Từ đồng nghĩa của disruptive

Alternative for disruptive

Từ đồng nghĩa: riotous, troubled, tumultuous, turbulent,

Tính từ

Causing or tending to cause disruption
disorderly troublemaking troublesome unruly disturbing obstreperous rowdy unsettling upsetting attention-seeking riotous undisciplined distracting fractious truculent turbulent uncontrollable unmanageable unrestrained wild divisive errant misbehaving rebellious uncooperative noisy raucous refractory badly behaved disrupting off-base out of control out of hand out-of-line out-of-order causing trouble wayward ungovernable recalcitrant disobedient intractable contumacious insubordinate boisterous difficult wilful mutinous defiant rough lawless ill-disciplined headstrong contrary willful uncontrolled naughty mischievous froward violent anarchic irrepressible incorrigible loud uproarious stroppy chaotic delinquent rumbustious perverse untoward rampageous unbiddable rollicking rude rascally roguish roisterous rambunctious clamorous lawbreaking rackety awkward rebel recusant incompliant balky restive bolshie intemperate uncompliant impish bad exasperating impossible self-willed tumultuous robustious knockabout hell-raising aggressive rioting ugly anarchical noncompliant pugnacious tough incontrollable belligerent stubborn insurrectionary unbridled trying loudmouthed playful tricksy puckish brattish scampish prankish mean gallus fiendish wanton wrong insolent impudent badly-behaved full of mischief devilish ill-behaved limit obstinate brutal non-compliant nonobservant exuberant robust loutish resistive vicious untrained roughhouse unsteady capricious unschooled thuggish hard swashbuckling swaggering cavalier nuts outrageous madcap crazy insurmountable hysterical berserk two-fisted rugged ungoverned inconsistent brawling radge wild and woolly tempestuous vociferous lacking self-control rampaging deranged uncontained immoderate disorganised helter-skelter disorganized disordered revolutionary turbid hedonistic rip-roaring roistering raunchy ruffianly artful kiddish thoughtless immature childish infantile ill-natured inconsiderate sly disrespectful frolicsome foxy bothersome screaming booming strepitous piercing blusterous raising Cain raising the roof antisocial misbehaved unlawful insurgent dysfunctional seditious indisciplined impolite wicked annoying sinful termagant teasing worthless drunk evil whiny petulant problematic out-of-control socially impaired troublous maladjusted confrontational combative argumentative tiresome erratic bold hot-tempered disturbed malicious fierce unrestrainable irksome scrappy pesky uncontainable sullen cantankerous peevish hostile undisciplinable nasty wearisome demanding bellicose indocile bad-mannered lively romping heedless reckless on-a-tear impulsive impetuous impervious drunken opinionated rash bawdy ornery imprudent forward inexorable unyielding assertive quarrelsome out of line clangorous resounding strident blaring deafening clattering thunderous uninhibited thundering ringing harsh blasting roaring sonorous clattery stentorian earsplitting plangent slam-bang ear-piercing high-spirited vehement animated excited shrieking spirited shouting energetic cacophonous ear-splitting reverberating frisky active gruff vigorous merry jovial agitated stormy restless callous cheerful vociferant vocal severe rough-and-tumble criminal rampant passionate insistent frenzied stern forceful in turmoil reverberant carrying full-throated heavy blatant emphatic deep resonant intense ear-popping lusty powerful forte full turned up chattering rootin'-tootin unquiet overexcited bouncy brash talkative ebullient vibrant brusque gleeful inharmonious abandoned bawling confused dangerous jarring in high spirits importunate raging effervescent over-the-top full-on clamorsome unconstrained unchecked unhindered unconventional uncurbed unbounded overpowering unstable unfettered extrovert hardened irregular rowdydowdy ear-shattering dinning explosive roller-coaster unsettled licentious corybantic incautious profligate irrational echoing fulminating strong crashing blustering rich big pealing wakes the dead high-sounding rotund full-mouthed loud-voiced threatening thrilled raving outspoken storming fiery shaking amusing perturbed demonstrative entertaining untamed funny bitter witty destructive overwhelming mighty extremely noisy tremendous almighty giddy flighty full of conflict full of confusion full of upheavals slapstick very loud joyous jaunty carefree hearty farcical clamant cavorting sprightly sparkling jolly at full volume droll vivacious mirthful jocular full of ups and downs strenuous raw casual crude crass coarse offending devil-may-care sportive hectic frank earnest eager candid forthright open plain-spoken direct sinning rollicksome fun-loving lighthearted thumping ripping joyful happy glad head-splitting erring aberrant deviant harum-scarum yawping yauping ranting enthusiastic vociferating caterwauling loud-mouthed yowling squawking wacky culpable transgressing guilty full of beans frantic tiring exacting straying voluble shrill eventful arduous frenetic challenging clearly audible laborious exhausting unorthodox shifting stray hilarious deviating miscreant heretic devious fallible off straight and narrow unreliable meandering errable testing unsparing taxing flustering burdensome madhouse tireless furious bustling fortissimo sharp onerous full on wearing imperious busy action-packed bumpy strict uncompromising firm unfeeling cruel unfair abrasive ruthless unjust excessive unbending unkind unrelenting heartless rigorous insensitive unsympathetic savage curt extreme merciless

