Từ đồng nghĩa của individual

Alternative for individual


Từ đồng nghĩa: being, human, man, one, personal, separate, single, special,

Từ trái nghĩa: entire, general, whole,

Tính từ

Relating to a single person or thing
single distinct separate specific independent particular respective distinctive unique distinguished lone sole disparate autonomous discrete express isolated personal private singular solitary special definite exclusive diacritic only particularised particularized select selfstanding unitary different diverse unlike lonely alone detached unalike solo lonesome unconnected peculiar variant unaccompanied unequal disconnected several unattached heterogeneous odd miscellaneous varied assorted multifarious manifold sundry divers unrelated distinguishable numerous many all manner of polymorphic many-sided variegated changing multitudinal legion omnifarious motley multitudinous populous mixed diversified changeable by oneself free all alone on one's own dissimilar multiform separated apart one companionless protean precise by itself left alone contrasting freestanding unassociated divergent polymorphous nonidentical distant especial unescorted unattended mismatched other deserted single-handed abandoned hermit stag reclusive various characteristic unallied divided offbeat differing varying contradictory inconsistent distinguishing sui generis contrastive unchaperoned poles apart contrary one-off removed without companions by yourself one and only not related standalone proper categorical substantive dissociated idiosyncratic divorced discontinuous irrelevant uncommon autarchic individualized disjointed discrepant disjunct disjoined clashing incompatible incongruent conflicting alternative disproportionate dispersed individualised forsaken onliest one-sided alternate incomparable antithetic non-continuous withdrawn partnerless solus deviating unguarded unwatched in solitary me myself and I friendless unassisted unmarried me and my shadow unaided in a solitary state non-identical without an escort a cappella isolate traveling light loner on your own remaining spare surplus unpaired extra unaffiliated unsocial unsociable sequestered retiring introverted antisocial leftover uncommitted uncoupled unlinked unused unmatched uneven hermitic hermitical unilateral pure neutral non-aligned self-ruling non-partisan self-governing unmixed unshared uncompounded signature undivided simple unalloyed unblended impertinent nongermane irrelative inappropriate uninvolved unassociated with independent of uncommited fancy-free footloose orra one only only one singled-out not kin not kindred at liberty off the hook not similar opposite weird myriad antithetical antonymous mismated unsimilar not alike far from like chalk and cheese not capable of comparison far cry march to a different drummer like night and day disunited on its own

Tính từ

Characteristic of a particular person or thing
characteristic distinctive distinct idiosyncratic innate particular respective patent peculiar personal unique specific disparate distinguishing original signature singular categorical intrinsic representative special typical emblematic especial essential exclusive individualistic inherent inimitable own personalised personalized proper separate different exceptional inborn inbred individualised individualized notable patented privy recognisable recognizable subjective unmistakable private idiomatic identifying discriminating classic symptomatic diagnostic diagnostical indicative express independent differentiating identifiable symbolic intimate particularized particularised appropriate customized extraordinary customised one-to-one restricted discriminative endemic marked individualising individualizing one-on-one precise set remarkable concrete regular select distinguished diacritic demonstrative noteworthy uncommon conspicuous discrete local reserved suggestive standard archetypal quintessential prototypical direct peculiar to particular to found only in usual single monogrammed tailor-made sole impressionistic determining unusual internal claimed several relevant corresponding various resident fixed natural privately owned privately-owned very own each selflike in character exclusive to typical of native characteristic of ingrained warning signalling exceeding offbeat striking prominent distinguishable outstanding familiar salient custom indicatory denotive indicating associated evidential designative denotative significant dissimilar perceptible specialised refreshing unofficial face-to-face head-to-head signaling specialized informal archetypical definitive true nonconformist noticeable detectable decipherable pointing to copybook illustrative model vintage paradigmatic textbook classical exemplary stock ideal stereotypical non-official prime stereotyped prototypic prototypal archetypic stereotypic patterned typic perfect non-public hands-on in the trenches in the front line in amongst it at the coal face most typical

