Từ đồng nghĩa của precise

Alternative for precise

Từ đồng nghĩa: absolute, accurate, careful, clear-cut, definite, detailed, exact, explicit, meticulous, positive, strict,

Từ trái nghĩa: incorrect, vague,

Tính từ

Marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail
exact accurate correct definite detailed pinpoint right true proper strict veracious absolute close complete faithful good literal unambiguous unequivocal authentic categorical decisive defined determinate individual surgical clear-cut on-target spot-on dead-on error-free well-defined bang on inch-perfect on the button on the money on the nose explicit unerring clear specific perfect definitive distinct spot on faultless direct meticulous valid on target factual errorless certain express realistic genuine veridical on the mark particular conclusive reliable convincing unquestionable sure truthful unmistakable impeccable thorough rigorous flawless straightforward so regular plain concrete real infallible established just verbatim lifelike authoritative minute actual ideal undeniable veritable irrefutable scrupulous credible obvious legitimate solid full lucid unvarnished fixed hard very undoubted well defined model manifest exhaustive sharp undisputed positive honest kosher on the nail word for word understandable indubitable certified fact-based final simple true to life letter-perfect comprehensive crystal clear painstaking appropriate careful undistorted word-perfect comprehensible unimpeachable circumstantial set determined unqualified sound blow-by-blow effective matter-of-fact dinkum unfailing intelligible undeviating coherent verifiable elaborate fitting confirmed decided dead on trustworthy pure particularized legit settled right on unadulterated outright fair graphic unrefuted transparent limited supreme unembellished punctilious immaculate dependable verisimilar univocal recognized crisp logical accepted best picture-perfect on the beam whole optimal firm ultimate picture-book bona fide inerrant sensible without error perspicuous suitable particularised black-and-white righteous natural conventional vivid cut-and-dried standard cogent telling it like it is quintessential requisite as it really happened recognised unblemished fine unabridged deadly certifiable mathematical restricted hairline assured objective guaranteed naturalistic just right proven clearly defined historical scientific indisputable rich incontrovertible irreproachable judicious open-and-shut bounded acceptable conscientious incontestable narrow punctual photographic reasonable unelaborated graspable peak downright circumscribed veristic secure indefectible sure-enough true-to-life top prime consummate straight legible finest seamless rational unbroken round optimum finite apparent flat black and white hard and fast cut and dried foremost open idyllic patent believable evident stark official commonsensical levelheaded watertight nice choicest validated last deciding orthodox choice thoughtful verified prudent unconditional clearly expressed bull's-eye free of error dead right best possible typical pre-eminent cinematic filmic total sheer on the level well founded well-grounded best-case unalloyed even pictorial unquestioned discriminating discriminative skillful rigid deft systematic skilful methodical irrefragable delicate refined known extensive fathomable lethal ultraprecise uncomplicated echt emphatic unarguable unanswerable unmistaken amen measured elaborated unadorned documentary nonfictional visual pukka pucka textbook moral accessible entire comprehendible apprehensible similar seriatim picturesque word-for-word exemplary formal user friendly user-friendly self-explanatory in depth classic satisfactory letter for letter stainless apt representative sincere upright letter-for-letter justifiable reasoned commonsense pellucid existent normal spotless beyond question commonsensible informed opportune analytic analytical clinching okay exquisite unambivalent readable foolproof defensible defendable canonical as sure as eggs is eggs warranted undivided nonambiguous virtuous plausible guileless ingenuous archetypal beyond doubt striking luminous in-depth sober satisfying definable intellectual confined palpable on the right track clean determining uninvolved safe de facto well-founded delimited telling right as rain on the ball marked authenticated true-blue failsafe right-minded to the letter just so easy to understand irrevocable fit qualified pronounced documented unassailable all right unblurred lucent exactly right fail-safe well-advised well grounded sharply defined as true as I'm sitting here settling audible nailed down straight from the horse's mouth spelled out bound straight from horse's mouth flat-out on the up and up as true as I'm standing here straight out like it is distinctive severe dead historically veracious case uncanny preferable omniscient vérité historically faithful unfaked resembling clear cut copybook precision inevitable hunky-dory what really happened what actually happened undisputable in accordance with the facts reputable without blemish without fault overt inveterate universal expected vested accustomed mainstream familiar rooted usual acknowledged digestible near photo-realistic three-dimensional living representational naturalist to a T polished undoubting learned attested blunt well-marked specified plentiful copious profuse abundant lavish ample surefire confirmable resolute doubtless on the dot line-for-line real life crimeless unspotted intact unguilty relevant unchallengeable in accordance with reality scrutable decipherable original speaking scholarly quantified frank candid demonstrable well aimed uncontested stage by stage step by step liberal sufficient identical perfected to a turn creditable just what the doctor ordered just what we need unexaggerated well focused visible in focus weighty consequent pertinent prototypical penetrable knowable upfront literatim in the bag sure-fire can't-miss questionless peremptory unprejudiced unbiased stated persuasive uncontradicted accomplished tangible supported from the horse's mouth respected circumstantiated forthright utter res ipsa loquitur the real McCoy for real based on facts cut and dry inexpugnable stable frozen hard-and-fast stone cold no ifs ands or buts nailed-on line for line line by line archetypical characteristic well-suited made to order tailor-made just the job thoroughgoing out-and-out historically accurate plain-spoken all there holding water holding up responsible holding up in wash profound got it together together advisable right-thinking standing up cool artless unaffected concluding state-of-the-art limiting terminating terminal completing finishing closing ending luculent authorized true-life card-carrying unpretending average unpretentious undesigning barefaced bald hands-down prepared broad-ranging in detail practical approved sanctioned unmitigated intent honest-to-goodness dead-center ringing demarcated free-spoken beyond a doubt controlled easily understandable justified dinky-di orderly tidy easy to read flowing fluent easily deciphered smooth undeceptive admissible arrant broad crystalline enlightened sagacious circumspect philosophic reflective collected deductive thinking synthetic intelligent discerning ratiocinative trustable reasoning cerebral perspicacious endorsed licensed accredited demonstrative terminable elegant unornamented assigned convinced prescribed unfeigned square plainspoken meaning what one says truth-telling outspoken unreserved checked curbed real McCoy bald-faced bright-line absolutely right exactly correct very accurate determinable solemn conditioned substantiated shrewd corroborated colorable knowing itemized all-inclusive by the book to the point airtight uncontroversial beyond dispute constrained on the numbers principled OK maintainable calculable supportable tenable sustainable empirical cognitive stringent empiric litmus test determinative determinant resolving all out what you see is what you get revealing beyond a shadow of a doubt irrefrangible retentive describable ascertainable perceptible ethical restrained O.K. high-principled all-embracing predetermined predictable subject to limitations not infinite in every respect warrantable due on the line legal signed lawful sealed ratified of one syllable equitable stone honourable neat encyclopedic developed routine applicable forceful expressive vindicable high-minded upstanding intense photogenic acute camera-friendly explicable well-thought-out well-reasoned sinless allowed signed and sealed ordered cleared cathedral ex cathedra licenced customary authorised and delivered rightful ex officio encyclopaedic itemised enumerated finicky reserved predefined sectional hampered topical along the right lines for sure on track right stuff honorable anti-corruption conscionable noble incorruptible illustrative lively descriptive uninhibited articulate balanced blameless incorrupt basic short non-complex elementary easy ordinary painless point-by-point on the right lines cooking with gas according to Hoyle shocking punchy powerful startling colourful lurid untarnished innocent guiltless desired becoming suited befitting meet felicitous pretty decent respectable recognizable delineated cleanhanded inculpable white uncorrupted lily-white squeaky-clean at length clean-cut well-drawn highly coloured trusty thinking twice fastidious critical extremely careful heedful fair-minded de règle ten aces beyond criticism unsullied A-okay unflawed note-perfect squeaky clean beyond reproach fleckless apple-pie moving well drawn eloquent stirring figurative well delineated incisive forcible strong compelling colorful well expressed leaving nothing to the imagination recognisable above suspicion above reproach whiter than white as pure as the driven snow most favourable most advantageous most appropriate most excellent most favorable

