Đồng nghĩa của raving

Alternative for raving

raves, raved, raving

Đồng nghĩa: gush, jabber, mouth off, rabbit on, rant, spout,

Tính từ

Considerable or remarkable in a particular quality or characteristic

Tính từ

Of unsound mind, or seemingly so
mad crazy demented deranged crazed unhinged unbalanced insane frenzied lunatic psychotic nutty certifiable batty cuckoo loony maniacal mental bonkers screwy nuts gaga hysterical wacko crackers disturbed loco barmy unstable sectionable psychopathic delirious cracked bats loopy manic distraught meshuga frantic touched bananas distracted barking dippy dotty buggy nutso wild bushed nutsy squirrelly porangi schizoid irrational rabid yarra berserk raging furious uncontrollable gibbering phrenetic rampant ranting mentally ill of unsound mind non compos mentis stark mad barking mad mad as a hatter not together away with the fairies sick in the head not all there stark raving mad off the wall nutty as a fruitcake round the bend foaming at the mouth stark staring mad up the pole round the twist mad as a March hare not quite right in the head not the full shilling not right upstairs not right in the head as daft as a brush have a screw loose have bats in the belfry have kangaroos in the top paddock not in one's right mind daft wacky kooky whacky crackpot unsound daffy kookie looney balmy maniac psycho whacko crackbrained cranky haywire fruity brainsick meshugge bughouse moonstruck scatty wud raving mad bedlam slang looney tunes loony tunes off one's head around the bend out to lunch out of one's mind off one's gourd violent unsettled off one's rocker off one's nut off one's trolley eccentric preposterous senseless schizophrenic disordered foolish frenetic flipped out unreasonable stupid idiotic berko fatuous bizarre derailed paranoid wrong silly obsessed feverish incoherent confused flipped aberrant perfervid psychopathological potty sociopathic sick freaked out off a few cards shy of a full deck have bats in one's belfry one card shy of a full deck out of one's head crazy as a loon severely mentally ill a few sandwiches short of a picnic have kangaroos in one's top paddock with a screw loose babbling absurd nonsensical fervent maddened illogical unwise neurotic hyper extreme passionate fierce ferocious brainless enthusiastic ape fanatical fervid swivel-eyed ridiculous over-enthusiastic doolally keen invalid freaky odd bigoted unglued mindless possessed dedicated ardent flakey zealous gung-ho peculiar queer unruly passional flaky moonstricken gonzo off the deep end biased demoniac dazed dreamy impractical off-the-wall having bats in the belfry deprived of one's wits manic-depressive over the edge non compos not of sound mind in another world mentally deranged having a screw loose in a daze having kangaroos in the top paddock flipped-out baked fried unsafe fantastic psyched out schizzo unscrewed panic-stricken yampy schitzy uncontrolled irresponsible demonic demoniacal two sandwiches short of a picnic severely mentally disordered off one's chump bemused oddball bedlamite as mad as a March hare out there one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree out of one's gourd as mad as a hatter in the ozone excited high agitated busy overexcited up witless asinine zany unreasoning harebrained touched in the head consumed simpleminded bubbleheaded lunkheaded unthinking cockeyed screwball featherheaded jerky tomfool amok sappy inept unjustifiable ludicrous injudicious fool irresistible spare barro postal crook illegitimate inconsequent inconsequential unscientific nonrational implausible baseless untenable fallacious groundless unfounded laughable weak arbitrary turned out hopped up irrepressible ungovernable gone beside oneself weird out of control goofy specious cockamamie reasonless disconnected sophistic disjointed strange strong unmanageable forceful unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable up the wall through the roof on the rampage unconventional idiosyncratic twisted off the air half-witted obsessive half-baked off your rocker weak-minded hot hallucinating restless light-headed fevered rambling wandering disarranged lightheaded deviant bewildered hallucinatory deviate mentally unbalanced fixated immoderate eager infatuated devoted carried away compulsive burning beside yourself visionary hooked intolerant uncompromising extremist out of one's skull like one possessed overzealous diehard wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo prejudiced one-sided partisan illiberal fiery credulous impulsive willful impassioned nuts for erratic monomaniacal partial fanatic obstinate bugged headstrong contumacious domineering incorrigible turned on addicted opinionated stubborn high on infuriated intemperate narrow-minded overboard infected naked intense poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist diseased corybantic sizzling bitten unwell militant virulent ill imbecilic unintelligent moronic inane imprudent dumb dopey hare-brained simple dim-witted ill-considered foolhardy ill-advised dim outlandish funny doltish pea-brained incautious indiscreet kinky way out thoughtless farcical risible pointless quirky birdbrained wooden-headed troubled amusing off-centre comic reckless rash dull mixed up schizo thickheaded faulty damfool giddy dunderheaded gormless lamebrained boneheaded chowderheaded dotish glaikit screwed up madcap empty-headed slow simple-minded feeble-minded ill-conceived clownish offbeat hilarious comical humorous way-out derisible cretinous chucklesome dozy diverting curious flawed chuckleheaded muttonheaded thick unrealistic vacuous light-hearted witty slow-witted impracticable a bit lacking fat-headed off your trolley contradictory softheaded feebleminded unreasoned incongruous daft as a brush imbecile soft in the head short-sighted cock-eyed full of holes off beam avant-garde impolitic freakish dunce-like unorthodox far out far-out vapid waggish rum remarkable funky spaced-out queerish quaint off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way bizarro unpredictable cockamamy dilly inconclusive spurious droll unworkable facetious puerile entertaining childish incorrect impossible halfwitted immature fanciful fantastical humoristic nerdy unearthly brain-dead poor flighty false irreconcilable hollow joshing camp in left field comedic sidesplitting divvy unreal uproarious jocular priceless retarded antic riotous killing slow on the uptake blockheaded dof self-contradictory jocose screaming side-splitting hysteric rib-tickling backward gelastic without foundation without basis not making sense feather-brained half-cracked birdy dysfunctional clock psychoneurotic outrageous daggy paranoiac paranoic extravagant unpractical infantile mentally incompetent bugged out left-field unzipped dingy ignorant pixilated nobody home campy off the chain pinheaded goofy loony original callow dense surreal idiotish unfamiliar scatterbrained green vacant bone-headed obtuse unusual dull-witted chaotic off your chump off the rails dappy smoothbrained not right braindead grotesque addle-pated disorganized Bohemian inexperienced different wigged out nonconforming off-center very stupid bovine pig-ignorant not in your right mind out of your mind unthinkable outré not well thought out ill-thought-out topsy-turvy dead from the neck up off your head not tightly wrapped tangled shambolic smooth-brained thick-witted wigged-out as thick as two short planks feather-headed wet behind the ears mentally slow extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible nonfunctional wonky broken fuddled bad naive featherbrained risky inappropriate misguided acting crazy out in left field thick as two short planks not quite right disorganised orderless amiss defective messy not functioning properly out of order jokey whimsical out of commission out of whack on the fritz in pieces in a mess on the blink up the spout unconvincing tenuous questionable sportive hysterically funny a card killingly funny joking goofus boffo a caution a laugh ironic a scream fool-headed fool around a hoot gump dizzy light crazy shtick Mickey Mouse vague improbable dubious unpersuasive unbelievable unsatisfactory unlikely flimsy nebulous doubtful farfetched lame inadequate unsubstantiated far-fetched incredible suspect feeble inconsistent meaningless frivolous slapstick unsustainable unsupportable inconceivable fishy sketchy shaky indefensible obscure puzzling derisory mirthful unjustified erroneous airy reachy vain problematic pathetic thin slight unimpressive jolly slaphappy sophistical casuistic unproved won't hold water won't wash good-humored good-humoured perverse irrelevant unconnected unsubstantial beyond belief not following beyond the bounds of possibility

