Từ đồng nghĩa của nice

Alternative for nice

nicer, nicest

Từ đồng nghĩa: agreeable, desirable, enjoyable, fine, good, gratifying, pleasing, satisfactory,

Từ trái nghĩa: coarse, nasty, ugly,

Tính từ

Pleasing or satisfying
enjoyable delightful good great pleasant pleasurable satisfying agreeable amazing lovely magnificent marvellous marvelous splendid superb wonderful acceptable amusing charming entertaining favourable favorable fine gratifying heartwarming perfect pleasing rewarding thrilling alluring beautiful captivating commendable divine engaging fascinating fetching fine and dandy peachy blissful choice congenial happy heavenly joyous rapturous refreshing bonny couthy enchanting euphoric exhilarating irie lekker mooi blessed blest cheerful cheery comfortable comforting darling delectable delicious delightsome felicitous fun glorious intoxicating jolly dreamy dulcet groovy recreative relishable welcome sweet pretty grateful luscious savory palatable savoury tasty appealing likable attractive likeable fair adorable satisfactory sublime winning neat genial amiable ravishing cute comely gorgeous magical excellent cheering grand exquisite elegant desirable beguiling enticing diverting brilliant terrific super fabulous fantastic capital stunning seductive beauteous prepossessing taking swell exciting copacetic adorbs good-looking graceful well-favored winsome smashing tasteful to one's liking sterling superior valuable cordial magic heartening knockout hunky-dory fab pleasureful pulchritudinous drop-dead presentable sightly ducky tempting glamorous handsome bewitching inviting delicate glamourous striking entrancing eye-catching absorbing beaut irresistible exceptional supercalifragilisticexpialidocious magnetic positive worthy precious sound hospitable to one's taste rad prime honourable ace honorable reputable admirable boss spanking alright easy on the eye soothing super-eminent shipshape first-class select super-excellent stupendous deluxe first-rate gnarly recherche appreciated suitable affable relaxing mild fulfilling OK encouraging lovesome endearing copasetic propitious opportune titillating aesthetic fit dainty photogenic timely resplendent statuesque radiant esthetic dandy dollish showstopping prettyish sensational witty sexy brill cool restorative sensual telegenic bodacious champion ripping cracking corking spiffing intriguing topping wizard bonzer much needed babelicious polite beezer frabjous lovable luring heaven-sent goodly scrumptious enthralling engrossing out of this world debonair top-hole to your liking magnetizing magnetising electrifying gladly received seemly fashionable very agreeable very pleasant tantalizing adequate drop-dead gorgeous nice-looking tantalising on fleek convivial balmy jovial unblemished snug suited welcoming adapted appropriate sapid extremely enjoyable extremely pleasant silvery soft golden bad crack bully tip-top entire unbroken up to snuff unimpaired undamaged flawless uninjured whole intact unharmed unhurt promising wanted bootylicious well suited powerful highest consoling extremely attractive easy to take hypnotizing mesmerizing spellbinding gladdening stellar flattering long-awaited longed-for desired contenting restful renewing rejuvenating solacing ambrosial ineffable yummy lush superlative noble enamoring infatuating friendly unmarred very attractive greatly to one's liking very pleasurable spiffy peach ready pussycat jake okay constructive productive worthwhile stylish likely restoring awesome rare mesmerising hypnotising beneficial buxom blooming angelic physically attractive as nice as pie to your taste very nice sustaining sufficient substantial nourishing satiating happiness-inducing goodlooking good-humored good-humoured chic enhancing all right replayable aesthetically pleasing aesthetically appealing shapely fine-looking dazzling well favoured beddable dapper classy symmetrical ideal well-formed willowy voluptuous personable curvaceous camera-friendly fanciable refined sheen hitting the spot par excellence becoming good enough A-OK charismatic well-chosen cultivated sophisticated cultured civilized smart suave worldly enviable flashy sunny hunky clear civilised A1 glossy snazzy flamboyant foxy cunning splashy zingy slick showy arresting in order dishy relief unspoilt not bad glad well bred worldly-wise larger than life paradisiacal passable paradisal paradisaical calming paradisaic elating splendorous paradisiac ecstatic interesting funny humorous compelling droll riveting hilarious chucklesome comical moving stirring provocative piquant poignant lively stimulating impressive scream clever inspiring riot fun-filled gas gay rousing side-splitting priceless affecting be a ball decent tolerable joyful average reasonable upbeat bright serviceable solid fitting heart-warming appetizing merry hot keen spectacular supreme festive succulent delish gladsome respectable enough competent fairish famous uplifting outrageous colossal greatest ample unexceptional appetising sufficing easy unobjectionable convenient so-so solid gold optimistic contented sanguine warming mirthful celebratory honouring distracting clubbable jaunty fantastical astonishing soul-stirring light-hearted honoring sufficiently good middling moderate fair-to-middling fantabulous quite good gripping up to par delighting up to standard up to the mark assuaging valid assuasive appeasing cogent up to scratch toothsome dynamite phat out-of-sight gangbusters jim-dandy brag down topflight prizewinning gone blue-chip primo high-class brave bonnie top top-notch bang-up bumper boffo radical top-shelf quality frontline prize righteous crackerjack classic first-string immense four-star hype blue-ribbon five-star gilt-edge top-of-the-line unsurpassed gangbuster gilt-edged banner dope nifty mean supernal feel-good edible commensurate commensurable comestible abundant compulsive cozy cosy mouth-watering flavourful flavoursome requisite proportionate plenty peachy keen number one numero uno comfy esculent digestible rich congruous proper memorable unputdownable standard wholesome harmless nectareous ambrosian finger-licking flavorsome moreish nummy toothy flavorful mouthwatering yum-yum scrummy plentiful plenteous apposite apropos bounteous warm cushy eating yummo very palatable very enjoyable flavorous nectarean eloquent worth reading well-written easy to read well written ingenious readable smooth well-suited enow correct aplenty copious as much as you need necessary fitted as much as is necessary minimal bountiful homely homestyle plush fair to middling fairly good okey-dokey landmark momentous distinguished fateful consequential celebrated illustrious snuggly homelike nutritive nutritious kosher eatable culinary fit to be consumed dietary fit for consumption fit to eat safe snug as a bug in a rug useful made well eventful historic monumental important notable meaningful material groundbreaking unforgettable pivotal heroic shining extraordinary triumphant exalted august epochal significant remarkable red-letter venerable noteworthy proud far-reaching

