Từ đồng nghĩa của undisciplined

Alternative for undisciplined

undisciplined /ʌn'disiplind/
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Tính từ

Behaving badly, with a lack of self-control
unruly wayward disobedient disorderly obstreperous uncontrolled wild wilful delinquent disruptive insubordinate intractable naughty perverse recalcitrant refractory unrestrained attention-seeking contrary errant mutinous rebellious turbulent untrained badly behaved capricious uncontrollable ungovernable unschooled unsteady bolshie contumacious stroppy defiant headstrong inconsistent mischievous noncompliant out of control out of hand riotous ungoverned unmanageable lacking self-control rowdy fractious difficult willful boisterous froward stubborn lawless untoward irrepressible rough uncooperative violent restive noisy troublesome incompliant balky rebel recusant obstinate incorrigible unbridled unconstrained awkward intemperate abandoned chaotic unchecked self-willed ill-disciplined uninhibited unbounded uproarious anarchic rampant obdurate raucous loud troublemaking incontrollable indocile rumbustious unhampered uncurbed unhindered unbiddable immoderate rollicking impetuous rascally rude uncompliant roguish roisterous rambunctious clamorous unfettered runaway untrammelled unrestricted non-compliant reckless rampageous impish uncontainable raw misbehaving indomitable wanton unyielding unrestrainable tough unsuppressed undisciplinable untrammeled hysterical exasperating problematic free tumultuous mean knockabout impossible rackety robustious lawbreaking hell-raising insurgent annoying truculent disturbing full-on ugly unimpeded bad quarrelsome licentious rash trying independent ornery badly-behaved upsetting unconventional aggressive exuberant pervicacious inconvenient seditious pugnacious unlimited lively unaccommodating hard belligerent resistant unconfined insuppressible vociferous rip-roaring excessive unsettling unwilling roistering excited renitent rioting irritating romping unpredictable obstinately disobedient bothersome unquenchable unstoppable outrageous brawling anarchical profligate bold loose heedless incontinent erratic vexatious crazy madcap berserk insurrectionary cantankerous tiresome demanding irksome impulsive impervious imprudent forward assertive drunken opinionated bawdy inexorable playful loudmouthed out-of-line bloody-minded running wild impotent out-of-order thorny wrong wicked mulish immoral tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish self-indulgent fiendish gallus out of line impudent insolent ill-behaved unpliable pesky nasty troublous wearisome frenzied devilish argumentative full of mischief unsubduable nonobservant brutal resistive robust loutish vicious limit untamed irresponsible untameable distracting extrovert roughhouse thuggish swaggering swashbuckling cavalier unconcealed crazed rabid enthusiastic divisive fickle corybantic incautious irrational active animated two-fisted rugged factious dissentious treacherous disaffected uncomplying antisocial thrilled raving overexcited bouncy without law and order nuts insurmountable disrupting off-base radge ebullient spirited vibrant frisky high-spirited unlawful giddy flighty wild and woolly individualistic freethinking maverick strong overwhelming intense freaked overpowering resisting insubmissive radical opposing withstanding unbearable undependable intolerable indisciplined deranged disorganised turbid hedonistic uncontained helter-skelter disorganized disordered revolutionary unreasonable aberrant arbitrary artful termagant causing trouble liberated beside oneself drunk misbehaved cross-grained strong-willed in high spirits clangorous like a loose cannon tempestuous unbending out-of-control dysfunctional raunchy kiddish infantile ill-natured sly frolicsome foxy ruffianly thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful rampaging freewheeling individual effervescent strident energetic vociferant over-the-top fast and loose impolite on-a-tear inflexible bull-headed uncompromising incurable inordinate unshackled sinful untimely unfortunate adverse stiff-necked intransigent unmalleable unadaptable natural boundless teasing worthless decontrolled unregimented whiny petulant evil rock-ribbed inopportune unfavorable unfavourable unbound footloose piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous bellicose confrontational combative unrepressed unanticipated ill-timed unexpected raising Cain insoluble hard-line pat pigheaded locked resolute immovable tenacious knotty pertinacious socially impaired hot-tempered disturbed fierce hostile maladjusted scrappy free-spirited spontaneous dissolute frank flamboyant candid audacious impertinent extravagant indiscriminate blunt saturnalian plenary open exaggerated bizarre limitless bad-mannered raising the roof sullen malicious peevish unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed worrying worrisome locked in tough nut hang tough taxing unlucky unwelcome infelicitous inauspicious inapt unsuitable inappropriate tricky vexing perturbing