Từ đồng nghĩa của hearty

Alternative for hearty

heartier, heartiest, hearties

Từ đồng nghĩa: cordial, full-blooded, lusty, red-blooded, satisfying, solid, square, substantial,

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Loudly cheerful, enthusiastic or approbatory
ardent eager passionate enthusiastic intense spirited avid zealous animated ebullient lively impassioned exuberant energetic vivacious dynamic deep devout emphatic loud affable effusive generous jovial unreserved cheerful profound backslapping deepest uninhibited responsive amiable vigorous abiding cheery frank full gay glad gushing honest jolly profuse unrestrained welcoming back-slapping deep-rooted warm-hearted deep-felt good natured keen fervent vehement earnest fanatical wholehearted fiery fervid committed dedicated excited warm perfervid enthused exhilarated devoted gung ho high-spirited forceful rabid sincere burning emotional great fierce obsessed zestful passional pumped intent antsy afire hungry ready willing voracious red-hot interested desirous wild athirst mad keen keen as mustard heartfelt extreme flaming titillated stoked raring motivated violent assiduous agog solicitous active diligent determined aflame impatient nuts anxious ambitious appetent thirsty heated crazy superheated torrid charged religious glowing feverish blazing demonstrative hot-blooded warm-blooded incandescent hot greedy ready and willing deep-seated as keen as mustard keyed up raring to go deeply felt bright-eyed and bushy-tailed champing at the bit hopped up full of beans chomping at the bit effervescent heartful feeling inspired stirred inspirited galvanized stimulated roused energized diehard card-carrying ecstatic encouraged moved aroused uplifted influenced activated raw gotta have dying to serious pious hot for tender true blue unfeigned warmhearted habitual militant energised self-driven stirred up galvanised hung up hankering amenable breathless restless inclined disposed happy longing unreluctant pining engaged craving game restive covetous single-minded pushy purposeful obsessive itchy ripe zealotic fired go-ahead frenetic fanatic fireball self-starting possessed gung-ho wild-eyed acute strong coming on strong powerful forcible explosive heavy intensive urgent vicious exquisite overwhelming overpowering abject excruciating hellacious heartrending hard ghastly dreadful furious terrible almighty frightful clamorous outspoken vocal noisy vociferous heavy-duty fearsome very great blistering ferocious fearful forthright insistent strident desperate angry impetuous frantic on the make inflamed full-throated pronounced opinionated potent concentrated hyper delirious thrilled fascinated rhapsodic animate geeked nutty wacky tantalized industrious concerned unqualified yearning juiced conscientious gaga itching driven tantalised pleased sprightly bugged zesty warmblooded turnt gone on hopped-up hot to trot hepped up excitable tempestuous stormy frenzied raging mad rash temperamental consuming tumultuous impulsive fired up on fire manic fevered psyched uncontrollable hectic amped heightened volatile crazed hyperactive messianic irascible acrimonious hysterical dithyrambic volcanic steamed up mercurial hot-tempered wishing amorous hopeful dying desiring intent on overzealous raving uproarious steadfast allegiant agitable neurotic aggressive proactive bullish banzai daft in a frenzy very excited untrammeled untrammelled jumping up and down potty extremely enthusiastic take-charge can-do short-fuse hot-headed high-strung highly strung eventful exciting severe immoderate uncontrolled marked inordinate vivid intemperate penetrating piercing bitter busy excessive melodramatic intensified turbulent rough emotive overemotional sentimental all-consuming ungovernable noteworthy interesting moving inspiring eloquent stirring poignant high-pressure hotblooded expressive precipitate thrilling affecting headlong quickened high-powered convulsive paroxysmal cyclonic touchy savage disorderly knock-down-and-drag-out bad-tempered blood-and-guts ill-tempered bang-bang hammer and tongs distracted overactive overwrought full-hearted agitated red-blooded unruly high sultry high as a kite action-packed strenuous ireful indignant wrathful irate wigged-out

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Suggestive of friendliness or geniality
friendly cordial genial warm amicable companionable neighbourly neighborly warmhearted comradely matey collegial chummy palsy bonhomous hail-fellow buddy-buddy hail-fellow-well-met palsy-walsy amiable affable sociable good-natured pleasant kind sympathetic congenial clubby gracious convivial gregarious kindly outgoing hospitable pally social agreeable good-humoured affectionate good-humored polite extroverted warm-hearted easy-going extrovert tender cozy mellow cosy charitable cheerful welcoming approachable civil fond brotherly harmonious loving gentle generous fraternal conversable cooperative uninhibited intimate benevolent compassionate caring cheery kindhearted heartfelt enthusiastic understanding sincere earnest wholehearted happy eager jovial responsive regular obliging well disposed company-loving favourable favorable easy to get along with clubbable couthy well-disposed buddy buddy familiar backslapping tight communal considerate helpful merciful thoughtful nice tolerant all heart mild tender-hearted kind-hearted glowing affectious good-hearted soft-hearted clubable extraverted courteous lively unselfish feeling big-hearted humane selfless peaceful thick kissy-huggy lovey-dovey confiding close very friendly red-carpet indulgent open peaceable socializing exuberant people-oriented easy civilized non-hostile jolly bluff magnanimous goodhearted conflict-free demonstrative unreserved merry like-minded empathic pacific concordant agreeing accordant civilised upper chirpy perky easygoing chipper upbeat jocund high up sunny enlivening cheering joyous blithe glad socialising right nice square shooting sunny side up fatherly benign genuine comforting inviting maternal liberal likable solicitous motherly amorous likeable softhearted deep empathetic paternal decent accommodating good-tempered calm sweet good engaging pleasing amenable complaisant nonviolent conciliatory placid personable lovable accessible pacifistic lenient altruistic beneficent delightful quiet tenderhearted soft easy to get on with pacifist benignant charming informal peace-loving urbane tranquil receptive chivalrous still communicative restful irenic pacificatory complacent well-mannered compatible mild-mannered winsome gallant lovely kindred non-violent amical strife-free respectful large-hearted temperate sweet-tempered disciplined devoted orderly pacifical philanthropic noble even-tempered moderate bountiful patient courtly sensible diplomatic forgiving mannerly available open-handed unassuming casual without hostility unstuffy well mannered confidential loyal forbearing harmless giving bland well meaning suave unwarlike attached on good terms personal dear attentive doting united meek honourable honorable adoring ladylike gentlemanly dovelike frictionless supportive relaxed nonbelligerent unanimous well-bred tactful winning mushy unpresumptuous prepossessing simpatico genteel moral bighearted sweet-natured munificent righteous bounteous regardful swell clement lavish sensitive unstinting humanitarian angelic open-minded humble free from strife unoffensive bleeding-heart public-spirited well intentioned forthcoming downright neighborly pitying unctuous modest good company stately touchy-feely bubbly confident law-abiding amusing faithful hilarious jocose entertaining vibrant funny happy-go-lucky comical jocular natural ruly passive decorous guestfriendly familial brother's sibling genealogical heroic courageous expansive colonial boon facile comprehending wonderful near romantic valiant well behaved breezy copacetic bosom commiserative ingratiating self-effacing appealing couth non-aggressive non-combative non-belligerent inoffensive dovish broad-minded sentimental human brave cultivated refined polished taking captivating enchanting fresh officious snug inseparable fit adapted suitable chilled cultured laid back serene anti-war as nice as pie reasonable free-and-easy well-suited well suited sympathique fearless intrepid stout-hearted bold dauntless undisturbed balmy well bred soft-spoken shy non-confrontational lamblike demure sisterly reverent retiring cool dove-like congruous consonant consistent thick as thieves nonaggressive controlled bloodless free barley-sugar ordered compliant unceremonious ungrudging door's always open free and easy laid-back eleemosynary soft touch wellmannered propitious dutiful big openhearted deferential wholesome benefic greathearted great-hearted princely politic philanthropical fatherlike heart in right place openhanded formal freehanded noble-minded valorous regular fellow right neighborly free-handed well-meaning knightly at peace cuddly willing to please measured honest on friendly ethical respectable upright partial huggy virtuous trustworthy worthy incorrupt dependable all over just principled upstanding right straight true on friendly terms nutty about crazy over soft on clean-living stand-up all right on the up and up well-brought-up squeaky clean right-minded

