Từ đồng nghĩa của supersensitive

Alternative for supersensitive

supersensitive /,sju:pə'sensitiv/
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Tính từ

Overly sensitive to criticism
thin-skinned touchy hypersensitive sensitive chippy susceptible tender defensive easily hurt huffy oversensitive paranoid soft tetchy ticklish vulnerable delicate emotional neurotic prickly ultrasensitive umbrageous easily offended easily upset quick to take offence irritable petulant irascible cross grumpy ill-tempered testy peevish ratty cranky snappy bad-tempered crotchety waspish fractious pettish choleric quick-tempered short-tempered grouchy crabbed cantankerous crusty crabby hot-tempered snappish ornery impatient narky ill-humoured ill-humored splenetic curmudgeonly volatile uptight surly dyspeptic peppery temperamental ill-natured soreheaded peckish eggy liverish miffy snaky querulous like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse sulky fiery edgy shirty disagreeable moody captious fretful sullen mean bilious scratchy snippy out of sorts annoyed perverse stroppy in a bad mood bearish quarrelsome shrewish in a mood cross-grained short-fused exasperated passionate as cross as two sticks waxy snarky snippety out of humor raspy stuffy tense angry curt morose sour hotheaded highly strung miserable whingy churlish complaining snarling grumbling spiteful gruff froward out of temper bloody-minded acid hot-headed high-strung sharp hot-blooded nasty having got out of bed the wrong side twitchy huffish disgruntled short resentful tooshie awkward feisty bristly critical discontented brusque ireful whining dissatisfied carping bitter difficult explosive waspy grousing fault-finding on edge overemotional willful having got out of bed on the wrong side mardy wilful out of humour iracund vicious hot under the collar whingeing in bad mood whiny fussy iracundulous scrappy melodramatic prima donna-ish hasty headstrong sorehead sore acrimonious self-justifying conservative nervous snarly zowerswopped atrabilious perversely irritable impulsive excitable inflammable unpleasant unstable murmuring plaintive grumbly huffy irascible salty censorious moaning negative crying deploring hard to please lamenting bemoaning whimpering wailing hyper-sensitive quick to take offense over-emotional hung up easily affected unruly recalcitrant refractory restless indomitable uncompliant restive indocile wild glum unsociable argumentative misanthropic cynical contentious truculent pouty harsh obstinate pertinacious hypercritical gloomy acrid trying dour nasty-tempered griping uncooperative pouting mumpish growling displeased malicious venomous fretting contrary vinegary childish foul-tempered tough out-of-sorts brooding cavilling tart malignant disputatious vindictive caviling crybaby ugly saturnine filthy obstreperous blunt cussed ungracious chuffy offended choked irritated moping miffed narked riled piqued angered hurt peeved stewed vexed provoked irked insulted nettled put out toey dicey jumpy hazardous unsafe unpredictable perturbable wired up wound up bundle of nerves upset fierce violent furious indignant unfriendly impetuous vehement agitated uncivil mopey frowning embittered irate unmannerly aggravated incensed faultfinding worked up mad enraged infuriated mercurial sarcastic wrathful crook distraught in a temper steamed up teed off abrupt ticked off hacked off not best pleased foaming at the mouth bent out of shape uneasy anxious fidgety overwrought intense stormy unhappy stressed impassioned distressed tempestuous glowering aggrieved sourpussed unresponsive uncommunicative arsey overstrung heated frantic galled joyless sulking excited het up fed up inflamed vex distracted ropeable ferocious feverish fuming raving snuffy wrath in high dudgeon in a huff frenzied brassed off cheesed off browned off peed off hostile disapproving all shook up in a lather hot under collar sharp-tongued easily provoked combative responsive worried uncomfortable disobliging quick catty vinegarish bad-humored tempersome wrought up ill at ease unsettled vitriolic spunky acerbic acute grudging terse mopish bad wicked jaundiced uncongenial brief scornful ungenerous wreck rattled unquiet like a bear dejected agitable broody unindulgent got up on wrong side of bed blue wounded kittle mopy skittish reactive bothered affronted flustered sharp-tempered maddened disturbed frustrated troubled harried ruffled psyched up angerful ranting cold pugnacious convulsed cheerless harassed hassled having short fuse livid apoplectic snitty steamed dramatic scunnered hoha wroth easily frightened easily agitated shaken steamed-up hottempered aerated boorish loutish hopping mad rude impolite up in arms on the warpath in a paddy in a bate fit to be tied uncouth vulgar oafish apt to fly off the handle discourteous animated lively ardent ungallant ungentlemanly ill-mannered ill-bred fervent spirited uncharitable unkind classless mean-spirited unchivalrous clownish cloddish inconsiderate overexcited wired fervid raging rabid hysterical ignorant desperate turbulent rough tumultuous uncivilised clodhopping uncultured crude crass polite bad-mannered miserly unpolished rustic uncivilized base lowbred unneighborly coarse jittery beside oneself panicky paroxysmal volcanic cyclonic savage convulsive passional disparaging deprecating overcritical nagging overactive keyed up hectic wrought-up hyperactive nervy in a state strung out swivel-eyed stressy adrenalized knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts hot hammer and tongs aroused bang-bang freaked-out overwhelmed flipped out wound-up throwing a wobbly under a strain crazy strung up high keyed-up affected fired-up hot-and-bothered in a tizzy beside yourself stirred weary strung-out in a twitter at the end of your tether worn worked-up unstrung tired hyper out of your mind spent pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting judgmental nitpicking criticizing judgemental rejective pass-remarkable pernickety severe nitpicky thorny unfair exceptive hairsplitting very critical petty demanding criticising exacting trivial unjust cavillous finicky tricky