Tính từ

Innovative or groundbreaking
ingenious innovational innovative innovatory inventive new novel original avant-garde experimental fresh groundbreaking off-centre unconventional unfamiliar unorthodox unprecedented unusual advanced modern modernistic newfangled pioneering radical revolutionary state-of-the-art trailblazing ultra-modern futuristic neoteric new-fashioned creative imaginative different seminal singular ground-breaking unique cutting-edge leading-edge unknown strange originative untried uncommon contemporary breaking new ground left-field just out clever refreshing visionary rare inspired special untested surprising exotic distinctive artistic inspiring unaccustomed Promethean unheard-of cutting edge out-of-the-box out of the ordinary mould-breaking trendsetting innovating brand-new spearheading artful transformational variational atypical deviceful offbeat recent odd funky peculiar far cry fertile individual individualistic demiurgic resourceful productive avant garde fundamental progressive drastic unhackneyed latest game-changing world-shattering up-and-coming forward-looking extraordinary alternative outlandish unexampled remarkable bizarre unexplored up-to-date obscure exceptional anomalous fashionable current alien trendy present-day little known up-to-the-minute stylish modish hot curious unheard of unparalleled unequalled abnormal unmatched unrivalled incomparable unrivaled unequaled matchless unexpected fantastic newest unexcelled aberrant peerless in signal in vogue without equal out-of-the-way phenomenal cool ultramodern designer amazing mod nifty now space-age red-hot beyond compare popular sui generis one of a kind happening new age with-it unwonted foreign up to date dissimilar brand new distinct outstanding unimaginable up to the minute prodigious freakish flash in fashion striking snazzy all the rage chic record untypical freak remote uninvestigated recondite beyond your ken outré momentous marvellous hip outre marvelous idiosyncratic eccentric miraculous preternatural intriguing without parallel modern-day with it modernized first-time modernised latter-day high-tech faddish a la mode in a league of its own welcome quirky stimulating fringe newborn out of the common subversive afresh not just another this season's new-fangled in style neat voguish underground smart quaint dewy recently discovered queer timely uncharted unrecognised unrecognized uncustomary uncanny weird inexplicable mysterious oddball swinging previously unencountered outside one's experience newfound natty leading edge go-ahead kicking inconceivable kicky groovy far out modernist pathbreaking nontraditional way out tony fly hi-tech spiffy sassy uncharacteristic leading newly discovered contemporaneous updated au courant plugged-in nouvelle recently developed stylin' in-thing never-before-seen offensive extreme shocking outrageous unacceptable undiscovered unbelievable germinal strategic well-thought-out complex sophisticated multifaceted forward-thinking formative well-designed highly developed involved elaborate well-planned intricate well-built unthinkable unremarked disgraceful unsung unregarded preposterous gimmicky exclusive little-known unlikely undreamed of undreamed-of unrenowned nameless prevailing present-time concurrent coincident late concomitant contempo prevalent present today classic essential exemplary ultimate prototypical typical quintessential model ideal one-off standout irreplaceable inimitable de nos jours last word twenty- first century never before encountered extraordinaire unsurpassable unparagoned second to none unsurpassed quite recent far-out consummate archetypal superlative paramount superior supreme in a class by itself one and only best transcendent notable something else utmost nonpareil incredible unrepeatable noteworthy unrepeated all-time separate without precedent unordinary primo purpose-built once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind exquisite perfect

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Causing trouble, difficulties, or discomfort
inconvenient troublesome awkward inopportune bothersome inexpedient untimely annoying unseasonable difficult disadvantageous discommodious problematic unsuitable incommodious tiresome discommoding inappropriate incommoding unfavorable unfavourable unfortunate unhandy aggravating disturbing irritating unmanageable unwieldy vexatious vexing cumbersome detrimental distressing pestiferous worrisome ill-timed disobliging ill-chosen unpropitious mistimed inauspicious malapropos inapt infelicitous early precocious premature contrary badly timed adverse untoward unlucky bad regrettable calamitous damaging improper unwelcome unseemly disastrous destructive harmful threatening prejudicial ominous unhappy unpromising negative dire inimical unfit wrong ill unsuited unbecoming deplorable poor ruinous wretched objectionable lamentable ill-fated ill-advised gloomy injurious ill-starred hostile dreadful cursed undesirable luckless jinxed hapless baleful hopeless menacing baneful counter ill-suited hurtful unbefitting cataclysmic catastrophic deleterious opposed disparaging inadvisable fatal tough dangerous devastating inept deadly unpleasant uncomplimentary unfriendly crippling terrible star-crossed sinister disagreeable direful undue perilous bleak evil inconducive afflicted forsaken destitute doomed unprosperous out of luck in a bad way too soon hasty harsh hard unadvantageous woeful unanticipated black tragic grievous hazardous intrusive tragical heartrending heartbreaking distressful discouraging pernicious disappointing unprofitable very bad ill-omened awful subversive fateful unhelpful shameful foreboding lethal virulent prejudicious malignant unhealthy toxic critical bodeful disheartening sinistrous disgraceful ill-considered previous ill-boding corrosive nocuous cancerous noxious malicious painful mischievous parlous corroding counterproductive unwholesome soon oversoon overearly abortive corrupting too bad too early dicey undermining maleficent annihilative wounding incendiary poisonous venomous eradicative extirpative nocent malefic suicidal wicked early on a bit previous before time desperate broken ruined unsuccessful pained stricken shattered troubled burdened unsynchronized remote embarrassing challenging misjudged ill-judged prohibitive unfitting misplaced incongruous ill-fitted indecorous injudicious tactless obtrusive forbidding unsatisfactory tardy late antagonistic low trying testing inhospitable grim unacceptable minatory doomy portentous unchancy impending unsympathetic out of keeping worrying nasty unexpected derogatory detracting pejorative debit-side dyslogistic depreciative slighting depreciatory downside sad unforeseen unusual unpredictable surprising unpredicted sorry incontrollable willful intractable ungovernable wilful wayward froward unruly refractory uncontrollable headstrong recalcitrant blameworthy pitiable reprehensible corruptive egregious pitiful afflictive regretful on the debit side misfortunate undisciplined unpliable stubborn unyielding fractious indocile wild cataclysmal undeveloped raw embryonic incomplete immature green unfledged forward unripe predeveloped a pity miserable damning advance anachronistic out-of-date catastrophal shattering frightful bright and early too late early bird impulsive rash precipitate overhasty precipitous impetuous half-baked half-cocked jumping the gun

