Đồng nghĩa của homicidal

Alternative for homicidal

homicidal /,hɔmi'saidl/
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Tính từ

Of or pertaining to homicide
murderous bloodthirsty deadly lethal bloody brutal death-dealing ferocious sanguinary savage barbaric barbarous bloody-minded cruel fierce maniacal mortal murdering sanguine sanguineous vicious violent cut-throat dangerous destructive fell killer killing slaughterous vindictive ruthless inhuman merciless devastating sadistic heartless pitiless callous ruinous fatal destroying deathly remorseless criminal cutthroat grim harsh hellish brutish fiendish terminal atrocious diabolical wild pernicious harmful malignant harrowing arduous sapping unpleasant exhausting strenuous baleful virulent bestial cold-blooded inhumane pestilent beastly life-threatening truculent brute wanton butcherly vital warlike monstrous heinous devilish rough wicked vile gory malicious malevolent unrelenting hurtful intemperate poisonous final noxious toxic impetuous maddened depraved immoral furious thuggish injurious baneful incurable causing death venomous internecine mortuary nocuous mephitic demoniac pestilential mortiferous bellicose butcherous horrible unrestrained ravening raging crazed involving bloodshed decimating hard-fought heavy infernal murtherous abusive deleterious detrimental dead unhealthy untreatable pestiferous slaying cannibalistic suicidal carcinogenic disastrous calamitous bad corrupt villainous foul necrotic awful degraded dreadful degenerate infamous terrible worthless debased abhorrent profligate unprincipled sinful licentious lewd miscreant untamed contaminated reprobate putrid flagitious perverse impious base faulty abandoned insubordinate impure indecent demoralized reprehensible demoralised libidinous aggressive bullying rabid berserk frenzied threatening terrorizing pugnacious fiery mad delirious explosive hotheaded forceful frenetic assertive frantic impassioned feverish potent fuming crazy terrorising headstrong forcible radge agitated hysterical knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts out of control full-blooded hot-tempered hot-headed drag-out knock-down bang-bang hammer and tongs evil abominable hideous ghastly nasty spiteful mean unmerciful unsparing uncaring unsympathetic uncharitable stony-hearted hard-hearted cold-hearted nefarious bloodless unfeeling unemotional unkind severe stern inclement flinty draconian dastardly maleficent wolfish uncompassionate wrathful roughshod hateful hard insensitive tough obdurate stony unforgiving relentless cold compassionless bitter indurate desensitized hostile hard-boiled affectless insensate soulless ironhearted stonyhearted unpitying implacable pachydermatous stoney despicable desensitised case-hardened take-no-prisoners rigorous unfriendly catty slash-and-burn hardhearted inconsiderate malign thick-skinned inflexible contemptible rancorous oppressive strict low grievous shocking austere dirty stiff loathsome uncompromising inexorable low-down mean-spirited onerous rotten unbending execrable horrid appalling unmoved odious unfair dark ill-natured indifferent despiteful with a heart of stone rugged rigid unyielding wretched burdensome black exacting difficult unspeakable trying satanic diabolic excruciating iniquitous horrifying gross detestable demonic rude stringent egregious thoughtless gruesome unconcerned demanding obnoxious black-hearted shameful malefic dishonourable tyrannical lacking compassion intolerant hardhanded disagreeable frightful ungodly macabre dishonorable outrageous offensive grisly disgusting hardened vengeful ignoble punishing extreme coarse steely excessive horrendous drastic shabby coldhearted nightmarish hard-nosed heavy-handed evil-intentioned stressful troublesome forbidding horrific churlish wounding crude authoritarian perverted snide frightening firm lousy gruelling unresponsive searing scandalous unappeasable ungracious punitive cacodemonic taxing grueling sordid evil-minded unremitting ornery wearing revengeful apathetic distressing vulgar lurid Mephistophelian wrong adamant crushing irksome tiring traumatic intolerable lamentable ignominious ghoulish torturous laborious hellacious formidable crippling frigid surly sinister vitriolic desperate disgraceful revolting ill-disposed fearful ungenerous sickening nauseating terrific feral stinking uncivilized dishonest scurvy marble-hearted repellent repugnant cantankerous demoniacal accursed demonical challenging shady obscene uncouth intimidating unrefined testing boorish back-breaking heedless ominous deplorable fraught careless currish morbid acrimonious menacing defamatory toilsome antagonistic dire weighty paltry uncivilised waspish unjust underhand