nagging distressing inimical malapropos badly timed unseasonable furious niggling maddening infuriating unpropitious misfortunate unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless plaguy pestiferous arduous concerning pestilential oppressive harassing unsubmissive burdensome disquieting discomposing troubling aggravating laborious discomforting importunate pestilent not controlled murder heavy uphill infestive dangerous alarming damaging painful repressive messy adamant dogged unrelenting hardheaded determined bullheaded implacable firm adamantine hard-nosed hardened steadfast relentless rigid single-minded inconvincible ossified self-opinionated persistent cussed indurate fixed unwavering unpersuadable unshakeable strict iron-willed unflinching strong-minded grim contrarious stubborn as a mule persevering stiff thrawn harsh unshakable rigorous stringent disobliging obstructive severe dissident iron hardline set in one's ways diehard unhelpful stern steely dissentient nonconformist hard-core remorseless brassbound pig-headed draconian exacting staunch hard and fast unswayable pitiless wrong-headed unbendable deaf to reason militant antagonistic authoritarian challenging negative resolved prickly extreme unsparing die-hard drastic unrepentant hard-boiled merciless touchy austere unsympathetic heavy-handed no-nonsense dyed-in-the-wool alienated dogmatic not giving an inch dead set on malcontent standing one's ground haughty purposeful contentious blinkered stalwart iconoclastic picky subversive nonconforming dour undeviating insistent mule insurrectionist dissenting uptight disciplinary cast-iron unresponsive disputatious threatening unmovable ruthless decided heady sharp solid unfaltering unmoved unappeasable dead set stony cruel domineering crabby iron-fisted sensitive immutable irritable hardhearted as stubborn as a mule delicate opinionative feisty chippy callous unsentimental tyrannical set in stone unforgiving cool stand pat hard to handle hard-hearted hard-bitten estranged irreconcilable unconverted unreformed biased illogical renegade inveterate unbudgeable cross intent morose malevolent maleficent spiteful malign assiduous indefatigable tireless forceful narrow-minded shrewish heretical prejudiced intolerant stiffened negativistic averse loath reluctant indisposed hesitant decisive pushy mullish hidebound up in arms with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way unregenerate unalterable apostate schismatic traitorous unorthodox mutinying durable immalleable unbreakable unreceptive boneheaded ungiving unchangeable convinced unimpressible aloof proud inalterable forbidding illiberal bullhead uncompassionate unemotional daring provocative disloyal hard-shell locked-in cold fish proof against persuasion hanging tough problem puritanical invariable with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in contrariant discordant arsey paradoxical disagreeing unflexible crisp doctrinaire restless anarchistic warring armed sabotaging treasonable attacking set tough nut to crack set in your ways wrongheaded antipathetic converse stuffy unpermissive do or die hold one's ground dug in hold the fort standing pat hard as nails sticking to one's guns hold the line disciplinarian ascetical by the book absolute pressing astringent uncharitable imperious dire browbeating formidable ascetic autocratic grave anti overbearing unamenable hard to please fussy sassy gutsy disregardful cheeky dareful fastidious boorish finicky flinty hard-hitting against opposed ready for a fight categorical cramped complex bulky discommodious incommodious disagreeable oafish bearish irascible discontented dissatisfied spoiling for a fight cold testy choosy snappy temperamental querulous critical grumbly uncaring ferocious brick-wall vexed captious disputative hypercritical huffy overcritical particular over-particular dictatorial ungracious finical invidious crotchety uppity sour hard to satisfy perfectionist difficult to handle desperate ramrod hostile to averse to inimical to opposed to ticklish puzzling baffling stony-hearted hard-shelled unfailing undying perplexing sharp-witted clear-sighted shrewd smart canny savvy clear-eyed knowing astute unenthusiastic about grievous onerous sticky intricate catchy everlasting enduring inextinguishable eternal unfading undue punishing punitive crippling bitter hardhanded disinclined to accept reluctant to accept unwilling to accept dead set against problematical hairy mystifying exorbitant unconscionable swingeing towering unmerciful searing murderous excruciating overweening steep imperishable lasting unremitting indestructible constant unconcerned indifferent oblivious overextravagant insane plethoric baroque overmuch overdue inhuman dodgy spiny level-headed rational logical businesslike sober sensible great unhearing unmoved by unconcerned with insensible to unaffected by unconscious of impervious to dispassionate about oblivious to deaf unresponsive to unaware untouched by indifferent to unaware of unmindful of unaffected heedless of to listen blind

