Đồng nghĩa của tight

Alternative for tight

tighter, tightest

Đồng nghĩa: close, closefisted, compact, firm, miserly, rare, rigid, scarce, skimpy, snug, sparse, stiff, stingy, taut, tense, ungenerous,

Trái nghĩa: loose,

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Constructed so as to prevent the passage of water, air, etc.
impervious impenetrable sealed sound watertight hermetic airtight impermeable locked fastened proof waterproof blocked bolted clumped obstructed plugged shut smothering snapped hermetically sealed stopped up closed resistant imperviable impregnable impassable solid rainproof inaccessible tamper-proof water-resistant firm water-repellent dense immune inviolable impassible invulnerable damp-proof unpierceable unyielding repellent bulletproof protected padlocked cinched shut tight wrapped fixed coated taped up stuck down vacuum-packed enclosed -proof repelling completely sealed untouched unmoved unaffected unreceptive unswayable obdurate unmovable unbending unfeeling impassive unapproachable unwavering rigid thick hard unbreakable puncture-proof resilient indestructible treated strong unassailable unattackable proofed nonporous secure weatherproof soundproof fireproof bombproof childproof windproof leakproof safe compact murky substantial unpiercable close leak-proof able to withstand tightly packed fortress-like invincible unconquerable insusceptible unbeatable indomitable tough insuperable unstoppable insurmountable untouchable stout fortified well fortified well defended safe and sound proof against unaffected by unnavigable flinty rock-hard undefeatable sacred hallowed sacrosanct holy unshakable immovable well-defended holdable protectable adamant defensible sturdy hardy repellent of impervious to unsusceptible to invulnerable to immune to hardened able to be protected insensitive unsusceptible unshakeable imperviable to powerful lost unimpressionable not subject to unresponsive untouched by unmoved by

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Having strict rules or conditions
strict stringent rigid tough rigorous uncompromising exacting firm harsh severe stern inflexible meticulous painstaking scrupulous systematic unyielding tenacious unbending ironclad set hard-line iron-fisted binding confining draconian fixed cast-iron unalterable undeviating unchanging stiff hard hard-nosed dyed-in-the-wool final unmoving hard-and-fast settled determinate fast demanding unbreakable set in stone inexpugnable brassbound forceful brick-wall drawing extreme picky convincing rough acrimonious compelling valid unpermissive powerful poignant hard and fast by the numbers by the book dead set on regimented disciplined controlled resolute invariable unwavering unadaptable changeless immutable unchangeable unvarying strictly controlled closely controlled rigidly enforced remove obdurate austere unsparing inexorable relentless adamant authoritarian intransigent intractable unrelenting immovable unforgiving unsympathetic heavy-handed obstinate merciless steadfast determined solid grim fierce stony cruel dour ruthless oppressive single-minded indurate unshakeable implacable stubborn adamantine pitiless bullheaded flinty forbidding uncharitable hard-boiled ramrod hard-hearted hardheaded remorseless headstrong unfeeling drastic grave steely callous serious no-nonsense spartan ascetic imperious established hardline definite dogged illiberal stuffy disciplinary pertinacious unmerciful frugal unfriendly incommutable cold unsmiling unpitying gruff solemn abstemious dead set heartless inalterable cold-blooded unswerving diehard unaccommodating inhuman disapproving louring unappeasable savage staunch lowering intimidating rugged hard-hitting bound hard-core sombre ungentle somber unflinching mean-looking hardened mulish stiff-necked refractory uncaring ossified ferocious astringent tyrannical hard to please locked in stony-hearted self-denying clear-cut incontestable incontrovertible entrenched rooted locked immoderate militant ungiving despotic onerous ironhanded unsentimental dire cool radical unmollifiable unplacatable inescapable iron-handed unpacifiable punishing unmoved stand pat with a heart of stone lacking compassion vindictive cold-hearted hardhearted formidable pressing autocratic desperate pugnacious ineluctable strong forcible not giving an inch two-fisted hard-bitten temperate abstinent disciplinarian resolved absolute browbeating ascetical domineering exact irreversible concrete necessary immobile unmovable compulsory morose sour hard-shelled static incompliant uptight gloomy dismal sullen vicious truculent virulent bound and determined mean business no going back hell bent on like death and taxes dreary surly formal puritanical frowning uncommunicative poker-faced tough nut to crack insensitive insensate thick-skinned stonyhearted inhumane stoney affectless slash-and-burn compassionless desensitized take-no-prisoners ironhearted soulless case-hardened pachydermatous hair-shirt self-abnegating self-disciplined writ in stone strait-laced cut-and-dried decided upon complex rule-bound unpersuadable reserved sober stark meager icy frosty unemotional frigid chilly hidebound iron complicated blinkered distant aloof desensitised willful self-willed inconvincible wilful pat opinionated pigheaded perverse self-opinionated Spartan meagre iron-willed glum melancholic crabbed hard-faced dejected bleak ugly sulky saturnine involved bureaucratic officious remote unswayable indomitable uncompliant recalcitrant earnest standing one's ground set in your ways set in one's ways trying perfectionist importunate clamorous tiresome judgmental fussy dictatorial critical overbearing querulous insistent overexacting unmanageable cavilling nagging troublesome exigent difficult unamenable fractious hypercritical sticklerish faultfinding overscrupulous quibbling disparaging needy censuring possessive cavillous hairsplitting unreasonable caviling demeaning carping censorious cynical high-maintenance fault-finding over-rigorous over-strict hard to satisfy over-censorious over-particular over-exacting

