Từ đồng nghĩa của fain

Alternative for fain

fain /fein/
  • động từ+ (fains) /feinz/ (fens) /fenz/
    • xin miễn
      • fain I goal keeping!: tớ giữ gôn à! thôi xin miễn
  • tính từ
    • đành bằng lòng, đành đồng ý, đành phải
    • (từ hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) sãn sàng, vui lòng
    • phó từ
      • vui lòng
        • he would fain depart: nó vui lòng ra đi

    Tính từ

    Inclined to a type of behavior
    amenable disposed game glad inclined minded ready willing eager prepared predisposed prone given likely enthusiastic of a mind happy pleased liable subject keen apt desirous set agreeable open zealous in the mood susceptible intent tending vulnerable content ardent partial nothing loath raring to go apt to get likely to get of a mind to likely to have with a tendency to get in danger of getting game for at risk of bent delighted devoted sensitive exposed wired have-a-go given to consenting compliant accommodating obliging favorable acquiescent cooperative biddable like-minded in favor well-disposed one in accord with receptive so minded in favour helpful tractable favourable so-minded persuadable responsive contemplating decided convinced planning determined resolved intending purposing liking biased aiming at leaning toward aspiring to settled on thinking of capable of tending towards at drop of hat feeling like in danger of tending toward yearning pining hungry pumped excited longing avid hot agog up voracious thirsty wholehearted enthused interested itching hankering fervid psyched fervent craving earnest juiced aching wishful passionate raring solicitous wild crazy dying ready and willing hot to trot favourably inclined as keen as mustard up for gung ho hepped up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed rarin' to go pysched up on for waiting with bated breath hopped-up champing at the bit keen as mustard mad keen athirst anxious impatient stoked antsy nuts geeked greedy great vehement ambitious appetent chomping at the bit wishing exuberant exhilarated vivacious ebullient lively animated desiring spirited committed dedicated titillated energetic motivated fanatical gagging hearty restless high-spirited keyed up sprightly thrilled animate warm fiery stimulated hopeful obsessed driven dynamic covetous itchy zestful intent on aflame afire active diligent assiduous dying to in a hurry full of beans restive edgy chafing straining desperate feverish straining at the leash vigorous hung up breathless habitual unreluctant engaged diehard hoping impetuous restored refreshed revitalized rabid revitalised fascinated passional ripe set on bent on on pins and needles desirous of on tenterhooks self-starting on the edge of one's seat heated hankering after rhapsodic nutty wacky perfervid forceful tantalized industrious concerned unqualified intense conscientious gaga turnt gone on tantalised red-hot bugged zesty warmblooded chafing at the bit psyched up full of enthusiasm inspired longing for hoping for wanting stirred inspirited galvanized roused energized encouraged moved aroused uplifted influenced activated keen on anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for energised self-driven stirred up galvanised ready for willing for avid for aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring lustful keen for hopeful for grasping acquisitive envious thirsty for turned on itching for craving for greedy for ravening for dying for wishing for hungry for more than willing

    Tính từ

    With no alternative but

    Tính từ

    Feeling or showing envy
    envious covetous jealous resentful green-eyed jaundiced grudging malicious begrudging spiteful desirous bitter green invidious emulous appetent aspiring coveting craving desiring distrustful grasping greedy hankering suspicious umbrageous watchful wishful yearning green with envy longing for unenthusiastic envying possessive eager insatiable eating one's heart out reluctant unwilling hesitant half-hearted cynical forced disinclined distorted prejudiced loath rancorous sulky complaining sour sullen sceptical bigoted hostile pessimistic disenchanted biased disillusioned soured disappointed misanthropic partial narrow-minded intolerant discriminatory preconceived partisan warped unindifferent opprobrious yellow disapproving one-sided tainted unfair colored prepossessed coloured jaded skeptical tendentious unjust parti pris racist blinkered racialist predisposed chauvinistic opinionated slanted influenced sexist illiberal homophobic chauvinist anti-Semitic heterosexist anti-gay small-minded skewed dogmatic narrow sectarian inequitable xenophobic parochial twisted weighted subjective swayed inclined inflexible interested uncompromising fanatical preferential uncharitable unbalanced blind embittered discriminative jingoistic obstinate prejudicial minded disposed angled perverted falsified misrepresented false favorably inclined factional tampered with exclusive devoted sympathetic overzealous fanatic cliquish zealous unreasoning diehard denominational limited conspiratorial adhering accessory unsympathetic insular provincial rigid unforgiving dictatorial individualistic snappy irritable irate averse upset worked-up waspish outraged short-fuse obdurate contemptuous antipathetic unforbearing hateful indignant fractious stuffy disdainful tilted unindulgent unobjective non-objective loaded ageist disablist conditioned classist myopic fattist intransigent hidebound extreme doctrinaire leaning presupposing closed-minded

    Từ trái nghĩa của fain

    fain Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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