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(of a person) Strictly adhering to rules
strict particular careful fastidious scrupulous finicky fussy choosy exact inflexible methodical picky punctilious rigorous uncompromising conscientious discriminating exacting persnickety mathematical prim stiff stringent choosey fixed meticulous priggish prissy puritanical rigid scientific sticklerish tough nit-picking nit-picky painstaking nice thorough pernickety pedantic perfectionist finical demanding nitpicking detailed accurate overnice correct old-maidish formal hypercritical hair-splitting starchy proper elaborate diligent assiduous overscrupulous critical laborious minute captious dainty attentive full close studious religious sedulous stilted decorous ultra-careful finicking fussbudgety delicate ceremonious precisionist heedful conventional literalist dogmatic literalistic stickling formalist purist over-exacting scholastic fault-finding quibbling pettifogging casuistical casuistic sophistical sophistic carping particularized Victorian blow-by-blow cavilling strait-laced itemized stuffy prudish civil faithful schoolmarmish niminy-piminy demure courteous caviling dignified difficult squeamish exhaustive deliberate mimsy old-maid governessy nice-nelly schoolmistressy straitlaced straightlaced bluenosed moralistic stiff-necked observant affected seemly searching particularised itemised polite loving overmodest goody-goody conscionable Grundyish punctual cautious genteel severe strenuous prim and proper by the book faultfinding unfavorable disapproving unfavourable microscopic puritan duteous systematic overdelicate clocklike specialised specialized narrow-minded complex complicated fiddly fine white-glove dotting the i's crossing the t's circumstantial hard to please overcritical over-particular overexact simpering mincing pretentious austere artificial narrow bigoted uptight offish square illiberal stern pass-remarkable stately solemn courtly faddy refined difficult to please queasy impossible to please imperial imposing deferential explicit selective ritual regal very careful easily disgusted overconscientious formalistic intrinsic topical measured majestic appropriate actual hairsplitting pompous imperious grandiose right on good eye slow-moving just so po-faced square-toed blue-nose straight cleanly good dapper upright ceremonial spic-and-span snobbish spruce wooden hard challenging testing arduous gruelling taxing onerous toilsome grueling burdensome moiling murderous killer backbreaking killing Augean sweaty punishing back-breaking tall formidable hellacious rough heavy effortful uphill rugged pick-and-shovel herculean exigent tiring judicious orderly industrious provident thoughtful dedicated circumspect intensive Herculean solid regardful thoroughgoing concerned trying weighty oppressive grievous selfdisciplined chary discreet in-depth going to great lengths by the numbers

