Từ đồng nghĩa của redoubtable

Alternative for redoubtable

Từ đồng nghĩa: formidable, glorious, illustrious, respected, unnerving,

Tính từ

(of a person) Formidable, especially as an opponent
formidable fearsome alarming dreadful fearful mighty strong terrible impressive powerful awe-inspiring awful commanding daunting dire direful doughty dread forbidding frightening frightful ghastly hair-raising horrendous horrible horrifying indomitable intimidating invincible resolute scary shocking spine-chilling terrifying tremendous valiant awesome brave courageous imminent appalling grim chilling petrifying distressing unnerving disturbing creepy menacing hideous monstrous harrowing spooky horrid gruesome sinister bloodcurdling startling macabre unspeakable grisly baleful threatening dismaying eerie grievous scaring disquieting dangerous nightmarish horrific atrocious godawful worrying lurid terrific ominous perturbing calamitous upsetting hairy hellacious abysmal blood-curdling bad spine-tingling abominable gloomy repulsive imposing bodeful serious mean-looking overwhelming shuddersome dismal lamentable vile grewsome ugly from hell feared foreboding depressing brooding disgusting revolting desperate tragic traumatic outrageous dreaded disastrous unsettling abhorrent severe foul offensive nasty sickening odious grave disconcerting nerve-racking ghoulish ghostly unearthly parlous extreme wretched eldritch gross evil lousy beastly nightmare heinous deplorable unfortunate wicked causing fear perplexing grotesque bone-chilling eery terribly bad very bad afraid striking massive hateful off-putting thrilling strange sublime morbid astounding solemn unapproachable aggressive browbeating terrorizing pressuring terrorising bullying execrable egregious insufferable breathtaking exciting rotten vicious hostile fateful unpropitious baneful unlucky apocalyptic inconvenient punk unwelcome excessive weird pulse-pounding unfriendly scandalous hair-curling cliff-hanging suspenseful extraordinary shivery shuddery disgraceful unwelcoming uninviting nauseating loathsome causing excitement unpromising inauspicious evil-looking repellent repugnant obscene stupefying heartstopping inhospitable life-threatening unpleasant bleak dark perilous glowering ferocious stunning rancid astonishing distasteful repellant fulsome amazing bewildering noxious agitating obnoxious staggering noisome nauseous catastrophic ruinous overpowering surprising woeful crying pressing cataclysmic critical crucial glaring detestable suggestive of evil cruel urgent frozen icky shameful gnarly grody mean drastic miserable crippling hopeless irretrievable devastating like death warmed up portentous chronic exigent oppressing fierce scowling heartbreaking regrettable afflictive all-powerful disagreeable objectionable despicable contemptible God-awful disgustful yucky reprehensible loathly displeasing sick-making intolerable unpalatable unsavoury unsavory yucko putrid diabolical stinking dirty beyond the pale bogging filthy indecent skanky poor unacceptable vulgar pathetic smutty improper base inexcusable pitiful coarse gut-churning crummy scurvy inhuman sorry infamous immodest raunchy unsatisfactory unpleasing vomitous immoral stomach-turning hellish grotty stomach-churning rank sick unseemly inadequate rude unforgivable shameless crude harsh unbearable savage pits malodorous wanton iniquitous exceptionable vomit-inducing rebarbative undesirable sad unutterable lewd pitiable inferior ungodly troublesome annoying duff indescribable poxy fetid bitter nefarious sordid disheartening suggestive barbarous opprobrious unclean ribald pants painful salacious brutal festy discouraging villainous unreasonable bawdy gory foetid unlovely irritating insupportable disreputable sombre somber flagitious useless unpardonable distressful unappetizing substandard mephitic unholy criminal galling off-color X-rated prurient a load of pants impolite embarrassing uncongenial difficult bestial indecorous tasteless blue indelicate scurrilous dislikeable irksome cheap violent on the nose ignominious impure unsightly profane uncivilised uncivilized unfair lascivious unwholesome unhappy sleazy smelly indiscreet paltry ignoble black cringe-making sour yukky low grubby cruddy dingy rubbish troubling dishonourable invidious niffy preposterous olid disappointing degrading discomposing great funereal licentious pornographic risqué vexing shady dishonorable barbaric excruciating ridiculous abusive hurtful fiendish melancholy ruthless spookish immoderate damnable poisonous too much over the top discourteous extravagant scabrous bum squalid discreditable bloody mournful humiliating low-down brutish foul-smelling evil-smelling indefensible sinful pongy stinky whiffy grimy funky lame scabby scummy sneaking ratty flagrant laughable miasmal discomforting ropy trashy undignified inglorious onerous crushing blameworthy sepulchral worrisome cold unrestrained depressive melancholic cheerless glum poignant racy desolate scatological emetic unconventional loose vexatious scatologic unprintable dislikable dreary morose mortifying accursed unchaste rough cursed sober boorish raw uncivil unmannerly gut-wrenching inappropriate agonizing naughty pestiferous crass impossible porno unconscionable agonising acrid polluted nagging sedate inordinate smudged bedraggled befouled sullied bemired dusty uncleanly draggled muddy illegal stained mucky besmirched blackened unsportsmanlike grungy begrimed soiled rubbishy explicit poison revulsive shoddy