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Willing to consider new ideas
go-ahead enterprising imaginative ingenious inventive pioneering resourceful advanced ambitious creative entrepreneurial forward-looking innovative liberal modern original progressive driven energetic enlightened enthusiastic forward-thinking spirited up-and-coming vigorous vital adventurous audacious bold courageous daring go-getting high-powered intrepid new rising avant-garde dynamic gumptious modernistic state-of-the-art cutting-edge up-to-date avant gutsy dashing venturous nervy brave valiant fearless valorous plucky heroic unflinching mettlesome dauntless unafraid ballsy spunky game have-a-go gutty undaunted radical progressivist pushing venturesome gallant hardy free-swinging adventuresome nerved emboldened doughty stout stalwart temerarious unblenching unabashed manful stouthearted lionhearted unshrinking aweless resolute greathearted heroical indomitable confident gritty undauntable lion-hearted stout-hearted cocky sassy icy feisty brassy frightless assured reforming forehanded visionary forward positive foreseeing prescient provident foresighted farseeing forethoughtful proactive farsighted reformist right-on open-minded revolutionary impavid undismayed unalarmed left-wing leftist freethinking libertarian free-thinking latitudinarian PC humanistic reckless daredevil madcap politically correct death-or-glory devil-may-care rash risky wild overconfident foolhardy brash overbold clever active bright sharp gifted able eager keen capable alert talented quick-witted death-defying zealous ungoverned uncurbed zippy itching snappy yearning go-go lively peppy diligent spanking hungry stirring craving industrious advancing aspiring self-starting hustling lusting driving take-over ready busy hardworking coming on strong hard ball spark plug

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Seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution
subversive seditious inflammatory insurrectionary treasonous underground destructive insurgent revolutionary troublemaking undermining agitational dissident insubordinate insurrectionist rabble-rousing rebellious treacherous disloyal incendiary mutinous overthrowing perfidious rebel renegade unpatriotic corrupting corruptive discrediting harmful perversive riotous destabilising destabilizing ruinous traitorous disobedient contumacious radical defiant refractory rioting mutinying factious recalcitrant ungovernable unruly iconoclastic disorderly restive resistant anarchistic wilful treasonable wayward disaffected unmanageable lawless recusant provocative obstreperous dissenting revolting intractable froward incompliant contrary bolshie aggressive willful untoward balky resistive bellicose anarchical contentious out of control up in arms guerrilla resistance breakaway rebelling conspiratorial criminogenic mercenary turbulent malcontent uncontrollable black nonconformist heretical nonconforming dissentient maverick unbiddable extremist anarchic warring unorthodox apostate schismatic anarchist civil disobedience obstinate challenging non-compliant uncooperative truculent daring antagonistic hostile bold resisting audacious belligerent insolent intransigent confrontational pugnacious combative argumentative stroppy feisty quarrelsome scrappy stirring disregardful cheeky insubmissive sassy gutsy reckless dareful arousing dissentious controversial ready for a fight malevolent dangerous demagogic wicked rousing spoiling for a fight causing trouble difficult headstrong stubborn perverse fractious undisciplined obdurate wild incontrollable awkward noncompliant self-willed unyielding incorrigible ornery heterodox pigheaded mulish uncompliant bloody-minded inflexible unconventional individualistic pervicacious nonorthodox unaccommodating heretic troublesome naughty delinquent errant renitent out-there bull-headed cantankerous unrestrained irrepressible badly behaved alienated unreasonable eccentric mischievous rowdy alternative unwilling unbending stiff-necked undisciplinable boisterous unpredictable obstinately disobedient militant chaotic adverse loud cussed impish disagreeing noisy unmalleable thrawn threatening rascally roguish indomitable negative immovable contrarious rumbustious unbridled opposing out of hand impetuous opinionated discordant sectarian cross-grained estranged haughty irreconcilable impudent nonobservant peevish unfavorable unfavourable petulant cross withstanding unpersuadable unrestrainable secessionist erratic fickle persistent maleficent resolved malicious malign determined spiteful stubborn as a mule disputatious disobliging impotent rampant splinter unresponsive bullheaded obstructive unhelpful opposition protesting complaining objecting opposed vexatious tiresome annoying armed restless sabotaging attacking without law and order separatist seceding capricious original uncomplying intolerable impossible unbearable undependable offbeat uncontrolled contrariant arsey paradoxical immoral aberrant arbitrary weird unfaithful recreant reactionary outlaw runaway untraditional backsliding antipathetic converse inimical wrongheaded rough tempestuous uproarious raucous vociferous oddball clamorous rampaging self-indulgent strong-willed rambunctious uncompromising incurable pig-headed roisterous rackety tumultuous independent separate unconnected autonomous nonaligned unadaptable bohemian rip-roaring freak rock-ribbed rampageous roistering loath reluctant indisposed hesitant negativistic averse hippie screaming booming strepitous piercing blusterous beatnik attention-seeking insoluble hard-line pat thorny unpliable tough tenacious locked resolute knotty pertinacious problematic indocile way-out raising Cain raising the roof lawbreaking lively rollicking romping heedless hang tough locked in tough nut impulsive impervious drunken violent rash intemperate bawdy imprudent forward inexorable assertive mean out of line

