Từ đồng nghĩa của fraught

Alternative for fraught

Từ đồng nghĩa: loaded,

Tính từ

Characterized by, or tending to cause, agitation or anxiety
tense anxious distressing nervous agitating creepy disquieting distressful disturbing hairy nail-biting nerve-racking nerve-wracking restless uneasy unnerving unsettling worrisome trying difficult tricky apprehensive troubled uptight emotionally charged worrying upsetting alarming strained uncomfortable disconcerting stressful troubling frightening perturbing dismaying concerning charged awkward exciting scary edgy irritating annoying harrowing harassing perplexing stressed anxious-making volatile insecure constrained unrelaxed intimidating panicky embarrassing antsy jittery disruptive white-knuckle aggravating irksome troublesome discomforting vexing bothersome startling gut-wrenching off-putting ominous unpleasant discouraging discommoding foreboding gloomy onerous severe sinister depressing provoking pessimistic wearisome painful confronting fretful dodgy bothering knife-edge cliffhanging dramatic barro distracting demoralizing embarrassed discomposing explosive stiff daunting troublous nagging discomfiting demoralising precarious nasty devastating stilted self-conscious nervy dithery forced unstable worried overwrought twitchy terrifying menacing exasperating maddening taxing shaky agitated taut rigid excited unquiet spooky taxed overtaxed queasy concerned queazy on edge frazzled irritated frayed threatening uncertain burdensome consequential laborious disagreeable inconvenient tiresome intrusive impeding hard toilsome prophetic vexatious niggling traumatic harrying thorny grave problematic prickly sticky confusing flustering bewildering tormenting agonising agonizing distractive disrupting diverting diversionary baffling

Tính từ

Causing or affected by anxiety or stress
anxious agitated distracted distressed distraught upset worried desperate frantic overwrought panicky panic-stricken panic-struck wired emotive hassled stressed tense uptight adrenalized beside oneself hag-ridden stressy strung-up emotionally charged worked up wound up having kittens in a flap in a state on tenterhooks in a cold sweat in a flat spin tearing one's hair out mad frenzied delirious wild hysterical frenetic crazy furious excited hectic rabid violent berserk raving corybantic unscrewed insane shook up crazed swivel-eyed hyper unglued unzipped deranged weirded out wigged out feverish strained fevered uncontrolled fierce ferocious maniacal confused demented drawn raging out of control zonkers angry in a tizzy weird freaked out spazzed out keyed up flipped out at wits' end in a stew hot and bothered hot under the collar hyperactive manic harassed energetic turbulent intense tumultuous overcome confusing unbalanced unhinged distrait hysteric chaotic nuts rattled bothered worked-up fast and furious beside yourself out of one's mind at the end of your tether madding convulsive overexcited sapped drained emotional consumed tired fatigued fanatical taut in a frenzy carried away at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself out of one's wit obsessive exciting phrenetic furibund lost it devastated in a lather shattered harrowed wrought-up verklempt pained flustered tormented concerned nonplussed thrown muddled disturbed perturbed discomposed troubled addled overburdened very upset pinched in a panic out of your mind like a chicken with its head cut off under pressure berko het up last-minute in a tizz at your wits' end nervous edgy jumpy uneasy jittery restless on edge twitchy fidgety nervy antsy unquiet unnerved ill at ease in a dither neurotic all of a dither unsettled apprehensive insecure queasy queazy hinky highly strung aflutter goosey dithery atwitter strung out hung up high-strung overstrung strung up uncontrollable disquieted disconcerted ruffled alarmed overactive heated excitable restive overwhelmed fretful shaken affected under a strain discombobulated nervous wreck overanxious under stress angsty in a twitter squirrelly a bundle of nerves toey moved up the wall on pins and needles in a state of agitation spooky windy clutched bundle of nerves in a fluster in a tiz-woz unrelaxed fazed stunned struck incredulous overawed inflamed wreck moving stressed out white-knuckled fluttery shot shot to pieces white knuckled wrought up in a state of nerves pressured shaky choked overpowered destroyed stirred up flapping unrestrained in a spin aroused all of a flutter unrestrainable afraid frightened fretting fearful maniac worried sick trembling quaking scared anguished vexed spooked irrepressible fiery impetuous impassioned maddened vehement driven to distraction rampant blazing tempestuous incensed fuming spasmodic seething possessed passionate riled with one's stomach in knots like a cat on a hot tin roof bricking oneself angstful with butterflies in one's stomach uncomfortable beset all of a lather a wreck solicitous shaking in one's shoes worried stiff with one's heart in one's mouth irked flurried tortured bugged in a twit in a sweat plagued in a fit out of one's wits unstable sensitive brittle skittish nerve-racking feeling anxious stressful nail-biting in suspense mental nerves on edge nutty ape amok bananas bonkers spare batty bats barmy barro crook off the air off your rocker porangi crackers on the rampage out to lunch around the bend off the deep end through the roof off one's head postal tooshie stirred weary strung-out freaked-out wound-up worn unstrung touchy high keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered spent throwing a wobbly steamed up all shook up hot under collar