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Relating to things that can be perceived by the senses, as opposed to abstractions
concrete real true genuine certain definite actual factual explicit positive effective conclusive existent unequivocal accurate very substantial unambiguous firm tangible objective fixed definitive decided material sensible corporeal detailed clear-cut bona fide de facto sure-enough set in stone authentic clear absolute unquestionable unmistakable exact indubitable undeniable confirmed indisputable specific categorical veritable express distinct hard certified verifiable realistic honest literal established palpable verified sure faithful manifest obvious truthful particular irrefutable certifiable incontrovertible set incontestable veridical undoubted outright legitimate right assured correct solid proper strict defined proven direct dinkum valid well defined convinced attested veracious substantive close decisive unerring regular substantiated sharp patent determined evident plain scientific matter-of-fact legit black-and-white cut-and-dried authoritative kosher clearly defined honest-to-goodness confident good significant doubtless careful essential resolute implicit punctilious scrupulous existing severe rigorous just meticulous guaranteed skillful rigid on the nose ultraprecise discriminating judicious punctual deft systematic discriminative methodical skilful on the button demonstrable unarguable inarguable determinate perceptible thorough echt recognized univocal pukka final pucka especial lifelike recognised emphatic narrow limited convincing fair straightforward pure unqualified well-grounded veristic verisimilar physical sure-fire beyond doubt crystal clear authenticated non-fictional telling it like it is fact-based real-life inescapable demonstrated as it really happened tacit implied virtual special peculiar conscientious intrinsic sheer painstaking unacknowledged unimaginary unfailing infallible faultless nice real-world believable validated on the money inevitable word-perfect on the beam true to life spot-on on the nail on the mark bang on spot on singular foolproof irrevocable circumscribed finite bounded restricted measured specified surefire confirmable for real honest to God sure enough real live secure natural undebatable irrefragable empirical everyday practical corporal transparent inerrant questionless safe failsafe characteristic archetypal guileless typical ingenuous archetypical representative assigned prescribed watertight unchallengeable accomplished compelling unanswerable open-and-shut undoubtable artless unaffected simple single discernible corroborated discrete apparent open nailed-on apodictic unpretending dead-on appropriate average standard normal unpretentious undesigning fitting documented appreciable unfaltering considerable fail-safe dinky-di in the bag real McCoy can't-miss as sure as eggs is eggs beyond question beyond dispute satisfied unwavering persuaded not in doubt beyond the shadow of a doubt not in question striking observable intelligible measurable distinctive quantifiable detectable perceivable fundamental unadorned predetermined credible verbatim circumstantial nonfictional unadulterated documentary unvarnished reserved identifiable given sole straight-out identified specialised specialized selective self-conceited self-confident unhesitating self-assured unquestioning historical unexaggerated settled unbiased unprejudiced rank cold free from doubt affirmative perfect true-to-life word for word true-life card-carrying straight from horse's mouth on the level out-and-out consummate downright forceful cocksure thoroughgoing complete forcible well documented crisp silhouetted ringing forthright graphic well-defined pronounced bold full vivid well-marked undubitable stated clean-cut known distinguishable incisive noteworthy audible visible minute black and white hard and fast not vague cut and dried as plain as daylight as plain as the nose on your face reliable pinpoint unembellished diligent elaborate fussy errorless fastidious undistorted attentive on-target delicate mathematical laborious dependable fine on target finicky unassailable sound error-free exhaustive studious trustworthy so assiduous religious exacting ultra-careful flawless refined persnickety heedful hairline industrious blow-by-blow pedantic impeccable unimpeachable formal particularized sedulous inch-perfect demanding perfectionist accepted dead on searching persevering hard-working unembroidered particularised conscionable self-evident right on deadly dead right open and shut undeviating itemized unelaborated comprehensive conventional pernickety official nitpicking orderly finical loving itemised exactly right picky uncontroversial unalloyed beyond a shadow of a doubt undisputed naturalistic rich surgical creditable similar extensive unflagging unfaked unabridged overnice acceptable unmistaken elaborated word-for-word dedicated dead seriatim without error all right strenuous observant constant steady letter-for-letter fit ultimate hair-splitting bare critical in-depth cautious demonstrative in depth thoughtful marked acknowledged clinching well founded double-checked airtight undisputable to the letter on the dot superior florid bull's-eye by the book as plain as a pikestaff nailed down just right by the numbers as true as I'm sitting here staring one in the face no mistake as true as I'm standing here lethal true story calculated case just so earnest historically veracious resembling stringent vérité topical unswerving fussbudget stickler utter reputable unrefuted unshakable uncanny historically faithful total individual what really happened what actually happened unmitigated satisfactory preferable inerrable invariable gospel stark uncontestable unequivocable stilted decorous stiff stiff-necked ceremonious starchy well grounded well-proven in accordance with the facts uncompromising microscopic on the ball admissible arrant impregnable invincible irresistible letter for letter in accordance with reality ideal hunky-dory overt real life immaculate amen solemn sure thing no two ways about it learned plentiful copious profuse abundant lavish ample identical tough upright blunt duteous stickling all-inclusive civil seemly formalistic overconscientious overscrupulous polite courteous pat well-founded flat scholarly based on facts ordinary written usual verbal liberal sufficient telling irrebuttable overwhelming ironclad odds-on apodeictic ordered controlled crossing the t's white-glove dotting the i's nit-picky walking on eggs minding p's and q's hanging in heart and soul into hanging tough playing safe in every respect perspicuous lucid line-for-line all-embracing just what the doctor ordered just what we need rational straight from the horse's mouth the real McCoy understandable easily understandable clearly expressed righteous respected supported circumstantiated establishable down pat beyond a shadow of doubt for certain no ifs ands or buts without doubt on the right track free of error subtle developed encyclopedic cinematic filmic nof ifs ands or buts historically accurate can bet on it persistent good eye not figurative apt satisfying literatim encyclopaedic enumerated analytical organized honest-to-God straight sure-thing for-sure no buts about it real stuff on the up-and-up really-truly swotty suitable ultra-fine dainty exquisite fine-drawn finicking hairsplitting incorrupted finespun winning nuanced nifty pictorial in detail broad-ranging point-by-point deliberate regulated orthodox prompt timely clocklike provident original tied-up active hopping unwearied untiring engaged employed busy working occupied indefatigable bustling at length circumspect intensive true-blue undeceptive due visual retentive unfabled on the numbers regardful concerned prim from the horse's mouth zealous plugging tireless grinding whiz logical organised deductive well organized experimental tested efficacious unfeigned applicable selfdisciplined discreet chary no ifs ands or buts about it that's a fact lawful photographic intense camera-friendly photogenic picturesque acute sovereign proved legal high-principled uncounterfeited bonafide meet qualified felicitous pretty desired becoming suited prudent befitting immediate seasonable on time early speedy eager beaver going to great lengths tried and true insured concluded stipulated tried and tested warranted ensured on the line on the up and up like it is de règle expeditious recurrent in good time periodic cyclic quick ready fair dinkum to schedule in time on schedule when expected well timed spot on time under the wire bang on time

