Từ đồng nghĩa của thoughtless

Alternative for thoughtless

Từ đồng nghĩa: heedless, uncaring, unheeding, unthinking,

Tính từ

Without consideration of the possible consequences
careless rash reckless heedless imprudent regardless unmindful injudicious negligent neglectful remiss tactless inattentive irreflective mindless unthinking inadvertent incautious precipitate slapdash slipshod undiscerning unheeding unobservant unreasonable unreflective unwise ditsy foolish hasty indifferent indiscreet unconcerned unreasoning apathetic blind deaf flighty irrational listless madcap senseless undiplomatic absent-minded ill-considered ill-advised hot-headed impulsive foolhardy impetuous irresponsible inconsiderate overhasty improvident unconsidered unwary lax devil-may-care brash unguarded temerarious casual slack wild sloppy headlong hotheaded harum-scarum daredevil unconscious hurried haphazard harebrained lackadaisical offhand oblivious cursory daring precipitous adventurous disregardful hare-brained ill-judged ignorant premature forgetful unsystematic spontaneous perfunctory indiscriminate derelict venturesome venturous unpremeditated involuntary uncaring unthought-out messy stupid spur-of-the-moment disorganized imperceptive headstrong lazy myopic audacious unsafe misguided slovenly hit-or-miss helter-skelter kamikaze hell-for-leather instinctive precipitant disorganised slap-happy nonchalant knee-jerk overbold unwatchful delinquent unaware automatic untidy impolitic oscitant napping uncircumspect sudden bold insensitive passionate unperceptive pell-mell jumping to conclusions mechanical loose shoddy unintended unintentional unthorough impractical unwitting ill-conceived reflex all over the place all over the shop silly overconfident neglecting erratic rushed blithe unorganized unmethodical gadarene shambolic behindhand flying disorderly intuitive uncomprehending over-adventurous breakneck unalert unvigilant off-guard fiery frenzied insuppressible immature determined furious inadvisable capricious drive-by unperceiving thrown together reactive nearsighted carefree unseeing shabby uncareful purblind unmeticulous short-sighted unorganised brutish random playing with fire last-minute ill-thought-out witless unplanned instinctual unmeant clumsy giddy feckless frivolous dozy insouciant near-sighted uncontrolled indelicate credulous unprepared chaotic unfastidious short-term dull adventuresome unadvised unthoughtful death-or-glory imperfect faulty botched threadbare inexact junky inaccurate robotic mechanic careless of tardy fainéant over-venturesome natural fast and loose abrupt unwilled asleep at switch habitual unmeditated careless of one's duty fly-by-night ad hoc badly thought out not thought through any old way untroubled unworried cool impercipient unselective undiscriminating suicidal scatty gratuitous failing misjudged insentient disordered muddled abstracted risky crazy desperate procrastinating whirlwind dangerous without regard heady crackpot short-range restricted unsagacious astigmatic limited uncritical dotty dippy inconstant scatterbrained divvy cavalier poor jumbled unprofessional inane wanton mad uncreative unimaginative unduly quick obtuse unsympathetic failing to show proper care and attention graceless romping light-minded asleep at the switch out to lunch vacant blunt untactful outrageous uninformed self-destructive radge crackbrained disinterested otiose faineant couldn't-care-less shortsighted unadvisable inexpedient promiscuous off one's guard wide open rushing rough tempestuous indiscriminating barbarous barbaric reflexive subconscious unconditioned unwarned unknowing unsuspecting off deep end out on limb wacky lively daft unbidden lacking foresight barratrous dilatory indolent leaving self wide open off the deep end uncalled for extemporaneous impromptu snap gut whimsical uninhibited in the dark blameworthy culpable slothful defaultant inconsistent daydreaming reprehensible slow woolgathering uninterested emotional unprompted freakish unrepressed autogenetic routine unforced unpredictable abandoned quick not in the loop uncautious wary swift hectic superficial speedy unexpected predictable heedless of at fault ad-lib jumping the gun winging it fast-and-loose paying no heed to inattentive to neglectful of blind to unheeding of regardless of taking no notice of disregardful of unconscious of deaf to not paying attention oblivious to caught napping foot-in-mouth not careful asleep at the wheel leading with one's chin off guard pay no mind sticking one's neck out asleep on the job accidental asleep on job any which way chance thrown-together desultory stray aimless scattered catch-as-catch-can arbitrary detached immediate expected dispassionate unheedful incurious relaxed innocent fortuitous incidental uncalculated flukey fluky laid-back coincidental undevised unthought undesigned failing to take proper care tearaway not on purpose overventuresome unsmart out of control bull-in-a-china-shop