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Having or showing whole, sincere and enthusiastic support
earnest wholehearted genuine fervent true unfeigned sincere heartfelt real warm ardent enthusiastic honest cordial complete absolute total thorough whole-souled from the heart bona fide emphatic zealous devoted profound deep passionate devout serious dinkum whole-hearted eager solemn authentic full-hearted deeply felt heart-to-heart open dear upfront unpretending meant undissembled actual twenty-four carat honest to God pretensionless undesigning deepest committed categorical unambiguous unqualified unstinting unshakeable full unreserved undivided unrestricted solid unequivocal staunch determined unflinching unmitigated unlimited positive unconditional utter dedicated sure unswerving unadulterated unwavering unalloyed steady steadfast unfaltering undiluted enduring unquestioning outright thoroughgoing stalwart constant abiding entire fullhearted loyal impassioned hundred percent out-and-out without reservations never-failing unaffected unpretended firm truthful credible pure frank candid unpretentious guileless natural resolved resolute artless good-faith fervid vehement in earnest sworn uncontrived unforced formal pukka untainted unassumed intense not joking insistent urgent on the level trustworthy well-intentioned benevolent unquestionable passional perfervid burning strong keen forthright righteous legitimate creditable up front adamant definite deliberate well-meant well-meaning good faith fair dinkum decided serious-minded meaning what one says meaning business hell-bent set intent

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In good health, fitness or condition
healthy strong robust fit sturdy hale well sound hardy energetic stalwart whole wholesome active blooming flourishing bouncing spirited good glowing able-bodied fighting fit well-conditioned hale and hearty fit as a fiddle alive and kicking bursting with health right as rain in rude health full of vim fit as a flea vigorous lusty muscular tough strapping stout powerful athletic in good health in fine fettle in good shape rugged husky brawny firm fine burly buff in the pink solid beefy in good condition in good trim forceful in tip-top condition substantial lively fresh trim jacked hefty as fit as a fiddle shredded mighty thriving well built sinewy ripped virile vital thickset powerfully built as fit as a flea staunch Herculean physically fit in shape full of life hunky stark all right normal dynamic aerobicized up to snuff peppy iron flush gingery red-blooded thewy able durable well-built restored potent muscly unimpaired solidly built stable hulking in good physical shape capable hard in good kilter chipper in excellent shape OK in trim meaty heavy manly sound in body and limb big strong as an ox tenacious in fine feather as strong as an ox right well made healthful powerhouse strenuous stocky broad-shouldered sporty cast-iron hardened toughened hard-bitten inured in good physical condition secure herculean bushy-tailed bright-eyed bulky sprightly sane heavyweight well-made formidable perky indefatigable forcible as strong as a horse in top form muscled vibrant enduring solid as a rock in good form heavy-duty obdurate bright-eyed and bushy-tailed up to par full of beans young loud A1 better balanced strident stentorian healthier macho all-male masculine recovered refreshed bursting with good health rested rehabilitated ok healed two-fisted cured mended strengthened chunky influential mesomorphic well-proportioned important invigorated tiptop untroubled agile nimble physical lithe together luxuriantly in peak condition significant enthusiastic stiff stouthearted decisive strong-arm abled fitter hard-wearing thick relieved hunky-dory slim toned as strong as a lion strongly made invincible indomitable intact built to last great toned up as right as rain well muscled heavily built bruising imposing fine and dandy overpowering soothed unflagging acclimatised resistant acclimatized resilient seasoned fixed steady reinforced unyielding redoubtable fast bombproof undamaged puissant lumbering towering huge pumped up gargantuan hulky massive gigantic hard as nails well-founded manful full-blooded comfortable salutiferous outdoorsy outdoor flawless wide-ranging undecayed well constructed well-constructed perfect rigorous safe unhurt unblemished sturdily built tall colossal mammoth sports-loving rude hanging together holding together roaring rough animated sparkling high-spirited vivacious effervescent zippy jaunty spry playful good at sports strong as an lion buoyant strong as an horse intense zestful tireless go-getting bouncy upbeat spanking feisty as strong as a ox wick spunky persuasive take-over dashing enterprising steamroller snappy exuberant efficient take-charge brisk hard-driving driving effective raring to go full of energy ball of fire safe and sound rosy-cheeked the picture of health sparky bubbly gay airy pert full of vim and vigour frisky animate kinetic springy peart mettlesome jazzy pizazzy pizzazzy go-go bright and breezy chirpy racy ebullient cheerful excited quick merry frolicsome alert fiery happy zesty breezy full of get-up-and-go passionate bustling alive busy elated fun-loving vivid impassioned bold frolic crank gamesome eager zealous zingy bright zappy untiring industrious hyper full of the joys of spring full of pep outgoing bubbling barnstorming youthful skittish scintillating blithesome blithe cheery happy-go-lucky carefree jocund fun sunny mobile occupied enlivened exciting electrifying flamboyant dazzling eventful dexterous full of zip on the move dextrous deedful on the go jumping humming happening stirring colourful vehement buzzing rousing colorful ardent fervent aggressive hopping astir abuzz determined coruscating intensive stimulating storming resounding ballsy punchy sensitive vibrating emphatic radiant gutsy responsive have-a-go hard-hitting all-out high-octane pushy abubble aboil full of spirit high-powered heated energised vitalized energized activated boisterous daring joyful irrepressible full of fun gallant jolly