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Real and exactly what it appears to be
genuine authentic actual legitimate real bona fide original true pure sound veritable unadulterated unalloyed valid certifiable undisputed unfeigned certified echt indisputable official accurate indubitable lawful legal proved pucka pukka attested authenticated bonafide uncounterfeited credible creditable legit reliable unfaked veracious dependable trustworthy veridical fair dinkum honest right proper dinkum kosher sure-enough rightful for real authorized authorised sanctioned correct approved licensed licit authoritative accepted acceptable honest-to-goodness accredited licenced on the level recognized good aboveboard permissible constitutional warranted effective just real McCoy sterling card-carrying recognised acknowledged strict justified allowed sincere straight faithful truthful natural legalized binding fair admissible permitted above board appropriate well-founded statutory contractual legalised unquestionable committed regular listed within the law hundred percent paid-up unpretentious exact unaffected cardholding factual allowable archetypal admitted established statutable verifiable fair and square sure justifiable certain legally acceptable not copied true-blue due true to life the real McCoy legally binding in effect signed and sealed in force on the up and up well founded de jure straight dinkum dinky-die well-established up front professional qualified expert unsimulated loyal conforming orthodox according to law suitable prototypical influential straightforward master effectual reputable trusty upfront square straight-shooting definitive true-to-life live first generation right as rain telling the truth on the up-and-up simon-pure genuine article fact-based twenty-four carat your actual real thing on the nail based on facts reasonable sensible straight from the horse's mouth copper-bottomed cogent enforceable definite stable by the book sanctioned by law going by the rules supportable coherent tenable sustainable compelling reasoned defensible convincing ex cathedra upright confirmed solid grounded plausible logical pragmatic lucid believable congruent realistic warrantable viable workable condign innocent granted protected precedented chartered enjoined passed decreed ordained enforcible judged prescribed enforced documented formal verified well grounded declared ratified validated registered understandable rational persuasive sure enough confessed from the horse's mouth subscribed usable returned proclaimed answered unquestioned endorsed unexpired undoubted avowed sworn conceded unchallenged well-known enrolled commissioned enlisted installed financial inducted agreed professed known paid up characteristic guileless typical ingenuous archetypical representative agreed upon widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted artless simple concrete de facto unpretending dead-on average standard normal direct existent undesigning fitting dinky-di

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Done in a systematic way, using experiments or tests
scientific systematic accurate exact controlled methodical ordered mathematical rational rigorous analytical organised organized meticulous orderly regulated clear deductive experimental logical objective sound well organized structured efficient systematized regular businesslike systematised methodic planned coherent neat well-ordered well ordered disciplined methodized careful formal well thought out well regulated coordinated arranged tidy well planned consistent well-organized fixed together well-regulated well thought-out standardized routine in order shipshape all together in good shape scrupulous deliberate standard practical punctilious systematical thoroughgoing fastidious out-and-out joined-up thorough complete standardised strict well-arranged rigid regimented steady self-controlled streamlined measured delimited supervised nonrandom smooth-running sensible governed law-abiding well-behaved peaceable reasonable by the numbers by the book painstaking straightened out well run skillful skilful reasoning cerebral thinking valid analytic intelligent solid insightful judicious firm hard-headed consequent good wise straight-thinking hard trim well-kept framed slick uniform correct spick-and-span in shape neat as button rangé neat as pin in apple-pie order set-up clean to rights alike conventional established orthodox recognized recognised effective institutional accepted customary set prescribed official restrained mainstream integrated school professional cohesive workaday matter-of-fact correlated cataloged classified tabulated consolidated collective unified competent grouped formed catalogued prearranged prepared formulated cooperative assimilated combined united harmonious practised organic pragmatic productive economic sedulous diligent expeditious earnest practiced accomplished serious enterprising direct industrious concentrated purposeful intent hardworking economical procedural bureaucratic resourceful laborsaving timesaving unchanging even unvarying unvaried establishment saving monotonous strictly regulated unbroken dull ready restricted societal express legal authoritative authorized traditional documented closely controlled strictly controlled influential on a tight rein approved sanctioned certified ceremonious explicit lawful cost-effective well-planned labour-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient energy-saving ceremonialistic ceremonial legitimate formalistic ritualistic ritual authorised bona fide