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(of a knot) Closely packed
compact compacted compressed condensed dense packed thickset unyielding close concentrated crowded hard jammed massed piled solid serried thick close-packed closely packed jam-packed closely set packed in tightly packed jammed together impenetrable impermeable crammed squeezed firm substantial packed together consolidated close-set assembled tiered close together cramped congested short cropped crushed circumscribed confined pressed bunched squashed appressed impregnable heavy overgrown secure close-grained particular restricted impassable jungly husky impervious heaped full deep rigid robust set rugged solidified packed close pressed together jungle-like close-knit heavy-going packed like sardines stiff tough hardened sturdy steely congealed inflexible adamantine concrete opaque strong frozen inelastic jelled smoggy murky nonporous soupy cloudy stony really hard unbreakable as hard as stone as hard as iron stout unmalleable foggy rocklike uncompromising stiffened hazy rock-hard rock-solid clouded very hard indurated indurate rocky dark refractory fine-grained resistant gelled walkable jellified incompressible unpliable durable rock-like renitent luxuriant misty dusky nebulous abundant profuse bushy plentiful riotous rich muddied rank exuberant rampant lush muddy obscure turbid beclouded overcast louring hazed cynical hard-nosed case-hardened unsentimental hard-headed hard-boiled shrewd realistic practical of high density down-to-earth matter-of-fact hardy cast-iron callous vigorous toughened world-weary inured stubborn hard-edged hard-handed iron lacking sentiment hard-bitten as hard as nails as tough as old boots toughened by experience hard as nails fixed taut blocked sealed immutable unrelenting resolute unchangeable dimensional rigorous unwavering impliable jellied brick wall non-flexible like a rock set in stone

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On close or friendly terms
close friendly inseparable intimate chummy cordial thick affectionate familiar bosom clubby conjoined cosy cozy especial matey pally personal buddy-buddy closely acquainted close-knit palsy-walsy as thick as thieves on good terms thick as thieves joined at the hip in each other's pocket near inward sociable congenial dear devoted confidential constant amiable loving faithful firm fast neighborly warm comradely companionable neighbourly amicable genial best affable boon cherished special good convivial palsy hail-fellow-well-met favourite attached treasured valued outgoing social gracious dearest favorite gregarious warmhearted fond conversable clubbable collegial buddy buddy good-natured hail-fellow bonhomous mellow hearty allied cliquey akin clannish on top of each other very dear tight-knit on the best of terms well in close to devoted to hand in glove on friendly terms inseparable from easy agreeable obliging snug officious fresh hospitable kind pleasant approachable extroverted free-and-easy civil extrovert indivisible sympathetic brotherly loyal inalienable inseverable indissoluble couthy harmonious cooperative well disposed well-disposed good-humoured backslapping clubable easy to get along with communal considerate helpful good-humored fraternal easy-going extraverted company-loving uninhibited regular nice entwined intertwined whole integral undividable connected unified secure moulded interwoven united integrated molded nearest and dearest tied up as one cheerful kindly welcoming happy good-tempered complaisant mild tender jovial polite cheery easygoing sweet warm-hearted pleasing charming likeable responsive likable lenient courteous benevolent benign peaceful peaceable open decent caring personable delightful favorable like-minded gentle confiding charitable unreserved engaging heartfelt enthusiastic sincere earnest wholehearted smiling buoyant favourable eager downright neighborly lovey-dovey expansive fun expressive glowing lovable winsome affectious accessible glad-handering merciful thoughtful generous red-carpet winning amenable kissy-huggy very friendly swell copacetic breezy non-hostile civilized informal conflict-free communicative natural relaxed easy to get on with sweet-tempered bluff jolly urbane understanding empathic concordant agreeing civilised pacific accordant merry all heart upper chirpy up cheering perky chipper upbeat jocund high sunny enlivening joyous blithe glad square shooting right nice fatherly genuine comforting inviting maternal liberal solicitous sunny side up doting compassionate amorous softhearted deep motherly kindhearted empathetic paternal bubbly confident adoring cuddly demonstrative conciliatory vibrant amusing funny happy-go-lucky hilarious attentive compatible amical comical receptive jocular jocose entertaining kindred mushy huggy partial all over crazy over soft on nutty about touchy-feely

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(of a written work or form) Concise, condensed, or well structured
crisp economic succinct concise pithy terse laconic straightforward compendious condensed summary aphoristic epigrammatic gnomic synoptic well structured to the point in a few well-chosen words short and sweet brief compact short thumbnail elliptical monosyllabic apothegmatic sententious capsule telegraphic elliptic curt sparing lapidary brusque tart taut neat breviloquent blunt compendiary boiled down in a nutshell in few words cut to the bone witty pointed clipped sharp compressed clever amusing piquant incisive quick-witted snappy pungent ingenious trenchant apophthegmatic well tuned finely honed in well-chosen words abridged abbreviated shortened potted summarized contracted truncated abrupt summarised economical curtailed gruff quick little meaningful meaty perfunctory cursory epigrammatical abstracted rapid small ephemeral hasty transient precise expressive reduced cut cut short limited significant cogent outline marrowy honed effective rude short-and-sweet close snappish concentrated snippety fast snippy recapped compacted precipitate lean rehashed run-down down to brass tacks edited controlled forceful comprehensive memorable catchy telling uncommunicative summarizing cutting acute epitomised epitomized short and to the point axiomatic shortened form summarising hurried decreased run-through censorious judgmental pretentious abounding critical disapproving clear-cut exact cryptic diminished making a long story short unprolonged lessened swift decurtate abbreviate precised cut-down curtate pruned shorter bare synopsized not protracted trimmed bare-bones slimmed-down encapsulated constricted cut down shrunk telescoped cropped slimmed down pared down edited down rough unceremonious brisk direct offhand uncivil bluff discourteous momentary transitory impatient cavalier downright brusk churlish short-spoken harsh surly no-nonsense impolite ungracious crusty temporary passing short-lived off temporal flitting infinitesimal short-term evanescent impetuous matter-of-fact crude impermanent fugacious unenduring flashing fleeting wee gone in flash in wink of an eye