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Contrary to the laws and customs of society, in a way that causes annoyance and disapproval in others

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Relating to crime
criminal unlawful illicit lawless illegal prohibited dishonest felonious corrupt culpable illegitimate unethical villainous crooked disorderly indictable nefarious unlicensed wicked wrong clandestine contraband iniquitous unsavoury unsavory anarchic delinquent forbidden furtive lawbreaking terrorist wrongful actionable banned bent black dark fraudulent immoral impermissible outlawed punishable shady unauthorised unauthorized unruly unsanctioned against the law anarchical bad dodgy improper insubordinate insurgent insurrectionary interdicted mutinous mutinying proscribed rebellious seditious unacceptable unofficial vile adulterous anarchistic barbarous evil malfeasant noncompliant nonconformist peccant revolting savage sinful sly taboo unrighteous unwarranted verboten vicious bootleg contumacious criminogenic dirty disobedient disordered excessive flagitious guilty heavy infringing miscreant nihilistic piratical racketeering recusant rotten traitorous transgressing turbulent uncivilised uncivilized uncultivated ungoverned unpeaceful unregulated violating violent warlike wildcat haram tapu out of line black-market off base under-the-table smoking gun against the rules off limits ruled out not acceptable not allowed not permitted contrary to law in violation of law without law and order under the counter under-the-counter under the table riotous ungovernable revolutionary wild unrestrained reckless chaotic tempestuous uncontrolled fierce tyrannous unorthodox untamed uncontrollable despotic heterodox terrorizing terrorising unprincipled base depraved reprobate degenerate dishonourable reprehensible dishonorable unscrupulous shameful dissolute heinous foul erring atrocious perverted disreputable infamous scandalous abominable monstrous ungodly despicable outrageous shocking odious prosecutable blameworthy detestable warped scoundrelly unjust perverse egregious barred morally wrong dissipated unholy diabolical fiendish profane dastardly unfair rascally sacrilegious execrable blasphemous debauched hateful discreditable underhand mean chargeable impure unconscionable amoral offending devious contemptible sordid errant irreligious disgraceful indecent low impious low-down censurable malicious horrible unconstitutional fallen godless ignoble deceitful debased obscene responsible peccable shameless abandoned beastly sinning aberrant blamable deviant knavish condemnable diabolic murderous treacherous sullied tainted roguish profligate cruel wanton sinister underhanded decadent stinking wayward non licet licentious corrupted not cricket two-timing devilish indefensible maleficent answerable unmanageable appalling dreadful untrustworthy abhorrent irreverent straying degraded unspeakable naughty malevolent racket deviating ignominious tabu loathsome polygamous bigamous unhealthy not legal disgusting offensive incorrigible liable brutal libertine vitiated not approved pernicious injurious black-hearted blackguardly misbehaving terrible transgressive vetoed dangerous ruffianly unregenerate convictable reproachable rowdy opprobrious infernal notorious hot smuggled unwarrantable irregular extralegal undesirable condemned swindling inhuman deplorable blameful inexcusable undue intemperate blameable disallowed lewd inequitable mischievous lascivious raffish venal fallible wretched cheating unworthy repugnant callous double-dealing sick lecherous loose unwholesome rakish demoralized bribable unpleasant at fault prurient refused no-no louche damnable mercenary lowlife unclean rakehell jackleg prejudicial sub rosa filthy perfidious faithless outside the law rakehelly objectionable caitiff scurvy to blame snide demoralised defiled open nasty no go heartless harmful unvirtuous questionable in error two-faced out of bounds low-life in the wrong self-indulgent gone to the dogs fast and loose on the side secret undemocratic serious unapproved uncertified unaccredited penal mistaken deceiving malign rough intolerable vice-ridden atheistic antisocial inappropriate accursed facinorous groundless cutthroat Machiavellian imputable scungy buccaneering scurrilous satanic malignant embargoed faulty blundering unjustified flagrant glaring putrid gross restricted triable litigable tortious shy unrespectable shoddy unforgivable bogus unreasonable unnecessary undeserved beyond contempt pillaging plundering thieving exceptionable ill-famed hideous hellish no good convicted uncharitable undignified abject unbecoming sorry ill-reputed cowardly accountable hardened debarred uncalled for closed down good-for-nothing incriminated lamentable servile currish shabby inelegant menial paltry worthless rapacious wolfish impeached reprovable deleterious damaging demeritorious amiss baneful hurtful nocuous adverse noxious baleful detrimental ill tough threatening caught censured biased prejudiced off-color low-minded accusable doomed bad news discriminatory closed-up closed closed-down out on one's head ruthless merciless deserving blame partisan inhumane risqué contrary troublesome difficult froward unfeeling unkind forbidding slippery bloodthirsty tyrannical shifty brutish bestial unconscientious sadistic scheming inexorable spiteful discriminating partial unequal bigoted thievish smutty salacious not on corruptible pitiless rancorous disparaging exploitative hard-hearted mean-spirited wrathful demonic crafty scrofulous evil-minded self-seeking vengeful contemptuous grisly conscienceless cold-blooded squalid scornful despiteful harsh virulent vindictive gruesome disdainful grafting buyable gangland underworld weighted distorted intolerant coloured slanted preferential profiteering tricky obnoxious badly behaved shifting erratic stray heretic unreliable meandering errable unfaithful extortionate suborned loaded unbalanced uneven arbitrary out of control hollow-hearted on the take unchaste false one-sided petty grievous unrightful non-objective uncalled-for colored off straight and narrow hedonic pervy sleazy libidinous fast lustful concupiscent promiscuous indulgent flagitous twisted unconstrained sicko sybaritic kinky unnatural swinging voluptuary violated easy drunken deteriorated dirty-minded fast-living in the fast lane gone bad pleasure-seeking night owl lacking restraint in the gutter high living

