Từ đồng nghĩa của disparaging

Alternative for disparaging

disparages, disparaged, disparaging

Từ đồng nghĩa: belittle, pick at,

Tính từ

Insulting or showing ridicule
contemptuous derogatory slighting belittling critical scornful deprecatory disdainful insulting abusive scathing derisive offensive pejorative uncharitable contumelious defamatory dismissive snide unflattering denigratory deprecating fault-finding libellous libelous slanderous uncomplimentary unfavorable unfavourable unsympathetic censorious decrying degrading demeaning denigrative depreciative depreciatory derisory derogative detractive detractory epithetical negative catty damaging disapproving judgmental minimising minimizing sneering scurrilous vituperative rude opprobrious disrespectful mocking insolent sarcastic maligning jeering calumniatory malicious detracting scoffing vilifying injurious humiliating vulgar hurtful calumnious deprecative discrediting invective traducing scandalous ridiculing reproachful withering vituperatory nasty spiteful vitriolic taunting sniffy denigrating supercilious debasing reviling scurril truculent scurrile jibing condescending mud-slinging sardonic snotty caustic full of contempt affronting sarky depreciating foul mortifying cynical discourteous personal uncivil unmannerly obloquious obnoxious aspersive impertinent calumniating patronizing haughty arrogant harsh shaming patronising mean abhorrent cheeky diminishing deflating teasing pillorying snooty lampooning satirical biting unpleasant blasphemous dishonouring unkind scolding shameful undignified muckraking wounding snidey violent berating slurring venomous lowering superior defaming hateful castigating vicious false misrepresentative irreverent dishonoring despiteful malevolent damning upbraiding coarse proud disgraceful untrue impolite dirty indecent ignominious abject unworthy outrageous downgrading offending cheapening inglorious malign infra dig dishonourable contemptible menial despicable overbearing egotistic cavalier sharp-tongued snobbish dishonorable bringing shame uppity cool high and mighty on your high horse repulsive virulent familiar intrusive lying maledictory scandalmongering backbiting acerbic smearing poisonous disadvantageous sniping dyslogistic maledictive perfunctory ranting denunciatory aspersory unfriendly bitter sharp unenthusiastic dimissory defiant libeling injuring excoriating hurting abasing libelling vile malignant reproaching disgracing abrupt curt brusque gruff short surly blunt ungracious discreditable shrewish vain imperious hypercritical insinuating bad-mannered ill-mannered objectionable aspersing snippy hard-nosed bold hard audacious temperamental upstage cold-shoulder irritating annoying reproving castigatory snarky ill-natured mordacious pathetic silly ridiculous cockamamy absurd ludicrous laughable risible cockamamie comical farcical preposterous offhand displeasing rough high hat dog it on high horse cutting ribald groundless obscene low infamous salacious gross scabrous gally out-of-line flip cocky fresh smart-alecky smart sassy nervy crusty exasperating raunchy lewd vituperous smutty filthy shameless exceptionable provocative impudent embarrassing vexing provoking galling corrupting wretched unbecoming Rabelaisian censurable shocking unacceptable crude reprehensible lordly aloof for the birds detestable upsetting improper foul-mouthed hoity-toity indifferent hifalutin prideful lofty highfalutin uppish rejecting antipathetic contemning averse high-and-mighty scouting despising repudiating toplofty turning up your nose at looking down your nose at

Tính từ

Contemptuously ridiculing or mocking someone or something
scoffing mocking sardonic scornful cynical sneering satirical derisive caustic contemptuous jeering taunting sharp ironical biting cutting mordant acerbic satiric disrespectful trenchant offensive mean contumelious scorching corrosive arrogant bitter salty carping acid acerb irascible backhanded acrimonious brusque needling saucy scurrilous chaffing twitting austere captious ornery disillusioned cussed evil severe weisenheiming hostile snarling smart-alecky sarcastic scathing stinging pungent mordacious barbed acrid scalding acidic critical snarky ironic acidulous smart-mouthed vitriolic tart smart-aleck ridiculing incisive keen wry sarky tongue-in-cheek poignant harsh virulent burlesque nasty devastating pointed condescending contemptible disdainful snide dry double-edged derisory penetrating clever implausible jibing atypical witty twisted ridiculous defiant uncomplimentary curious spicy contradictory exaggerated backbiting alert quick-witted venomous blistering unsparing fierce searing withering savage brutal waspish astringent piercing polemic rapier-like razor-edged belittling ferocious pessimistic sceptical coruscating wounding burning unbelieving distrustful sulphurous cruel hurtful sulfurous extremely critical disbelieving suspicious doubtful doubting incredulous misanthropic negative disenchanted hardened jaundiced world-weary hard-bitten hard misanthropical bleak black mistrustful hard-boiled irreverent nonbelieving skeptical detracting parodying Hudibrastic Rabelaisian lampooning paradoxical spoof humorous spoofing farcical bantering spiteful malicious vicious unkind catty abrasive poisonous rude rancorous hateful unfriendly heartless wise callous acute abusive vindictive snappy pithy churlish stern insulting impertinent wicked corroding derogatory sour aggressive stringent quizzical telling rough unblunted bad-tempered ill-tempered teasing merciless snappish snippy testy acetose short unpleasant disapproving ill-natured curt evil-intentioned malevolent uncivil splenetic malign baleful malignant vengeful pernicious bilious violent provocative salt exciting racy forceful stimulating unrelenting edged maleficent malefic sharp-worded angry thoughtless inconsiderate peppery ungracious pitiless truculent sadistic grim ruthless wanton cold-blooded crisp cold squint-eyed