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Miserly in nature
mean miserly parsimonious stingy penurious sparing cheap mingy tightfisted ungenerous closefisted illiberal uncharitable chintzy close grasping near pinching pinchpenny spare stinting penny-pinching close-fisted tight-fisted cheese-paring Scrooge-like frugal thrifty avaricious greedy scrimping economical selfish saving money-grubbing covetous grudging pennywise prudent acquisitive skimping provident chary rapacious snoep unwasteful grabby money-grabbing economizing economising skinflinty careful petty cheeseparing ungiving canny churlish curmudgeonly cautious forehanded miserable costive abstemious skinflint mercenary hungry meager hoarding meagre penny-wise scrimpy careful with money puritanical cheapskate tightwad beggarly skimpy materialistic sensible circumspect coveting moneygrubbing avid desirous hard-fisted sordid ascetic scrounging ironfisted venal gluttonous narrow usurious preserving conserving cost-effective efficient money-saving time-saving work-saving grabbing money-conscious watchful on the rims practical prudential methodical discreet possessive wary money-oriented pleonectic predatory prehensile itchy Mammonish Mammonistic insatiable pennypinching financially savvy pinchfisted extremely thrifty close-handed scurvy not generous scanty stewardly cupidinous on a tight budget cost-conscious tight-wad masochistic budget-conscious austere spartan abstinent monastic monkish self-denying nunlike non-indulgent self-disciplined derisory abject ignoble extremely frugal meticulous Scotch money motivated money hungry extorting extortionate shrewd wise voracious on the make far-sighted fuel-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient energy-saving sagacious forearmed hoggish swinish narrow-minded intolerant judicious politic equipped well-prepared vigilant commonsensical rude edacious ravenous crude esurient piggy foresighted forethoughtful far-seeing reactionary prejudiced hidebound bigoted small-minded expedient prepared boorish fundamentalist conservative unenlightened authoritarian strict despotic undemocratic alt-right anti-democratic oppressive repressive totalitarian self-indulgent guzzling ravening eager piggish carnivorous gormandizing intemperate omnivorous gobbling craving devouring gulping insatiate draconian fascist tyrannical biased proscriptive myopic partial antiliberal

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Allowing only the minimum time or money for doing something
scarce meager meagre scant scanty limited low depleted diminished reduced skimpy sparse deficient inadequate insufficient in short supply thin short exiguous paltry poor negligible slim slender failing wanting shy insubstantial rare restricted measly sparing small sketchy too few too little not enough light spare stingy hand-to-mouth skimp few and far between scrimpy minimal modest tiny narrow pathetic miserly indecent revealing brief bare thinning piddling mingy too small unsufficient scrimp thin on the ground little barely sufficient close flimsy low-cut lacking few missing bereft destitute short on low on short-handed hard to find at a premium not to be had like gold dust hard to come by not to be had for love nor money scarcer than hen's teeth slight incomplete puny inconsiderable insignificant lean trifling nominal inappreciable miserable unfinished barren defective imperfect pitiful beggarly too little too late faulty weak infrequent minute inconsequential shabby tenuous sporadic unproductive occasional petty trivial derisory mean incommensurate patchy unsatisfactory devoid see-through minimum scattered shoddy mere uncommon subtle imperceptible disappointing unfrequent lamentable partial piffling finite marginal picayune niggling dry inferior fragmentary diminutive bitty flawed absent rudimentary drained piddly stunted shortened impaired scrappy substandard unsound stinted found wanting nonexistent fractional dwindling second-rate needing bankrupt deprived unpolished unfruitful infertile seldom semioccasional less needed non-existent middling omitted seldom met with not present straggling unusual not up to scratch low in numbers seldom seen out of the ordinary not to be found leaving much to be desired lousy shorthanded pitiable infinitesimal confined erotic laughable feeble lame parsimonious junk arousing sexy titillating suggestive nugatory token unqualified mediocre with an insufficiency jejune basal cut truncated threatened not making it not hacking it coming up short minus unfitted incapable unample incompetent next to none next to no undermanned bush-league circumscribed defined definite determinate measured basic run-down at a low level with too little … wanting in with too few … lacking in short of out of lowly contemptible base ordinary subnormal set ineffectual widely spaced in the minority seldom found footling unsatisfying unacceptable nowhere to be found removed not included left out left behind pimping chicken peanut not good enough worthless unrefined not up to standard bodger not acceptable empty cooked gone away unfulfilled half-baked superficial without not up to par burned out below par in default cut off not up to expectations out of gas not much cop microscopic diddly duff unsuitable unworthy no-account de minimis denuded void unassembled unequal underprovided undersupplied injured amiss damaged marred Mickey Mouse two-bit rinky-dink undeveloped undone abridged fragmented bereft of deficient in second string second fiddle outta gas third string half-pie unaccomplished qualified unexecuted bare of empty of devoid of free from denuded of vacant of destitute of not make it not cut out for unthinkable unlikely unimaginable unique singular subtile outstanding towering inconceivable strange remarkable preeminent unheard of attenuate exceptional attenuated isolated magnificent recherche standout rarefied unwonted extraordinary inchoate rude not total broken expurgated underdone unconsummated rough immature unwhole curtailed crude piecemeal not whole part not entire garbled incoherent unavailable not there under construction