Tính từ

Deeply hurt, saddened, or worried
distraught hysterical distressed frantic agitated desperate distracted overwrought anxious mad wild crazed devastated fraught frenzied beside oneself delirious distrait hysteric overcome shattered upset worked-up worried addled bothered concerned confused crazy deranged discomposed disturbed flustered harassed muddled nonplussed nuts pained panic-stricken perturbed rattled swivel-eyed thrown tormented troubled unglued unscrewed unzipped verklempt wrought-up beside yourself shook up very upset worked up in a panic in a state out of your mind out of one's mind at the end of your tether like a chicken with its head cut off insane berserk frenetic furious out of control raging rabid violent hyper unhinged hectic zonkers excited angry in a tizzy corybantic weird wired weirded out freaked out spazzed out keyed up wigged out flipped out at wits' end in a stew hot and bothered unnerved hot under the collar unbalanced feverish uncontrolled maniacal emotional berko demented wound up in a frenzy carried away madding undone consumed at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself out of one's wit panicky panic-struck fevered fierce uptight ferocious het up last-minute in a tizz in a flap having kittens in a cold sweat in a flat spin at your wits' end uncontrollable unrestrained unrestrainable neurotic manic maniac convulsive irrepressible blazing fiery tempestuous incensed fuming impetuous spasmodic overexcited impassioned maddened turbulent vehement seething driven to distraction intense possessed passionate rampant nervous in a fit out of one's wits tense antsy jumpy uneasy nervy jittery dismayed apprehensive disconcerted fidgety saddened twitchy unsettled hung up edgy disquieted frightened aflutter shaken alarmed ruffled ill at ease stressed shocked unhappy sad hurt grieved overwhelmed annoyed unquiet gutted fearful dithery vexed irked stressy cut up atwitter restless adrenalized on edge strung out disappointed irrational scared traumatized discountenanced hyperactive discombobulated hassled traumatised irritated choked bummed out insecure inconvenienced queasy queazy affected goosey hinky high-strung flurried overactive heated afflicted spooked angsty bugged terrified miffed crushed all torn up angered bundle of nerves basket case stunned provoked blue overstrung highly strung strung up afraid high energetic tumultuous obsessive heartbroken worried sick in a twitter confusing broken up on tenterhooks anguished chaotic beset riled tortured plagued clutched put out worried stiff fast and furious panicked mentally unsettled overemotional histrionic shaky dispirited miserable emotive peeved dragged wretched wrecked ripped exercised shook strung-up hag-ridden falling apart confined having cabin fever unconsolable up the wall disconsolate inconsolable shot down emotionally charged horrified flushed startled skittish struck overawed incredulous fanatical aquiver daunted unreluctant flighty exciting furibund phrenetic in pieces overpowered hyped-up febrile afire atingle hyperexcited stir-crazy asea in a bad way offended fretted exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated mortified pestered perplexed harried harrowed tearing one's hair out broken-hearted dazed confounded in a lather lost it low wounded zipped up hot juiced up destroyed shell-shocked emotionally defeated in disorder amazed come apart psyched out compulsive fretting fretful at sixes and sevens knocked for six knocked sideways overanxious trembling quaking under stress fixated unstable oversensitive phobic toey unhealthy abnormal paranoid angstful uncomfortable spooky squirrelly solicitous windy maladjusted in a sweat a wreck ecstatic a bundle of nerves in a twit in a dither inhibited erratic nervous wreck disoriented aberrant deviant disordered obsessed all of a dither in a state of agitation bricking oneself on pins and needles all of a lather thrilled elated with one's stomach in knots like a cat on a hot tin roof shaking in one's shoes with butterflies in one's stomach with one's heart in one's mouth transported euphoric overjoyed rapturous jubilant exultant in seventh heaven Corybantic sent on cloud nine drunk delighted enthused on cloud seven in raptures over the moon walking on air jumping for joy intoxicated wild with excitement blissed out in transports of delight in a frenzy of delight on a high tooshie excitable freaked-out wound-up under a strain touchy keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered stirred weary strung-out worn unstrung tired spent throwing a wobbly steamed up hot under collar all shook up