Tính từ

Carried out without the benefit of wise counsel or careful deliberation, or carried out with unwise counsel
ill-considered foolish indiscreet senseless silly impolitic unintelligent foolhardy reckless misguided witless inappropriate inadvisable inept unsound improvident inane naive immature childish undesirable unfortunate short-sighted stupid brainless imprudent idiotic unwise injudicious mindless ill-advised irresponsible rash fatuous birdbrained harebrained incautious asinine dumb unreasonable daft dopey scatterbrained dim-witted empty-headed half-witted flighty careless nonsensical dippy giddy irrational imbecilic moronic ridiculous dim vacuous futile damfool goofy thickheaded featherbrained half-baked frivolous absurd pea-brained pointless crazy illogical feather-brained nutty crackbrained lamebrained gormless dotty bubbleheaded chowderheaded glaikit dizzy ill-judged simpleminded mad ditzy puerile obtuse weak-minded wacky lunkheaded hare-brained doltish wooden-headed dotish preposterous crackpot wrong-headed ditsy hasty imbecile lamebrain simple pinheaded unthinking flippant dunderheaded brain-dead chuckleheaded slow-witted scatty impractical risible thick laughable sappy insane dull lunatic batty frothy yeasty ignorant undiplomatic screwy light-minded soft cretinous tactless superficial softheaded dopy boneheaded inexpedient light-headed divvy shallow thick-witted dappy dof tomfool unreasoning vapid jerky featherheaded ludicrous zany dense nonrational cuckoo slow unreasoned idiotical barmy oafish kooky daffy opaque lightheaded erratic knuckleheaded dorky airheaded overhasty clueless ill-conceived indelicate graceless brash madcap risky derisible heedless unconsidered impulsive loony screwball looney fool whacky kookie weak wrong skittish cockeyed balmy trifling negligent meaningless light-hearted unsmart dozy forgetful bonehead inattentive blockheaded loopy muttonheaded fat-headed facetious bird-brained vacant flip non-serious ill-thought-out improper unsuitable fallacious invalid whimsical cock-eyed disorganized bizarre fruitless dreamy capricious feebleminded wild vain feather-headed absent-minded pie-faced woolly-headed unreliable rattlebrained nitwitted cockamamie know-nothing not with it disorganised cockamamy uneducated dead from the neck up fickle halfwitted inconsistent fantastic glib jokey joking waggish outrageous unadvisable fanciful fantastical extravagant impracticable unworkable unpractical disadvantageous simple-minded purposeless unreal poor detrimental misconceived sluggish bad sportive frolicsome jocose unsensible inconvenient unadvised unrecommended farcical empty damaging prejudicial harmful spur of the moment illiterate potty aberrant anencephalic as thick as two short planks anencephalous inopportune worthless not the full shilling slow on the uptake untaught unschooled pea-brain soft in the head pig-ignorant blockish not recommended tearaway insensate stolid neglectful pathetic derisive derisory comical braindead infantile merry out of it unmindful mooning unaware spaced-out out daydreaming moony ignoramus unsystematic crass wishy-washy flat innocuous insipid juvenile idle surd boobish clownish notional buffoonish squirrelly idiotish very stupid smooth-brained smoothbrained slaphappy wool-gathering devoid of intelligence lacking knowledge vague lacking seriousness nonserious lighthearted lacking in sense tongue-in-cheek gay volatile perky light playful unprofound not thinking clearly with a mind like a sieve inconsequential not serious excitable illegitimate inconsequent impetuous insouciant carefree excited gaga bemused bad-tempered stroppy far-fetched contradictory perverse loose reasonless full of hot air incongruous quirky ill-tempered off the wall arbitrary incoherent all wet unseemly badly planned hotheaded inconsiderate confused off the top of one's head unstable muddle-headed sheepheaded implausible unbelievable unthinkable incredible strange shocking grotesque weird eccentric monstrous astonishing peculiar unusual odd unrealistic inconceivable outlandish unsubstantial groundless false contemptible flimsy bewildering mystifying extraordinary baffling puzzling full of holes incomprehensible queer unconvincing surreal erroneous untenable feeble funny slang tenuous trivial impossible controvertible petty out to lunch baseless hollow off your head ungrounded wishful off beam way out paltry unpersuasive assailable weakly changeable dipsy airbrained unintelligible complacent inadequate childlike unsatisfactory unmeaning hilarious comic donkeyish obstinate foolheaded extreme freaky excessive harum-scarum burlesque droll transparent insufficient exorbitant dimwitted inconstant gelastic far-out unsteady mercurial extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible heady wackadoodle nonconformist crazy-ass abnormal unique freakish wackadoo phenomenal too much Boeotian out of the question taking the cake outré dreamlike offbeat rum remarkable funky quixotic weirdo doolally gonzo lame dull-witted wacko off your trolley off-the-wall off-kilter off the air up the pole beyond all reason out of all reason simplistic schematic lightweight insubstantial unsupported incorrect faulty facile cursory surface sketchy oversimplified uncritical specious unscientific spurious unjustifiable unjustified skin-deep piddling unscholarly one-dimensional unbacked flawed inconclusive sophistical casuistic unfounded unproved sophistic irrelevant unconnected irreconcilable self-contradictory beyond belief ill-founded lacking substance flakey flaky not following without foundation without basis unhinged deranged demented maniacal not making sense beyond the bounds of possibility

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Having an unkind or spiteful character or nature
mean unkind nasty spiteful foul malicious malevolent despicable contemptible obnoxious vile odious loathsome disagreeable unpleasant unfriendly uncharitable insensitive shabby unfair callous cruel inconsiderate vicious base low horrible horrid hateful hurtful heartless rotten low-down vindictive wicked bad beastly hostile coldhearted uncaring unfeeling unsympathetic catty harsh malignant gross ill-natured inhuman inhumane barbarous brutal cold-blooded hard-hearted not nice sadistic savage snide despiteful malign virulent currish deplorable detestable dirty dishonourable dishonorable execrable ignominious low-minded scummy mean-spirited ungenerous selfish unworthy shameful cheap pitiless ruthless compassionless wounding merciless cold-hearted upsetting shoddy ignoble disreputable unkindly inhospitable unamiable uncivil discreditable sorry hardhearted unchristian ungentlemanly ill hard scurvy disgraceful mercenary shady beggarly inglorious disrespectful natty despisable miserly stingy unreasonable sordid wretched reprehensible unprincipled infamous abject paltry immoral heinous disgusting abominable scandalous villainous offensive corrupt unscrupulous blameworthy degrading nefarious dastardly lousy shocking wrong depraved crooked appalling treacherous opprobrious degenerate worthless unrespectable abhorrent notorious knavish filthy shameless egregious flagitious beyond contempt dishonest distasteful atrocious revolting pitiful humiliating unspeakable dirty rotten sinful miserable monstrous reprobate underhand shy louche deceitful degraded grubby lame diabolical ratty sneaking cowardly scabby beyond the pale obscene improper untrustworthy no-good evil poor unsavoury rascally scoundrelly vulgar pitiable iniquitous inexcusable unforgivable pathetic dreadful unacceptable unethical fiendish outrageous deceptive indefensible terrible fraudulent underhanded lamentable unsavory cruddy stinking impure undignified unlawful servile menial unbecoming not cricket out of order below the belt off-color shaming repulsive ugly repugnant objectionable devilish debased repellent petty squalid unwarranted sly nauseating roguish off coarse indecent perverted illegal lewd sad awful sneaky slimy dark crass unrighteous debauched exceptionable diabolic blackguardly criminal dissolute black scungy sleazy low-life illegitimate uncalled for devious inequitable caitiff illicit inelegant unpardonable debasing intolerable unseemly embarrassing poxy culpable perfidious traitorous disdainable unjustifiable unfortunate regrettable poisonous unheroic unsuccessful unregenerate hateworthy measly remiss ungodly wrongful swinish outcast inferior demeaning mortifying failed irreligious sacrilegious profane impious unholy blasphemous mischievous erring fallen dislikable horrifying murderous godless craven pixieish tricksy impish scampish arch pixie lying leprechaunish waggish puckish pixy prankish elvish opprobious miscreant putrid sullied tainted bent lawless unsporting crafty unchivalrous warped malfeasant beneath contempt below contempt double-dealing peccable immodest ribald intemperate flagrant unclean drunken carnal profligate cunning wily frolicsome arrant black-hearted morally wrong Machiavellian cheating shifty conniving designing calculating guileful peasant ordinary reproachful modest simple plain deceiving unsportsmanly shrewd unsportsmanlike slick scheming impoverished destitute needy poverty-stricken sickening ill-gotten against the rules Janus-faced off-putting indigent penniless beggared yucky penurious impecunious gut-churning hellish icky sick-making God-awful damnable vomitous sick bogging noisome noxious yucko disgustful loathly skint needful pauperized dirt-poor broke necessitous threadbare down-and-out famished distressed abandoned tawdry graceless hard up vomit-inducing meagre meager