Tính từ

Inclined to express negative or disapproving comments
critical censorious condemnatory condemning castigatory reproving denunciatory deprecatory disapproving scathing criticising criticizing fault-finding judgemental negative unfavourable unsympathetic hypercritical overcritical pedantic pettifogging cavilling carping quibbling niggling nitpicking pernickety picky belittling calumniatory cavillous censuring cutting cynical griping hairsplitting unfavorable bellyaching captious caviling faultfinding judgmental rejective whingeing derogatory reprobatory reprobative nit-picking nit-picky pass-remarkable ultra-critical reproachful nagging harsh denouncing accusatory withering hair-splitting stern contemptuous severe hard to please demanding damning full of reproof accusing hostile pejorative complaining dissatisfied vituperative perfectionist scolding judgy finicky fussy exacting exceptive sarcastic overscrupulous demeaning over-censorious over-particular over-exacting damnatory proscriptive pharisaic self-righteous grousing grouchy moaning grumbling whining grouching disappointed bleating slighting kvetching abusive admonitory mithering chuntering unforgiving upbraiding bad difficult to please discontented culpatory reprehending reproaching chiding severely critical frowning discouraging poor impossible to please boot-faced disapprobatory deprecating adverse punctilious overparticular meticulous fastidious displeased slating knocking untoward antagonistic humbling diagnostic discerning biting discriminating analytical lowering critic trenchant sharp penetrating overnice particular choleric satirical unfriendly inimical low irritable crabby nitpicky trivial testy perverse thorny unfair contrary unjust touchy cantankerous peevish petty acrimonious petulant cross tricky very critical trying uncompromising importunate strict intractable clamorous tiresome tough obstinate rigorous dictatorial overbearing unaccommodating querulous inflexible insistent overexacting unmanageable hard imperious troublesome stringent unbending exigent difficult unamenable fractious hardheaded firm sticklerish stiff obdurate needy possessive unsparing stubborn unflinching unreasonable serious tyrannical high-maintenance hard to satisfy over-rigorous hard-line over-strict nice persnickety finical sophistical precise precisionist exact scrupulous fine literalist dogmatic literalistic formalist purist overprecise scholastic casuistical casuistic sophistic sharp-tongued on someone's back subtle overrefined overexact shrewish ambiguous equivocal evasive brusque cruel hurtful jesuitical berating nasty cursing mean dainty choosy over-fastidious faddish painstaking careful old-maidish faddy fussbudgety delicate finicking choosey detailed fiddly

Tính từ

Impolite or bad-mannered
rude impolite discourteous impertinent insolent impudent unmannerly crass disrespectful presumptuous curt churlish disagreeable abusive brusque blunt uncivil ungracious graceless brash unpleasant audacious tactless offensive insulting derogatory cheeky arrogant unchivalrous boorish uncharitable undiplomatic cocky crude offhand uncouth unmannered bad-mannered disgracious ill-bred mannerless uncomplimentary unladylike unrefined brazen flip gruff ill-mannered inconsiderate indecorous indelicate lippy loutish mouthy oafish rough smart alecky smart-alecky sullen surly thoughtless ungallant ungenteel ungentlemanly abrupt coarse contumelious disdainful fresh ignorant inaffable insubordinate malapert out-of-line overbearing sharp short uncalled-for underbred crabbed intrusive peremptory unhandsome bounderish yokelish contemptuous irreverent derisive scornful sacrilegious blasphemous profane impious aweless bold crusty sassy flippant iconoclastic forward unholy ungodly irreverential unhallowed unceremonious uncourteous cavalier rustic inurbane misbehaved saucy nervy snippy unfilial profanatory vulgar insensitive terse unkind snappy bluff tart uncultured unpolished harsh snappish unmindful pert downright brief brassy short-spoken shameless no-nonsense gross crisp brusk brazen-faced unsympathetic heedless plain-spoken careless off brisk arch wise cocksure brassbound bold-faced bearish uncivilized self-centered caustic raw cruel direct uncultivated frank uncivilised ungrateful outspoken unfeeling self-centred loud uneducated uncaring unappreciative impatient to the point unfriendly brass-necked unthankful monosyllabic cloddish laconic inappreciative clownish ungraceful snippety bad-tempered clodhopping ill-tempered barbaric thankless unconsiderate rough-hewn offish ill-humoured ill-humored pithy classless clipped gauche procacious abrasive smart common indiscreet unthanking straightforward ornery cantankerous forthright bold as brass wooden barefaced barbarous uncomfortable inelegant uneasy candid lumpen stiff grumpy tasteless matter-of-fact brutal unequivocal stilted rustical clumsy badly behaved raunchy morose breviloquent upfront honest ill-natured hasty boisterous grouchy summary unsubtle selfish irritable straight from the shoulder dismissive defiant low-bred unthinking concise truculent smart-arsed short-tempered succinct impetuous dusty cool loud-mouthed antisocial tetchy nasty unthoughtful lowbred severe asocial pointed base simple smart-assed callous thuggish unadorned untactful swinish out of line unworldly improper unvarnished unembellished unsophisticated off-base yobbish philistine hurtful hick bare stark slobbish barbarian lumpish undisguised lubberly explicit not afraid to call a spade a spade outlandish corrupt unqualified bald awkward trenchant speaking as one finds charmless socially unsure lacking in social graces socially inept socially awkward calling a spade a spade objectionable testy moody decisive bad hostile ill-behaved unperceptive overfamiliar businesslike blundering aloof inhospitable unfortunate irascible lacking civility bad mannered unappreciated imperious protrusive regardless injudicious petulant imperative breezy magisterial dictatorial ill disregardful hurried sudden mannish undignified manlike tomboyish unfeminine perfunctory unwomanly hoydenish mean-spirited roughneck tacky cheap naughty ballsy assumptive mischievous presumptive shocking outrageous bumptious earthy bungling immodest in-your-face assuming distant uncoordinated apathetic put down gawky stolid overbold temeritous bantam dour touchy cussed cross-grained polite miserly unsociable unneighborly ugly mean boldfaced unblushing blatant unabashed arrant rowdy doltish bullying wild rollicking roisterous intolerant standoffish impolitic hoonish dense unconcerned open hearty crotchety crabby taciturn out of sorts sharp-tongued personal unfair heartless reckless incautious sour cross good-natured genial approachable self-assertive self-confident vivacious naive guileless ingenuous robust friendly prying inquisitive incongruous interfering meddling meddlesome unsuitable nosy uncalled for hillbilly maladroit blustering cheery sincere plain off base unsavoury angry saturnine stupid foolish dull backwoods ungainly brutish straight plebby countrified ocker unpoised Neanderthal provincial unsavory austere outright unveiled cutting point-blank truthful biting unambiguous naked unornamented plain vanilla realistic undecorated hard-hitting hard tough unexaggerated patchy threadbare worn uncompromising compact grating stern pulling no punches true to life vitriolic bitter warts and all epigrammatic annoying irritating acerbic straight-talking not mincing one's words straight-shooting speaking one's mind not beating about the bush condensed incisive wounding galling elliptical pitiless acerb comfortless neat sententious aphoristic apothegmatic telegraphic economical capsule compendious thumbnail elliptic aggressive hateful rubbing the wrong way spiky argumentative hard to take gnomic close short and sweet cryptic taut compendiary clear-cut exact lean precise cut to the bone in a nutshell boiled down