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(slang) Extraordinarily great or special

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(informal) Under the influence of alcohol
drunk intoxicated tipsy smashed inebriated plastered blitzed bombed hammered pickled stewed wasted sozzled wrecked blotto drunken stoned pie-eyed sottish steaming befuddled incapable legless paralytic tiddly zonked bladdered canned maudlin sloshed soused blasted merry tanked tippling toping woozy flying soaked bevvied fuddled guttered mullered reeling squiffy wired lashed ratted stinko cut steamboats steamed trolleyed besotted blatted fou full shickered slaughtered broken dronkverdriet elephants inebriate inked kaylied langered lekker munted shot blind boozy cockeyed crapulent crapulous crocked foxed fried gassed high impaired juiced lit loaded looped mashed monged oiled ossified pixilated potted ripped sat screwed slang sotted squiffed stiff stinking stukkend wet bibulous buzzed ebriate ebriose ebrious trashed under the influence blind drunk dead drunk roaring drunk rolling drunk worse for drink gin-soaked lit up off your face out to it grogged up out of it boozed-up rat-arsed tanked up cock-eyed drunk as a lord drunk as a skunk half cut as full as a goog monged out under the table well away as tight as a tick well oiled worse for wear half seas over in your cups wiped out two sheets to the wind three sheets to the wind having had one over the eight Brahms and Liszt having had a skinful tired and emotional out off one's head out of one's head out of one's skull out of one's box in the bag in one's cups three sheets in the wind under the weather liquored up totaled boozed up bashed groggy seeing double feeling no pain flushed half-seas over muddled laced glazed lush sodden sauced high as a kite in strung out happy tanked-up crock swacked zoned well-oiled polluted babalas red-nosed one over the eight gin-sodden intemperate Adrian Quist jacked bacchic the worse for drink spaced tripping irrigated unsteady drinking faced dazed beery gone schnockered half in the bag slightly drunk dead to the world half-crocked hard-drinking feeling good hooched up under the influence of intoxicating liquor obliterated boozing boozed unsober sloppy snockered blazed tied one on stupefied demolished cooked drunked up baked drugged doped elevated mellow addled geeked blown-up spaced out zonked-out out of one's gourd half-cut spaced-out burned-out on a trip hopped-up off one's face narcotized comatose on drugs delirious hallucinating euphoric hyped up charged up freaked out dopey benumbed floating unconscious coked drugged up junked-up blown away dead-drunk turned on out of one's mind off one's head on a high drugged-out drunk as a fiddler plowed tiddled pixillated ploughed punchy full of well-being tozy-mozy bibacious alcoholic insensible anaesthetized anesthetized knocked out out of your mind

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(of an outcome, especially one that is desired) Possible but very uncertain
touch-and-go delicate precarious tricky uncertain dangerous dubious hazardous risky sticky unclear unsure cliffhanging critical suspenseful treacherous unsafe dodgy hairy dicey doubtful in danger in jeopardy parlous perilous sensitive shaky touchy unknown unpredictable on thin ice hanging by a thread in the balance chancy insecure threatening iffy serious gnarly unstable unsound problematic grave fraught with danger high-risk unhealthy ticklish difficult menacing venturesome thorny grievous jeopardizing rocky jeopardising vulnerable exposed problematical touch and go speculative awkward nasty unsteady wicked jeopardous desperate knotty unreliable deadly fatal dynamite prickly tricksy spiny tough catchy playing with fire erratic unchancy undependable destructive harmful wobbly slippery loaded terrifying malignant ugly hot at risk life-threatening Russian roulette alarming dangersome embarrassing death-defying acute lethal rugged unsettled toxic breakneck shonky formidable heavy bad defenceless mortal rickety explosive long shot viperous adventurous capricious venturous defenseless out on a limb scary exigent haphazard taxing fluctuant incalculable threatened injurious extreme unsecured endangered on slippery ground wide-open dire unprotected deathly very bad untrustworthy open to attack fearsome tottering on a limb painful unpleasant not secure not stable disastrous barro uncomfortable discomforting reckless severe poisonous incurable capital rough hard laborious operose strenuous peracute profound egregious very dangerous life-and-death impregnable on collision course serpentine portentous pressing queasy urgent terrible impending daredevil on a slippery slope built on sand hanging in the balance charged tense overwrought volatile inflammable worrying complicated strained anxious nerve-racking volcanic combustible stressful highly charged knife-edge complex involved vexed convoluted perplexing quirky intricate fiddly troublesome trying vexatious bothersome controversial irksome upsetting distressing disturbing concerning worrisome traumatic arduous harrowing onerous grim wearisome challenging punishing baffling harassing excruciating burdensome daunting bitter demanding troubling perturbing wearing exhausting fraught exacting harsh contentious vexing unsettling disquieting exasperating testing brutal gruelling oppressive grueling tiring hellish cruel niggling dismaying weighty disagreeable harrying questionable emotive nettlesome forbidding awful annoying anxious-making frustrating pressured tormenting draining compromising humiliating toilsome tedious sapping back-breaking rigorous crushing bleak puzzling cringeworthy uneasy cringey disconcerting flustering discomfiting cringe-making dark scratchy unfriendly spartan hostile suspect discomposing briery pointed inconvenient unnerving incommodious nerve-wracking irritating fatiguing galling torturous enervating hectic agitating tiresome agonizing agonising anxiety-ridden paradoxical sophisticated intractable mystifying provocative subtle heated nice tender echinated stimulating divisive scandalous troublous nagging like herding cats searching penetrating temperamental mercurial changeable inconstant fickle variable kid-glove apprehensive hair-trigger murderous stiff hardhanded aggravating inhuman searing a stinker of a pestilent bristly barbed disputed briary thistly brambly tickly dolorous bumpy debated contested sharp spiculate pronged bristled spiniferous spicular spiky aculeate spinous spiked demeaning degrading itchy confronting distressed afflictive embarrassed debatable moot setaceous jaggy muricate pointy barbellate spinose untimely discountenancing causing discomfort ill-fitting undecided undetermined unresolved unconcluded shameful in contention ongoing at issue in dispute toe-curling open to question open to debate hot-button open to doubt fractious up in the air yet to be decided much debated killer easier said than done high-impact slavish torturesome wearying toilful drudgy labored tall upstream vicious laboured vigorous tortuous crippling high-pressure really hard tough going fierce intimidating titanic mighty unbearable unforgiving uphill ambitious jarring intense worksome distressful savage scabrous depleting uphill battle moiling backbreaking unendurable killing shattering knackering hard-won backbreaker intolerable sweaty immense no picnic energy-consuming marathon difficile impossible cumbersome unsparing prohibitive unremitting problem Herculean ominous insufferable bruising merciless ponderous gargantuan effortful not easy staggering colossal unyielding herculean debilitating like getting blood out of a stone solemn painstaking very hard ferocious almighty grinding gigantic