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Moving gracefully with ease
graceful lithe agile nimble lissom spry supple light lithesome lissome limber gracile deft feline elegant featly lightsome dextrous dexterous smooth willowy easy flowing adroit effortless fluid natural fluent pliant elastic springy fine gracious skilled artistic balletic delicate practised practiced light-footed light-foot flexible acrobatic pliable sprightly loose-limbed loose-jointed lively sinuous fleet nippy active slinky skilful quick skillful fleet-footed quick-moving twinkle-toed fit adept sleek nimble-footed bendy swift brisk zippy uninterrupted unbroken continuous free-flowing ready proficient nifty able dainty facile soft painless cheap royal simple hands-down downhill snap athletic loose regular rhythmic prompt liquid light on one's feet plastic serpentine expert slight malleable bendable handy wide-awake vigilant sensual mobile accurate polished articulate clear efficient light on your feet artful beautiful exquisite lovely neat painstaking effective able to speak or write flowy gracesome vigorous sylphlike tripping sportive bright buoyant stirring quick-thinking energetic frisky mercurial vivacious easy-moving rapid bustling spirited spright winged clear-headed responsive in good condition twinkle toes quick on the draw quick on the trigger teeming streaming rushing gushing sweeping flooded rolling full falling abundant prolific overrun cursive rich issuing tidal spouting liquefied curving fluidic brimming running abounding rippling brimming over pouring out snappy fast speedy hasty breakneck lightning expeditious blistering animated express alacritous rattling rapid-fire hurried spanking whirlwind flying galloping fast-moving accelerated sharp meteoric masterly vital perky high-speed jaunty immediate expeditive gay peppy capable sparky animate airy bouncing mettlesome kinetic pizazzy jazzy racy pizzazzy breathless dizzy hot splitting nimble-fingered pert slick accomplished crack alert full of beans instant wizard smart bouncy full of life masterful virtuoso full of vim and vigour clever ace bravura chipper talented workmanlike frolicsome apt zappy fast-track peart instantaneous dashing crackerjack cracking headlong supersonic bright-eyed and bushy-tailed mean playful wicked sparkly experienced sudden wick habile rathe timely ingenious tasty full of energy finely judged vibrant punctual zingy swinging abrupt summary whistle-stop hyper precipitate rushed volant harefooted up-tempo unhesitating as lively as a grig speeding alive and kicking velocious hypersonic as merry as a grig turbo fleet of foot in nothing flat on the double PDQ flat-out canny dynamic professional impressive direct gifted diligent astute cunning competent bubbly good genius zestful jumping screaming speedball on-the-spot blithe on the go high-spirited go-go full of pep industrious overnight early quickie precipitous without delay short-lived ultrarapid ultrafast double time confident moving hurtling urgent crisp straight decisive exact daring versed proper swift-footed dapper resourceful sly furious strict categorical pro sure-footed fast-paced willing scintillating fairylike breezy keen grooving practical barreling light of foot shrewd having the know-how cheerful effectual clean inch-perfect outgoing sparkling fast-tracked ultrasonic quick-fire cute fleeting crafty chirpy effervescent quickened upbeat exuberant merry quick as a wink youthful skittish zesty rocking having know-how blithesome like greased lightning clever with one's hands good with one's hands adept physically having good hands happy jocund fun pronto short peremptory double-quick unexpected barrelling fun-loving functional prevenient shaking a leg like mad very fast like crazy anticipatory healthy operating functioning operational serviceable operative occupational working split-second utile practicable alive well-oiled utilitarian tantivy going master compleat whiz peerless busy demon strong sporty hot tamale occupied enlivened eventful eager deedful fresh forceful on the move full of zip full of get-up-and-go

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(of writing) Relatively brief in extent
short brief concise succinct terse little pointed rapid hasty hurried quick aphoristic compendious crisp decreased incisive apothegmatic clipped compact small compressed diminished summarised summarized summary condensed ephemeral epigrammatic lessened sententious unprolonged compendiary curtailed shortened swift truncated contracted decurtate economical sparing abbreviate breviloquent laconic synoptic curt curtate pithy thumbnail abbreviated abridged bare perfunctory transient boiled down cut short not protracted in few words short and sweet to the point cut to the bone in a few well-chosen words in a nutshell abrupt brusque monosyllabic gruff elliptical neat blunt elliptic capsule telegraphic snappy rude tart gnomic snappish exact lean close cryptic trenchant clear-cut taut sharp discourteous snippy offhand unceremonious impolite uncivil bluff ungracious crusty caustic short-spoken brisk brusk harsh no-nonsense downright churlish rough lapidary snippety witty tight surly plain-spoken tactless cavalier direct potted frank outspoken unmannerly economic abrasive impatient meaningful undiplomatic meaty epigrammatical straightforward matter-of-fact distant indelicate uncommunicative cutting standoffish dusty apophthegmatic upfront crude impetuous axiomatic piquant bad-mannered ill-mannered straight from the shoulder expressive unfriendly finely honed clever decisive thoughtless significant cogent cursory honed effective marrowy businesslike short-and-sweet off forthright peremptory recapped compacted precipitate candid brutal bald unequivocal rehashed run-down down to brass tacks not afraid to call a spade a spade pulling no punches honest not beating about the bush not mincing one's words calling a spade a spade speaking one's mind distinct outline controlled forceful concentrated telling amusing quick-witted reticent taciturn acute vigorous testy ingenious pungent epitomised epitomized summarizing limited censorious judgmental pretentious abounding critical disapproving shortened form memorable catchy summarising aloof imperious well structured making a long story short well tuned abstracted comprehensive run-through irascible fast in well-chosen words petulant cool short and to the point graceless bad-tempered dismissive short-tempered ill-tempered unforthcoming open hearty offish good-natured genial approachable unconstrained callous inelegant rushed friendly slashing scathing drilling acerb severe biting acid sarcastic sardonic acerbic satirical mordant cheery sincere bearish blustering barefaced speaking as one finds loud disrespectful point-blank stark explicit simple unadorned uncouth impertinent hard-hitting undisguised unvarnished unqualified unembellished unpolished uncompromising insolent unladylike boorish impudent gauche inconsiderate ungallant ill-bred unhandsome ungentlemanly unmannered uncalled-for hostile straight-talking straight-shooting insensitive unkind offensive inhospitable unpleasant unfortunate