Tính từ

Likely to lead to an adverse or bad outcome
unfavourable unfavorable adverse unpropitious untimely inauspicious inopportune disadvantageous inconvenient untoward ominous unfortunate unlucky inexpedient prejudicial regrettable calamitous negative inconducive troublesome unseasonable counter harmful infelicitous threatening bad destructive detrimental improper unpromising unsuitable damaging harsh unseemly objectionable unhappy unsuited discommodious malapropos unfit ill inappropriate inapt opposed wrong gloomy inadvisable ill-advised very bad ill-suited hostile unhelpful contrary unfriendly derogatory hurtful deleterious ill-timed injurious unsympathetic inimical dyslogistic depreciative slighting uncomplimentary depreciatory pejorative unprofitable detracting downside debit-side vicious antagonistic discouraging on the debit side undermining disobliging obstructive invalidating vexatious discrediting critical abrasive caustic corrosive offensive baleful ruinous dire dangerous disastrous baneful pernicious sinister evil menacing awkward foreboding ill-fated nocuous undesirable noxious direful deadly malefic portentous nocent ill-boding prejudicious unhealthy wicked disturbing unwholesome catastrophic maleficent minatory poisonous doomy fatal doomed black malignant difficult mischievous forbidding ill-starred mistimed cataclysmic jinxed ill-omened devastating fateful counterproductive dreadful cancerous wretched unwelcome bodeful malign cursed bleak distressing grim bothersome hopeless poor badly timed corrupting crippling luckless hapless unpleasant unbecoming perilous deplorable terrible painful lethal toxic virulent dark wounding ill-chosen malicious disagreeable venomous lamentable nasty woeful hazardous annoying disheartening apocalyptic irritating hard problematic tough dismal parlous tragic star-crossed minacious corroding discommoding unconducive sinistrous unsuccessful awful afflicted out of luck inhospitable unmanageable subversive environmentally unfriendly antipathetic anti premature dicey unbefitting incommodious disruptive unwelcoming aggravating early incommoding worrying incendiary vexing annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal horrible cataclysmal grievous pestiferous frightful ill-disposed alarming inept frightening impending perverse damning forsaken destitute unprosperous lowering undue refractory malevolent troubled abusive in a bad way willful intractable unruly ungovernable wilful wayward recalcitrant appalling headstrong incontrollable uncontrollable creepy froward off-putting stubborn unyielding against disquieting premonitory wintry ugly austere disappointing averse warning ghastly pestilential daunting unsafe risky depressing opposing down on pessimistic miserable noisome augural suggestive prophetic haunting aggressive precocious doomful wintery distressful shocking ruining destroying heartbreaking annihilatory devastative at odds intrusive repugnant testing afflictive shattering abortive desperate ruined pained stricken shattered broken burdened unsynchronized bringing bad luck cruel pestilent unchancy tiresome precarious hasty uninviting ravaging too bad foul vile unhandy unadvantageous nullifying annulling counteractive neutralizing indecorous injudicious tactless insidious nefarious miasmatic miasmic mortal spiteful misjudged ill-judged unwieldy murderous aching hurting doubtful iniquitous cantankerous reprobate eerie doom and gloom not conducive oppugnant inimicable inimic disaffected killing worrisome cumbersome lethiferous wrackful insalubrious internecine harassing wreckful sinful slaughterous unacceptable tragical heartrending sorrowful blighting earth-shattering messy scary evil-looking spooky eldritch impeding hindering trying challenging prohibitive minatorial catastrophal disobedient balky dubious unhopeful misplaced incongruous unfitting ill-fitted shameful disgraceful precursive malificent presaging clouded prescient fearful suggestive of evil dishonest obnoxious blackhearted brooding glowering momentous significant foreshadowing heavy thunderous snakebitten snakebit blighted contumacious rebellious restive defiant rebel recusant insubordinate incompliant obstreperous corruptive unanticipated unexpected bullying predictive prognosticatory important crucial neutralising accident-prone pitiful ill-considered intimidatory comminatory terrorizing unforeseen unpredictable unusual surprising unpredicted tough luck behind eight ball bad break down on luck hard luck uncooperative insubmissive obstinate cross peevish petulant near close upcoming overhanging terrorising forthcoming portending impendent lowery loury scowling rough exciting intriguing fated exhilarating extraordinary inspiring remarkable phenomenal destined thrilling severe horrendous horrifying disconcerting at hand cold cool dour fearsome fierce intimidating uncomfortable rugged dispiriting terrifying jarring stark ferocious horrific troubling displeasing dismaying misfortunate undisciplined unpliable fractious indocile wild advance too early early on anachronistic out-of-date too late soon a bit previous before time overearly too soon early bird bright and early previous oversoon melancholic unnerving upsetting sad loath unwilling reluctant disinclined irritable sombre bewildering poignant perturbing glum agonising depressive bitter frustrating macabre irksome somber cheerless backward mephitical hellish unkind dreary repellant repellent loathsome agonizing abhorrent sullen galling morose perplexing distasteful unpalatable melancholy revulsive unamusing uncongenial unpleasing distressed allergic indisposed unenthusiastic uneager fromward afraid hesitant disliking agin hair-raising hostile to antagonistic to resistant to antipathetic to ill-disposed to opposed to having no use for unfavourably disposed to