Tính từ

Showing rage
raging furious incensed infuriated enraged fuming mad seething angry irate frenzied blazing fizzing incandescent ranting wild wrathful beside oneself livid waxy bent blazing mad blustering flaming mad intense powerful rabid rampant rough uncontrolled beside yourself boiling over doing your nut foaming at the mouth going ape off the air raving mad seeing red at boiling point blowing a gasket blowing one's top boiling mad on the warpath ranting and raving throwing a fit bent out of shape mad as a hornet fit to be tied ireful choleric shirty outraged indignant riled rankled angered ballistic ticked apoplectic sore roiled foaming riley steamed up teed off cheesed off boiling cross in a temper in a frenzy inflamed hot under the collar hot infuriate steaming enflamed wroth hopping tooshie up in arms hopping mad horn-mad exasperated very angry in a huff aerated choked in high dudgeon ropeable going crook in a pet blue in the face in a fume snaky irritated hostile in a lather as cross as two sticks ticked off with all guns blazing aggravated crook soreheaded frantic steamed provoked upset piqued irascible vexed worked up in a paddy stroppy in a bate raging mad hot-tempered bad-tempered ill-tempered maddened hacked aggrieved insane irked displeased wound up browned off annoyed frustrated heated bummed out uptight antagonistic storming spare ill-humored dark splenetic hacked off ill-humoured pushed too far overcome with anger blown a gasket in a filthy temper beside yourself with rage violent berserk vex desperate full-on corybantic all-out demented crazed uncompromising breakneck maniac irrational energetic unreasonable concerted smoking manic up the wall extremely angry antagonized peeved huffy miffed rousted roused nettled bugged dogged perturbed buffaloed scandalized resentful scandalised passionate antagonised shocked fed up in a rage put out all steamed up rubbed the wrong way burned up at end of one's rope hot and bothered peed off sullen fierce sulky tetchy snappish cranky irritable crabby grumpy short-tempered psyched up grouchy testy quick-tempered cold gruff angerful narky pugnacious ratty snappy surly touchy waspish cantankerous peevish hot-blooded morose convulsed bilious tense ferocious disapproving petulant dyspeptic bristly cheerless narked disgruntled galled bothered agitated eggy offended not best pleased bitter troubled discontented brassed off snuffy dissatisfied miffy affronted ruffled in a bad mood acrimonious flustered disturbed hurt scunnered wrath hoha impatient harassed excited distressed insulted harried fiery sour rancorous hateful unhappy vitriolic chafed embittered afflicted crabbed gnashing one's teeth acrid impassioned out of humour slighted churlish malcontent disappointed het up worried burning disgusted vindictive vehement vicious tormented pained aggressive malevolent malicious spiteful fretted dirty filthy stung ungratified poisonous flaming unglued black prickly venomous belligerent malignant malign in a towering rage at daggers drawn hate-filled out of sorts sombre somber good and mad mad as hell burning with excitement anxious overexcited scalding steamy piping crazy airborne air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air ready to be tied defiant hassled dishonored humiliated chagrined chippy disheartened snitty crackers p.o.'d scornful radge grudging disaffected discouraged umbrageous dishonoured wounded grieved very upset out of control unfulfilled defeated overheated in a wax as black as thunder discontent unsatisfied unsated weighty grieving hard annoying distressing unforgiving injured disrespected red swollen revengeful grousing malcontented crabbing bellyaching uncontent out of temper griping kvetching kicking critical huffish frenetic rage virulent menacing raw infected bad tempered out of joint hung up confused carrying a chip on your shoulder threatening chafing septic reddened scathing savage harsh mean ill-disposed perplexed disagreeable unfriendly fractious crotchety festered itching smarting tender stinging itchy angry-looking painful evil wicked querulous envenomed hurtful catty nasty pernicious censorious maleficent baleful captious spirited animated puffed up fevered sensitive festering glowering louring moody malefic out of countenance lively pettish blistered burnt scalded bloodshot unkind ill-natured contentious snippy snarky snippety perverse liverish crusty short raspy stuffy evil-intentioned fretful jumpy mardy caviling faultfinding cavilling fervid stormy tempestuous overactive overwrought hectic full-hearted feverish hyperactive perfervid passional out of humor avid fervent ardent

