Từ đồng nghĩa của grievous

Alternative for grievous

Từ đồng nghĩa: awful, contemptible, deplorable, outrageous, severe, sorrowful, terrible, wretched,

Từ trái nghĩa: venial,

Tính từ

Tending to cause great distress or anxiety
deplorable appalling shocking dreadful lamentable heinous outrageous shameful atrocious egregious glaring grave dire distressful distressing flagrant gross heartbreaking heartrending iniquitous intolerable monstrous nefarious regrettable tragic tragical unbearable unfortunate unlucky woeful flagitious dismal disquieting disturbing harmful heart-rending offensive pathetic pitiful taxing troublesome upsetting villainous weighty terrible awful wretched sad miserable calamitous harrowing sorry disastrous sorrowful grim horrible frightful pitiable mournful bad horrendous catastrophic doleful horrifying devastating ghastly ruinous poor cataclysmic direful unhappy rueful piteous lousy vile hideous melancholy gruesome rotten fatal horrific abominable forlorn destructive unspeakable gloomy painful cheerless unpleasant plaintive desolate grisly alarming mean afflictive severe nasty horrid execrable joyless forbidding traumatic cataclysmal agonizing abhorrent dolorous frightening sickening gut-wrenching godawful abject depressing macabre agonising abysmal scurvy revolting fateful bitter crippling moving lugubrious serious terrifying crushing damning sombre fearful contemptible hopeless despicable disconsolate somber dread adverse saddening anguished grieving disgraceful brutal fearsome formidable loathsome affecting redoubtable scandalous black scary intimidating spine-chilling hair-raising disgusting comfortless detestable lurid dark heartbroken extreme regretful paltry nightmarish unfavourable beastly ugly disappointing base deadly afflicted objectionable shattering low very bad unfavorable cruel undesirable repugnant odious unwelcome wicked tearful plangent foul poignant morose uninviting disagreeable displeasing touching uncomfortable solemn ill-fated injurious hellacious detrimental galling diabolical grody lethal woebegone agonized dejected crummy inferior grief-stricken repulsive despondent desperate reprehensible tear-jerking dolesome savage repellent depressed unpropitious unforgivable unpalatable dreary hairy overwhelming distasteful bleak nauseating disheartening inadequate hateful heartsick terrific blue agonised glum excruciating worrying ill-starred untoward unacceptable downcast unsatisfactory stirring catastrophal inexcusable devastative chronic worthless inauspicious downhearted bewailing bemoaning wailing funeral aching deploring obnoxious annihilatory suffering distressed melancholic unsettling stinking parlous unpardonable crestfallen vicious daunting God-awful drab sordid unnerving insufferable down unsavoury nauseous hapless weeping creepy hostile difficult sullen depressive ruthful dangerous drear heartsore vexatious repellant icky elegiac off-putting tormenting funereal ominous afflicting discouraging harsh unpleasing evil unsavory impoverished down in the mouth cheap acute down in the dumps dirty dispiriting deleterious damaging substandard inopportune compassionate commiserative arousing shabby cruddy mortal blameworthy ignominious lame dishonourable dishonorable opprobrious disconcerting troubling obscene meagre beggarly meager to be pitied feeble unpromising worrisome irksome discomforting insupportable godforsaken squalid heavy-hearted baleful broken-hearted ruthless shameless stressful perturbing torturous costly hangdog preposterous critical sinister dispirited sobering petrifying hard shuddersome merciless morbid inconsolable urgent noisome agitating grewsome nightmare demoralizing demoralising sick utter from hell grotty yucky intense dolent lachrymose mirthless disgustful rancid fulsome derisible heart-wrenching tremendous filthy loathly rank noxious heavy indigent scungy sepulchral troublous fraught saddened complete discomposing downright excessive sheer arrant unlikable tasteless sick-making absolute pensive unqualified sober mortifying sedate beyond the pale out-and-out nerve-racking hurtful poverty-stricken merciful insignificant desolating ill-advised barbaric wrong baneful fiendish annihilative loss-making duff barbarous inhuman dejecting oppressive foreboding untimely infernal brutish wistful terribly bad dreaded laughable crying pressing crucial sacrificial too bad murderous ravaging cold rubbish useless pits hellish black-hearted low-down perilous threatening menacing precarious blighting earth-shattering pernicious messy sore bloodcurdling strange eerie astounding unearthly ghoulish sublime inconvenient punk unadvantageous disadvantageous drastic pitiless oppressed stark nagging dingy poxy pants a pity beseeching ruined entreating supplicating imploring commiserable unsuccessful irretrievable sorrowing senseless inglorious tough remorseful small abortive portentous bodeful exigent infamous grousing cranky grumpy bellyaching cantankerous crabby beefing lamenting nostalgic ridiculous unconscionable foolish indefensible sinful brokenhearted disheartened strong unrelenting repentant contrite flavourless flavorless dislikable insipid yicky savorless flat scarring humourless annoying humorless irritating oppressing fierce scowling ill-boding doomed luckless inimical earnest strenuous unamusing far-reaching inhumane heartless butcherly brute truculent sadistic wanton threnodic droopy heavyhearted low-spirited dirge-like ignoble immoral discreditable disreputable penitent apologetic demoralized unendurable discouraged not much cop cacodemonic facinorous unjustifiable life-threatening infelicitous bereft cast down uncool yukky sour unappealing awkward a load of pants criminal crushed nail-biting concerning heart-breaking uncongenial unlovely extremely bad nerve-wracking disappointed in pain in sorrow full of sorrow in mourning extremely upsetting trashy shoddy self-reproachful compunctious sheepish shamefaced conscience-stricken dreich saturnine destitute derisory out of sorts deathly sunless plutonian tenebrous lonesome tenebrific elegiacal tortured racked Cimmerian bereaved aggrieved beyond contempt spiritless troubled ashamed despairing teary exceptionable demoralised vulgar grubby scummy sneaking ratty scabby weepy dolorific vomitous sleazy putrid dismaying hurting god-awful squicky