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Wholesome or beneficial to health, especially of food

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Strong or robust in physique or condition
strong firm robust sturdy forceful lusty vigorous stout solid iron hard rigid steely resolute steadfast determined staunch tough tenacious unrelenting unyielding emphatic unfaltering assertive inflexible bold purposeful unwavering aggressive hardened zealous steady steel adamant heavy thick unbreakable adamantine rock hard hard as nails dogged unbending obstinate unflinching persevering undaunted unswerving fixed unshakable gutsy gritty unshaken ruthless fierce untiring fanatical fiery grim furious ferocious bitter unquenchable burning stony granite single-minded persistent indefatigable stubborn unflagging unshakeable spirited dedicated strong-willed resolved stalwart earnest pertinacious committed tireless indomitable relentless obdurate strong-minded driven intent constant uncompromising insistent diligent unremitting assiduous set unhesitating decided mettlesome valiant industrious immovable intransigent plucky active undeviating courageous enthusiastic perseverant brave stout-hearted lionhearted intense full of determination rock-ribbed inexorable keen sedulous eager doughty energetic patient strenuous spunky enduring willful dead set ardent motivated avid sure decisive unfailing bound ambitious implacable manful dynamic focused purposive enterprising indurate bent importunate feisty pushy deliberate bent on focussed intrepid go-getting stiff bent upon self-assertive dead set on unwearied unchanging weariless serious devoted unflappable inexhaustible hardy persisting bulldog hard-working self-starting hard-driving self-driven goal-oriented eager beaver bound and determined high-spirited conscientious fearless demanding unbendable unwearying aspiring true obsessed four-square rigorous hard-nosed heroic militant meaning business sustained out do-or-die hell-bent hell-bent on hell-bent upon passionate exigent urgent pressing clamorous Herculean wholehearted unfluctuating incessant painstaking studious entreating settled laborious thirsty inspired dauntless unswervable desirous hungry striving pigheaded clamant bullheaded unvacillating obsessive loyal faithful iron-willed gung ho abiding unqualified stiff-necked never-failing confident mulish self-confident stop at nothing invincible unconquerable attentive resilient unsurpassable invulnerable unstoppable gallant busy game valorous exacting compulsive continuous never-tiring unceasing set on ballsy fixated adventurous monomaniacal even uniform consistent unvarying unmalleable positive cast-iron imperious dire imperative crying undefeatable vehement daring self-willed heroical high-powered rugged unafraid progressive pioneering resounding full-blooded perky jumping grind hyper bustling undeterred intractable hardworking unappeasable invariant pat regular high-pressure independent plugging plodding assured brick-wall lion-hearted ironclad operose undismayed irrepressible red-blooded self-asserting as game as Ned Kelly two-fisted self-seeking power-loving get up and go high-reaching power-hungry set in stone firmly-based repeated headstrong great self-disciplined restless direct hanging tough dour formidable unshrinking unbeatable unquestioning unending unretiring violent muscular radical stouthearted undauntable manly greathearted gutty unstinting fervent devout hellbent self-motivated going all the way immoveable unblinking undiscouraged careful cocksure iron-jawed on the go ball of fire definite immutable straight trusty reliable thrusting pig-headed stanch hardboiled buckled down sagacious impregnable not put off not discouraged unintimidated vital telelogical mean business calculated be out for blood playing hard ball nose to the grindstone meticulous in for long haul like bad penny sticky competitive absorbed engrossed firm in spirit perceptive keen as mustard animated tough-minded resourceful certain take charge mean thorough punctilious particular thick-skinned toughened clear-sighted all out flat-out straight out like a ball of fire on the make desiring success fervid impassioned sworn tried-and-true true-blue responsible pious tried inveterate dyed-in-the-wool cutthroat bulletproof unassailable insuperable untameable insurmountable heedful compelling instant necessitous emergent nagging acute critical intent on unabated bloodthirsty stringent pleading consumed compelled determined to committed to the idea of tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on hell bent on intent upon engaged hang-tough intensely competitive go for broke warlike in-your-face self-assured can-do fiercely competitive gladiatorial defiant brutal having killer instinct self-possessed scrappy cut-throat dog-eat-dog impassable concentrated possessed employed cohesive beseeching begging disturbing annoying troublesome suppliant overeager solicitous harassing galvanized impelled observant concentrating coherent slogging swotty working obsessional induced persuasive possessive unforgetful entire preoccupied all occupied enrapt exclusive whole undivided good hopeful continuing go-go unstinted fireball continued impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided overly solicitous deep alert watchful immersed urged on pushful peremptory unsinkable remorseless reiterative monotonous uncontrollable nose to grindstone intensive wrapped up fit powerful tough as old boots cynical as tough as old boots hard-bitten brash brazen undying venturous nervy brassy audacious daredevil dashing adventuresome unblenching venturesome frightless unfearing devil-may-care sporting unfearful everlasting unconstrained unfading inextinguishable eternal imperishable indestructible lasting unmanageable insuppressible unrestrainable uncontainable unrestrained unmovable incorrigible out of control wild