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Filled or well-supplied with something
teeming abounding replete swarming abundant awash thick rife lousy thronging flush filled packed full overflowing brimming plentiful crowded crawling bursting crammed stuffed chock-full chock-a-block alive charged abounding in generous profuse loaded lavish seething plenteous superabundant jam-packed thronged well-provided abundant in swamped overrun full of rich flowing ample jammed brimful heavy copious bristling bounteous prolific overloaded inexhaustible pregnant galore solid luxuriant exuberant teeming with fraught with multitudinous populous laden chocker well-supplied replete with rich in overrun by chock-full of flooded numerous fruitful heaving liberal flushed dripping rolling saturated burdened deluged taxed weighted covered fecund with big stinking lank choked encumbered congested close dense knee-deep compact tight serried pullulating lush deep great compressed populated heaped hampered in plenty opulent infinite crawling with like sardines like Piccadilly Circus cram-full of bursting at the seams having a considerable amount of having a copious amount of well-stocked glutted piled high loaded down fully charged weighed down well supplied well stocked well provided in abundance brimming with chock-a-block with charged with swarming with jammed with bursting with a gogo stuffed with thick with overflowing with overloaded with packed with well supplied with well provided with rife with crammed with loaded with solid with brimful with awash with well stocked with crowded with jam-packed with chocker with supplied complete overfed luxurious full to bursting bountiful boundless considerable prodigal munificent flourishing thick on the ground overcrowded overfull chockablock chockful fat aplenty plenty mobbed cornucopian wall-to-wall filled to capacity cramped comfortable packed like sardines bulging at the seams bumper overpopulated busy inundated running over no end cram-full full to the gunwales large unstinting voluminous huge clogged full up crushed a dime a dozen spilling over crammed full fit to bust commodious full to overflowing substantial packed out up to the hilt filled up huddled full to capacity filled to the brim excessive occupied overpeopled massed extravagant stacked fulsome stocked hoatching bustling sizeable overfilled overwhelmed superfluous riotous gorged sufficient bulging sumptuous handsome jammed full topped up up to the rafters like the Black Hole of Calcutta immoderate sardined elbow-to-elbow filled to the rafters extensive extreme profusive openhanded infested countless alive with broad fertile productive lined innumerable myriad suffused padded plethoric lousy with wealthy affluent no end of at full capacity full to the brim frantic stinking with full to the gills level with no end in sight full to the top entire surplus in excess overabundant extra groaning unabridged topfull overbuilt unsparing hopping gushing permeated weighted down jumping whole full of commotion heavily populated overburdened buzzing hoaching hotching effusive filled with thickset SRO clean vast immense spacious roomy unrestricted expansive capacious plenitudinous inordinate open-handed gushy unrestrained whopping rank princely tidy moneyed bundled tumid arranged rammed consigned chock wrapped mob scene full house sold out stiff with topped off decent proliferous lacking overprovided overstocked oversupplied up to here standing room only to the roof mucho enough and to spare over the top thickly populated settled densely populated many multifarious peopled multitudinal legion several various stink with blocked plugged obstructed heavily settled knee-deep in gridlocked blocked-up impeded imbued impregnated stuffed-up stopped closed jam-full occluded mucous stoppered blocked up stuffy stopped up competent swimming unlimited appreciable enough improvident packed to capacity cram full completely full humming jampacked solid with people packed to the gunwales snarled up full of people scaturient inundant torrential inundatory more than enough