Tính từ

Causing anxiety or concern
perturbing discomforting discomposing disquieting distressing disturbing nagging nasty troublesome troubling troublous unsettling upsetting worrisome aggravating agitating alarming annoying bothersome burdensome consequential creepy depressing difficult disagreeable discommoding disconcerting discouraging dismaying distressful embarrassing foreboding frightening gloomy harassing hard impeding inconvenient intrusive irksome irritating laborious nerve-racking ominous onerous painful perplexing pessimistic prophetic provoking severe sinister startling threatening tiresome toilsome tormenting trying uncertain unpleasant vexing wearisome worrying confronting restless anxious nail-biting hairy tense unnerving nerve-wracking fraught nervous uneasy displeasing harrowing hurtful shocking disappointing off-putting confusing bothering bewildering disrupting diverting distractive diversionary distracting sad dreadful heartbreaking awful traumatic tragic vexatious dire terrible agonizing appalling heart-rending grim heartrending horrible agonising grievous pitiful saddening daunting awkward lamentable poignant woeful horrifying ghastly pathetic taxing unfortunate horrendous wretched concerning disheartening regrettable galling dismal horrid gut-wrenching bitter exasperating deplorable frightful affecting distasteful horrific moving miserable tricky bad offensive forbidding pitiable hideous tough problematic piteous tear-jerking unwelcome scary repugnant grave maddening vile dispiriting unpalatable pesky sorry mournful thorny atrocious harsh touching frustrating macabre sickening monstrous plaguy gruesome terrifying nettlesome bleak repellent disgusting unhappy objectionable pestilent foul sticky ugly intimidating stressful demoralizing dreary sorrowful doleful pestiferous grisly nauseating pestilential excruciating infuriating unlucky hopeless niggling oppressive prickly sombre wicked revolting somber repulsive tragical cheerless loathsome abominable plaintive fearful rotten demoralising lurid rankling obnoxious melancholy rebarbative nightmarish abrasive riling peeving unpleasing chafing carking nettling dangerous uncongenial unfavourable mean detestable formidable afflicting unfavorable unsavoury unsavory pesty plaguey challenging odious yucky harrying drear abhorrent heavy direful joyless stirring intolerable dark afflictive emotional nauseous knotty crushing unspeakable uncomfortable godawful anxious-making undesirable chilling dejecting black beastly shameful demanding rough funereal cruel hateful yukky delicate grewsome icky sour morose gross unlovely nightmare poor tearful terrific arduous impressive repellant precarious teasing desolate ticklish impactful enraging dodgy infernal fearsome tender melancholic unacceptable problematical confounded calamitous grating jarring morbid depressive mortifying redoubtable solemn cussed comfortless exacting heinous stunning wearing glum inauspicious obscene hair-raising spine-chilling lousy hellacious haunting sensitive teary menacing brutal perilous hostile controversial noxious devastating emotive disenchanting drab rueful disastrous scaring tedious execrable tight heart-warming petrifying dread lachrymose intense antagonizing outrageous forlorn critical weighty egregious harmful reprehensible sullen testing abject heart-wrenching torturous antagonising unpropitious scandalous uninviting chancy heart-breaking exigent unbearable damaging noisome unamusing unfriendly rancid evil fulsome sick-making enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall parlous disgustful rocky yucko loathly discomfiting from hell unpopular scarring undesired injurious dampening baffling dolorous unattractive surprising mind-blowing touchy sober boring grotesque melting complex tricksy complicated involved spiny catchy festering ignominious intricate convoluted disconsolate astonishing amazing staggering disgraceful blameworthy sentimental vexed messy hazardous telling soul-stirring unsatisfying bedevilling stupefying humourless humorless lugubrious meagre meager unwanted murderous stiff hardhanded inhuman rugged searing ill-advised iffy punishing astounding brackish unkind savage anguished overwhelming dramatic affective too bad glaring abysmal expressive unsought inexcusable dubious spartan suspect questionable pressing punchable bloodcurdling weak stomach-churning stomach-turning hellish unrelenting grody vomitous emetic exceptionable sepulchral tortured austere putrid bedeviling very bad gut-churning God-awful bogging troubled serious causing fear extreme vomit-inducing barro anxiety-inducing desolating gnawing gory offending disillusioning accursed apprehensive irking dreaded terrorizing mirthless dispirited dolesome flustering embittering shattering puzzling godforsaken squalid panicky powerful wounding disorienting dazing warming crummy sordid cold depressed incommodious dissatisfying uplifting unsatisfactory stinking sedate diabolical unendurable acute evocative terrorising derisible dingy plangent pensive uncool grotty unappealing eerie antipathetic despairing untoward inferior to be pitied unpardonable tremendous unforgivable fierce ruthless anticlimactic indigent scurvy scungy impoverished iniquitous nefarious flagrant impossible rejected unforgiving irritable relentless merciless ferocious fatiguing spooky useless petty puny commiserable afflicted grieving compassionate sympathetic wistful responsive hefty heartsickening heartwarming sore remorseless great drag dislikable pain excluded uninvited flagitious mephitical revulsive distressed agonized extremely upsetting eldritch baleful intemperate rigorous inclement strong unappetizing anxiety provoking extremely bad blood-curdling spine-tingling ill-favoured inadmissible catastrophic racked agonised feeble paltry importunate sickly villainous emotionally moving pressured sobering life-threatening risky nice unwished for unwished-for intractable undisciplined murder uphill rowdy infestive ungovernable repressive disorderly hard-hearted tiring gruelling exhausting unpromising despicable contemptible insufferable chunderous unsightly arousing affect unsteady unstable extraordinary unexpected not wanted ill-favored flat strenuous straitened dour ill-fated hard-pressed inhospitable shadowy discommodious full of hardship doubtful gray strained adverse ill-omened treacherous ill-boding negative grey jeopardous apocalyptic passionate nostalgic grueling woozy blue capricious temperamental mercurial changeable inconstant volatile fickle variable repressing dissuading hindering inopportune disadvantageous deterring unforeseen jaw-dropping uncanny ghostly dim faint mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural deathlike beyond the pale corpselike unnatural unearthly anemic ghoulish anaemic inspiring numbing sudden jolting dumbfounding flabbergasting dumfounding eye-opening blindsiding remarkable exciting arousing not hopeful emotionally exhausting not encouraging emotionally depleting a stinker of a impelling gripping breathless meaningful striking significant rousing sententious thrilling dirty desperate hurting god-awful emotionally draining