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Characterized by a good or happy sentiment
positive good happy heartening cheerful hopeful buoyant great heartwarming joyful promising welcome auspicious bouncy bubbly comforting ebullient effervescent encouraging enthusiastic jocund lively optimistic pleasing propitious reassuring believing bright cheering determined fresh rose-colored rosy sanguine sunny can-do cheery feel-good go-getting gratifying redeeming stirring uplifting proactive up upbeat unmarred merry jolly gay jovial vivacious mirthful exuberant peppy glad festive convivial genial sprightly jaunty clubby social animated airy gleeful joyous pleasant festal welcoming hilarious chirpy elated entertaining fun-loving gladsome grinning frolicsome radiant blithe perky carefree content lightsome zippy enlivening cheerly sparky bouncing bonny vibrant active zestful spirited abuzz zesty enjoyable humming happening partyish fun buzzing cordial conversible friendly hospitable companionable sociable full of life holiday diverting sparkling contented chipper breezy smiling laughing bucked unworried untroubled blithesome zingy peart smiley winsome eupeptic canty lighthearted zappy snappy high roseate good-natured good-humoured light-hearted happy-go-lucky good-humored of good cheer full of the joys of spring bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans sunny side up full of pep full of hope in high spirits without a care in the world cock-a-hoop full of vim and vigour in good spirits glass half full delightful gladdening wonderful satisfying pleasurable fantastic magical heart-warming warming soul-stirring charming engaging grand splendid agreeable heavenly exciting celebratory lovely magnificent glorious marvellous marvelous fabulous ecstatic delighted jubilant overjoyed euphoric enraptured blissful satisfied chuffed amusing rapt exhilarated thrilled glowing riotous pleased stoked humorous uproarious wrapped larking boon jumping boisterous peaceful rapturous grooving thankful orgasmic rhapsodic saturnalian rollicking entranced fulfilled paradisiacal paradisal rhapsodical enchanted beatific paradisaical rocking rejoicing beaming paradisiac rousing well triumphant paradisaic gratified sportive captivated light comfortable playful blest tickled blessed entertained exultant wild intoxicated in seventh heaven tickled to death over the moon blissed out can't complain beside oneself with joy on top of the world looking good starry-eyed as pleased as Punch as happy as a clam at ease as happy as a sandboy walking on air tickled pink rip-roaring on a high floating on air as happy as Larry flying high Panglossian in a good mood on cloud nine jumping for joy like a dog with two tails

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Having the atmosphere, decoration, or attitude of a festival, holiday, or celebration
festive jolly merry jovial carnival celebratory gleeful happy holiday mirthful cheery gay joyful joyous jubilant convivial Christmassy festal gala light-hearted sportive back-slapping good-time high-spirited backslapping blithe blithesome cheerful chirpy hilarious jocose jocular jocund laughing rollicking sunny uproarious bouncy carnivalesque chipper decorated feastful feastly frolicsome go-go grooving jumping lighthearted peppy perky rocking snappy swinging upbeat zippy juiced up lively vivacious glad buoyant entertaining bright carefree exuberant fun-loving gladsome enjoyable amusing in high spirits playful bubbly animated genial funny sprightly elated jaunty pleasant effervescent humorous sparky spirited airy smiling in good spirits optimistic happy-go-lucky untroubled diverting facetious fun ebullient ludic sparkling euphoric breezy cock-a-hoop grinning full of beans larking without a care in the world good-humoured winsome positive smiley good-humored pleasurable radiant pleased hopeful unworried jokey content ecstatic zingy exultant vibrant boon delightful full of life joshing triumphant peart witty laughable active comical comic exciting friendly of good cheer delighted full of the joys of spring exhilarated boisterous overjoyed fantastic frisky pleasing waggish good contented gratified thrilled beaming blissful heartwarming wonderful wild lightsome eupeptic canty agreeable daffy clubby social over the moon bright-eyed and bushy-tailed amused energetic welcoming full of vim and vigour on top of the world zestful zesty chucklesome droll cordial buzzing joking rejoicing gamesome ludicrous camp campy welcome riotous saturnalian zappy gratifying cheering satisfying satisfied chuffed wrapped debonair stoked heartening thankful rapturous frolic beatific rosy insouciant tickled frivolous rip-roaring perk blessed magical Pickwickian great full of hope beside oneself with joy on cloud nine lots of laughs as merry as a grig as lively as a grig as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy bright and breezy flamboyant companionable sociable conversible hospitable dynamic gregarious invigorating spectacular showy on cloud seven party envigorating vigorous colorful colourful easy-going excited exalted smug gloating warm abuzz outgoing benign easygoing unthinking amiable coltish loony nutty chaffing bantering jollying dizzy happening partyish humming good-natured affable sunbeamy har-har ridiculous absurd gelastic rich scream nonsensical riot unusual derisive eccentric asinine mocking derisory risible inane bizarre farcical preposterous jesting off-the-wall special commemorative congratulatory teasing whimsical prankish skittish laughter-filled roguish unconstrained mad fun-filled tongue-in-cheek delectable delicious frolicking antic elfish romping larky kittenish frolicky fay sportful wanton capering clever smart groovy cool grand charming gladdening engaging interesting full of fun game splendid heavenly lovely flakey flip wacky crazy boffo silly flaky mischievous joculous flippant pizazzy bouncing mettlesome devil-may-care springy kinetic pleasure-seeking unconcerned animate slaphappy jazzy crank vital pert racy rakish spanking brisk pizzazzy magnificent marvellous marvelous fabulous glorious high distracting fine clubbable for grins gagged up alert confident forward brash pushy self-assertive