wearisome low-minded intransigent exorbitant inimical damnable uphill bothersome self-centered sick dog-eat-dog unscrupulous unworthy despotic grewsome nightmare fatiguing ramrod unwarranted uncivil impolite objectionable gruff adamantine miserable dour dissolute upsetting crooked tormenting godawful ill scoundrelly unlawful self-centred strong dismal woeful ungrateful draining hairy disreputable tactless unbearable antipathetic iron-fisted hard as nails worrying ill-humored ugly unhappy grave agonizing damaging agitating distressful uncomfortable unkindly exasperating vexatious terrifying eerie bad-tempered unmindful arbitrary loutish uncongenial swingeing ill-tempered illiberal ill-humoured unappreciative sharp uncultured cool unruly crass unloving inappreciative splenetic unthankful agonising sticky immoderate cussed resentful facinorous unholy nerve-racking worrisome ironfisted treacherous bad-natured unacceptable insensible domineering abject enervating angry roguish immovable stubborn determined disinterested rascally filthy cross bearish unthanking amoral wearying malfeasant thankless backbreaking gloomy troubling dogged hard-bitten lawless untouched annoying unflinching adverse unrighteous bleak discourteous intense resolute discomforting hardheaded serious repulsive underhanded insufferable warped sour obstinate unethical heartbreaking daunting disturbing icy stark aloof doleful bent exigent unsavory pressured frustrating serpentine hair-raising wilful not cricket ungentlemanly afflictive vexing unsavoury disdainful unendurable spine-chilling unfortunate regrettable from hell lukewarm halfhearted aversive inelegant improper exploitative petty tragical uncalled for satanical painful cowardly tedious galling servile flagrant impassive grinding inured stone-hearted tyrannous unamiable tigerish inordinate unwavering inhospitable swinish contrary unswerving unshakeable belligerent acid poison murder cheap off alarming suppressive curt critical unchristian barbarian disconcerting shrewish bilious tortuous subhuman toughened weird cynical demonian Luciferian steep debilitating unreasonable brusque extortionate spiritless illegal illicit without sentiment disquieting felonious hardline unlikable illegitimate grody tragic uncultivated undue grotesque unsusceptible fearsome primitive profane extravagant distasteful unsettling perturbing unpalatable blunt unaffected red in tooth and claw sombre somber ogreish unconscionable selfish indefatigable tense not nice irritating louring sad ungentle sullen indurated bound unmovable sorry inequitable oafish poor unhallowed awkward catastrophic ill-bred pathetic unpolished prejudicial bluff mischievous discreditable anxious rowdy spooky prohibitive pressing scornful undesirable yucky contentious stingy radical ill-mannered lowering intractable troublous abysmal unrepenting solid mulish ossified bullheaded stiff-necked notorious wrongful unwholesome Herculean twisted as hard as nails dirty rotten uncalled-for single-minded uncontrollable undignified culpable sorrowful uncool abrupt depressing scary no-nonsense browbeating out of order unbecoming impossible OTT devious disrespectful saddening lowbrow shameless viperous unladylike undiplomatic cast-iron vigorous below the belt scummy autocratic dead set on bound and determined impenetrable unnerving solemn deceitful obtuse hectic heart-rending moiling sweaty herculean anguished heartrending dodgy menial hazardous over the top unstirred effortful bloodcurdling hard-line contemptuous off-color morally wrong anxiety-ridden ogry ogrish stonehearted ignorant hating abrasive unlettered Hadean backbiting loveless barbed cutting high irreconcilable slanderous gloating sneaky dispassionate ravenous lupine voracious uncommiserating competitive detached hatchetjob coldblooded constant caustic grudge-bearing summary Stygian unempathetic arch Draconian uncordial matter-of-fact imperturbable premeditated hate-filled sky-high inflated crotchety blank avaricious unregenerate greedy uncontrite aberrant unappreciated mephistophelean expressionless cold fish deadpan spleenful squint-eyed possessed shoddy repressive deliberate needless unjustified senseless killer instinct dictatorial unnatural sarcastic censorious confrontational combative stupid avenging scathy frosty unprovoked punitory insidious full of hate mean machine lifeless having a killer instinct sacrilegious irreligious blasphemous chilly joyless unsociable militant envious piggish gluttonous God-awful unclean ferine animal carnal irrational prurient erring fallen unsympathizing unwelcoming gratuitous groundless motiveless fixed impoverished oppressed wreakful out for revenge retaliatory grudging sworn of evil intent unfavorable