misshapen taboo merciless notorious third-rate unworthy ineffable unappealing infernal unsuitable depraved exasperating sanguine unbecoming devilish demoralizing unfitting bothersome juicy abject burdensome animal repelling reptilian discommoding unrespectable shabby beyond contempt shaming exorbitant steep unendurable insulting unwarranted concerning hated inept stimulating dispiriting murderous unjustifiable untoward trying provoking salty OTT wearisome huckery uncanny saddening dispirited knavish drab demoralising unbelievable inconceivable unkind purple sucky shadowy mirthless spicy catty heavy vilifying troublous as ugly as sin brute sadistic freaky doleful over-the-top stressful drear impertinent insolent lustful toilsome heartrending sorrowful inexpressible haunting oppressive censurable uncomfortable wrong lugubrious brackish weighty reeking unhealthy affronting unmentionable irrational dolorous unlikable barnyard humourless humorless sullen uncool pesky aggravating uncouth ill-bred porny hateable biting cutting out of keeping gutter churlish ill-mannered testing yecchy stag heart-rending ornery fruity deadly saucy adult acute off colour locker-room near the knuckle near the bone unthinkable unamusing bloodthirsty satanic callous lou beast mediocre Kafkaesque bungling second-rate real incorrigible aberrant senseless de trop eccentric foolish detested loathed right tricky black-hearted unprincipled exhilarating rip-roaring exhilarant rousing electrifying beneath contempt blood-and-guts sanguinary blood-and-thunder unheroic unsuccessful nightmarey phantasmagorical unreal unsocial absurd unimaginable abominated despised execrated demanding feeble tenth-rate sickly challenging proper backbiting untrue maligning traducing detractive gossiping detracting demeaning failed blood-stained intense harmful highly improper fugly misproportioned chunderous piggish gluttonous swinish degraded feral ferine carnal slimy torturous defective confounded sensational inhumane heartless butcherly truculent beyond words preternatural undefinable deleterious pernicious injurious mischievous red hot confronting tainted abnormal diseased offending reviled louche shy dastardly graphic exaggerated facinorous cacodemonic indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil embittering unfavorable unfavourable austere pestilential tormenting fraught irregular rocky woozy very disgusting stirring faint mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural anaemic dim deathlike corpselike unnatural anemic weak flavorless insipid flavourless yicky savorless flat melodramatic very unpleasant disrespectful pill heel untold undescribable reeky tragical afflicting affecting awkward downer bummer faulty insalutary musty stenchy high fusty irritable troubled frustrating unrelenting sexy not much cop too horrible for words anguished frowzy frowsy miasmic frowsty like the back end of a bus unattractive surfeiting sleazeball squicky cloying scuzzy gamy pigpen ripe antisocial not on exacting nail-biting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking mephitical distressed derogatory wounding Rabelaisian taxing sensationalist overdramatized colourful tiresome intrusive hard consequential impeding disruptive harassing laborious inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed adverse disconsolate joyless rueful comfortless paralysing earth-shattering not up to snuff provocative personal impudent slighting entertaining off-colored broad lively off gamey averse antipathetic inimical antagonistic deformed kitschy pulp disfigured unpretty porn skin nudge-nudge outre dejecting dolesome tough hefty against opposite alien extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different unfitted foreign unhandsome plain-featured unbeautiful plain-looking disparaging contemptuous libellous libelous unprepossessing unrefined loutish brash bad-mannered colloquial unpolished derisive lowbrow tactless inelegant ungracious uncultured tawdry vituperative blasphemous plain heart-pounding shattering paralyzing erotic close to the bone undecorous foulmouthed in poor taste moving depressed late unheard of undue in opposition unladylike ungentlemanly shock-horror tacky vivid tenebrous gray grey pitiless murky ill-fated sobering fatal forlorn strenuous earnest ill-starred destructive far-reaching uncomely yellow full-frontal piteous pensive heart-wrenching lachrymose derisible plangent out of line out of order not the done thing over the fence a bit much bold forward very great fiery deep colorful distinct garish inapt incorrect inapposite unvirtuous tear-jerking overextravagant unnecessary insane plethoric towering baroque lavish fancy unmerciful disproportionate needless overmuch overdue overweening stiff forbidden off-colour fresh cheeky brazen perverse incongruous amiss infelicitous malapropos unfit unapt graceless uncalled for prohibited proscribed ill-favored not quite the thing sneaky conscienceless unjust illogical interdicted banned censored bad-looking ill-favoured death-obsessed short on looks hard-favoured hard-featured abrupt maddening out of the way out of place in bad taste sudden O.T.T. extortionate too great malevolent disgracing debauching depraving debasing contumelious corrupt degenerate sharp frowned on disapproved of out of bounds off limits impermissible restricted off-limits unceremonious not to be spoken of no go unexpected that dare not speak its name unanticipated brusque swift unforgiving quick unforeseen immediate rapid unpredicted hasty