Tính từ

Agitated or stressed
excited stressed agitated antsy anxious apprehensive distressed worried distraught fearful hectic jittery nervy tense alarmed annoyed desperate edgy flurried flushed frightened hysterical intense scared shocked skittish startled terrified uneasy unnerved unsettled adrenalized aflutter aquiver daunted disturbed fidgety high-strung in a panic distracted emotional flighty frantic frenzied irrational twitchy unreluctant afire atingle dismayed dithery febrile heated het up hot under the collar hyped-up hyper hyperexcited ill at ease jumpy overactive overexcited perturbed troubled unquiet uptight wrought-up nervous upset wound up discomposed disconcerted provoked ruffled wired hot hot and bothered in a tizzy juiced up keyed up on edge overwrought worked up zipped up restless restive uncomfortable impatient unrestful queazy goosey insecure atwitter embarrassed hinky queasy self-conscious discomfited stressy peevish like a fish out of water on the qui vive shaken irascible hung up shaky disquieted vexed fretful harassed suspicious irritable palpitant anguished perplexed bothered wrung afraid tormented all nerves in turmoil concerned obsessed plagued tortured panicky neurotic preoccupied surprised amazed astonished stunned spooked fixated phobic overanxious have cold feet paranoid shy oppressed bedevilled beleaguered preyed upon haunted visited by bedeviled afflicted asea worried stiff riled pestered miffed inconvenienced discombobulated aggravated pained flustered put out irked confused mortified harried exacerbated beset puzzled harrowed displeased chagrined irritated hesitant foreboding strained mistrustful trepidatious doubtful uncertain weak stiff worried sick having a funny feeling frozen running scared having stage fright lily-livered on tenterhooks biting nails having cold feet having butterflies in a dither in a cold sweat in a sweat angst-ridden

Tính từ

Extremely difficult or unpleasant
hellish awful dreadful foul ghastly horrible horrid rotten terrible vile abominable appalling atrocious difficult disagreeable frightful horrendous nasty stressful unpleasant demanding frustrating hard heavy pressured taxing testing tough trying arduous grotty grueling gruelling murderous tiring traumatic beastly hellacious lousy from hell a bummer of a a stinker of a exhausting wearing rough harsh onerous exacting severe grim excruciating oppressive brutal rugged troublesome vexing burdensome exasperating grievous strenuous irksome bothersome wearisome cruel sticky weighty tense worrying challenging anxious draining enervating sapping tedious punishing harrowing toilsome agitating hectic crushing vexatious rigorous laborious anxiety-ridden back-breaking nerve-racking fatiguing upsetting hardhanded aggravating searing inhuman bitter stiff tight exigent pestilent tricky repellent objectionable repulsive revolting bad rancid diabolical deplorable cruddy wretched loathly cheap repellant paltry pitiful lame disgustful dirty distasteful disgusting sickening offensive odious repugnant filthy nauseating obnoxious loathsome unappetizing nauseous unpalatable hideous noxious malodorous yucky noisome squalid icky stinking unsavoury gross uninviting smelly rank acrid grubby putrid polluted gruesome mephitic fetid skanky ugly pongy stinky whiffy displeasing obscene miasmal ratty sullied niffy uncongenial unlovely unwelcome smudged bedraggled stained unpleasing unsavory abhorrent scabby mucky unsportsmanlike besmirched muddy black begrimed scummy fulsome dingy scurvy yukky draggled sordid befouled illegal sneaking evil shocking bemired dusty unclean uncleanly smutty despicable sour contemptible soiled sorry unfair wicked grimy blackened grungy mean funky scandalous pitiable olid yucko festy foetid unholy off-putting God-awful poison on the nose bum ungodly sick-making evil-smelling foul-smelling poor abysmal mediocre disastrous substandard dismal inferior wanting below par rebarbative low-quality unsatisfactory sub-par rubbish execrable trashy insufferable low-grade pathetic laughable damnable crummy deficient cut-rate second-rate less-than-stellar two-bit garbage rubbishy punk lamentable poor-quality third-rate sad unacceptable second-class worthless under par