festy rebarbative cloying surfeiting bogging sleazeball unappetizing yucko skanky scuzzy downer bummer faulty right maximum utmost unadulterated deep veritable total radical thundering thorough ultimate proper pure supreme great almighty unalloyed uber yecchy gut-churning stomach-churning cringe-making stomach-turning vomit-inducing obvious blatant manifest conspicuous patent overt audacious barefaced naked evident brazen outright unconcealed transparent palpable undisguised plain inordinate striking pronounced apparent exorbitant enormous unmitigated significant major immoderate capital spooky frozen gnarly brass-necked out and out like death warmed up devilish ungodly depraved diabolic dastardly corrupt bestial damnable malicious satanic degenerate accursed reprobate unholy malevolent shady demonic unprincipled ferocious unrighteous callous remorseless unlawful notorious perverted violent unethical cold-blooded coarse impure bloodthirsty unutterable unscrupulous dissolute demoniac crooked malfeasant indecent perverse illegal unfair indescribable Mephistophelian malignant smutty unfeeling unclean dishonest profane impious bent warped unkind crude wrongful maleficent immodest grotesque unworthy sanguinary lewd demonical spiteful cursed raunchy demoniacal sullied knavish degrading debased underhand roguish scoundrelly unmerciful uncaring hard-hearted rascally morally wrong uncharitable dislikeable bloody malodorous fell fetid smelly peccable scurrilous mephitic bum ribald pongy stinky whiffy grimy funky not cricket niffy miasmal olid irreligious homicidal satanical sacrilegious foetid blasphemous unrespectable louche shy unsympathetic godless amoral illicit lawless illegitimate startling unreasonable miscreant unsparing on the nose unsightly gory underhanded improper third-rate degraded cold-hearted insensitive abandoned salacious licentious suggestive ghostly uncompassionate prurient unhallowed snide currish wolfish inconsiderate acrid polluted foul-smelling evil-smelling smudged bedraggled befouled bemired dusty uncleanly draggled muddy stained mucky besmirched blackened unsportsmanlike grungy begrimed soiled uncivilised uncivilized low-minded poison chilling weird X-rated felonious trying extravagant humiliating indictable Hadean bothersome deliberate ropy mediocre confounded demonian Luciferian treacherous terrorizing unjust hard-boiled profligate debauched embarrassing erring fallen ogreish inept unbecoming wrathful sucky stone-hearted unforgiving unpitying inexpressible second-rate absurd caitiff ineffable crazed tainted thick-skinned hard-nosed obdurate compassionless desensitized indurate soulless unkindly affectless slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners ironhearted case-hardened pachydermatous insensate stonyhearted stoney stony rough implacable terrorising unchaste lascivious bawdy unhealthy unbelievable unseemly scatological scatologic revulsive loose lustful unwholesome desensitised pornographic shadowy serpentine wayward sanguine hated hateable murky ornery raw porno barnyard scabrous red in tooth and claw gray grey off-color with a heart of stone spine-tingling ogry ogrish transgressing ruffianly blackguardly brackish catty thievish aberrant pestilential Kafkaesque culpable peccant sneaky Stygian untold outcast scaring crass undescribable ravening good-for-nothing naughty cussed uncouth beneath contempt frenetic maniacal mad possessed undignified ill-famed tenth-rate slimy nightmarey phantasmagorical unreal rancorous ignorant unsocial lou cowardly inequitable poisonous intemperate drunken carnal aggressive gloating abusive discommoding contaminated untamed insubordinate libidinous wild ill-reputed questionable unconcerned bearish tactless indifferent gruff not up to snuff mephistophelean unrefined uncultured unlettered bad-hearted inconceivable servile inelegant menial defective cannibalistic malign relentless stupefying detested execrated wilful vexing unimaginable reviled heartstopping backbiting untrue maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting testing pressured demanding frustrating sensational despised staggering stunning astonishing bewildering amazing very disgusting abnormal extraordinary hellborn cloven-footed needless unjustified arbitrary blood-stained highly improper onerous surprising graphic exaggerated abominated loathed abhorred cut-throat gruelling arduous tiring unprovoked red hot bungling steep spookish death-obsessed melodramatic explicit beyond words preternatural undefinable fugly misproportioned reptilian misshapen freaky inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed silly ludicrous foolish-looking faint mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural anaemic uncanny dim deathlike corpselike unnatural anemic weak gratuitous groundless motiveless indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil huckery maggot unwarranted maddening impossible OTT exasperating averse antipathetic antagonistic O.T.T. extortionate tricky antisocial unfriendly against opposite alien invidious extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different unfitted foreign irreverent too great shaming disgracing debauching depraving debasing contumelious sensationalist overdramatized colourful unrestrained rubbishy grueling too horrible for words guilty willed unmotivated in opposition kitschy pulp over the top like the back end of a bus as ugly as sin mischievous prejudicial incorrigible nocuous ill stony-hearted aimless bloodless unemotional late unheard of reeking shock-horror tacky vivid juicy reeky undisciplined unruly contrary insolent double-crossing stern inclement a stinker of a a bummer of a musty stenchy high fusty flinty yellow full-frontal draconian frowzy frowsy miasmic frowsty bad news pigpen ripe slaughterous roughshod virulent purple racy fiery salty colorful distinct garish open bold flaunting ostentatious forbidden taboo prohibited proscribed unashamed flagitous interdicted banned censored flaming noticeable unprintable bald-faced bare-faced no good rude indecorous impolite devastated mourning pessimistic stick out like sore thumb frowned on disapproved of out of bounds off limits darkening hanging out unmentionable impermissible not to be spoken of restricted off-limits no go that dare not speak its name chill lonely cloudy long-faced

