnatural intolerable agitating gut-churning strange shameful lamentable undesirable noxious blood-curdling unwholesome unwelcome haunting discomforting abysmal galling eery uncanny menacing harsh sadistic serious ruthless extreme insufferable merciless difficult woeful agonizing eldritch unbearable annoying distressful bitter yucky violent bloodthirsty very bad deep noisome unforgivable irritating desperate painful rancid fulsome tragic unsavory unsavoury unfortunate icky baleful agonising shuddersome dispiriting beyond the pale unpleasing dim perverted threatening deathly barbaric unsightly discouraging villainous poignant abnormal supernatural disgraceful murderous inhuman sober worrisome sanguine low-down nefarious sickly tasteless terrorizing barbarous infamous filthy stressful torturous brutish discomposing freaky foreboding base poor uncomfortable doleful humourless humorless dreaded terrorising sedate perverse warped tormenting troublous fraught unacceptable vexing aberrant depraved concerning bestial tragical reprehensible flagitious stinking exceptionable gut-wrenching grotty terribly bad unkind unpardonable parlous calamitous regrettable excruciating hurtful hostile sublime uninviting unhappy astounding scurvy inexcusable tremendous rebarbative bewildering overwhelming colorless uncongenial dangerous lacklustre forlorn joyless unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring dull colourless boring monotonous lackluster depressed lonely dolorous lifeless humdrum taboo critical diabolic bone-chilling gripping blood-and-guts sanguinary blood-and-thunder cynical unthinkable unmentionable iniquitous Kafkaesque fierce satanic great degenerate ironic indescribable hard oppressed impoverished stark blood-stained exciting suspenseful electrifying thrilling misshapen fugly misproportioned reptilian abject nightmarey phantasmagorical unreal demonic animal beast immoral poverty-stricken callous lou causing fear huckery lewd wrong inconvenient disastrous punk excessive phantom preternatural heavy disappointing shameless frozen gnarly spectral insupportable vulgar stupefying sordid infernal heartstopping like death warmed up haunted extraterrestrial mysterious other-worldly stunning astonishing amazing staggering misanthropic mordacious pessimistic demoralizing bothersome unlucky testing austere unfavorable unfavourable faint mortuary haggard wraithlike deathlike corpselike anemic weak anaemic surprising as ugly as sin unlikable vomitous sleazy putrid black-hearted flagrant low alien bizarre glaring like the back end of a bus discommoding squicky festy stomach-churning cringe-making cloying surfeiting bogging stomach-turning sleazeball yecchy unappetizing yucko skanky scuzzy vomit-inducing mephitical irritable unpropitious hopeless troubled perplexing revulsive frustrating unamusing inauspicious aggravating distressed sensational deadly infected diseased ailing graphic exaggerated unsound malignant pathological melodramatic explicit crummy mortifying not of this world phantasmal phantasmic onerous inhumane heartless butcherly brute truculent wanton unsatisfactory heartbreaking unendurable vexatious brooding maleficent moody unusual irascible cacodemonic facinorous demoniac heavenly ethereal inappropriate hyperphysical uncool yukky saddening sour pathetic unappealing awkward afflicting afflictive affecting demoralising anguished sorrowful heartrending unlovely trashy sensationalist extravagant overdramatized colourful rubbishy unrestrained ribald kitschy cheap salacious pulp prurient nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking suggestive dirty shock-horror tacky vivid juicy yellow full-frontal fiery raunchy salty striking colorful off-color purple rough racy distinct garish sinful ungodly dishonourable dastardly dishonorable sorry corrupt criminal damnable malicious accursed ignoble reprobate unholy pitiful malevolent unprincipled rank ferocious unrighteous remorseless ignominious opprobrious unlawful disreputable notorious paltry unethical cold-blooded chronic pitiable coarse impure unutterable unscrupulous dissolute discreditable crooked malfeasant indecent shabby illegal unfair Mephistophelian smutty unfeeling inadequate inferior unclean shoddy dishonest profane impious bent crude wrongful immodest unworthy grubby demonical spiteful cursed demoniacal cruddy sullied pits knavish degrading debased underhand preposterous roguish scoundrelly unmerciful uncaring hard-hearted rascally morally wrong uncharitable crying dislikeable pernicious malodorous blatant fell fetid smelly squalid peccable scurrilous lame scabby scummy sneaking ratty unrelenting mephitic bum pongy stinky whiffy grimy funky not cricket niffy miasmal blue substandard olid irreligious homicidal satanical sacrilegious foetid blasphemous blameworthy unrespectable louche shy unsympathetic obvious useless godless amoral inglorious duff poxy arrant pants conspicuous indefensible illicit patent lawless catastrophic illegitimate unreasonable cataclysmic miscreant unsparing on the nose underhanded worthless pronounced improper third-rate degraded cold-hearted insensitive ridiculous abandoned harmful licentious rubbish uncompassionate capital adverse unhallowed snide currish