Tính từ

Exceeding others in rank, status, quality or importance
distinguished eminent notable illustrious noteworthy outstanding prestigious noble superior preeminent signal bright luminous star astral prominent famous renowned celebrated important famed noted esteemed well known acclaimed respected pre-eminent remarkable well-known significant great conspicuous foremost influential leading extraordinary memorable venerable elevated exalted paramount honoured august notorious honored of high standing exceptional striking marked arresting unforgettable special brilliant salient grand lionized reputable glorious legendary lofty major dominant of note lionised main big league major league of repute highly regarded of distinction impressive momentous distinctive pronounced noticeable consequential eye-catching big-time arrestive recognized chief revered peerless superstar celeb name predominant celebrious capital principal sublime admired big-name big-league recognised well thought of splendid vivid indelible catchy haunting monumental historic popular resplendent heavy singular applauded especial shining infamous nonpareil aristocratic visible not to be forgotten never to be forgotten out of this world something else of mark of importance major-league high-profile top-drawer of consequence in the public eye talked of big name far-famed much publicized widely knowbn talked about prevailing commanding overbearing prime high profile senior highest fabled unparalleled honourable unequaled superlative high-level unequalled puissant gifted incomparable matchless arch high-minded prior resonant formidable first rate authoritative primal alpha highly rated unexcelled learned prized potent arch- seminal supreme stately mighty primary well-connected top premier powerful trusted all-important first iconic number one of the first rank heroic unsurpassed magnanimous triumphal dignified regal idealistic greatest imposing valued honorable high-powered obvious rare high-ranking unusual uncommon high particular glaring peculiar leonine lionlike page-oner redoubted big-gun VIP amazing phenomenal unique astonishing out of the ordinary incredible wonderful awesome sensational spectacular surprising prodigious top-notch admirable astounding essential fine excellent unprecedented fantastic atypical odd key abnormal marvellous pivotal marvelous stunning considerable first-class central first-rate anomalous awe-inspiring unwonted dramatic exquisite breathtaking fabulous bizarre good extraordinaire crucial stellar strange vital super staggering emphatic world-class weighty unexpected superb uncustomary aberrant queer weird terrific dazzling smashing unconventional serious critical wondrous showy exciting splashy exemplary amazeballs far-reaching respectable curious perfect unfamiliar unheard-of unreal exceeding aberrated freak material meaningful preternatural stupendous bold mind-blowing big interesting cardinal sterling praiseworthy estimable flamboyant eventful meritorious unrivalled feted refreshing bodacious kenspeckle unrivaled focal heavyweight tip-top heavy-duty out of the way commendable laudable big-shot unordinary far-out miraculous fundamental applaudable startling appreciable top-level tremendous storied integral observable mind-boggling reputed red-letter top-ranking strong noisy grabby fab eye-popping novel magnificent buzzworthy pointed standout high-up unimaginable attractive pertinent dynamite primo worthy relevant surpassing creditable much-publicized thrilling unaccustomed inimitable deserving urgent substantial core engaging recognizable lead unbelievable beautiful whimsical lauded perceptible choice presiding head manifest best unheard of consummate pressing distinct fascinating supereminent electrifying uncanny wicked unexampled unthinkable inconceivable ace newsworthy happy attention-grabbing recognisable jaw-dropping brill high-grade ideal delightful gee-whizz splendiferous solid well-thought-of eye-opening high-priority high-flying worthy of admiration in the limelight pleasing shocking of the first water fresh moving lasting cherished acknowledged front-page extra special measurable detectable unorthodox enthralling offbeat stirring treasured different magical enduring elegant intrinsic immortal outlandish premium select evident ruling profound remembered rememberable exotic public competent grave ranking unmistakable captivating majestic stimulating topical elite irregular praisable meritable thankworthy clear flawless clear-cut overriding banner ponderous infrequent extravagant champion accomplished compelling well received gorgeous fixed in the mind one of a kind immediate unco mean intense large-scale of moment beaut much touted divine cool atypic instrumental off the wall bully heavenly mega widely known deviant classic fanciful neat telling acute almighty cracking high-quality number-one freakish bosting piquant sovereign out-of-the-way worthy of commendation portentous uncharacteristic skookum life-changing of concern proud A1 indispensable confounding dandy numero uno swell worthy of note of great consequence life-and-death gilt-edged top-shelf charming par excellence supercalifragilisticexpialidocious pleasurable one and only of the first order way out can't miss it having made a name for oneself worth mentioning celebrity four-star upper-class persistent controlling basic staple impeccable guiding untypical familiar efficient directing requisite intrusive projecting protruding obtrusive jutting tidy sizeable reasonable fair underlined unimpeachable irreproachable inconsistent enjoyable drop-dead imperative necessary needed upper extolled forcible faultless blameless off the beaten track energetic dynamic top-quality pleasant established famous name fateful landmark gratifying jazzy forceful cogent awful in spotlight in limelight big-wheel fearless tenacious effectual determinative deep stupefying seldom seen earnest big time trendsetting regnant governing dominating hot-dog winning seldom freaky divergent scarce goodly good quality high-caliber a cut above fortunate auspicious very good golden of substance discernible historical bewildering triumphant fulfilling groundbreaking preponderant venerated germane perceivable distinguishable plain out of the common good-quality top of the line top of the range finest high-calibre of a high standard vaunted uplifting unnerving disturbing unsettling disquieting valorous operative worthy of attention delicate dainty extreme sweeping large scandalous horrifying jolting dumbfounding dumfounding jarring flabbergasting blindsiding cheering satisfying rewarding epochal heart-warming exclusive valuable invaluable apparent decided palpable easily seen undeniable patent laureate improbable top-tier severe exigent sizable dire of influence definite importunate vigorous of interest festive ridiculous dubious preposterous absurd unrealistic wild front original ultimate typical model prototypical quintessential blatant sensible unlikely fantastical doubtful nonsensical implausible funny grandiose ludicrous irrational overwhelming impactful burning determining top-priority worthwhile overmastering initial master sovran priceless precious wacky crazy insane comical oddball foolish mad cockamamie zany worthy of mention well-regarded stand-out rich recherche A-number-1 A-1 inaugural headmost unmatched one-off irreplaceable flash gnarly forby hare-brained spesh other specific off-centre left-field grievous overshadowing dangerous life and death off-the-wall far-fetched make-believe very fine sensationalistic lurid appalling revealing hotshot hotdog hard to swallow beyond belief red-carpet celebratory magic up there under one's nose in plain sight in full view right under your nose big as life open and shut super-duper fat doozie something mondo unsurpassable unparagoned without equal purpose-built new transcendent beyond compare without precedent sui generis unrepeatable archetypal utmost second to none once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind unrepeated separate in a class by itself newfangled off beaten path world class sensationalist screaming gee-whiz catchpenny kooky erratic errant specialized nonconforming off-key outrageous unconforming discordant alien unknown quaint unrepresentative unharmonious way-out quizzical kinky eccentric quirky isolated perverted specialised at the cutting edge heavy stuff hot stuff at the leading edge expert top-hole solid gold masterly yellow shock-horror melodramatic hair-raising banging skilful appealing zero cool up to the mark suitable palmary nasty honest decent believeable satisfactory organic adroit adept deft skillful capable able pretty clever to the max tabloid vulgar pungent excessive livid X-rated emotional sultry coloured rough coarse colored provocative entertaining absorbing intriguing topping gripping riveting engrossing enchanting affecting thought-provoking batting a thousand not too shabby salt of the earth chillin' quality rad inspired prizewinning schmick fantabulous radical groovy immense hype slick keen gangbuster dope hot gangbusters wizard frontline righteous lovely nifty optimal gone peachy prize optimum crackerjack bonny corking boss phat down sik bonnie bumper boffo splendorous supernal belting brave pearler exo brag barrie top-of-the-line topflight the very best high-class state-of-the-art the best on fleek gilt-edge out-of-sight jim-dandy blue-chip peachy keen bang-up a standout first-string A-OK blue-ribbon five-star inviting charismatic hypnotizing hypnotic exhilarating envigorating hypnotising entrancing intoxicating electric tantalising enticing mesmerising mesmerizing bewitching galvanising magnetic timeless unfading everlasting eternal perpetual undying meaty amusing invigorating preoccupying unputdownable immersing beguiling inspiring prepossessing involving racy tantalizing mesmeric spellbinding compulsive trenchant unboring vibrant newsy relatable rousing alluring action-packed consuming seductive galvanizing diverting imperishable stamped on your memory most significant most important most illustrious most prominent most skilled most influential

