Từ đồng nghĩa của sappy

Alternative for sappy

sappy /'sæpi/
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    Tính từ

    Displaying a lack of sensibleness or judgment
    absurd balmy crazy insane loony preposterous silly stupid asinine brainless bubbleheaded cockeyed crackpot cuckoo daffy daft dippy dotty fatuous featherheaded fool foolish half-baked half-witted harebrained inept jerky kookie kooky looney lunatic lunkheaded mad nonsensical nutty screwball senseless simpleminded tomfool unwise wacky weak-minded whacky witless zany bathetic idiotic illogical ridiculous ludicrous inane moronic irrational imbecilic unreasonable mindless hare-brained pointless bizarre goofy unintelligent laughable cockamamie empty-headed puerile risible dopey barmy dumb damfool odd glaikit foolhardy dim imprudent screwy imbecile farcical gormless cretinous dim-witted impractical divvy chowderheaded dotish eccentric dof irresponsible strange thoughtless vacuous wild doltish batty giddy loopy birdbrained weird thickheaded lamebrained potty outlandish cockamamy crackbrained dunderheaded fantastic slow-witted out to lunch rash reckless feather-brained madcap unstable simple ill-advised feebleminded comical infantile wacko childish peculiar meaningless immature halfwitted scatty thick scatterbrained unthinkable fanciful fantastical wooden-headed pea-brained boneheaded blockheaded off the wall touched dull oddball defective slow injudicious nuts cracked clownish indiscreet unconventional derisible weak backward ill-considered frivolous feeble-minded simple-minded unrealistic retarded outrageous ignorant queer unreal slang impracticable shocking pinheaded incredible dozy muttonheaded ill-conceived monstrous chuckleheaded pathetic derisive incongruous insipid dappy grotesque unbelievable inconsistent astonishing derisory unusual cock-eyed way out up the pole off beam off the air fat-headed brain-dead incautious clock impolitic clueless braindead purposeless rattlebrained unsteady heedless careless changeable unworkable dense implausible untenable bugged out mentally incompetent incomprehensible softheaded donkeyish obstinate callow unsound surreal contemptible empty gonzo doolally credulous green goofy loony funny vapid unsafe foolheaded extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible full of holes dead from the neck up thick-witted trifling futile worthless insensate complacent unaware inexperienced quirky off the beam off your trolley off your head flakey flaky off-centre avant-garde lagging stunted arrested underdeveloped limited amusing light-hearted comic extreme impossible feather-headed wet behind the ears as thick as two short planks chucklesome hilarious waggish diverting excessive extravagant exorbitant crass wishy-washy vain vacant flat innocuous cranky kinky pinhead dummy dumbbell underachieving dumdum yo-yo subnormal dilly far-out joshing humorous camp witty campy devoid of intelligence too much out of the question taking the cake out there flighty erratic in left field numbskull dumbo exceptional mentally defective gorked held back opaque retardo soft nitwitted dopy muddle-headed pie-faced sheepheaded demented unhinged deranged unbalanced crazed psychotic bonkers mental certifiable crackers loco gaga disturbed bats frenzied distraught meshuga psychopathic distracted sectionable raving bananas delirious frantic manic barking hysterical nutso buggy squirrelly nutsy schizoid bushed porangi yarra idiosyncratic twisted mentally ill non compos mentis of unsound mind raving mad sick in the head mad as a hatter not together stark mad not all there stark raving mad away with the fairies round the bend nutty as a fruitcake barking mad foaming at the mouth mad as a March hare round the twist stark staring mad not the full shilling not right in the head not quite right in the head not right upstairs as daft as a brush have a screw loose have bats in the belfry have kangaroos in the top paddock mentally unbalanced out of one's head obtuse airheaded lamebrain unsmart knuckleheaded oafish short-sighted dorky bonehead unthinking unreasoning misguided off-the-wall inappropriate ill-judged hasty maniacal nonrational psycho whacko haywire fruity inadvisable impulsive berserk wrong naive unreasoned brainsick meshugge bughouse brash improvident bedlam wud moonstruck negligent freaky dull-witted incoherent wrong-headed undesirable undiplomatic featherbrained tactless addle-brained indelicate ill-thought-out risky maniac dreamy unconsidered freakish invalid fallacious