Tính từ

Unusual or original in characteristics
original unique exclusive singular novel different unorthodox atypical unusual off-centre unconventional incomparable inimitable unprecedented offbeat peculiar unparalleled whimsical alternative curious eccentric extraordinary fresh idiosyncratic left-field nonconformist nonstandard oddball off-key outlandish out of the ordinary quaint quirky special uncustomary untried bizarre freakish nonconforming odd off the wall outrageous queer strange uncanny uncommon unfamiliar untypical unwonted wacky way-out weird one and only classic diagnostic diagnostical discriminating identifying symptomatic distinctive distinct characteristic distinguishing one-off one abnormal anomalous solitary single rare lone particular sole only isolated typical individualistic irregular aberrant funny kooky alone far out sui generis onliest only possible proper freak bohemian avant-garde radical exceptional esoteric private way out kookie freaky kinky zany screwy far-out off-the-wall rum bizarro out there crazy weirdo solo out-of-the-way wild one shot essential representative specific personal unshared distinguished all your own remaining ace separate custom customized signature personalized specialized random only one monstrous unthinkable divergent unlike unreal unnatural disparate deviant inconceivable contrary incongruous incomprehensible newsworthy foreign mysterious unrepresentative preternatural supernatural jarring unaccustomed uncharacteristic exotic extreme groundbreaking innovative final Bohemian whacky remarkable funky queerish limited rad groovy deep hippie mod modern modernistic cool ultramodern contemporary maverick informal cranky erratic outre in left field fanciful unpredictable capricious spaced-out off-kilter unheard of wacko unrelated stray last only remaining only surviving only one left sole remaining unaccompanied personalised specialised customised unrepeated hippy heterodox unceremonious madcap boho outré by oneself unequalled matchless off the beaten track out in left field out of this world once in a lifetime unrivaled peerless unrivalled unmatched unequaled unsurpassed one of a kind supreme without equal without parallel fantastic unexpected absurd ridiculous mystifying droll out of the way puzzling perplexing ludicrous nutty flaky flakey baffling daggy off-center aberrated phenomenal insane especial mad quizzical surreal inexplicable surprising grotesque unaccountable unco alien extraordinaire exceeding preposterous dotty suspicious dubious dilly perverted cockeyed devious deviate aberrational daft nuts crackpot irrational amusing comical silly nonsensical warped fantastical eerie twisted questionable perverse foolish scarce bent illogical cuckoo spooky out of the common dippy farcical comic cracked experimental loony clownish extravagant goofy waggish incredible something else astonishing laughable balmy humorous infrequent hare-brained witty unknown creative deviating beat non-typical off the air fishy anomalistic creepy heteroclite off-base off-color out of line new progressive risible senseless batty hilarious chucklesome diverting harebrained fatuous light-hearted screwball looney lunatic daffy unhealthy dreamlike incoherent half-baked imaginative inventive sick wayward unsound quixotic corrupt suspect old-fashioned wonderful unreasonable pervy avant garde sporadic rummy mental psycho flighty digressive rogue slang chimerical unhinged demented unbalanced joshing camp campy sicko stupid transgressing wandering distorted unheard-of arbitrary unconforming few and far between thin on the ground far-fetched offhand forward-looking oddish intriguing out of place advanced fringe disconsonant inapropos irrelevant incongruent wigged out schizoid schizo mischievous playful unordinary depraved out-there untraditional kookish eccentrical not tightly wrapped excentrical weird and wonderful unintelligible non-standard rambling straying out of the box anarchistic unsavoury degenerated sadistic degenerate masochistic unrecognized defective cockamamie doubtful conspicuous out of keeping shady arcane nondescript startling egregious few obscure unrecognised very unconventional seldom licentious deviative immoral varying heretical variant dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy off-beat off the rails bugged out crotchety problematical problematic touched occasional errant other interesting discordant noteworthy unharmonious mercurial impracticable inane malformed inscrutable crinkly twisty unsavory dicey chancy uncertain wackadoodle bewildering shocking infantile imbecilic crazy-ass implausible pointless idiotic wackadoo cock-eyed unbelievable like nothing on earth disorderly unworkable imprudent puerile derisory foolhardy funny peculiar unnormal heteromorphic inept jerky fool brainless weak-minded witless simpleminded half-witted featherheaded asinine unwise tomfool lunkheaded bubbleheaded sappy barbarous awkward irresponsible not normal dumb short-sighted ill-conceived beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason inappropriate entertaining eye-popping jocular expressive rollicking mirthful bonkers loopy barmy antic wry hysterical sportive killing comedic humoristic sidesplitting screaming tongue-in-cheek riotous uproarious hysteric engaging facetious romantic fabulous potty sparkling side-splitting rib-tickling dreamy brainsick deranged crackers crazed loco maniac wud maniacal bedlam scatty meshugge bughouse crackbrained psychotic fruity haywire bats gaga moonstruck whacko meshuga certifiable gelastic laffer crack-up riot inspired artistic mythical poetic fancy originative gonzo artful brilliant fertile ingenious illusory genius imaginary keen looney tunes loony tunes for grins gagged up non compos mentis innovational chimeric visionary vivid phantasmal revolutionary phantasmic astute unreasoning invalid inconsequential fallacious acting crazy illegitimate inconsequent nonrational weak head in the clouds out of touch with reality blue-sky Promethean contradictory loose full of hot air ill-tempered vacant inconsistent all wet bad-tempered stroppy thoughtless reasonless unreasoned wrong