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Treating serious issues with inappropriate humor
wise flippant facetious flip cheeky pert smart amusing jocular playful jokey mischievous tongue-in-cheek whimsical cute frivolous sarcastic witty disrespectful glib irreverent offhand impertinent impudent rude superficial carefree irresponsible saucy shallow insouciant overfamiliar sassy brassy cocky dismissive insolent comical funny humorous lippy puckish light-hearted smart-aleck smart-alecky smarty-pants waggish droll jocose comic entertaining chucklesome joking sportive diverting jesting teasing merry clever joshing laughable roguish lighthearted frolicsome farcical hilarious ridiculous ludicrous lively risible mirthful pleasant impish wacky campy camp jolly high-spirited arch unserious bantering silly gay cheerful wry in jest blithe rib-tickling sidesplitting screaming fun side-splitting tongue in cheek in fun wisecracking satirical sparkling priceless killing riotous uproarious comedic humoristic hysterical ludic spirited zany antic hysteric absurd quick-witted ironic boffo sharp quick for grins sly ingenious delightful enjoyable fresh jovial pixieish prankish tricksy scampish pixy pixie leprechaunish rascally devilish knavish wicked elvish rollicking pleasing jocund sharp-witted engaging as a joke to tease snappy scintillating joyous dry crazy slapstick flakey for a laugh putting one on highbrowed flaky gelastic light gagged up too funny for words pulling one's leg not serious casual inane inappropriate sardonic naughty precious cutesy elfin breezy mincingly clever flirtatious interesting good-natured eccentric pixyish clownish beguiling novel cheering gratifying pleasurable charming gladdening lightweight nimble-witted elfish mysterious agreeable gut-busting enchanting original odd preposterous quirky quaint pointed snazzy tactful profound racy cutting quick on the draw quick on the uptake cut up off-the-wall oddball piquant epigrammatic kittenish jaunty clowning bubbly gamesome brilliant incisive adept smooth recreative hysterically funny crack-up riot quizzical laffer frisky fanciful sprightly capering a card loony jerky goofy fool dippy a scream fool-headed nutty fool around batty killingly funny a hoot gump dizzy screwy goofus crazy shtick Mickey Mouse a caution a laugh apt agile bold highbrow brazen cool nimble ready nifty trivial trifling full of life happy-go-lucky wanton fun-loving recreational fun-filled animated bright penetrating keen piercing intelligent chipper flighty ribald cheery laughing blithesome sunny gleeful festive joculous happy good-humoured good-humored daffy

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Showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings
insensitive unfeeling thick-skinned callous heartless uncaring unconcerned cold-blooded compassionless hard hard-hearted inconsiderate unsympathetic merciless pitiless cold-hearted indifferent inhuman stony-hearted uncharitable unkind affectless case-hardened crass cruel desensitised desensitized hard-boiled hardened harsh indurate inhumane insensate ironhearted obdurate pachydermatous remorseless ruthless slash-and-burn soulless stoney stony stonyhearted take-no-prisoners tough unmerciful unresponsive unsparing imperceptive lacking compassion obtuse tactless unpitying unsusceptible aloof bloodless cold coldhearted feelingless hardhearted impervious inattentive incurious oblivious unaffected unmoved unsensitive as hard as nails inured to with a heart of stone hard as nails selfish uncompassionate apathetic mean ungenerous unforgiving unfriendly inured heedless mean-spirited unpleasant self-centred unfair ungracious stingy stern severe unempathetic uncompromising unchristian inflexible censorious unmindful hurtful unsympathizing spiteful self-centered blind indifferent to insensible of heedless of insensitive to insensitive of insensible to disregardful of brutal barbarous savage unemotional relentless implacable sadistic unbending barbaric unrelenting hard-nosed inexorable unyielding steely fierce grim intolerant marble-hearted vicious insensible impassive unremitting hard-bitten rigorous bestial cutthroat cut-throat dog-eat-dog monstrous austere wanton strict vindictive sanguinary dispassionate cool fiendish diabolical frigid anesthetized deadened indurated ferocious adamant untouched inclement heinous evil wicked spiritless unappeasable feral bloodthirsty icy unloving stolid stone-hearted atrocious draconian rigid anaesthetized firm illiberal exacting surly fell unkindly brute truculent beastly dastardly butcherly toughened flagitious egregious imperturbable stubborn without sentiment emotionless matter-of-fact deaf to cold fish numb devilish stringent demanding depraved hellish solid brutish hatchetjob coldblooded satanic dead uncommiserating cynical premeditated appalling lifeless armour-plated invulnerable unsentimental killer rancorous mortal ironfisted malevolent revengeful punishing killer instinct mechanical hard-headed world-weary tyrannous punitive constant vengeful disinterested repellent halfhearted lukewarm aversive repugnant benumbed hard-as-nails seasoned stiff unimpressionable torpid insentient careless impenitent without pity avaricious unregenerate murderous greedy forbidding unrepenting bloody indefatigable uncontrite sour tyrannical gray subhuman faceless grey utilitarian inexpressive bleak unamiable churlish sensationless crotchety cantankerous uncordial lacking sentiment hard-line hard-edged hard-shelled rough obstinate headstrong with a hide like an elephant unflinching toughened by experience blind to as tough as old boots wolfish malicious malign cannibalistic malignant hateful iron-fisted uncalled-for mean machine having a killer instinct unimpressed unstirred blank expressionless deadpan flinty unruffled dry-eyed undismayed unperturbed untroubled frosty chilly stoical unworried hostile unwelcoming fixed adamantine uninterested unflappable Rhadamanthine equable phlegmatic immune poker-faced nonplussed impassible collected stoic resolute calm unmindful of impervious to proof against oblivious to immune to

