Từ đồng nghĩa của near

Alternative for near

nearer, nearest

Từ đồng nghĩa: at hand, close, imminent,

Từ trái nghĩa: far,

Tính từ

Only a short distance away or apart in space or time
close nearby bordering adjacent adjoining neighbouring proximate contiguous convenient handy vincinal abutting accessible beside immediate local neighboring nigh abreast alongside approximal around available conterminous coterminous proximal ready touching warm close-up at hand next-door close by close-by within range within reach close at hand close-at-hand near at hand near-at-hand not far away side-by-side at close quarters in close proximity next door not far off within sniffing distance within spitting distance within stone's throw a hop, skip and a jump away just round the corner not remote next flanking on hand to hand juxtaposed imminent impending reachable nearest joining fringing connecting verging skirting next to conjoining readily available at the ready flush vicinal round the corner just a stone's throw away get-at-able direct closest approximate on tap connected attached surrounding bordering on intimate upcoming approaching nearly by neighbourhood interconnecting neighborhood hard by not far from joined impinging under one's nose bounding edging close to near to at your fingertips meeting on the brink on the edge of adjacent to next door to at close range up-close and personal prospective short-term hard in very near on the side community up-close in the vicinity back-to-back side by side vernacular about almost practically coming easy to get to juxtapositional neighbouring on in contact contactual against approximate to abreast of cheek by jowl with by the side of proximate to contiguous with attached to nearly here peripheral foreseeable regain one's health get back on one's feet in easy reach walkable in the area hot on the doorstep in the neighbourhood of within reach of within earshot in the vicinity of within sight within close range of circumambient encircling outlying encompassing around the corner in spitting distance within striking distance within walking distance across the street on your doorstep in the ball park enclosing fringe circumjacent border give or take a little cheek by jowl circumferential circumforaneous central a stone's throw away present handy for in neighborhood well placed for at close quarters to on deck well situated for in line champing at bit at beck and call close to hand at fingertips on call waiting in place easily available in order in the saddle covered in position within walking distance of just around the corner from within easy reach of easy to reach a stone's throw from within spitting distance of a hop, skip and a jump away from

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Imminent, only a short time ahead
imminent approaching impending forthcoming looming upcoming coming at hand nigh expected next close at hand near at hand on the cards near-at-hand round the corner just round the corner in the offing on the way on the horizon close in the pipeline in the wind about to happen brewing in the air in the cards in prospect threatening pending just around the corner in store nearing coming up anticipated oncoming to come proximate menacing coming soon in the wings upon us gathering future on the agenda under discussion in preparation in view overhanging likely to happen inevitable inescapable likely handwriting-on-the-wall prospective looming large immediate advancing fated on the go unavoidable ineluctable see it coming predestined destined on us under way in production being prepared hovering portending awaiting ominous planned underway -to-be waiting to looking to awaited about to be in the near future up and coming resulting supplied in sight nearly on us due about going on happening current circulating afoot around abroad eventual subsequent unborn converging progressing at large stirring going about in circulation near-term drawing near up-and-coming to be en route gaining upon almost on one getting near astir doing the rounds foreordained ordained certain meant preordained bound doomed predetermined sure foredoomed guaranteed intended designed assured that is to be settled hanging over que sera sera stated written in the cards predesigned instant compelled that will be condemned inexorable closed nailed on sealed very likely way the ball bounces directed compulsory fast approaching fast-approaching inevasible probable following unescapable possible expectant on its way on the verge in the stars ensuing later downstream succeeding on tap potential on hand consequent latter down the pike down the road down the line considered successive soon-to-be proposed scheduled subsequential consecutive yet to come coming after next off directly after coming next onrushing arriving convergent contemplated approximating happening soon hereafter moving closer ultimate emerging appearing rising extended long-term over the long term around the corner intending aspiring looked-for hoped-for would-be presumptive designate after promised latent successional in the making posterior succedent sequential resultant consequential postliminary pursuing running later on in line following after late next up sequent supervenient on the trot serial