keen presuming rapt glowing peaceful enraptured rhapsodic paradisiacal well paradisal rhapsodical paradisaical paradisaic orgasmic entranced sanguine paradisiac rousing fulfilled enchanted heart-warming blest up captivated light comfortable entertained intoxicated Panglossian in a good mood in seventh heaven on a high feel-good at ease as pleased as Punch tickled to death starry-eyed tickled pink flying high blissed out can't complain looking good walking on air rose-colored floating on air as happy as Larry jumping for joy like a dog with two tails enthusiastic dashing spry casual irrepressible sporty easy nimble full of pep fresh impish nonchalant dapper alive and kicking forceful fiery strong bubbling raffish agile passionate sparkly bold stylish wick lusty spunky stimulating free and easy natty relaxed heedless scintillating ardent full of get-up-and-go eager volatile vivid unserious laid-back sharp tireless daring untiring full of energy hardy hyper indifferent resilient sassy ball of fire unruffled saucy puckish careless flashy devilish expansive quick transported elastic feisty zealous striking impassioned gingery indefatigable potent forcible powerful larkish stirring enterprising industrious strenuous unflagging red-blooded stalwart sturdy high-powered snazzy in jest informal feeling one's oats energized activated composed exulting sexy frenzied spiffy unperturbed proud crowing enlivening cheerly loud energised serene glorying prideful venturesome dazzling fast glitzy spruce generous bullish arch calm delirious avid intense glib uninterested irresponsible tricksy rascally in raptures on the go gallant mobile apathetic pococurante incurious elvish unrestrained wicked peppery agitated uninhibited alive effusive intriguing bustling thoughtless driving honest supple busy aggressive piquant poignant espiègle moving rugged in fine fettle frothy in fun robust beguiling laid back barnstorming emphatic feckless lackadaisical excitable flipping flying gutsy tongue in cheek gushing responsive full of zip in transports of delight full of joie de vivre not serious neat spritely graceful uncaring unconsidered bonny insubstantial fashionable fanciful gladdened chic aware salacious fancy jazzlike psychedelic pertinent dull relevant tight fairylike breathless invigorated pixieish scampish knavish pixy pixie sly leprechaunish tumultuous excellent swift new outstanding whopping rapid remarkable exceptional poised pacific measured collected possessed commodious providential sober feelgood fervent youthful turnt jumpy gritty dramatic trendy flush clowning valiant Pollyannaish idealistic ventilated mellow easy-breezy low-pressure full of vim and vigor willful unruly sidesplitting go-getting heated burning hot occupied sent hale and hearty spicy offhand enlivened glamorous aglow hushed unflustered sedate full of the joy of living raring to go exhilarating heady pulling one's leg putting one on satirical wry wisecracking dexterous deedful eventful dextrous bubbling over for a laugh reckless improvident vitalized bucked flourishing electrifying on the move blissfully happy deliriously happy gentlemanly sportsmanlike fair popping tasty pungent distinctive tart tangy virile vehement flushed unconventional bohemian to the point slap-happy disposed to look on the bright side always expecting the best adventurous roseate hopping coruscating astir determined intensive thriving doing handsprings trim revelling free-minded full-blooded punchy abubble vibrating effective high-octane full of spirit storming resounding ballsy all-out muscular sensitive have-a-go hard-hitting sound aboil schmick nifty disreputable characterful swaggering hysterical boastful in transports of joy in transports of pleasure warming uplifting naughty blithely unconcerned carefree and untroubled without care living the life of Riley considerate sportsmanly decent at peace self-possessed romantic attractive plucky swashbuckling deep devout corybantic reveling wowed carried away victorious triumphalist full of character louche ornate glittering gaudy flaunting glittery brazen demoniac motive tough dynamical locomotive kinematic motile encouraging unreserved beside oneself with happiness audacious swish venturous free-swinging elegant nervy emboldened adventuresome intrepid nerved equanimous equable profound glass half full sunny side up honorable square honourable evenhanded just reasonable deepest lacking concern disinterested complacent perfunctory insensible uncurious wild with excitement blown away in a frenzy of delight wigged out delirious with happiness turned on urbane captivating enchanting abiding profuse full frank frenetic absorbing congenial compelling appealing recreative fascinating nice flexible deep-rooted good natured deep-felt warm-hearted sporting flash decadent dissolute dissipated debauched soul-stirring uncontrolled abandoned riveting fearless exclusive swank adjustable adaptable variable free from worry free from care frantic accommodating enthralling provocative inspiring engrossing restorative side-splitting entrancing affecting enticing relaxing impressive be a ball gas priceless thrilling straight shooting square shooting square dealing free-spirited tawdry individual violent fierce rabid feverish full-on overwhelming overpowering furious ferocious malleable distant unanxious fluid compliant unmoved callous aloof detached unsympathetic oblivious dispassionate nonplussed uninvolved unflappable pliant changeable pliable modifiable alterable yielding neutral reserved unbothered not bothered hardened forgetful self-centered inattentive impassive blind self-centred supine deaf phlegmatic hard-hearted insensitive undisturbed cold stony negligent undaunted giddy versatile complaisant tolerant conformable cool, calm and collected flighty superficial foolish not giving a toss light-minded recuperative mutable soaring empty-headed shallow ditzy puerile zany birdbrained non-serious juvenile idle light-headed harebrained dopey vapid lightheaded goofy futile yeasty vacuous batty featherbrained dippy scatterbrained ditsy childish ill-considered feather-brained pea-brained lacking seriousness dotty nonserious unprofound vain barmy lacking in sense idiotic