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Densely filled or covered with
thick crowded packed filled swarming teeming covered crammed crawling overflowing abundant choked jammed seething thronged bursting close congested dense full solid bristling compact replete abounding awash brimming flush fraught heavy rife deep lousy lush pullulating serried stuffed thronging chocker compressed generous great heaped multitudinous populated populous jam-packed chock-a-block chock-full abounding in crawling with full of bursting at the seams cram-full of overrun by chock-full of like Piccadilly Circus like sardines having a considerable amount of having a copious amount of chockful loaded fat brimful chockablock bloated running over lined fit to burst glutted satisfied gorged saturated packed like sardines overfull overcrowded overloaded heaving full to bursting full up filled to capacity laden flooded cramped overfilled stocked mobbed inundated wall-to-wall weighed down bulging at the seams burdened jammed full filled to the brim stacked complete charged full to the gunwales bulging weighted alive filled up plenteous clogged cram-full full to capacity fit to bust up to the hilt overwhelmed plentiful encumbered crushed overrun overpopulated overburdened topped up bounteous massed hoatching crammed full swamped packed out full to overflowing occupied up to the rafters supplied well-stocked lavish well-provided busy profuse well supplied well stocked overpeopled huddled bountiful superabundant sardined elbow-to-elbow suffused padded plethoric filled to the rafters level with spilling over full to the brim at full capacity full to the top filled with full to the gills like the Black Hole of Calcutta brimming with loaded with overstuffed topfull fully loaded overladen groaning overbuilt entire full of commotion sufficient weighted down taxed abundant in permeated imbued impregnated unabridged hopping infested bustling bundled tumid arranged rammed consigned chock wrapped jumping hampered solid with people packed to the gunwales to the roof buzzing hoaching hotching ample well provided humming deluged jampacked copious blocked plugged obstructed freighted overfed luxurious cram full completely full loaded down piled high fully charged gridlocked blocked-up impeded whole packed to capacity thickset SRO clean stuffed-up liberal stopped closed jam-full occluded mucous stoppered blocked up stuffy stopped up mob scene lousy with full house sold out stiff with topped off snarled up prolific infinite huge inexhaustible large bumper productive up to here standing room only well-supplied lank rife with beset attended rich attended by dripping charged with swarming with thick with brimful of cornucopian bristling with accompanied by