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Rather rude, curt or abrupt in speech or manner
short abrupt blunt brusque curt snappy terse testy abrasive crude uncivil caustic impolite pointed unceremonious brief brusk rough snippy impatient impetuous offhand snippety undiplomatic bluff cavalier sharp snappish churlish irascible tart ungracious brisk discourteous unfriendly gruff harsh petulant breviloquent rude surly unmannerly crusty direct graceless bad-mannered bad-tempered ill-mannered ill-tempered no-nonsense short-spoken short-tempered matter-of-fact to the point disrespectful ill-bred impertinent impudent inconsiderate insolent uncouth unmannered boorish unhandsome uncalled-for mannerless cheeky ungentlemanly unladylike loutish fresh oafish ungallant coarse unrefined audacious vulgar flip insulting presumptuous offensive ignorant unchivalrous crass gross abusive sassy brash indelicate sullen contumelious malapert tactless disgracious bold brazen insensitive uncultured derogatory unpleasant disparaging cocky saucy arrogant indecorous brassy misbehaved nervy smart-alecky underbred lippy forward unpolished disagreeable roughneck common uncultivated cocksure pert badly behaved unkind brazen-faced uncomplimentary ungenteel arch wise bold-faced brassbound inaffable uncivilized low-bred insubordinate disdainful uncharitable out-of-line raw impolitic smart alecky uncivilised intrusive gauche bearish off hostile offish inhospitable unfortunate mouthy overbearing yokelish crabbed bounderish peremptory ill-humored ill-humoured ill-behaved lowbrow irritable moody contemptuous rough-hewn insensible tasteless lowbred raffish low rugged incult illiberal irreverent raunchy tacky loud-mouthed loud cheap scornful derisive flippant unfeeling uncaring frank hurtful outspoken unsympathetic shameless sacrilegious profane impious profanatory aweless unfilial blasphemous cruel unconsiderate brass-necked personal unsubtle uncalled for speaking as one finds plain-spoken calling a spade a spade pushy lumpish inelegant obnoxious philistine obtuse meddling meddlesome prying out of line inquisitive off base incongruous procacious smart unsuitable interfering nosy self-assertive self-confident assertive thrusting bumptious overconfident hubristic effervescent impulsive brazenfaced trashy self-asserting aggressive pushing incautious full of oneself full of yourself rash hotheaded forceful bright uppity hasty vivacious heedless precipitate headlong untactful maladroit presuming as bold as brass uncourteous rustic inurbane