Tính từ

(of a person) Good-natured or kind
kind likable pleasant affable agreeable amiable caring friendly gentle good likeable sympathetic considerate cordial decent genial kindly lovable lovely personable wonderful amicable approachable benevolent cheerful compassionate congenial delightful easygoing engaging good-natured gracious obliging sociable tolerant unassuming understanding warm warm-hearted bighearted big-hearted even-tempered goodhearted good-hearted good-humored good-humoured good-tempered helpful humble ingratiating jovial kindhearted kind-hearted mellow mild-mannered modest respectful self-effacing soft softhearted soft-hearted swell tender unpresumptuous warmhearted well-disposed well intentioned well meaning accommodating harmless large-hearted sweet-natured tenderhearted tender-hearted prepossessing winsome sweet neighbourly neighborly benign hospitable charming thoughtful mild generous convivial courteous pleasing companionable polite civil unselfish social affectionate gregarious charitable appealing altruistic easy-going easy winning complaisant humane comradely merciful well disposed amenable conversable unreserved supportive loving easy to get along with lenient beneficent benignant magnanimous clubbable all heart accessible couthy attractive clubby happy buddy-buddy urbane giving patient cheery munificent sweet-tempered greathearted responsive noble indulgent outgoing philanthropical righteous humanitarian chirpy bleeding-heart liberal great-hearted philanthropic well-mannered open bonhomous communicative perky civilized welcoming chummy taking calm matey harmonious mannerly civilised favourable favorable simpatico breezy honest respectable upright ethical all right honourable virtuous honorable feeling moral selfless sensitive angelic benefic maternal motherly fatherly upstanding just principled propitious regardful clement forbearing cooperative downright neighborly chivalrous pitying princely big public-spirited easy to get on with gallant sensible peaceful charismatic enjoyable relishable preferable temperate assent informal natural pally relaxed uninhibited approving good-looking expansive enchanting captivating forgiving presentable hearty compatible mushy reasonable as nice as pie acquiescent moderate compliant cozy copacetic handsome regular cosy kindred marshmallow softie empathic commiserative empathetic like-minded canny nice-looking bonny pretty broad-minded open-minded sentimental human willing to please favourably disposed barley-sugar palsy-walsy company-loving sweetheart aces comely okay white-hat elevated free moralistic high-minded conscientious valiant goodish fair lofty great self-sacrificing high heroic lordly wholesome favourably inclined favorably inclined fit unanimous adapted frictionless united suitable shared public comforting eleemosynary unstinting soft touch brotherly tactful unoffensive open-handed dutiful lavish bounteous attentive bountiful fatherlike heart in right place openhanded openhearted freehanded deferential solicitous well-suited sympathique well suited fond congruous amical consistent consonant good egg regular fellow right neighborly trustworthy community amusing popular familiar informative common pleasurable collective organized communal group entertaining polished general diverting receptive incorrupt worthy dependable peaceable right straight true organised societal clean-living on the up and up well-brought-up squeaky clean well mannered stand-up right-minded ungrudging concerned unsparing devoted fulsome protective freehearted free-handed paternal doting prodigal encouraging diplomatic nurturing do-good permissive well-bred gentlemanly ladylike extroverted soft-touch decorous open-hearted loose careful reassuring genteel appreciative condoling accepting complimentary profuse palsy willing generous to a fault intimate soothing conciliatory sparing patriarchal consoling excellent long-suffering pardoning hail-fellow-well-met placid enthusiastic positive fraternal self-denying commiserating gratifying sympathizing cheering courtly collegial cultivated suave sympathising mindful parental abundant maternalistic bleeding heart laudatory loyal mollycoddling condoning pampering quiet hail-fellow accommodative flattering commendatory acceptable ready adoring equitable uplifting eager to please pacific perceptive inspiriting plenteous eager to help extrovert unstinted refined cool comprehending willingly given bland discreet well-behaved politic fulfilling almsgiving going easy on disinterested avuncular lax self-forgetting light well bred overindulgent ample spoiling denying incorruptible well-meaning meek mother sheltering close faithful allowing interested stoical excusing permitting yielding serene plentiful touchy-feely watchful resigned inspiring extravagant full stoic uncomplaining reverential commending heedful dear assuaging soft-shell observant glowing tranquil unflappable earnest reverent admiring rave ruthful heartening unrestrained sisterly restrained longanimous useful stimulating boosting unctuous discerning aware calming submissive being big amorous lovesome cultured extraverted self-controlled self-restrained affirmative applauding approbatory heartwarming gladdening debonair good-mannered smooth clubable insightful formal having heart in right place loving and giving poised predisposed soft-spoken well behaved acclamatory well spoken approbative well brought up praiseful well-spoken well-intentioned parent self-forgetful unprejudiced vulnerable bubbly becoming confident immaculate soft-centred personal thoughty guestfriendly matriarchal confiding hilarious jocose funny comical attached vibrant happy-go-lucky jocular on good terms understandable nonmalignant emotional vigilant rich beneficial nonthreatening paternalistic goody-goody angelical spotless social-minded holy pharisaical esteemed creditable respected inoffensive unerring patriotic contributing donating socially concerned prosocial pitiful advantageous very kind worried anxious couth cosseting emollient letting assuasive favoring humoring piteous responsible heartfelt forthcoming stately brother's sibling familial genealogical adaptable pliable profitable unmarred pietistical pristine unflawed chaste graceful pietistic favouring humouring laid back wholehearted genuine sincere soft-shelled nonjudgmental overpermissive guiding docile vicarious appreciating protecting supporting caretaking placable idealistic public- spirited old softie inviting eager beneficient valuable non-malignant live with backslapping Robin Hood good scout unmean Christian deep condescending obsequious punctilious tight handy wellmannered non-confrontational lamblike shy demure dove-like sublime lively non-hostile virginal untouched unblamable redeemable redeeming prayerful unkind unrelenting cruel excessive procrustean inexorable overgenerous well brought-up praising unconstrained knightly composed going along with salutary willing to forgive dovelike retiring overabundant immoderate intemperate profligate wasteful thriftless improvident conflict-free attention-seeking ardent jolly bluff buddy buddy easy-oasy equable chilled wild able to live with concordant agreeing square shooting accordant right nice user friendly on tap on deck in favor of recommendatory inclined assenting Santa Claus welcome proper merry casual free-and-easy unstinging exuberant reserved unobtrusive simple down-to-earth unpretentious jejune vapid dull subservient spiritless obeisant forbearant tame flat subdued kin elegant willing to help enduring imperturbable unexcitable upbeat joyous jocund glad chipper enlivening upper up sunny blithe amatory passionate overfond undemanding fervent demonstrative persistent philosophical persevering intuitive over the top living with romantic enamoured lovey-dovey addicted enamored has heart in right place equanimous untiring mild-tempered unruffled self-possessed inexcitable passive cognizant conscious sunny side up going easy with subtle judicious delicate impassive philosophic fortitudinous weak sensitized impressionable reactive spineless boneless consolatory bound up close-knit silly over impressible sensitised emotionable perceiving knowing unimposing expressing adoration prudent seemly with the patience of Job supersensitive finely tuned dexterous wise skilled adroit skillful cautious tactical deft skilful savvy turned on to touchy feely tuned in relieving dextrous satisfying rewarding easing treating with kid gloves treating something with kid gloves heart-warming congratulatory warming softening invigorating succouring revivifying sustaining allaying envigorating remedying restoring mitigating revitalizing curing succoring solacing abating analeptic bolstering revitalising lightening health-giving upholding alleviating freeing refreshing panegyrical honeyed adulatory eulogizing sugary encomiastic saccharine eulogistic laudative encomiastical with highest recommendation fair-spoken eulogising sycophantic plauditory celebrating honouring highly favourable fawning highly favorable honoring well-wishing with high praise