unfavourable artful perilous Rhadamanthine mechanical unsafe cat-and-mouse scrappy godless overbearing lou unjustifiable spartan chilling poverty-stricken very severe shadowy imperceptive towering overweening at each other's throats prejudicious intimidatory ill-boding foreboding sullied tainted hard-hitting accidentally on purpose high-handed inconvenient poker-faced utilitarian inexpressive gray grey faceless debauched torpid heathen willed unmotivated inattentive unsensitive impervious feelingless incurious oblivious aggravating unimpressionable ironhanded brassbound aching hurting overextravagant insane plethoric baroque overmuch overdue minatory minacious peccable hard-shell unsophisticated Neanderthal philistine ghostly funereal spookish hooligan impenitent insentient full of spleen negative indictable transgressing caitiff aimless unpermissive timid weak uneducated unattractive a nuisance persnickety assiduous unflagging unstoppable tireless sedulous inept bungling inured to aspersive ruffianly blackguardly robust great disciplinarian resolved hard-core steadfast ascetical by the book absolute astringent disciplinary imperious dyed-in-the-wool ascetic tight tricky despisable miserly mercenary inglorious beggarly natty ribald indelicate indecorous unmannerly insupportable sepulchral morose pat pigheaded opinionated pertinacious willful self-willed inconvincible self-opinionated illiterate delinquent slippery two-faced defiled scheming sly shifty unconscientious biased prejudiced pitiful undisciplined insolent wayward double-crossing thievish an imposition overstrict coercive maddening preposterous prostrating unlovable roughcast vulgarian bawdy impertinent deaf to blind to heathenish Neandertal benighted natural convulsive self-indulgent vitiated self-seeking conscienceless decadent questionable corrupted crafty O.T.T. ironic discriminatory carking superincumbent a stinker of a frank outspoken raving enraged incessive undomesticated pitiable bad-mannered untutored scurrilous too great shaming disgracing debauching depraving debasing contumelious opprobrious pounding tenacious set unabated insistent hard-headed brick-wall sickly disparaging errant libertine scrofulous squalid incorrigible unmannered yobbish knavish peccant infuriated rapacious impolitic unconsiderate cheerless partisan tasteless lowbred foul-mouthed artless unceremonious common loud accustomed habituated biffo animalistic aggers very bad unloveable afflicted grieving mournful tear-jerking unlucky plaintive hanging tough roughneck incult raffish irritable discomposing humourless crummy humorless sober mortifying discriminating partial bigoted unequal disconsolate piteous agonized speaking as one finds plain-spoken calling a spade a spade unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable unsatisfactory unwelcome icky sedate displeasing high-impact drudgy tiresome thorny tough going titanic mighty operose ambitious worksome depleting uphill battle shattering knackering hard-won backbreaker immense no picnic energy-consuming marathon bruising ponderous staggering colossal like getting blood out of a stone almighty dicey easier said than done slavish torturesome toilful labored tall upstream laboured high-pressure really hard jarring scabrous problematic difficile cumbersome problem gargantuan not easy painstaking very hard gigantic tortured racked agonised feeble disappointing peevish weighted distorted slanted preferential coloured repellant grotty unappealing afflicting uninviting affecting yukky nauseous hardy deadened experienced sturdy stout seasoned ineluctable unlovely unpleasing concerning pessimistic misanthropic mordacious grumpy disobliging snappish crabbed curmudgeonly petulant crying cataclysmic crucial unforgivable unbalanced fraudulent cheating loaded uneven nail-biting gut-wrenching off-putting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking unchangeable immobile necessary ironclad compulsory prickly sulky urgent sick-making disgustful loathly acclimatized coarsened used dyspeptic tetchy grouchy ratty direful blameworthy inexcusable false one-sided unrightful non-objective colored hopeless dread redoubtable irretrievable mean business locked in beyond the pale hard-edged inaccessible acclimatised steeled unsentimental irreverent hard-as-nails resistant unashamed benumbed unsubmissive prepared portentous bodeful chronic parlous snappy uptight quarrelsome querulous pettish unhelpful whiny eristic crabby disputatious set in stone no going back hell bent on oppressing scowling out of sorts like death and taxes without pity

Trái nghĩa của homicidal

homicidal Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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