Tính từ

Having or showing creativity or inventiveness
imaginative creative ingenious inventive original enterprising inspired visionary clever innovative innovatory resourceful fanciful fantastic insightful whimsical artful blue-sky innovational nonconformist off-centre originative Promethean stimulating unconventional unorthodox unusual vivid dreamy poetical artistic avant-garde extravagant fertile fictive high-flown inspirational offbeat pie-in-the-sky poetic productive quixotic romantic utopian brain wave breaking ground out of the ordinary way out novel new fresh different unprecedented unique unfamiliar pioneering groundbreaking refreshing distinctive individualistic welcome not just another seminal trailblazing revolutionary unknown disruptive special newfangled untried strange singular inspiring unaccustomed demiurgic unheard-of ground-breaking avant garde breaking new ground gifted perceptive talented radical deviceful experimental exotic expressive bizarre formative discerning genius advanced modern chimerical eccentric unreal arty-crafty pretentious arty brilliant left-field picturesque fantastical intuitive contemporary state-of-the-art wild new-fashioned ultra-modern sharp astute skilful uncommon overdecorative intelligent futuristic aesthetic neoteric curious skillful fine cutting-edge leading-edge odd constructive out-of-the-box sensitive peculiar capable impractical able outlandish adroit out of touch with reality prescient sophisticated weird freakish shrewd marvellous smart elaborate penetrating quick wise flighty esthetic perspicacious illusory knowing marvelous keen far-sighted modernistic surprising sharp-witted artsy-craftsy ornate profound cutting edge deep accomplished idealistic fancy masterly grotesque absurd virtuoso just out beautiful bright quaint cultivated crafty cultured refined elegant ambitious baroque percipient queer causative teeming forgetive fruitful unrealistic tasteful graceful fabulous wonderful exceptional moving unworkable idealized idealist subtle awesome far-fetched quixotical stylish quirky daydreaming nifty quick-witted imaginary starry rare idealised ridiculous chimeric fundamental capricious starry-eyed latest untested glamourous glamorous recent canny razor-sharp freaky fairy-tale intricate ivory-towered atypical germinal artsy acute ready alert head-in-the-clouds knowledgeable brainy sagacious tuned in progressive sage unhackneyed understanding head in the clouds whip-smart pretentiously artistic forward-looking witty prolific transformational eloquent variational lateral influential foolish crazy nonsensical insane slang preposterous unwonted alternative important funky elevated figurative symbolic flowery discriminating brand new up to date Gothic gothic optimistic idyllic exaggerated hopeful incredible out of the common arty-farty unlikely unpractical far cry extraordinary wondrous up-to-date this season's new-fangled in a world of one's own improbable fictitious legendary surreal bizarro enigmatic astounding Panglossian Micawberish mythical dreamlike major full of feeling dexterous rococo Kafkaesque well-thought-out high-tech complex forward-thinking well-designed highly developed well-planned strategic multifaceted involved well-built mischievous playful dextrous sly cunning made-up sensational astonishing spectacular incomprehensible stupendous out there breathtaking romanesque phantasmal crackpot phantasmic waggish droll pivotal epoch-making primary critical crucial generative on the ball neat fashionable happening hot in far out modernist trendy groovy unexplored modish with-it cool hip unexampled pathbreaking nontraditional funny deviating drastic far-out thinking outside the box flaky intellectual apt thinking homespun homemade handmade rational idiosyncratic weird and wonderful enlightened logical fast well-informed up-and-coming game-changing world-shattering scholarly supersmart precocious dotty crotchety rustic all there instructed having a good head on one's shoulders responsible alive highbrow together comprehending know how many beans make five ultrasmart having no flies on calculating cerebral very smart sensible nimble quick on the uptake hyperintelligent whiz decorative lovely dicey flakey amusing humorous quizzical random off-the-wall chancy uncertain kinky old-fashioned comical arbitrary ornamental exquisite spirited pleasing enthusiastic dreaming speculative unfeasible practical emotional attractive outstanding hypothetical theoretical adventurous energetic superlative exciting memorable superb thrilling otherworldly introspective musing abstracted noble prophetic exalted astral unworldly lofty impracticable grandiose delusory vigorous venturesome excellent enthralling magnificent supreme aesthetically pleasing active aggressive judicious sapient incisive impressive dazzling observant savvy thoughtful penetrative prudent tremendous awake argute conscious appreciative cute aware responsive grand musical harmonious pictorial ideal rhythmical sublime dramatic in the clouds super formidable virtuosic ace coruscating magic knows what's what ear to the ground smashing brill wicked mean with your head in the clouds first-class first-rate supercalifragilisticexpialidocious out of this world of genius