Tính từ

Done with care and precision
delicate elaborate exact fastidious fine meticulous precise refined perfect strict subtle accurate careful dainty detailed exquisite faultless finical finicky methodical nuanced painstaking particular skilful skillful thorough fine-drawn finespun finicking hairsplitting minute nifty orderly persnickety superior dead on close definite hairline incorrupted ultra-fine unerring winning spot-on intricate airy pinpoint rigorous rigid sensitive precision involved narrow soft overnice sophisticated minuscule abstruse fancy mathematical formal well-made well-crafted well-executed hair-splitting faithful correct veracious authentic true literal right factual truthful punctilious regular scrupulous fair convincing explicit realistic conscientious lifelike proper genuine just veridical verisimilar veristic unmistakable defined deft solid true to life systematic sharp discriminating concrete scientific distinct discriminative judicious punctual word-perfect on the mark bang on on the beam matter-of-fact spot on on the nose telling it like it is as it really happened ultraprecise on the nail fact-based on the button clear-cut ethereal fragile elegant graceful light insubstantial diaphanous thin slight flimsy floaty beautiful gossamer lovely frail lacy gossamery filmy feathery wispy tenuous sheer translucent fairy aerial rarefied fluffy transparent gauzy lightweight intangible shadowy impalpable chiffony threadlike skimpy unworldly otherworldly ghostly wraithlike vapory gaseous waiflike eerie vaporous pellucid chiffon unsubstantial tiffany very thin cobwebby subtile permeable deficient gossamer-like limpid lucid gauzelike see-through neat pretty trim petite slim charming tasteful select dinky choice rare cute tender precious recherche sweet attractive pleasing comely bonny feeble darling delightful