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Deserving of contempt
sorry despicable abhorrent appalling deplorable disgraceful dishonorable disreputable execrable ignoble reprehensible shameless underhanded wretched abominable contemptible deceitful degenerate despisable detestable dirty disagreeable discreditable dishonourable shameful unsavory unsavoury vile abject base cheap disrespectful lame loathsome lousy malevolent malicious meanspirited nasty odious sleazy sordid unethical unprincipled unscrupulous crass cruddy deceptive depraved disdainable graceless grubby ignominious immoral indecent malignant mean nefarious ratty scabby scummy shoddy slipshod sneaky vulgar scurvy slimy sneaking good-for-naught good-for-nothing meritless no-account no-count no-good paltry pitiful pitiable low rotten offensive scandalous disgusting low-down shocking wicked revolting bad unworthy hateful beastly shabby foul corrupt repugnant distasteful dreadful awful atrocious villainous unpleasant repulsive horrible shady repellent miserable heinous infamous nauseating horrid obnoxious terrible filthy worthless snide evil currish degrading inglorious sickening unfair low-minded squalid diabolical yucky gross ugly obscene yucko God-awful monstrous outrageous iniquitous vicious opprobrious objectionable noxious frightful noisome icky illegal beggarly stinking humiliating black off-putting loathly debasing disgustful hellish ungentlemanly unsportsmanlike sick-making notorious unseemly improper debased sinful louche crooked egregious sad shy unrespectable dishonest unspeakable unappetizing nauseous pathetic hideous horrendous unpalatable horrifying grotty malodorous dissolute rancid uninviting smelly poor rank acrid ghastly putrid fetid skanky polluted gruesome mephitic pongy stinky whiffy smudged bedraggled stained mucky besmirched repellant yukky befouled smutty blackened miasmal sullied unwelcome bemired dusty unclean uncleanly sour niffy fulsome dingy draggled bitter grimy grungy funky displeasing uncongenial unlovely unpleasing harsh muddy begrimed soiled festy olid foetid poison bum ungodly unholy shaming mortifying on the nose beyond contempt undignified treacherous untrustworthy indecorous degraded rascally abandoned unforgivable wrong reprobate knavish cowardly flagitious unlawful coarse evil-smelling foul-smelling criminal petty scungy shifty not cricket questionable caitiff beyond the pale lowly useless shiftless blameworthy incompetent feckless unkind mean-spirited tawdry ungenerous dislikable detested execrated hateworthy measly perfidious traitorous slavish humble servile menial despised exceptionable ill-famed unsuitable swinish outcast inferior accursed godawful abominated hated loathed abhorred perverse unhealthy ill-reputed miscreant scoundrelly blackguardly unladylike grody hateable inexcusable trashy indelicate common plebeian selfish stingy cruel natty miserly mercenary inconsiderate beneath contempt low-life below contempt dirty rotten fraudulent demeaning unrefined unbefitting unfitting cheapening unbecoming tragic maggot embarrassing lamentable unacceptable senseless grievous unfortunate preposterous unsporting crafty infra dig belittling lowering inelegant double-dealing ridiculous unpardonable unconscionable foolish undesirable indefensible sly underhand cunning devious wily seedy suspect disorderly insupportable abysmal dire disastrous intolerable untoward unceremonious inappropriate Machiavellian cheating conniving designing calculating guileful of bad reputation dubious suspicious seamy slippery unwholesome humiliatory unjustifiable calamitous distressing grim regrettable illegitimate deceiving inequitable unsportsmanly shrewd fishy dodgy slick scheming beneath you lacking dignity crummy woeful unbearable heartbreaking mournful insufferable in low esteem licentious in the doghouse no good lewd derogatory in bad libidinous discomfiting illicit below the belt off-color ill-gotten against the rules Janus-faced out of order very bad beneath your dignity perverted dark diabolic debauched gut-churning fiendish damnable devilish vomitous unrighteous sick bogging impure vomit-inducing dissipated profligate decadent rakish warped libertine wanton dastardly loose rough amoral demoralized rakehell jackleg rakehelly demoralised wrongful unvirtuous promiscuous fallen bent corrupted fast sleazoid culpable rude funny erring unchaste out of place incongruous venal impolite lecherous errant delinquent vitiated immodest blamable out of keeping whorish lawless frowned on X-rated morally wrong lowlife of easy virtue uncouth censurable reproachable malapropos remiss indiscreet infelicitous lustful tasteless retrograde amiss inept incorrect inapposite unapt inapt condemnable lascivious blameable retrogressive profane unfit uncharitable in poor taste crude bribable impious reprovable guilty faithless vice-ridden unprintable pornographic malfeasant bawdy at fault intemperate wild barbarous sinister flagrant ribald felonious in bad taste black-hearted two-faced self-seeking sleazo disturbing disappointing tarnished opprobious lax unpopular infernal unheroic unsuccessful scurrilous failed negligent avaricious satanic boorish churlish irreligious sacrilegious blasphemous poxy calculated covetous prodigal degenerated pervy glaring iffy murderous godless vulgarized vulgarised drunken carnal tainted roguish unprofessional demeaned sinking flatitious failing easy peccable responsible offending answerable roundheeled swinging careless disrespectable imprudent heedless salacious lubricious blameful chargeable unblushing irresponsible inconstant to blame no better than one should be out of control high living desperate backbiting maligning vilifying traducing detractive untrue gossiping crying detracting goatish raunchy hot blue lubricous porny satyric concupiscent passionate itchy stag randy horny hypersexual gutter ill-advised unhappy inconsistent incompatible red hot highly improper in the wrong deserving blame rowdy ruffian raffish undeserving beneath wayward cutthroat ruthless brutal merciless locker-room ineligible inhumane callous inhuman saturnalian unjust forbidden taboo legendary well-known fabled demeritorious unfitting to recreant valueless nothing improper to unmerited unsuitable for inappropriate to pitiless unfeeling rancorous self-indulgent disparaging forbidding exploitative hard-hearted bloodthirsty heartless wrathful demonic scrofulous evil-minded vengeful contemptuous grisly pernicious conscienceless cold-blooded savage tyrannical incorrigible scornful maleficent brutish defiled despiteful bestial unconscientious sadistic virulent inexorable vindictive disdainful spiteful funny-looking queer-looking dishonest-looking guilty-looking mysterious-looking strange-looking corruptible prohibited proscribed grafting swindling buyable out of character not deserving not worth not good enough out of place with out of character with unbecoming to not fit profiteering tricky ineffable interdicted censored banned unfaithful out of the way extortionate suborned open indescribable unutterable on the take gone to the dogs hollow-hearted fast and loose out of bounds off limits disapproved of unmentionable impermissible restricted off-limits of ill-repute no go not to be spoken of that dare not speak its name

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Lacking in purpose or use
purposeless aimless needless unnecessary goalless meaningless pointless senseless trifling unreasonable useless vacuous designless empty frivolous futile illogical indiscriminate irrational mindless nonsensical otiose purportless valueless vapid wanton witless brainless desultory feckless inane insignificant inutile motiveless random unhelpful unprofitable worthless barren drifting floundering haphazard profitless ridiculous undirected unpurposed wanky uncalled-for good-for-nothing hit-or-miss uncalled for without rhyme or reason wishy-washy fruitless unproductive vain irrelevant hollow trivial unavailing inconsequential unimportant idle ineffective redundant directionless nugatory gratuitous to no purpose ineffectual superfluous wandering bootless objectless in vain casual of no use groundless stupid fatuous vacant insubstantial dispensable hopeless unwarranted inessential expendable nonessential unsuccessful abortive wasted unwanted unrequired unneeded adrift unessential non-essential paltry peripheral silly absurd flat puerile foolish unrewarding insipid footling undesired empty-headed excessive inefficacious flighty chaffy blind null incidental uncritical avoidable causeless careless extraneous junky no-good extrinsic impotent petty optional unmerited cosmetic not required not needed to no avail automatic oblivious objectiveless unprovoked unguided without direction nothing unasked insane negligible throwaway nongermane surplus too much supererogatory miserable thankless no use baseless de trop rudderless exorbitant superficial dull unsalable not pertinent rambling unfounded surplus to requirements additional boring to no effect unsatisfactory erratic shallow minor lightweight stale uninspiring niggling flippant of no avail lacking foundation without grounds not serious without foundation of no earthly use dry uninteresting unreal vagrant capricious lost heedless cheap banal tedious arid commonplace time-wasting without depth dead unsubstantial lacklustre dreary monotonous drab sterile unstimulating prosaic lifeless humdrum driftless unfruitful unprolific unfilled clear unmeaning unsound daft lackluster of no value idiotic unintelligent asinine imbecilic cretinous ludicrous risible moronic unsystematic unthinking confused undiscriminating goofy unselective unmethodical damfool dim divvy childish gormless infantile half-baked laughable dumb unconsidered crass immature harebrained dof weak innocuous glaikit sappy chaotic scattershot devoid of intelligence undiscerning undifferentiating arbitrary unplanned hit or miss higgledy-piggledy disposable fortuitous noncompulsory prodigal accidental undesirable chance no need beside the point