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Difficult to break and therefore able to withstand rough usage
unbreakable durable indestructible infrangible resistant shatterproof toughened non-breakable adamantine armoured everlasting hard-wearing imperishable lasting long-lasting nonbreakable rugged solid stout strong sturdy armored brass-bound firm hard heavy-duty incorruptible indissoluble invulnerable perdurable permanent resilient tough unshakable unyielding made to last hardy rigid stiff inflexible hardened vigorous sound leathery substantial seasoned inured fit strapping robust stalwart brawny lusty dense steeled mighty moulded cohesive healthy molded conditioned withstanding cast-iron well built hard-bitten tough as nails hard as nails enduring staunch stable tenacious reliable strongly made well made reinforced impervious dependable impenetrable resolute capable indefatigable acclimatized unflagging indelible nonbreaking acclimatised strengthened secure safe built to last unfading bombproof well-made well-built steely heavy rock-solid fast serviceable safety hearty inexpugnable hale hefty well fresh able-bodied muscular fighting fit powerful able burly well constructed hale and hearty in good health in good condition fit as a fiddle in fine fettle in rude health physically fit steady in good shape perduring diuturnal long-continued impregnable invincible unassailable tried-and-true established well-founded immovable persistent adherent steadfast inviolable storm-resistant stormproof well defended well-protected fixed impassible knockabout fortified well protected flourishing unattackable well fortified well-armed concrete airtight irrepressible inextinguishable immortal gritty spirited abiding valiant plucky intrepid headstrong stouthearted feisty undying nonperishable deathless perennial endless ineradicable difficult to keep down quick to bounce back set solidified compressed compacted quick to recover congealed compact undestroyable perpetual undestructable unruinable irrefragable inexterminable immutable unwreckable unchangeable irrefrangible inextirpable eternal unalterable accustomed habituated rolling with punches condensed close-grained inelastic concentrated frozen gelled walkable desensitized deadened experienced jellified stony jelled coarsened used indurate impermeable thick nonporous indurated unfeeling uncaring irreverent benumbed hard-edged inaccessible hardhearted coldhearted callous cruel hard-as-nails cynical unrepenting impious hard-boiled uncompassionate unemotional desensitised heartless unsentimental prepared contemptuous disdainful case-hardened unsubmissive unashamed obtuse