Tính từ

Causing distress or emotional turmoil
painful distressing bad disconcerting horrendous horrible troublesome troubling unpleasant awful discomforting disquieting dreadful horrid horrific irksome objectionable terrible worrisome agonising agonizing appalling daunting distasteful forbidding grim horrifying loathsome miserable perturbing revolting rotten severe stressful torturous traumatic unpalatable unsettling woeful wretched abominable agitating annoying atrocious bitter crummy detestable difficult disagreeable discomposing dismal distressful disturbing doleful execrable foul frightful ghastly gruesome harrowing harsh humorless humourless irritating lousy mortifying nasty odious offensive poor repellent repugnant repulsive sober solemn somber sombre unbearable uncomfortable unnerving unsavory upsetting vile abysmal deplorable depressing diabolical dire disgusting displeasing frightening gloomy grave grisly gross hairy heartbreaking hideous icky lurid macabre nauseating nightmarish obnoxious regrettable sedate sickening stinking tormenting troublous unacceptable undesirable unendurable unfortunate unsatisfactory unwelcome vexatious worrying abhorrent affecting afflicting afflictive awkward cruel godawful grody grotty hellacious lamentable mean monstrous nauseous pathetic repellant sad saddening shocking sour tragic tragical ugly unappealing uncool unhappy uninviting yucky yukky anguished beastly concerning excruciating galling grievous heartrending hostile hurtful sorrowful uncongenial unlovely unpleasing unsavoury gut-wrenching heart-rending heart-breaking nail-biting nerve-racking nerve-wracking off-putting extremely bad hard oppressed pitiless merciless ruthless bleak vicious impoverished stark savage brutal poverty-stricken embarrassing charged tense uneasy sticky thorny tickly flustering discomfiting tricky prickly dolorous bumpy rough confronting distressed itchy incommodious wearisome scratchy causing discomfort ill-fitting bothersome aggravating tedious tiresome vexing trying frustrating unamusing burdensome jarring wearing exasperating maddening boring provoking alarming teasing harassing disheartening discommoding discouraging peeving plaguy pestiferous pestilent pesky bedevilling dreary serious infuriating infernal riling chafing carking pesty inconvenient pestilential nettling rebarbative plaguey abrasive confounded antagonizing rankling nettlesome antagonising cussed cheerless hopeless sullen morose punchable enraging grating niggling harrying nagging testing hellish bedeviling enough to try the patience of a saint ominous enough to drive you up the wall critical grewsome terrific sorry dispiriting disappointing drab dark dismaying joyless drear rueful funereal abject melancholic austere unlucky parlous unfavorable unfavourable forlorn comfortless glum mephitical perplexing irritable unpropitious unkind melancholy bewildering sinister depressive revulsive poignant inauspicious foreboding troubled black dicey moiling killer hazardous backbreaking easier said than done high-impact slavish torturesome killing onerous wearying shattering weighty knackering hard-won toilful drudgy exacting backbreaker intolerable sweaty challenging labored punishing back-breaking immense no picnic tall extreme formidable upstream energy-consuming marathon difficile laboured grueling vigorous impossible tortuous cumbersome crippling high-pressure arduous gruelling unsparing sapping prohibitive unremitting really hard tough going problem draining fierce intimidating oppressive Herculean insufferable tough bruising heavy titanic mighty fatiguing laborious ponderous operose gargantuan effortful not easy unforgiving uphill rugged staggering colossal crushing unyielding exhausting herculean ambitious debilitating intense worksome like getting blood out of a stone rigorous strenuous painstaking very hard ferocious almighty grinding gigantic tiring taxing scabrous toilsome problematic depleting demanding uphill battle