Tính từ

Morally unacceptable
bad evil wicked immoral corrupt debauched depraved sinful unscrupulous vile amoral base brutal cruel dishonourable mean merciless reprobate ruthless shameless sinister callous criminal debased deceitful degenerate devious dishonest dishonorable hateful heinous inhuman inhumane iniquitous malevolent malicious nefarious perverted unethical unlawful unprincipled vicious villainous wrong barbarous bestial bloodthirsty brutish contemptible crooked defiled delinquent despicable disreputable felonious forbidding heartless improper inexorable lawless licentious pernicious sadistic savage scandalous scheming shady shifty slippery sly spiteful two-faced tyrannical unconscientious unconscionable underhanded unfair unfeeling unkind unpleasant unrighteous cold-blooded conscienceless corrupted crafty decadent dirty dissolute dodgy exploitative hard-hearted harsh maleficent monstrous pitiless profligate questionable self-indulgent self-seeking vengeful vindictive vitiated wanton dastardly errant nasty rancorous wrathful bent black-hearted demonic incorrigible morally wrong objectionable dark evil-minded ignoble infamous libertine ungodly unsavoury unsavory scrofulous contemptuous despiteful disdainful grisly gruesome mean-spirited scornful scoundrelly shameful squalid virulent rotten foul disgusting abominable odious disagreeable sordid shocking horrible detestable bitter distasteful black offensive execrable low loathsome reprehensible atrocious revolting unpalatable malignant awful dreadful diabolical beastly appalling noxious yucky abhorrent malign hostile poisonous hurtful repugnant low-down harmful obscene terrible gross deplorable horrid impure unholy displeasing sickening obnoxious wretched fiendish flagitious icky disgraceful wrongful catty stinking scurvy baleful nauseating ignominious outrageous egregious injurious profane dissipated unwholesome sour unwelcome discreditable malefic repellent lousy indecent unpleasing venomous impious yukky warped repulsive detrimental unworthy unlovely uncongenial hideous degraded deleterious perverse shabby irreligious lewd snide blasphemous diabolic unclean mischievous illegal abandoned underhand putrid sacrilegious destructive ill-natured hellish ugly unspeakable baneful paltry horrendous dangerous sick tainted roguish unfriendly evil-intentioned frightful murderous adverse godless rascally noisome sullied ghastly rancid devilish vulgar rakish currish culpable unacceptable abject irreverent damaging demoralized erring inexcusable unforgivable blameworthy low-minded ill God-awful sleazy cheap miscreant peccable sorry knavish filthy calamitous off-putting demoralised skanky prejudicial yucko cruddy opprobrious uncharitable pitiful repellant disgustful loathly untrustworthy vitriolic malfeasant nauseous sick-making pitiable wounding unappetizing poor inimical degrading damnable fierce infernal fraudulent rough wayward not cricket loose coarse miserable grotty nocuous shoddy lamentable fulsome indefensible grubby louche intolerable illicit uncleanly unchaste fallen grievous unfortunate ruinous unjust unjustifiable satanic disastrous jackleg rakehell guilty rakehelly notorious beyond the pale worthless antagonistic scummy unpardonable intemperate undesirable defamatory horrifying malodorous unregenerate unruly petty fetid uninviting smutty grody disobedient contaminated indictable ornery cutthroat Machiavellian poison festy lascivious scabby illegitimate disrespectful dire lustful rude treacherous foetid cheating insufferable lawbreaking venal exceptionable inglorious servile troublesome annoying unhealthy immodest acrimonious corrupting unrespectable shy naughty inconsiderate bogging inedible bad-natured disorderly indigestible flagrant tragic unwarranted horrific smelly rank mephitic unfavourable truculent mucky censurable unfavorable beyond contempt profaned atheistic funky insubordinate faulty lame sneaking ratty niffy unhallowed blamable olid desecrated devastating aberrant unfit for human consumption stinky unsportsmanlike senseless humiliating uneatable barbaric graceless unlucky on the nose insupportable lecherous off cutting regrettable untoward deadly unsympathetic deviant distressing menacing vice-ridden seedy faithless insolent arbitrary transgressing woeful waspish mercenary carnal ill-disposed irritating unvirtuous shrewish abusive splenetic irksome under-the-table menial rebellious unbecoming cowardly seamy brute butcherly violent double-crossing contrary cantankerous no good difficult creepy invidious cussed wild cacodemonic accursed macabre libidinous acrid polluted tough as old boots pongy whiffy disruptive uncontrollable smudged bedraggled befouled miasmal bemired dusty draggled grimy muddy stained besmirched blackened dingy grungy begrimed soiled recusant bum contumacious negative cataclysmic catastrophic condemnable subversive inferior hardened unprofessional agnostic crummy tawdry sinning unbelieving prurient backbiting salacious unjustified amiss demeritorious barbed non-believing heathen non-theistic arrant remiss pagan fatal furtive sad groundless unseemly ribald inequitable impudent acid slanderous demoniac churlish resentful vomitous distorted insensitive crude promiscuous crass against the law cataclysmal vexatious twisted boorish uncivil stale misbehaving grim preposterous gut-churning uncomfortable demoniacal anarchic fast pathetic revengeful undignified iconoclastic perfidious sneaky caustic hate-filled uncaring unconsumable lowlife antipathetic suspect spoiled turned fateful nullifidian unrefined unbearable peccant pervy ill-fated anarchical unpropitious good-for-nothing nightmarish riotous vituperative raunchy murder scuzzy undisciplined sicko insurgent tasteless hapless yecchy two-timing dirty-dealing