wolfish inconsiderate a load of pants acrid polluted foul-smelling evil-smelling smudged bedraggled befouled bemired dusty uncleanly draggled muddy stained mucky besmirched blackened unsportsmanlike grungy begrimed soiled uncivilised uncivilized low-minded poison X-rated ruinous felonious tough devastating trying barefaced humiliating indictable taxing Hadean brazen senseless deliberate ropy enormous mediocre confounded demonian Luciferian outright undisguised treacherous utter beyond contempt piteous unjust hard-boiled profligate audacious naked evident debauched embarrassing erring fallen ogreish unconcealed manifest laughable exorbitant complete inept faulty unbecoming wrathful sucky stone-hearted unforgiving unpitying immoderate palpable transparent inexpressible overt second-rate absurd caitiff injurious ineffable crazed tainted thick-skinned hard-nosed obdurate compassionless desensitized indurate soulless unkindly affectless slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners ironhearted case-hardened pachydermatous insensate stonyhearted stoney stony implacable unjustifiable unchaste lascivious bawdy unbelievable unseemly scatological scatologic destructive loose lustful desensitised pornographic serpentine unconscionable wayward strong hated out and out out-and-out brass-necked hateable ornery raw porno barnyard scabrous red in tooth and claw with a heart of stone ogry ogrish dislikable transgressing ruffianly blackguardly brackish catty thievish pestilential culpable peccant sneaky Stygian untold outcast crass undescribable ravening good-for-nothing naughty cussed foolish uncouth beneath contempt frenetic maniacal mad possessed undignified ill-famed tenth-rate slimy downer bummer rancorous ignorant unsocial cowardly inequitable poisonous intemperate drunken carnal pressing crucial aggressive gloating abusive contaminated untamed insubordinate libidinous demoralised demoralized wild ill-reputed questionable unconcerned bearish tactless indifferent gruff urgent not up to snuff mephistophelean unrefined uncultured unlettered bad-hearted inconceivable servile inelegant menial intense defective cannibalistic malign relentless drastic detested execrated wilful unimaginable reviled backbiting untrue maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting pressured demanding crippling irretrievable weighty despised very disgusting extraordinary hellborn cloven-footed needless unjustified arbitrary acute highly improper portentous bodeful exigent abominated loathed abhorred sheer plain cut-throat gruelling arduous tiring unprovoked red hot bungling steep oppressing scowling absolute downright inordinate unqualified beyond words undefinable nagging apparent unmitigated significant major inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed silly god-awful rueful derisory ludicrous foolish-looking gratuitous groundless motiveless indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil maggot unwarranted maddening impossible OTT exasperating averse antipathetic inimical antagonistic O.T.T. extortionate tricky antisocial unfriendly against opposite invidious extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different unfitted foreign irreverent too great shaming disgracing debauching depraving debasing contumelious grueling too horrible for words guilty willed unmotivated deleterious damaging in opposition over the top baneful mischievous prejudicial incorrigible nocuous detrimental ill stony-hearted aimless bloodless unemotional late unheard of reeking reeky undisciplined unruly contrary insolent double-crossing stern inclement a stinker of a a bummer of a musty stenchy high fusty flinty draconian frowzy frowsy miasmic frowsty bad news pigpen ripe slaughterous roughshod virulent open bold flaunting ostentatious forbidden prohibited proscribed cataclysmal unashamed flagitous interdicted banned censored flaming noticeable disconsolate unprintable bald-faced bare-faced sorrowing grieving oppressive grief-stricken broken-hearted heartbroken no good rude indecorous impolite devastated inconsolable downcast mourning despairing down godforsaken crestfallen dejected comfortless downhearted stick out like sore thumb frowned on disapproved of out of bounds off limits darkening hanging out impermissible not to be spoken of restricted off-limits no go that dare not speak its name woebegone tenebrific chill sunless plutonian lonesome elegiacal dreich saturnine Cimmerian elegiac cloudy low-spirited down in the mouth long-faced down in the dumps

Tính từ

Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern
apathetic uninterested impassive indifferent passive unconcerned unemotional unmoved emotionless listless unfeeling unresponsive cool phlegmatic disinterested stoic stoical detached lethargic uncaring uninvolved bored dispassionate half-hearted lackadaisical languid lukewarm non-committal sluggish torpid affectless cold cold-blooded impassible inert numb passionless stolid supine unambitious undemonstrative unmotivated insensible Laodicean pococurante blah callous draggy droopy flat laid-back lazy moony untouched wimpy could care less couldn't care less what the hell don't give a damn unenthusiastic aloof perfunctory calm spiritless nonchalant neutral tepid casual distant frigid incurious remote deadpan insensitive insouciant uncurious reserved wooden restrained blasé matter-of-fact lacklustre offhand unimpressed lackluster heedless dry lifeless unflappable unaffected heartless unexcitable stony unruffled unenthused sober dull irresolute expressionless complacent imperturbable glacial blank vacant unsympathetic self-controlled impersonal hard-hearted chill impervious inattentive cursory uneager desultory serene limp inexpressive unassertive unexcited placid reticent halfhearted controlled cool, calm and collected weak tame collected withdrawn poker-faced chilly oblivious impartial inactive hollow careless icy dead toneless feeble oblivious to self-contained subdued unimpassioned superficial unmoved by composed reluctant unresponsive to unloving unaspiring heavy clinical stiff unenterprising unwilling unbothered taciturn untroubled unsentimental unperturbed formal equable tranquil level-headed businesslike hard-headed rational objective unapproachable uncompassionate insipid uncommunicative undecided unworried thick-skinned unimpressible damp frosty unthrusting not interested obdurate unexpressive unmindful hardened unaroused uncertain hard-boiled heedless of unconcerned about apathetic towards uncommitted nonpartisan bland nonplussed nonchalant about uninvolved in negligent nonaligned uninvolved with offhand about nowhere immovable nonemotional mindless of unenthusiastic about bored by careless of deaf impervious to lukewarm about phlegmatic about unmindful of along for the ride deaf to indifferent to stony-eyed sangfroid unconvincing enduring resigned philosophic indomitable bovine unlively lame weakly meager paltry laissez-faire desensitized groggy lymphatic not give a tinker's damn unaffectionate contained negative desensitised glazed not enthusiastic meagre close unforthcoming secretive guarded faint blasé unfriendly offish submissive non-participating empty catatonic carefree just watching the clock not giving a damn benumbed numbed asleep inhuman blithe inscrutable unfazed cool-headed unconvinced uninspired annoyed offended impudent impertinent unwelcoming procacious solitary standoffish insolent unsociable stand-offish relaxed unagitated unstirred glassy senseless anesthetized pokerfaced unimpressionable unthinking sketchy insusceptible devil-may-care happy-go-lucky cold-hearted dry-eyed undismayed paralyzed still anaesthetized paralysed straight-faced laid back easy unanxious quiet coldhearted marble unbiased equitable unrevealing sedate indurated inexcitable stony-hearted reactive ardorless inhibited rigid repellent forbidding cold-shoulder loveless impotent austere unbending unromantic lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair hurried mechanical fleeting brief summary passing token hasty quick casual about apathetic about regardless uncaring about unprejudiced uninterested in frivolous about evenhanded candid just reckless about dismissive of unimpressed by regardless of equal fair cavalier about square immune not bothered at ease forgetful self-centered feckless undisturbed blind undaunted self-centred weary of unaware dismissive slipshod rapid slovenly without a care in the world not giving a toss resolute unsocial diffident supercilious highbrow scornful silent haughty superior unconscious laodicean indecisive hesitant unresolved immune to insensate stubborn unyielding going with the flow rolling with the punches proof against not giving a monkey's innocent unknowing nescient incognizant ignorant unacquainted uninformed clueless unwitting going through the motions phoning it in walking through it wishy-washy imperceptive weary down-to-earth impercipient unperceiving floating practical realistic plain ignorant of unaware of unconscious of pragmatic negligent of untouched by blind to insensitive of unaffected by without knowledge of unsusceptible in the dark about mundane prosaic sensible unaffiliated incurious about distant from straightforward unvarnished no-nonsense unembellished literal unimaginative factual independent non-aligned undeclared free non-partisan commonsensical turned off detached from going through motions aloof from bored stiff hardheaded earthy pragmatical uncreative unadorned unattached vacillating free-floating humdrum pedestrian faithful serious naked straight-thinking truthful accurate with both feet on the ground unembroidered undistorted exact prosy feasible unidealistic not involved sitting on the fence middle ground middle of the road fence-sitting on the fence cut loose free-spirited don't care

Động từ

Past tense for to lower the morale of