Tính từ

Very strong or proficient in a skill or ability
formidable impressive great mighty powerful terrific tremendous able adept capable proficient accomplished adroit indomitable invincible strong expert gifted masterly seasoned skilful skilled skillful talented virtuoso brilliant efficient excellent good knowledgeable outstanding qualified trained ace awesome crack crackerjack deadly magic mean nifty stellar wicked wizard amazing compleat habile puissant admirable astounding remarkable first-class first-rate fine marvellous consummate marvelous magnificent wonderful superb practised master experienced versed competent dexterous masterful practiced complete veteran superlative dextrous deft professed smashing educated top-notch tasty professional fab splendid hotshot world-class handy tip-top very good artful brill savvy sharp well versed a dab hand at champion polished sensational fabulous fantastic demon exciting exceptional clever elite apt ingenious superior dazzling thrilling genius super class cool slick out of this world pro exo sik best handpicked deluxe choice capital leading star top topnotch distinguished rad phat schmick smart ready hep hip brainy creative stirring imaginative with it wised up innovational memorable innovative inspiring affecting enthralling supreme innovatory inventive enterprising original resourceful influential profound momentous consequential virtuosic peerless hot whiz coruscating A1 there smooth clean cracking vital rousing crash-hot gee-whizz intense important forcible inspired nimble-fingered on the beam on the ball very able up to speed no slouch sharp as a tack know stuff top-drawer no dummy top-hole impassioned effective of genius supercalifragilisticexpialidocious amazeballs well-done bravura specialist facile workmanlike leet delicate au fait schooled big league extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly trained highly qualified quick intelligent nimble familiar learned agile fit neat conversant practical well-versed suitable bright vet acquainted effectual perfect old astute keen precise knowing sophisticated well trained effortless faultless exquisite hardened mature finished tried tested versant erudite flawless accurate well-rounded scholarly impeccable dynamite disciplined refined au courant well informed well-informed long-serving proper up to snuff fitted enlightened battle-scarred prompt all-around cunning canny in the know wise equal aware instructed switched-on alert down discerning up to it up to date clued-up multitalented multiskilled nippy clued up genned up tuned in established serviceable sure-handed taught tutored useful all-round topflight equipped intellectual cultured abreast informed suited finely judged well-read prepared acute adequate cognizant worldly exceptionally good precocious endowed sussed satisfactory phenomenal cerebral posted perspicacious worldly-wise graceful a hand at whip-smart old hand quick-witted sharp-witted up on in the loop balanced unrivaled exact businesslike thorough painstaking time-served unrivalled conscious eligible reliable shrewd crisp cultivated exercised certified urbane sensible long-time weathered literate plugged-in productive extraordinary illuminated perceptive glorious sage well educated penetrating at home up-to-date omniscient sagacious rational fast having know-how well-executed knowing the score in the picture eggheaded supersmart ultrasmart whip hyperintelligent judicious been around tuned-in very intelligent no stranger to know the ropes plugged in with-it not born yesterday Einstein class act whiz kid shining at prodigious methodic methodical very well systematic careful preeminent transcendent quintessential classic straight decisive decent exemplary ultimate specialized active elegant well-briefed organized notable specialised fluent kosher perfected employable long-term advanced magisterial right on errorless dead-on well sporting on-target trustworthy spot-on sure-fire stringent licensed chartered prolific sly strict express categorical immaculate pure fleet cute select rangé appropriate certificated first class drilled phenom pitch-perfect happy organised habituated artistic dominant crafty primed well up inch-perfect hardy having the know-how golden well executed versatile toughened matured having good hands forward credentialed right fitting dynamic ultraefficient teachable hot tamale adept physically sufficient authorized supremely skilled quick to learn ideal desirable preferable perfectly-executed feasible licenced proved authorised accepted noteworthy clever with one's hands good with one's hands beautiful of long standing past your prime patriarchal full of years sublime heavenly cut out for having a knack for worldly wise been there versed in mega banging crucial easy well versed briefed divine bosting rounded sport accustomed killer useable working realizable realisable hyperefficient usable practicable nobody's fool pretty worthy responsible out of the ordinary percipient unprovincial calculating know one's business know ins and outs know the score all around know one's stuff know the answers adapted quick on the trigger quick on the uptake well up in steady old-time inured insightful wily apprized well briefed well suited well qualified have the goods ahead of one's peers have smarts old beyond one's years got it advanced for one's age sentient observant of the first water broken in highly endowed abreast of the facts filled in lettered top-shelf the right stuff knowing one's stuff having the goods knowing the ropes green thumb old-timer having the right stuff like a pistol has what it takes like a one-man band equal to the task up there able to perform know one's onions clear-sighted having been around clear-eyed know backwards and forwards knows one's stuff from way back wise to ways academic highbrow bookish literary of the old school studious civilized pedantic esoteric recondite donnish sapient widely read well read understanding prescient solid deep well-educated polymath professorial philosophical grounded abstruse philosophic civilised well-grounded sound solemn scientific grave studied pansophic privy across apprised appreciative knowledgeable about abreast of apprised of up with in touch well informed about plugged into enlightened about aware of wise to switched on with an understanding of with a knowledge of well versed in clued up about well up on in the know about clued up on well instructed genned up about hip to switched on to