Tính từ

Naturally as part or consequence of something
inherent intrinsic natural essential innate native basic immanent inborn ingrained fundamental instinctive congenital inbred central connate hereditary inbuilt underlying elemental inherited organic structural characteristic constitutional constitutive engrained hardwired implicit indelible indigenous ineffaceable ineradicable inexpungible inseparable instinctual integral permanent connatural distinctive elementary fixed genetic indispensable indwelling ingrain inner integrated internal intimate inward latent original resident subjective unalienable built-in deep-rooted in-built deep-seated hard-wired in one's blood part and parcel in your blood vital key intuitive principal primary unlearned rudimentary radical necessary cardinal quintessential in the family chief prime profound primitive in the blood rooted core important foundational critical pivotal basal inveterate main unacquired focal root capital requisite crucial primal paramount bred in the bone entrenched staple salient constituent confirmed material gut component needed dyed-in-the-wool deep rudimental natural-born bottom-line deep-down major incorporated significant meat-and-potatoes inheritable natal ingrown heritable true real dominant settled foremost predominant first untaught genuine genealogical patrimonial born integrant required existing from birth firm ingenerate imperative compulsory chronic inmost mandatory persistent secure hard-core intrenched bred-in-the-bone unshakeable irremovable established beginning needful obligatory consequential introductory abiding subconscious well established lingering long-lasting necessitous all-important substantive must-have high-priority called for prerequisite all important pre-eminent vitally important contained compelled temperamental spontaneous frequent brassbound included composing uncomplicated particular standard normal typical regular native-born embedded implanted wild inwrought infused instilled nuclear raw unsophisticated complete utter endemic congenite genetous thorough mere base en suite sheer unlearnt in one's genes pure primordial initial abecedarian simple highest greatest ultimate supporting sustaining substratal substrative axiomatic grass-roots theoretical bottom underived axiological groundlaying demanded untutored incumbent leading overbearing arch prior sovereign preeminent sovran grand big supreme premier great overriding overmastering master sporogenous chromosomal phytogenetic digenetic matriclinous historical ancestral abiogenetic genital xenogenetic genesiological eugenic genomic involuntary forced nonelective peremptory burning appropriate compulsatory connected expedient wanted desired preferred compelling proper binding decisive momentous specified pressing urgent exigent recommended genetical number one numero uno of great consequence de rigueur incumbent on name of game life-and-death of the utmost importance of the essence at the heart of mental habitual longtime longstanding composite ingredient formative fractional divisional ethnic psychological emotional transmissible factorial combinative partial part maternal deep down traditional lodged in one's brain deeply felt paternal constituting cerebral in the genes handed down psychologic intellectual viscerous visceral prominent serious influential acute considerable far-reaching meaningful weighty heavy prefatory initiatory grave outstanding earliest early substantial preparatory ruling top powerful preliminary number-one head heavy-duty noteworthy opening dire large-scale monumental intense historic primeval high-level pertinent appreciable earth-shattering lead notable sizable strategic precursory uppermost aboriginal eminent pristine of consequence inductive primaeval big-time big league simplest utmost earnest deciding prevailing topmost determining immediate severe commanding pronounced ponderous germane climacteric determinative presiding supereminent exceptional imposing high trial overruling instrumental test pilot extensive desperate controlling nitty-gritty eventful exploratory preceding seminal special mighty autochthonous conspicuous easy autochthonic major-league earthshaking readying preparing high-ranking relevant applicable ancient bread-and-butter ABCs primo uncomplex simplified simplex plain clear foundation causal apposite prehistoric large apropos pointed distinguished duck soup child's play preparative bog-standard antique antediluvian striking pioneer marked celebrated telling operative senior meat and potatoes impactful noted especial importunate imperious keynote prototype prototypal prelusive landmark top-level top-priority heavyweight almighty reputable illustrious prodigious tectonic extreme prelim primigenial clamant emergent arch- life-changing big-league life and death prestigious honoured superior hefty tough crying noble embryonic maiden honourable honorable top-ranking epoch-making resonant previous life-or-death honored of moment much needed fateful emphatic well known major league high profile high-up underivative high-powered highly regarded everyday life-preserving life-sustaining basilar lowest qualifying prevalent larval nuts-and-bolts uncompleted alpha axial fitting causative contributory contributing connecting popular absolute climactic star stellar No. 1 stipulated underlined apt definitive actual trusted chad authoritative dynamic invaluable in demand name-of-the-game world-shaking indicative executive emergency drastic sore impelling coal-and-ice very important inaugural terrible driving parlous right-hand lead-in prolegomenous transcendental sublime categorical strongest immense tremendous difficult top-notch big time puissant skookum top-drawer of high standing first-gen mission-critical advance prodromal precursive experimental explorative maximum instant elevated empyrean empyreal lower ur- proto- super solemn firsthand direct enormous sizeable huge called-for very great starting prodromic preludial prelusory headmost inceptive sombre super colossal hard mammoth of great import no joke sober valuable no laughing matter of significance somber responsible unmediated decision-making nascent exceeding ultra titanic vast astronomic astronomical ample first-edition first-ever testing virgin commencing leadoff creative trying searching settling second-to-none facile straightforward uncivilised unevolved old uncivilized coarse barbaric first-hand infant demanding attention goodly biggish extraordinary innovative forceful milestone relative clamorous imaginative groundbreaking recognized famous respected noticeable signal memorable carrying a lot of weight impressive remarkable ponderable touchy insistent showdown climatic appurtenant applicative renowned touch and go hanging by thread on thin ice pioneering productive now or never ground-breaking sensational much rare portentous uncommon conclusive glaring front-page unusual newsworthy well-known famed business-critical first-generation pointful associated strong headline preponderant obvious unforgettable worthy of attention quantum generous unordinary potent glorious sweeping formational constructional esteemed iconic acclaimed dignified precautionary prep before formidable recognised public worthwhile ad rem to the point to the purpose organizational configurational oustanding fatal germinal prior to inspiring in anticipation of inspirational in advance of generative overshadowing dangerous grievous of concern high-profile of note of influence of mark well thought of in the public eye systemic constructural formalistic skeletal organisational architectural anatomical anatomic most important most prominent most influential