Tính từ

Having a high standard of morality
respectable proper honest honorable honourable innocent upright virtuous clean-cut decent just moral principled righteous scrupulous wholesome distinguished ethical inoffensive law-abiding respected right straight upstanding esteemed incorruptible noble pure reputable right-minded self-righteous true uncorrupted unobjectionable admirable all right alright angelic blameless chaste goody-goody highly regarded high-minded immaculate incorrupt lily-white moralistic unerring unmarred dapper precious good trustworthy conscientious worthy fair clean exemplary high-principled faithful stand-up laudable correct sinless irreproachable equitable guiltless conscionable squeaky-clean kosher square reliable dependable trusty truthful saintly unimpeachable meritorious praiseworthy creditable anti-corruption commendable true-blue squeaky clean morally correct faultless elevated lawful unblemished chivalrous sincere straightforward clean-living aboveboard pious untarnished dutiful impeccable right-thinking unstained up front whiter than white pure as the driven snow sensible devoted safe virgin apple-pie simple fitting lofty vestal venerable rightful unbribable modest humane saintlike godly knightly undefiled legit inculpable devout stainless forthright responsible holy spiritual virginal impartial punctilious noble-minded spotless prudish demure fair-minded unsullied true blue exact precise G-rated on the level decorous above board of good repute full of integrity on the up and up on the up-and-up seemly of principle circumspect gallant magnanimous Christian fair and square morally right morally acceptable courteous rational salt of the earth reasonable edifying uplifting justifiable heedful extremely careful punctual thinking twice fastidious critical condign deserved justified legal merited due improving non-erotic non-violent God-fearing competent warranted reverent matchless deserving charitable philanthropical philanthropic godlike peerless loyal dedicated steady constant sanitary open invigorating helpful ruddy sane normal practical open-faced together fresh-faced envigorating hygienic commonsensical blooming staunch firm fast all there celibate unswerving unwed maidenly maiden true-hearted hale and hearty in fine feather in the pink solid sure secure steadfast trustable tried unwavering stanch unmarried self-denying self-restrained abstinent calculable supportive polite ardent tried-and-true truehearted veridical allegiant down-the-line undistorted liege confirmed estimable resolute wholehearted flawless perfect inexperienced neat restrained continent impotent quiet intemerate controlled austere unaffected monogamous platonic refined elegant subdued uncontaminated no lie ideal irreprehensible in good taste exquisite model seamless picture-book absolute cleanhanded white picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible clear accurate errorless ten on target aces infallible A-okay note-perfect as pure as the driven snow above reproach beyond reproach fleckless above suspicion beyond criticism unflawed without reproach in the clear of excellent character orderly peaceful well behaved unbiased civilized unprejudiced duteous obedient evenhanded nonpartisan compliant candid respectful civilised objective nondiscriminatory dispassionate upfront equal peaceable indifferent disciplined mannerly even-handed manageable deferential tractable anti-discrimination non-discriminatory open-minded disinterested genuine civil neutral non-partisan frank according to the rules impersonal uncolored peacekeeping complying dignified glorious redoubtable sportsmanlike sporting gracious notable biddable submissive amenable conformable docile great eminent prestigious gentlemanlike sportsmanly acceptable palatable pleasant sporty according to Hoyle dinkum unbigoted egalitarian right and proper on the square fair-and-square on-the-level savoury savory balanced uncoloured proportionate even-steven cricket fair-to-middling level stable without fear or favour square deal with no axe to grind fair shake thoughtful considerate undestroyable perpetual persistent unchanging inextinguishable immortal untouchable plain-spoken free-spoken veracious round literal truth-telling guileless plainspoken outspoken unreserved believable ingenuous meaning what one says unfeigned realistic real veritable like it is acquiescent well brought up cooperative tolerant willing mindful well-brought-up regardful well mannered well-mannered legitimate detached pukka on up-and-up

Tính từ

(now rare) Fastidious and hard to please
fussy picky choosy discerning discriminating selective careful demanding particular exacting choosey difficult hard to please inflexible meticulous pedantic rigorous fastidious finical finicky fretful nit-picking obsessive scrupulous squeamish fuddy-duddy fussbudgety overnice pernickety prissy old-maidish persnickety dainty delicate finicking critical punctilious nitpicking over-particular faddy faddish nit-picky painstaking overparticular overcritical pass-remarkable precise perfectionist fine captious difficult to please refined hypercritical hair-splitting over-fastidious cautious carping exact stickling fault-finding niggling choicy conscientious detailed sensitive assiduous perceptive acute thorough judicious eclectic select cavilling quibbling heedful pettifogging censorious prudish overdelicate fiddly astute caviling keen strait-laced sedulous discriminatory tasteful fussbudget discriminative hairsplitting sharp prim impossible to please strict accurate diligent conscionable methodical punctual opinionated laborious correct complex complicated awkward mincing tricky overprecise criticizing sticklerish rough tough pure puritanical stuffy subtle judgemental disapproving proper overfastidious trivial picky-picky old maidish old womanish overrefined schoolmarmish cultivated over-rigorous faultfinding over-strict judgmental over-censorious rejective over-exacting principled Victorian overscrupulous overexacting negative criticising queasy microscopic shrewd insightful perspicacious studious honourable upstanding high-minded upright honorable cultured discriminational differential duteous very careful easily disgusted righteous moral ethical right-minded white-glove dotting the i's ultra-careful crossing the t's artistic aesthetic individualising wise prudent individualizing esthetic attentive with good taste deliberate exhaustive orderly industrious provident thoughtful faithful dedicated full circumspect intensive solid religious searching observant elaborate regardful thoroughgoing concerned selfdisciplined chary by the book in-depth loving by the numbers going to great lengths discreet strenuous