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Direct in speech or behaviour but in a good-natured way
bluff blunt downright abrupt brusque curt direct no-nonsense plain-spoken short straightforward candid forthright frank open outspoken rough gruff unequivocal approachable brusk crusty genial good-natured short-spoken snippy unceremonious friendly upfront barefaced bearish blustering breviloquent brief cheery honest laconic loud rude sincere snippety tactless tart terse to the point speaking as one finds straight from the shoulder not afraid to call a spade a spade impolite uncivil discourteous sharp matter-of-fact snappy undiplomatic straight plain explicit churlish unreserved plainspoken ungracious offhand unambiguous forthcoming bald up-front truthful free-spoken surly snappish uninhibited unguarded openhearted harsh crude freehearted brisk out-front unqualified round undisguised foursquare caustic straight-talking unmannerly impetuous impatient up front crisp unvarnished point-blank ingenuous clear free categorical real straight-shooting point blank straight to the point abrasive bad-tempered ill-tempered cavalier short-tempered indelicate tetchy monosyllabic genuine thoughtless brutal off peremptory outright impertinent guileless artless unfiltered aboveboard calling a spade a spade unconcealed talking turkey call a spade a spade not beating around the bush from the hip like it is man-to-man testy pointed clipped imperious dusty succinct concise forward irascible unconstrained callous inelegant rushed pithy unfriendly petulant plain-speaking graceless grumpy sharp-tongued bad-mannered ill-mannered vociferous crabbed definite distinct specific no lie vocal undissembling unevasive absolute express straight-from-the-shoulder sullen bare stark simple unadorned opinionated strident unreticent square hard-hitting trenchant unembellished ill-natured unpolished out of sorts speaking straight from the shoulder crabby grouchy taciturn crotchety uncompromising pulling no punches sour cross no beating around the bush laying it on the line calling spade a spade not beating about the bush unrestricted unsparing offish ill-humoured easy flat-out apparent familiar naive upright natural brazen bare-faced scrupulous heart-to-heart on the level warts and all angry boorish boisterous truculent ill-humored nasty morose saturnine lay it on the line saying what one thinks on the up and up not mincing one's words speaking one's mind insensitive inconsiderate disrespectful unfeeling uncaring unkind hurtful unsympathetic uncharitable unladylike impolitic cruel uncivilized unconsiderate ungentlemanly uncivilised unbiased unprejudiced uncalled for unpretended frontal parrhesiastic right up front telling it like it is irritable cantankerous peevish touchy vulgar moody sulky splenetic uncouth ornery choleric dyspeptic bilious prickly waspish cranky coarse crass chippy ill-bred narky fractious dour oafish disagreeable stroppy loutish ratty clumsy unpleasant glum shrewish curmudgeonly quick-tempered hot-tempered uncultured eggy peppery peckish soreheaded liverish unsociable snaky querulous bitter huffy perverse gross unmannered pouting awkward cross-grained gauche pettish pouty like a bear with a sore head unrefined snarling gloomy scratchy shirty miffy acid insolent impudent bungling ignorant fiery out of humour ungallant short-fused in a bad mood hasty on a short fuse volatile mopey glowering resentful cloddish mannerless insulting uptight brooding uncommunicative indiscreet compact unsubtle abusive rash inept maladroit offensive brash bloody-minded in a mood blundering summary compendious temperamental scowling acerbic epigrammatic untactful elliptical sarcastic unchivalrous aphoristic uncalled-for unhandsome uncultivated sententious thumbnail tasteless apothegmatic capsule fretful tense clownish common telegraphic elliptic classless spiteful mumpish argumentative indecorous clodhopping lowbred mardy cussed unresponsive annoyed waxy frowning sourpussed mean rustic ugly sulking thin-skinned hot-blooded imprudent as cross as two sticks unpolitic injudicious decisive derogatory businesslike incisive uncomplimentary disdainful economical unsophisticated humourless humorless disgruntled disparaging hotheaded acrimonious captious moping snarky tough unsmiling flip thuggish quarrelsome fresh brutish miserable contumelious swinish indignant stuffy lumpen gnomic oversensitive barbaric obstinate yobbish philistine vitriolic uneducated short and sweet hostile uncooperative exasperated grumbling slobbish out of humor sorehead passionate complaining raspy compendiary lubberly bristly edgy vicious vinegary ireful wild fed up cheerless base joyless embittered having got out of bed the wrong side out-of-line having got out of bed on the wrong side low-bred vigorous disobliging catty misbehaved tooshie tempersome unhelpful scornful mean-spirited presumptuous gawky stolid spunky acute snarly atrabilious zowerswopped Eeyorish careless rowdy doltish lumpish bullying perversely irritable precipitate polite miserly unneighborly inhospitable unfortunate hoonish dense audacious piqued sharp-tempered lowbrow with a long face heavy-handed put out mopish obloquious foul derisive rugged like a bull in a china shop cheeky arrogant peeved vexed dark aloof roughneck incult sketchy insensible raffish low scathing degrading violent berating scurrilous reproachful obnoxious reviling denigratory belittling pejorative defamatory cocky lewd illiberal withdrawn dismal depressed disgracious ungenteel mouthy smart alecky lippy smart-alecky backward savage immature overbearing underbred inaffable insubordinate malapert vituperatory calumniating contemptuous vituperative intrusive yokelish bounderish psyched up angerful frenzied fuming fierce wrathful disapproving ranting in a temper raving cold pugnacious convulsed ferocious in a huff down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks in a funk in the sulks in a strop unwise inadvisable rough-hewn foul-mouthed loud-mouthed cutting biting stupid unthinking unperceptive severe hard grating stern annoying irritating condensed ill-advised wounding galling critical neat pitiless acerb comfortless huffish sensitive feisty whingy misanthropic cynical difficult discontented contentious pertinacious aggressive hateful rubbing the wrong way spiky hard to take displeased contrary whiny hypercritical whining crybaby hick iracund iracundulous fussy disputatious close cryptic taut clear-cut exact lean precise unsavoury waspy grousing acrid trying growling caviling sore on edge dissatisfied carping griping malicious venomous fretting whingeing childish cavilling malignant vindictive filthy obstreperous chuffy barbarous plebby countrified ocker inurbane unpoised boiled down Neanderthal provincial unsavory in a nutshell nasty-tempered hot under the collar fault-finding out of temper foul-tempered out-of-sorts easily offended cut to the bone