Tính từ

Marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail
precise exact accurate correct definite detailed pinpoint right true proper strict veracious absolute close complete faithful good literal unambiguous unequivocal authentic categorical decisive defined determinate surgical clear-cut on-target spot-on dead-on error-free well-defined bang on inch-perfect on the button on the money on the nose explicit unerring clear specific perfect definitive distinct spot on faultless direct meticulous valid on target factual errorless certain express realistic genuine veridical on the mark particular conclusive reliable convincing unquestionable sure truthful unmistakable impeccable thorough rigorous flawless straightforward so regular plain concrete real infallible established just verbatim lifelike authoritative minute actual ideal undeniable veritable irrefutable scrupulous credible obvious legitimate solid full lucid unvarnished fixed hard very undoubted well defined model manifest exhaustive sharp undisputed positive honest kosher on the nail word for word understandable indubitable certified fact-based final simple true to life letter-perfect comprehensive crystal clear painstaking appropriate careful undistorted word-perfect comprehensible unimpeachable circumstantial set determined unqualified sound blow-by-blow effective matter-of-fact dinkum unfailing intelligible undeviating coherent verifiable elaborate fitting confirmed decided dead on trustworthy pure particularized legit settled right on unadulterated outright fair graphic unrefuted transparent limited supreme unembellished punctilious immaculate dependable verisimilar univocal recognized crisp logical accepted best picture-perfect on the beam whole optimal firm ultimate picture-book bona fide inerrant sensible without error perspicuous suitable particularised black-and-white righteous natural conventional vivid cut-and-dried standard cogent telling it like it is quintessential requisite as it really happened recognised unblemished fine unabridged deadly certifiable mathematical restricted hairline assured objective guaranteed naturalistic just right proven clearly defined historical scientific indisputable rich incontrovertible irreproachable judicious open-and-shut bounded acceptable conscientious incontestable narrow punctual photographic reasonable unelaborated graspable peak downright circumscribed veristic secure indefectible sure-enough true-to-life top prime consummate straight legible finest seamless rational unbroken round optimum finite apparent flat black and white hard and fast cut and dried foremost open idyllic patent believable evident stark official commonsensical levelheaded watertight nice choicest validated last deciding orthodox choice thoughtful verified prudent unconditional clearly expressed bull's-eye free of error dead right best possible typical pre-eminent cinematic filmic total sheer on the level well founded well-grounded best-case unalloyed even pictorial unquestioned discriminating discriminative skillful rigid deft systematic skilful methodical irrefragable delicate refined known extensive fathomable lethal ultraprecise uncomplicated echt emphatic unarguable unanswerable unmistaken amen measured elaborated unadorned documentary nonfictional visual pukka pucka textbook moral accessible entire comprehendible apprehensible similar seriatim picturesque word-for-word exemplary formal user friendly user-friendly self-explanatory in depth classic satisfactory letter for letter stainless apt representative sincere upright letter-for-letter justifiable reasoned commonsense pellucid existent normal spotless beyond question commonsensible informed opportune analytic analytical clinching okay exquisite unambivalent readable foolproof defensible defendable canonical as sure as eggs is eggs warranted undivided nonambiguous virtuous plausible guileless ingenuous archetypal beyond doubt striking luminous in-depth sober satisfying definable intellectual confined palpable on the right track clean determining uninvolved safe de facto well-founded delimited telling right as rain on the ball marked authenticated true-blue failsafe right-minded to the letter just so easy to understand irrevocable fit qualified pronounced documented unassailable all right unblurred lucent exactly right fail-safe well-advised well grounded sharply defined as true as I'm sitting here settling audible nailed down straight from the horse's mouth spelled out bound straight from horse's mouth flat-out on the up and up as true as I'm standing here straight out like it is distinctive severe dead historically veracious case uncanny preferable omniscient vérité historically faithful unfaked resembling clear cut copybook precision inevitable hunky-dory what really happened what actually happened undisputable in accordance with