Tính từ

Having great physical beauty
pulchritudinous lovely attractive ravishing stunning charming gorgeous handsome appealing pretty alluring cute beauteous comely fair bewitching delightful taking sightly exquisite elegant fine pleasing foxy dazzling enticing radiant graceful wonderful divine shapely splendid sublime delicate fascinating superb resplendent statuesque excellent angelic grand marvellous marvelous admirable classy ideal refined symmetrical magnificent good-looking well-formed easy on the eyes fetching beautiful captivating irresistible engaging winning enchanting striking prepossessing winsome bonny glamorous lovesome adorable sweet seductive knockout desirable beguiling aesthetic sexy entrancing luring tantalizing smashing charismatic esthetic fanciable tasty adorbs bonnie likely seemly goodly good nice-looking eye-catching tantalising well-favored drop-dead easy on the eye lovable arresting luscious hot sultry arousing nubile sensual sensuous delectable spunky bootylicious likable tempting fit magnetic glamourous drop-dead gorgeous likeable dishy fine-looking well favoured as pretty as a picture darling endearing bodacious sexual lush beddable erotic scrumptious fabulous babelicious pleasant inviting wholesome sensational becoming intriguing buxom blooming heavenly stylish dear out of this world a ten come-hither come-to-bed well favored sexually attractive very beautiful well-favoured elfin aesthetically pleasing aesthetically appealing beseeching photogenic disarming loveable precious cutesy simpatico cunning sympathique sympatisch doll face dainty agreeable personable mesmeric beckoning enthralling provocative hunky interesting trim picture-perfect dreamboat eyeful bijou fashionable chic beaut on fleek studly devastating flamboyant dreamy clean-cut smart glitzy glam ritzy well dressed siren trendy opulent looking like a million righteous flashy prestigious nifty dashing sharp fly class

Tính từ

Being in a clean and tidy state
trig neat trim tidy orderly prim shipshape crisp uncluttered spruce groomed smart kempt tidied dapper bandbox antiseptic smug natty snug elegant chic immaculate methodical fastidious slick dainty systematic sleek spotless regular correct exact finical finicky proper taut well-groomed picked up spick-and-span well-kept in good order in good shape apple-pie order neat as a pin neat and tidy besuited straight well turned out clean well groomed well-ordered in order spick and span well kept in apple-pie order shipshape and Bristol fashion well turned-out as neat as a new pin organized compact symmetrical soigné systematized clean-cut arranged methodic well looked-after well maintained to rights tricksy systematised organised well ordered well organized well-turned out arranged well well-designed sharp stylish snappy spiffy snazzy fly sassy dashing nifty debonair classy smartly dressed sporty swanky swell spry chichi ritzy well-dressed swank modish swagger showy nobby doggy posh nimble brisk well dressed spiff kicky rakish jaunty turned out dressed to kill dressed to nines as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox ordered efficient businesslike structured meticulous disciplined well-organized planned precise logical methodized careful controlled well-regulated coherent fixed together formal regimented well regulated consistent well thought out standardized coordinated sorted out deliberate scrupulous standardised systematical well planned strict well-turned-out presentable chipper straightened out uniform all together routine regulated standard practical analytical thoroughgoing complete painstaking out-and-out by the book by the numbers joined-up well-maintained effective tight well-arranged rigid steady self-controlled impeccable well-presented well thought-out sorted in place in position cleanly well arranged personable well disciplined well-pressed law-abiding well-behaved peaceable settled nonrandom in good condition fit to be seen in tip-top condition put to rights Bristol fashion as fresh as paint in sync no-nonsense unchanging even unvarying unvaried punctilious monotonous strictly regulated unbroken dull framed thorough alike rangé scientific set-up conventional correlated cataloged classified tabulated restricted grouped formed catalogued prearranged prepared formulated in shape closely controlled strictly controlled on a tight rein neat as button neat as pin

Tính từ

Fitting or proper for the occasion or purpose
decent proper appropriate decorous suitable becoming befitting fitting respectable seemly correct fit apposite apt standard accepted conventional dignified genteel good refined tasteful approved comely conforming orthodox presentable pukka traditional civilised civilized prudent comme il faut de rigueur polite right meet acceptable formal courtly done worthy mannerly modest couth well bred moral well-mannered in good taste ceremonial suited compatible congruous punctilious ceremonious timely applicable stilted stiff stiff-necked starchy kosher okay fitted felicitous happy in keeping sedate tactful official staid demure polished reserved ladylike gentlemanly elaborate ornate stately well-behaved well mannered well behaved restrained elegant prim seasonable ritualistic pretty au fait welcome customary usual fair honest honourable upright honorable diplomatic OK consistent consonant congenial pleasing done thing reputable admirable careful virtuous trustworthy respected the done thing clean-living right stuff neat smart estimable spruce above board venerable tidy moderate august ordinary redoubted redoubtable creditable sublime of good repute well-thought-of mediocre highly regarded pertinent relevant expedient opportune satisfactory commodious germane condign handy cut out for politic user friendly deserved merited advisable swell fit for purpose copacetic righteous in character requisite right up someone's street reasonable rightful up to snuff up to standard sufficient legit to the point convenient useful good enough well-timed just in keeping with straight puritanical strait-laced courteous prudish priggish prissy conservative in line bourgeois conformist right on beseeming behooving on the nose what the doctor ordered traditionalist according to Hoyle on the button by the numbers by the book suburban parochial square stuffy narrow-minded stodgy Pooterish dogmatic button-down small-town doctrinal strict Biedermeier straight-laced old-fashioned stick-in-the-mud bien pensant fuddy-duddy of the old school