Tính từ

Exuberantly lively and amusing
rollicking boisterous lively spirited exuberant frisky rip-roaring rowdy roisterous romping rumbustious carefree frolicsome jaunty joyous merry noisy playful rambunctious robustious cavorting hell-raising jovial knockabout raucous riotous sprightly swashbuckling uninhibited unrestrained unruly wild devil-may-care sportive cheerful fun-loving glad happy joyful lighthearted loud ripping rollicksome thumping full of beans disorderly rough uproarious obstreperous turbulent clamorous wild and woolly undisciplined tumultuous unmanageable uncontrolled wayward rackety uncontrollable wilful disruptive irrepressible ungovernable rude abandoned ill-disciplined roistering high-spirited lawless badly behaved clangorous rampageous robust raw coarse refractory energetic rebellious impetuous mean intemperate out of hand out of control orgiastic depraved debauched side-splitting saturnalian loutish resounding clattery clattering active animated brusque gruff roughhouse loudmouthed mischievous swaggering cavalier bouncy overexcited tempestuous gleeful raunchy earthy ebullient vibrant excited confused unsubtle indecorous in high spirits termagant effervescent brawling vociferous strident vociferant over-the-top slapstick farcical intractable casual crass crude nasty disobedient rough-and-tumble insubordinate headstrong mutinous harum-scarum recalcitrant anarchic defiant troublemaking chaotic attention-seeking willful untoward froward difficult contumacious rebel incontrollable recusant lawbreaking anarchical incompliant balky heedless fractious reckless contrary restive incorrigible impulsive impervious bawdy ornery imprudent drunken forward inexorable unyielding violent assertive opinionated quarrelsome perverse rash out of line troublesome tough blaring booming piercing deafening unbridled screaming thunderous misbehaving thundering ringing naughty harsh rugged blasting stroppy roaring sonorous stentorian uncooperative earsplitting plangent slam-bang ear-piercing vehement delinquent demanding self-willed errant shrieking bad shouting hard truculent cacophonous unbiddable stubborn ear-splitting reverberating trying impossible exasperating vigorous roguish rascally rioting wrong brutal vicious immoderate ugly agitated stormy insurrectionary restless callous vocal severe criminal rampant distracting aggressive passionate insistent frenzied seditious bolshie hysterical fierce stern forceful out-of-line belligerent pugnacious in turmoil ruffianly awkward out-of-order reverberant carrying uncompliant full-throated heavy strepitous disturbed blatant inconsiderate emphatic deep resonant intense ear-popping lusty powerful impish tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish sinful forte full fiendish gallus wanton impudent erratic full of mischief badly-behaved ill-behaved insolent devilish turned up indocile chattering rootin'-tootin unquiet brash talkative unsettling disturbing upsetting obstinate inharmonious bawling thuggish rampaging limit dangerous jarring divisive antisocial two-fisted importunate crazy nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk deranged disorganised turbid hedonistic uncontained helter-skelter disorganized disordered revolutionary unlawful raging blusterous radge insurgent non-compliant disrupting off-base full-on indisciplined clamorsome raising Cain unconstrained unchecked unhindered unconventional ungoverned uncurbed unbounded raising the roof overpowering unstable unfettered extrovert hardened drunk irregular rowdydowdy artful kiddish infantile ill-natured sly foxy bothersome thoughtless immature childish disrespectful ear-shattering dinning causing trouble explosive roller-coaster unsettled out-of-control licentious corybantic incautious profligate irrational echoing misbehaved fulminating strong crashing blustering rich big pealing wakes the dead high-sounding rotund full-mouthed loud-voiced threatening thrilled raving outspoken storming fiery shaking amusing perturbed demonstrative entertaining untamed funny bitter witty destructive overwhelming mighty extremely noisy tremendous almighty giddy flighty full of conflict full of confusion full of upheavals on-a-tear wicked impolite very loud annoying teasing worthless dysfunctional clamant sparkling jolly at full volume droll vivacious mirthful jocular full of ups and downs evil strenuous offending bad-mannered hectic frank earnest eager candid forthright open plain-spoken direct sinning head-splitting erring aberrant deviant socially impaired tiresome hot-tempered whiny pesky sullen cantankerous hostile undisciplinable problematic bellicose troublous maladjusted confrontational combative argumentative bold malicious unrestrainable irksome scrappy uncontainable peevish wearisome petulant yawping yauping ranting enthusiastic vociferating caterwauling loud-mouthed yowling squawking wacky culpable transgressing guilty frantic tiring exacting straying voluble shrill eventful arduous frenetic challenging clearly audible laborious exhausting unorthodox shifting stray hilarious deviating miscreant heretic devious fallible off straight and narrow unreliable meandering errable testing unsparing taxing flustering burdensome madhouse tireless furious bustling fortissimo sharp onerous full on wearing imperious busy action-packed bumpy strict uncompromising firm unfeeling cruel unfair abrasive ruthless unjust excessive unbending unkind unrelenting heartless rigorous insensitive unsympathetic savage curt extreme merciless

Tính từ

Lively or vigorous
rousing exciting inspiring stimulating stirring electrifying moving exhilarating lively spirited vigorous animating energising energizing enlivening inflammatory envigorating invigorating agitational animated breathtaking charged electric energetic enthusiastic exhilarative galvanic galvanising galvanizing hair-raising heart-stopping intoxicating kicky mind-bending mind-blowing mind-boggling rip-roaring thrilling anthemic brisk inspiriting stem-winding inspirational uplifting encouraging motivating affecting motivational impassioned emotive striking passionate heartening persuasive provoking memorable dynamic impactful riveting provocative emotional dramatic gripping stimulative impelling influential impressive poignant instigative instigating arousing affective touching refreshing exalting inciting meaningful awakening vibrant piquing triggering soul-stirring emotion-charged thought-provoking interesting spine-tingling bracing challenging appealing tonic vitalizing restorative adrenalizing titillating fascinating heady exhilarant hectic quickening overwhelming vivifying powerful fresh reviving captivating amazing intriguing wonderful renewing reinvigorating roborant intense rejuvenating astonishing sensational stunning enthralling enchanting awesome cordial vital shocking crisp fabulous absorbing innerving healthful keen fortifying action-packed startling sexy magnificent revitalizing health-giving cool explosive wild incredible brilliant compelling delightful suspenseful spectacular incendiary entertaining revitalising rabble-rousing awe-inspiring wondrous eye-popping enticing piquant controversial eye-opening beguiling magnetic charming fiery rejuvenative strengthening chilly deep salubrious healthy cold staggering cliffhanging knife-edge astounding complex complicated difficult baffling confusing puzzling strong sharp seditious heartrending stupendous mind-altering biting inflaming inviting seductive pick-me-up heartbreaking exhilaratory cheering riotous attractive alluring fantastic vivid compulsive high amusing pleasing diverting bold revolutionary engaging pleasurable tantalizing demagogic expressive contentious arresting aggressive engrossing suggestive tantalising divine marvellous out of this world marvelous remarkable entrancing influencing prompting galvanical spiriting heart-pumping spine-chilling bloodcurdling terrifying frightening hair-curling alarming chilling horrifying fashionable trendy sparkling potent elating hallucinogenic gladdening nippy exalté rallying nerve-racking hyper esthetic stupefying inconceivable hallucinatory psychedelic adrenaline-charged edge-of-the-seat laden pervaded permeated filled imbued suffused fraught loaded full saturated beautiful jaw-dropping boisterous rollicking ripping uproarious elevating giddy animative aesthetic tense giving one food for thought melodramatic amazeballs zesty parky heart-pounding adrenaline-fueled tragicomic tragic shaking trembling heart-stirring jolting dazzling shivering quaking vibrating shuddering buzzy volatile adrenalized vehement frantic blood-tingling exquisite large mad swinging fab miraculous boss power-driven AC DC juiced motor-driven electrical electronic plug-in rechargeable telling tender bright fervid fervent fierce burning ardent breathless heart-rending significant heart-warming sententious upsetting tear-jerking surprising beneficial salutary subversive zero cool annoying offensive battery operated graphic colourful warm blinding radiant galling goading insulting curious insurrectionary insurrectionist notable hot noticeable glaring gleaming pronounced definite vexing aggravating attention-grabbing dissentious affronting maddening infuriating exasperating irritating colorful meaty charismatic eventful hypnotizing hypnotic mesmerising worthy of note mesmerizing preoccupying bewitching unputdownable portentous trenchant topical fine unboring buzzworthy immersing hypnotising unique newsy splashy relatable prepossessing involving racy out of the ordinary exceptional newsworthy consuming mesmeric spellbinding noteworthy showy emphatic magical enjoyable malevolent dangerous wicked treacherous causing trouble disturbing edgy outrageous funny marked in-your-face agitative incensing insane pleasant stimulant pushing confrontational spurring insurgent anarchic excellent crazy unreal unbelievable humorous witty rebellious fomenting agitating agreeable fun bad daring ridiculous profound first-class primo grand momentous like wow majestic swell far out hunky-dory imposing super extraordinary splendid groovy dandy first-rate monumental superb delicious lavish terrific stately glorious massive luxurious hate-mongering intemperate rabid mutinous congenial recreative droll nice irresistible hilarious chucklesome seditionary incitive comical mouthwatering appetizing relaxing scream clever riot be a ball cheerful fun-filled gas gay side-splitting priceless like a red rag to a bull fetching luring tempting heavenly appetising