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Strict or exacting in standards
heavy-handed harsh oppressive hard severe insensitive overbearing stern tactless autocratic despotic high-handed austere authoritarian flinty inconsiderate merciless ramrod rigid rigorous ruthless strict tough tyrannical bungling domineering draconian inept undiplomatic brutal coercive cruel excessive forceful hardhanded OTT overstrict sadistic over the top inhuman rough pitiless relentless iron-fisted heavy stiff murderous onerous grim dictatorial repressive tyrannous punitive mean burdensome trying rugged excruciating searing grievous bitter inflexible drastic unyielding heartless unbending arbitrary unfeeling unjust swingeing unmerciful imperious hard-hearted abusive undemocratic callous unreasonable unsympathetic suppressive anti-democratic peremptory illiberal iron-handed overweening exacting ironhanded demanding inordinate absolute outrageous extortionate sky-high penal punishing stringent unsparing maleficent tormenting torturous brutish wolfish violent barbaric savage truculent fascistic totalitarian unrelenting barbarous autocratical dominating extreme summary unkind adamant bossy masterful czarist tsarist authoritative magisterial bullying monocratic dour inhumane intolerant Neronian unforgiving exorbitant steely stony hard-shell hard-nosed unpitying critical hard-boiled obdurate very severe crushing overwhelming firm unemotional inexorable unfair disheartening gloomy backbreaking rough going bleak discouraging weighty worrying sombre distressing troublesome stressful hefty dismal exigent depressive troubling dispiriting somber taxing depressing confining headache superincumbent unpleasant difficult arduous harrowing disagreeable strenuous gruelling hostile dire grueling bad inclement intemperate challenging irksome awful testing vexatious fatiguing intolerable toilsome formidable strong wearing exhausting uphill laborious tiring wretched upsetting wearisome unfriendly forbidding traumatic disturbing great hellish intense uncomfortable wild tortuous spartan straitened dark terrible vicious inhospitable discomforting moiling sweaty hellacious herculean unbearable killer effortful frustrating pressured biting comfortless desperate Draconian serious radical fraught exasperating aggravating vexing bothersome pestilent sticky tight tricky uncompromising punitory stormy turbulent tempestuous worrisome tumultuous a stinker of a inconvenient awkward Herculean killing back-breaking a nuisance persnickety an imposition wearying carking undue immoderate crippling towering unconscionable steep sharp painful hardheaded intractable overdue insane plethoric baroque overextravagant extravagant overmuch headstrong devilish galling poignant nasty robust agonizing heartbreaking fierce disquieting heart-rending miserable rotten distasteful unpalatable yukky hurtful yucky afflicting heartrending chilling displeasing uncongenial unlovely unwelcome unhappy unpleasing unsavory tragic ferocious sour sad wicked remorseless icky mortifying sore distressful agonising offensive unsavoury calamitous provoking annoying afflictive gut-wrenching

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Deficient in something needed or usual
absent abstracted distracted preoccupied absent-minded blank vague empty vacant absorbed daydreaming dreamy musing oblivious inattentive unconscious unaware unheeding bemused careless distrait dreaming negligent absentminded faraway heedless inadvertent neglectful unthinking vacuous wool-gathering far away unmindful unobservant bare deficient devoid hollow minus omitted somewhere else lost in thought miles away in a brown study not with us in short supply expressionless inexpressive deadpan impassive poker-faced inscrutable uninterested stolid glassy idle inane numb stony wooden emotionless catatonic incurious motionless uncomprehending inanimate lifeless indifferent ditzy silly foolish vapid unexpressive witless woolgathering engrossed distant scatterbrained forgetful pensive scatty out to lunch lost thoughtful rapt moony insensible diverted withdrawn remote agitated brooding removed speculative distraught intangible unreal misty shadowy fantastic chimerical phantasmagoric phantasmagorical otherworldly excellent astral unsubstantial mythical introspective marvelous imaginary whimsical nightmarish immaterial introvertive inclined to forget out of this world not there mooning airheaded apt to forget unfocused pipe dreaming marvellous detached intent immersed wrapped up gentle visionary fanciful lulling soothing utopian quixotic impractical calming relaxing idealistic frantic frenzied hysteric hysterical delirious immersed in thought deep in thought out in space beside oneself regardless inobservant unobserving unwatchful unperceiving undiscerning unnoticing apathetic bored listless dozy dull in a world of your own a million miles away lacking concentration not concentrating off-guard off in a world of one's own unresponsive fixed glazed stupid spacey surroundings inconscient meaningless stiff uncommunicative straight-faced masklike noncommittal immobile space cadet goofing off unaware of events confused head in the clouds puzzled bewildered perplexed flustered troubled disregardful slapdash slipshod lax disconcerted ruffled discomposed with a memory like a sieve with a mind like a sieve pestered worried mystified nonplussed harassed befuddled tormented meditative reflective ruminative out of it looking out window amnemonic having a memory like a sieve inattentive to slack remiss in asleep on the job wandering indifferent to negligent about nirvanic not on the job remiss about unwitting oblivious to like an absent-minded professor sloppy remiss lax about fazed confounded hassled sidetracked at sea dreamlike beautiful superb illusory wistful not with it in a reverie with your head in the clouds in a flap driven to distraction