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(of a person) Strictly conventional in one's manner or behavior
formal conventional prim stiff exact staid correct proper stuffy unbending aloof inflexible reserved unsympathetic affected detached haughty remote starched starchy stilted unfriendly antisocial austere forbidding official restrained reticent seemly serious taciturn unapproachable uncommunicative undemonstrative unforthcoming unresponsive unsocial withdrawn polite strait-laced stiff-necked straight arrow by the numbers stand-offish keeping people at arm's length cool cold distant frigid frosty standoffish unemotional offish icy chilly unsociable dispassionate indifferent unfeeling ceremonious decorous cold-eyed passionless composed cold-blooded placid collected sedate wooden unwelcoming impersonal emotionless glacial calm unclubbable asocial standoff sober rigid solitary dry gelid uncompanionable stony solemn self-contained buttoned-up secretive somber impassive close sombre quiet demure serene uncordial chill tranquil grave hostile unruffled dignified clammy peaceful inhibited phlegmatic antiseptic brittle imperturbable self-controlled hard-eyed unflappable steady punctilious nice together possessed guarded coolheaded unperturbed lukewarm untroubled unloving recollected undisturbed unworried retiring stately shy unenthusiastic close-mouthed self-possessed self-composed inhospitable cautious diffident modest unconcerned supercilious disdainful apathetic cool as cucumber wintery bashful gentle mild soft-spoken misanthropic noncommittal reclusive backward eremitic self-restrained wintry coldish affectless frozen arctic cold-hearted unshaken hard-boiled flinty steely unsmiling stern severe stolid mannered uninterested stoical impassible stoic numb incurious earnest businesslike passive clinical uncongenial controlled uncharitable repellent neutral uppity cold-shoulder equal proud mean-looking cold as ice impartial uninvolved laid back thick-skinned uptight unmoved unaffectionate contained genteel off unexcitable unamicable ungenial insolent annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious offhand unaffable hesitant spiritless unexcited unneighbourly unkind hardhearted callous stony-hearted insociable arrogant uncaring unhappy unneighborly hateful depressing stuck-up down-to-earth grounded pacific put on airs insensitive ardorless impervious impotent unromantic loveless forced strict harsh unnatural laboured hard unsentimental silent strained artificial priggish grim matter-of-fact rigorous unrelaxed lifeless inhuman bureaucratic labored dour private unrelenting stringent featureless depersonalized uncolored gray colourless straight depersonalised faceless candid grey measured nondiscriminatory unpassioned colorless abstract anonymous poker-faced careful soulless monolithic constrained exacting media-shy gruff fierce tough unforgiving authoritarian unyielding louring illiberal serious-minded solid rough lowering ramrod intimidating rugged closemouthed shrinking timid tight-lipped introverted laconic self-effacing dumb limpid level smooth obdurate ungentle astringent inexorable retired snobbish Olympian strictly business cold turkey boring stick-in-the-mud hard-nosed no-nonsense heavy-handed deliberate cold sober snooty lofty hard-hearted on ice stuck up cold fish lone wolf putting on airs disinterested heartless nonchalant casual objective unprejudiced uncurious unbiased laid-back curt unexpressive unpleasant antipathetic nonpartisan evenhanded unaffected untouched insouciant uncivil insensible removed introvert rude heedless mute nasty unstirred antagonistic inattentive mom speechless pococurante menacing brooding fair-minded mum blasé unaroused discourteous ungracious unimpressed disagreeable hardened negative clammed up heedless of equitable sententious cool, calm and collected uncommitted inimical relaxed just fair unamiable cross nonaligned easy listless sparing outside square stark oblivious deadpan uncompassionate cruel glowering unpitying expressionless flat dried-up apathetic about uninvolved in uninterested in on the fence abstracted preoccupied unmoved by brusque coldhearted impolite complacent perfunctory undecided inactive inert obnoxious uninvolved with surly bored by sour ill-natured superior nonbelligerent noncombatant sullen untalkative tongue-tied careless unmindful of deaf to negligent oblivious to neuter nonparticipating middle-of-road unaligned bystanding disengaged pacifistic jaundiced mortal adversary adversarial ill-disposed incommunicable muted rational nongregarious scowling disapproving equable resolute even-handed bad-tempered independent spacey tightlipped grouchy halfhearted aversive repugnant mean dead blank bland vacant toneless hollow hard-headed inapproachable short nonplussed on sidelines insular incommunicative open-minded inaccessible non-partisan nowhere unimpassioned immovable nonemotional frowning uncommunicable spaced-out insusceptible unsusceptible out of it insensate ill-tempered unrevealing balanced unimpressionable eremetic crass tactless obtuse imperceptive grim-faced hard as nails feelingless bloodless without fear or favour with no axe to grind stony-eyed conservative avoidant introspective half-hearted tepid unsavoury indifferent about incurious about abrupt objectionable unattractive unlikeable unenthused unincluded selfish ungenerous analytic terse dismissive camera-shy dispassionate about not interested timorous inward-looking mopey mopish distrustful xenophobic sheepish coy recessive inscrutable unfazed level-headed cool-headed unreceptive suspicious unsavory socially inhibited overbearing wicked uninquiring unagitated unfavorable unfavourable logical discreet close-lipped inarticulate aseptic retreated thoughtful recluse alienated unimpressible uninfluenced pompous unselfish isolated marble inexpressive blah indurated inexcitable ungainly not caring contemptuous withering seclusive unconversational non-discriminatory cynical ascetic hermitlike ungregarious dry-eyed undismayed secret enduring resigned philosophic indomitable hermitic hermit-like hermitical tight-mouthed wordless dark clamlike carefree selfless along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches non-emotional non-communicative self-sufficient all alone mumchance unwilling to mix with other people blithe without prejudice free from discrimination free from self-interest evasive hush-hush unswayed contrived immune at a loss for words honest unbigoted pokerfaced unmindful easy-going nonaffected dried up buttoned up devil-may-care happy-go-lucky embarrassed repressed self-conscious awkward uneasy on the QT immune to impervious to stubborn unanxious sitting on the fence on the level lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair straight-faced proof against subdued unrelated unconnected autonomous unallied compassionless inconsiderate supine deaf unbothered not bothered at ease forgetful self-centered feckless lackadaisical blind undaunted self-centred aggressive pitiless thoughtless merciless ferocious quarrelsome without a care in the world not giving a toss inhumane ruthless desensitized indurate case-hardened pachydermatous remorseless stonyhearted stoney unsparing slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners unmerciful ironhearted uninviting unmannerly lacking compassion formidable inured to with a heart of stone desensitised as hard as nails unsensitive crabbed threatening glum churlish competitive unpromising contrary against warlike vengeful conflicting acrimonious opposed opposite estranged censorious combative grudging malicious disaffected malignant spiteful grumpy savage fell sinister morose bleak sulky unconcerned about splenetic vicious cantankerous crusty truculent offhand about apathetic towards casual about regardless nonchalant about uncaring about not on speaking terms frivolous about reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of careless of cavalier about unresponsive to weary of lukewarm about phlegmatic about unenthusiastic about highbrow scornful boot-faced not giving a monkey's