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Causing or tending to cause deliberate difficulties and delays
obstructive difficult contrary awkward disobliging unaccommodating uncooperative unhelpful blocking delaying inhibiting restrictive stalling balky bloody-minded bolshie hindering perverse thrawn unconstructive contrarious froward frustrating making difficulties obstreperous unreasonable stubborn cussed obstinate troublesome tiresome recalcitrant stroppy refractory pigheaded vexatious inflexible intractable obdurate wilful annoying truculent headstrong unyielding bull-headed cantankerous contumacious negative disobedient mulish unamenable hostile unbending antagonistic unfriendly adverse uncompromising renitent pervicacious irritable trying ill-natured unsupportive wayward capricious exasperating self-willed opinionated intransigent unsympathetic stiff-necked inimical immovable disagreeable argumentative quarrelsome crabby untoward cross-grained unpredictable prickly rude touchy critical chippy unmanageable ornery hard to handle not helpful irrational peevish morose filibustering spoiling biased illogical shrewish blinkered arbitrary prejudiced intolerant strong-willed determined grumpy ill-tempered sullen sulky not giving an inch confrontational belligerent self-centered bad-tempered narky ratty shirty choleric prejudicial vexing pesky scrappy unobliging unfavorable complex bulky incommodious cramped discommodious uncivil discourteous opposed unpleasant unfavourable unamiable uncongenial difficult to handle discouraging vicious disadvantageous unwilling impeding counter piggish self-centred inconsiderate unresponsive unadaptable anti undermining invalidating rock-ribbed disparaging derogatory discrediting harsh sticky corrosive offensive caustic abrasive destructive willful ungovernable defiant unruly rebel recusant insubordinate incompliant rebellious restive grumbly hardheaded hypercritical overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict picky single-minded dissatisfied querulous bearish set in one's ways boorish unrelenting rigid hard-line stiff finical huffy hard-nosed vexed testy invidious steadfast choosy fiendish delicate dogmatic oppressive captious snappy sensitive tough hard to please hard to satisfy temperamental irritating crotchety indomitable fussy unflinching overcritical uppity wrong-headed inexorable grim impolite uptight opinionative disputatious irascible feisty perfectionist particular resolute fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial fractious disputative sour oafish pertinacious discontented ungracious demanding tyrannical not cooperative contrariant nonconforming dissident discordant arsey nonconformist disagreeing paradoxical antipathetic converse wrongheaded dissentient pig-headed uncontrollable mutinous disorderly undisciplined dogged wild adamant resistant bullheaded incontrollable implacable disaffected insurgent noncompliant turbulent ossified pat adamantine inconvincible hardened hard tenacious riotous self-opinionated seditious unmalleable persistent stubborn as a mule uncompliant unpersuadable naughty delinquent errant non-compliant out of control opposing badly behaved insurrectionary incorrigible resistive resisting unrestrained mischievous inauspicious unbiddable out of hand factious revolutionary relentless insubmissive anarchic persevering firm problematic indurate unpropitious unshakeable unshakable threatening bellicose challenging pugnacious untimely irrepressible unfortunate inconvenient ill-timed impish deaf to reason alienated mistimed unsuitable inappropriate unseasonable roguish rascally inopportune contentious malcontent insolent rowdy subversive uncontrolled infelicitous inapt insurrectionist dissenting unpliable indocile dissentious malapropos troublemaking steely boisterous lawless fixed iconoclastic attention-seeking chaotic resolved radical loud badly timed noisy disturbing insistent treacherous combative locked in militant rumbustious unbridled iron-willed reckless impetuous irreconcilable estranged haughty tetchy grouchy cross petulant nonobservant renegade obstinately disobedient impudent heretical maverick assiduous purposeful malign malevolent maleficent malicious spiteful undisciplinable withstanding tireless indefatigable ominous up in arms unorthodox mutinying apostate schismatic traitorous ill-chosen uncomplying unrestrainable incurable aggressive as stubborn as a mule erratic fickle impotent rampant unbendable loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed hesitant untrained disloyal ill daring provocative audacious bold with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way unsteady unschooled unalterable hard-core hard-shell locked-in unmoved unbreakable heady insoluble thorny locked knotty without law and order inexpedient bothersome precocious early premature convinced remorseless restless individualistic anarchistic warring armed sabotaging treasonable attacking inconsistent ungoverned unbearable undependable intolerable impossible vociferous rough tempestuous uproarious raucous with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in dead set on stalwart tough nut hang tough clamorous rampaging immoral aberrant rambunctious disregardful cheeky dareful sassy gutsy roisterous rackety tumultuous unanticipated unexpected lacking self-control rip-roaring ready for a fight rampageous roistering unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted spoiling for a fight piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous self-indulgent lively rollicking romping anarchical heedless lawbreaking unlucky unwelcome raising the roof raising Cain against impulsive impervious violent rash intemperate imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy mean out of line misfortunate hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless dead set against hostile to disinclined to accept inimical to opposed to averse to reluctant to accept unenthusiastic about unwilling to accept