Tính từ

Having or displaying a violent or ferocious aggressiveness
fierce ferocious vicious savage wild violent barbaric cruel dangerous aggressive brutal furious menacing murderous feral fiery grim untamed fell intimidating rough threatening unruly barbarous bloodthirsty brute fearsome forbidding gruff malevolent malignant merciless rabid ruthless severe steely stern terrible ungentle unmerciful unrestrained austere baleful brutish callous convulsive delirious dour fiendish flinty frightening frightful harsh heartless impetuous louring raging truculent beastly cutthroat enraged fearful hard incessive inhuman inhumane lowering monstrous pitiless remorseless rugged sadistic stark uncontrollable undomesticated angry bestial butcherly crazed frantic hellish horrible infuriated mad rapacious aggers animalistic biffo primitive tigerish venomous hostile mean stony unsympathetic unfeeling wicked unfriendly unforgiving cold-blooded sanguinary relentless tough unsparing bloody cut-throat unrelenting nasty pugnacious hard-hearted bellicose cold homicidal warlike uncharitable belligerent grave implacable bitter antagonistic sullen atrocious serious combative cantankerous malicious unkind uncompromising wanton stiff vindictive diabolical evil unyielding surly inflexible argumentative confrontational stony-hearted unbending strict militant obdurate cold-hearted dark heinous deadly scrappy bad-tempered ghastly ill-tempered inexorable vile uncaring dog-eat-dog unpitying quarrelsome inhospitable contentious wolfish sombre somber feisty insensitive irascible sulky sour destructive mortal chippy sinister agonistic bad cross unsmiling rancorous hard-boiled exacting unappeasable aloof hard-nosed morose hot-tempered grumpy frowning frigid affectless stoney compassionless hateful ironhearted stonyhearted glowering desensitized frosty assaultive discordant rigid stroppy crabby icy stringent rigorous spiteful hardhearted take-no-prisoners bleak disputatious desensitised ominous waspish sanguine gladiatorial murdering extreme coarse competitive sanguineous crude nefarious dire bloody-minded heavy-handed infernal abominable glum villainous rude splenetic indurate soulless slaughterous maleficent pachydermatous insensate testy authoritarian ravening disapproving predatory petulant malign formidable case-hardened ferine ornery thick-skinned awful slash-and-burn drastic gloomy unpleasant quick-tempered brawly foreboding with a heart of stone defiant devilish vulgar desperate killer inclement uncultured distant irritable offensive sober death-dealing virulent grouchy base touchy solemn pernicious gory black dreadful draconian loudmouthed narky chilly crabbed poisonous revengeful dismal unemotional cool unwelcoming scowling moody dirty horrifying depraved critical voracious resolute malefic horrendous heavy mean-looking intense short-tempered oppressive pressing distressing grievous uncompassionate ill-natured lousy terrifying militaristic tetchy lethal abhorrent rebellious browbeating no-nonsense fighting tyrannical evil-intentioned hard-line martial adversarial ugly hideous irreconcilable difficult uncouth arch churlish exasperated spoiling for a fight unrefined inimical carnivorous fractious low black-hearted low-down uncultivated adamant lacking compassion snarly arsey huffy catty ignorant uncivilised uncivilized uncivil killing firm immoral foul glacial curt cranky snappy choleric snappish unprincipled ruinous sworn discourteous vengeful appalling crusty ironfisted despiteful devastating vital lewd indecent dastardly marble-hearted wintry temperamental urgent reserved gelid disdainful gross illiberal shocking disastrous wrathful bearish horrid strait-laced warring indignant aggrieved inconsiderate crucial chill clammy cold-eyed wintery haughty antiseptic uncordial hard-eyed brittle frozen arctic coldish acute punishing uptight piqued bullying saturnine spine-chilling unflinching without mercy grim-faced crying intolerant earnest poison murder miserable indifferent unspeakable every person for themselves uncooperative dejected hard-hitting bolshie two-fisted flagitious iron-fisted ramrod bad-natured insubordinate abandoned battling evil-minded cheerless fiercely competitive solid intractable insolent exigent hardheaded intensely competitive astringent hair-raising hardened determined demanding ratty hard-bitten flip rowdy have a bone to pick ardent shirty on the outs peevish at loggerheads hot have chip on shoulder up in arms have it in for unremitting beastlike demoniac maniacal formal without pity brooding wilding unlettered hardline dreary treacherous unbroken thuggish decimating hard-fought involving bloodshed rumbustious unmoved stuffy intransigent uncommunicative poker-faced stone-hearted ravenous lupine overbearing unconcerned tactless unkindly emotionless challenging out-and-out resentful creophagous remote unsentimental egregious at each other's throats great unfavorable unfavourable cannibalistic tight-lipped complicated vexed displeased irked annoyed irate irritated hard as nails grisly melancholic hard-faced to the death galled provoked unrepenting indefatigable avaricious unregenerate greedy uncontrite unsafe adverse disadvantageous disagreeable spirited courageous spunky plucky hawkish bruising gruesome refractory headstrong immutable outraged vitriolic uninviting disputative warmongering dodgy intimidatory ill-boding aggravated uncomfortable daunting acrimonious man-eating gung-ho unapproachable nonliterate non-literate tilting wrestling skirmishing awkward compelling hard-shelled fatal minatory viperous hurtful serpentine minacious obstreperous captious macabre horrific disturbing negative disquieting jarring fuming corrupt oppugnant litigious sabre-rattling on the warpath ready to fight under arms stormy disgusting heathen heathenish barbarian natural eggy hate-filled looking for trouble infamous degraded degenerate worthless untoward depressing deathly tense ireful very grave vehement climacteric profligate sinful debased repellent loathsome repugnant revolting repulsive sickening paramilitary soldierlike battle-hardened uneducated gray grey terminal loutish turbulent volatile morbid murky tumultuous inauspicious itching angerful ranting dyspeptic bristly psyched up frenzied bilious in a temper hot-blooded convulsed contaminated perverse faulty reprobate putrid impure libidinous licentious reprehensible demoralised miscreant impious demoralized ungracious gut-churning blood-and-guts sick-making sick odious blood-and-thunder jungli scathing cowing sharp cussed caustic terrorizing vituperous terrorising trenchant mordacious mordant brusque blunt impolite pestilent ready for a fight bloodless disgustful loathly boorish crass ill-bred alarming steadfast assertive boot-faced offended emotional significant life-threatening considerable active vigorous ribald oafish unpolished indelicate obscene profane indecorous bluff ill-mannered unmannerly moping mopish Neandertal Neanderthal pushy dogged hard-core obstinate single-minded imperious autocratic inelegant roughcast vulgarian bawdy filthy painful consequential major internecine sensitive destroying criminal roughshod radical bad-mannered untutored agitable broody excitable mardy mopey impatient sobering worrying strenuous excessive precarious grinding hazardous weighty arduous big perilous intensive toilsome peracute taxing disciplinarian resolved ascetical immovable domineering by the book absolute mulish ossified disciplinary bullheaded dyed-in-the-wool stiff-necked ascetic catastrophic ultra-active contending forceful extremist combating disobedient blue wounded neurotic mopy huffish mumpish crotchety tooshie kittle skittish tasteless lowbrow lowbred improper onerous foul-mouthed artless insensible unceremonious common hardhanded loud woeful cataclysmic calamitous fanatical embattled zealous enthusiastic abusive miffy roughneck incult unladylike ungentlemanly raffish warrish assertory military revolutionary discouraging off-putting outrageous harrowing direful easily upset easily agitated hot-headed easily frightened ill-humoured high-strung ill-humored pettish hopeless godawful dread wretched scary crippling redoubtable irretrievable uncalled-for unenthusiastic standoffish mean machine having a killer instinct mighty peppery prickly antipathetic contrary fretful soreheaded abysmal portentous bodeful chronic parlous dysfunctional in arms oppressing heartbreaking terrific afflictive lamentable deplorable unfortunate regrettable delinquent naughty undisciplined mischievous badly behaved wayward ill-disciplined cold as ice tiresome erratic errant unmanageable disturbed pesky ill-behaved maladjusted bold unrestrainable stubborn uncontainable wearisome indocile socially impaired trying willful self-willed impudent disruptive badly-behaved misbehaving whiny roguish undisciplinable contumacious problematic troublous incorrigible exasperating irksome uncompliant rascally recalcitrant disorderly