ill-starred thoughtless hard vomit-inducing mutinous inelegant galling demonian badly behaved kinky unnatural trying seditious spoilt bothersome fishy foul-smelling evil-smelling unrestrained unmanageable lowly terrific grewsome lurid nightmare facinorous aggressive insurrectionary terrorist very bad godawful fearful drunken erratic low-life mutinying untamed beggarly Luciferian Mephistophelian rebarbative pesky coldhearted rowdy unorthodox ungoverned off-color anarchistic noncompliant nonconformist serpentine not nice cursed turbulent nihilistic uncultivated infringing piratical traitorous uncivilised warlike unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized disordered not pure uncalled-for without law and order not fit to eat critical disapproving shadowy bad-hearted hating cunning wrongdoing guileful ruffianly blackguardly snarky brackish messy risqué thievish poorly off-colour crook off colour deficient rubbish depraving out of sorts embarrassing abnormal ferocious blameful tricky glaring threatening selfish casuistic recreant humble slavish subpar perverting dissatisfactory substandard grave praetorian stop-at-nothing double-dealing mercentary prejudicious wilful abased disturbing scungy disappointing insidious caitiff cancerous trashy indelicate plebeian common deviate pixieish scampish arch puckish pixy prankish deceptive tricksy impish pixie lying leprechaunish waggish elvish great extreme scurrilous dishonoured deliberate needless unsatisfactory demoralizing suboptimal sleazoid avaricious disadvantageous nocent harrowing reproachable remorseless pornographic reeking artful perilous intense dishonored tough scathy bribable unprovoked uncool envious whorish bawdy demonlike demonly demonish bloody contorted grotesque impaired vitiate sceptical calculated covetous surly intimidating frightening pestilential pestiferous compassionless frolicsome hazardous agonizing mighty discourteous ridiculous foolish full of hate ravaging inappropriate uncouth reprovable blameable homicidal fell gratuitous motiveless bilious of bad reputation dubious suspicious ominous X-rated saturnalian severe unappealing painful acute ungovernable cold-hearted upsetting insalutary negligent crying abysmal gnarly of evil intent corruptive despisable disdainable demoralising sanguinary viperous misguided heretical scathing crashing slick flimflam scam minatory intimidatory impolite unmannerly sarcastic ill-humored revolutionary inhospitable ungenerous unkindly unamiable spleenful squint-eyed angry annihilatory damning devastative inauspicious unsuccessful desperate beneath contempt hairy dislikeable in low esteem in the doghouse derogatory in bad biased prejudiced agonising incisive blistering astringent stinging biting mordant ill-intentioned infidel barbarian louring bodeful minacious chaotic reckless unlikable dismaying hardhearted unchristian abortive heartbreaking mournful inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed hateworthy measly willed unmotivated bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humoured possessed impertinent strong surfeiting sleazeball squicky cloying searing withering swinish outcast discriminatory averse direful heathenish idolatrous not pleasant doomed luckless ill-boding at fault hedonic of easy virtue bad news against opposite in opposition alien extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different revulsive unfitted foreign aimless envenomed unpleasant-tasting apostate tyrannous despotic uncontrolled terrorizing heterodox terrorising tempestuous fly-by-night partisan LaVeyan gut-wrenching eye-watering out of order below the belt uncalled for dirty rotten audacious ungracious concupiscent cringe-making stomach-churning stomach-turning sharp stabbing doubting canting unsanctified hypocritical defiling pietistical desecrative undutiful unfaithful unctuous disbelieving desecrating sanctimonious religionless nonreligious indulgent raffish flagitous accidentally on purpose discriminating partial bigoted unequal offending sybaritic swinging unconstrained voluptuary undevout freethinking ignorant deteriorated violated easy open weighted slanted preferential intolerant coloured not religious demonical in the fast lane dirty-minded night owl fast and loose lacking restraint in the gutter gone bad pleasure-seeking gone to the dogs fast-living high living aspersive skeptical free-thinking unspiritual unwarrantable undue unbalanced loaded uneven Hadean froward straying false one-sided unrightful non-objective colored untenable hellborn satanical cloven-footed ghoulish defiant dysfunctional unsustainable heretic meandering errable shifting stray deviating fallible unreliable ill-disciplined prohibited flimsy shaky unfounded invalid unsound ill-founded baseless weak badly-behaved whiny problematic pugnacious petulant out of control off straight and narrow belligerent uncooperative confrontational stubborn bellicose combative recalcitrant flawed defective implausible absurd specious inexpiable illogical unlicensed contraband clandestine tiresome hot-tempered disturbed loudmouthed ill-behaved maladjusted bold unrestrainable uncontainable peevish wearisome indocile socially impaired willful self-willed sullen undisciplinable demanding troublous argumentative exasperating scrappy uncompliant forbidden irrational impermissible banned outlawed punishable unsanctioned unauthorized actionable interdicted unofficial proscribed verboten taboo adulterous violating bootleg excessive wildcat unauthorised heavy criminogenic racketeering haram tapu under-the-counter under the table off base contrary to law not acceptable out of line under the counter smoking gun ruled out in violation of law off limits black-market not permitted against the rules not allowed