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Closefitting or hugging

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Showing or characterized by great energy and movement
snappy brisk lively active airy animate animated bouncing energetic frisky gay jaunty jazzy kinetic mettlesome peppy perky pert pizazzy pizzazzy racy spanking sparky spirited sprightly springy vital vivacious zippy dull interesting pertinent relevant stimulating to the point bouncy vigorous sparkling high-spirited zestful bubbly spry full of beans dynamic chipper playful buoyant frolicsome full of life bright-eyed and bushy-tailed bright chirpy full of vim and vigour zesty merry effervescent sportive cheerful happy exuberant vibrant enthusiastic upbeat alert dashing zingy jolly peart breezy sharp cheery blithe zappy light-hearted lighthearted fiery go-go keen strong forceful full of pep sunny nimble fresh witty gamesome mirthful spunky wick joyful jocund ebullient bold jumping full of the joys of spring piquant agile gingery carefree alive and kicking quick jocose sparkly joyous blithesome rollicking lusty tireless hardy colourful light jovial swinging industrious in high spirits full of energy hyper gleeful as lively as a grig as merry as a grig peppery humorous full of get-up-and-go ball of fire colorful lightsome jocular eager busy indefatigable pungent forcible powerful feisty untiring sturdy ludic driving red-blooded rocking enterprising impish smart bright and breezy tart tangy biting spicy entertaining glad flippant exciting mischievous tough poignant salty bustling passionate flourishing devilish punchy robust gutsy alive genial funny potent clever vivid comical thriving kittenish stirring whimsical prankish hearty elated frolic laughing scintillating skittish unflagging strenuous stalwart zealous in good spirits high-powered waggish happy-go-lucky fun-loving full of fun fast rapid swift sexy daring roguish savoury savory puckish energized activated determined amusing droll facetious flip joking sporty confident coltish insouciant excited courageous convivial gritty wild cutting buzzing perk frivolous ardent debonair venturesome energised astir untroubled unworried mobile glib happening humming wicked hopping abuzz tricksy rascally aggressive rugged impassioned abubble aboil teasing tongue-in-cheek risible elvish unconcerned festive crank quick-witted intense gladsome frolicky on the go full of spirit virile flush radiant barnstorming cheering winsome eupeptic canty high hilarious rousing grooving sound brash go-getting pushy larkish hale and hearty effective excitable in fine fettle feeling one's oats take-over good-humored raring to go good-humoured full of joie de vivre neat bubbling outgoing dapper nonchalant fervent breathless casual salacious glitzy fancy jazzlike psychedelic saucy sassy moving demoniac motive kinematic dynamical locomotive motile irrepressible youthful excellent outstanding striking magnificent marvellous new whopping wonderful marvelous remarkable exceptional fairylike graceful speedy heated dramatic valiant aware refreshing avid occupied fun uncaring unthinking unconsidered heedless indifferent hot full of vim and vigor burning carnival holiday celebratory antic elfish larky fay sportful enlivened romping vitalized naughty full of the joy of living jubilant eventful dexterous dextrous deedful espiègle healthy unserious insubstantial nippy exhilarating heady full of zip on the move severe pointed acute wanton contented festal Christmassy gala optimistic jumpy fanciful elastic volatile resilient distinctive rich tasty smiling fit strapping fine athletic acrid sarcastic stinging penetrating piercing caustic sharp-witted nimble-witted grinning able-bodied blooming bucked hopeful back-slapping good-time in good health jokey jesting content positive smiley pleasant hale strong as an lion in good trim in good kilter strong as an ox strong as an horse in tip-top condition in good shape in good condition backslapping uproarious enlivening cheerly highbrowed tactful good-natured sunny side up full of hope without a care in the world roseate glass half full rosy of good cheer up sanguine cock-a-hoop arch comic fast and furious decorated carnivalesque feastly feastful fit as a fiddle persuasive steamroller fighting fit full of vim take-charge efficient hard-driving in the pink snazzy profound quick on the draw ironic smart-aleck smart-alecky quick on the uptake slapstick pixieish scampish pixie sly leprechaunish bantering knavish pixy chucklesome devil-may-care pleasure-seeking slaphappy rakish juiced up forward self-assertive presuming clowning in fun in jest as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy on top of the world resourceful original plucky imaginative ingenious electrifying game flamboyant dazzling audacious adventurous fearless brave vehement inventive coruscating intensive storming resounding ballsy sensitive vibrating emphatic responsive creative muscular gifted capable intrepid able ambitious talented full-blooded all-out have-a-go hard-hitting high-octane adventuresome venturous go-ahead free-swinging up-and-coming nerved entrepreneurial nervy emboldened exhilarated hungry pushing progressive coming on strong itching craving gumptious hardworking yearning diligent aspiring hustling spark plug lusting hard ball innovative advancing self-starting ready trim easy natty spruce showy boisterous invigorating inspiring thrilling energizing envigorating breathtaking hair-raising gripping rip-roaring provocative energising arousing bracing riotous noisy cordial appealing animating intoxicating hectic thought-provoking charged spine-tingling challenging rowdy titillating restorative good fascinating adrenalizing brilliant unruly exhilarative loud social tonic uninhibited friendly vitalizing rambunctious electric galvanic galvanizing euphoric gregarious enjoyable unrestrained uplifting rumbustious sociable inspiriting raucous galvanising knockabout stimulative invigorated quickening relaxed kicky exultant mind-boggling mind-bending heart-stopping mind-blowing riveting roisterous eye-catching rough extroverted larking robustious vivifying tumultuous diverting heartening affable clubby encouraging inspirational easy-going emotional ecstatic rejuvenating stem-winding reviving anthemic delightful boon warm motivating swashbuckling clear intriguing gallant pleasing arresting refreshed coarse hell-raising companionable blissful graphic coquettish rested restored emotive renewing reinvigorating pleased unreserved fair saturnalian roborant exhilarant innerving revived compelling flirtatious extrovert action-packed hail-fellow-well-met pleasurable expansive provoking impressive unwearied open unconstrained extraverted emotion-charged glowing influential joshing soul-stirring lurid daffy like new rehabilitated bright-eyed bushy-tailed flirty disorderly theatrical bawdy ostentatious welcoming abandoned shaking trembling quaking pulsating throbbing suggestive heartwarming welcome extravagant ribald beaming raunchy hospitable blue vulgar expressive juicy healthful fortifying wacky conspicuous delighted broad turbulent fluid demonstrative amiable laid-back overjoyed dizzy flashy rejuvenative peaceful thrilled spectacular clamorous meaningful free and easy orgasmic lewd harsh strengthening gratified captivated intoxicated blessed blest tickled rose-colored salubrious revitalizing silly clangorous sensational feel-good health-giving bullish rejoicing gaudy breathing mellow flying high on cloud nine tickled pink can't complain looking good walking on air splashy congenial obstreperous side-splitting Pickwickian strident vociferous sympathetic memorable rough-and-tumble approachable bodacious commanding awesome camp rude supple garish crude sentient fabulous living laughable mad rhapsodical existing over the moon enchanting touching affecting fruity existent revitalising organic awe-inspiring communicative lots of laughs live biological awakening clubbable fun-filled accessible clubable at ease in the land of the living among the living having life conversible ambulatory orgiastic frolicking capering party unused young undimmed stimulated verdant relieved florid ruddy unfaded wholesome dewy creamy unwithered stylish gruff informal depraved debauched amused glittering poised pacific measured collected composed possessed commodious providential sober elevating lucrative money-making paying rewarding coy partyish glimmering glinting turnt remunerative gainful fruitful rallying laughter-filled inharmonious laid back effusive willful heartbreaking heartrending overexcited conscious ventilated easygoing easy-breezy low-pressure cute esthetic loony chaffing jollying nutty romantic attractive raffish hushed unflustered unperturbed sedate unruffled frothy agitated gushing motivational sweeping jarring aesthetic pronounced prominent bombastic personable swish elegant extant offhand undisciplined uncontrolled wayward bubbling over impactful inspirative shallow superficial cheeky trivial fancy-pants termagant skipping irregular beating springing bounding leaping hurdling quivering impelling likable off-the-wall urbane revitalized reinvigorated impetuous wilful roistering empty-headed demure giddy scatterbrained feather-brained gentlemanly sportsmanlike affectionate heroic steely tenacious valorous instigating affective instigative exalting peaches-and-cream charming talkative crazy flaky joculous gagged up campy flakey ludicrous boffo for grins piquing inciting triggering resolved steadfast resolute indomitable mettled promising great revivified rejuvenated renewed exclusive swank wild and woolly at peace self-possessed propitious comforting reassuring auspicious kind likeable childish agreeable captivating engaging vociferant over-the-top brawling contemporary sophisticated modern hip believing revitalised reenergized bright-coloured fantastic beguiling absorbing recreative nice amicable unsteady kenspeckle obvious exhibitionistic marked noticeable grabby glittery catchy distinct attention-seeking generous considerate sportsmanly decent cavorting can-do redeeming gratifying magnetic glaring brightly coloured gassy crisp cool stoked wrapped rapt satisfied rapturous enraptured chuffed shivering shuddering bling salient inspirited strengthened fortified pepped up freshened reanimated motivated perked up proactive as game as Ned Kelly neighborly functional over the top exalté rhapsodic beatific well paradisal triumphant paradisaic fulfilled enchanted paradisiacal thankful paradisaical entranced paradisiac gracious conversable rollicksome thumping ripping enthralling riot engrossing entrancing enticing relaxing scream be a ball gas priceless unmarred honorable square honest honourable evenhanded just reasonable frantic exquisite fab miraculous boss wondrous blood-tingling overwhelming large effectual indecent combative imposing startling tense manifest definite well marked evident plain up-to-date people-oriented socializing trendy satirical over the top OTT comfortable entertained magical argumentative matey neighbourly belligerent unfatigued fresh as a daisy like a new person untired quickened stunning quarrelsome Panglossian bellicose chummy inflammatory violent impellent major urging flexible propulsive chilly beneficial salutary assertive pugnacious risqué smutty indelicate assured eloquent artistic significant revealing feelgood contentious staggering suspenseful in a good mood earthy gross confrontational operating functioning close easy to get along with intimate colonial familiar easy to get on with warm-hearted good company regular sporting zero cool truculent immodest looking like an explosion in a paint factory like an explosion in a paint factory militant adjustable adaptable variable on a high in seventh heaven disputatious agitational like a new man giving one food for thought warlike charismatic activating productive self-motivated highpowered hyped-up go-getter gamy indecorous pick-me-up cold handy occupational working operational serviceable operative scrappy telling pregnant revelatory indicative evocative descriptive meaning as pleased as Punch beside oneself with joy blissed out as happy as Larry jumping for joy tickled to death starry-eyed floating on air like a dog with two tails astonishing astounding extraordinary amazing incredible agonistic accommodating chippy dirty parodic irreverent socialising gladiatorial doubtless implicit certain sure cocksure discordant climactic phenomenal practicable utile straight shooting square shooting square dealing assaultive off-color off-colored off gamey brawly malleable inspired visionary indicating emotion indicating feeling allusive deeply felt shock-horror ornery play hard ball play for keeps adult utilitarian well-oiled touchy farcical disrespectful ridibund undoubtful secure disposed to look on the bright side self-assured expectant in good heart self-confident sudden studied difficult compliant shocking shady erotic purple off colour improper lascivious raw nasty mean crass understanding representing pictorial indicating tender representative articulate pathetic thoughtful full of feeling full of emotion easy-to-read picturesque masterly silver-tongued signifying breath-taking near the bone pliant changeable pliable modifiable alterable yielding near the knuckle close to the bone Rabelaisian jaw-dropping employed gutty harum-scarum gee-whizz thin-skinned on the warpath high-strung hot-blooded versatile complaisant tolerant conformable incarnate recuperative mutable soaring corporeal bodily at work resonant hard-pressed in the flesh busy as a bee hard at work engrossed in wrapped up at work on rushed off one's feet with preoccupied with absorbed in hard at it on the hop on the job immersed in ringing sonorous reverberant reverberating cacophonous stentorious deep orotund heightened throaty blaring thundering echoing reverberative full booming intensified reverberatory pulsing carrying thunderous sonorant oscillating baritone harmonious melodious consonant canorous palpitating plangent rotund stentorian round aquiver plummy golden low blasting dinning fortissimo deafening enhanced earsplitting overpowering full-bodied ear-popping ear-shattering very loud head-splitting clearly audible deep-toned full-voiced full-throated ear-splitting ear-piercing loud-voiced