Tính từ

Closely acquainted or related
close intimate familiar friendly dear allied bosom chummy inseparable thick tight akin especial inward buddy-buddy pally matey as thick as thieves confidential devoted constant palsy-walsy thick as thieves faithful firm fast cozy cosy cordial sociable best loving good boon congenial special cherished close-knit on good terms affectionate personal attached favourite warm treasured valued clubby dearest favorite on top of each other fond nearest and dearest regular nice very dear tight-knit on the best of terms well in close to devoted to hand in glove on friendly terms inseparable from amicable genial indivisible comradely neighborly companionable neighbourly amiable affable loyal inalienable conjoined inseverable indissoluble palsy easy gracious snug officious fresh entwined intertwined whole integral undividable connected unified secure moulded interwoven united integrated molded free-and-easy joined at the hip tied up in each other's pocket as one hail-fellow-well-met convivial good-natured kind outgoing social conversable pleasant agreeable sympathetic civil brotherly approachable hospitable fraternal clubbable warmhearted gregarious collegial hail-fellow bonhomous hearty kindly peaceable peaceful amical conciliatory good-humoured open jovial cooperative well-disposed confiding helpful tender communal good-humored harmonious extroverted extrovert buddy buddy easy to get along with mellow easy-going clubable extraverted cliquey clannish enduring deep-rooted durable abiding reliable long-standing long-lasting closely acquainted obliging lovey-dovey kissy-huggy very friendly staunch steady steadfast stable warm-hearted colonial accessible communicative easy to get on with good company lively well disposed considerate company-loving couthy backslapping uninhibited altruistic philanthropic bubbly benevolent charitable sweet confident familial sibling genealogical brother's like-minded vibrant amusing funny complaisant happy-go-lucky delightful hilarious attentive favorable compatible good-tempered comical receptive welcoming pleasing jocular jocose entertaining kindred responsive understanding compassionate humane solicitous comprehending forgiving generous selfless casual informal unceremonious happy favourable calm measured mild moderate non-hostile tolerant temperate sensible pacific

Tính từ

Being the closer of two

Tính từ

Close to being (the thing mentioned)

Tính từ

(dated, rare) Sparing in the expenditure of money
cheap mean miserly close-fisted ungenerous penurious illiberal close grasping tight-fisted stingy tight mingy frugal money-grubbing skinflinty penny-pinching cheese-paring Scrooge-like sparing stinting parsimonious chintzy avaricious tightfisted uncharitable closefisted pinchpenny spare greedy pinching thrifty covetous scrimping churlish selfish saving economical pennywise grudging acquisitive cheeseparing snoep ungiving petty curmudgeonly costive chary skimping money-grabbing miserable cheapskate beggarly skinflint grabby prudent hungry economizing economising ironfisted ignoble hard-fisted skimpy scanty hoarding pinchfisted scrimpy tightwad puritanical ascetic masochistic tight-wad narrow extortionate abject sordid derisory meagre meager scrounging unwasteful stewardly abstemious wary careful cautious provident money-conscious cost-conscious rapacious canny forehanded mercenary penny-wise careful with money materialistic sensible circumspect coveting moneygrubbing avid desirous venal gluttonous usurious preserving conserving cost-effective efficient money-saving time-saving work-saving grabbing watchful on the rims practical prudential methodical discreet possessive money-oriented pleonectic predatory prehensile itchy Mammonish Mammonistic insatiable pennypinching financially savvy extremely thrifty close-handed scurvy not generous cupidinous on a tight budget budget-conscious austere spartan abstinent monastic monkish self-denying nunlike non-indulgent self-disciplined extremely frugal meticulous Scotch money motivated money hungry extorting shrewd wise voracious on the make far-sighted fuel-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient energy-saving sagacious forearmed hoggish swinish narrow-minded intolerant judicious politic equipped well-prepared vigilant commonsensical rude edacious ravenous crude esurient piggy foresighted forethoughtful far-seeing reactionary prejudiced hidebound bigoted small-minded expedient prepared boorish fundamentalist conservative unenlightened authoritarian strict despotic undemocratic alt-right anti-democratic oppressive repressive totalitarian self-indulgent guzzling ravening eager piggish carnivorous gormandizing intemperate omnivorous gobbling craving devouring gulping insatiate draconian fascist tyrannical biased proscriptive myopic partial antiliberal