Tính từ

Tenacious, energetic, spunky
feisty combative argumentative aggressive belligerent quarrelsome bellicose pugnacious contentious confrontational truculent militant disputatious warlike scrappy agonistic chippy gladiatorial discordant assaultive brawly fiery ornery touchy tough difficult sensitive active courageous spirited spunky excitable enthusiastic gutsy alive bubbly energetic frisky game gritty gutty lively mettlesome peppy zestful thin-skinned hot-blooded full-blooded go-getting high-strung on the warpath full of pep antagonistic hostile cantankerous irascible stroppy threatening captious ill-tempered bad-tempered hot-tempered defiant fractious irritable contrary petulant quick-tempered violent choleric fierce warring aggers cross fighting testy litigious snappy crabby huffy prickly mean spoiling for a fight querulous perverse battling disputative angry surly bolshie grouchy pettish offensive uncooperative cavilling controversial militaristic obstreperous rebellious oppugnant bickering caviling adversarial grumpy cussed destructive cranky sullen inimical narky ill-natured ready for a fight unfriendly provocative polemical snappish peppery factious arsey peevish challenging nasty polemic hawkish uptight sabre-rattling warmongering wrangling obstinate martial biffo short-tempered crotchety passionate bearish have chip on shoulder have a bone to pick splenetic exasperated inhospitable loudmouthed miffy fretful malevolent jingoistic soreheaded ratty snarly bristly crabbed bilious dyspeptic ireful recalcitrant dissentious bloodthirsty snarky crusty tetchy curmudgeonly insolent hotheaded pushy contending ructious military snippy snippety iracund iracundulous edgy waspish stuffy war harsh refractory salty unruly brawling awkward churlish disagreeable out of humor raspy hasty intransigent rude temperamental critical sharp hot flip ardent sour discontented pertinacious troublesome intractable froward balky ill-humored hypercritical ungracious ferocious opinionated fussy trying dissatisfied at loggerheads ill-humoured out of sorts up in arms hot under the collar have it in for having a chip on one's shoulder on the outs ready to fight battleful disruptive adverse naysaying rough looking for trouble dissentient soldierly gung-ho plucky determined spiky wrestling tilting skirmishing under arms sanguinary attacking assertive vigorous tempestuous arguesome self-assertive itching to fight impassioned turbulent radical unpleasant discourteous ultra-active two-fisted forceful extremist extreme combating itching fanatical zealous embattled scathing deadly vituperous terrifying intimidating cowing terrorising trenchant hateful mordacious frightening browbeating caustic terrorizing bullying mordant warrish revolutionary assertory in arms disobedient insubordinate contumacious non-compliant daring resisting audacious bold resistant mutinous dissenting willful restive subversive untoward ungovernable wilful wayward rebel recusant incompliant disregardful cheeky insubmissive reckless dareful sassy resistive abusive grumbly disobliging hardheaded overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways boorish unrelenting rigid hard-line inflexible finical bloody-minded hard-nosed obdurate tiresome vexed unpredictable pigheaded hard to handle unmanageable invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uncompromising hard to please uppity unreasonable headstrong unamenable resolute immovable oafish demanding tyrannical unaccommodating picky thrawn stiff stiff-necked negative delicate dogmatic oppressive hard to satisfy irritating indomitable stubborn unflinching contrarious overcritical wrong-headed inexorable grim impolite unyielding opinionative unbending obstructive perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial rancorous unkind mighty antipathetic tense sulky huffish disgruntled glum curt moody unsociable impatient gruff volatile shirty whingy shrewish brusque misanthropic cynical pouty oversensitive bitter displeased snarling peckish resentful eggy whiny acrimonious whining miserable grumbling crybaby gloomy annoyed liverish brooding morose pouting waxy snaky scratchy waspy grousing acrid dour mardy acid mumpish growling tart sorehead saturnine sore blunt on edge carping griping complaining malicious venomous fretting vinegary short whingeing childish malignant vindictive filthy spiteful chuffy out of humour ugly having got out of bed the wrong side having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered as cross as two sticks in a mood fault-finding out of temper cross-grained like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse foul-tempered out-of-sorts short-fused easily offended in a bad mood vitriolic unsympathetic virulent hot-button biting jaundiced fire-eating eristic opposing adversary accusatorial vicious wrathful disapproving uncongenial unreceptive disputable cutting dissident conflicting acerbic opposed at odds sarcastic unwelcoming oppositional alien uncontrollable self-willed unwilling unpropitious maleficent malefic adversative undisciplined viperous catty undisciplinable cold inharmonious unhelpful litiginous litigatious behavioural tooshie vinegarish persuasive outspoken brief scornful allergic opposite reluctant ill-disposed oppugning heated incontrollable obstinately disobedient renitent pervicacious behavioral noncompliant withstanding wild foul sardonic bristling inflammable intolerant antisocial embittered vengeful manic hysterical icy uncomfortable lawless uneasy severe hard corrosive grating cruel stern stinging pungent astringent keen dysfunctional divided split delinquent unfeeling annoying brutal devastating piercing acidulous incisive wounding callous hurtful galling insensitive naughty badly behaved ill-disciplined mischievous mortal acerb inconsiderate comfortless quarrelling tumultuous disagreeing socially impaired bad impudent erratic errant disturbed badly-behaved misbehaving pesky roguish rowdy ill-behaved problematic troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly abrasive rubbing the wrong way hard to take disharmonious insurrectionary clashing seditious sectarian schismatic disputed debatable