Tính từ

Showing an urgent desire or interest
wild excited eager enthusiastic crazy agog avid enthused keen mad nuts antsy anxious ardent desirous energetic exhilarated fanatical lively pumped raring spirited stoked vivacious athirst impatient passionate thirsty delirious frantic frenzied geeked hot hungry hysterical juiced solicitous uproarious vehement voracious daft potty tumultuous unrestrained untrammeled untrammelled gung ho hopped-up in a frenzy hepped up on fire very excited jumping up and down greedy great zealous fervent longing yearning champing at the bit itching craving chomping at the bit fervid ready intent devoted dying psyched desiring willing dedicated wholehearted hankering interested keen as mustard appetent fired up earnest animated feverish ambitious pining perfervid gone on nutty infatuated with breathless stirred restless keyed up impassioned thrilled intense committed covetous obsessed enamoured of smitten with ready and willing enamored of devoted to mad keen inspired high as keen as mustard aroused motivated game moved stimulated warmblooded thirsting aching gagging beside oneself diligent rarin' to go hot to trot sprightly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed psyched up worked up raring to go ebullient very keen on hot for driven acquisitive high-spirited wishful assiduous charged in love with hooked on manic itchy fond delighted frenetic infatuated dying to fevered awakened enamored inclined juiced up dotty amped fierce wishing nutso enamoured crazed bursting keen on exuberant industrious sweet on hopeful determined conscientious insatiable pleased animate titillated zestful restive grasping expectant warm ravenous hearty amenable disposed rapacious passional itching for pumped up active dying for cranked up in a hurry desirous of geared up heated approving self-starting inflamed edgy touched electrified elated atingle chafing straining avaricious desperate hooked lusting curious doting on obsessed by besotted by impetuous restored refreshed revitalized vigorous burning prepared enthralled diehard gotta have intent on straining at the leash rabid addicted to revitalised up hung up habitual happy unreluctant engaged glad aggressive proactive bullish banzai set fiery dynamic bone-dry cottonmouthed sapless juiceless fain fascinated rhapsodic aflame wacky forceful tantalized concerned afire unqualified minded full of enthusiasm very fond of mad on all agog on tenterhooks all a-gog consumed with desire take-charge can-do gaga tantalised bugged zesty extremely enthusiastic in suspense longing for hoping for wanting turnt red-hot up for in the mood on for of a mind favourably inclined pysched up waiting with bated breath chafing at the bit partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust full of beans smitten anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for disorderly ready for willing for avid for overwrought dizzy in love effervescent uncontrollable aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring lustful keen for hopeful for envious unruly predatious gluttonous edacious hoggish ravening piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish esurient unfilled insatiate angry stirred up furious high as a kite thirsty for craving for greedy for ravening for wishing for hungry for with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen in need of in want of hankering after turned on aspiring to fond of very enthusiastic wigged-out steamed up hyperactive pushy ruthless go-getting hard-driving assertive enterprising purposeful militant single-minded goal-oriented self-assertive self-driven resolute tenacious unwavering dogged steadfast persistent uncompromising indefatigable obstinate untiring striving staunch unflagging progressive pioneering strong-willed self-asserting bent upon self-seeking eager beaver power-loving get up and go high-reaching power-hungry bent resolved persevering strong stalwart unyielding unbending mettlesome bold steely undaunted unshakeable unfaltering plucky obdurate undeviating pertinacious cutthroat unrelenting unflinching stubborn adventurous bloodthirsty competitive feisty gladiatorial insistent scrappy warlike strong-minded dead set like a ball of fire on the make go-ahead hell-bent full of determination having killer instinct desiring success needing wistful languishing very keen upwardly mobile lacking urgently requiring hoping crying out in great need of consumed compelled unbendable unshaken possessed immovable firm obsessive unshakable fixed in urgent need up for it combative galvanized adamant serious monomaniacal impelled indomitable gutsy emulous contentious buoyant joyous joyful jovial ripe confident relentless tireless unremitting fixated compulsive obsessional unhesitating induced rigid decisive sustained rigorous sedulous steady ferocious excitable enlivened overjoyed encouraged euphoric enraptured ecstatic vying set on bent on impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided unabated stringent assured jolly roused exultant driving competing defiant brutal bullheaded elevated giddy piqued peppy tickled tickled pink sparky on cloud nine intoxicated pushing warring carnivorous opposing antagonistic oppositional on pins and needles hang-tough self-willed full-blooded intensely competitive iron-willed high-pressure go for broke in-your-face self-assured fiercely competitive bound and determined stop at nothing self-possessed self-confident cut-throat dog-eat-dog urged on alive blissful jubilant spoiling for a fight two-fisted on the warpath ready for action on the edge of one's seat cock-a-hoop thrusting

Tính từ

Lacking discipline or restraint
wild uncontrolled chaotic disorderly rowdy unbridled unrestrained unruly wayward lawless undisciplined unmanageable noisy riotous rough self-willed uncontrollable ungovernable violent boisterous disobedient immoderate irrepressible rampant stubborn turbulent unbounded unchecked unconstrained unconventional uncurbed ungoverned unhindered attention-seeking extrovert impetuous unfettered uninhibited corybantic incautious irrational licentious profligate uproarious out of control rash thrilled flighty giddy abandoned wanton intemperate unrestricted reckless runaway extravagant free excessive dissolute unhampered raw lavish incontinent loose outrageous untrammelled untrammeled unconfined prodigal out of hand dissipated profuse unimpeded debauched immoral fast devil-may-care unsuppressed incorrigible heedless inordinate careless self-indulgent unshackled unbound unlimited unstoppable full-on unreserved corrupt imprudent rakish unquenchable unprincipled shameless uncontainable dissipative hysterical independent gay extreme impulsive undue unreasonable tempestuous unjustified fugitive unwarranted untied unchained roaming abundant tumultuous escaped cavalier egregious thriftless spendthrift overindulgent unrepressed footloose audacious over the top at liberty set loose furious out exaggerated uncalled for wasteful untamed unbalanced depraved sinful wicked widespread epidemic supererogative rife individual pandemic raging running wild rampaging pervasive exuberant on the loose decadent uncalled-for at large proliferating supererogatory free-spirited frenzied on the rampage spreading like wildfire luxurious hedonistic stormy on the run demonstrative rabid enthusiastic unconcealed crazed madcap crazy berserk frivolous rugged emotional carefree good-time fleeing mass gratuitous on the lam fluctuating fickle fitful immodest effusive natural boundless capricious fanciful steep touchy-feely wide-open exorbitant enormous spontaneous saturnalian frank impotent plenary open flamboyant candid impertinent bizarre indiscriminate limitless blunt unconscionable delinquent running heavy volatile unsubmissive bushy bohemian dashing jaunty casual sporty overdue insane overweening stiff intolerable plethoric towering baroque fancy overextravagant overmuch unmerciful devilish sprung individualistic freethinking maverick too-too over-the-top dizzying unmeasurable unchaste lacking self-control disreputable over the odds libertine severe passionate not controlled released liberated bold rank aggressive dominant too much a bit much louche dapper vehement prevalent flagrant easy luxuriant uneconomical squandering unthrifty improvident O.T.T. wilful contrary freewheeling headstrong tarty swinging fallen slack slaggy whorish lax roundheeled threatening spreading clamorous extensive blustering multiplying rambling flourishing fecund growing predominant flashy riggish light greedy exceeding bounds philandering decontrolled unregimented needless high-rolling ruinous flash promiscuous pound-foolish inefficient liberal useless squandered destructive overdone overgenerous tawdry colourful unusual raffish colorful of easy virtue unfailing persistent undying not needed everlasting enduring unfading inextinguishable eternal imperishable unrelenting indestructible lasting unremitting unrestrainable unwavering constant relentless insuppressible intractable dogged inexorable