Tính từ

Close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact
approximate loose rough estimated imprecise inexact close general ballpark vague hazy amorphous approximative broad coarse-grained inaccurate indefinite sketchy squishy fuzzy wooly woolly guessed imperfect surmised uncertain unprecise unscientific almost accurate almost exact unclear non-specific unspecific ill-defined sweeping unfocused indeterminate inexplicit nebulous obscure overall equivocal basic ambiguous undetailed generic indiscriminate confused unspecified indistinct undefined open-ended tenuous proximate foggy slight nonspecific common blurred unexplained unsettled all-round all-around misty undetermined unfixed broad-based broad-spectrum bird's-eye careless sloppy liberal unmeticulous unrigorous generalized non-committal random rambling changeable undecided incomplete blurred round the edges blanket fluid flexible open superficial dubious ambivalent unknown cursory doubtful inadequate obfuscatory perfunctory iffy generalised muddy muzzy amphibological unintelligible questionable bewildering puzzling not partial not specific not particular enigmatic cryptic mysterious occult confusing arcane perplexing enigmatical opaque abstruse inscrutable mystic Delphic incomprehensible deep muddled oblique recondite unfathomable tenebrous oracular esoteric elliptical double-edged mystifying inexplicable murky secret impenetrable inconclusive clear as dishwater misleading debatable dark elliptic fuliginous baffling incoherent evasive clear as mud clouded hidden paradoxical roundabout abstract jumbled blurry open to debate open to argument mystical veiled coded indirect equivocating gnomic covert circumlocutory circuitous shadowy as clear as mud riddling elusive concealed periphrastic unexplicit clandestine gray grey hermetic hermetical disorganized open to question strange secretive arguable cloudy implied impressionistic disorganised hard to understand crude prevaricating borderline illogical shallow difficult deceptive obfuscated noncommittal complex shifty hard involved subtle mumbled complicated indecisive elusory intricate shrouded cloaked garbled devious tricky disjointed profound mixed sibylline deceitful inarticulate indecipherable stonewalling uncanny Greek to me insoluble illegible little known apocryphal Delphian inaudible cabalistic neither one thing nor the other unknowable neither fish nor fowl woolly-minded woolly-headed unsound polysemous polysemic polysemantic hinky multivocal addled comprehensive widespread universal global bleary remote dim weak confounding peculiar odd muddle-headed dense dubitable in question chancy problematic in doubt at issue unsure free cryptical ulterior muddleheaded unexplainable subliminal non-restrictive nubilous purblind imperceptive unaccountable backhanded slippery convoluted uninterpretable problematical black beyond comprehension sphinxlike cagey lenient non-literal inconceivable technical incredible secreted teasing stumping stickling cabbalistic implicit far-out cunning shuffling faint meaningless not easily understood dissembling sophistical intangible casuistic false casuistical indiscernible casual disguised circumlocutionary ambagious not literal not strict not close slurred ungraspable senseless scrambled masked circular collateral obliquitous incognizable Greek all Greek to me fathomless rarefied fraudulent illusory suppressed muffled fallacious suspicious muttered halting faltering hesitant contradictory duplicitous surreptitious unrevealed camouflaged involute involuted fugacious transient indescribable phantom shy fleeting greasy imponderable transitory insubstantial volatile evanescent hesitating stuttering stammering stumbling disreputable hinted at underlying recherché heavy speechless mute voiceless scrappy bitty skimpy tongue-tied two-edged unfinished outline unexposed unrecognizable invisible shielded unrecognisable hooded screened undercover covered patchy insufficient rudimentary limited fragmentary reticent unvocal mumbling maundering clumsy awkward poorly spoken over one's head above one's head scanty hurried meagre hasty provisional cobbled together introductory faulty defective depthless uncritical preliminary meager coarse on the back of an envelope