Tính từ

Causing great pain or anguish
painful severe afflicting damaging grave agonising agonizing critical dreadful hurtful serious wounding bad injurious awful bitter cruel distressing excruciating galling harrowing harsh heartrending heavy terrible tormenting torturous acute calamitous harmful peracute sharp mortal significant unkind grim hard tough heartbreaking tragic heart-rending upsetting traumatic troubling cutting sad unfortunate troublesome regrettable vexing unpleasant dismaying stinging slighting scathing woeful nasty dismal trying distressful irksome lamentable taxing dire worrying exacting discomforting unforgiving stressful barbed offensive insulting malicious savage spiteful destructive vitriolic caustic pernicious acid pointed maleficent acerbic mordacious trenchant vicious catty biting venomous sarcastic mean poisonous acrimonious hateful virulent mordant snarky sardonic acidulous hostile rancorous acerb corrosive malignant tart vindictive acrid unfriendly malevolent acidic astringent scalding satirical malign pungent searing satiric snide ill-natured smart-aleck smart-mouthed smart-alecky rude incisive malefic piercing sarky waspish abrasive devastating evil-intentioned inconsiderate abusive razor-edged baleful brutal withering evil despiteful penetrating stern keen brusque churlish ornery vengeful splenetic disagreeable uncharitable antagonistic defamatory shrewish insensitive wicked unsympathetic callous angry dirty cussed aggressive squint-eyed mean-spirited bad-tempered ill-tempered evil-minded mischievous rough bilious unfeeling blistering belittling resentful heartless inhospitable pitiless surly derisive ill-disposed ruthless obnoxious vile cantankerous curt scornful thoughtless annoying beastly wretched burning dry low viperous ill-humored accidentally on purpose ill-humoured prejudicial backbiting slanderous derogatory derisory austere tactless inappropriate strict menacing grudging hate-filled vitriolous snappish snippy testy acetose short snappy disapproving rigid rigorous mocking bad-natured sharp-worded peppery double-edged ungracious shocking disparaging unsparing fierce grating envenomed belligerent noxious irascible stringent disturbing crabbed deleterious gross detrimental rotten confrontational combative pugnacious wrathful bellicose irritating slashing cynical contemptuous ferocious scorching spleenful horrid vituperative viperish toxicant uncool envious petty acetic tonic rapier-like unsociable joyless militant uncongenial dripping with malice taunting comfortless alarming scarring scrappy furious sour filthy snarling coruscating dripping venom full of spleen full of gall spiky argumentative gruff disquieting foul rubbing the wrong way hard to take jeering sulphurous sulfurous chilling terrifying mind-blowing horrifying despicable extremely critical execrable currish dishonorable contemptible base detestable ignominious sordid paltry ignoble dishonourable uncaring low-minded low-down inhuman hard-hearted compassionless shabby merciless cold-hearted uncivil unkindly unamiable ungenerous unchristian hardhearted inhumane coldhearted sadistic ill cold-blooded barbarous not nice crisp cold

Tính từ

Imposing or constituting a physical, mental, or figurative load
hard harsh tough severe onerous trying rough grim oppressive excruciating burdensome cruel heavy brutal rugged bitter stiff searing murderous inhuman hardhanded difficult taxing harrowing exacting demanding rigorous arduous troublesome challenging punishing painful weighty crushing strenuous agonizing unpleasant laborious torturous stressful distressing toilsome gruelling testing grueling stringent agonising vexatious formidable wearisome exigent exhausting bleak intolerable worrying galling tiring back-breaking wearing forbidding hellish disagreeable bothersome backbreaking uncomfortable tricky tortuous awful uphill irksome savage disturbing traumatic sticky hostile unbearable intense dire bad fierce austere worrisome thorny tedious tormenting herculean draining moiling killer unrelenting merciless hurtful effortful spartan upsetting grave unfriendly strict serious unendurable fatiguing solemn wretched hellacious sapping killing sweaty pitiless awkward excessive insufferable relentless extreme ambitious inexorable delicate heartrending nasty critical persnickety prickly wearying hairy fraught grinding hazardous distressful afflictive tall superincumbent afflicting gut-wrenching ruthless Herculean inhospitable draconian nerve-racking knotty intemperate inclement problematic comfortless crippling tight daunting enervating sensitive tense dark bruising ponderous frustrating pressured sore imperious vexing dangerous unsparing sharp unforgiving discomforting exasperating perilous precarious painstaking biting tyrannical domineering heartbreaking heart-rending exorbitant immoderate heavy-handed stormy steep drastic overwhelming straitened punitive unfair Spartan great wild labored intensive mighty vicious overweening terrible aching repressive anxious smarting impossible colossal hurting annoying ferocious sombre somber stern tender burning problematical ticklish chancy concerning dodgy iffy hurt unjust irritated calamitous titanic prohibitive raw stinging inflamed throbbing chafed reddened irritating laboured hectic agitating dubious suspect questionable debilitating achy bruised tiresome unnerving pressing disastrous injured red toilful operose cumbersome hefty pained sober wounded upstream vigorous intimidating jarring knackering gargantuan unyielding in pain scabrous afflicted pick-and-shovel Augean troubling depleting shattering backbreaker nagging distressed abscessed ulcerated energy-consuming anxiety-ridden abusive forceful stark dreadful unkind barbarous embittering stretching inconvenient blinding racking a nuisance bare-bones barren desolate an imposition carking aggravating shocking controversial complex complicated profound confused concentrated abstruse te recondite turbulent tempestuous careful hypercritical by the book thorough precise nit-picking pestilent considerable significant life-threatening acute tumultuous violent consequential major dicey easier said than done high-impact slavish torturesome drudgy high-pressure really hard tough going worksome uphill battle hard-won immense no picnic marathon difficile unremitting problem ominous not easy staggering like getting blood out of a stone very hard almighty gigantic a stinker of a rigid threatening ugly embarrassing unreasonable sobering big peracute menacing dictatorial heightened autocratic uncompromising charged uneasy time-consuming despotic undemocratic implacable tyrannous humourless sedate humorless staid sobersided authoritarian iron-fisted inordinate undue tickly flustering disconcerting discomfiting flinty overbearing coercive anti-democratic unsmiling obdurate no-nonsense uncomic astringent dolorous bumpy strong unconscionable swingeing towering unmerciful high-handed peremptory causing discomfort ill-fitting itchy incommodious confronting scratchy hard-nosed po-faced disheartening gloomy discouraging dispiriting ironhanded dismal depressive depressing confining mean headache hardheaded intractable overextravagant extravagant overmuch headstrong overdue insane plethoric baroque devilish robust rough going tingly twingeing broken gammy damaged grazed lacerated scratched black-and-blue gashed bleeding impaired struck ruptured discoloured mangled discolored stricken achy breaky piercing agonised pounding tingling marred disfigured beaten mutilated cut disabled battered gnawing suffering mauled incapacitated weakened caustic crushed scraped nicked agonized smartful tired busted up hit harmed scarred poignant disquieting yukky unwelcome unhappy sour wicked miserable rotten distasteful unpalatable yucky chilling displeasing uncongenial unlovely unpleasing unsavory tragic sad icky remorseless mortifying unsavoury provoking offensive hard-hearted lavish fancy outrageous extortionate unmeasurable over the top uncalled-for dizzying disproportionate high sky-high unwarranted exaggerated too much overkill irrational needless OTT improper unjustifiable unwarrantable way out uncalled for a bit much enormous stratospheric superfluous over-the-top preposterous unnecessary inflexible unbending pricey too great illogical too-too overpriced unrestrained dear profligate unjustified self-indulgent prodigal overabundant wanton senseless far-out posh costing an arm and a leg out of bounds absonant unrightful up to here unlawful wrongful arbitrary elevated surplus radical dissipated indulgent recrementitious over overboard supernatural extra super superabundant redundant boundless more limitless unbounded desperate unseemly extraordinary criminal egregious monstrous unrestricted gratuitous unlimited uncurbed too many over the odds overindulgent imprudent firm unacceptable O.T.T. nonsensical absolute uncharitable unsympathetic out of all proportion profuse in excess abounding illegitimate inflated Draconian iniquitous absurd expensive punitory quiet penal costly unreasoned ludicrous untempered supererogatory wasteful iron-handed very high far-fetched uncontrolled imbalanced unprovoked serious-minded blown up out of all proportion overblown theatrical overdone dramatic powerful very too reckless momentous far-reaching inexcusable unbridled zealous unmitigated substantial unusual exceptional fanatical decadent unbalanced dissipative riotous debauched uncivilised unthinkable ridiculous inconceivable appalling sneaky conscienceless knavish reprehensible uncivilized ungodly horrifying unholy very expensive downright unconventional flagrant uncommon remarkable gross ornate unfeeling heartless stony fabulous utter sheer rococo uncaring unpitying out-and-out potent blustery gusty blistering beyond the pale out of control unmoved unappeasable out of proportion a lot stony-hearted lacking compassion cold-blooded cold-hearted with a heart of stone vindictive unsuitable inappropriate solid single-minded dour disciplinarian resolved hard-line dogged callous hardened hard-core steadfast obstinate resolute ascetical immovable dyed-in-the-wool hardhearted browbeating mulish ossified stiff-necked ascetic determined unflinching disciplinary bullheaded explosive boisterous squally forcible powerhouse elaborate elegant decorated bizarre non-essential unneeded fulsome imposing lofty grotesque over-elaborate flamboyant curlicued convoluted flowery fussy overpowering soaring unmerited unbecoming undeserved florid ostentatious overelaborate overdecorated busy bedecked wedding-cake showy gingerbread exceeding inept untimely ill-advised underhanded unapt unfitting forbidden indecorous sinister inapt ill-timed illegal unseasonable embellished ornamental ornamented rich gilt decorative very elaborate not required giant striking multistorey impressive huge monumental mountainous supreme massive sky-scraping outstanding paramount magnificent mammoth Brobdingnagian vast surpassing superior altitudinous transcendent whopping hulking prodigious sublime stellar ginormous airy imperial preeminent spiring stupendous aerial fantastic unmatchable ultimate towery tremendous skyscraping