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(of an action) Performed well and with precision
clean adept deft dextrous dexterous facile smooth agile crisp decisive efficient exact expert masterly neat nimble quick sharp skilful skillful slick straight able accurate adroit artful nifty proficient proper canny categorical crack effortless express handy prompt skilled strict inch-perfect practised polished practiced masterful capable virtuoso accomplished workmanlike clever mean experienced bravura delicate nimble-fingered wizard finely judged graceful professional shrewd impressive astute cunning ace wicked nippy painstaking effective habile genius apt having know-how cute fleet having good hands ingenious ready competent gifted talented reliable very well satisfactory useful multiskilled multitalented versed suitable qualified consummate balanced knowledgeable crackerjack deadly trained seasoned right on errorless sure-handed dead-on sporting all-round refined au fait all-around spot-on effectual on-target thorough fitted taught first-rate trustworthy well-rounded stringent topflight serviceable suited veteran tutored sure-fire schooled master educated well hardy good brilliant great fine smart excellent tasty compleat complete stellar savvy professed intelligent outstanding superb exceptional first-class well versed magnificent top-notch superlative marvellous marvelous brainy keen splendid elite bright hot whiz on the ball supreme superior dazzling out of this world a dab hand at perceptive cool pro practical big league formidable exquisite peerless fit learned class remarkable hotshot with it finished up to speed wonderful acute extraordinary specialist old quick-witted sharp-witted demon fab discerning precocious tip-top strong wise perspicacious exceptionally good there well-versed knowing highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly qualified extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly trained fluent A1 wised up a hand at top-drawer world-class inventive businesslike capital choice terrific crafty dynamite leading active fantastic fabulous intuitive awesome heavenly sagacious cracking divine versant insightful perfect super phenomenal incisive best razor-sharp sapient up to it up to snuff alert judicious sensitive glorious vet smashing powerful endowed brill whip-smart quick off the mark sharp as a tack top-hole on the beam class act tuned in shining at quick on the uptake streamlined smooth-running creative innovative methodic methodical systematic careful flawless impeccable well-organized well organized faultless simple voluble productive sly resourceful preeminent transcendent decent well run notable handpicked deluxe organized specialized certified first class conversant hep hip star drilled phenom kosher specialised dominant artistic employable long-term having the know-how adept physically rangé hot tamale organised clever with one's hands good with one's hands supremely skilled pitch-perfect happy forward mature admirable noteworthy well executed appropriate sublime cut out for having a knack for equal adequate mega mighty banging crucial dynamic ultraefficient receptive bosting easy worthy responsible know backwards and forwards highly endowed equipped know the ropes prepared know one's onions pretty quick-thinking of the first water supercalifragilisticexpialidocious feasible have the goods ahead of one's peers out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years got it advanced for one's age elegant magic fast observant supersmart ultrasmart hyperintelligent percipient nimble-witted killer useable working realizable realisable hyperefficient usable practicable vigorous mercurial curt wired penetrating aware very able no slouch know stuff very good no dummy discriminating thoughtful cerebral all there smart as a whip wide awake quick on the draw quick on the trigger analytical intellectual piercing cagy politic cagey complex rapier-like subtle fly analytic intriguing deep razor-like exacting ratiocinative detailed vigilant leet suss calculating streetwise wily argute heads-up long-headed peachy swell groovy dandy sensational phat prime out-of-sight gangbusters jim-dandy brag topping bully down prizewinning gone blue-chip primo grand high-class brave bonnie top famous fantabulous bang-up noble bumper boffo radical beautiful top-shelf quality frontline prize righteous classic sterling first-string immense four-star bonny lovely A-OK corking hype blue-ribbon boss five-star gilt-edge top-of-the-line unsurpassed gangbuster gilt-edged banner dope supernal chic well-designed schmick natty convenient attractive stylish enjoyable spruce pleasing peachy keen par excellence number one numero uno

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Elegant and cultured in appearance, manner, or taste
refined cultured polished civilised civilized cultivated elegant civil courtly genteel sophisticated gentlemanly gracious polite tasteful urbane couth discerning stylish accomplished accurate advanced airy classy close dainty developed evolved exquisite forward graceful handsome high higher improved ladylike late majestic mathematical pinpoint progressive rigorous sensitive spot-on stately discriminating fastidious punctilious sublime well-bred well-mannered courteous distinguished aesthetic esthetic experienced high-brow high-minded plush posh restrained ritzy snazzy spiffy suave superior swanky well bred well mannered beautiful harmonious charming smart artistic pleasing delicate becoming fit chic attractive fitting fine pretty splendiferous subdued uptown classical pure in good taste quiet chaste unaffected unobtrusive gratifying rich nice swank aesthetically pleasing fashionable grand high-class luxurious lovely fancy dignified gallant opulent sumptuous comely dashing modish upmarket upscale formal plushy swish exclusive dicty tony high-toned decorous moving expressive aristocratic debonair creative flattering imaginative chivalrous august select glitzy highbrow intelligent educated with good taste a la mode splashy lavish on fleek deluxe flashy yuppie glamorous swankish fancy-pants poised appealing comfortable well-off discriminative tasty particular critical ceremonious decorative ornamental ceremonial royal honourable affable obliging honorable trim streamlined emotional highbred gentle prim proper preux adulatory complimentary lofty high-bred imposing studied conventional fetching subtle neat enhancing presentable trendy mod in cool sharp expensive symbolic elevated figurative flowery aerodynamic flowing smooth dramatic musical pictorial picturesque ideal rhythmical stimulating agreeable cute pleasant in vogue classic perceptive profound deep insightful poetic sleek scholarly intellectual enlightened knowledgeable erudite well-chosen choice noble ornate rare ostentatious ornamented affected well-informed full of feeling schmick recherche overdone stylized well-designed well-dressed artistically aware learned well-read appreciative understanding arty well informed liberal tolerant well read versed up-to-date well educated lettered savant blue-stocking mannerly intellectually aware literary informed able distingue well-educated literate traveled travelled au courant