Tính từ

Loyal, reliable, and hard-working
stalwart faithful loyal staunch vigorous constant dependable firm resolute strong committed steadfast dedicated devoted reliable steady unwavering daring hard-working stable sturdy true trusty unfaltering unswerving indomitable true-blue unhesitating audacious bound determined forceful nervy powerhouse resilient solid steamroller tenacious tough unafraid unshakable hanging tough tried and tested tried and true bound and determined dead set on sound sure stout good down-the-line pious devout fast trustworthy immovable ardent liege secure tried-and-true stiff allegiant inflexible unyielding dogged unflinching unshakeable indefatigable persistent stubborn single-minded unbending uncompromising unrelenting spirited unflagging fixed obstinate strong-willed persevering relentless resolved zealous earnest untiring purposeful unfailing adamant dyed-in-the-wool enduring obdurate pertinacious intransigent undaunted bold valiant steely intent plucky undeviating dutiful tireless mettlesome stanch set driven courageous strong-minded deep-dyed rigid enthusiastic implacable brave unchanging hardened decided fanatical unshaken gritty keen insistent diehard inexorable wholehearted unremitting stout-hearted long-standing gutsy lionhearted fervent willful doughty passionate assertive assiduous intrepid abiding genuine tried never-failing intense hard-core sincere established responsible spunky diligent safe honest deep-rooted entrenched true blue honourable trustable honorable calculable confirmed certain decisive emphatic rock-ribbed manful upright durable settled active full of determination trusted fearless card-carrying inveterate perseverant deep serious fervid hard unflappable hard-line conscientious attached fierce feisty ruthless confident patient unqualified true-hearted avid straight eager absolute hard-nosed patriotic thorough grim heroic iron thoroughgoing aggressive strict gallant energetic ambitious long-established supportive vehement motivated indurate positive close truthful immutable bulldog long-lasting purposive pushy headstrong bent upon gutty out-and-out strenuous hardy mad keen complete through and through deliberate consistent sworn iron-willed loving dauntless robust cast-iron unmovable focused rooted industrious adherent self-assertive die-hard ingrained unbendable bred-in-the-bone high-spirited deep-seated unchangeable intractable reputable hearty incorruptible stouthearted unceasing enterprising bullheaded inured pigheaded focussed incurable pat bent game self-willed militant dead set inseparable valorous inexhaustible perdurable bosom dynamic unvacillating do-or-die utter pledged go-getting indelible infallible impassioned hell-bent on bent on eternal hell-bent upon incorrigible unquestioning explicit boon unswervable four-square unappeasable righteous stiff-necked lasting compulsive conservative unapologetic unashamed greathearted heroical obsessed undauntable aspiring thirsty sedulous inspired unassailable desirous hungry invincible obsessive mulish scrupulous meaning business irrepressible extreme red-hot toughened orthodox sustained unconquerable rigorous definite behind one stringent self-confident resistant dear out wilful valued unending permanent intimate balanced well established unwearied eager beaver unswayable uncompliant through-and-through pure on the level special cherished treasured well-established self-starting hard-driving keen as mustard unsurpassable invulnerable correct impervious intrenched out and out traditional goal-oriented weariless self-driven hell-bent profound lusty impregnable immobile unstoppable long-lived irremovable revering bulletproof venerating domineering assured undefeatable predictable decent heartfelt unequivocal bombproof true to life fiery unshrinking forward unfluctuating unlimited perennial undeterred high-principled studious chronic habitual ferocious full-bore unrepentant virtuous ethical composed manly unimpeachable sensible substantial even unvarying uniform poised importunate unerring continuing seasoned time-honoured imperishable adoring rugged persisting obedient striving prevailing arrant right-down undismayed monomaniacal adventurous powerful invariant never-tiring lion-hearted undying regular indestructible ineradicable proved confiding circumspect affectionate ballsy whole-hearted brassbound veracious unmalleable well-built hardheaded perverse ossified opinionated adamantine inconvincible self-opinionated instilled truehearted dominant tested infixed self-assured progressive pioneering brick-wall inexpugnable strongly made well built fail-safe tried and trusted can-do self-possessed unmoved up front refractory string along with always there defiant deep-down full-fledged unfearful hard and fast bona fide deeply ingrained not giving an inch rock solid deep-set self-asserting built to last self-seeking get up and go power-hungry set in stone stand pat set in one's ways standing one's ground power-loving high-reaching direct firmly-based confidential straightforward unwearying unretiring reactionary traditionalist well-founded changeless credible convinced perfervid ever-abiding attentive concerned unbeatable ultra-conservative unprogressive engagé hopeless unblinking immoveable radical hellbent unintimidated perseverative serviceable hard-wearing hard-bitten familiar cohesive uninfluenced admiring consecrated everlasting never-ending timeless perpetual believable dinkum fundamentalist high-powered undiscouraged time-hallowed go-to embedded coherent religious effective unmistakable obscene pornographic X-rated impeccable respectable goody-goody worshipping worshiping heart-and-soul pietistic reverent noble well made possessive unforgetful imperturbable nerveless incessant Herculean beyond hope competent copper-bottomed rocklike fortified hidebound unadaptable prayerful immoderate exacting laborious on one's side careful incorrupt unsinkable blinkered unaccommodating sagacious surviving blimpish equable as thick as thieves pig-headed determinate in earnest unalterable immortal unwaivering untameable insurmountable insuperable hard-boiled stern ungiving goody two-shoes competitive doting big exuberant endless boundless going inalterable dug in set firm thrusting set in your ways recalcitrant not put off not discouraged dyed-in-the wool impassable in good faith long-term time-honored age-old ancient cutthroat consumed compelled telelogical playing hard ball mean business calculated be out for blood nose to the grindstone independent perceptive mean take charge carrying the load hang tough hard-and-fast have-a-go bloodthirsty unabated fogyish stick-in-the-mud conformist intent on congenital lifelong commanding possessed well balanced well-balanced in place in position warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy ceaseless continuous tough nut daredevil rabid fond firm in spirit animated two-fisted tough-minded ironclad resourceful tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on intent upon set on determined to committed to the idea of hell bent on plugging jumping go-go grind unstinted hyper perky fireball continued plodding moral right just nice like a ball of fire on the make desiring success bullish good as one's word to be counted on capable galvanized impelled real unstinting full unambiguous total unreserved categorical venturesome death-or-glory demanding right-minded ever-enduring torrid impenitent supreme irredeemable unreformable longtime full-blooded intensely competitive in-your-face fiercely competitive stop at nothing having killer instinct cut-throat dog-eat-dog hang-tough high-pressure go for broke gung ho surefire can't-miss unfading continual imposing authoritative burning unquenchable bitter stony furious granite induced fixated obsessional never give up venturous unmitigated unrestricted unconditional undivided veridical undistorted square worthy creditable all right estimable accustomed habituated staid controlling proven attested quiescent to the core imprudent herolike chivalrous chin-up foolhardy fortitudinous pushed steered guided impulsive besetting galvanised bottomless unalloyed unadulterated flawless single-hearted old faithful overbearing imperious bossy sicker recognized approved certified classic demonstrated failsafe uncooperative hardline unpersuadable principled true to the end no lie used recognised well constructed heavy-duty well-made made to last unfeigned undiluted warm outright same delivering there come-through invariable difficult to keep down rolling with punches quick to recover quick to bounce back as game as Ned Kelly collected foolproof guaranteed mature convincing uncorrupted compelling undamaged best close-knit normal perfect tried out put to the test safe as houses as keen as mustard entire authentic fullhearted saintly stiffened hard-shell all-consuming firmly established urged on counted on given over to bloody-minded renitent persuasive well judged unimpaired seasonable unspoiled eatable timely unhurt influential fresh trenchant felicitous favourable expedient potent whole well timed motionless statuelike level-headed on the up and up straight-up immalleable merciless sure-fire above suspicion as good as one's word worthy of trust full of integrity fly right boy scout to be trusted down home self-reliant undecayed promising fit to eat unblemished well-timed uncontaminated intact hundred percent whole-souled cool-headed locked in without reservations favorable make good in good part make good on something