Tính từ

Having similar characteristics
comparable akin corresponding similar analogous like parallel related alike equivalent matching approximate close cognate commensurate proportionate connate correspondent ditto equal proportional resemblant resembling such suchlike tantamount approaching commensurable agnate consonant relative undifferenced uniform a match as good bordering on on a par verging on of a piece cut from the same cloth not a million miles away from identical interchangeable same synonymous indistinguishable duplicate consistent congruous congruent homologous homogeneous undifferentiated homogenous substitutable unvaried conformable much the same matched coequal kindred conforming complementary twinlike undiverse of a kind on par the same much of a muchness even reciprocal correlative substitute reminiscent analogical exact harmonious selfsame one and the same almost identical exchangeable cognated connected with allied with incident impossible to tell apart relatable like two peas in a pod like peas in a pod of the same kind compatible approximative twin jibing companion in agreement allied equalling equaling amounting congeneric relating double congenerous allying kin coextensive carbon copy symphonious invariant dead ringer not unlike approximating connatural congenial fungible unvarying Xerox same as carbon copy synonymous with commensurate with convertible same difference much the same as of a piece with within an ace of on the threshold of on the point of in danger of on the verge of on the brink of look-alike paired identic clone carbon-copy harmonized coupled regular mated unchanging harmonised monotonous Tweedledum and Tweedledee all of a piece like Tweedledum and Tweedledee very same in the same manner commutable standardised standardized tallying likewise invariable very transposable agreeing concordant symmetrical swappable smooth exactly the same spitting image to the same degree mount identified autologous homologized switchable treadmill coordinating toning blending complementing harmonizing boring repetitive coincident synonymic apposite dupe aforesaid similarly aforementioned selflike harmonising the dead spit a dead ringer coordinated even-steven according equalized even-stevens coordinate equalised coterminous workalike mutual converse reciprocative changeable interconvertible break even undistinguishable balanced on a plane on level pegging evenly matched stack up with all alike solid evened samey equated all the same all one dual twofold concurrent associated facsimile duplex binary double-edged bipartite double-barreled geminate joint copied second duplicating accompanying bifold undeviating steady constant unwavering unfluctuating equable static fixed stable sustained incorrigible fateful well-proportioned rigid ordered straight inflexible habitual ossified immutable fated normal reliable plumb unbroken orderly systematic irreversible unmodifiable level true unalterable methodical monolithic well-balanced undiversified more or less the same

Tính từ

Unable to fully realise one's ambitions

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Bodeful of bad or unfortunate consequences
minatory baleful threatening menacing minacious ominous dangerous minatorial admonitory cautionary comminatory dire direful doomy foreboding ill ill-boding inauspicious intimidating portentous sinister warning aggressive alarming apocalyptic baneful black bullying close fateful forthcoming grim imminent impendent impending intimidatory looming loury lowering lowery overhanging portending scowling terrorising terrorizing ugly unlucky unpropitious unsafe upcoming at hand glowering forbidding brooding dark gloomy heavy evil thunderous wintry unpromising pessimistic unfavorable unfavourable bodeful ill-fated hostile nasty wintery adverse bad unfortunate disadvantageous harmful untoward negative damaging malignant perilous calamitous inopportune hurtful malefic detrimental frightening harsh injurious malevolent prejudicial destructive infelicitous unfriendly malicious wicked pernicious poisonous venomous deleterious untimely ill-omened malign deadly worrying fierce terrible bleak mischievous disastrous inexpedient maleficent inhospitable bitter severe noxious disturbing parlous painful unhealthy inconvenient antagonistic hazardous unwholesome dismal ruinous unseasonable virulent nocuous premonitory unsuited troublesome critical undesirable inimical ferocious dreadful objectionable discommodious unpleasant vindictive regrettable precarious sinistrous tough louring moody angry unhappy unsuitable glum catastrophic improper crippling woeful toxic morose fatal subversive cataclysmic unseemly devastating lethal inapt inappropriate prejudicious dour brutal unfit malapropos cancerous counterproductive disagreeable dicey wounding nocent opposed wrong corrupting corrosive grave corroding incendiary inadvisable ill-suited undermining annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal ill-advised very bad wild hard scary doomful disquieting augural suggestive prophetic doomed haunting inconducive treacherous awful counter spiteful acrimonious savage vitriolic violent vicious fearsome murderous rough significant evil-intentioned terrifying hate-filled rowdy indignant aggrieved sulky disparaging discouraging crabby contrary uncontrollable grievous troubled poor sour serious disheartening enraged horrible austere ghastly life-threatening distressing cheerless sombre morbid somber depressing sobering difficult exacting extreme upsetting corruptive mean-looking precursive malificent presaging clouded prescient fearful approaching troubling ill-starred wretched sullen unchancy doom and gloom frowning momentous foreshadowing unsatisfactory tardy unadvantageous late low raging monitory predictive prognosticatory important crucial stern frightful horrendous horrifying fiery stormy uncomfortable daunting rugged grumpy temperamental aggravated surly cantankerous admonishing exemplary cautioning risky creepy eerie tragic exciting intriguing fated exhilarating extraordinary inspiring remarkable phenomenal destined thrilling turbulent volatile unwelcoming jarring stark cross evil-looking spooky eldritch intense harrowing straitened hard-pressed lurid joyless hopeless unwelcome shadowy tortured full of hardship doubtful miserable gray mournful strained doleful chilling grey oppressive nightmarish pressing comfortless desolate exigent messy jeopardous solemn rocky sad feral resentful murky tumultuous considerable acute furious barbarous untamed dodgy brutish vile barbaric mean suggestive of evil dishonest perverse obnoxious blackhearted hair-raising lethiferous pestiferous wrackful noisome insalubrious pestilential internecine harassing wreckful sinful slaughterous annoyed vexed displeased irate irked piqued exasperated irritated consequential major unsettling sickening galled testy tetchy provoked waspish irascible monstrous desperate depraved uncivilised rancorous viperous cruel nefarious villainous fiendish abhorrent serpentine uncivilized abandoned monitorial exhortatory environmentally unfriendly weighty arduous big intensive strenuous toilsome peracute punishing excessive grinding taxing unruly lawless belligerent outraged narky criminal disorderly ratty eggy stroppy shirty callous hardened ruffianly lawbreaking bad-tempered ill-tempered unmanageable