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Very good or excellent in nature or quality
peachy excellent wonderful great marvellous fantastic superb fine grand awesome splendid stellar fabulous sensational terrific fantabulous marvelous top cool cracking divine topping heavenly radical sterling superlative beautiful choice dandy fab lovely neat nifty quality supernal swell topflight unsurpassed classic groovy immense righteous superior corking crackerjack dynamite hot mean noble prime prizewinning dope gilt-edged keen banner boss bumper capital famous gangbuster gangbusters hype phat slick wizard boffo bonnie bonny brag brave bully down frontline primo prize gone first-class tip-top A-OK first-rate high-class bang-up gilt-edge jim-dandy out-of-sight blue-chip blue-ribbon first-string five-star four-star number one par excellence top-notch numero uno top-of-the-line top-shelf peachy keen best select premium super high-quality finest exceptional exquisite premier leading highest greatest rad elite crucial rare schmick def high-grade A-1 top-drawer of the first water state-of-the-art luxury special exclusive hand-picked elect bad top-quality dainty optimal 10 popular preferred favored preferential cardinal paramount tough heavy world dominant first main chief handpicked vintage favorite elegant precious plum cherry-picked favoured unusual valuable favourite uncommon solid gold carefully chosen 24-karat grade A top of the line top of the range first-line amazing phenomenal magnificent glorious incredible sublime perfect prodigious outstanding unequalled remarkable brilliant delightful supreme standout smashing tremendous unparalleled admirable topnotch extraordinary unexcelled tiptop wicked consummate bodacious optimum matchless surpassing preeminent spanking illustrious unmatched unrivaled class eminent unrivalled beaut flawless ripping incomparable worthy faultless spiffing sound unbeatable dreamy peerless unique amazeballs star uppermost ace marvy accomplished formidable gorgeous quintessential cream champion untouchable magic tops dazzling transcendent crack beezer singular mega belting fabby sovereign extreme brill bonzer sik winning effusive goodly excessive lead applaudable bosting awesomesauce pearler exo unequaled exaggerated kif barrie supercalifragilisticexpialidocious worthiest chillin' inflated bosker lank renowned flagship very good top-class pre-eminent top-level top-grade top-tier far out out of this world prize-winning without equal award-winning beyond compare mind-blowing world-class highest quality very best top-hole of the highest quality on fleek too good to be true too much in a class all by itself above and beyond of highest order of high quality of the highest order of the first order of the highest standard good deluxe notable exemplary high impressive spectacular laudable priceless distinguished A1 invaluable stunning enviable commendable meritorious praiseworthy fancy striking ideal upmarket classy upscale peak high-end selected luxurious impeccable desirable attractive noted advanced crowning lofty estimable stupendous of a high standard really good noteworthy extravagant major up to par spendy big-ticket dear ultraexpensive up to standard central up to scratch pricy model second to none costly top quality up to snuff top-end pricey foremost expensive high-ticket inspired unimpeachable irreproachable refined able grade-A super-duper top-flight blameless cordon bleu shipshape competent A-grade first class better than usual enhanced of the best quality better improved banging better than average good quality high-caliber a cut above five star the dog's bollocks high quality highest-quality of the highest type top grade best-quality eclectic posh delicate A-list high-calibre good-quality nonpareil immaculate untainted unmarred pure stainless spotless indefectible unblemished culminating prized primary unspoilt absolute respected indispensable profitable treasured hot property inestimable valued reliable certified mint unreal outrageous fantastical legit top-of-the-range most valuable most precious