Tính từ

Full of danger or risk
dangerous hazardous perilous risky unsafe threatening parlous serious grave menacing jeopardising jeopardizing unhealthy venturesome treacherous chancy precarious dicey hairy insecure unsound uncertain touch-and-go gnarly vulnerable fraught with danger exposed dodgy delicate unstable touchy difficult critical shaky high-risk ticklish touch and go on thin ice harmful tricky desperate problematic unpredictable sticky thorny iffy jeopardous rocky terrifying dynamite wicked unsteady at risk playing with fire alarming injurious speculative unsure life-threatening loaded defenceless lethal in danger fatal defenseless in jeopardy Russian roulette hanging by a thread awkward taxing hot haphazard adverse deadly detrimental adventurous venturous dangersome viperous bad hurtful damaging shonky deleterious endangered prejudicial nocuous pernicious wide-open long shot on slippery ground out on a limb baleful baneful severe troubling noxious threatened destructive malignant toxic unreliable unprotected explosive tottering rickety untrustworthy erratic fearsome slippery undependable wobbly on a limb open to attack death-defying rugged extreme nasty unpleasant tense messy troublesome hostile aggressive ominous rough sinister sour violent disagreeable dirty filthy troublous charged quarrelsome direful minacious pugnacious intimidating vexatious bellicose ugly problematical sensitive unsettled knotty dubious prickly tough tricksy spiny catchy in the balance doubtful breakneck capricious unchancy complicated reckless controversial daredevil dire acute incalculable daring in doubt embarrassing very bad terrible complex involved vexed convoluted life-and-death intricate unknown volatile fluctuant sketchy unresolved up in the air exigent foolhardy scary uncomfortable uneasy tight unclear not safe contentious cliffhanging suspenseful exciting thrilling emotive hanging in the balance trying undecided on a slippery slope built on sand tender peracute profound irksome worrying nice upsetting bothersome concerning egregious tentative tenuous conditional inconstant hard fickle temperamental mercurial variable changeable flimsy calamitous dreadful in lap of gods suspicious fishy hesitant whimsical in the lap of the gods suspect nebulous perplexing quirky fiddly feeble undetermined unconfirmed at stake at issue flammable awful intolerable lamentable appalling hopeless deplorable frightful pending debatable unconvincing fragile at a crisis riding on it at a turning point at a critical stage combustible unforeseeable indeterminate undefined poor sorry outrageous lousy unbalanced conjectural questionable indistinct easily threatened easily destroyed easily broken ignitable incendiary burnable irredeemable irretrievable chronic up for grabs open to question in limbo teetering tottery wobbling impregnable formidable serpentine mortal heavy portentous pressing queasy urgent impending unfastened doddery unsecured movable on collision course fiery combustive ignitible bockety giddy moving mobile lubricious not fixed dizzy wiggly weak not secure inflammable