Động từ

Present participle for to regard or represent as being of little worth
dismissing denigrating minimising minimizing discrediting belittling deprecating deriding trivialising trivializing undervaluing decrying derogating ridiculing underestimating underrating deflating disdaining downgrading impugning libelling libeling scorning slandering blasting defaming depreciating diminishing discounting dissing maligning marginalising marginalizing trashing vilifying criticising criticizing degrading minifying reviling rubbishing slamming slating slurring vilipending condemning knocking mocking panning traducing abusing aspersing bashing calumniating lowering misprizing rapping roasting scorching smearing sneering vituperating flaming putting down pulling to pieces bad-mouthing detracting from doing down playing down taking to pieces talking down crying down running down slagging off sneering at casting aspersions on dumping on picking holes in scoffing at speaking badly of speaking ill of treating lightly laughing off making light of pulling apart tearing into trash-talking hitting out at laughing at pooh-poohing tearing down holding cheap kissing off pouring scorn on having a go at putting hooks in doing a hatchet job on dragging through the mud slighting insulting disgracing besmirching dishonouring dishonoring censuring blackening attacking detracting stigmatizing sullying stigmatising shaming scandalizing debasing smirching scandalising tarnishing disrespecting giving a bad name injuring demeaning staining reproaching tainting slinging mud at dragging through the mire reducing contemning bringing into disrepute assailing giving a black eye humiliating lambasting denouncing besmearing damaging defiling despising ripping flinging mud at speaking evil of blotting throwing mud at doing a number on taunting casting a slur on jeering cheapening taking down soiling bringing discredit to blackening the name of berating muckraking bringing shame upon spreading scandal about spoiling devaluing spotting dispraising scoffing pillorying blistering downplaying befouling reflecting badly on cutting down to size bringing shame on humbling offending lessening understating blotching affronting spurning abasing looking down on mortifying breathing on lampooning snubbing railing against disregarding making fun of running smear campaign inveighing against selling short ripping up and down tarring and feathering skewering spreading lies about taking down a peg chastening backbiting sinking flouting gibing fouling look down one's nose at sniffing at caricaturing burlesquing treating with contempt blaming hammering perverting embarrassing poisoning badmouthing pummelling pummeling outraging bagging sullying the reputation of reproving underemphasizing de-emphasizing poking fun at misrepresenting laying into glossing over rejecting fulminating against twitting castigating satirizing girding setting little store by shooting down disfavoring disesteeming disfavouring telling lies about blackening the character of undermining satirising excoriating jumping on wounding holding in contempt reprobating brushing aside blackening the reputation of conducting a smear campaign against demonizing slapping demonising backstabbing cursing throwing brickbats at shrugging off scouting sneezing at setting no store by teasing belying jeering at abhorring prostituting demoralizing rallying travestying ragging on demoralising running a smear campaign against cutting to the quick looking down upon holding up to ridicule jesting blackening someone's name cutting down rating too low casting down making little of doing an injustice to admonishing dragging someone's name through the mud branding deploring chiding savaging lecturing thinking little of scolding shunning hurting reprimanding rebuking frowning on hitting reaming discountenancing animadverting ignoring compromising reprehending discommending disapproving objecting expostulating villainizing ragging ripping up defying miscalling heaping scorn on laughing slanging corrupting repudiating zinging jibing at regarding with contempt prejudicing depraving cankering vitiating deteriorating bastardizing debauching warping profaning subverting blemishing giving a talking-to appalling finding fault with taking a swipe at vituperating against leering swiping fleering cracking dumping grinning destroying calling names sniggering slinging mud hating putting in a bad light bastardising tongue-lashing showing up giving offence to taking the piss out of brushing off raking over the coals blackguarding bringing down writing false reports about calling someone names spreading tales about showing contempt for marking wrong laying down the law dragging name through mud thinking too little of ranking out turning your nose up at turning up one's nose quipping at giving Bronx cheer speaking of with disfavour hooting having a pop at criticizing unfairly squashing squelching faulting slagging gossiping about gossipping lying spiting gossiping crushing soft-pedalling toning down underplaying making nothing of soft-pedaling clamoring against questioning commenting negatively disvaluing frowning flaying crucifying poormouthing condescending lying about mistreating voodooing jinxing cussing digging mistrusting carping giving black eye deigning talking trash devaluating shooting full of holes misjudging scathing ruining casting slur on putting zingers on calling down skinning alive dressing down not going for belaboring potshotting nagging execrating holding in disdain taking dim view of upbraiding dragging through mud betraying carping at cavilling at anathematizing objecting to oppressing persecuting miscalculating giving comeuppance putting away knocking off high horse putting a whammy on annoying disapproving of knocking off writing down provoking jiving shocking disgusting owning attainting desecrating belabouring riding hosing finding fault dragging down sniping lookng down at aggravating railing complaining sniping at not doing justice miscarrying snickering smiling tearing to pieces knocking down cocking a snook marring harming selling out turning up your nose gibing at saying contemptuously curling one's lip at making cutting remarks about losing face giving a bad name to putting someone in their place making someone eat crow taking down a peg or two causing to lose face horrifying beating down tearing to shreds holding forth against coming down on taking a dig at misrespecting misbidding thinking wrong not supporting upsetting weakening desensitizing brutalizing dehumanizing chaffing abominating chillin looking down nose at chilling looking down your nose at marking down taking away blowing off cussing out swearing at shouting at taking apart underpricing underprizing dehumanising brutalising desensitising bemeaning lowering the status of bringing shame to tormenting jibing looking askance at taking exception to throwing stones at taking swipe at revolting nauseating repelling sickening louting ribbing razzing quizzing kidding bantering jollying negating expressing a poor opinion of remonstrating opposing chastising remonstrating against failing to appreciate setting too little store by accusing falsely casting aspersion displeasing labelling labeling turning one's nose up at failing disobeying disobliging irritating raising an making sport of flouting at poking mullock at causing a few raised eyebrows amongst causing raised eyebrows raising eyebrows amongst blackballing dismaying treating contemptuously making jokes about thumbing one's nose sledging demoting disowning discarding disclaiming passing on depressing marking rebuffing taking the mickey out of curling one's lip causing offence to telling someone to get lost classifying designating classing characterizing tagging stamping having no use for refusing to acknowledge having contempt for crawling treating disrespectfully cutting dead exposing being above hurting someone's feelings casting aside looking right through giving the cold shoulder to sweeping aside cold-shouldering giving someone the brush-off throwing shade stepping on one's toes subjugating pissing over confuting pissing on spitting on refuting refusing renouncing avoiding mimicking marking out characterising laughing out of court blowing raspberries at turning down considering beneath you imitating bringing low plastering blaspheming strumpeting curling your lip at considering beneath one spitting in the eye of turning back on spitting in the face of giving the Bronx cheer to spoofing doing turning nose up at turning up your nose at copying aping showing in a bad light casting a slur upon bringing into disfavour sending up taking off miming parodying exaggerating putting on joking taking the mickey twisting impersonating doing an impression of doing a takeoff of distorting blackening name