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Physically separate
distinct different separate distinctive individual disparate specific unique discrete dissimilar diverse particular distinguishable contrasting detached disconnected nonidentical single sole unalike unassociated unconnected unlike distant divergent separated unattached disunited offbeat other sui generis poles apart special peculiar express definite certain exact respective isolated independent distinguished categorical proper characteristic idiosyncratic especial only lone solitary singular alone one-off one odd uncommon one and only variant unrelated unequal varied mismatched differing discrepant diversified manifold heterogeneous assorted contrastive varying mixed inconsistent contrary contradictory sundry conflicting miscellaneous incongruous incompatible omnifarious multifarious variegated divers clashing motley several at odds various at variance non-identical alternative unsimilar opposite opposed discordant numerous many multitudinous legion deviating all manner of freestanding removed alternate disproportionate apart incongruent divided antithetic polymorphic many-sided changing multitudinal populous changeable free autonomous ill-matched multiform like night and day divorced protean discriminable disjointed incomparable contrasted distinguishing irregular antithetical polymorphous opposing not the same as like as chalk and cheese antagonistic streets apart self-governing like chalk and cheese dissociated parted indiscriminate eclectic disassociated sundered severed broken up scattered split inharmonious unsuited distributed disembodied partitioned otherwise incommensurate inconsonant dissonant uneven uncoordinated disharmonious ill-assorted myriad disjoined unallied contradistinctive contradistinct differentiable segregated not related not alike a number of a variety of far cry selfstanding free-standing self-contained not joined by itself not attached set apart cut off complementary very unalike very inconsistent very unlike a far cry from diverging anomalous uncongenial multiple stand-alone bipolar altered colorful irrelevant multifaceted aberrant varicolored exotic discontinuous another incommensurable unmistakable foreign irreconcilable differential oppositional not similar very different weird antonymous mismated a mixed bag of in opposition colourful individualized far from many and various an assortment of a mixture of a range of asymmetric off-balance lopsided unjust misallied one-sided inequitable unreconcilable disjunct not capable of comparison unequivalent dispersed individualised uncoupled unlinked march to a different drummer nothing like estranged non-continuous out of keeping remote unincorporated impertinent nongermane irrelative inappropriate not together unrelated to irrelevant to incompatible to incongruent with unequal to incomparable to inconsistent with immaterial to no longer together split up apportioned cut apart abstracted living separately unglued put asunder marked living apart unaffiliated not kin not kindred uncommitted neutral non-aligned self-ruling non-partisan uninvolved unassociated with independent of uncommited fancy-free footloose on one's own at liberty off the hook

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(of one's senses) Sensitive or perceptive to changes
keen acute perceptive sensitive sharp clear penetrating delicate piercing powerful strong fine incisive responsive discerning good quick accurate steely exquisite canny heightened profound finely honed finely tuned savvy brilliant observant well-developed well-honed alert astute critical perspicacious bright intelligent clever discriminating fastidious subtle refined minute shrewd quick-witted brainy sharp-witted smart percipient intuitive insightful genius wise knowing ingenious nimble fast supersmart judicious ultrasmart exceptional ready adroit rapier-like hyperintelligent probing whip-smart on the ball sapient sagacious knowledgeable rational argute gnostic penetrative whiz aware apt thoughtful dexterous nimble-witted skilful razor-like deft razor-sharp deep quick off the mark skillful dextrous sharp as a tack quick on the uptake quick on the trigger sensitized able receptive quick-thinking awake understanding conscious discreet insighted sophic fingertip sensitised gifted cerebral ear to the ground knows what's what wise to tuned in politic intellectual cagey precocious analytical cagy slick competent effectual adept capable effective curt active mercurial vigorous wired complex exacting analytic vigilant intriguing ratiocinative experienced detailed keen-witted fly all there quick on the draw smart as a whip wide awake agile cute searching enlightened hardheaded acuminous clear-sighted clear-eyed heady heads-up pawky long-headed prudent hard-boiled exact resourceful witty foxy not missing a trick having smarts nobody's fool sage einstein erudite not born yesterday sharpened knowing how many beans make five smart as a tack sophisticated with all one's wits about one razor sharp

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Clearly perceptible or self-explanatory
obvious clear plain evident apparent manifest patent conspicuous pronounced transparent palpable prominent marked decided salient striking distinct bold noticeable perceptible perceivable visible discernible detectable observable tangible recognisable recognizable unmistakable indisputable self-evident incontrovertible incontestable axiomatic demonstrable undeniable blinding inescapable overt open undisguised unconcealed frank glaring blatant flagrant explicit self-explanatory unquestionable unsubtle bald barefaced broad lucid luculent luminous nonambiguous pellucid perspicuous ringing straightforward unambiguous unambivalent unequivocal conclusive distinguishable exposed public understandable as clear as day as plain as a pikestaff as plain as the nose on one's face bald-faced beyond doubt beyond question bright-line clear as a bell clear-cut crystal clear cut-and-dried open-and-shut plain to see right under one's nose standing out a mile standing out like a sore thumb staring someone in the face sticking out a mile sticking out like a sore thumb writ large written all over one definite certain positive indubitable sure categorical absolute irrefutable undoubted emphatic sensible appreciable comprehensible gross definitive outstanding rank brazen intelligible proven egregious stark apprehensible direct arresting assured remarkable naked out-and-out outright significant unarguable express inarguable downright obtrusive open and shut shameless unqualified irrefragable accepted unanswerable arrant unchallengeable compelling true real notable sheer signal dramatic revealed unassailable sharp simple accomplished showy unhidden accurate convincing coherent firm undisputed recognized pointed utter decisive genuine complete bodacious watertight confirmed final measurable acknowledged