disheartened discouraged depressed dejected demoralised demoralized deterred dismayed dampened daunted disappointed unmanned unnerved cast down chilled cowed crushed damped dashed frustrated saddened sapped shook shaken subdued threw thrown undermined disinclined made dejected made downhearted brought low knocked sideways knocked for six threw cold water on thrown cold water on gave someone the blues given someone the blues poured cold water on knocked the stuffing out of upset distressed oppressed weighed down put a damper on burdened bummed out enervated desolated troubled afflicted brought down bothered got down chagrined weakened made despondent grieved made sad vexed vext aggrieved disturbed weighed heavily on made gloomy perturbed humbled ailed abashed tried mortified bugged disconcerted put down hurt psyched out beat down devitalized made unhappy enfeebled disempowered cast a gloom upon put into a funk humiliated let down irked abased tormented disparaged debilitated deflated harrowed pained got to dampened spirits made someone fed up hung over deadened brought tears to your eyes dashed hopes overwhelmed suppressed defeated overpowered overcome destroyed annoyed appalled shattered exasperated crippled disgruntled extinguished squashed wearied flattened quashed irritated fazed embittered dulled chastened harassed narked cast a pall over made miserable haunted disobliged beat beaten down reduced to tears cast a shadow hacked off made blue dragged down dampened the spirits of made desolate cast a gloom on turned off cut down to size cut to the quick let down easy caused suffering to let wind out of sails gotten to dehydrated gelded gelt desiccated castrated petrified lobotomized broke one's heart broken one's heart angered infuriated alarmed taken the wind out of your sails took the wind out of your sails ruined lowered subjugated stifled intimidated emasculated scared maddened degraded busted awed squelched smothered diminished confused worried dissatisfied soured aggravated floored vanquished demoted smashed devastated overcame broke broken brake overawed rattled quelled curbed miffed incapacitated disrated impaired reduced downgraded prostrated drooped repressed clouded made dispirited indisposed made crestfallen disillusioned knocked the wind out of dispraised harshed one's mellow tamed impoverished snarled damped down nonplussed jumbled disorganized disordered unglued unzipped embarrassed unsettled muddled disarranged discountenanced disenchanted prest downed pressed deplored tortured made discontented drained routed lied discomforted concerned sent up wound up caused to lose heart dragged belittled snubbed darkened debunked drug lied heavy on preyed on agonized agitated wound wounded shamed run down touched melted softened pestered gnawed at discommoded stressed discomposed plagued riled made wretched caused anguish to strained galled fretted racked agonised caused instability brought to ruin punctured balloon knocked down shot down displeased kept under dashed the hopes of brought someone to their knees harshed someone's mellow broke someone's heart broken someone's heart aroused pity shattered the illusions of tugged at your heartstrings aroused sympathy tugged at the heart bore down on borne down on drove crazy driven mad driven crazy drove mad dumped beaten thrown a pall over threw a pall over blown out blew up blown up taken apart blew out took apart stung ran down took steam out taken steam out burnt up broke the heart of burned up broken the heart of molt molten taken down took down given someone the hump gave someone the hump took the heart out of taken the heart out of bore down borne down taken down a peg or two took down a peg or two put out provoked nettled peeved ruffled incensed piqued chafed needled rankled grated hassled enraged ticked off persecuted put your back up got antagonized inflamed made someone see red rasped spited frosted gravelled graveled rubbed up the wrong way antagonised offended hacked you off teased harried griped itched got at beset got your goat made your blood boil got in your hair got across made somebody's hackles rise nagged outraged ate eaten roiled teed off got your dander up got on your wick gotten gat ruffled one's feathers upset the applecart put someone's nose out of joint disaffected exacerbated beleaguered bedevilled badgered bedeviled got on your nerves gotten on your nerves gnawed disgusted got under your skin gotten under your skin gotten your back up got your back up driven up the wall drove up the wall envenomed tried your patience poisoned grope gripen alienated gotten at gotten across dogged baffled flustered estranged molested rid rode ridden made resentful made bitter perplexed made angry excruciated thwarted put off discomfited excited disquieted humped hounded fired up given someone grief gave someone grief made waves mithered bit distracted sent into a rage hit where one lives rubbed the wrong way tried the patience of rattled someone's cage gotten up someone's nose got up someone's nose put someone off their stroke put a strain on raised your hackles put someone off their stride put out of countenance rankled with gnawn gnew driven to distraction drove to distraction got your hackles up gotten on one's nerves got on one's nerves gotten your hackles up curst cursed given a hard time gave a hard time taxed goaded assailed blighted titillated enticed tested empoisoned jaundiced injured anguished besieged bewildered made cross incommoded roused worsened affronted insulted nudged henpecked lured allured taunted fascinated tempted beguiled led on intrigued baited disoriented scandalized harmed unbalanced stretched exhausted straught acerbated made rancorous acidulated venomed discontented foiled charmed startled surprised flurried tired worked on egged on heated up cheesed