Động từ

Present participle for to lessen the confidence of
demoralising demoralizing discouraging dejecting disheartening dispiriting dispraising daunting depressing unnerving dismaying unmanning crushing cowing casting down chillin frustrating chilling dampening deterring shaking sapping undermining dashing weakening throwing disappointing enervating subduing making downhearted damping psyching out knocking sideways knocking the stuffing out of putting a damper on abashing knocking for six appalling intimidating overawing making despondent putting off enfeebling prostrating scaring trying bothering repressing drooping frightening confusing awing distressing weighing breaking one's heart alarming deprecating troubling afflicting vexing bullying beating down aweing causing to lose heart irking rattling devitalizing disconcerting disempowering disorganizing deflating unzipping jumbling disarranging sending up unglueing ungluing taking apart muddling upsetting getting to taking steam out debilitating discountenancing bringing low unsettling blowing out disordering nonplussing embarrassing blowing up snarling disturbing crippling desolating saddening making dispirited disinclining humbling humiliating making dejected making crestfallen weighing down indisposing getting down making someone fed up giving someone the blues throwing a pall over weighing heavily on pouring cold water on throwing cold water on bringing down putting down perturbing oppressing worrying fazing agitating ailing disquieting bumming out grieving burdening discomposing aggrieving bugging shocking unhinging making sad startling discomfiting horrifying panicking terrifying chagrining petrifying flustering spooking ruffling shaking up making gloomy making unhappy astounding dissuading confounding terrorizing mortifying tormenting affrighting annoying exasperating concerning harrowing scaring off irritating alaruming paining discomforting terrorising flooring taking aback browbeating abasing distracting aggravating disgusting outraging throwing off balance tiring bulldozing sickening narking wearying bewildering badgering harassing fussing flurrying distempering hagriding frazzling derailing perplexing repelling pestering galling provoking weirding out freaking out hanging over overwhelming shattering discombobulating jolting disillusioning consternating embittering surprising disenchanting buffaloing squashing scandalizing flattening making miserable disgruntling hurting needling putting into a flap dulling haunting putting someone off their stroke torturing throwing into a tizz frighting hacking off exercising undoing chastening making discontented reducing to tears amazing scandalising agonizing causing someone to lose their composure throwing off riling making desolate nauseating letting down puzzling putting the wind up fretting making anxious dampening spirits plaguing dragging down making blue agonising scarifying stiffing bringing one down casting a gloom upon burning up putting into a funk chafing turning one off bringing tears to your eyes causing suffering to scaring to death curdling the blood chilling to the bone making your hair stand on end making teeth chatter making uneasy striking terror into scaring away making blood run cold making your heart bleed breaking someone's heart emasculating clouding thwarting baffling demotivating casting a shadow insulting palling getting someone down putting someone off downing deploring pressing lying exciting breaking subjugating lowering suppressing stifling lying heavy on preying on devastating diminishing squelching smothering despairing knocking for a loop grossing out casting a gloom on infuriating angering causing disquiet to dazing deranging overcoming extinguishing curbing defeating quelling deadening overpowering besetting bedevilling beleaguering bedeviling persecuting nagging interfering complicating arousing intruding stirring up getting in the way piquing rousing taking the heart out of maddening inhibiting damping down bearing down on throwing into panic paralysing souring dissatisfying scaring witless scaring stiff pothering making one's hair stand on end scaring the daylights out of making one's blood run cold draining filling with fear freezing your blood scaring the bejesus out of shaming dumping miffing casting a pall over mystifying dumbfounding flummoxing paralyzing snafuing revolting peeving goading making one's flesh creep scaring someone out of their wits getting the wind up putting the fear of God into making someone jump out of their skin throwing into a panic making your blood run cold giving one the creeps chilling someone to the marrow scaring the living daylights out of giving someone the heebie-jeebies scaring the pants off throwing into a blue funk giving someone goose pimples throwing into a fright scaring someone half to death warning cautioning dragging darkening beating nettling incommoding boring running down wounding disobliging screwing up lousing up filling with consternation messing up fouling up mucking up disarming bludgeoning bullyragging tyrannizing blackjacking hectoring bogarting dragooning strong-arming mau-mauing hindering stinging driving crazy driving mad grating on making fed up getting on someone's nerves trying the patience of becoming bored getting at grating at having had enough eating at losing patience stunning stupefying gnawing at discommoding stressing giving someone a turn blustering enforcing showboating railroading racking straining breaking the heart of causing anguish to making wretched making nervous winding up putting the wind up someone throwing into a tizzy keeping under offending uncalming riding cutting to the quick displeasing dashing hopes tyrannising picking on harshing someone's mellow bearing down snubbing debunking belittling destroying quashing distressing greatly making worried knocking the wind out of dashing the hopes of harshing one's mellow bowling over setting back pushing around walking heavy leaning on giving someone the hump talking out of shattering the illusions of dampening the spirits of shooting down letting wind out of sails knocking down cutting down to size puncturing balloon taking the wind out of somebody's sails taking the wind out of someone's sails taking down a peg or two letting down easy taking down giving a turn softening melting touching turning on the heat arousing sympathy tugging at someone's heartstrings arousing pity tugging at the heart