Tính từ

Of small width in relation to length
narrow tight close limited restricted confined compact cramped confining constricted congested meagre squeezed choked circumscribed compressed incapacious pinched scanty small bounded defined definite determinate exiguous fine finite hairline jammed measured needlelike scant skinny slender slim spare sparse tapered tapering thin tiny ultrathin contracted incommodious meager narrowing strait straitened fixed paltry pent shrunken taper threadlike narrow-gauged paper-thin slim-jim inadequate poky minimal uncomfortable negligible little packed light insufficient slight minute measly piddling pathetic set crowded enclosed demarcated delimited shut in poor deficient modest skimpy precise low scarce sparing stingy specific terminable exact tenuous hemmed in skimp hand-to-mouth beggarly miserable puny pitiful petty bare flimsy nominal mingy bound shabby thin on the ground slimline wedged checked suffocating stifling restricting miserly short polished jam-packed airless flexible long elongated boxy diminutive cell-like bijou oppressive stipulated shallow overcrowded definable remote minuscular marginal frail outside claustrophobic awkward overfull conditioned with no room to swing a cat faint off predictable predetermined not infinite matchbox two-by-four irregular reedy trivial subject to limitations fragile tucked up closed in trifling insignificant express determined jammed in explicit clear-cut established direct confirmed particular concrete clear black-and-white restrained grounded invalided bedfast detained hog-tied chilled indisposed kept compassed held iced sick narrowed cramp hampered curbed bedridden immured derisory sketchy cut-and-dried hard plain outright wretched sorry piffling thinning unimportant pitiable base picayune poxy minor inconsiderable worthless mean assigned convinced well defined prescribed too few too small too little not enough toytown niggling piddly footling pimping ungenerous inappreciable no-account inconsequential chicken peanut mere sealed up in jail bottled up on ice cooped up in chains flattened out locked up laid up rare shy wanting failing scrimpy clearly defined dinky twopenny-halfpenny nickel-and-dime in short supply trashy beyond doubt common shoddy sleazy de minimis ineffectual unconsequential Mickey Mouse few and far between barely sufficient insubstantial nugatory frivolous incidental small-fry superficial fiddling meaningless pointless foolish weak contemptible minuscule inferior of no account useless immaterial irrelevant feeble lean lightweight casual unproductive secondary futile of no consequence not worth mentioning minimum unsubstantial infinitesimal lesser token empty barren lacking valueless of little account reduced unsatisfactory ineffective profitless imperceptible vain of little importance silly nonessential unavailing of no importance few unprofitable small-time lousy pettifogging idle subordinate peripheral fruitless lame of little consequence second-rate subsidiary senseless not worth bothering about lamentable mediocre smaller at a premium hollow cheap two-bit lowly subtle nothing shoestring ordinary despicable bootless unsuccessful null junior lower trite hard to come by ignoble unessential low-ranking fractional sporadic inutile unnecessary minor-league second-string purposeless inane hard to find bush-league of no great concern penny-ante scattered ignorable frothy sad incomplete small-bore abortive unconvincing inept inessential counterproductive minus infrequent accessory sterile too little too late vague laughable not worth speaking of middling subnormal puerile inefficacious unfruitful occasional no-good non-essential implausible otiose to no avail diminished of no moment frugal nondescript unusable undistinguished humble bogus waste abandoned bereft unfinished scrimp dependent incommensurate tacky inconsequent purportless uncommon banal ridiculous chaffy humdrum scrubby incompetent insulting junky flighty time-wasting like gold dust unfructuous ludicrous failed imperfect not to be had preposterous not to be had for love nor money quibbling insipid no great shakes absurd outrageous risible below the mark half-baked of no value cavilling nit-picking perfunctory void to no effect tame unsound microscopic bitty mild depleted indifferent basic transparent stunted dwindling extraneous scratch destitute stinted subservient illogical pants caviling