Tính từ

Feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with
desperate despairing hopeless forlorn wretched demoralised demoralized anguished despondent disconsolate desolate discouraged disheartened distressed downcast miserable resigned abject defeatist dejected devastated distraught dolorous downhearted inconsolable pessimistic suicidal overcome sad in despair at one's wits' end at the end of one's tether gloomy dismal depressed downbeat bleak melancholy heartbroken blue oppressed melancholic unlikely brokenhearted discouraging unhappy lost negative doomed unoptimistic broken-hearted upset pained grief-stricken weary morose woebegone sunk long-suffering in pain shot down down in the dumps in the pits morbid cheerless unhopeful defeated unconfident disheartening unpropitious dark dreary unpromising unencouraging depressing inauspicious helpless bearish tragic unmitigable unfortunate futile vain sincere without hope up the creek unrealistic down low glum dispirited low-spirited doleful sorrowful anxious sorrowing frantic crestfallen pious cast down losing Eeyorish no-win strabilious cynical bad heavyhearted mournful droopy heartsick woeful hangdog heartsore sorry saddened joyless in low spirits can't win weighed down mourning bummed-out grieving cast-down griefstricken damp in the soup not a prayer in the dumps down in the mouth unduly optimistic as sick as a parrot all torn up in a blue funk sick as a parrot at end of one's rope at the end of your tether heavy-hearted disappointed fed up tearful lugubrious moody sombre crushed somber chap-fallen troubled hurting dragged spiritless choked sullen in the doldrums cheesed off bummed out brassed off chapfallen long-faced dismayed rueful destroyed weeping afflicted down and out wistful out of sorts teary grim hurt regretful mirthless grieved bereaved funereal tristful gutted weepy lachrymose agonized down-hearted daunted piteous agonised cut up dull subdued pitiful bleeding painful crummy emotional solemn saturnine tormented let down taken down comfortless pensive suffering sapped shaken distressing plaintive ripped grievous dysphoric aggrieved listless lamentable bitter broken black calamitous dolent displeased singing the blues torn up on a downer sulky sick at heart in tears disillusioned discontented perturbed bothered pathetic shattered dour flat grumpy cowed low in spirits mopey pitiable depressive dolesome plangent heavy bewailing bemoaning wailing aching elegiac harrowing sunk in gloom in grief in doldrums heart-rending ruthful deplorable low-down with a long face heartrending in the toilet bowed down hapless disgruntled deflated abashed dashed shamefaced deterred concerned enervated disenchanted disturbed overwhelmed sheepish lamenting discombobulated uptight disconcerted bugged shook intimidated sepulchral mopish broody tortured traumatized unnerved antsy down-in-the-mouth crabbed surly angst-ridden adust funeral deploring irked wounded thrown bereft lonesome lonely dire shook up ticked off teed off browned off peed off unsatisfied heavy with grief overcome with sorrow traumatised unconsolable sour regrettable in a funk heartbreaking in sorrow in mourning down in dumps full of sorrow elegiacal triste languid languorous gray grey worried very sad sore burned contused apathetic undermined angry annoyed cross mortified remorseful sorry for oneself nostalgic unmanned taken aback without energy drained pining prostrated atrabilious clouded dampened drooping sagging brooding humourless humorless empty devitalized churlish sick dirgeful emo heart-sick lovesick ill-humoured huffy torn-up discontent lowered bowed poor worthless ill-humored off sluggish cringing browbeaten guilty sorry for yourself troubling tear-jerking affecting saddening depressant dolorific afflictive reflective guilty-looking furtive afflicting prostrate with grief drear threnodic dirge-like down in mouth ashamed embarrassed uncomfortable sneaking put off luckless uneasy crying shot-down unable to be comforted unable to be consoled let-down not happy strained bummed powerless downtrodden cowering humiliated conscience-stricken racked ailing have the blahs unenthusiastic unenthused down-and-out forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned beside oneself with grief godforsaken dissatisfied sobbing friendless destitute uncared-for languished crabby beat-down come-apart caved-in down-in-mouth beat moping ugly whimpering snivelling frustrated discomfited feeling low dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone close to tears chagrined miffed lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm having lost heart blubbering maudlin aghast beaten larmoyant with cold feet lost momentum vexed agitated discomposed ruffled disquieted worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked sniveling on the verge of tears feeling down full of gloom harassed wrecked discountenanced flustered aflutter plagued in blue funk gone to pieces disastrous dreadful easily moved haunted spooked harrowed in floods of tears with tears in your eyes blue funk awful catastrophic fatal appalling looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny jumpy persecuted unglued deadly ruinous shocking terrible cataclysmic strung out moving agonizing galling devastating stirring disturbing unlucky distressful horrendous vexatious gruesome at in a stew racked with suffering in a tizzy racked with pain lethal adverse mortal crushing deathly agonising fateful destructive ill-fated ill-starred sob story