the facts reputable without blemish without fault overt inveterate universal expected vested accustomed mainstream familiar rooted usual acknowledged digestible near photo-realistic three-dimensional living representational naturalist to a T polished undoubting learned attested blunt well-marked specified plentiful copious profuse abundant lavish ample surefire confirmable resolute doubtless on the dot line-for-line real life crimeless unspotted intact unguilty relevant unchallengeable in accordance with reality scrutable decipherable original speaking scholarly quantified frank candid demonstrable well aimed uncontested stage by stage step by step liberal sufficient identical perfected to a turn creditable just what the doctor ordered just what we need unexaggerated well focused visible in focus weighty consequent pertinent prototypical penetrable knowable upfront literatim in the bag sure-fire can't-miss questionless peremptory unprejudiced unbiased stated persuasive uncontradicted accomplished tangible supported from the horse's mouth respected circumstantiated forthright utter res ipsa loquitur the real McCoy for real based on facts cut and dry inexpugnable stable frozen hard-and-fast stone cold no ifs ands or buts nailed-on line for line line by line archetypical characteristic well-suited made to order tailor-made just the job thoroughgoing out-and-out historically accurate plain-spoken all there holding water holding up responsible holding up in wash profound got it together together advisable right-thinking standing up cool artless unaffected concluding state-of-the-art limiting terminating terminal completing finishing closing ending luculent authorized true-life card-carrying unpretending average unpretentious undesigning barefaced bald hands-down prepared broad-ranging in detail practical approved sanctioned unmitigated intent honest-to-goodness dead-center ringing demarcated free-spoken beyond a doubt controlled easily understandable justified dinky-di orderly tidy easy to read flowing fluent easily deciphered smooth undeceptive admissible arrant broad crystalline enlightened sagacious circumspect philosophic reflective collected deductive thinking synthetic intelligent discerning ratiocinative trustable reasoning cerebral perspicacious endorsed licensed accredited demonstrative terminable elegant unornamented assigned convinced prescribed unfeigned square plainspoken meaning what one says truth-telling outspoken unreserved checked curbed real McCoy bald-faced bright-line absolutely right exactly correct very accurate determinable solemn conditioned substantiated shrewd corroborated colorable knowing itemized all-inclusive by the book to the point airtight uncontroversial beyond dispute constrained on the numbers principled OK maintainable calculable supportable tenable sustainable empirical cognitive stringent empiric litmus test determinative determinant resolving all out what you see is what you get revealing beyond a shadow of a doubt irrefrangible retentive describable ascertainable perceptible ethical restrained O.K. high-principled all-embracing predetermined predictable subject to limitations not infinite in every respect warrantable due on the line legal signed lawful sealed ratified of one syllable equitable stone honourable neat encyclopedic developed routine applicable forceful expressive vindicable high-minded upstanding intense photogenic acute camera-friendly explicable well-thought-out well-reasoned sinless allowed signed and sealed ordered cleared cathedral ex cathedra licenced customary authorised and delivered rightful ex officio encyclopaedic itemised enumerated finicky reserved predefined sectional hampered topical along the right lines for sure on track right stuff honorable anti-corruption conscionable noble incorruptible illustrative lively descriptive uninhibited articulate balanced blameless incorrupt basic short non-complex elementary easy ordinary painless point-by-point on the right lines cooking with gas according to Hoyle shocking punchy powerful startling colourful lurid untarnished innocent guiltless desired becoming suited befitting meet felicitous pretty decent respectable recognizable delineated cleanhanded inculpable white uncorrupted lily-white squeaky-clean at length clean-cut well-drawn highly coloured trusty thinking twice fastidious critical extremely careful heedful fair-minded de règle ten aces beyond criticism unsullied A-okay unflawed note-perfect squeaky clean beyond reproach fleckless apple-pie moving well drawn eloquent stirring figurative well delineated incisive forcible strong compelling colorful well expressed leaving nothing to the imagination recognisable above suspicion above reproach whiter than white as pure as the driven snow most favourable most advantageous most appropriate most excellent most favorable