Tính từ

Characterized by, or given to initiating hostile encounters
confrontational aggressive bellicose combative hostile adversarial antagonistic gladiatorial scrappy truculent warlike agonistic feisty provocative pugnacious assaultive belligerent brawly chippy discordant militant argumentative cantankerous challenging contentious disputatious quarrelsome uncooperative adverse on the warpath unfriendly ill-tempered stroppy contrary bad-tempered ornery threatening inhospitable defiant irascible inimical hot-tempered captious mean unsympathetic angry irritable fierce oppugnant fiery malevolent surly violent petulant warring antipathetic quick-tempered difficult sullen aggers fighting choleric unkind litigious touchy rancorous fractious bolshie spiteful spoiling for a fight negative wrathful battling nasty malicious uncongenial vitriolic rebellious unsociable hateful cross offensive bitter disputative controversial bickering militaristic malignant rude grumpy jaundiced venomous catty unpleasant sour narky viperous destructive ready for a fight obstreperous recalcitrant factious grouchy abusive perverse testy polemical snappy cavilling arsey vicious cussed disagreeable hawkish huffy polemic loudmouthed wrangling contumacious opposing adversary warmongering querulous opposed sabre-rattling churlish resistant biffo disapproving virulent foul martial caviling insolent intimidating accusatorial unruly peevish unreceptive ill-natured sulky refractory have chip on shoulder pettish splenetic miffy have a bone to pick ratty shirty snappish disobedient awkward crabby prickly cranky jingoistic snarly soreheaded froward balky active uncharitable unwelcoming inconsiderate vindictive dissenting excitable dissentious bloodthirsty spirited courageous spunky short-tempered hot-blooded alien insubordinate gutsy enthusiastic hurtful joyless ructious furious salty brawling thin-skinned war bold oppositional malign pushy unpropitious maleficent biting malefic contending military ferocious filthy wayward bad hot flip ardent dour cold ill-humored willful opposite adversative rough at loggerheads mean-spirited ill-humoured on the outs having a chip on one's shoulder have it in for ready to fight up in arms evil-minded ill-disposed behavioural inharmonious bloody-minded pigheaded thrawn unhelpful naysaying tetchy troublesome battleful soldierly gung-ho plucky determined contrarious obstructive sanguinary attacking peckish liverish crotchety grumbling curmudgeonly waxy dissentient exasperated spiky opinionated dissident conflicting behavioral wrestling tilting skirmishing fretful mighty peppery unwilling reluctant oppugning self-assertive itching to fight obnoxious rotten assertive on a short fuse allergic looking for trouble vigorous short-fused wretched cruel vile under arms at odds wounding poisonous radical ultra-active two-fisted forceful extremist extreme combating anti fanatical zealous embattled averse against discourteous warrish revolutionary assertory itching scathing deadly vituperous terrifying cowing terrorising trenchant sharp mordacious frightening browbeating caustic terrorizing harsh bullying mordant in arms mortal obstinate down on non-compliant dead set against at odds with set against daring resisting audacious mutinous dissenting from acting in opposition in disagreement with at variance with tough sensitive intransigent dysfunctional mettlesome lively alive energetic bubbly peppy gritty frisky gutty zestful game hearty intractable restive subversive untoward ungovernable wilful rebel recusant incompliant delinquent full-blooded go-getting high-strung naughty badly behaved undisciplined ill-disciplined mischievous full of pep disregardful cheeky insubmissive reckless dareful sassy resistive impudent badly-behaved misbehaving whiny problematic hotheaded tempestuous arguesome socially impaired trying self-willed tiresome erratic errant unmanageable disturbed pesky roguish rowdy undisciplinable ill-behaved demanding troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable uncontrollable stubborn irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly impassioned turbulent passionate evil acrimonious pernicious baleful wicked critical injurious cutting unfavourable evil-intentioned unfavorable harmful acid damaging prejudicial waspish savage despiteful resentful detrimental acerbic corrosive deleterious menacing vengeful counter sarcastic dangerous disadvantageous disparaging dirty barbed tart stinging sardonic sinister noxious astringent bilious low ill devastating acrid pungent dark acidulous brutal snide baneful hate-filled grim severe derisive calamitous cynical snarky satirical inauspicious scalding defamatory discouraging scornful acidic satiric incisive poor forbidding acerb withering rival searing uncomplimentary ruinous murderous smart-alecky contemptuous bad-natured mocking jeering scorching disavowing indignant taunting smart-mouthed