Từ đồng nghĩa của onetime

Tính từ

From or relating to a previous era
olden aged historic old aboriginal age-old ancient antediluvian antiquated antique archaic bygone cast-off crumbling dated decayed demode done early erstwhile former hackneyed hoary immemorial late moth-eaten of old of yore old as Methuselah old as the hills oldfangled old-fashioned old-time once original outmoded out-of-date passé past primaeval primeval primitive primordial pristine quondam relic remote rusty sometime stale superannuated timeworn time-worn traditional unfashionable unoriginal venerable worn-out prehistoric obsolete outdated extinct defunct vintage forgotten out of date outworn dead medieval obsolescent long-ago earlier mediaeval previous demoded behind the times foregone old hat out of the ark fossilized earliest anachronistic démodé old-fangled neolithic mossy moldy gone by mouldy fossilised Stone Age out one-time departed superseded dateless out of style quaint old-hat unstylish out-of-style not with it musty prehistorical Noachian moribund kaputt kaput very old antiquarian classical corny odd square long-standing hoar lost finished long-gone gone old-world time-honoured expired vanished completed fusty unhip distant ancestral historical bypast ex- primigenial of olden days out of it neglected rococo dowdy not modern not current grown old disapproved of the old school dinosaur out of fashion retrograde old-school retro old-timey atavistic way back way back when latter-day long ago creaky olde worlde down memory lane horse-and-buggy clunky long gone done to death faded cobwebby well-established classic collectable redundant discarded discontinued unremembered unrecalled frumpish frumpy long past long departed past its prime conservative old-fogeyish primal removed backward-looking crusted feudal lost and gone lost in time consigned to oblivion old fashioned having seen better days rinky-dink deprecated square-toed antwacky fossil vieux jeu past it over passe had it done for past its sell-by date of long ago dead and gone past one's sell-by date old as Adam fixed rooted deep folk heritage old-style ended long-lived timeless nonextant forever long-established time-honored veteran old style belated forepassed spent past recall centuries old no more accomplished elapsed prior rooted in the past in oblivion sunk in oblivion recent dead and buried ago over and done with over and done whilom other preceding foregoing older water over the dam water under the bridge anterior precedent antecedent retired gone-by as was in the olden days behind one back when in the good old days ancient history ages ago disused tired exhausted abandoned has-been bent unusable out of commission out of use horse and buggy drab parachronistic decrepit behindhand shabby as old as the hills elderly plain dull threadbare picturesque tacky cheesy backward styleless crusty unpopular fogyish worn out worn homely fogeyish last year's unkempt passé senescent anachronous overused tasteless trashy unprogressive dusty inelegant backwards holey tattered ragged charming back-number fallen into disuse gothic frayed nostalgic period stodgy scruffy tatty mumsy enduring ageless established ticky-tack ticky-tacky retrogressive boring poky oldie long in the tooth over the hill on its last legs anachronistical barbaric geriatric yesterday overfamiliar inflexible out-of-fashion no longer in use obscure archaistic back number torn broken-down yesterday's patched hacky antediluvial gentlemanly courteous stuck in time yellowed dry as dust clapped out courtly chivalrous ceremonious gallant craft old school no longer fashionable no longer used not fashionable at an end no longer in fashion not in unattractive lasting hand-me-down evocative waning declining ritual first tried and true ritualistic tried and tested physical of yesteryear senior doddering grizzled silver-haired grey-haired white-haired silvery-haired grizzly dying out in period style old world doddery getting on longevous unglamorous unsophisticated becoming obsolete ageing disappearing of an advanced age advanced in years lot of mileage on the wane on the way out undesirable on the decline aging dreary dingy not long for this world past your prime not as young as one used to be not as young as one was no spring chicken ingrained deep-seated hard-and-fast going out of use going out of fashion growing old toytown sweet cunning twee attractive daggy blowsy badly-dressed baggy sloppy badly dressed poorly dressed colonial artful Gothic appealing captivating affected pretty Victorian arty-crafty cute brick and mortar ossified baroque ingenious enchanting olde pleasing pleasantly old-fashioned dilapidated mangy seedy grungy ratty scrubby dumpy sleazy bombed-out tumbledown beat-up dog-eared miserable tatterdemalion down-at-the-heels scuzzy down-at-heel run-down mean well worn raggedy worse for wear

Phó từ

At a previous or earlier time or period

Từ trái nghĩa của onetime

onetime Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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