Tính từ

Severe or intense, especially in a painful or unpleasant way
acute intense fierce profound deep extreme violent ferocious terrible excruciating dreadful severe heavy vehement almighty strong blistering powerful explosive hard vicious furious hellacious exquisite frightful sharp agonising agonizing intensive piercing ghastly searing fearsome burning fearful harrowing overwhelming racking consuming unbearable harsh tormenting torturous shooting concentrated penetrating stabbing insufferable excessive serious cutting unendurable heightened overpowering distressing hellish poignant peracute shrill sudden heavy-duty finely tuned awful painful grave brutal wrenching savage bitter very bad killing dire forceful parlous biting punishing grueling vigorous raging intolerable mighty caustic pounding keen crushing gruelling torturing galling worrying afflicting forcible devastating tearing stinging cruel tremendous great heartbreaking thunderous potent puissant inexcusable unforgivable reprehensible indefensible disgraceful shameful hefty thumping splitting extremely painful aggressive oppressive rending infuriating chastening cringe-making irritating torturesome toe-curling tedious embarrassing stultifying insupportable impossible repressive unrelenting grim smart prickly smarting gutsy powerhouse unsparing critical telling punchy not to be borne hurting aculeate drastic alarming appalling raw desperate woeful dangerous perilous hurtful heartrending life-altering consequential catastrophic ruinous gut-wrenching heart-rending struggling suffering tortuous disturbing sore life-threatening momentous far-reaching destructive life-changing mightful dynamic annihilating desolating calamitous damaging strengthful strengthy rugged robust really hard hard-hitting very hard all-powerful extraordinary passionate dramatic incredible indescribable prodigious remarkable wild turbulent fervent all-consuming tempestuous ardent fervid flaming unutterable torrid stormy tumultuous blustery deep-seated impassioned zealous exceptional earnest fanatical uncontrollable pungent fiery frenzied unrestrained gusty uncontrolled marked inflamed howling vivid immoderate inclement squally intemperate relentless major compelling energetic eager incommunicable cut-throat feverish urgent supreme perfervid gripping heartfelt emphatic avid heated unqualified rampant intensified unbridled cyclonic absorbing uncommunicable high inordinate thorough intriguing peppery tough thundery boisterous storming typhonic blustering choppy volcanic volatile devouring red-hot deeply felt riveting fascinating interesting hot coercive stiff diabolical unstoppable sound inexpressible enormous pronounced knifelike protracted close full brisk undue diligent exaggerated total strained charged mother of all significant emotional enthused passional melodramatic torrential stark titanic emotive overemotional sentimental all-pervading competitive warm-blooded rapid uninhibited gung ho hopped up spirited true blue hot-blooded entrenched devout abject true genuine dog-eat-dog menacing bumpy windy honest enthusiastic sincere hard-core intrenched unfeigned wholehearted rooted rough swirling fast rushing fast-flowing ruthless pointed annihilatory corrosive edacious voracious gluttonous insatiable deep-rooted stirring warm bona fide rousing inveterate chaotic restless roaring stormful unconcealed visceral primal undisguised incisive scathing settled thoroughgoing acid tart engrossing resounding ungovernable impetuous undescribable forced intimidating strong-arm bullying sarcastic astringent acerbic mordant rabid rampaging riotous bred-in-the-bone confirmed forthright driving clear uncurbed unchecked unmanageable unfettered crisp acidulous explicit distinct effective blunt convulsive enraged strenuous vitriolic unequivocal withering mordacious edgy enthralling paroxysmal outrageous aroused acerb trenchant sardonic out of control besetting compulsive preoccupying full of force gale force immersing obsessive involving arresting dominating engaging rapier-like razor-edged provocative intellectual stimulating thought-provoking intelligent razor-sharp exhausting sophisticated cultured highbrowed cultivated heavyweight learned scholarly captivating literary classical highbrow intellective more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand more than flesh and blood can bear

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Causing or liable to cause death or tragedy
mortal deadly fatal lethal deathly destructive murderous terminal baleful killer fell noxious pestilent malignant poisonous baneful killing incurable vital pestilential serious mortiferous dead mortuary grim monstrous death-dealing life-threatening dangerous harmful ruinous pernicious devastating disastrous calamitous injurious virulent violent deleterious brutal catastrophic cataclysmic savage detrimental fierce homicidal grave toxic hurtful vicious damaging dire venomous internecine bloody cruel evil nocuous dreadful fateful cataclysmal awful tragic final damning terrible bloodthirsty diseased severe ferocious crippling causing death mephitic crushing critical devastative wounding painful annihilatory unfortunate pestiferous annihilative maleficent cancerous carcinogenic barbarous sanguinary direful infectious barbaric untreatable sanguine murdering destroying sanguineous woeful appalling unlucky bloody-minded ominous miserable cut-throat adverse lamentable agonizing bad suicidal distressing malefic sharp ravaging disadvantageous galling heavy slaughterous heartrending eradicative acute harrowing harsh ill-fated ill-starred agonising corrupting contaminating tainting troublesome necrotic maniacal vindictive uncontrollable afflicting unhealthy oncogenic tumorous carcinomatous malevolent prejudicial shattering catastrophal invasive slaying ruthless cannibalistic lethiferous erosive extirpative cutthroat consumptive wreckful wrackful noisome ill hazardous death dealing metastatic irremediable fire-and-brimstone portentous apocalyptical apocalyptic environmentally unfriendly threatening unsafe capital excruciating bitter tormenting torturous mischievous wicked spreading peracute hellfire very dangerous touch and go significant mortifying powerful annihilating desolating strong hard forceful inhuman mighty civil exterminating family internal exterminatory explosive hefty great furious decimating havoc-wreaking costly vigorous overwhelming overpowering forcible thunderous almighty pathetic deathlike mutually harmful mutually destructive dynamic rough potent criminal anguished mournful wretched sorrowful shocking abject sad moving dismal doleful unhappy cyclonic smart all-powerful cadaverous horrendous pitiable stirring vexatious melancholy piteous despondent disturbing pitiful deplorable dejected heartbreaking regrettable gruesome distressful gloomy forlorn desolate corpselike hapless heart-rending ghostly ghostlike tomblike corpse-like