Tính từ

Having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles
noble upright magnanimous decent honest honorable righteous virtuous worthy benevolent ethical generous honourable principled respectable upstanding beneficent chivalrous gallant good gracious humane just lordly moral reputable cultivated elevated great illustrious natural uncorrupted bounteous brave charitable courtly greathearted liberal lofty outstanding polite refined unselfish benign extraordinary high meritorious remarkable sympathetic tolerant high-minded noble-minded great-hearted self-sacrificing stand-up anti-corruption right-minded incorruptible fair proper altruistic big considerate right pure true conscientious selfless helpful trustworthy nice philanthropic scrupulous high-principled exemplary open-handed kind straight law-abiding sublime blameless unstinting admirable big-hearted equitable munificent humanitarian irreproachable kindly laudable distinguished clean courteous indulgent ungrudging correct moralistic guiltless loving bountiful praiseworthy venerable angelic knightly innocent self-denying all right well-mannered sinless dignified thoughtful morally correct squeaky clean mannerly compassionate free disinterested openhanded saintly devoted reliable creditable immaculate wholesome conscionable civil bighearted hospitable respected lawful denying self-effacing extroverted giving impeccable unimpeachable self-forgetting gentle valiant dependable commendable reasonable kindhearted right-thinking square kosher trusty dutiful lavish decorous faithful public-spirited respectful heroic self-forgetful chaste large-hearted straightforward excellent philanthropical unsparing courageous fitting pure as the driven snow well-bred esteemed civilized squeaky-clean genteel cultured caring obliging clean-living irreprehensible pious open estimable unbribable easy freehanded impartial loose soft-touch lenient truthful seemly polished proud accommodating self-righteous merciful whiter than white kind-hearted prestigious civilised glorious incorrupt princely eminent notable freehearted fulsome gentlemanly unprejudiced urbane handsome gentlemanlike warm-hearted eleemosynary saintlike godly forthright affable free-handed undefiled prodigal moderate sophisticated deserving understanding sincere amiable inculpable unstained good-natured friendly intrepid bold fair-minded well-behaved amicable sociable genial classy sterling valorous tender rightful true-blue chivalric full of integrity all heart on the level true blue forgiving well mannered on the up and up suave celebrated acclaimed unbiased untainted loyal profuse well behaved modest soft-hearted noted renowned acceptable unsullied stately evenhanded sanctimonious constant faultless sportsmanlike peaceable stainless spotless unblemished unaffected unspoilt solid reverent aristocratic elegant celibate well-brought-up cordial warm nonpartisan willing honored fine sportsmanly mild congenial good-hearted benignant pleasing holy spiritual attentive aboveboard legit sensible vestal soft clement becoming unobjectionable well-disposed lily-white of principle of good repute above reproach punctilious white honoured worthwhile G-rated tender-hearted on the up-and-up nondiscriminatory applaudable graceful formal justified legitimate supportive neighbourly up front agreeable pleasant regardful salt of the earth befitting neighborly clean-cut sweet goodhearted generous to a fault idealistic beyond reproach rectitudinous large charming abundant ample almsgiving professional peaceful duteous sporting obedient balanced incorrupted favoring sound ready orderly God-fearing do-good circumspect rational daring well bred responsible matchless godlike peerless devout tractable plentiful full above board human legal self-respecting open-hearted Christian comradely favouring religious prim saving dinkum plenteous willingly given unstinted ladylike goodish morally right morally acceptable sporty according to Hoyle according to the rules companionable couth highbrow composed objective spirited manly quixotic independent self-sufficient regal good scout bleeding heart Robin Hood virginal heedful punctual exact precise fastidious critical valuable developed neutral open-minded even-handed non-partisan trusted maidenly dapper alright goody-goody unmarred highly regarded inoffensive precious unerring model highborn blue-blooded patrician well-born perpetual persistent inextinguishable immortal undestroyable unchanging untouchable virgin anti-discrimination non-discriminatory justifiable invaluable de rigueur fearless stout-hearted dauntless affectionate first-class dispassionate equal indifferent extremely careful thinking twice above suspicion very kind candid taught trained upper-crust uncolored guileless of good report A-1 inviolate unspotted continent unblighted unprofaned edifying uplifting easygoing soft touch cooperative propitious likeable softhearted unoffensive bleeding-heart well meaning motherly fatherly well intentioned sweet-tempered good-humored openhearted feeling deferential forbearing comforting tenderhearted lovable benefic maternal pitying brotherly calm tactful cheerful likable mellow delightful good-tempered good-humoured fatherlike heart in right place warmhearted engaging patient approachable bland forthcoming bonhomous complaisant unctuous lily white wide-eyed non-erotic non-violent improving pure as driven snow wet behind ears babe in woods world-beating meritious winner top drawer praisable meedful meritable thankworthy golden boss choice Santa Claus apple-pie simple invigorating ruddy sane practical together fresh-faced envigorating hygienic commonsensical sanitary normal open-faced safe blooming deserved all there hale and hearty in fine feather in the pink has heart in right place due merited condign competent appropriate suitable apt warranted earned fit holding water requisite official applicable canonical authorised twenty-four carat permitted well deserved card-carrying in principle authorized orthodox well earned untarnished without reproach in the clear of excellent character perfect dedicated uncorrupt sainted prayerful cleanhanded divine clear pristine god-fearing unoffending crimeless uncensurable guilt-free believing pietistic humble not guilty impeccant unblamable devotional uninvolved frank hallowed flawless free of seraphic angelical licit veracious paradigmatic classic quintessential sanctified unfeigned blessed consecrated bueno neato prototypical classical genuine unworldly steady glorified churchgoing