moody implacable vexatious ominous snarling nocuous hard dire blistering barbarous unlucky stern inopportune untimely awful smart-aleck piercing revengeful unflattering invasive ironical combatant black lousy sneering competing derogatory at war envenomed crabbed objectionable shrewish grudging vituperative undermining unfeeling dyspeptic grievous unfortunate disrespectful frowning contumelious ruthless distressing keen backhanded horrid scoffing brusque needling scurrilous saucy upsetting carping beastly bothersome hazardous repugnant twitting chaffing arrogant austere dodgy disillusioned morose perilous quarrelling clashing weisenheiming regrettable cheerless belittling inimic annoyed hellish censorious disobliging backbiting poison murder unpromising expansionist disaffected irate displeased unadvantageous insensitive tricky infelicitous despicable merciless cataclysmic embittered slanderous pitiless disagreeing offended contemptible damning unforgiving aggrieved enemy inexpedient callous disastrous louring shabby uncaring quarreling intimidatory woeful inconvenient deplorable tight glowering wild catastrophic brooding sticky minatory heartless ireful terrible pejorative inhuman minacious base relentless thoughtless glum hard-hearted thorny delicate bleak unappeasable eggy annoying unsafe insidious gross enraged foreboding boot-faced full of hate hairy worrying onerous arduous knotty taxing ungenerous stark coldhearted crippling execrable ignominious dishonorable detestable currish accidentally on purpose inhumane cold-blooded sadistic dishonourable low-down problematical ticklish punishing precarious chancy worrisome concerning iffy not nice low-minded dubious disturbing questionable spartan suspect unsparing prejudicious counterproductive spleenful squint-eyed stabbing razor-edged smouldering bearish of evil intent coruscating burning scowling artful bodeful scathy strident viperish toxicant ignoble paltry sordid divided split invading compassionless corrupting atrabilious peeved aspersive corruptive sulphurous sulfurous cold-hearted ill-timed corrupt colonialistic imperialistic insulted begruding sore treacherous complaining scratchy dripping venom wrought up prepared for war in the midst of battle at swords' points tumultuous uncool envious petty unkindly unamiable uncivil ill-intentioned vexed irked piqued irritated carnivorous discontented crusty full of spleen full of gall gloomy temperamental aggravated incursive hardhearted unchristian galled provoked smoldering avenging sorehead whingy whingeing extremely critical invalidating trigger-happy outraged not conducive inimicable pointed snaky disharmonious insurrectionary seditious sectarian schismatic lamentable dyslogistic depreciative unprofitable depreciatory slighting downside detracting debit-side sparring striking unhappy sharp-tongued on edge unaccommodating uptight discrediting irreconcilable assaulting assailing fire-eating headstrong at daggers drawn paramilitary soldierlike battle-hardened lethal incendiary imperilling unhealthy unwholesome imperiling afflictive toxic undesirable feral punitive grudge-bearing unwelcome tragic fuming malcontent estranged divisive insurgent alienated troublemaking partisan unrelenting unreasonable abrasive serious steely somber unsocial distasteful unacceptable asocial obdurate mulish capricious on the debit side untamed brutish ill-boding barbaric retaliatory fatal cataclysmal angerful ranting bristly raving psyched up frenzied tense in a temper gruff convulsed arch odious renitent full of dislike loathsome intrusive rapacious humourless humorless desperate nefarious villainous serpentine monstrous depraved uncivilised fiendish abhorrent uncivilized abandoned thirsting for revenge out for revenge tragical heartbreaking distressful heartrending miserable contrariant nonconforming nonconformist paradoxical pervicacious uncompromising inflexible hardline remorseless inexorable at variance macho lawless sociopathic on the attack wrongheaded converse sombre solemn unfair reproachful condemnatory deprecatory catastrophal dreadful bull-headed pig-headed cross-grained unmerciful unpitying blunt hostile to averse to inimical to opposed to unyielding unsmiling flinty cast-iron ungentle no-nonsense mortified stony criticizing reproving fateful shattering frightful horrible antisocial sworn honest candid unenthusiastic about disapprobatory denunciatory denouncing dissatisfied condemning at each other's throats straightforward realistic beyond the pale disinclined to accept reluctant to accept unwilling to accept ill-fated outspoken judgmental slating knocking scummy unsatisfactory tardy late malapropos wrong improper unseemly unfit discommodious inadvisable unseasonable unsuited faultfinding unappealing insulting criticising full of reproof ill-advised warts and all straight from the shoulder

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