off het up bummed unhinged crazed caught off balance flummoxed discombobulated confounded repelled winged capped zinged curdled sounded revolted cooled mispleased fussed inconvenienced asked for it hacked wigged puzzled hindered balked crabbed aliened tantalised begrudged flirted with grudged tantalized abraded driven round the bend drove round the bend bitten madded enflamed ired scandalised baulked got someone's wick wore out worn out worn on wore on worked up made severe demands on played dirty loused up stopped someone in their tracks made your mouth water steamed up caused to be at a stand driven bananas setted one's teeth on edge made somebody's blood boil possessed umbraged fouled up drove bananas grated on tired out martyred made livid hung up kept someone hanging on made demands on wrung kept hanging setted someone back on their heels mixed up made you see red sticked in one's craw made someone scratch their head crucified picked on driven nuts drove nuts undone undid took aback taken aback driven round the twist drove round the twist shook up shaken up thrown off balance threw off balance given someone the pip gave someone the pip worn wore gotten even got even wringed wrang got someone gotten someone taken by surprise took by surprise eaten at ate at drove you crazy driven you crazy drove you to distraction drove out of mind drove you off your head driven you round the twist driven you out of your mind drove you round the bend drove you round the twist driven you off your head driven you round the bend drove you out of your mind driven out of mind driven you to distraction gave a bad time given a bad time

Động từ

Past tense for to diminish the confidence or courage of
unnerved daunted discouraged demoralised demoralized dismayed disconcerted disheartened upset frightened shook shaken unmanned alarmed flustered rattled confounded cowed dejected perturbed agitated discomfited discomposed distressed disturbed fazed threw thrown unsettled disarmed disquieted intimidated jolted ruffled startled chilled discombobulated frustrated panicked stunned stupefied took aback taken aback unhinged bewildered buffaloed distracted enervated enfeebled floored needled nonplussed rode rid ridden sapped scared spooked surprised uncalmed undermined weakened worried shook up shaken up bowled over got to gotten to put into a flap set back threw into a tizz thrown into a tizz threw off thrown off threw off balance thrown off balance gave a turn given a turn psyched out put someone off their stroke put the wind up caused someone to lose their composure put off deterred appalled abashed vexed vext let down psyched depressed demotivated horrified saddened shocked bothered dissuaded concerned dashed disappointed troubled discountenanced exercised distempered discomforted disillusioned hagrid frazzled terrified ailed flurried alarumed derailed paralysed chagrined fussed pothered disenchanted disgruntled affrighted weirded out embarrassed terrorized freaked out perplexed paralyzed mystified flummoxed terrorised puzzled dumbfounded overwhelmed knocked sideways consternated filled with consternation knocked for six loused up messed up fouled up screwed up mucked up thwarted baffled scared off palled poured cold water on tired undone hagridden undid hagrode snafued threw into a tizzy thrown into a tizzy thrown cold water on threw cold water on hurt bugged made anxious stirred up confused hassled tormented plagued irked fretted afflicted pestered crazed made uneasy made waves grieved annoyed sickened turned harassed irritated excited flipped fuddled flipped out egged on hurt somebody's feelings provoked turned on agonized worked up sweat oppressed nagged beset agonised put on edge given someone grief gave someone grief displeased unbalanced angered offended inconvenienced peeved destabilized disordered incited inflamed indisposed miffed narked wound wounded incapacitated debilitated cramped downed deranged discommoded displaced demented jumbled disrupted disorganized rummaged disarrayed disarranged got at fired up wound up picked on ticked off destabilised keyed up layed up hacked off bummed out got across laid up stimulated roused rocked the boat made a scene hurried het heated fermented aroused despaired tortured pained mortified made nervous bustled got on your wick caused disquiet to exasperated aggravated examined moved ventilated gave a hard time given a hard time feared sweated stewed harried stressed niggled burdened aggrieved persecuted bedevilled chafed beleaguered bedeviled caused anxiety to strained weighed down tried pulled the rug from under caused concern to made uncomfortable burnt up gnawed at caused discomfort to pulled the rug out from under hacked you off addled bugged up made flip preyed on your mind pushed buttons burned up grinded interrupted ground muddled sent into a spin gotten at gotten across got someone gotten someone thrown into confusion threw into confusion thrown into disorder thrown into uproar threw into disorder threw into uproar gave a bad time given a bad time driven up the wall drove up the wall

Trái nghĩa của dispirited

dispirited Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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