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(of a person) Lacking sophistication or refinement
rough unrefined coarse rude uncouth crude loutish uncultured churlish ungracious blunt brusque curt impolite vulgar boorish crass discourteous ill-bred tough uncivil bluff brutal brutish dour foul hard ill-mannered indecent indecorous indelicate lewd oafish obscene offensive profane ribald severe uncultivated unmannerly unpolished austere bawdy bearish dirty fierce filthy forbidding grim gross inconsiderate inelegant roughcast rugged stern stiff vulgarian bad-mannered cruel gruff harsh inhuman intimidating louring mean stark steely untutored artless bitter common flinty foul-mouthed hardhanded heavy improper insensible loud lowbred lowbrow onerous oppressive tasteless unceremonious ungentle incult lowering murderous raffish roughneck ungentlemanly unladylike low rough-hewn uncivilized illiberal unsophisticated uncivilised graceless barbaric raw barbarian barbarous primitive savage raunchy philistine tactless clumsy uneducated smutty unseemly wild rustic unmannered blue Neanderthal impure awkward earthy natural abrupt short nasty ignorant surly yobbish thoughtless X-rated disrespectful pornographic sharp heathen suggestive impertinent inept off-color mannerless snippy thuggish offhand salacious inappropriate heathenish snappy crusty Neandertal no-nonsense lascivious sullen cheap gauche unfriendly naughty ungallant gutter saucy tart unprintable off colour trashy locker-room wanton adult undiplomatic fruity cloddish slobbish terse immodest uncalled-for near the knuckle unhandsome ungraceful immoral bungling impudent risqué porny grave stag brash serious indiscreet clodhopping racy ungodly unsmiling vicious base short-spoken blundering maladroit snappish insolent vile brusk brief unsubtle brisk clownish ungainly native gawky downright direct spicy provincial shameless steamy gamy unchivalrous swinish insulting sober wicked stony tacky abusive off unbecoming sombre somber scatological to the point callous untamed scatologic Rabelaisian strict licentious ferocious impatient unsavory lumpish heavy-handed cavalier rigorous unsavoury abrasive illiterate caustic sordid malodorous classless impetuous audacious cold unsuitable in bad taste insensitive broad lumpen simple ordinary disgracious cheeky laconic stringent unrelenting pitiless benighted rash stupid lubberly crabbed hardened crisp disapproving solemn frowning hasty matter-of-fact inexorable untactful fresh unfitting plebby corrupt inapt incorrect outspoken horny carnal unfit untoward voluptuous fleshly aloof devilish stilted plain-spoken perverse incongruous unhappy amiss infelicitous malapropos wrong inapposite unapt frigid icy frosty badly behaved titillating tawdry prurient outlandish loud-mouthed porn porno hard-core plebeian boisterous scurrilous explicit nudge-nudge in poor taste bad-tempered feral unchaste craggy sensual ill-tempered sour stolid roughhewn snippety parochial hooligan short-tempered morose derogatory robust rowdy beastly truculent spartan bestial imprudent breviloquent relentless low-minded dense cantankerous ornery monosyllabic hick countrified undomesticated straightforward burdensome searing trying excruciating unholy disagreeable unbefitting unconscionable nonliterate lippy unpolitic injudicious frank presumptuous sexy erotic rigid uncomfortable uneasy wooden inurbane disgusting lumbering ungenteel gaudy non-literate underbred contumelious malapert undue impolitic unworldly offish undignified fiendish backwoods unenlightened bodily blasphemous unacceptable sickening unfeeling unrestrained rustical unsympathetic glowering menacing saturnine upfront rough-and-tumble randy rank sexual outrageous uninhabited unpleasant lush mean-looking ill-advised out of place unworthy discreditable lustful lecherous low-bred poor uncharitable earnest arousing libidinous flip obdurate astringent strait-laced sleazy peremptory grim-faced out of keeping distasteful skin low-down-and-dirty not afraid to call a spade a spade soft-core unlovely low-down salty overbearing unclean hard-nosed corporeal close to the bone straight from the shoulder like a bull in a china shop out-of-line in a state of nature undecorous socially unsure shocking near the bone socially inept lacking in social graces socially awkward unfashionable basic unfinished roisterous rollicking obnoxious obtuse unlettered lowdown and dirty vernacular low-born ferine fell homespun agrestic clipped misbehaved baseborn general ill-behaved succinct concise testy large subhuman troglodytic unscrupulous pithy grumpy sketchy Philistine pointed rough and ready nescient ungentlemanlike doltish bullying bourgeois merciless trailer-park backward immature improprietous gloomy dismal shoddy jungli revolting hoonish irascible undeveloped gritty ill-suited unsuited dreary decisive ill-natured uncontrolled ocker unpoised materialist unread commercial unwise inadvisable sooty formal petulant common as muck tight-lipped vigorous hard-skinned rough-skinned tough-skinned uncommunicative poker-faced aboriginal crotchety crabby grouchy taciturn exploitative corrupting beyond the pale nauseating pert brassy businesslike bald bumbling off-colour mature disparaging unthinking unperceptive tetchy cross bizarre fast libertine evil-minded orgiastic incontinent reserved juicy arrogant ridiculous foulmouthed gawkish dorky blunderous undexterous klutzy stumbling blockish uncoordinated inartistic anti-intellectual unwholesome colloquial derisive bad degrading unsettling affronting vilifying vituperative unutterable chilly stuffy unemotional rogue careless irritable moody cocky untimely lacking in propriety unfair unworthy of uncomely unseasonable butterfingered dozy gruesome sick gangling clunky purple low-down and dirty off-colored out of line sly scabrous gamey rascally uncomplimentary distant exacting inflexible ill-humoured hillbilly smart-alecky mouthy smart alecky brazen precipitate dusty insubordinate inaffable disdainful inexpert unskilful uninformed unconventional unjust unrighteous unequitable reprehensible unrightful wrongful melancholic bleak hard-faced dejected glum ugly sulky unforgiving authoritarian