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Pompous, self-important and snobbish
hoity-toity conceited condescending patronising patronizing snobby supercilious superior arrogant disdainful haughty imperious lofty lordly overweening posh proud self-important snobbish snooty uppish uppity dizzy flighty giddy la-di-da pompous pretentious silliness toffee-nosed above oneself high and mighty stuck-up overbearing highfalutin sniffy cavalier snotty toplofty high-and-mighty egotistic presumptuous high-hat contemptuous hifalutin high-handed bumptious huffy toploftical affected prideful cocky scornful stiff-necked egotistical important vainglorious smug aloof huffish insolent fancy-pants elitist chesty self-asserting self-assertive assumptive vain ostentatious puffed up masterful presuming snippy boastful peremptory swollen-headed immodest narcissistic swaggering big-headed overconfident self-centred self-centered egoistic egoistical hubristic pontifical bossy swellheaded biggity self-conceited self-opinionated blustering opinionated brash bigheaded full of oneself grandiose biggety bloated selfish audacious sneering domineering self-satisfied mocking egocentric persnickety aristocratic self-affected self-righteous self-promoting self-contented self-adulatory self-serving self-glorifying self-engrossed self-congratulatory impudent orgulous stuck up assuming cool exclusive ritzy potty scoffing bold brazen autocratic brassy swanky high-flown cheeky bragging jumped up putting on airs contumelious dismissive assured magisterial cocksure high-minded indifferent remote tony on high horse dictatorial know-it-all smarty cold-shoulder pushy refined wise guy on your high horse sure la-de-da flaunting on an ego trip poncey too big for one's boots holier-than-thou gone Hollywood too big for one's breeches portentous confident inflated self-confident chichi too big for your boots high falutin' schmaltzy self-assured campy puffy blusterous stuffy full of yourself dicty complacent consequential ambitious high tyrannical on a high horse cliquish despotic authoritarian commanding airy wiseguy standoffish self-aggrandizing reserved distant detached too big for one's britches nose in the air derisive highbrow discriminatory selective honourable gracious honorable flatulent highfaluting puffed-up showy swollen with pride boasting windy bullish disparaging disrespectful slighting withering forward unblushing saucy boldfaced rude flip wise pert pushful fresh smart-alecky barefaced impertinent throwing one's weight about procacious smart unabashed malapert officious sassy jeering abhorrent insulting snot-nosed mannered contrived lah-di-dah artificial full of airs and graces genteel precious over-refined upper-class full of contempt rejecting antipathetic contemning averse unsympathetic scouting despising repudiating stagy pedantic over-elaborate theatrical turning up your nose at looking down your nose at nervy assertive authoritative dogmatic strutting tyrannous autocratical tyrannic arbitrary forceful oppressive inconsiderate brazen-faced bold-faced imperative doctrinaire inflexible dominating brassbound arch rigid imperial loud wilful harsh sententious aggressive self-loving uncompromising rash pleased with oneself pontificating obstinate unyielding repressive draconian willful offensive insistent severe stiff shameless adamant bombastic imposing uncivil prejudiced opinionative opinioned vaunting impetuous bigoted thrusting iron-handed obdurate heavy-handed intolerant dogmatical obnoxious undemocratic autarchic pigheaded familiar loudmouth overfamiliar anti-democratic obtrusive pushing peacockish strict stubborn overbold impolite free scathing strident self-regarding self-absorbed braggart self-admiring self-applauding belittling pleased with yourself unreserved firm loudmouthed in love with oneself coercive biased absolute full of hot air foolhardy controlling brusque abrupt discourteous hotheaded impulsive impolitic precipitate hasty highhanded emphatic dominant ungracious derisory regnant crowing improper inappropriate totalitarian egomaniac careless positive hotshot iron-fisted summary heedless windbag certain illiberal untactful vivacious wisenheimer single-minded demeaning degrading derogative snide depreciative denigratory detractive derogatory decrying pejorative uncomplimentary depreciatory deprecatory denigrative abusive definite in-your-face bull-headed demanding sardonic dictative loud-mouthed throwing one's weight around defiant of fixed views hard opprobrious blatant think too highly of oneself think a lot of oneself sarcastic self-approving goody-goody have an excessively high opinion of oneself well pleased self-complacent self-flattering extraverted braggy self-pleased self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery extroverted uninhibited proud of oneself offhand puffed elitist powerful casual curt masterly bullying disciplinarian unconcerned insouciant uninterested offensively self-assertive ironhanded overproud high falutin self-obsessed decisive self-willed unceremonious lording it stooping insufferable ranting glib terse cursory off perfunctory preponderant ascendant prevalent majestic regal august judicial stately dignified blowing one's own horn partisan self-opinioned driven grand spectacular magnificent splendid exaggerated flowery overstated priggish wrapped up in oneself take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish la-dee-da complaisant blowhard overhasty previous premature sure of oneself insubordinate compulsatory obligatory mandatory exacting required compulsory indulgent overindulgent over-free relaxed temerarious daredevil reckless madcap effervescent trashy headlong brazenfaced incautious bright maladroit brisk fustian presumptive ill-mannered unmannerly swanking big-mouthed high-pressure enterprising fierce go-getting militant too big for your breeches on one's high horse self-respecting riding for a fall overoptimistic Neronian cynical hypercritical tactless big of preconceived ideas exultant denigrating monocratic as bold as brass lacking civility bad mannered lippy sharp-elbowed clamorous crack-the-whip stern throwing weight around tolerant free-and-easy despicable malicious intrusive stuck on oneself compelling undeniable rigorous decided fixed stringent finished feisty think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas downright unchallengeable entrenched narrow-minded unquestionable categorical unbending out-of-line breezy mannerless off-base pleased crude crass coarse jaunty unshrinking unembarrassed unashamed content absolutist small-minded flushed brass-necked spirited brag boast hot stuff conceity ham phony gall noisy blaring phoney fascistic fanatical one-sided unequivocal tenacious determined wrong-headed formal bullheaded prying protrusive nosey interfering busy meddling intruding meddlesome snoopy over-assertive nosy uncontrolled one-party unaccountable unconstitutional single-party gritty sure of yourself heading for a fall put down grating jarring taunting undiplomatic on ego trip ruthless tsarist czarist merciless bold as brass coming on strong not backwards in coming forwards smart aleck smart guy smarty pants piercing raucous go-ahead subjugating cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill hard-nosed temperamental disapproving upstage I'm all right, Jack well-pleased proud of yourself like a cat that has swallowed the canary flushed with success like the cat that's got the cream strong-willed gaudy ear-splitting vulgar flashy discordant devastating high hat dog it big talking jazzy tinny garish blowing one's own trumpet humiliating high-pitched metallic flirtatious arrant in driver's seat crack the whip solemn stinging biting mortifying blistering blasting searing ponderous snubbing blighting hurtful sonorous grandiloquent declamatory crushing rhetorical overblown oratorical overripe apostolic serious grave headstrong pig-headed