Tính từ

Lacking in discipline
chaotic disorderly disorganised disorganized erratic haphazard irregular random unmethodical unorganised unorganized unsystematic confused jumbled lax muddled shambolic slapdash slipshod sloppy in disarray all over the place all over the lot all over the map all over the shop unplanned indiscriminate undirected unpremeditated scattered casual uncoordinated out-of-whack topsy-turvy untrained cluttered heterogeneous dislocated slovenly unkempt tumult uncombed unarranged scrambled unsystematized out-of-line unrestrained out-of-step out-of-control messy mixed up careless arbitrary desultory aimless perfunctory offhand cursory remiss lackadaisical stray uneven hit-or-miss slap-happy helter-skelter trial and error catch-as-catch-can systemless orderless hasty thoughtless heedless hurried negligent slack neglectful unthinking irresponsible untidy loose disordered unpredictable thrown together shoddy incidental hit or miss designless higgledy-piggledy inefficient unconsidered chance purposeless sketchy unfocused blind unstructured last-minute badly organized unthorough without purpose capricious inexact inaccurate devil-may-care nonchalant uncertain fluky clumsy inconsistent hit and miss scrappy uncritical unselective passing brief disconnected incalculable reckless summary superficial chancy accidental hit-and-miss inattentive scattershot precipitous pell-mell rash fleeting drive-by rushed quick unexpected fast speedy imperfect botched shabby wayward occasional unmeticulous at sixes and sevens threadbare faulty lost junky lazy without goal unprepared wanton without direction unsettled directionless unguided slaphappy undiscriminating without a goal disarranged unfastidious couldn't-care-less unregulated incoherent poor unprofessional undiscerning undifferentiating rapid fragmented rambling cheerful happy-go-lucky easy-going insouciant carefree breezy blithe in a mess in a muddle in a shambles out of order lone single freak odd isolated recklessly carelessly hurry-scurry hastily half-hearted slight mechanical token uninterested variable inconstant unstable spasmodic intermittent fitful sporadic off and on thrown-together fly-by-night routine flying overhasty gadarene precipitate headlong automatic disregardful derelict incorrect scatterbrained amateurish neglecting imprecise wrong erroneous error-ridden couldn't care less wild illogical indeterminate whimsical airy shallow swift short half-baked depthless in total disarray in disorder improvident uncontrolled non-linear nonuniform frenzied promiscuous entropic fractal stochastic aleatory unconcerned spontaneous sudden willy-nilly fluke unconscious unsure any which way any old way unforeseeable unfussy iffy dubious dicey touch and go up in the air unknowable undivinable touchy in the balance doubtful

Tính từ

Lacking in experience
young inexperienced green new undeveloped fresh naïve unfledged uninitiated unproven untrained amateur amateurish callow ignorant immature inept inexpert naive tenderfoot unacquainted unfamiliar uninformed unlearned unpractised unqualified unskilled unskillful verdant innocent nonprofessional raw sophomoric unconversant unprofessional unschooled unseasoned unsophisticated untested untried untutored unversed jackleg unaccustomed underdeveloped unpracticed unworldly lacking experience wet behind the ears wide-eyed kid prentice rookie unused wet behind ears unfamiliar with rude spring chicken uninitiate untaught unformed juvenile puerile adolescent unripe unripened unrehearsed born yesterday non-technical unequipped uneducated unchartered unlicensed incompetent incapable uncertificated dilettante lay non-professional illiterate novice untamed nescient uncultivated unprepared not trained wild simple childlike ingenuous artless unknowing unsuspecting guileless unsuspicious unwary youthful simpleminded unaffected credulous gullible naif unwitting primitive oblivious trusting uncritical natural as green as grass dewy-eyed insensible dewy fledgling jejune unaware childish unconscious unread unenlightened impressionable unmindful incognizant benighted uninstructed unlettered witless unknowledgeable unguarded thick trustful in the dark unpretentious budding easily taken in aw-shucks dense moronic clueless imbecilic shallow unsceptical infant birdbrained unstudied over-trusting unintellectual mindless easily deceived obtuse silly uncultured nonliterate open spontaneous cretinous analphabetic exploitable naïf foolish easy backward babyish developing junior easily led misinformed girlish boyish virgin unconversant with inexperienced in stupid unintelligent apprenticed dark dumb dim dopey susceptible confiding pure virginal pubescent childly dozy fatuous vernal unpretending strange tender blind to unpolished simple-minded unused to unacquainted with unaccustomed to a stranger to unversed in new to unpractised in unassuming modest down-to-earth dilettantish unfinished incomplete unexperienced unaccomplished rustic unrefined without airs unbaked jellybean crude sophomore unweaned folksy unartificial clean genuine plain half-grown unscholarly dupable little deceivable idealistic unquestioning daft gullable young-looking youngish unwise just starting out ill-informed over-trustful slow accepting believing not up to divvy infantile young at heart chowderheaded dof dotish novel frivolous newborn glaikit uncorrupted not dry behind ears empty-headed half-witted slow on the uptake easy mark as thick as two short planks unenlightened about ignorant of nescient of uninformed about underage not used strange to in the springtime of life like a babe in the woods in the dark about fresh to a stranger nascent emerging bland newly arrived tenderfooted vulnerable sciolistic unready frank uninhibited ill-educated undeceitful ordinary kidstuff unmellowed sour unstudious first-time uncomplicated uncool country corn-fed uncouth philistine lowbrow homely green as grass blind not ripe wholesome vulgar impractical dull maturing humble unschooled in untutored in unacclimated unadjusted unadapted quiet baby lowly not developed babe in woods inerudite catachrestic solecistic growing up small unskeptical biting sucker mark fleeceable brash reckless simplistic out of the loop unable to read and write real true swallowing whole tumbling for taken in kidding oneself unhabituated to not ready for vigorous manual labouring menial overtrusting falling hook line and sinker taking the bait being a sucker active gauche honest-to-goodness cracker-barrel untalented cowboy spry imprudent provincial parochial teenage unhandy inproficient inadequate laboring awkward fresh-faced sprightly soppy sentimental dovelike unrealistic teary-eyed sinless undefiled teenaged bush-league corny unadulterated cornball authentic homey blue-collar young looking buoyant enthusiastic full of life keen readily swallowing whole readily taken in readily falling for early growing teen newish blossoming blooming unskilled at not associated out of contact unskilled in uninitiated in inconversant unaware of not versed in burgeoning unattempted brainless senseless asinine not aged in one's salad days not far advanced unprecedented unheard-of unknown original crazy idiotic experimental doltish exploratory test pilot prototype trial speculative unestablished unproved fond damfool retarded a newbie to too green not given to not used to a novice at newcome a newcomer to inexperienced at conjectural unsubstantiated unessayed kooky loony cuckoo dotty screwball looney absurd nutty wacky harebrained lunatic mad dunderheaded nonsensical dippy featherheaded cockeyed lamebrained zany tomfool lunkheaded whacky crackpot daffy kookie bubbleheaded preposterous sappy balmy jerky gormless insane unexpert in the experimental stage cute unjaded quaint fool batty boneheaded indiscreet blockheaded half-baked Panglossian countrified weak-minded dim-witted feeble-minded feather-headed hare-brained feather-brained superficial starry-eyed airheaded uncomprehending hebete thick as two short planks pig-ignorant not the full shilling a brick short of a load dead from the neck up two sandwiches short of a picnic