unpretentious abject drossy good-for-nothing ancillary woeful infertile second-class under defective plebeian wanky rubbishy cursory unreasonable younger subaltern no use everyday simple commonplace inglorious neither here nor there farcical incredible non-successful of minor importance faulty second-fiddle dispersed inefficient dry featherbrained fallacious unremarkable vapid unconsiderable drained smalltime of no merit thinly distributed basal partial not much cop third-string low-born impotent powerless less airy a dime a dozen straggling uncritical second-banana lower-class obscure in vain forceless withered next to none empty-headed seldom met with seldom seen no more than of no use spineless neutralized indecisive low in numbers unable to no purpose inoperative defeasible neutralised innocuous next to no unfrequent anticlimactic disappointing half-hearted ne'er-do-well dismal picky fussy symbolic little bitty smallish diddly finicky gentle potty lilliputian cockamamie cockamamy derisive comical impractical neglectable rinky-dink wispy penurious tinpot zero zilch zip irrational undemanding unsufficient peppercorn deplorable hairsplitting sophisticated unintellectual wet flat unqualified invalid parsimonious junk cut unreal motiveless jejune loitering idling just only unreasoning aimless uncelebrated diffuse crummy incapable unample devoid unfitted beside the point dead very suspect featherweight imponderous fatuous flippant unhelpful needed hardly any patchy rudimentary run-down nonrational truncated threatened shortened seldom semioccasional unavailable emasculate slack-spined no go no way not effective not hacking it coming up short not making it phony short of out of shameful disgraceful dishonourable dishonorable of little import no big deal no big thing at a low level little or no not much casuistic captious equivocating sophistical thankless unrewarding absolute illegitimate hardly worth mentioning without depth unusual least smallest littlest slightest unsalable of no earthly use nanoscopic menial proletarian in the minority seldom found widely spaced out of the ordinary lowest missing minutest tiniest fewest merest unassuming impalpable indistinguishable insensible barely perceptible phoney baseborn underprivileged baulked misfired thwarted glib simplistic auxiliary unrefined severe unwashed rough frustrated foiled light-headed harebrained light-minded ditzy giddy lightheaded goofy scatterbrained ditsy dizzy birdbrained yeasty demeaning degrading low-grade bottom supplementary intangible momentary ephemeral indiscernible invisible shadowy inaudible unnoticeable imponderable unobservable unperceivable gradual undetectable indistinct evanescent inconspicuous just a vulgar lowborn prole no better than only a no-win misleading hopeless unnotable not a prayer without success on a treadmill delusive in vicious circle going nowhere shuck delusory balked schematic inconceivable ungrounded false unpersuasive baseless groundless controvertible assailable wishful weakly unbelievable frilly lacking substance uncouth lumpen very little unfit working-class smallest amount of of low birth plebby low-life of low rank sordid least possible slighter poorer ignominious servile lower-ranking low on short-handed short on facile surface ignorant oversimplified additional extra attendant lighthearted lower in status undersized subjacent lower in rank tributary collateral satellite contributory outranked sub adjuvant hasty unthinking skin-deep unintelligent wishy-washy unscholarly one-dimensional hurried desultory hamstrung inexpedient feckless unexceptional entry-level bottom-rung back seat less important beneath someone below someone under someone's heel not very important not so important scarcer than hen's teeth slapdash passing average null and void invertebrate typical unconsidered mundane bland drab uninteresting usual unmemorable pedestrian unexciting uninspiring dull routine boring unnoteworthy vanilla normal unimpressive nodding slipshod offhand rapid rushed of no benefit prosaic uneventful uninspired rubbish workaday fleeting inattentive quick characterless whatever two a penny a dead loss insincere surface-level depthless flash summary feigning dime-a-dozen run-of-the-mill common or garden bog-standard garden-variety so-so nothing to write home about middle-of-the-road nothing special plain vanilla garden variety bog standard not worth a hill of beans