unjustifiable rum loony tunes looney tunes unscientific sick inconsequential graceless uneducated groundless illegitimate inconsequent disordered overhasty unglued inexpedient spaced-out contradictory dizzy droll off one's gourd off one's head around the bend out of one's mind soft in the head uncontrolled idiotical illiterate offbeat fruitless unfortunate specious curious unmindful absent-minded unfounded precipitate bird-brained funky weirdo outré remarkable gelastic sophistic nerdy unearthly faulty incorrect useless unschooled schizophrenic flipped schizo dimwitted arbitrary paranoid sociopathic improper unsuitable over the top off-kilter neglectful untaught flawed daredevil unpractical reasonless aberrant hot-headed shallow sluggish harum-scarum incompetent unheeding idle confused temerarious blockish deficient wooden ditzy flipped out not in one's right mind far-fetched audacious overbold overconfident daring adventurous uncomprehending perverse pig-ignorant inconsiderate hotheaded know-nothing thick-headed very stupid without foundation without basis one card shy of a full deck off the deep end a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic not intelligent slow on the uptake mentally deficient off one's rocker dunce-like off one's trolley thick as two short planks daydreaming mentally handicapped not making sense off one's nut doty ditsy nerdish nonliterate burlesque unlearned benighted soppy tearaway uninstructed analphabetic unintelligible way-out unlettered unread unmeaning unpredictable untutored rude dark ineffectual unseemly Boeotian huge poor unorthodox Bohemian far out feeble paranoiac paranoic unadvisable anencephalic anencephalous queerish quaint out-of-the-way bizarro idiotish violent ignoramus whimsical mercurial baseless disadvantageous smoothbrained bad spurious crazy-ass mystifying abnormal puzzling wackadoodle bewildering nonconformist extraordinary unique baffling wackadoo phenomenal embarrassing in vain skittish gullible hebetudinous torpid slumberish comatose lethargic heavy clottish cloddish loggerheaded bovine dreamlike inconceivable quixotic disconnected disjointed erroneous unjustified badly planned misconceived detrimental unzipped dingy to no avail forgetful radge neurotic schitzy inconclusive smooth-brained acting crazy rabid unadvised unrecommended unsensible inconvenient off the chain freaked out superficial sophistical for grins psychopathological chaotic lively mooning inattentive moony out of it out derailed bemused moonstricken unsettled off the top of one's head O.T.T. OTT a bit much unproved casuistic pea-brain harmful prejudicial damaging demoniac raging dazed off out of all reason beyond all reason thick-skulled without thought great giant massive lacking knowledge irrelevant unconnected hollow false irreconcilable self-contradictory unsubstantial beyond belief rattlepated inopportune not recommended loose all wet bad-tempered stroppy full of hot air capricious ill-tempered deprived of one's wits manic-depressive over the edge non compos severely mentally ill one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree in another world mentally deranged out of one's gourd in a daze having kangaroos in the top paddock flipped-out as mad as a March hare having bats in the belfry crazy as a loon not of sound mind having a screw loose with a screw loose as mad as a hatter in the ozone not well thought out fanatical not following off your chump off the rails mechanical beyond the bounds of possibility addle-headed addle-pated big unrestrained instinctive unconscious unchecked unbridled inadvertent to death to tears unintended remiss automatic spontaneous involuntary unpremeditated intuitive reflex unintentional unwitting oblivious unfeasible out of control blank unserviceable inoperable non-viable impetuous devil-may-care nonpractical unusable expressionless unmeant blunt untactful feckless napping brutish nonviable desperate precipitous hell-for-leather kamikaze death-or-glory inexpressive deadpan venturous over-venturesome venturesome over-adventurous improbable nonfunctional hopeless chimerical speculative inapplicable infeasible otherworldly ivory-tower unrealizable unviable unattainable unbusinesslike abstract theoretical inefficacious headstrong bold wide open adventuresome breakneck off deep end out on limb impassive won't fly no go vague dreaming poker-faced inscrutable absent abstracted uninterested glassy numb catatonic stony emotionless stolid motionless lifeless indifferent inanimate incurious unexpressive