sacrosanct steadfast unfailing not bad unwavering batting a thousand not too shabby unpretentious representative typical illustrative characteristic authentic without fault sacred pietistical revered venerated ecclesiastical celestial staunch compliant born-again unswerving trustable calculable earnest disciplined heartfelt unpretended unquestionable credible theological upfront valid heavenly wholehearted level-headed resolute positive real uncontaminated infallible ardent ideal harmless committed firm beatific sackless clerical priestly copybook secure consummate exceptional beyond criticism sure tried true-hearted definitive not to blame confirmed tried-and-true tried and trusted veritable above-board tried and true as pure as the driven snow tried and tested unassailable peacekeeping unspoiled undamaged unpolluted complying highly respectable seraph deified canonized ordained beatified demure fresh smart needy eligible untouched snowy undisturbed actual known undesigning artless well-established hearty canonised reserved messianic special clean-handed detached fast uncontrived particular free from blame free from guilt free of sin pukka enduring patriotic on up and up predictable fair and square straight-arrow honest-to-goodness submissive biddable amenable manageable conformable docile doctrinal scriptural well favoured well-favoured prudish full of good works on up-and-up moralising reverential moralizing smug decisive determined stanch practising sectarian churchly not responsible unequivocal careful picture-book picture-perfect letter-perfect absolute indefectible seamless archetypical imitable archetypal textbook prissy strait-laced finicky veridical allegiant down-the-line undistorted liege truehearted supplicant charismatic practicing transcendent deific superhuman church supplicating irreprovable unmannered pleading beseeching snow white reproachless very good no lie soliciting quality inspired divinely inspired goal driven delicate fussy cherubic ethereal entreating plain-spoken absolved cleared untroubled at peace serene tranquil exonerated exculpated schismatic imploring unadulterated suppliant supplicatory established fervent serious profound pernickety theistic supernatural deistic sacerdotal pontifical ministerial bona fide free-spoken round recognized reputed name well respected of repute well thought of well-thought-of literal ingenuous plainspoken believable meaning what one says truth-telling outspoken unreserved realistic like it is well known famous well-known popular copper-bottomed favored prominent famed high-ranking redoubted squeamish passionate favoured with a good reputation recognised empyrean foolproof guaranteed mature full-hearted fair dinkum in high favor of good standing accurate as good as one's word sure-fire worthy of trust fly right straight-up boy scout never-failing rock solid always there to be trusted down home factual archangelic entrancing radiant otherworldly angellike appealing angelly rapturous learned attested purpose driven certified scholarly empathetic empathic commiserative verifiable accessible sentimental sensitive responsive authenticated supported convincing from the horse's mouth well founded proven straight from horse's mouth documented authoritative circumstantiated validated verified broad-minded

Tính từ

Having good morals
clean virtuous good honourable righteous honest honorable moral noble pure respectable decent dignified ethical exemplary just principled upright upstanding wholesome chaste decorous estimable immaculate impeccable innocent irreproachable unimpeachable blameless celibate guiltless incorruptible irreprehensible modest moralistic proper reputable seemly angelic sinless undefiled unobjectionable G-rated high-minded high-principled morally correct pure as the driven snow right-minded vestal whiter than white clean-living squeaky clean admirable worthy genteel trustworthy respected correct presentable polite befitting nice neat accepted smart spruce above board venerable tidy well bred becoming comme il faut moderate august ordinary done comely conforming creditable sublime appropriate of good repute highly regarded redoubted well-thought-of mediocre de rigueur suitable virginal unblemished uncorrupted virgin unsullied spotless right squeaky-clean stainless saintly incorrupt scrupulous demure elevated kosher inculpable flawless maidenly true unaffected equitable straight above reproach untarnished anti-corruption right-thinking perfect maiden laudable meritorious unstained unwed untainted praiseworthy lofty faultless lawful conscientious unmarried self-denying self-restrained abstinent unspotted saintlike godly simple unbribable white law-abiding fair continent prudish faithful fitting square humane pious all right clear true blue unspoilt whole sensible beyond reproach uncontaminated apple-pie commendable ideal model intact self-righteous lily-white accurate quiet refined elegant conscionable exact precise restrained austere inexperienced impotent intemerate controlled monogamous subdued seamless picture-book absolute picture-perfect letter-perfect unerring indefectible rightful stand-up exquisite beyond criticism errorless on target above suspicion unpolluted platonic responsible unquestionable rectitudinous unsoiled sober discreet Christian unassailable professional morally right morally acceptable unwemmed chase holy ritually pure apropos severe coy favoring obedient balanced dutiful sound incorrupted unchallengeable in good taste delicate cultivated tractable charitable well-behaved sanctimonious rational edifying uplifting reasonable reliable dependable favouring religious prim lenient sportsmanlike saving dinkum sportsmanly unexceptionable improving non-erotic non-violent guileless straightforward proud nunlike unblighted unprofaned inviolate beyond question beyond suspicion error-free fair-minded copybook classic meticulous lily white wide-eyed sanitary open invigorating helpful ruddy sane normal practical open-faced clean-cut together fresh-faced envigorating hygienic safe commonsensical blooming without fault foolproof without blemish wet behind ears free of sin right on on the nail on the mark bang on supreme spot on crimeless unguilty just so textbook on the button babe in woods all there pure as driven snow hale and hearty in fine feather in the pink cleanhanded ten aces infallible A-okay note-perfect as pure as the driven snow fleckless unflawed legit true-blue in the clear on the up and up up front without reproach on the level of excellent character