unyielding unbending forthright candid open hearty flashy garish intrusive yokelish bounderish concupiscent angry ill-humored drastic pulling no punches remote solid ramrod unequivocal flash showy ostentatious good-natured genial approachable debased not mincing one's words speaking one's mind calling a spade a spade not beating about the bush extreme in the gutter ape-like lusty meretricious naff tatty friendly hard-boiled all thumbs with two left feet godless immoderate punishing punitive inordinate crippling kitsch blustering barefaced cheery honest sincere taboo threatening unbroken ornate useless hideous pretentious foolish unsightly unclassy trivial artificial makeshift fiery disreputable exorbitant swingeing towering excessive unmerciful strong overweening intolerable steep draconian sinful depraved irreligious impious profligate repulsive cheap and nasty ignoble questionable speaking as one finds scandalous malicious rakish calloused fearsome physical animal odious hardheaded overextravagant extravagant headstrong insane plethoric baroque intractable overmuch overdue frightful frightening irreverent atheistic colourful cutthroat grimy mucky grubby wilding hellish horrible uncompromising colorful unvirtuous epicurean venomous intense great implacable pagan sacrilegious non-theistic shameful ruffian humourless sedate humorless staid repressive sobersided demonic evil iniquitous weighty uncomic free sybaritic luscious sensuous hedonistic luxurious untouched infernal satanic diabolical out of the way overrun overgrown rampant agrarian appetitive Dionysiac unspiritual voluptuary escaped neglected luxuriant indigenous deserted desert waste desolate po-faced malevolent unhallowed moving stirring exciting hedonic stimulating delightful physically gratifying pleasing animalistic hot tactile sensory sharpened debauched dissolute degenerate loose reprobate dissipated unprincipled dishonourable abandoned dishonorable perverted lubricious promiscuous villainous nefarious decadent unethical provocative goatish shady dishonest demoralized despicable passionate demoralised criminal contemptible atrocious profaned desecrated unblushing disgraceful degraded lubricous satyric hypersexual itchy warped lickerish intemperate uncleanly abominable detestable ignominious Fescennine defiled appalling jackleg rakehell rakehelly devious infamous bold deplorable forward monstrous amoral scurvy abhorrent not pure crooked tempting heinous miscreant rotten seductive embarrassing Cyprian flagrant ruttish flirtatious unspeakable tainted execrable wretched illicit unlawful pervy opprobrious uninhibited fallen loathsome kinky contaminated abject sexually explicit underhand wayward dark morally wrong inviting egregious flagitious of easy virtue tantalizing alluring not cricket low-life unabashed unashamed amorous hankering sullied itching desirous ithyphallic tarty blatant unembarrassed unhealthy vitiated shabby whorish underhanded sneaking sexually arousing sexually exciting remorseless blameworthy lurid deceitful corrupted illegal maleficent undisguised lowlife dangerous page-three dirty-minded incorrigible black louche tantalising swinging unconstrained hurtful dreadful dastardly hateful heartless inexcusable felonious unforgivable indictable lawless sneaky deceptive drunken overbold terrible scummy censurable easy worthless awful slimy noxious fast and loose bent in the fast lane no-good revealing risque libellous libelous fleshy entertaining lively barro profanatory barnyard callow daring slippery fractious full-frontal grody freethinking uncontrollable morally bereft sizzling scungy XXX depraving delinquent lawbreaking uncurbed grown up despisable snide paltry currish hot and heavy perverting culpable under-the-table condemnable lax relaxed unruly unmoral disorderly ardent objectionable lame lousy meanspirited against the law amatory sexually suggestive violent aphrodisiac annoying irritating vitriolic blamable base-minded groveling aphrodisiacal farmyard demoralizing subversive slipshod scabby malignant ratty cruddy disdainable displeasing craving sadistic pejorative denigratory invective deprecatory deviant hircine hot-blooded grovelling inglorious riotous sorry undesirable cold-blooded ruthless wounding exasperating indulgent flagitous twisted demoralising erring bloodthirsty bloody galling personal vexing provoking slighting exceptionable humiliating vituperatory scurrile scurril groundless sicko unnatural unrespectable knavish indefensible notorious shy diabolic guilty good-for-naught no-count meritless good-for-nothing no-account brute homicidal inhumane butcherly illegitimate roguish deteriorated violated deleterious injurious damaging contemptuous slinky baneful harmful pernicious mischievous malfeasant scoundrelly stinking prejudicial nocuous adverse baleful fast-living detrimental peccable ill sanguinary offending vituperous defiant black-hearted bad news self-indulgent pleasure-seeking high living upsetting faulty putrid come-hither piquant coquettish brazen-faced night owl lacking restraint gone bad gone to the dogs rancid repellant repellent horrendous fulsome horrifying horrid repugnant insupportable noisome nauseous forbidden fraudulent unpardonable desecrating pushy voyeuristic prohibited proscribed overt desperate red hot backbiting untrue crying highly improper maligning traducing detractive gossiping detracting longing beguiling enchanting intoxicating heady intriguing enticing encouraging bewitching interesting Machiavellian dodgy arch wise bold-faced sassy nervy cocksure brassbound interdicted banned ineffable censored impenitent arrant unconcealed unrepentant transparent violating irreverential infidel heretical saturnalian indescribable hotshot spunky gutsy bald-faced as bold as brass inopportune inexpedient without shame high-handed frowned on disapproved of out of bounds off limits inapplicable unwarranted discordant inharmonious unmentionable impermissible restricted off-limits irregular discrepant erroneous inadmissible not to be spoken of no go inaccurate abnormal preposterous ludicrous odd false ill-timed out-of-place out-of-season off-base at odds bad form that dare not speak its name