Tính từ

Very fine in texture or structure, especially of intricate workmanship or quality
delicate fine dainty exquisite intricate elegant subtle airy graceful soft detailed nuanced sheer wispy chiffony diaphanous feathery flimsy floaty gauzy gentle gossamer gossamery insubstantial light papery silky thin choice ethereal filmy gauzelike recherche shimmering threadlike translucent transparent fine-grained fine-spun wafer-thin see-through fragile refined cobwebby lightweight ultra-fine frail unsubstantial gossamer-like select rare beautiful slight gossamer-thin tiffany chiffon silken lovely lacy fancy pellucid luxurious opulent fluffy grand charming tasteful transpicuous translucid superior plush lucid classy slim pretty stylish lavish finespun cultivated tenuous sumptuous frothy sleazy waiflike handsome artistic vaporous pleasing floating attractive ornate comely cultured smart polished deluxe lush elaborate sophisticated luxuriant rich discerning recherché fastidious courtly well-made tissuelike high-class chic majestic urbane stately aesthetic pure swanky first-class smooth precise limpid very thin swank posh clear esthetic splendiferous summery frangible superfine skimpy wisplike nebulous cobweblike cottony incorporeal subtile permeable deficient glossy iridescent gauze-like exotic feather-like flyaway filigree floatable attenuated slender far-fetched esoteric arcane fibrous cobweb loose frilly open porous spongy flowing cut-rate slapdash superficial tacky meager unsound rinkydink infirm defective meagre decrepit meshy meticulous paperlike weightless downy atmospheric reedy narrow twiggy fairy aerial rarefied involved papyraceous discriminating lacelike lace-like patterned netlike net net-like intangible impalpable shadowy harmonious chartaceous neat exact hairsplitting methodical exclusive palatial expensive house of cards otherworldly ghostly unworldly wraithlike vapory gaseous eerie trim petite restrained splendid costly fit becoming sensitive fitting paper balletic lithe quality special magnificent luxury well-executed well-crafted paper-thin ultra-thin dinky upmarket plushy Lucullan spiffy quiet snazzy in good taste chaste unaffected gratifying classical unobtrusive subdued uptown luxe loaded palace gorgeous Lucullian swish ritzy fancy-pants pricey Babylonian flowy palatian well appointed luscious super cute sweet bonny darling delightful fair deft tender precious feeble aesthetically pleasing fashionable extravagant classic modish dignified distinguished dashing suave noble decorous ostentatious ornamented genteel affected debonair august schmick aristocratic overdone stylized well-designed well-dressed a la mode well-bred polite civil courteous civilized gracious civilised well bred gentlemanly well mannered proper gallant ladylike mannerly well-mannered seemly chivalrous respectable formal couth correct affable accomplished well-behaved decent befitting tactful de rigueur obliging advanced svelte educated sharp cool prim diplomatic enlightened respectful developed experienced pleasant simple ceremonious understated poised decorative flattering snobbish self-possessed ornamental modest cosmopolitan worldly moving expressive worldly-wise punctilious balanced flashy creative highbred sublime well-born lofty imaginative high fetching snappy enhancing royal conventional media-savvy impeccable ceremonial knowledgeable discreet erudite good-looking on fleek with good taste good tolerant intelligent well behaved comfortable appealing haughty uncluttered handy clever ingenious streamlined well-off proud divine striking womanly privileged aloof honourable honorable aerodynamic flash adulatory complimentary high-bred imposing preux studied finished perfected zooty presentable politic cavalier showy sleek symmetrical agreeable humane good mannered high fashion austere plain confident self-assured appropriate suitable glib slick emotional distingué sedate dapper spruce genial cordial kind well-proportioned Augustan pompous pretentious confined la-di-da intolerant patronizing patronising artificial hollow prudish snooty priggish straitlaced prissy condescending stuffy stylistic stunning knockout taking goodly likely bonnie drop-dead lovesome beauteous ravishing sightly considerate deferential thoughtful fly staid demure evolved close progressive improved forward rigorous accurate pinpoint spot-on late higher mathematical complaisant well-chosen trig well groomed well dressed musical pictorial ideal rhythmical stimulating dramatic picturesque reserved beautifying metropolitan bland casual nonchalant detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out cheerful jaunty happy sprightly well spoken soft-spoken well brought up well-spoken elevated figurative symbolic flowery comme il faut right meet conforming moral seasonable au fait done high-brow high-minded sartorial scholarly intellectual jet-set citified blasé highbrow mondaine knowing mature world-weary well-favored well-informed worldly wise been around perceptive profound deep poetic insightful elite upper-class well-read artistically aware learned understanding liberal up-to-date lettered savant blue-stocking intellectually aware able distingue well-educated traveled appreciative arty well informed well read versed well educated literary informed literate well born highborn upper-crust titled high-born wellborn travelled full of feeling au courant upper crust Brahmin ennobled blue-blooded aristocratical top-drawer great gentlemanlike blue silk-stocking queenly regal lordly exalted silver-spoon princely patrician knightly kingly born with a silver spoon in one's mouth

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Requiring great skill or finesse in handling or treatment
ticklish delicate difficult sensitive tricky problematic thorny awkward knotty prickly tough trying controversial dodgy sticky taxing touchy bothersome catchy complex complicated concerning critical hairy involved irksome nasty problematical risky spiny tricksy troublesome uncertain upsetting vexatious worrying convoluted intricate unstable unsteady vexed capricious chancy changeable dangerous fickle hard inconstant mercurial precarious rocky temperamental variable volatile perplexing dicey baffling embarrassing uncomfortable unpleasant puzzling iffy touch-and-go hazardous perilous gnarly unpredictable contentious nettlesome emotive challenging questionable distressing rough disturbing dubious compromising humiliating unsafe paradoxical unfathomable mystifying impenetrable high-risk cringeworthy pointed briery disconcerting unchancy parlous cringey formidable tight painful impossible cringe-making bleak dire fraught with danger onerous forbidding arduous grim grievous awful punishing dark disagreeable worrisome unfriendly bitter suspect spartan hostile uneasy harassing severe tender intractable echinated annoying stimulating abstruse provocative quirky fiddly undependable heated frustrating bemusing divisive scandalous like herding cats barro discomforting erratic fluctuant fiendish kid-glove treacherous scary unsound unhealthy jeopardous wicked heavy laborious operose rugged strenuous hair-trigger incalculable problem kittle messy devilish weird strange barbed bristly bewildering inexplicable mysterious confusing disputed briary thistly brambly devil of a funny peculiar unaccountable odd labyrinthine flustering very devil of a discomfiting debated contested spicular spiky aculeate spinous sharp spiculate spiked pronged bristled spiniferous scratchy demeaning degrading enigmatic mind-bending moot debatable inconvenient embarrassed setaceous jaggy muricate pointy barbellate spinose untimely discountenancing discomposing undetermined undecided unresolved unsettled unconcluded wildering difficult to understand befuddling confounding Byzantine ongoing in contention at issue in dispute excruciating incommodious exasperating shameful beyond one toe-curling open to debate open to question hot-button open to doubt fractious up in the air yet to be decided much debated elaborate sophisticated tangled tortuous involute detailed involuted obscure byzantine undecipherable confused labyrinthian fancy Gordian serpentine entangled recondite inscrutable cryptic interlaced baroque daedal cumbersome troubled ambiguous incomprehensible advanced Daedalian full of twists and turns tense profound agitating unnerving equivocal shaky insoluble complicate mazy unanswerable subtle deep circuitous serious demanding fraught ravelled jumbled mixed dense knotted raveled hi-tech full of problems mixed up Daedalean beset by problems finicky loaded chaotic vulnerable searching penetrating shaming mortifying stressful insolvable threatening grave eventful insecure indivisible inseparable daunting state-of-the-art elite ignominious lively disgraceful discreditable dishonouring blush-making winding sinuous twisted high-level higher-level ornate unpropitious discommodious distracting discommoding dishonoring inopportune troubling rattling unseemly charged rococo heterogeneous multifaceted multifarious variegated nuanced muddled high-tech long-drawn-out can of worms maze-like drawn-out top-level tickly galling torturous roundabout indirect indissoluble inextricable impossible to separate irritating dolorous bumpy afflicted unclear unintelligible abstract doubtful radical extensive mind-boggling itchy confronting distressed afflictive wearisome trouble vexing rambling esoteric mystical thought-provoking fathomless causing discomfort ill-fitting dubitable disputable hard to solve hard to explain beyond comprehension beyond one's grasp opaque misleading unstraightforward nervous anxious enigmatical hazy over one's head above one's head unsolvable suspicious shady fishy queer doubtable verbose lengthy overlong devious deceptive nerve-racking restless unsettling creepy disquieting nail-biting distressful nerve-wracking drastic perverse cunning indecisive open arguable complete sweeping thorough extreme revolutionary uphill terrible ramified reticular effortful difficult to follow uptight apprehensive major emotionally charged up for grabs unhandy unwieldy clunky cumbrous cranky impractical clumsy bunglesome ungainly ponderous unmanageable burdensome lumbersome a devil hard to use