Động từ

Present participle for to criticize or condemn severely
slamming criticising criticizing attacking condemning knocking lambasting censuring denigrating panning slating blasting castigating bashing vilifying savaging hammering excoriating abusing rubbishing roasting deprecating trashing maligning denouncing pillorying vituperating pummelling pummeling crucifying skewering flaying slurring scathing assailing bagging derogating reprimanding slashing reprehending reproving aspersing potshotting belabouring belaboring arraigning rating besmirching objurgating reprobating mauling sledging scourging bad-mouthing running down slagging off laying into finding fault with pulling apart inveighing against railing against casting aspersions on jumping on pouring scorn on pulling to pieces having a go at shooting down picking holes in carping at disapproving of cavilling at cutting up lacing to hitting out at throwing brickbats at nitpicking about vituperating against giving a bad press to giving flak to animadverting on lashing into bagging on giving some stick to dissing flaming putting down tearing into chastising blaming reviling berating faulting rebuking taking to task reproaching slagging denunciating dressing down upbraiding chiding fulminating against hauling over the coals impugning carpeting picking to pieces decrying bawling out chewing out giving someone a bad press finding fault caning admonishing tearing off a strip dispraising taking to pieces remonstrating with rapping reaming out giving someone a roasting giving someone a rocket giving someone a rollicking carping coming down on ripping haranguing bollocking scolding judging nagging at finding lacking cutting down nit-picking giving someone hell caviling cavilling rapping over the knuckles tearing a strip off reading the riot act nitpicking over giving someone a bollocking picking at scoffing at tearing to shreds rollicking blistering deploring deriding belittling tearing apart execrating sailing into skinning railing passing strictures upon inveighing taking down lecturing disapproving giving a rocket trimming giving something a bad press animadverting giving something a battering calling down telling off doing down kicking up a stink about expressing disapproval of criticizing severely anathematizing raging tearing to pieces lashing nitpicking fustigating scorching cursing clobbering thundering complaining about depreciating zapping slugging proscribing punishing taking apart accusing animadverting upon getting at incriminating fulminating throwing shade disciplining declaiming objecting to protesting against defaming jeering at remonstrating nagging basting speaking out keelhauling wigging ragging scoring rowing jawing arguing against discrediting pitching into recriminating reaming mouthing off about giving someone a wigging making a stand ticking off giving someone a mouthful making a fuss about giving someone some stick going on about giving someone what for giving someone a row giving someone an earful slapping someone's wrist taking issue with taking exception to giving a talking-to kicking up a fuss about ranting at tongue-lashing pulling up giving someone a dressing-down giving someone a telling-off giving someone a rating railing at getting angry with refuting harshing bringing under fire ridiculing lampooning assaulting verbally arguing with destroying disagreeing with piling in reviewing unfavorably criticizing strongly starting on starting in exprobating scorning contemning backbiting ostracising rebuffing ostracizing taking on passing judgment grousing about moaning about quibbling about carping about grouching about whining about dooming sentencing picking apart looking askance getting after reading out slogging hitting fluffing jumping on one's case snapping someone's head off going for the jugular biting someone's head off weighing into swearing doing a hatchet job on giving someone bondi imprecating blaspheming beefing about whingeing about bellyaching about griping about jumping down one's throat darning banishing convicting dratting penalising banning expelling cussing confounding penalizing cutting to bits raking sounding off about doing a number on skinning alive giving bad press giving comeuppance rapping someone over the knuckles giving the devil lessoning jawboning disgracing dishonoring dishonouring pointing the finger at laying on calling to task casting out thundering against complaining of crying down inveigling against framing naming adjudging pronouncing putting away sending up discoursing orating perorating blowing whistle on hanging something on pointing finger at pinning it on letting have it laying at one's door sending up the river vociferating protesting strongly detracting from mouthing off expostulating about making a protest ranting about talking something down ranting protesting fuming storming charging blustering spouting huffing raving indicting challenging intimidating swearing at taking a stand menacing vociferating about ranting and raving threaping cautioning chastening prosecuting taunting opposing strongly criminating expostulating taking to the woodshed going on at putting on the mat sending someone away with a flea in their ear bringing someone to book laying down the law blowing up keeping after letting someone have it taking someone to task yelling at lighting to giving someone a caning having someone on the carpet preaching slapping down raking over the coals dissenting excepting bickering frowning upon resisting taking issue arguing complaining vociferously about raining objecting strongly to fighting expressing disagreement with speaking out against griping lodging a protest against sounding off kicking combatting opposing squabbling taking exception taking a stand against objecting combating withstanding raising objections to disputing demurring bringing to trial inculpating putting on trial trying bringing charges against preferring charges against bringing a charge against impeaching calling to account taking to court laying charges against having the law on taxing holding at fault bringing a case against

Động từ

Present participle for to complain, speak or write about with great hostility
inveighing decrying complaining condemning declaiming objecting protesting remonstrating admonishing castigating criticising criticizing denouncing fussing griping grizzling grouching grumbling impugning lambasting lashing moaning railing ranting reviling upbraiding vituperating whining whingeing beefing bellyaching berating blasting bleating carping caterwauling censuring crabbing crying fulminating grousing growling grumping keening nagging recriminating repining reproaching roasting scolding screaming trashing vilifying wailing abusing blaming croaking denigrating hollering kvetching maundering murmuring muttering raging scorching squawking squealing storming whimpering yammering yawping bawling expostulating kicking yapping yauping yelping yowling grouching about laying into laying out ripping into sounding off tongue-lashing cracking down on going after having at kicking up a fuss letting have it sounding off about working over beefing about bellyaching about inveighing against jumping down one's throat kicking up a fuss about kicking up a stink about taking exception running down complaining vehemently about caviling cavilling quibbling niggling nitpicking knocking chuntering mithering creating picking on hypercriticizing nit-picking pecking splitting hairs objurgating bothering finding fault with panning picking holes finding fault going on picking at groaning lamenting sniveling snivelling bemoaning grieving bewailing chirping sobbing deploring making a fuss nattering cribbing howling screeching kicking up a stink puling objecting to picking holes in whispering squalling weeping mourning ululating pettifogging blubbering yelling shrieking twining speaking out against plaining over mumbling carrying on sighing greeting wauling roaring arguing mewling equivocating raising objections expressing disapproval opposing taking a stand making a stand demurring wittering chopping logic putting up a fight putting the boot in railing at lodging a complaint making a complaint taking apart raising Cain gurning flyspecking pleading quibbling about niggling about sulking kvetching about excepting anathematizing execrating cursing sniffling blubbing baying sorrowing miaowing taking on blowing off sorrowing for sorrowing about sighing over grieving over rumbling jowling bickering quarrelling quarreling crying softly crying loudly gabbling sputtering muddling swallowing slurring snarling droning burbling crying out grunting rubbishing slandering sniping maligning charging making screeching kicking up a storm raising a ruckus crying the blues dissenting fretting badmouthing contravening indicting defying accusing laying differing deprecating disagreeing ascribing imputing gainsaying disapproving refuting attacking cutting up bad-mouthing slagging off pulling to pieces speaking ill of querying talking under your breath faulting prevaricating picking taking exception to looking askance going on about moaning and groaning casting aspersions on doing a hatchet job on subtilizing cavilling at carping about complaining about picking nits mincing matters raising trivial objections raising trivial objections to sharping a distinction arguing over nothing making a fine distinction refining a distinction beating about the bush

Từ trái nghĩa của disparaging

disparaging Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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