Tính từ

Showing heroic courage
valiant brave courageous fearless bold gallant valorous daring dauntless heroic intrepid mettlesome plucky doughty gutsy stalwart stout unflinching ballsy daredevil lionhearted manful spirited stouthearted unabashed unblenching unshrinking adventuresome audacious chivalrous greathearted gutty heroical nervy spartan undaunted venturesome venturous adventurous assertive gritty manly noble spunky unafraid undauntable confident dashing game hardy powerful puissant resolute strong tough unalarmed unfearful worthy lion-hearted stout-hearted fire-eating rock-ribbed indomitable feisty determined have-a-go staunch tenacious enterprising temerarious dogged vigorous steadfast rash steely nerved emboldened assured firm unswerving unfaltering unyielding foolhardy brassy reckless aweless brash death-or-glory unwavering unbending indefatigable stubborn free-swinging unfearing as game as Ned Kelly cocky unflagging high-spirited willful impavid unshakeable frightless go-ahead strong-willed forceful swashbuckling positive decisive madcap dynamic risky persevering icy sporting resilient devil-may-care fortitudinous peppy heedless herolike carefree pushy forward cheeky dareful enduring headstrong bravehearted cool wild undismayed honourable macho great-spirited sassy overbold overconfident unconcerned unworried unapprehensive death-defying full of determination orped defiant chin-up imprudent impervious undisturbed ungoverned uncurbed brazen urbane quixotic hairy suave dignified honorable purposeful superhuman fiery perseverant Herculean classic exaggerated grand epic extravagant persistent assuming bantam dangerous unabashed by unshakable undaunted by lively brisk elevated high-flown inflated grandiose hazardous gung ho ardent gingery peppery mythological champion unscared sure unalarmed by unfrightened impulsive mettled resolved frisky sprightly exciting restless exploratory presumptuous risk-taking thrill-seeking seeking stand tall salty impudent smart-alecky smart obtrusive crusty bigger than life having nerves of steel not scared fire eating hot shot on the go go for broke out on a limb irrepressible hardened inured capable rugged toughened resistant sturdy robust sound quick to recover difficult to keep down quick to bounce back rolling with punches

Tính từ

Capable of producing great physical force
strong tough burly muscular big brawny formidable rugged beefy mighty athletic great sinewy stalwart stout strapping hearty overpowering substantial manful manly full-blooded heavyweight buff hefty Herculean hunky husky jacked lusty meaty powerfully built ripped shredded well built obdurate sturdy robust vigorous powerful hardy well-built solid muscly hulking thickset thewy firm stark able-bodied potent mesomorphic healthy bulky broad-shouldered forceful stocky sound hard heavy durable fit rich well muscled toughened hardened masculine inured full cast-iron concentrated hard-bitten full-bodied heavy-duty virile plush heady sturdily built energetic herculean hunk manlike male powerhouse staunch hale and hearty stable macho red-blooded mannish iron active resilient two-fisted hale muscle-bound solidly built tenacious hard-wearing well-developed chunky beefcake bruising hulky in good shape in good health butch well knit pumped up as strong as an ox heavily built influential all-male important sporty man-size man-sized significant flourishing physical thick well-knit dumpy resistant stubby indomitable agile nimble lithe puissant fighting fit squat stiff seasoned secure wiry enduring capable able jock stud tiger muscled heavyset in fine fettle strongly made well-made in good condition stumpy in rude health squatty built cobby tall nuggety fit as a fiddle pyknic he-man hard as nails built to last bull-necked as strong as a horse as strong as a lion long-lasting toned finely honed invincible portly gorillalike fleshy well made spunky green vital lean supple enthusiastic stouthearted decisive strong-arm strenuous unflagging acclimatised acclimatized well fresh indefatigable upright bullish musclebound ropy stringy swole imposing physically fit lion-hearted colt audacious jockstrap stately confident self-reliant noble dignified undaunted sound in body and limb lumbering towering huge gargantuan massive gigantic upstanding fast trim aerobicized colossal mammoth ultramasculine leading doughty dominant bombproof in trim well-proportioned in good trim short rigid inflexible authoritative prestigious controlling predominant bursting with health in tip-top condition fubsy unbreakable leathery wieldy omnipotent steamroller boss strengthy almighty brick-wall as fit as a fiddle as fit as a flea indestructible weighty scrub thick-bodied plump chubby rotund cohesive dense steeled molded conditioned tight moulded withstanding hulk ox bold brave strong as ox made to last forcible gallant resolute tough as nails unfeminine well set-up stout-hearted fixed steady reinforced unyielding ape adult stallion honourable boyish courageous hairy caveman generative honorable Amazonian unladylike swashbuckling squabby well-founded stodgy chauvinist aggressively masculine viragoish viraginous in fine feather tomboyish mannified masc unwomanly hoydenish all man big-boned

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