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Shy, extremely humble and modest
self-effacing shy modest retiring diffident bashful withdrawn unassuming reserved demure reticent coy introverted quiet meek timid backward silent unpretentious humble sheepish unpresuming recessive unassertive discreet unboastful temperate withdrawing proper seemly blushing chaste unobtrusive lowly unassured moderate prudent resigned simple unpretending self-conscious mild docile mim apologetic shamefaced embarrassed media-shy fearful prim decorous prissy prudish shrinking staid timorous sober respectable decent ladylike strait-laced sedate innocent virginal virtuous priggish pure maidenly old-maidish down-to-earth starchy goody-goody puritanical coquettish kittenish straight uptight affected square retired niminy-piminy serious skittish solemn close earnest prim and proper restrained unsociable unostentatious self-deprecating uncommunicative reclusive secretive self-deprecatory overly modest standoffish soft-spoken taciturn unaffected unforthcoming natural cool self-critical distant genuine artless ingenuous plain private undemonstrative solitary offish inward-looking aloof self-contained mousy cold aw-shucks remote close-mouthed detached unresponsive honest unambitious cautious rabbity stand-offish thoughtful introvert collected inhibited sincere guileless uncompanionable unemotional naive open real true eremitic nongregarious homely unimposing without airs honest-to-goodness unpresumptuous free from vanity easy-going laid-back arch flirtatious simpering respectful socially inhibited overmodest on the up and up childlike uncontrived undesigning unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated recluse uncurious casual uninterested indifferent evasive insecure unconfident nervous keeping one's light under a bushel low-key seclusive secret ordinary inconspicuous unaffable unexpansive hermitic not forward anchoritic eremitical hiding one's light under a bushel courteous formal introspective unapproachable self-restrained indrawn unfriendly constrained guarded contemplative pensive self-absorbed self-interested closemouthed frigid chilly tight-lipped laconic dumb snobbish Olympian meditative reflective ruminative inner-directed self-centred straightforward gentle serene misanthropic icy peaceful ceremonious noncommittal composed placid conventional self-centered frank unspoiled folksy inelaborate down homey uncomplex unbeautified up front free-spirited prosaic down home unembellished

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Affectedly proper, or formal, and rather prudish
prim prudish formal proper puritanical demure prissy strait-laced priggish Victorian starchy stuffy fastidious fussy mimsy niminy-piminy old-maidish particular precise schoolmarmish stiff bluenosed governessy nice-nelly old-maid po-faced schoolmistressy straightlaced straitlaced Grundyish square-toed blue-nose ceremonial ceremonious choosy cleanly conventional correct dapper decorous dignified genteel good goody-goody meticulous moralistic nit-picking overmodest polite prim and proper rigid snobbish spic-and-span spruce stickling straight upright wooden self-righteous pious sanctimonious shockable stick-in-the-mud holier-than-thou Pecksniffian fuddy-duddy square pi moral self-satisfied smug unctuous god-fearing PC virtuous straight-laced puritan politically correct goody two-shoes pietistic Pharisaic hypocritical narrow-minded pompous narrow complacent superior religiose preachy severe Pharisaical censorious tight-laced bigoted overnice moralizing mealy-mouthed Tartuffian churchy canting sententious insincere artificial strict affected pretentious austere moralising uptight stern too good to be true to keep up appearances precious goody-two-shoes overscrupulous conservative old-fashioned staid pharisaic pedantic ascetic of the old school supercilious hoity-toity haughty noble egotistical forbidding vain disapproving fanatical spartan hair-shirt for form's sake epicene namby-pamby abstemious conforming abstinent pharisaical squeamish deceiving false stilted overexact simpering mincing scrupulous offish rigorous finicky illiberal squeaky-clean simon-pure high-hat pietistical judgmental unco guid

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Characterized by a close or warm personal relationship