For all of, or at any time within, a given time interval
during through in across amidst throughout all along during the course of in the time of over right through all through amid at the time of during the time between in the course of until all across around at the same time as for the duration of for the full length of for the time between for the time of for the whole of in the middle of in the midst of over the years in throughout the time of until the end of within around the time of close to during the whole of end-to-end during from beginning to end of from start to finish of from the start of round the whole time during through the length and breadth of through the whole of to the end of when it was by from end to end of mid no later than while ... was ongoing along with accompanied by pending on upon in the period of spanning along down followed by at at a point on in the year of beginning with in the date of at the date of on the date of throughout the expanse of over the length and breadth of throughout the width of past up for the length of to the far side of toward the farther side of to the other side of from one side to the other of toward the far side of to the farther side of throughout the length of from one end of … to the other in all parts of all over throughout the extent of all around everywhere in further along onto about athwart via following from one end to the other of to the other end of the length of by way of the length and breadth of on to for since from all the way back to going back to over a span of crossing everywhere on to all parts of on every side of on all parts of from one side of … to the other on all sides of here and there in beyond ayond clear of ayont

Phó từ

Very close to in amount, degree or quantity, but not quite
almost nearly practically virtually borderline nigh fairly feckly most somewhere close to well-nigh just about next to as good as all but about more or less fair much pretty much approaching approximately bordering on nigh on to all intents and purposes roughly verging on pretty well not far from not quite pretty nearly nearing essentially around within an inch of not far off in effect in essence close on for all practical purposes on the edge of on the point of on the verge of in the neighborhood of in the vicinity of on the brink of really bordering circa basically fundamentally close upon pretty near upwards of in substance in the ballpark in the neighborhood for all intents and purposes near enough give or take a little effectively verging positively effectually pushing absolutely veritably simply plus-minus guesstimate implicitly well nigh morally in all but name actually decidedly relatively substantially something like not actually not absolutely in practical terms plumb plain as much as almost entirely very nearly almost completely as near as dammit about to near to somewheres scattered someplace elsewhere for the greatest part within sight of in a manner of speaking kicking around parts unknown around somewhere someplace or other someplace or another any old place in one place or another here and there some roundly nearabout round within a little close but no cigar in reality in fact in truth in actual fact in all important respects vaguely intrinsically for practical purposes at heart in the main inherently if truth be told in sooth in actuality in practice

Phó từ

In the front
fore before antecedently beforehand ahead precedently forward ante previous nearest in advance earlier previously formerly already afore anteriorly preliminarily sooner before now hitherto heretofore once aforetime advanced until then in anticipation in the past in days gone by in readiness before then before present way back when earlier on ahead of time until now at one time back when a while ago in days of yore in old days former up to then ere up to now since prematurely inopportunely early precociously unseasonably precocious onwards in front at the fore at the head of the queue at the head at an advantage precedent in the vanguard preceding advancing in the lead in the foreground progressing foremost in the van to the fore then erstwhile anciently time was some time ago a while back in years gone by long ago up till now prior to now time was when prior to the present time in bygone days in times past in the old days in those days in times gone by before the present in the olden days one time previously ages ago from way back at one stage on a former occasion at an earlier time last time prior to this one time before back then once upon a time on one occasion since God knows when prior to this time before this in the good old days years ago back in the day in times bygone in earlier times in former times at one point in times of yore ago back agone gone syne of yore so far of old in time gone by theretofore yet onetime thus far away back eons ago in olden times in antiquity in yesteryear in days of old in auld lang syne now beforetime at that instant sometime timely erst whilom up to this time one time in one case but once by that time further back by then too soon earlier than required earlier than expected in good time by the time in my day from year one above by the time mentioned with time to spare as yet to date till now up until now till then up until then lately as was erewhile radically olden days used to be down memory lane water under the bridge