Tính từ

Having or displaying an appreciation of the feelings of others
sensitive perceptive sympathetic thoughtful feeling understanding receptive tactful comforting commiserating commiserative compassionate condoling considerate consoling empathetic empathic supportive sympathising sympathizing tender tenderhearted tender-hearted warm attentive aware careful intuitive caring cognizant concerned conscious diplomatic discerning kind patient impressionable reactive responsive sensitised sensitized emotionable impressible insightful kindly knowing perceiving unselfish finely tuned touchy feely tuned in turned on to benevolent humane gentle softhearted soft affectionate warmhearted kindhearted charitable pitying beneficent warm-hearted benignant loving kind-hearted good-hearted merciful soft-hearted generous helpful indulgent solicitous good-natured altruistic big-hearted all heart mild gracious tolerant lenient doting sweet encouraging sentimental maternal benign forgiving philanthropic goodhearted large-hearted soothing reassuring bleeding-heart giving selfless motherly fatherly fatherlike humanitarian friendly great-hearted open-hearted forbearing genial clement moved emotional obliging magnanimous human approachable bighearted consolatory uplifting inspiring nurturing inspiriting sorry philanthropical piteous protective fond appreciative boosting gratifying stimulating touchy-feely cheering cheerful fulfilling mushy nice amiable amicable having heart in right place bleeding heart comprehending open-minded well-disposed accommodating full of pity condolatory accepting interested fiery irritable sensorial vulnerable high-strung nervous sensible demonstrative fragile passionate sensory affirmative appreciating vicarious good paternal enthusiastic civilized approving positive gladdening heartening calming heartwarming decent accessible righteous liberal neighborly neighbourly pleasing broad-minded civilised ruthful sparing touched welcome old softie well disposed do-good well meaning loving and giving well-intentioned stirred hospitable agreeable pleasant lovable personable impressed congenial affable lovely cordial likeable mellow melted stimulated affected influenced conciliatory easygoing prepossessing winsome delightful unpresumptuous charming unassuming engaging simpatico reasonable sweet-natured companionable barley-sugar as nice as pie likable sociable winning appealing taking mild-mannered enchanting good-tempered captivating good-humoured sweet-tempered good-humored even-tempered harmless deeply moved munificent greathearted angelic benefic well intentioned heart in right place well-mannered umbrageous hung up sentient easily affected sensile unstable wired ticklish delicate oversensitive susceptible seeing precise touchy precarious fine keen tense acute hypersensitive psychic sensatory tricky hearty easy-going permissive open pardoning pitiful condoning susceptive courteous wholesome eleemosynary unstinting soft touch cooperative polite chivalrous brotherly calm propitious unoffensive open-handed dutiful lavish princely big bounteous public-spirited regardful bountiful respectful gallant openhanded openhearted noble freehanded deferential

Từ trái nghĩa của supersensitive

supersensitive Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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