Danh từ

Wild, incoherent, or irrational talk
rambling babbling drivel gibberish ranting tattle babble blather chatter hogwash jabber balderdash claptrap jabbering prattle talk blarney boloney gas prating yabbering blabber gobbledegook twattle incoherent talk wild talk yackety-yak hot air nonsense bull tosh bilge twaddle cobblers guff garbage malarkey mumbo jumbo tripe balls rubbish piffle eyewash bosh poppycock blether rot gabble pap baloney bunk phooey tommyrot hooey dribble moonshine codswallop wack blathers havers hokum bunkum double Dutch bushwa cack flapdoodle abracadabra gammon burble jabberwocky slobber applesauce yammer toffee gibber cod double-talk crapola bulldust bizzo horsefeathers ravings all Greek double talk hocus-pocus stuff and nonsense scat blah-blah palaver jargon bull's wool baragouin nonsense talk trash flannel waffle blah humbug folly jazz malarky foolishness silliness crock stupidity senselessness taradiddle fiddlesticks blatherskite trumpery blither falderal fudge hokeypokey nuts drool tarradiddle hoodoo fiddle beans folderol nerts punk slush muck buncombe fiddle-faddle bombast gobbledygook absurdity pants rigmarole gossip jive wittering gab inanity verbiage empty talk codology chuntering yatter clack giddiness doublespeak BS unintelligible language cant Greek idle talk murmur kak yak waffling nattering fatuity irrationality imprudence flightiness argle-bargle chattering obscure language patter jibber-jabber prate flimflam gibbering fustian dross ludicrousness blubbering tattling jest joke thoughtlessness natter muttering idiocy bananas pretense pretence foolish talk verbosity twitter wind froth rhetoric ridiculousness chitchat grandiloquence trivia oratory clamour foolery untruth clamor tomfoolery boasting madness craziness fun scrawl rashness scribble crud soft soap chit-chat small talk trivial talk stuff Choctaw padding pomposity deceit rhubarb cackling officialese trifle rantings technobabble obscuration legalese slaver saliva equivocation amphibiology prolixity frippery frivolity refuse banality doggerel smoke and mirrors flummery twittering mere words wordiness noise deception logorrhoea meaningless talk rabbiting bravado lies bragging stultiloquence gurgle coo warble bluster sophistry mag hypocrisy fanfaronade rapid talk unintelligible talk charlatanry quackery bilgewater rodomontade braggadocio verbalizing lunacy futile talk useless words fantasy fiction corn gushing verbalising horse feathers bafflegab word salad malaprop boastful talk chat framis gabbling talking tête-à-tête conversation gossiping chatting rap jaw chin-wag jangle backchat schmooze cackle causerie confab gabfest confabulation blab tittle-tattle loquacity tongue-wagging blethering yakking yammering chitter-chatter prattling blathering rabbiting on claver colloquy discourse yattering table talk yapping chinwagging jawing dialog dialogue chin music

Danh từ

An oration to honor a deceased person, usually at a funeral
eulogy tribute accolade commendation paean acclaim compliment encomium panegyric praise acclamation applause homage laudation eulogium exaltation glorification citation dithyramb hymn plaudit plaudits salutation testimonial adulation bouquets extolment speech of praise honor honour admiration approbation recognition approval congratulations kudos ovation respect salutes esteem credit bouquet acknowledgment laurels compliments acknowledgement appreciation glory distinction pat on the back celebration cheers flattery a pat on the back regard cheering props rave laud worship devotion recommendation adoration veneration obeisance accolades favour favor reverence salute prestige welcome sun cheer deference fealty puff tributes good word rave review felicitations big hand mention congratulation award pride thanks bays kudo repute fame stroking eulogizing mark of respect reputation aggrandizement renown clapping eulogising brownie points consideration greatness merit name importance nobility cachet illustriousness elevation dignity honourable mention strong praise immortalization apotheosis popularity notability privilege eminence canonization attention deification lionization pumping up good image paeans good name commemoration high standing trust pat on the head lionisation aggrandisement good reputation alleluia anthem psalm validation estimation pean song ode toast song of praise shout of praise gift commendations greetings respects regards boost hurrah bravo sycophancy cry shouting great respect PR strokes courtesy endorsement sentiment charge reward bidding enthusiasm raves offering present gratitude blessings salutations hail hand roar jubilation blarney cajolery blandishment sanction testament awe service loyalty allegiance fidelity prize encouragement loud homage memorial salvo best wishes good wishes standing O flattering remark faithfulness duty troth acknowledgement of celebration of recognition of stroke points warm fuzzy honeyed word buttering up trade last court genuflection kneeling round of applause special mention honorable mention good opinion shot in the arm support éclat celebrity standing account note prominence preeminence high regard stardom notoriety stature pre-eminence status liking rank position influence consequence mark rep luster lustre character love immortality acceptance high opinion odor odour idolization affection report big up station image famousness public esteem weight blessing heyday encomiums place majesty a hand assent a round of applause réclame a big hand reputability notice respectability opinion clout standing ovation puffing up authority astonishment amazement acceptability fondness hat tip izzat visibility rap value valuing prizing cherishing superiority splendor positive reception splendour venerability significance notedness venerableness Augustness prestigiousness bravos handclapping a slap on the back self-respect hand-clapping mandate ascendancy ratification awards honours decorations superstardom self-image success triumph positive feedback outstandingness OK okay imprimatur respectfulness self-esteem mana high esteem dulia sympathy care surprise wonder prominency concurrence consent permission go-ahead bells infamy salience specialness face treasuring enjoyment delight pleasure pat on back pat on head rooting hurrahs stamping good press supereminence obsequiousness fear bow religiousness prostration piety devoutness bay honors decoration capitulation complaisance lavish praise enthusiastic praise myth legend a standing ovation distinguishment wonderment thoughtfulness the nod vogue social position honoring marveling idolatry marvelling worshipping stock rapturous reception honouring attentiveness clean bill of health blue ribbon gold star magnification feather in cap plug class brand ranking trustworthiness noteworthiness fashionableness praising size import pats on the back glorifying suggestion reference revering dependability venerating advocacy tip idolizing lionizing judgment demand stylishness magnifying caliber ability calibre state quality worth physique virtue figure capacity competence development qualification growth lauding urging judgement instruction saleability traction hotness currency fashionability marketability commerciality voguishness modishness deifying uplifting lionising worshiping idolising letter of support words of approval two cents' worth favourable mention favorable mention words of approbation character reference high station hero-worship hero-worshipping prevalence trendiness circulation coolness fashion following attractiveness