Tính từ

Imposing or constituting a physical, mental, or figurative load
trying hard tough difficult taxing fatiguing stressful arduous heavy demanding frustrating pressured upsetting aggravating bitter brutal burdensome cruel exacting exasperating excruciating exhausting fraught grievous grim grueling gruelling hardhanded harsh inhuman murderous onerous oppressive rough rugged searing severe stiff testing tiring traumatic troublesome wearing bothersome hellish irksome strenuous vexing wearisome exigent pestilent sticky tricky weighty a stinker of a challenging rigorous laborious punishing uphill toilsome back-breaking formidable crushing unpleasant backbreaking distressing harrowing wearying vexatious worrying draining herculean grinding sapping killing effortful hairy disturbing moiling tiresome hellacious awkward killer thorny sweaty worrisome painful disagreeable problematic tall tedious nasty Herculean crippling nerve-racking Augean disquieting enervating troubling stringent daunting torturous fierce annoying knackering pick-and-shovel unsettling relentless debilitating agonizing harassing distressful concerning inconvenient prickly galling knotty irritating alarming agonising labored perturbing laboured bad delicate agitating tortuous operose forbidding ticklish unsparing intolerable perplexing dismaying ponderous persnickety sensitive discomforting awful uncomfortable hostile bleak austere unbearable dodgy strict grave tense ambitious problematical discomposing savage enervative merciless bruising unremitting anxious intense tormenting wretched toilful spartan nagging disconcerting extreme terrible troublous dire energy-consuming unnerving unforgiving unfriendly nerve-wracking niggling vigorous complicated involved serious complex intricate mean wicked scary excessive touchy harrying pitiless restless nail-biting anxious-making hectic frightening creepy depleting no picnic unrelenting uneasy mighty painstaking maddening colossal precarious inexorable dangerous intimidating critical disruptive cumbersome discouraging imperious controversial rowdy provoking discommoding gloomy depressing ominous impossible gut-wrenching vile tricksy spiny catchy weary nervous abominable convoluted shattering immoderate baffling tough going draconian ruthless turbulent steep punitive dark rotten dreadful displeasing discomfiting flustering overwhelming wild intemperate inclement iffy unruly uncertain repressive infuriating murder chancy disappointing disorderly hefty hazardous boring embarrassing titanic startling pressing hurtful distasteful upstream staggering undisciplined miserable sinister foreboding devilish unyielding gargantuan pesky prohibitive tyrannical solemn slavish difficile