Động từ

To approach or come near to (physically or numerically)
approach loom arrive nigh advance close come border verge reach surround advance towards come towards draw nearer to get close to get nearer to get near to move towards border on close in on come to draw near to get closer to touch on close in come close to come up to draw close draw closer draw near draw nearer draw up to go up to advance on close to come close come closer come near come nearer come near to come up come within reach of draw on edge near edge nearer bear down on converge on creep up on gain on loom up move in on move near move nearer roll up verge on verge upon creep up go close go closer go near go nearer go towards belly up approximate to be close to close the gap be similar to progress catch up on be near to move touch catch up draw proceed edge catch bear down converge march make headway draw nigh move closer gain resemble nudge neighbour neighbor sneak up gain on someone catch up with narrow the gap between lean press weigh down head make get nearer get near move in improve gain ground waltz up turn up push forward appear show up get close get closer move forward be verging on pace go beckon forge make progress overhaul go along gain ground on draw level with run down move towards someone compare with go off move toward equal roughly estimate correspond to guess stack up against or with be not unlike be not dissimilar to assess be tantamount to guesstimate approximate reckon value appraise get on for measure up to echo join be like compare impinge connect lie near contact abut parallel lie next to match adjoin incline trench incline towards incline to tend towards lean towards gravitate toward tend to be on the edge butt on be more or less brink on move on trend towards be not far from

Động từ

Be or seem to be equal or comparable to
rival equal match emulate compete with oppose parallel touch vie with challenge compare with amount approach approximate contest correspond meet partake resemble rivalize tie be comparable to be comparable with come up to measure up to bear comparison with go after go for keep pace with keep up with scramble for be on a level with be on a par with be similar to come near to hold a candle to jockey for position be a match for be in the same category as be in the same league as be the equal of seek to displace tie with be equal to contend with amount to be tantamount to agree with be identical to equate to reach equalize equalise come close to achieve be equal with tally with equate with square with be as good as be equivalent to live up to be the same as tot up to come to satisfy copy imitate compete compare outdo be in the same class as correspond to be commensurate with coordinate with be as great as fulfil fit mimic square mirror follow correlate fulfill tally relate balance suit ditto conform link match up to answer be like come near dovetail with get near take after do like make like pattern after follow suit accord with measure up be consistent with jibe with coincide with rank with follow in the footsteps of follow the example of rise up to match up with be consonant with keep abreast of comply with serve track add up to align with extend stand comparison with arrive fill the bill admit of comparison with stand the test stand the pace equate better beat draw recall suggest standardise vie connect nudge standardize get close to measure up with measure up against agree accord evoke inherit conjure up look like favour favor coincide deadlock be on an equal footing with be not a million miles from equal roughly approximate to be not unlike be not dissimilar to bear comparison distinguish between stack up with bring near be nearly as good as show correspondence put alongside act like call up remind one of harmonize dovetail finish even be equal be neck and neck even up be level be on a par be even finish equal break even harmonize with rime with correspond with correlate to cohere with go with fit the pattern check with comport with marry with rhyme with sort with chord with rime check correlate with go consist comport cohere complement sort rhyme jibe chord be the spitting image of put one in mind of bear a resemblance to be a chip off the old block have the look of cause one to remember make one think of level echo quadrate concur with make partake of tie in with lip sync be in harmony with be in agreement with be related relate to be in tune with harmonise be consistent match up assimilate be congruous with reciprocate conform to be compatible with reproduce mime ape copycat surpass equiponderate equipoise outvie do contend model oneself on take as an example take as a model follow in footsteps model yourself on pattern yourself after take a leaf out of someone's book go like run abreast be even with break even with make even rise to be level with simulate smack of be the very picture of bear resemblance to look a lot like duplicate feature bring to mind have a look of bear semblance to appear like have earmarks of have signs of be the spit of be a dead ringer for be close to be the image of border on verge on be the picture of be good enough admit of comparison reflect fit the bill double replicate clone be constitute parrot impersonate comprise sum total sound like seem like pass for have the hallmarks of have all the hallmarks of remind you of put you in mind of style oneself on evaluate take as a pattern do an impression of adopt the style of model after spell imply mean grow number pattern oneself after parallelize recreate repeat become effect aggregate represent make up develop into come within reach of close in on go up to creep up on stack up against be near to verge upon draw near be almost move toward be not a million miles away from draw near to touch on bear down on draw up to move in on threaten border get on for be alike be analogous to chime with chime in with keep pace perform be regarded as fill handle complete discharge impinge neighbor march contact abut lie next to adjoin join neighbour lie near execute suffice gratify redeem cope with carry out

Từ trái nghĩa của near

near Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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