Tính từ

Able to be perceived, sensed, or discerned
distinguishable discernible perceptible detectable sensible appreciable apprehensible discernable palpable conspicuous noticeable obvious recognisable recognizable evident manifest well-marked apparent clear discrete divergent observable perceivable ponderable special unique visible unmistakable plain distinct marked patent pronounced striking salient blatant bold tangible clear-cut prominent unconcealed open measurable glaring transparent arresting decided overt significant notable signal unambiguous outstanding unequivocal lucid inescapable perspicuous straightforward self-evident discoverable identifiable remarkable explicit undeniable crystal clear pointed seeable indisputable nonambiguous easily seen under one's nose undisguised bald-faced ringing writ large as plain as a pikestaff standing out a mile definite sticking out like a sore thumb visual eye-catching obtrusive understandable considerable luculent bald big as life out in the open unambivalent flagrant pellucid barefaced open-and-shut sticking out a mile standing out like a sore thumb audible dramatic seen ocular revealed commanding flamboyant brilliant grabby emphatic macroscopic unhidden splashy catchy showy kenspeckle bodacious noisy in view in sight demonstrable viewable certain not hidden to be seen unquestionable luminous broad conclusive bright-line plain to see beyond doubt beyond question ascertainable as plain as the nose on your face written all over someone staring someone in the face substantial known incontrovertible incontestable blinding sure positive noteworthy self-explanatory unsubtle open and shut exposed cut-and-dried clear as a bell as clear as day written all over one standing out as plain as day clearly visible as clear as crystal staring one in the face cut and dried clear cut familiar decipherable classifiable noted distinctive cognizable traceable strong great articulate transpicuous sizeable reasonable material fair goodly tidy on show dominant predominant indubitable noncontroversial stark gross flashy good-sized healthy large sizable estimable credible plausible ostensible seeming believable colorable defined forestanding notorious much in evidence staring you in the face make no bones beyond a doubt plain as the nose on your face to the fore in the foreground sign-posted well-worn sensational arrestive spectacular on display on view in evidence anywhere to be seen axiomatic in plain sight in full view can't miss it frank right under your nose precise public as plain as the nose on one's face right under one's nose settled absolute final firm unarguable decisive guaranteed concrete proven express univocal definitive black-and-white specific assured convinced confident recognized black and white crisp silhouetted forthright clearly defined graphic well-defined severe not vague full vivid recognised hard and fast undubitable well-grounded stated clean-cut incisive sharp minute as plain as daylight categorical irrefutable undoubted comprehensible rank brazen intelligible egregious direct naked out-and-out outright inarguable downright shameless unqualified irrefragable accepted unanswerable arrant unchallengeable compelling true real sheer unassailable simple accomplished accurate convincing coherent undisputed utter genuine complete watertight confirmed acknowledged apodictic not in doubt sound outrageous pure beyond dispute undebatable necessary graspable verifiable well defined fathomable nailed-on limpid audacious unquestioned set unmitigated dreadful beyond a shadow of a doubt unchallenged knowable crystalline blunt in the bag accessible unblurred confirmable inevitable hard avowed cogent undisputable thoroughgoing flat authoritative lucent sure thing provable authentic extreme user friendly user-friendly capital compulsory exact pertinent relevant forceful shocking predestined logical ostentatious valid infallible particular telling easily understood scandalous atrocious heinous ineluctable clearly expressed wholehearted unavoidable uncontested crying loud comprehendible gaudy garish terrible actual monstrous brass-necked unpreventable shameful ultimate clinching established digestible uncontroversial unconditional airtight veritable deducible perfect not in question unadulterated mandatory legitimate unimpeachable comprehensive legit impressive prima facie ascertained unerring legible automatic for sure fixed regular reliable safe destined determined supreme establishable unrestrained intelligent crystal major no mistake on ice easy to understand flat-out crystal-clear having down pat unmissable no ifs ands or buts flaunting unfeigned important unexaggerated unashamed protruding awful protrusive enormous intrusive glaringly obvious ineludible translucent verified honest inordinate infamous famous doubtless excessive thorough inexorable published bright deliberate disgraceful reprehensible without doubt assumed obligatory total wicked understood demonstrative diaphanous thick villainous iniquitous fated lurid solid bare well-known consummate publicized fundamental bare-faced plain as day straight plainly seen see-through certified weighty veridical predetermined unescapable preordained surefire factual flawless undoubtable scrutable candid penetrable exhaustive required uncontestable determinate double-checked cold publicised unalloyed categoric profound on the nose forcible plumb sure-fire well-founded proverbial trustworthy all-out out and out dead clear as day crashing deadly cotton-picking clean blank very stone straight-out blooming whole bound to happen sure to happen deep-dyed widely known down pat for certain bona fide well founded salted away in the cards as sure as eggs is eggs trenchant perspicacious rich fresh manifestly dinkum ill-disguised moderate easily noticed evinced disclosed divulged above board exclusive controlled evidenced aboveboard wholesale preposterous patently true unveiled unshakable enunciated attestable evincible ineliminable binding extravagant immodest resolved satisfied stunning runaway telltale joined-up easily grasped unequivocable exhibitionistic colourful lively glittery thrusting protuberant unfailing glassy flagitious well focused inimitable imminent doomed imaginable glanceable readable unrestricted unmodified crystalling flagitous liquid cinched unalterable determinable irresistible impregnable invincible easily distinguishable faultless dependable holding water rational perceptive subtle wise justifiable discriminating judicious germane commonsensical kosher consistent extensional juridicious analytic well-organized analytical congruent discerning consequent inferential holding together unreserved foolproof irrevocable nailed down sharply defined supposed reputed putative ostensive presumed grody flaming spelled out well grounded checkable supportable sustainable empirical empiric matter-of-fact well constructed artless well marked colorful truthful resolute well-proven pat superior sure-enough thin filmy out of place sticking out inexpugnable stable frozen sealed hard-and-fast unimaginative describable entire all unproblematic gauzy no ifs and or buts secure beyond the shadow of a doubt certifiable in focus harsh brutal realistic odds-on irrebuttable overwhelming ironclad apodeictic inferable no catch routine no two ways about it substantive objective stick out like sore thumb inerrant questionless failsafe detailed hanging out readily comprehensible chief primary principal explicable celebrated no holds barred no strings attached no fine print straight from the shoulder point-blank straight out proper upfront literal unvarnished quantifiable beyond a shadow of doubt lacking nuance effective energetic vigorous repeated robot-like usual fail-safe can't-miss unabashed given vehement can bet on it nof ifs ands or buts shared broadcast there are no two ways about it all sewn up renowned definable impudent unblushing persuasive powerful satisfying intuitive insightful efficacious influential effectual urgent coercive formidable ingenious well-established assertive earnest insistent in circulation lacking subtlety declared popular admitted confessed brash unembarrassed insolent over-literal granted honest-to-goodness well documented serious true to life freely available clearly explained without explanation unrepentant grievous pivotal basic critical crucial prime essential staple main key vital in the open snazzy without shame meretricious screaming overbold glitzy brassy ardent exorbitant warts and all proclaimed identified common unfabled indemonstrable presupposed easy to follow immoderate aggressive violent full-blooded strenuous resounding muscular dynamic in the public domain public knowledge easily understandable ratiocinative branded received goes without saying aphoristic axiomatical apothegmatic leading moving paramount projecting central jutting focal one hundred per cent dogmatic stressed solemn for a face sober accented potent well known self-confessed generally known publicly known that's a fact outside inveterate undiminished external outer no ifs ands or buts about it uncompromising exterior right surface true-blue in every respect undiluted through-and-through full-bore through and through dyed-in-the-wool surpassing right-down full-scale superficial outermost extrinsic impending inevasible prescribed locked up outward over out on the surface to the eye toward the edge from within most likely