Tính từ

(of an object or situation) Significant in degree of importance or urgency
major important significant crucial serious urgent core critical fundamental key big consequential considerable focal grave intrinsic meaningful paramount pertinent pivotal pressing substantial vital weighty appreciable central integral large main material ponderous primary principal profound sweeping capital dire essential exceptional exigent far-reaching heavy heavy-duty high-priority imposing intense large-scale notable noteworthy prime pronounced severe sizable acute almighty burning cardinal determining especial eventful foremost heavyweight historic immediate impactful influential instrumental mighty monumental overriding pointed powerful prominent salient striking telling top-priority worthwhile all-important big league big-league big-time dangerous grand high-level high-profile life and death life-changing major-league of concern of consequence of note overshadowing top-level life-and-death of great consequence momentous earthshaking earth-shattering much decisive chief tectonic of moment of significance earnest great portentous of great import solemn somber sombre outstanding sober leading imperative remarkable fateful sedate staid necessary no joke no laughing matter basic deciding humourless humorless memorable of great importance no-nonsense relevant conclusive big deal deep epoch-making settling landmark impressive radical indispensable blue-chip predominant headline signal final dominant underlined uncomic definitive marked forceful extensive groundbreaking extraordinary compelling front-page active top lively useful ground-breaking requisite climacteric hefty tough noticeable conspicuous difficult strong pre-eminent major league hard professional famous staple obvious original four-star high-power imperious strictly business innovative absolute playing hard ball massive premier certain substantive quintessential supreme pioneering underlying rudimentary necessitous preeminent first elementary dynamic elemental mandatory needed required foundational valuable structural determinative dramatic clamorous strenuous indicative milestone inherent energetic constitutional rudimental extreme unforgettable earth-shaking prerequisite constitutive of importance meat-and-potatoes must-have quantum vitally important ultimate life-preserving life-sustaining arresting overwhelming celebrated busy full moving intrusive projecting protruding arrestive jutting obtrusive meaty last clear exciting red-letter super breakthrough valid purposeful eminent greatest renowned famed drastic applicable highest super colossal mammoth event-filled egregious responsible defining shaping causal evaluative apocalyptic hectic action-packed arch commanding epochal innovatory revolutionary strategic pithy apposite germane fitting well-known creative testing sententious definite huge appropriate apropos apt world-shaking world-shattering formative trying searching basal trenchant authoritative sizeable psychological solid high priority imaginative decided incisive special carrying a lot of weight ponderable characteristic root primordial primitive organic initial natural compulsory desperate overruling primal tremendous real widespread crisp fatal operative settled peremptory sensational distinctive rare uncommon glaring unusual newsworthy needful obligatory constituent productive stunning devastating earthshattering ruling master climactic firm respectable sturdy sound touchy insistent showdown climatic component connected innate glum beginning introductory abecedarian ingrained litmus test preponderant resonant keynote generous unordinary glorious particular emphatic good durable healthy ample stern touch and go hanging by thread on thin ice now or never worthy of attention potent wide-ranging broad gloomy dour grim vigorous superabundant abundant galvanic vast steady all important at the heart of sustaining axiomatic axiological bottom-line supporting deep-seated substratal substrative grass-roots theoretical bottom underived groundlaying austere blanket all-embracing overarching quiet downbeat sad called for cold sober germinal inspiring inspirational seminal generative far-flung expansive comprehensive ambitious extended wide rangy pervasive wholesale big-deal much needed very important life-or-death of the utmost importance of the essence clamant matter of life and death importunate far-ranging in-depth across-the-board emergent crying across the board prevalent controversial topical current harsh urging propulsive violent enterprising driving motivating impellent instant contemporary disastrous life-threatening distressing live of interest terrible painful brutal bad awful hazardous arduous fierce toilsome threatening bitter bleak ugly taxing sobering worrying perilous intensive peracute exacting punishing menacing excessive precarious grinding competent arterial talented through trunk top-notch able big time excellent effectual of use capable robust number-one stupendous effective splendid splendorous of value skookum top-drawer efficient efficacious most influential most important

Tính từ

Not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice
unfair biased prejudiced unjust discriminatory inequitable partisan bigoted discriminating partial prejudicial unequal colored coloured distorted iniquitous intolerant preferential slanted unprincipled unwarranted warped weighted arbitrary cheating devious discreditable dishonest dishonourable dishonorable fraudulent improper loaded unbalanced undue unethical uneven unlawful bad base blameworthy criminal cruel culpable deceitful false immoral inexcusable injurious low petty shameful shameless unrightful vicious vile wicked wrong wrongful non-objective one-sided uncalled-for jaundiced lopsided skewed parti pris influenced narrow-minded racist racialist chauvinistic disproportionate unreasonable unjustified tendentious uncalled for ill-matched twisted blinkered sexist chauvinist anti-gay homophobic anti-Semitic heterosexist predisposed indefensible undeserved prepossessed groundless illiberal small-minded excessive invidious dogmatic narrow sectarian xenophobic opinionated parochial misleading dictatorial inappropriate unmerited unjustifiable gratuitous undemocratic irregular factional inordinate ageist disablist classist nonsymmetrical overbalanced interested unforgivable inclined inflexible fanatical uncompromising subjective incommensurate fixed swayed uncharitable blind preconceived unindifferent not in proportion to out of proportion to imbalanced relatively too small for relatively too large for random offensive favouring objectionable deleterious detrimental discriminative ill-disposed jingoistic obstinate favoring embittered rigged favorably unrepresentative favourably illicit illegal illegitimate high-handed unconstitutional autocratic outrageous unacceptable unpardonable disposed minded inadequate insufficient shabby unrighteous underhand low-down crooked favorably inclined baseless needless injudicious unwarrantable unfounded insulting misrepresented lawless felonious unnecessary below the belt perverted incommensurable evil reprehensible off-balance inequal unproportionate exclusive devoted overzealous cliquish unreasoning accessory sympathetic fanatic zealous diehard denominational limited conspiratorial adhering falsified misreported inaccurate garbled disproportionate to resentful misstated cynical bitter jealous not appropriate for not proportional at odds with lacking parity doctored changed altered envious out of line out of keeping with suspicious tampered with tinkered with provincial unsympathetic insular sceptical asymmetric too much disparate top-heavy superfluous inconsistent unsymmetrical rigid unforgiving disenchanted soured disillusioned hostile pessimistic distrustful disappointed misanthropic green-eyed covetous not appropriate to out of proportion not commensurate with irritable unwilling outraged short-fuse obdurate antipathetic indignant unindulgent individualistic snappy irate averse upset worked-up waspish contemptuous unforbearing hateful fractious stuffy disdainful tilted spiteful unobjective conditioned yellow unenthusiastic skeptical grudging tainted jaded opprobrious disapproving myopic fattist hidebound extreme presupposing closed-minded intransigent doctrinaire leaning small-town localist inward-looking restricted short-sighted petty-minded close-minded picayune dyed-in-the-wool Lilliputian entrenched small blimpish claustral parish-pump jerkwater conventional little reactionary conservative extremist set strait-laced nationalistic moralistic prim puritanical prudish priggish starchy prissy shockable pigheaded provocative argumentative questionable doubtful constricted one-eyed unimaginative puritan borné inexorable ungenerous closed selfish mean angled circumscribed clannish contracted secluded sequestered confined separated set in one's ways schismatic ultra-conservative ethnocentric flag-waving isolationist nationalist jingoist superpatriotic religious sectional nonconforming dissident nonconformist local splinter woman-hating anti-feminist excessively nationalistic excessively patriotic misogynist unenlarged male chauvinist manipulative propagandist polemical male supremacist adamant assertive pontifical arrogant cocksure dogmatical overbearing pompous imperious opinionative domineering opinioned of fixed views single-minded self-important bull-headed self-assertive stubborn of preconceived ideas self-opinionated

Từ trái nghĩa của grievous

grievous Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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