Danh từ

Anger or aggression associated with conflict arising from a particular situation
rage anger fury wrath indignation passion temper ire outrage spleen tantrum choler furor madness agitation bitterness exasperation pet resentment strop violence angriness annoyance antagonism birse blowout deliriousness delirium displeasure distraction fever feverishness flap frenzy furore grump hysteria irateness lividity lividness mad mania mood obsession pique rampage rancor rancour state uproar vexation wrathfulness bad temper bate fit of anger fit of fury fit of rage foulie hostility hot temper paddy paddywhack skid towering rage vehemence wax acerbity acrimony animosity apoplexy asperity bad mood blowup bluster convulsion dander eruption excitement explosion ferment ferocity fireworks fit of temper frenzy of anger frenzy of rage gall haemorrhage heat hemorrhage huff hysterics irritation outburst paroxysm spasm squall storm umbrage upset wingding air rage fit of bad temper fit of ill temper fit of pique high dudgeon paroxysm of anger paroxysm of rage extreme anger hissy fit wildness lunacy insanity derangement dementia schizophrenia psychosis dementedness aberration mental illness miff crossness irritability slow burn irascibility peevishness fit chagrin impatience testiness stew offense offence tetchiness petulance tiff dudgeon bile conniption tartness touchiness hurt malice tear ill temper tizzy aggravation perturbation snit fretfulness cantankerousness grudge rise ill humour disgruntlement ill-humor spite infuriation animus huffiness grouchiness surliness sullenness sourness pugnacity excitability sensitivity crabbiness exacerbation hotheadedness resentfulness bad humor hatred flare-up discontent malignity bother short fuse temperament cynicism grumpiness irascibleness ill will dissatisfaction boiling point low boiling point ill feeling rankling bad feeling virulence peeve enmity snappishness frustration provocation ill humor virulency fog embitterment rancorousness sulk malevolence snappiness crankiness scene hissy fire distemper soreness disapprobation affront dyspepsia distress scorn tumult pettishness intensity fuss turmoil stroppiness cat fit blow up grief pip botheration aggro waspishness discomposure mard restlessness impetuosity disturbance fervour fervor temper tantrum humiliation acridity acidity vindictiveness acridness savagery vitriol cattiness mordancy acidness corrosiveness disquiet discontentment disgust mortification discomfiture commotion stir hate histrionics fierceness crotchetiness fuming frothing panic throes perversity shortness perverseness unrest hubbub irritableness biliousness furiousness flush emotion more heat than light fieriness righteous anger enthusiasm zeal short temper eagerness stress outburst of anger to-do dummy spit bristle acrimoniousness spitefulness maliciousness venom lather unhappiness fume pain terseness fuse shock injustice horror danger grumps churlishness red mist road rage viciousness poison querulousness conniption fit violation mayhem trouble tantrums paroxysms edginess fit of bad humour hot-headedness embarrassment vengeance hatefulness moodiness upheaval disapproval sharpness antipathy jaundice row discomfort turbulence severity force outburst of rage score down grievance envy jealousy needling worry harassment uncertain temper hard feelings ill feelings bad feelings tempestuousness power weariness hassle plague enragement besetment smarting shame wobbly fret dislike bad blood focus blind rage ill-humour ruckus incitement forcefulness blood lust disappointment letdown baulk balk sorrow dismay crushing blow blow-up tempest chip on your shoulder fit of ill humour being rubbed up the wrong way potency strength ferity seizure attack tension destruction burst energy rampancy sore might rabidity fling binge orgy splurge spree ecstasy dither confusion pandemonium chaos trepidation melodrama drama injury kerfuffle outbreak ebullition exception odium nettling provoking irking slight irrationality hullabaloo incitation fanaticism earnestness ardour ballyhoo sense of injury agony flare flash blaze bout gale gush gust hoopla neurosis unreason alarm ado brouhaha passionateness ardency ardor fervency boutade access panic attack nervousness mirth animation fervidness intenseness burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes incandescence warmth loss of control outpouring white heat intensity of feeling desire flurry palaver controversy loss of reason outburst of agitation mental distress screaming abdabs screaming habdabs fit of madness fit of agitation hoo-ha carry-on song and dance

Danh từ

Loud excited speech
rant tirade diatribe harangue philippic bluster jeremiad rhetoric bombast broadside fanfaronade vociferation fustian histrionics oration outburst rage rhapsody yelling verbal onslaught lecture invective denunciation criticism condemnation polemic speech sermon discourse censure attack fulmination tongue-lashing abuse slating admonition admonishment vituperation talk reproval obloquy address screed blast rebuke stricture reprimand castigation upbraiding knocking berating monologue spiel reproof flak monolog disquisition declamation homily peroration bashing brickbats stream of abuse railing decrying denouncement dispute reviling vilification revilement brickbat battering recitation complaint allocution predication soliloquy pep talk malediction anger ranting argument assault scurrility scolding exhortation reproach vitriol objection onslaught verbal attack panning sideswipe disparagement insult billingsgate valedictory commentary pitch salutatory oratory whaikorero chalk talk lamentation moan lament keen groan slab passage plaint wail swipe exchange screen slamming drone aside running commentary solo prolog epilog disputation soapbox proclamation descant protest recital delivery stand-up bit song and dance arraignment excoriation execration reprobation stump speech discharge warning intimidation curse prologue epilogue persecution debate controversy rocket malevolence slagging jibe confrontation wigging earful contumely libel caning pugnacity denigration bollocking traducement slander defilement carpeting offense rollicking indignity deliverance presentation combativeness derision roasting blame dissertation eulogy outpouring effusion insolence calumniation disagreement belligerence keynote parlance disapproval slur impugnment opus salutation panegyric prelection defamation offence aspersions calumny stump appeal invocation dressing-down bad press character assassination telling-off ticking off verbal assault rap over the knuckles spouting hassle chewing out reading out insults talking-to lambasting remonstration chiding bad-mouthing verbal abuse chastisement scurrilousness opprobrium objurgation remonstrance curses verbal mud-slinging bawling-out recrimination rating swearing expletives ticking-off dressing down derogation swear words slurs stick venom foul language telling off animadversion signifying slagging off reprehension row mouthful discipline harsh criticism slap on the wrists rap on the knuckles going-over heat discredit odium disfavour preachment moralism preaching fault-finding obscenity deprecation slanderousness indecency rap counsel advice disapprobation scorn disfavor contempt bad language philippics caution blowing-up serve scandal coarseness offensiveness accusation blasphemy sarcasm counterblast epithet slandering backbiting malice evil-speaking abusiveness infamousness grossness spitefulness spite fulminations cursing rubbishing cattiness slap on the wrist slights talking to mauling savaging indignities jibes rebukes slanging disrespect rudeness verbals quinine knifing hosing a slanging match kicking around trash talk pushing around name-calling put-downs parley paper