    Tính từ

    Excessively sentimental or emotional
    sentimental sloppy mushy corny soppy mawkish schmaltzy cloying sugary saccharine drippy slushy maudlin gooey novelettish soupy sugarcoated spooney spoony fruity sticky wet lovey-dovey chocolate-box syrupy weepy romantic cutesy tear-jerking sickly cheesy twee cornball over-sentimental icky overemotional treacly touching gushy sick-making gushing hokey sloshy tearful nostalgic bathetic toe-curling pathetic tender simpering dewy-eyed emotional effusive three-hanky sweet jejune soapy inane nauseating sickening softhearted dreamy impressionable sobby overacted affected idealistic demonstrative vapid passionate insipid oversweet soft honeyed visionary moonstruck languishing rosewater silly hearts-and-flowers lachrymose loving affectionate trite banal sickly-sweet sugar-coated oversentimental Mills-and-Boon tacky three-hankie cute sickly sweet fatuous hacky soft-hearted bromidic ingratiating candied kitsch cornpone kitschy melodramatic schlocky choking campy teary feeble over-emotional self-pitying dime-store corn-fed warmed-over disgusting OTT excessive over-the-top unctuous too much over the top cloyingly sweet pretty picturesque romanticised attractive romanticized poetic pretty-pretty goo-goo misty-eyed soft-focus moving stirring affecting poignant emotive powerful heart-rending heart-warming uplifting harrowing tragic impassioned heartbreaking soul-stirring haunting dramatic exciting thrilling impactful impressive disturbing sad evocative unreserved unrestrained plaintive heartrending precious sensitive fulsome affective melting enthusiastic wistful piteous pitiful upsetting extravagant ebullient rhapsodic expansive hagiographical lyrical adulatory lavish exuberant oleaginous hagiographic saddening over-effusive oily pitiable over-enthusiastic expressive hyped up histrionic laid on with a trowel gentle quaint bijou melancholy depressing dainty namby-pamby controversial dismal blubbery glib hammy voluble bitter painful distressing inflammatory contentious delicate down memory lane overdone sorrowful old-fashioned shopworn hackneyed stale commonplace dull touchy miserable mournful wretched intense overenthusiastic visceral perceptual noncognitive feeling intuitive warming agonizing gut-wrenching awkward hot-button difficult problematic uninhibited agonising agitating perturbing tragicomic affectional heartwarming stunning compassionate mind-blowing sympathetic responsive tactual tactile touchy-feely bittersweet old hat sweet-and-sour with a sting in the tail with mixed emotions

    Tính từ

    Showing a lack of common sense
    crazy foolish idiotic asinine brainless bubbleheaded featherheaded half-witted inept jerky lunkheaded simpleminded tomfool weak-minded airheaded birdbrained boobish brain-dead buffoonish chowderheaded chuckleheaded clownish clueless dense dim dim-witted doltish dopey dopy dorky dull dumb dunderheaded empty-headed fallacious feebleminded gormless idiotical ill-advised imbecile invalid knuckleheaded lamebrain lamebrained mindless moronic nonrational notional oafish obtuse opaque pinheaded simple slow slow-witted soft softheaded surd thick thickheaded thoughtless unconsidered unintelligent unreasoned unreasoning vacuous weak thick-witted stupid daft boneheaded fatuous unsmart witless senseless imbecilic bonehead silly cretinous dozy pea-brained dippy muttonheaded wooden-headed soft in the head barmy thick as two short planks bovine pig-ignorant slow on the uptake wooden fat-headed not the full shilling ignorant vapid naive inane gullible dull-witted dunce-like simple-minded dotish dof loopy dotty scatty unwise daffy harebrained goofy blockheaded halfwitted fool childish half-baked puerile immature mad crackpot feeble-minded damfool divvy rattlebrained braindead glaikit scatterbrained screwy feather-brained giddy slow on uptake boorish soppy dimwitted imprudent clottish blockish unthinking loggerheaded cloddish injudicious mentally deficient as thick as two short planks thick-skulled not intelligent deficient thick-headed mentally handicapped very stupid cockamamy short-sighted irrational ridiculous unreasonable indiscreet ludicrous Boeotian thick as mince woodenheaded nitwitted sluggish stolid dead from the neck up uncomprehending insensitive shallow lumpish illiterate uneducated unschooled untaught imperceptive hebetudinous crass lethargic torpid vacant insensate numskulled nonliterate unlearned benighted analphabetic uninstructed ill-mannered unread unlettered rude untutored dark credulous feeble stupefied numbskulled comatose heavy slumberish blind unperceptive unimaginative anencephalic anencephalous impassive fatheaded foolishly stupid dummy thick-skinned not bright backward unintellectual laughable shortsighted batty dappy log-headed out to lunch superficial not with it duncelike unresponsive limited dizzy frivolous featherbrained skittish ditzy flighty hebete know-nothing hare-brained pea-brain without thought pie-faced negligent careless neglectful forgetful inattentive unmindful mooning rash unaware spaced-out out daydreaming moony out of it

    Tính từ

    Resembling sap (the juice of plants)

    Từ trái nghĩa của sappy

    sappy Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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