Tính từ

Causing emotion, excitement, and enthusiasm
charged breathtaking electric electrifying exciting exhilarating exhilarative galvanic galvanising galvanizing hair-raising heart-stopping inspiring intoxicating kicky mind-bending mind-blowing mind-boggling rip-roaring rousing stimulating stirring thrilling filled full imbued laden loaded permeated pervaded saturated suffused invigorating overwhelming envigorating moving heady amazing energizing wonderful astonishing animating stunning energising eye-popping captivating emotional bracing startling refreshing incredible dramatic uplifting enlivening vitalizing tonic energetic astounding spectacular challenging revitalizing staggering stupendous exhilarant complex confusing complicated difficult puzzling baffling stimulative fascinating quickening mind-altering revitalising eye-opening galvanical intense stupefying hallucinatory psychedelic inconceivable strong powerful ripping rollicking riotous uproarious boisterous magnificent brilliant fantastic potent sexy impressive compulsive enchanting elating enthralling provocative hallucinogenic striking exalting adrenaline-fueled sensational awe-inspiring beautiful jaw-dropping awesome wondrous gladdening cheering rejuvenating fabulous dynamic tense restorative amazeballs giddy inspiriting elevating exhilaratory animative surprising reviving spine-tingling heart-stirring out of this world shocking knife-edge jolting vivifying fresh explosive buzzy cliffhanging volatile adrenalized cordial healthful encouraging heartening fortifying salubrious rejuvenative vital rallying power-driven magnetic AC electrical electronic plug-in rechargeable DC juiced motor-driven absorbing lively strengthening high hyper brisk health-giving esthetic interesting healthy aesthetic battery operated

Tính từ

Looking tense, tired or stressed, typically from cold or hunger
pinched stressed haggard rundown strained tense careworn exhausted fatigued raddled tired drained gaunt unwell withered hollow-cheeked hollow-eyed worn-out drawn worn weary wearied sapped spent washed out worn out wan anxious pale peaky ashen blanched whacked dog-tired knackered tired out bushed shattered worried done in pooped pasty-faced harassed overburdened dead beat all in beat hassled played out fagged out fit to drop tuckered out worn to a frazzle grim wiped out under pressure harrowed sallow fagged wrinkled fretted depleted jaded beaten aweary bleary done limp loggy dead prostrate logy effete kaput weak weakened gone consumed shot burned-out burnt-out tapped out worn-down had it knocked out played-out burned out washed-out used up unhealthy dilapidated unkempt tattered coarsened disheveled dishevelled debauched broken-down below par the worse for wear with sunken cheeks on one's last legs worse for wear under par oppressed distraught beleaguered burdened jiggered heavy-laden weighed down fordone done for enervated debilitated wasted ready to drop dead tired run-down prostrated frazzled bone-weary zonked out on one's feet sleepy outta gas clapped out languid enfeebled jet-lagged bone-tired drowsy wabbit fried crippled shagged out bushwhacked whipped low stonkered disabled toilworn rooted zonked out weariful asleep on one's feet out of gas infirm run down faint puffing puffed panting breathless gasping overtired puffed out out of breath puffing and blowing gasping for breath whacked out running on empty droopy flat done up on your last legs feeble asthenic listless finished down-and-out flagging burnt out drooping far-gone tuckered dead on one's feet creamcrackered frail delicate slight wimpish wimpy soft unsubstantial tender sluggish used softened without energy asleep collapsing languorous overworked under the weather ill lethargic sick decrepit sickly incapacitated torpid undermined unnerved dog-weary vitiated low-energy devitalized groggy dead-tired dead-beat out of sorts out on your feet dragging out of condition bleary-eyed hacked wiped-out in poor health extremely tired etiolated sleep deprived old bored like death warmed up run ragged done with on last leg dog tired very tired dead on your feet wiped stressed out all-in lackadaisical languishing diminished somnolent worn down taxed rendered feeble lacklustre lackluster over-tired tired-out exasperated bedraggled dropping lassitudinous blasé wrecked heavy-lidded slumberous dozy half-awake expended empty deteriorated paralyzed gone to seed rusty out of shape on the ropes paralysed narcoleptic overtaxed overused indisposed apathetic ailing poorly petered out lacking in energy crook peaked off lumbering heavy ropy bad rotten lousy crummy seedy indolent inactive wooden inert down anemic shaky bedridden in bad shape not up to snuff not oneself not feeling up to snuff queer off colour peakish weak-kneed spineless off-color sick as a dog unsteady laid low laid-up a wreck out of commission out-of-action anaemic powerless declining done-in blown

Từ trái nghĩa của fraught

fraught Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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