Động từ

Present participle for to speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration
enthusing gushing rhapsodising rhapsodizing effusing fussing slobbering drooling eulogising eulogizing acclaiming lauding ballyhooing praising panegyrizing effervescing extolling bubbling heaping praise on praising enthusiastically enthusing about enthusing over gushing about rhapsodizing over gushing over waxing lyrical about throwing bouquets at going into raptures about going into raptures over bigging something up going on about praising to the skies expressing delight over bigging up singing the praises of going wild about crying up crying something up carrying on about falling all over making a to-do waxing lyrical making much of going wild going mad going crazy going into raptures going over the top bubbling over getting all worked up admiring flattering talking excitedly showing enthusiasm getting carried away raving about lionizing expressing intense pleasure expressing intense enthusiasm lionising going on going into ecstasies becoming enthusiastic gloating over spouting overstating blathering jabbering babbling chattering prattling oozing prating slobbering over overstating the case celebrating making too much of magnifying glorifying exalting commending applauding making a to-do over hymning resounding blessing emblazoning caroling carolling pushing rooting worshipping boosting paying tribute to stroking belauding worshiping cracking up puffing up bragging about hearing it for handing it to giving a boost to complimenting singing rhapsodizing about raving over hailing idolizing idolising singing praises giving a posy giving a bouquet

Động từ

Present participle for feel or express violent uncontrollable anger
raging fuming seething storming boiling burning fretting ranting chafing bristling cracking up foaming losing it rankling seeing red sizzling spitting steaming going ballistic having a fit ranting and raving blowing up breathing fire erupting exploding losing the plot losing your temper overflowing roaring scolding screaming spluttering surging tearing wigging out yelling spitting feathers blowing your top boiling over flipping your lid foaming at the mouth frothing at the mouth going berserk going up the wall jumping up and down looking daggers losing your rag railing at snapping at blowing a fuse blowing one's top champing at bit going off the deep end having a tantrum letting off steam making a fuss over throwing a fit working oneself into sweat flying off the handle smouldering smoldering losing control simmering flaring up getting worked up hitting the roof blustering flaring flipping getting hot under the collar getting steamed up throwing a wobbly blowing one's stack going wild going bananas going crazy losing one's temper going mad flipping out going ape angering raising the roof getting hot champing at the bit smarting getting steamed up about rumbling festering chomping at the bit stewing sparking hitting the ceiling breathing fire and slaughter boiling with rage foaming at mouth fulminating sputtering getting angry becoming furious getting mad throwing a tantrum becoming angry going into a rage going into a fury becoming enraged blowing a gasket charging cracking snapping rioting panicking unhinging getting hysterical acting wildly going out of your mind losing control of the situation going off your head freaking out behaving in a wild way losing your cool losing your mind going off your rocker going to pieces going crackers freaking going insane rampaging running wild rushing madly going on the rampage running amok running riot running amuck rushing wildly bridling taking offense taking offence going spare flipping one's wig going through the roof going psycho becoming annoyed going non-linear blazing glowing glowering blowing making a scene consuming stirring bubbling churning smoking fermenting becoming very angry losing one's rag gnashing your teeth burning up steaming up carrying on heating growing passionate becoming animated becoming excited getting annoyed heating up becoming impassioned getting excited growing vehement becoming infuriated becoming indignant going into orbit going postal having a conniption fit having a cow bursting a blood vessel flipping one's lid getting all steamed up swelling taking umbrage objecting rearing up recoiling ruffling resenting feeling annoyed feeling aggrieved feeling offended feeling resentful feeling upset feeling put out feeling indignant feeling wounded feeling hurt fussing drawing oneself up moping getting your dander up getting one's dander up becoming upset getting your hackles up worrying oneself

Động từ

Present participle for to party or revel excessively or noisily
whooping it up celebrating enjoying oneself having fun making merry partying rejoicing carousing having a party making whoopee revelling reveling roistering stepping out having a good time having a wild time junketing junketting living large having a ball killing the fatted calf living it up painting the town red putting the flag out putting the flags out going out on the town pushing the boat out having a night on the tiles going on a spree drinking frolicking binging bingeing wassailing feasting eating birling rollicking rioting larging it letting loose blowing off steam spreeing having a fling painting the town anding be merry romping socializing socialising crowing letting go savoring fooling around rolling gloating cutting loose indulging delighting running around kicking up heels basking wallowing larking luxuriating kidding around thriving savouring raising hell carrying on kicking up one's heels taking pride going to town taking satisfaction letting your hair down exulting glorying jubilating marking with a red letter blessing commemorating occasion caroling beating the drum enjoying yourself jolling carolling feting boozing overindulging drinking heavily drinking freely pub-crawling quaffing bevvying imbibing going on the town going on a drinking bout going on a bender going boozing going on the bevvy bending the elbow going on the piss raising the roof going on a binge getting drunk raising Cain playing going on a pub crawl drinking and make merry gallivanting raving it up having a night on the town going partying clubbing going clubbing relishing enjoying lapping up kicking over the traces frisking capering cavorting sporting skipping prancing enjoying life gambolling gamboling disporting curveting curvetting horsing around living extravagantly living in clover going overboard jumping hopping grooving living living in the lap of luxury bounding leaping springing dancing bouncing caprioling making a pig of oneself living high off the hog living high on the hog having a whale of a time living life to the full cutting a caper cutting kibitzing around bounding about jumping around skylarking springing about bounding around springing around jumping about letting off steam cutting capers kicking up your heels leaping about cutting up