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Done or happening suddenly or quickly
hasty quick fast rapid speedy swift brisk fleet hurried brief fleeting passing short cursory expeditious perfunctory snappy flying impatient blistering breakneck breathless dizzy fiery hot lightning nippy prompt rattling splitting whirlwind zippy galloping hurrying rathe urgent abrupt agile eager harefooted pronto quickened quickie slambang slapdash sudden transitory chop-chop fleet-footed on the double rapid-fire immediate nimble instant instantaneous precipitate summary rushed express alacritous meteoric headlong lively accelerated short-lived desultory momentary superficial sprightly precipitous rash fast-moving casual high-speed expeditive active on-the-spot direct transient temporary sharp mercurial whistle-stop ready unexpected ephemeral sketchy spirited evanescent fugacious impermanent fast-track energetic offhand overnight timely unanticipated unforeseen unthinking punctual rushing spry impulsive flash quick-fire flitting winged unhesitating at speed smart short-term vigorous without delay cracking careless token supersonic PDQ slight inattentive spanking peremptory incidental fugitive little flat-out unceremonious split-second deciduous drive-by limited snap impetuous without warning very fast volant turbo fleet of foot velocious hypersonic double time uninterested surprising in nothing flat up-tempo mechanical overhasty gadarene alert shallow glancing pacey early uncritical depthless dismissive helter-skelter rude half-hearted slipshod light animated half-baked pell-mell fading startling haphazard vivacious awful curtailed violent unlooked-for without notice surface-level temporal straightaway light-footed shifting spasmodic precipitant screaming speedball short and sweet volatile vanishing flashing wee gone in flash ultrarapid ultrafast in wink of an eye unpremeditated forthwith jerky determined no-nonsense resolute efficient prevenient arbitrary anticipatory diligent spur-of-the-moment touch-and-go willing excessive reckless rush effectual effective dangerous tantivy dashing succinct infinitesimal without formality without hesitation bustling severe excruciating dreadful unbearable terrible intense piercing frightful going nifty hurry-up supple nimble-footed acrobatic deft lissom limber lithe with good acceleration hurricane cyclonic tumultuous tornado responsive zooming streaming irresponsible quick-moving lissome speeding ultrasonic adroit furious unenduring interim without discussion fast-tracked dreamlike double-quick barrelling extremely fast dangerously fast fast-paced unfussy purposeless swift-footed unconsidered now or never not to be delayed impromptu acute perishable inadequate nodding trite twinkle-toed lightsome like mad like crazy like lightning explosive unusual speeded quick as a wink shaking a leg hit-or-miss at full tilt trifling uncivil undignified impolite discourteous barreling light of foot imperfect flimsy partial insincere inconsequential feigning paltry flash in the pan here today and gone tomorrow fly-by-night nasty hastening indifferent routine automatic unpleasant not bargained for out of the blue like greased lightning random sloppy off unmannerly unconcerned harsh disagreeable spontaneous lackadaisical losing no time crude disinterested insensible apathetic pococurante uncurious complacent insouciant nonchalant negligent brutal hit or miss incurious slovenly wooden heedless hair-trigger brusque shocking unpredicted unforgiving on the spot in a flash cool phoning it in walking through it laid-back going through the motions

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Showing a casual lack of concern
insouciant nonchalant casual unconcerned untroubled carefree indifferent unworried airy breezy happy-go-lucky heedless unruffled calm composed easy easy-going equable equanimous gay light-hearted relaxed serene sunny apathetic buoyant complacent disinterested frivolous incurious insensible jaunty lacking concern perfunctory pococurante uncurious uninterested unserious cool upbeat careless easygoing free from care free from worry laid back free and easy lackadaisical devil-may-care uncaring blithe irresponsible laid-back detached blasé lax inattentive reckless negligent dispassionate offhand slack lazy slap-happy slipshod unheeding improvident incautious neglectful flippant cursory remiss disregardful impassive feckless derelict slapdash sloppy aloof unmindful delinquent blithely unconcerned without care unfeeling listless distant unthinking unresponsive cavalier tardy regardless uninvolved cheerful uncircumspect unobservant untrustworthy unaccountable unreliable undependable cold good-for-nothing disimpassioned hasty unmoved lukewarm impartial superficial objective unbiased impetuous unprejudiced unconcerned about apathetic towards informal bored loose nonchalant about uninvolved in offhand about uninvolved with withdrawn remote bored by slovenly unmoved by unenthusiastic about lukewarm about phlegmatic about unresponsive to haphazard hit-or-miss unperturbed unimpressible unexcited brash unenthusiastic clinical passive smart artless unstudied effortless leisurely light languid forgetful oscitant negative indolent simple free prankish behindhand neglecting unheedful asleep at switch failing to take proper care sketchy just watching the clock not giving a damn desultory without a care in the world uninquiring hurried summary passing mechanical fleeting token quick brief uncommitted reserved spacey impersonal spaced-out unpassioned stolid abstract removed poker-faced staid lighthearted slaphappy lightsome debonair rapid dismissive wooden optimistic content free-minded out of it half-hearted foolhardy rash daredevil phoning it in walking through it going through the motions precipitous overhasty precipitate carefree and untroubled impulsive hot-headed over-adventurous harum-scarum imprudent over-venturesome headlong wild audacious madcap death-or-glory unwise hare-brained callous living the life of Riley hell-for-leather kamikaze swaggering unsympathetic equitable tearaway temerarious unimpressed passionless casual about uncaring about unemotional heedless of nonpartisan apathetic about uninterested in regardless of neutral frivolous about impervious evenhanded candid just equal fair reckless about careless of emotionless cavalier about dismissive of square mindless of oblivious to unimpressed by based weary weary of nonaligned scornful unsocial unaroused stoical silent haughty uncommunicative phlegmatic diffident superior heartless supercilious highbrow not caring what others think hard-hearted free from care about what others think indifferent to what others think untroubled about what others think unworried about what others think indifferent to incurious about distant from bored stiff going through motions turned off detached from aloof from could care less not giving a monkey's