Danh từ

A person of a particular kind, especially one who is important or distinctive in some way
figure personage person personality character presence celebrity somebody force leader luminary name notability notable celeb icon ikon megastar standout star superstar VIP dignitary light notoriety worthy big name cause celebre bigwig lion big shot leading light public figure household name big cheese famous name big noise celebutante mogul panjandrum big gun grandee biggie heavyweight heavy nob kahuna important person big wheel macher master V.I.P. great high muckety-muck high muckamuck legend magnate someone big kahuna guru big fish giant face honcho famous person heavy hitter hotshot supremo king pillar of society top brass expert top dog fat cat big hitter tycoon idol hero prodigy very important person eminence nabob guiding light person of note head honcho lady muck big chief lord muck person of influence top cat top banana big enchilada authority phenomenon inspiration juggernaut chief sun man genius ace well-known person whiz official wizard bigshot top name major leaguer important personage face idol cause célèbre muckymuck draw fundi sphere immortal mahatma cynosure achiever favorite favourite pillar of the community big stuff big deal the cheese power key player hotdog executive dignity well-known face high-up pooh-bah big-time operator ideal wonder sensation mastermind marvel doyen pundit virtuoso wunderkind talent rarity elite pro specialist doyenne hot shot baron savant kingpin champion maestro sage maven scholar old pro top hand big wig connoisseur industrialist noble lord financier entrepreneur magnifico prince proprietor headliner Napoleon plutocrat czar tsar captain prelate monarch aristocrat merchant prince aristo top executive captain of industry bashaw Mister Big merchant peer businessperson capitalist kingfish nawab big nibs big-timer high-muckety-muck poo-bah high-muck-a-muck wheel bigfoot big leaguer big boy muckety-muck muck-a-muck influential person boss grand poobah Big Daddy Big Chief major player joss big bug brass hat distinguished person muckamuck Mr Big Lord Muck Lady Muck toff heavy-hitter muckety muck big cat big man on campus person in charge boss man federal case major concern matter of life and death serious issue poobah rockstar big Daddy potentate mandarin dynast royalty princess queen high man on the totem pole powerful person powerful batter great gun god pillar of the church eminent person pillar of the state nobleman grand fromage milord gentleman exemplar paragon fave winner popular figure great man perfect example shining example heart-throb role model ideal man colossus titan belter blockbuster box office success crackajack coup jewel dandy best-seller jim-dandy starlet box-office hit crackerjack masterpiece wow success prizewinner treasure knockout success story market leader sell-out natural best seller tour de force box-office success master stroke gem smash lead big hit hit pip fairy tale smash hit crowd-puller fame topliner megahit bestseller

Danh từ

A sample for medical testing, especially of urine
specimen example sample exemplification instance model illustration pattern prototype bit demonstration exemplar representative selection snippet type case dummy foretaste indication pilot swatch trailer trial embodiment exhibit representative piece scantling smear taste taster tester copy part proof representation sampling species test piece unit variety case history cross section portion sign constituent bite segment morsel typification element mock-up fragment piece paradigm case in point archetype standard blueprint typical case ideal epitome occurrence template representative case precedent quintessence essence occasion design framework guide preview original exponent portrayal exhibition appetizer token personification typical example criterion paragon norm interpretation appetiser manifestation symbol mould item situation detail classic avatar mold perfect example mirror index denotation excerpt plan recipe relevant instance object lesson analogy example in point explanation instancing clarification showing elucidation expression exposition evidence image portrait for instance gage stereotype reason particular ground time acme apotheosis beau ideal byword perfection analyte gauge version style archetypal idea setup benchmark shining example definitive example yardstick eidolon touchstone lodestar textbook example game plan representative example warning whiff strip batch length snip suggestion hint precursor ancestor granddaddy predecessor grandaddy first antecedent foregoer forerunner master daddy forewarning insight omen try-out foretoken prelude tip-off first model first example antecessor advance warning