Tính từ

Having a tendency to inflict suffering and pain on others
wanton cruel vicious malicious wilful arbitrary deliberate evil malevolent needless senseless unjustified spiteful unprovoked wicked gratuitous groundless motiveless bad unjustifiable unmotivated willed aimless atrocious barbaric barbarous brutal brute butcherly fiendish heartless inhuman inhumane sadistic savage truculent contrary double-crossing inconsiderate insolent maleficent mean merciless ornery perverse unfair unjust unruly wayward ruthless diabolical monstrous brutish murderous villainous beastly infernal ferocious heinous nefarious bestial nasty vile hellish base pitiless fierce remorseless violent black-hearted horrible bloodthirsty ghastly unspeakable black low dark low-down terrible callous infamous abhorrent cold-blooded odious dreadful flagitious bloody shocking scandalous harsh devilish crude abominable offensive appalling unwarranted coarse horrifying flagrant hideous homicidal vulgar horrid loathsome fell grim awful foul horrendous nauseating sickening intolerable despicable contemptible outrageous demoniac sanguinary corrupt egregious gross ungodly execrable degenerate sinful godawful red in tooth and claw uncouth ravening satanic mindless purposeless crazed ignorant malignant unrelenting destructive unrefined uncultured unlettered demonic wolfish unfeeling implacable accursed Mephistophelian dastardly wretched perverted disgraceful dangerous aggressive gloating iniquitous unreasonable meaningless uncalled-for shameful steep unbearable unendurable immoderate exorbitant insupportable insufferable excessive exasperating impossible OTT extravagant distressing maddening preposterous hellacious O.T.T. extortionate depraved uncivilised depraving debasing extreme uncivilized debauching contumelious notorious scurrilous too great shaming criminal over the top disgracing opprobrious ignoble very bad degraded immoral worthless debased profligate unprincipled licentious lewd miscreant untamed contaminated reprobate putrid impious faulty abandoned insubordinate impure indecent demoralized reprehensible demoralised libidinous wild nightmarish grisly gruesome disgusting hateful harrowing repellent revolting repugnant unforgivable grewsome horrific disgustful lurid macabre sick-making sick loathly terrific scurvy nightmare frightful cacodemonic facinorous grievous desperate hairy grody beyond the pale fearful

Từ trái nghĩa của undisciplined

undisciplined Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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